LADIES : I want to call your attention to the nice line of fine shoes I have just received. They are good in quality , elegant in style , and pleasing to the eye. They will fit your feet and make you smile when you see them. ss ? THE PRICE IS FROM $1.00 TO $4.50 You also may want some M school shoes. I have them g'oort and cheap. Do not buy a shoddy shoe when you can get a better one for only a lew cents more. I guarantee them. ffi MEN'S FINE SHOES IN § ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES THE OLD RELIABLE , mi BsS McCOOK , NEBRASKA. n 5 6 NATIONA.lA i OC5O Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO j GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres' W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass'f Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. _ At Brewer's Old Stand. 1 FRESH AND SALT MEATS Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. keep everything usually to S | A J be found in a first-class city market , jj | and respectfully solicit your patronage , g iGx. affir . 8JV.TtVj _ jS3c3O < Jfeji'feriJilfa. z&fJ&tjfacyrj * jiSzj' - - - - ALL. ; jt's 1 a See our imperial clubbing offer on our editorial page. Any paper or magazine at reduced price. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Mrs F A Stnrk and the children have been visiting at Superior. T. E McCarl has the Imperial run at braking now. B. C Monpleasure is at Roswell , New- Mexico , at present. Brakemen O'Neil and Washbu'rn are getting along nicely. E. E. DeLong is entertaining his father , O P. DeLong Millie Slahy visited Red Cloud rela tives , close of last week. W. C. Cox is visiting his parents at Red Cloud , and indulging in a little hunt. Brakenuui F. D. Griffeth has a badly bruised hand and is laying off on ac count thereof. Brakeman A. H. Washburn is on the Hastings-Oberlin run vice Brakeman Crowe , injured. Conductors Aaron King and Al. Sharp were down from Denver , close of last week , on a hunting expedition. Supt. Campbell went up to Denver on No. r , Tuesday morning , in his private car , on business of the division. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lucas are looking after the well-being of a fine thirteen pound daughter , born first of the week Mrs. Frank Jordan and child departen , Monday night , for Pueblo , Colorado , where her husband is now firing on the railroad. Mrs. Addison Miller and little daugh ter went into Omaha , Sunday night , to again have a minor operation performed on the little girl. The plastering gang came up from Lincoln , Monday , and finished up their work on the addition to the division headquarters at this place. Ex-Queen Lil of the Sandwich islands passed through McCook on No. 2. Mon day morning. She took the valley line at Oxford , going east by way of Kansas City. Sherman Leonard is employed in the shops here. He came up from Lincoln , recently. He is a brother of Miss Leon ard of the Fifth grade of our public schools. President Perkins and party who have been over in the Ludell country on their annual hunt , left for the east on Sunday. Supt. Campbell went over to see the party off. Conductor and Mrs. A. P. Bonnet de parted , yesterday morning , for Eau Claire/Wisconsinexpecting to be absent about a month , visiting her parents and at other points. Operator D. J. Best returned , Satur day , from his visit to his parents at Cowles , this state , quite recovered from his recent illness , and resumed work , Monday morning. Engineer M. R. Gates made a splendid run down from Akron , Thursday after noon , with a stock special , making the run in four hours and five minutes , and being laid out about thirty minutes at that. Conductor Curran and Brakemeu Sim ons and Webster have been assigned to the Red Cloud-Oxford run vice Conduc tor Beck and crew , on the new train Nos. 173 and 174. Conductor Beck and crew are now back to McCook. The Burlington has adopted the mod ern smokejack as the standard for the round houses of the system. They are made of wood and have not a few points of superiority over the iron ones : are lighter , longer-lifed , cheaper and do not sweat. A new ten-foot telegraph table is being built in the carpenter shop at Lincoln for the dispatcher's force , when the } ' shall move their office into the room now oc cupied by Supt. Campbell , who expects shortly to move into his new quarters in the new addition to the division head quarters. No. 143 met with