The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1898, Image 7

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    Lieutenant Bradley A. Flake , U. S.
M. , has written an article for the No
vember Century entitled "Why Wo
Won at Manila , " Lieutenant Fluke
contrasts the discipline , marksmanship
and training of the American and
Spanish sollora , and gives tin impres
sion of the engagement from the view
point of "tho man behind the guns. "
The writer , who la an ofllcer of the
Petrel , was stationed aloft , where he
could see above the smoke and have
an unobstructed view. IIin duties
were to measure- the enemy's distance ,
BO he had the means and the leisure
for observing everything connected
with the action.
Trying to quc : : a woman's wrath is
n good deal like sitting down on a
bunch of lighted firecrackers to pre
vent their going off.
Lady's Lorgnette with rolled gold
chain free by saving Diamond "C"
Eoap wrappers. Ask your grocer.
If there Is any luck In a horseshoe
It must bn hard luck. .
Cottgh * nml Coldtt Cnroit Quick
With I > r. Snlti Arnold's CuiigU Killer.
and Cucntry Store * . 25c. u buttle.
People who swallow a sailor's yarns
nre apt to get worsted.
Do not think for a single
moment that consumption will
ever strike you a sudden blow.
It does not come that way.
It creeps its way along.
First , you think it is a little
cold ; nothing but a little hack
ing cough ; then a little loss in
weight : then a harder cough ;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it is yet creeping.
You can do it with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure on
the chest is lifted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastened by placing one of
Br. Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.
A ? caJr ! Free.
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
Kfr/f o us Frazily.
If y < n liavo any t-mnp nlnt 'r ! ' tCTfir
and dus'rc the boit nicdicxl .ulvlco you
can posnilily rpcflvr , writn tlie doctor
f retfly. You will receive a prompt reply ,
wlt ! : .it cost. A'Mresx.
UK. J. C. AYLIl : . Lowell , Mass.
( ylfn'v2) ) H ( jntr.icreliefund cv.reswomi
. end for Ixtok or testimonial * and 1 < < lay *
1 rcatmontl'ree . Dr. ii.H.citr.vss : . AtUcu , u * .
W. N. U. OMAHA. No 4S-1S98
Ithco Answering Advertisements Kindly
Jlcntion This Taper.
The November number of the North
American Review offers to the public
a most attractive table of contents.
Under the title of "The Far Eastern
Crisis , " Archibald R. Colquhoun , au
thor of "China in Transformation , "
ably discusses the proper methods by
which the governments of Great Brit
ain and the United States may be
moved to interest themselves actively
in the welfare of that country. "Na
tional Public Health Legislation" is
dealt witli by U. 0. B. Wlngate , M. D. ,
secretary of the Wisconsin state board
of health , and a cnnrming article is
contributed by Edmund Gesso on
"Norway Revisited. "
It has been found that Colonel
George Waring died a poor man , and
that the suddenness of his death left
his financial affairs in a state of con
fusion. Ex-Mayor William L. Strom"
has headed a movement for a memo
rial to snow the appreciation by the
citizens of New York of the colonel's
work , and which will , at the same
time , provide for .Mrs. Waring dur
ing her lifetime , tue idea that a gov
ernmental penaion should be granted
to the widow Is not favored by her
friends , and there is grave doubt , too ,
that such a measure would pass con
There la a Win * * of rooplo
Who are Injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress , and but few can tell it from
coffee : It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 ceata
per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O.
Nature works wonders , ami men en
deavor to gat them patented.
Du ion TVant to ijhra
In a flne , mild and healthy climate ,
where cyclones and blizzards are un
known , where good , rich lauds can be
bought at low prices , near cheap trans
portation and with educational and
Industrial advantages ? Homeseckers'
excursions to Virginia via the "Big
Four Route" and the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railway. Write for descriptive
book of Virginia , list of farms for
sale , excursion rates , dates , time-cards ,
etc. J. C. Tucker , G. N. A. , 234 Clark
street , Chicago. 111.
Satan smiles every time he sees two
men trying to trade horses.
