The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 02, 1898, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELU
THE goody-goody editor of the
McCook Courier is n self-confessec
linr. Take in thiifc sign , colonel
It makes you ridiculous. Beavei
City Tribune.
Ouu friends , the other fellows
are putting in over-time "explain
ing" how and what defeated Gra
ham for the senate. The most fata !
difficulty was the lack of votes- ,
ali other matters are but incidents
and particulars , quite on the side.
Post-election explanations and I-
told-you-sos at best are scarcely
THE North Platte Tribune
makes a very reasonable and logi
cal plea for the selection of a west
ern Nebraska man for United
States senator. But votes will
make the next senator and eastern
Nebraska has the votes and othei
things needful. But , will the
Tribune kindly give the name oi
its favorite. We are consumed oJ
THE McCook Courier enclosed a
sample of drygoodsvith the papei
and the postoffice department ruled
that it was fourth-class matter.
The Courier was compelled to
place one cent stamps on the entire
issue , at a cost of only $9.00. If
either of the Beaver City papers
were caught in a like predicament ,
n S10 williarn would not pa } ' the
bill. Beaver City Tribune.
men are judicial in mental
temperament. Per instance few
men can read an article in a news
paper , that does not accord with
their views , and perform the act
with any degree of complacency
and fairness , with regaid to the
merits and logic of the argument.
Pew men indeed reach the imperi
al heights from which they can
survey actions and principles with
impartiality and frankness. Hence
much of injustice , misunderstand
ing and bitterness exists , and man
kind is needlessly and humiliatiug-
ly circumscribed and lame. Truth
often with difficulty is able to pre
annual report , , makes numerous
practical suggestions and recom-
aneudatious and exhibits a most
.gratifying business condition in
the postal department.
The postal receipts are $6,000-
000 in excess of those of the fiscal
year of 1897.
There weie issued 27.798,078
money orders , as against 25,169-
055 last year , and there are 2,358
more money order offices.
He recommends the placing of
postal clerks upon a fixed scale of
salaries the same as letter carriers ,
the same hours and days etc.
The consolidation of postoffices
is urged as a matter of economy
and efficiency of service.
Allowance for clerk hire in
third-class offices is asked. At
present allowance for clerk hire
can only be given in first and second
end class offices. Hence , third
class postmasters must hire defies
out of their own salaries. There
are 2,910 third class , 790 second
and 176 first class offices.
Among other things he recom
mends the repeal of the present
money order law and I he passage
of a law authorizing the issue of
postal checks payable to bearer.
The report does not include the
islands , but exhibits a superb con
dition of this great department of
the government.
Highesv Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. I' '
Max Epler made a business trip
to Holbrook , Tuesday.
Will Conrad has resigned his
position with the B. & M. and gone
home to rest up.
John Clouse made a business
trip to Indianola , Tuesday , return
ing same day.
Jas. A.Finnegan has severed his
connection with the Duff Grain Co
"Dad" Epperly has the job.
Floyd Walsworth has coverec
the awning in front of the drug
store with a coat of paint of bright ,
vermillion hue.
Samuel Blackfam stopped ovei
between trains here , Wednesday ,
en route from McCook to Lincoln
with his sou Edgar.
Rev. O. R. Beebe of Cambridge
occupied the Methodist pulpit here ,
Sunday evening , preaching on the
subject of "Education. "
Prof. L. V. Patch returned , Sun
day morning , from Lincoln where
he was called , last week , by the
sudden death of his sister.
Wm. Cowles and wife went up
to the county seat , Thursday after
noon , on a short visit to friends
and to attend to some matters of
Mrs. Mangus is having the hote ]
painted white , this week , which is
a great improvement in the ap
pearance and should have been
done years ago.
Col. Mitchell of The McCook
Comfort was chasing delinquents
and booming his gift circulation by
a free-handed distribution of sam
ple copies in our village , Tuesday.
J. W. Gaminill and wife of Free
dom departed for Petersburg , Ya. ,
last Sunday morning. They ex
pect to spend about three months
visiting relatives and friends at
theit old home.
Wm. Smith and 0. 0. Sibbitt
were up to the county seat , Mon
day , witnesses in the case of E. T.