a mishap at Bricktou , a few miles south of Hastings on the Oberlin run , Friday morning , that re sulted very fortunately for the company. It was at a point where the company is having new steel rails laid , and although the train was moving slowly , the engine ran off the rails , which spread. After I running a short distance the engine' ' again mounted the track. Ten cars of i cattle ran off the track , but outside of | tearing the ties a little there was no damage at all. The cattle were unloaded - ' ed , driven to the next station and again , started on their way , without injury or' ' damage , and with .but slight delay. Brakeman D. P. Crowe was standing in the gang-way of the engine when the locomotive left the track and he was thrown out of the engine and against the hard , frozen bank and sustained a fract ured arm. A cough is not like a fever. It doe1- not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Min- 'ute Cough Cure , the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it because it's good. A. Mc Millen. Violins and Guitars at the Bee Hive. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. P. 0. Lobby. Immense Stock of - TOYS - - BOOKS - DOLL BUGGIES and all Kinds of HOLIDAY GOODS OH. Oils , animal , vegetable and mineral , Ere second in importance to bat few do mestic articles of commerce. Already medicinally invaluable in the bygone ages of hand labor , lubricants have become - come almost a condition of existence in this century of machinery , and of all oils porpoise oil is the finest , the most difficult to obtain , almost the most cost ly. The difficulty , be it incidentally re marked , lies not in expressing the oil from the porpoise , but in catching the porpoise itself. These cetaceans , like the fish they prey on , are most uncertain in their movements , at one time playing by the week in our very harbors , at oth ers staying a whole month far from the coast. An economic and reliable method of obtaining a regular supply of porpoises poises from our seas would bo worth a fortune. At present their capture is no more than accidental. Porpoises are known to venture into salmon estuaries during spring flood tides , returning to salt wa ter with the ebb , and , as an improve ment on the present casual supply sys tem , strong rcpe nets might bo cast ab the mouths of these estuaries to inter cept the invaders as they leave. Prob ably , however , the ultimate solution will be found in the rifle and some par ticular cartridge , preferably fronted with soft , hollow lead to flatten in the crea ture's ribs. It may bo that even with a fatal bullet the difficulty is not ended , for it has not yet been shown whether , when fatally hit , the porpoise sinks or floats. London Spectator. Webster Cowed Them. William Wotmoro Story , the sculptor and poet , was one of the few men who presumed to call Lowell "Jim" to the end , and Miss Mary B. Phillips , in her "Reminiscences of "William Wetmore Story , " tells , in Story's own words to her , the following tale of the two young men : "James Lowell and I were very angry with Webster for staying in old Tyler's cabinet , and as he was to speak in Faueuil hall on the . evening of the 30th of September , 1842 , we determined to go in ( from the Harvard Law school ) and hoot at him and show him that he had incurred our displeasure. There were 8,000 people there , and wo felt sure that they would hoot with us , young as we were. "But we reckoned without our host- Mr. Webster , beautifully dressed , step ped forward. His great eyes looked , as I shall always think , straight at me I pulled off my hat ; James pulled off his. Wo both became as cold as ice and as respectful as Indian coolies. I saw James turn pale ; ho said I was livid And when the great creature began that most beautiful exordium , our scorn turned to deepest admiration , from au abject contempt to belief and approba tion. ' ' _ His Hair In Danser. A young artist whose pipe , eyeglasses and luxuriant blond hair have made him well known in town went to a garden party not so much for social amusement as for pencil studies of high life. Ho wore a tall hat , frock coat and lavender trousers and carried a sketch ing block a yard square. Ab the party his epigrams , paradoxes and fiendish silvery laugh overwhelmed , , as he in tended , all the girls in sight or hearing , buc he got through with his social du ties as speedily as might be , then