For a complete list of prizes , useful
and ornamental , given free to purchasers
" " write to the
ers of Diamond "C" Soap
Cudahy Packing Co. , So. Omaha , Neb.
The boy with made-over trousers
takes after his father.
Plan's Cure for Consumption is the hart
of nil cough cures. Georgd TV. Lotz ,
Fabucher , La. , August 20 , 1803.
It Is the silent man that is usually
worth liste'ning to.
Pake Laxative Brome Quhiine Tablets. All
druggists refund the monov If it fails to cure.
i5c. The gCMtlnc lias L. H. CJ. on each tablet.
A locomotive engineer as to wttis-
tle for his pay.
Information for tie Traveler.
Whenever the traveler , tourist or busi
ness man \vrstwunl bound he must not
fail to travel via the Rio Grande AVest-
eru railway "Great Salt Lake Route. ' *
It is the only transcontinental line pass
ing directly through Salt Lake City , and
In addition to the glimpse it affords of
the Temple City , the Great Salt I aka
and picturesque Hall Lake and Utah Val
ley , It offers choice of three distinct
ro'utes through the mountains and the
most musnlllcunt scenery in the world.
The Rio Grande Western railway is just
as popular in winter sus in summer.
On all Pacilic Coist tourist tickets
other points of interest. Double daily
train service and through Pullman and
Tourist sleeping cars between Denver
and San Krancii-co an1 L.OS Angeles.
For Illustrated pnr.iphlrtu descriptive of
the "Great Salt LaKe Iloute. " write E.
Copeland. General Agent. Owi R3 Build-
Ins , Chicago , or K. A. Wadlelga , General
Passenger Agent , Salt Lake City.
Towns are seldom as red as they are
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * < >
It is tha easiest thing in the world to have T
! LUMBAGO OR LAME BACK , * " easy y
* No remedy has mads surer v tl
* and quicker cures than is
AS * K BV fi/SAGJC. ol
" '
Lives of suffering and misery frora this repulsive disease turned into health and happi
ness through the use of at
A ftor veivrs of special study and practice in diseases of the Mucus Meiutinine. and espe
cially of caiarrhn.1 troubles we have at last developed ; i treatment that will positively : ind
Derrnnm'ntly cure Unturrhul Diseasesiuwhatever form they may be. After fully dcmon- cc
ttratln" ttit- merits of Uils treatment In a private practice of over five vears. aud sncce-ss- ccm
fully trentinc and curlnc the most obstinate cases , we Cl.aHcnce ti A\orl i foracuao of m
OatuVrhTor Catnrrhal our CATARRH EXPELLANT will nolcuie. gl
JUeafnexii , resulting fr > in Catarrh , quickly cured
lx > 48 of Sonne of Smell and lunto quickly ref.toreo.
All repulsive symptoms peculiar to Oatarrbat troubles , as foul broath. nasal rtlselmrye * .
HacklnB , Coujjhlnu. and Splttliip. relieved at once. .
CatnrriiKl Affection * of Stomach. Liver or Mdneys , caus nr ; Indigestion. Sick Stomach , thTl
Nausna. Afcakne . J > oprj-S8loii. I.os * of Ambition and Knvrgy , are quickly curca. Tl
Most of the weakness of men nnrt women Is caused by Catarrhal lUwnses , Tl.e poisonous Tlmi
dlscharffes find their wav to the stomach and Into the blood , and distributed throughout mi
the entire sygUMU. affectlnjr the Vital aud I.lfe Forces and causing those Organic ana DC
Kervous AVenkne , ser jib dreaded by eVc-r.v man aud woman
Thnsn w * atxBesses are cured by CATARRH EXPELLANT and perfect health and
etronerh fully re > tored. Over five huudntu testimonial * 1 pralso of tins treatment re lei ;
ceived since January 1 , 1SOT. If you have Catarrh or any Oatarrhal Disease ,
Will cure you jmt us sure as water will quench thirst , Write to-dny for testimonial * aad lit
valuable Instructive paper on tuose diseases. SENT FitEtt. Address
25 j
OweHJ *
a > Tj th
every kind of Cougli. Cold , La-Grippe 11
O I P/ i mt\ \ \ I tMlv I Jf f I * Hoarseness , Influenza , Catarrli , ami a roi
JJ luugnndtlmiatiruuhlea. Send lor proof of H. It doe uotslclen or dljagreo WJ
jj with the utuuiach. Safe for all agoi. to i
* asl
50 wir
Write u * , Rlvlnjjall fvciptoms plainly and our I'ltyMcIan will give < tfj
FJtEK ADVICE , a ni-pajjo book of & fcoM hy Drxigplnts or Bent hv mall , Ja thi
recipes and a PREK SAMPLE , ft Trice , 1O cents and 25 cents. bei
Addrecs Dr. B. J. KAY MEDiCAL CO. , ( Western OfHce ) Omaha , Neb. tal
Chivcrs had no definite occupation ,
but his nerves were shattered. That
was his occupation.