Blackfau , who was brought before
the board of insanity on that day.
The young man was pronounced
to be of unsound mind and was
taken to the asylum at Lincoln ,
Wednesday morning.
The lecture , last Saturday night ,
by F. O. Fritz , in the interest of
the Star of Jupiter fraternal order ,
was fairly well attended and all
present were thoroughly enter
tained , especially brother Rodney
Baker , who fairly went into ecsta-
cies over the statement made by
Mr. Fritz that if the habitual
smoker would quit and give him a
cigar every day , he would give him
a paid-up policy in the Star of Ju
piter for life. The lecture added
ten new members to the local
August Wesch lost eight shoats
dyriug the blizzard.
E. B. Nelson started overland
for lown , Thanksgiving day.
George Kowlaud has moved on
the Gold farm just vacated by Mr.
Harve Rowland and family have
moved over into Valley Grange
Rev. E. J. Vivian will preach at
the Pleasant Prairie school house
next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m.
Some of the voters would like
: o know what is the difference be-
: ween open ports and free trade ?
The snow storm of last Sunday
was much more acceptable to the
'armers than the one the week be
H. I. Peterson , formerly of this
precinct , was married Sunday , to
\Iiss Fowler of Gerver. The best
wishes of old friends are extended.
TRULY , it was in western Ne-
jraska that the battle was won for
a Republican United States sena-
or. Western Nebraska will have
L7 representatives in the next leg-
slature as against 2 in 1897.
ONE of the most disastrous
storms in a half century passed
over the Atlantic seaboard , first of
he week. The loss of life is ap-
) alling , over two hundred , and the
jroperty loss will foot up in the
nillions. About a hundred ves
sels went down and were driven
ashore and destroyed.
Royal makas the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute/ ! Pure
H. H. Berry of McCook was in
this township , Monday.
M. H. Cole was in McCook , last
Priday , with a wagon load of hog.
It was a pretty big one and weighed
a "right smart. "
On Wednesday and Thursday ,
H. K. Bixler , with the assistance
of several neighbors,1 hauled to
McCook a carload of wheat which
he shipped to market.
A sou of A.Prentice arrived from
Illinois , last Priday night , and is
still here with his father , who was
recently stricken with paralysis ,
and whom , we are very sorry to
say , is no better , but rather weaker.
Brother Geo.E.Thomson of M -
Cook presumably personally pos
sesses practically peculiar puuc-
tions in connections with the ac
tual and immediate transaction as
reported in reference to that barrel
blowing through the buughole.
He is undoubtedly conscientiously
impregnated with impressions pun
gent and lasting and leading to
the belief that "hard cider" and
Nebraska zephyrs in superfluous
sufficiency are a combination com
pletely capable of producing mag
nified and astounding wonders , ex
ceeding the circumscribed compre-
heusibilities of the inhabitants of
this mundane orbit. When an ir
resistible force comes in direct
contact with an immovable sub
stance , what is the presumably in
evitable immediate result , brother ?
Harry'Wade is on the sick-list
Abe Myers has moved into the
Harmon house.
Carpenters are at work on An
drew Anderson's new house.
The school is getting quite
small , there being only one pnpi
present most of the time.
Rev. Vivian will preach in the
Prospect Park school-house oi
Dec. 11. There will be Sunday
school on Dec. 4 , when arrange
ments will be made for a Christ
mas tree.
George Cramer had business in
the county seat , Saturday last.
Mrs. D. J.Pizgerald is the gues
of McCook friends , these closing
days of the week.
A foot ball game between oui
school boys and the high schoo
team of McCook is in prospect.
S. R. Smith circulated among
the Phillistiues in the county cap
ital , Thursday morning , on lega
Colonel Phillips objects to the
weekly begging trip of Colone
Mitchell of the McCook Comfort
and insists that the Indianola mer
chants have that tired feeling on
account of the same.
* s\ \ * * s
Tour reporter is not dead or
sleeping , but busy.
We can soon report the coniple-
tion of the new Congregational
C. G. Bromau of Tyrone was a
McCook visitor , Saturday last , on
Daubury will soon be putting
on airs , now Unit the burg is duly
You should take advantage of
THE TIUBUN'S great Homestead
clubbing offer. You never saw
the like.