went and sat down on a distant fence. Soon pencil studies lay all around him on the grass. Suddenly ho felt a gentle tug at his back hair. He thought , "That is sorno fresh Alec trying to guy me , " and he did not look up. The gen tle tugging ceased , began again , became much stronger , anil then he felt some thing wet , soft , slimy , on his neck. With a dreadful oath he leaped from the fence and looked behind him. Back there was a smart trap , in which sat two girls and a young man laughing. The horses were close to the fence , and it was one of these that had commenced browsing on the artist's profuse locks. Explanations followed and apologies. ' ' All flesh , ' ' the artist said , "is grass , but not all hair. " Philadelphia Record. tii litnlx , chilblains , burns , M.1 . T > . -t-d shins , sort- throat and - - > t t-vtry l in < l , apply Ballanl's Snow i. " ' t It will jjive immediate relief a " i- ' .t'\ ' \oiiml Price 250 and 500. L V VtVj.tnell & Co ? /e'll save you money on Notions eve v time at the Bee Hive. C . > i.e evil M'li y > o < l Overcome yon it J'- . - nil ci'J ' < ; M ! O."e Minute Con " rure It i < s > > " ' Hijldre-i cr- for It ' ' br.i'irhit's - i t'urrs crO'ip , , put-u- nio i . - . ( nii'l all tnicnt ami lung A ' I i jJg --r.-r-t - - , , . , IMPIPPU Will Coo Ml sfes DJS m In order to reduce our large stock of SteR Dress Goods , we have marked down m i Km mm Kmb our already low prices. Now is m b the time to buy. Call and & ? S v -ij s g get a bargain cfeS W - - Lf m. ' LADIES' &rJ m Kr ? _ $ t3 II Owa $ ' 3 ' 9 mare p $ * are going fast. See our line before you § fi $ S ? buy. New Gooods and Correct Styles at lower prices than you v& will find elsewhere. . . . m j 3 We have special bargains in this line. Call and see them. gS § We are better than ever prepared to supply your wants in Groceries. Bring us your Orders. Sit v < y * S8B AT THE . . . z $ DwS " * " ttf M s 5 Km & ? § m& Sty ? § S p 3 2P S 5 v-w - * M f &m&m& 8M mm C. L. DeGROFF & CO. S 2 [ C v ? \&m& i t sii M4 ? ? V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER.Vi \ OF MeCOOK , NEB. I ? S ? 6p3 f Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 * = = DIRECTORS = = / . FRAMKLIN , W.F.HcFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , / / . 7. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLfiRD. > aLjffli Tribune dubbins : List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB- UNK , we have made arrangements with the foi lowing newspapers and perodicals whereby \\e can supply them in combination with THE TRIIIL'M : at the following very low prices : I'UBLICATIOX. PRICK. Detroit Free Press . Si 00 $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly. . 4 oo 3 co Prairie Farmer . I oo 125 Chicago Inter-Ocean . . . I oo I 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. . I oo 150 New- York Tribune . I oo I 25 | Demorest's Magazine . I oo 175 Toledo Blade . i co 125 Nebraska Farmer . 1 oo 165 Io\va I lomestead . I oo I 75 Lincoln Journal . I oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture . too 150 New- York World . I oo I 65 ! Omaha Bee . I oo ifoj Cosmopolitan Magazine . i co iSo | St. Louis Republic . i oo 175' \Ve are prepared to fill orders for any other | papers published , at reduced rates. ' THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. l There are few ailments so uncomforta-1 ble as piles , but they can be readily cured j by Ubing Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment. Relief follows its use , and any one suffer ing from piles cannot afford to neglect to jive it a trial. Price , SQC in bottles ; tubes 7SC. L. W. McConnell & Co. Have you a cold ? A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup at bedtime will remove , it. Price 25c and soc. McConnell & Co. 0. L. EVER 1ST & CO. , PROPRIETORS OF THE McCook Transfer Line SUS , BAGGAGE AKD EXPRESS. y furniture vau iu the city. Office one biocic north of Baruett Lumber Yard. Leave or ders for bus calls at Commercial hotel : orcleis for draying at Ev- erist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. iA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Chamberlain's Colic.Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by L. W. McConnell , Druggist. Soothing , healing , cleansing. DeWitt's \Vitch Hazel Salve is the implacable ene my of sores , burns and wounds. It never fails to cure piles. You may relv upon it. A. McMillen.