"What do you think is the matter ? "
says he to Sir Andrew Leech of Wlin-
pole street.
"Do you drink tea ? " asked the doc
tor , eyeing him inquisitorially "after
noon tea ? "
"Yes , " says Chivcrs , anxiously.
"With cream ? "
"Why , yes. "
"That's the mischief ! It is the cream
that is wrecking your gastric-3 , my
friend ! "
Off goes poor Chivcrs at once to Sir
Bolus McGorge in Harley street.
"Doctor , " says he , "I'm feeling very
poorly should you say , now , tea was
bad for me ? "
"My dear sir , that depends take
-plenty of cream with your tea and it
will do you no great harm. "
Chivers then looks in on the cele
brated homeopathDr. Dodgem of Wei-
beck street quite the rising man on
digestion , you know.
"Doctor , pray tell me the truth about
tea ! "
"Tea ! " says Dodgem , "the most in
sidious of poisons ! "
"What ! With plenty of cream ? "
"With or without. Nothing can
make it wholesome. "
Chivers took to coffee. As he felt no
better he consulted Kattorpiasm , M.D. ,
the family doctor , who asked him
cheerily :
"Injy your fud ? Sleep sound ? "
"Neither , " says poor Chivers.
"If you slept you'd eat. Do you
drink coffee ? "
"I do , in preference to tea. "
"At night ? "
"Yes. "
"Just so It's the coffee keeps you
awake want of sleep naturally weak
ens the stomach. "
So he left off coffee and took cocoa.
Chivers had never smoked , but now
he felt a sort of craving that he could
not allay , and a friend offering him a
cigarette , tried it , and it seemed to do
him good ; but his appetite did not.
improve ; he fancied he slept a little
better ; but he couldn't quite decide ,
so he called in Dr. No. o , and explainer !
his sad case.
"Do you smoke ? " asked the great
specialist , whose acute nose had de
tected a faint aroma of tobacco while
feeling his pulse.
"Yes ; it is bad ? " inquired the inva
lid , timidly.
Bad ! Are you aware that Sir Ben
jamin Brodie proved that a few drops
of the. liquid sediment of that noxious
weed would instantly destroy a. full-
grown cat ? "
"But but , " urged Chivers , "I'm not
a full-grown cat. "
"No , sir , you haven't the vitality of a
kitten give up tobacco ! "
Chivers gave it up. But he still felt
very low. lie thought he would uslc
< m < *
, X = tV
old Katterplasm , M. D. , the family or
practitioner , to dinner , and confide in
tiim his perplexity. No tea no cof-
ee no tobacco and getting weaker
jvery day ! .
"Oh ! take a glass of wine ; you're
feeling 'run down. ' You want a fillip !