Danbuiy is to have a large im
plement house in the near future.
G. W. Dow and Lew Sargent have
the enterprise in mind.
We > voud ! respectfully invite you to call
and inspect our line of Holiday Goods con =
3 sisting of .
Card Cases
Hair Brushes
Cloth Brushes
Collar & Cuff Sets
Toilet Sets '
Necktie Boxes
Glove & Hdkfs. Sets
Paper Knives
Fancy Thermometers
Shaving : Sets
Photo Holders
Smoker's Sets
Match Holders
Ink Stands
Game Boards
Music Rolls
Manicure Sets
Writing Companions
Dressing : Cases
Silver Novelties
Celluloid Novelties
Paper Weights
Blacking ; Sets
Umbrella Stands
Rose Jars
Cups and Saucers
Bon Bon Boxes
Crumb Sets
Large Vases
Bisque Figures
Tete a Tete Sets
Trinkets , &c.
I BOOKS- = Over 600 Volumes Bound Books.
Popular Authors in Prose and Poetry Dainty Gift
Books Padded Books Culluloid Covers-
Hand Painted From 25c. up.
Juvenile and Toy Books in Large Variety !
in bulk ; in plain , fancy pressed and cut
glass bottles ; in plain and artistically
decorated packages.
| L. W. McCONNELL & Co ,
The Famous ,
We must positively reduce
For the next two weeks we will make
astonishingly low prices
Overcoats and Winter Suits will go
at these Prices ,
Genuine Bargains in Every Department.
Come in and look through our stock.
Our prices will induce you to buy.
1 .1
Come at once while the as
sortments remain good.
fi * 6/ & % '
while trading the other day : "My wife tried to
find this store a few days ago but didn't succeed ,
and so sent me in with her list to get the things. "
It's pleasant to note the perseverance of this lady
in her purpose to have our goods and that she
succeeded to her complete satisfaction.
3-story block in McCook and we are in it. It's the tallest and
biggest business building in town. You can't avoid seeing it ,
and when you see it you see us. It is called Meeker Block and
contains the United States Laud Office and all the County Offi
ces besides our store. J.Albert Wells used to occupy the same
room we do. The Postoffice is just two doors south of us.
the Dry Goods Center of this region is right in our store in
point of size and freshness of stock and especially in point of
Close Cash Prices.
Handsome 36-inch Jamestown Novelty Dress Goods in S ,9
patterns and shades , 39c per yard : we have richer and finer
qualities of the same sterling and well known make at 50c , 65c ' <
85c , 81-00 & § 1.25. These goods are not found any nearer
than Lincoln and are sold no cheaper anywhere. Black and
Colored Brocaded Dress goods at 12ic , 15c , 20c , 30c , 42Jc ' oOc.
Good , stout , warm , Cotton Dress Goods for lOc , 12Jc , and' loc
Braids , Velvets , Jets , Silks , Ribbons , etc.for trimmings in < * reat
variety. One of the good things about our Dress Goods de
partment is the linings. These we Lave at money savino- prices
Hair Cloth , Nearsilk , Buckram , Collar Canvass , Elastic Ducks
Silesias , Satines , Cambrics and Paper Cambrics. Everything in
Dress Findings : Hooks and Eyes , Stays , Dress Shields , Whale
Bones , Bone Coverings , Skirt Bindings , including the'Brush -
edge Bindings , etc. , etc.
We are again well supplied with underwear of all kinds. We
can again supply men's thick , fleece-lined , Cotton Drawers in 42
and 44 sizes. Also the same goods for ladies and for boys and
girls ; prices from 20c up to 50c. We offer double width all-
wool Cassimere suitings , 56 it'lies wide , for men's and bovs'
clothing nt 31.25 , 81.50 and 81.75 per yard. Ladies' Jackets
and Capes from 83.00 up ; Children's from 81.85 up. Overalls
Work shirts , and men's pants in large variety.
N. B. We take pride in furnishing ample-sized , well-fitting garments
in all our lines. Our Bed Clothing is unequalled in this regard.
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