Take two glasses once in a way do ju
foil no harm do you good ! " ed
Chivers took two and felt better : but Tr
he next day he received a pamphlet is
ssued by the 'Society for the Total Ab-
illtion of Hops and Wines. " which ag
jroved that indulgence in alcohol ist
erupted the best men to commit crimes pn
f violence and shame , and hurried foi
housands into lunatic asylums ! 'aTh
"Old man ! I say ! " cried a loud voice Th
Jose to him. which made him start , th
'hang 1 all doctors ! cure yourself ! Look .
it me never a thing the matter with fOi
" sri
ne since -
"Since when ? " asked Chivcrs. turn- of
ng a lack-luster eye on his bale and he
ubicund friend. be
"Since I became a vegetarian. " of
Now , if there was one thing Cliivers ind
ould still fancy it was boiled leg of : ay
mtton and caper sauce. The strug- pr
le in Chivers' breast was brief but bu
ecisive. a L
"Bounce , " he said , "I have gone ho
lirough much I know how to suffer. .ud
'he bitterest sacrifices seem to be de- rou
landed of us in this world. I re- sw
ounce boiled mutton. " abl
But Chivers , in his tea-less , fee
ss , tobacco-less , boiled mutton ne
aper sauce-lessness grew daily hei
ejected and more pale. nd
"Come up to Scotland , old man a las
ttle yachting round the Hebrides < lo the
on all the good in the world. Sea nui
ir , you know. " beef
So I Chivers went on board the Sky- of
irk. She was cutter rigged and only an
tons. She had not been out more km
tan ; two hours when she struck on a ami
ick , and , as it was evident that she cut
as fast sinking , they hart just time lesj :
haul to the boat that was towed
.tern and jump in all four of them
ith a pint of rum and a biscuit. "
The weather was fairly good , but doe
icre was six hours of hard rowing app
'tween them and laud , and no mis- et 1
ke.Well sev
Well , that wreck cured Chivcrs. go
Alter seven hours' battling with a
strong current that set out to sea , the
shipwrecked crew grazed the shingle.
Carriages conveyed the crew to Slog-
gcr's "shanty , " as he called bis ele
gant Highland abode. A splendid col
lation had been prepared , including H
fine Scotch leg of mutton , boiled with
caper sauce. Chivcrs forgot that .be
waa a vegetarian.
"Lord , how dry rowing makes one ! "
be exclaimed , and they filled him up
a foaming breaker of brown ale. Chiv
ers forgot that he was a teetotaler , and
drank it off.
As they sat by the log fire , Sloggers ,
Balson and Batson lit up and offered
Chivers a cigar. He forgot the doc
tor's warning about tobacco and smok
ed it. Later on they joined the ladies
in the little cozy , wood-walled drawIng -
Ing room looking over the brink of a
precipice , right out to sea.
Slogger'd pretty young wife dispens
ed the aromatic "Souchong" in dainty
cups of biscuit china , while her
sprightly younger sister offered cream ,
ami plenty of It , too.
Next day Sloggers said : Chivers , my
boy , we're old friends , and I want to
do you a good turn. There's nothing
really the matter with you , or if there
was , the * shipwreck's cured you. All
you want is fresh air , an active life ,
something to do , and eat and drink
what you like. You shall be my High
land agent , steward , overseer , call it
what you will. Try it for a year ! "
Chivers clasped Sloggers by the
"Sloggers. " said he , "you under
stand me. You are my friend. I don't
think there's much wrong with me.
The doctora mean well , bat they don't
understand my complaint. You alone
have discovered the physic that suits
me. " New York World.
American YToinaii Sends Furniture In a
Van AU tlie Vt'uy from Gernmny.
Miss Drake , a Philadelphia woman ,
who has for some years been residing
in Weisbaden , Germans' , has just re
turned home , bringing with her a lot
of valuable furniture , which she ship
ped in a fashion never previously at
tempted. Miss Drake's father was at
one time American minister to Ger
many. During the family's residence
abroad , the young lady , having a taste
for the unique in furniture , had by
degrees come into possession of a
great deal of valuable household goods.
Recently she decided to return to her
native city , but was fearful lest some
of her effects should suffer damage in
transit. She hit upon a plan which
was decidedly novel , although some
what expensive. She hired one of the
largest furniture vans to be had in
Europe , and in it were packed her
household goods under her close and
careful supervision. Six strong horses
drew the van from Weisbaden to Ham
burg , where the body of the vehicle
was lifted from the axles and deposited
in the hold of the German steamship
Assyria , which was bound for Phila
delphia. Upon the arrival of the As
syria at Philadelphia Collector Thom
as , upon the application of E. Buchey
& Co. , the representatives of Mi'ss
Drake , detailed Customs Inspector Maguire -
guiro to take charge of the vehicle.
The huge box was set upon wheels
once more and six horses drew it to
the South' Forty-first street residence ,
where it was unloaded under the eye
the inspector. The van will be sent
back to Hamburg , completing a jour
ney of 6,000 miles. Miss Drake is en
tirely satisfied with the result of her
experiment , her cherished belongings
having been deposited In the Philadel
phia home without sustaining break
Period of lAIe When Miss Is Apt to I5o
a Nuisance.
One of Byron's objections to the miss
just out of school was that "she smell-
so damnably of bread and butter. "
That is a defect easily overcome , which
more than can be said of some oth
ers. A young woman of uncertain
ige was discussing this period of ex
istence the other evening and thus ex-
iressed herself : "Among the things
which I am truly thankful is tfie
'act < that I have got beyond that age.
There is no period of her existence , i
.hink ; , wherein woman appears to less
.dvantage. It is almost impossible
the average girl of 17 not to be con-
icious , and she has so little knowledge
the world that she Is unable to hide
Awkwardness. It is amusing , al-
eit ; rather pathetic , to see the efforts
the poor things to appear natural
at their ease and to say their little
: without betraying that they have
< it beforehand.
ircpared Bread-and-
mtter misses may be classified under
few heads. There is your frank
lobbledehoy , who despises affectation ,
who , in consequence , is apt to be
ough and ill mannered ; then the
weety girl , who puts on an Indescrib-
.ble smile of fatuity and whom you
at times you would like to shake :
text the aristocratic girl , conscious of
position , who has notning to say ,
therefore does not say it ; and the
and funniest development of all ,
inexperienced little girl from the
ursery. who thinks it is the thing to
a little 'rapid. ' I suppose that girls
that youthful age consider me as
old maid and would be surprised to
now that I by no means envied them ,
that they afforded me the greatest
ntertninmcut. but it is true , nsvcrthe-
. "
Ills I'rocrnm.
"So Placehuntsr expects a sinecure ,
he ? " "Yes ; he thinks he'll be
ipointcd Government Weather Proph-
for Cuba. He intends to predict
jveral mouths of heat and rain and
off on a vacation. " Puck.
Worthlngton C. Ford , v/lio Is known
as one of the foremost statisticians
of the world , has been called to thts
bead of the historical and statistical
work of the Boston public library. His
function includes that of seeing that
the library is supplied with the full
complement of works of history and
statistics , and of being at the service
of scholars in utilizing such riches of
the library to the best advantage.
The death in Louisville , Ky. , of Wil
liam H. Walklns recalls the fact that
ho was the youngest volunteer in cno
Confederate army during the civil war.
He enlisted at the ase of 14.
Nothing humbles the average man !
more than to find himself 5n the soup
wten he thought he was in the swim.
Tl'o American Boy's IiuttU * hIp.
Every American hopes our school
boys will succeed in their efforts to
raise $3,000,000 to be used in build
ing a battleship. It costs great sums
to build a warship , but you can build
j i up your health with Hostctter's Stomach
ach Bitters at small expense. This
remedy is for all stomach , liver and
I bowel disorders.
When a woman passes a man on the
street and.looks daggers at him he is"
very apt to feel the cut
Free Government I.auds.
There are still thousands of acres of
government lands in the states of
Washington and Oregon , also prairie
and timber lauds near railroad or wa
ter communication that can be bought
for $5 an acre and upwards. There are
no cyclones , blizzards , long winters or
real hot summers , no failure of crops.
Take your choice. If you wish to raise
grain principally or finest stock on
earth , you can find locations In these
two rtatcs where you can do this to
perfection. I have no lands for sale
but if you want information where it's
best to locate write me at 199 East 3rd
St. St. Paul , Minn. Yours ,
No matter how proud a girl may fce
of her family name , she's seldom
averse to changing it.
Are you going to Florida ? Do you
want rates , maps , routes , time-cards
and full information ? If GO , address
H. W. Sparks , 234 Clark street , Chi
Why isn't pumping up the tire giv
ing a bicycle its second wiiid ?
Franlt J. Cheney malic * oath tbnt lie Is the
senior partner of the linn of V. J. Cheney & CD. , I
doing business In the City of Toledo , County '
and State aforesaid , nud that said linn -will pay i
the sum of ONE HUM/UKU DOLLARS Tor'
carh and every i-nso of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by tlie use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
S orn to hofore me and subscribed in rev
presence , this Cth day of December , A. D. liSd.
Notary Public.
Hall'B Catarrh Cure Is taken internally , and
nets directly ou the blood and mucous ( ; ur/icca :
of the sjblcni. Siml Inr testimonials , freo.
P. J. CHENKY & CO. . Toledo , O-
Sold by Drupci'Ms , "ic.
Hall's , Family Pills are the best.
Why don't policemen carry umbrel
las to arrest the rain ?
Coo's ConRji Tijs'ini ;
.s the oluCft and liest. Hwlll liri-iK up acoldqcirlcer
loan pn-ii'ila doe. H Is nln ' ' .
; ; ays rel' ble. 'J ry It.
Riches may fly .away , but a man's J
bald head always sees him through.
Mrs. v * iiM : < iw sc > otiji { r s
ijr.-/ > 't < ii.tiieij Jiiu.ry
, cine * trii-tiool : * ' . 'V- cent * & Sot tr. |
A sandbag in the hands of the hold
up man is a stunning a air. j
o i/a V a r at * to r nate. 52 per acre cash
roviStti ! paid. .J. Multiull ,
When Colonel Waring wanted the
appointment for cleaning the New j
York streets he was jokingly told by *
those in authority that heaven itself
wouldn't clean them in a c : ntury. "I L'o.
can do it in a month , ' ' said Waring.
Why do 20 cent men usually own ? 20
logs ? W.
In his address to tie Harvard stu
dents the other day , Rev. Dr. Edward
Everett Hale laid down three rules
which he gald had been the greatest
help to him in life They wera : Bo
in the open air all you can ; rub against
the rank and file daily , and every day
hold intimate conversation -with a cu-
His v/lfe "Why don't you go to the
doctor and find out just what you
ought to eat and what you ought t"
avoJtl ? " Djsp ptic "Oh , I know all
that now. I ought to cat everything
I don't like and avoid everything I
do. " Tit-Bits.
Mrs. Pinkhr-Tn'o Aclvico Inspired
Oonlidonco and Hopo.
Examination l y a raalo physician is
a hard trial to a delicately organized
She puts it off as long as she dare ,
and is ony driven to it by fear of can
cer , polypus , or .some dreadful ill.
JVIost frequently such a. womnn leaves
a physician's ofllcc
where she has un
dergone a critical
examination with
nn iapre.ssionniure
or Iocs , of discour
This condi
tion of the
Blind destroys
the eifect of
advice ; and
iIie grow : ;
worse rather
than Letter. In consulting" Itlrs. 1'inlr-
liam no hesitation need he felt , the
story is told to a woman and is wholiy
confidential. Sirs. Pinlcham's address
is Lynn , Jlass. , she offers sick women
her advice without charge.
Tier intimate knowledge of women's
troubles makes her letter of advice a
well-spring1 of hope , and herwide experi
ence and skill point the way to health.
" I suffered with ovarian trouble for
seven j'ears , and no doctor knew what
was the matter with me. I had spells
which would last for two days or more.
I thought I would try Lydia E. 1'irilc-
haiu's Vegetable Compound. I have
taken seven hottles of it , and am en
tirely cured. " 31ns. Joim FOIUUIAN , 2(5
N. Woodhcrry Ave. , Baltimore , Md.
The above letter from Mrs. Foreman
is only one of thousands.
As Black
Your YourWiiisheis
50ct3.ofduc2istsorR.P.Hil&Co.f.'a3huaj.H. !
UM-J llii * < J for unnatural
nihih.irg iutluntmatinuir.
irrUutu-tiii or ulciiruUonr
of PJ u coON invuihrarit % .
l - J'.iiil < ' 3t , aiiil not tutriii
[ \THEtVA'l3CHtUICALCO. Rent or JH '
or wnt in pl iu wrapni-r ,
--r.rcsi. prcpnM.or
tl u ) . or. " liottlfH , ? 2.73.
Circular ecnt on r jiiut
oilt UK ; I7nllnl
. to fell " 'J'JIK
ON1/1. " Pklrt 'IE7" , a tlotlre fiir ; hi : prupiT a'l
juiiin < > iitirl ! * totiiuin uf iMrti In ll\e inn > ies.
J-\erv i.ilr T lint * uic. .ifO i > r : Kt tn i > ; rnii
I.'elaIN 'or : ) ' rr t- . The Only Skirt Cau
Co. , 1GU A
lAir. PrJaclp.l Zzrainzr D. S. Pension Bureatu
TA iu I t a. . 15atiwdi'-tiui
AVAvrFli--rcsr- mii " '
"noam : rnac 1M I'-v-N s
] < ! not bvM-Gt. bcii'J "i tvh'H to Klpatls Chii | c t !
. . ' "w V-'rlc.for 30 fiaiaulei" I'nil l.'XX ) li.i-tiii.oi'U ; : ' .
f Tiicinpsons E 2 Water , ,
. N. U. OMAHA. No.-vg 1303
It h&s been of Americans th&t they t \ )
are " & nation oF dyspeptics" and it is true
thdt few are entirely free from disorders
of the digestive tr&ct , Indigestion , Dyspepsia. ,
Stomach a nd Boviei trouble , or Constipation. "
The treatment of these diseases
with C5.thc5.rtic medicines too often
the trouble.
is the use of & remedy th t wiU bui\d \ up
the system , thereby en&blin the v&rtous
organs to dct 6.s H ture intended they should.
Such & remedy is found in Dr Y/illikvns' / PinK
Pills for P&\e \ People > rkrc is the proof.
In Detroit there ar ? fcwsolcl'crs more pcoalar anil efficient thsn 3Iax
R. Davits , first serffcar.t of Co. n. HU hornzt 416 Third Avenue. 1'or
four years he was n bootkwpcrritU tie ! vi holesalr lri'jc lio- of Xarrand ,
Williams & Clark , and lie savs : "I la\c charge * ! up m"ny thousand
ordtrs for lr.ViJi ais * Pink 1'ills for 1'aic People. Init su-vtr knew their
worth uutil I tise l them for the ciirr of chronic Iwr.rjxia. ror tvro jeans
I suffered sn < l doctored for that aggnnstiij ; ; trouble but could nulj be
helped temporarily.
"I think dy-pcpsia is one of the mu ; t Kj.ihlvora cf ailment1 ; , and there
i < scarcrly a ck-rk or office man but \\hat is : ore or lev * n victim. Koine
days I could cut anything , whiJc ct oilier titiits I woalil be starving.
Those distrwB-tl paias would force me to quit nork. I ha-.e tried many
treatments acd remedies bnt they would help otily for a tijav. A friend
Induced me to try Dr. V.'illiains' riisk Til's for 1'ale J'eojJ % : usd niter t. k-
injn few doses I found much relief au l aflcr Uinj , etcraJ 1 was
cured. I knovr thee pills will circ rtysrepsia of its wo : . t form aud I aia
pleased to recommend them. " Dtttcit ( . "HicK.'tJju > M.l.
The genuine p&tk&gewAyi \ bc&ri the \ \ iname. . -
At 6ll drug ibtv or sent poitp v.d on receipt of pvitt.S
per box , by the Dr. Willies Medicine to.SihcnctUdy ! ' V