s. Loulso H. Pratt , of Sherwood , \V.s. . thinits that sweet younc things wiui golden hair should not monopo lize the privilege of naming warships ; to ah wants to be allowed to name the battleship Wisconsin. Amons her qualifications she mentions the follow ing : She IB til years old , got her edu cation in a little log school house In Wisconsin , knows how to cook , knit , opln and inako soft soap , wears her hair short , and has christened and reared tv.'o boys and two girls of her own. When Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Has- kell , the former of whom is 90 years old , celebrated the seventieth anni versary of their wedding last week In Brooklyn , nearly seventy of their de scendants were present How is this ? Perhaps sleepless caused it , or grief , or sick ness , or perhaps it was care. No matter v/nat the cause , you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair is starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. Increases the circulation in the scalp , gives more power to the nerves , supplies missIng - Ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc tions , gray hair begins to show color in a few days. Soon it has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns. Would you like our book on the Hair ? We will gladly send it to you. If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the Vigor , v/rite the doctor about it. He may be able to suggest something of value to you. Address , Dr. J. C. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass. / r Counsel appointed to defend an Irishman challenged several of the Jury , who his client said , had u prej udice against him. "Are there uny more jurymen who have p prejudice against you ? " whispered the barrister. "No , sir ; the Jury's awl rolght ; but 01 want you to challenge the Judge , I've been convicted under him several times already , and lolkely he's be- glnnin' to have a prejudice against me. " Tld-Bits. Some fond mothers believe they could love their babies to death and some mean old bachelors wish they would. Florida. Are you going to Florida ? Do you want rates , maps , routes , time-cards and full information ? If so , address H. W. Sparks , 234 Clark street , Chi cago. The November Cenury gives Low ell's Impressions of Spain , taken from hitherto unpublished official dispatch es sent by James Russell Lowell when he was American minister at Madrid. The article has a prefactory note on Spanish politics by Hon. A. A. Adee , second assistant secretary of state. Lowell made and retained throughout his mission the friendship of Sonors Canovas and Silvela , and his dispatch es were often filled with kindly bits of court gossip unusual in state de partment documents. T7owill forfeit Sl.OOD if any of our pub lished testimonials nro proven to bo not gouuino. THE Piso Co. , Warren , Pa. The girl who is wise never permits herself to appear more intelligent than the man she is trying to entertain. Mrs. "V * inflows sootliinfr Syrnp For rlilldren tee thlnc.sof tens the irutiuMvtlut e lnPra- mution , allay ? pMn. cures wind eel ! ' . ' . ! > ' cents a hot tie. The marriage ceremony is frequently the final act of diplomacy previous tea a declaration of war. Catarrh Cannot Jl > Cored trlth LOCAIj APPLICATIONS , as they cannot rcnch tne sent of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease , und in order to euro it youmusttakc Internal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Kail's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years , and is i regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known , combined with the best blood purifiers , actinu directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the tvro inprrdients in what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free P. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. . Toledo , a Sod ) by druggists , price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Every man has a grievance and he'll tell you all about it on the least provo cation. TO CURU A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure tibc. The genuine has L. II. Q. on each tablet. A man with a single idea is a crank. That's why so many men are not cranks. Unsettled. "Theological beliefs are very unsettled. " "Oh , very. Why , there isn't a woman in the congrega tion who has confidence enough to go ahead and make Christmas slippers for the minister. " Detroit Journal. For every man wlio is unable to stand prosperity there are millions who would like to try. ? SIP W5B 3 BJiPWC and those sorely 1 WE V3 ILL HAVE- afflicted with s Will have peace from PAIN and a CURE by using ! \ 0 The man who wants \Si \ laafVssy3ff can get it anywhere * It is as pop ular as sunshine and almost as universal. It satisfies that dry taste in the mouth better than anything else , and you can buy a larger piece of Batde Ax for lOc * than of any other kind of high grade quality. , . . . * S i li at SSKit tihi JAiLt faiSlmi aiA6s ' HAVE DOGS SOULS ? What Mnny Grout Authors llnvo Writ tea oti Tills Bubjoct. With regard to the Immortality ol dogs or other animals , many opinion * might bo cited In the uiflrmative , sayt the Westminster Review. Aa Lamar- tine says : "No ! ocl will never quench Ills sparli divine , Whether within some glorious orb II fihlno , Or lighten up the spaniel's tender gaze Who leads his poor blind master through the maze Of this dark world. " Translation. "I hao never been able to persuade my heart and my understanding that dowgs hae na immortal eowls , " panta the Shepherd in 'Ncctes Ambrosianae , ' when Mr. North's "great Newfunlau' ' swims out to the assistance of himsell and his companion , Mr. Tickler , in a rough sea off Pcrtobello ; 'his soul maun be Immortal. " Later on this no ble animal was cruelly poisoned and Christopher North ( Prof. Wilson ) , and his friends lament his many virtues. "Often do I wonder , " says the Shep herd again , "whether or no birds and beasts and insects have immortal sowls ! " To which the English Opium- Eater , who happens to be present , re plies : "What God makes , why should He annihilate ? " "True , true , Mr. do Quincey , " gladly agrees Hogg. Some of our readers may remember Luther's words to his dog : "Never mind , little Hans , thou too shalt have a golden tail some day ; " or , according to a bet ter translation : "Thou , too , in the res urrection , shalt have a little golden tail. " Swinburne , in his sonnet to Dr. John Brown , speaks of : "The night of death's sweet sleep , wherein may be A star to show vour spirit in present sight , Some happier island in the Elysian sea , Where Rab may lick the hand of Mar- jorie. " "My dear lord , there is a spirit dwelling in good beasts , though irearny and unconscious. " says the chaplain in Fouque's weird romance of "Sintram and His Companions. " Coleridge , writing long before Darwin , seems inclined to conjecture the beast to be an "unripe or' degenerated hu manity. " SIR HERBERT KITCHENER. A. Good Jadgo Qt Character Fair la Ills Patrouuge. Gens. Hunter and Rundle had al ready distinguished themselves in the khedival service before Kitchener be came their chief ; Macdonald also , Lewis Maxwell and others had joined the Egyptian army under another sir dar , but a crowd of good men owed their appointment to Kitchener , says the Fortnightly Review. He has eve'r tried to get the best assistance possi ble ; he is a judge of character and he has been very fair and public-spirited in the use of his patronage. A serv ice which offers large promises of pro motion and distinction has been eager ly sought after. Great pressure , po litical and social , has been brought to bear upon the man who really con trolled nominations , for the sirdar's recommendations have been invariably respected at the war office. But in no case has aught but merit availed and the result is that the officers now serv ing in Egypt are "the pick of the basket , " the brightest and best in the queen's service. Y/e may confidently expect those trained in Egypt to rise in due course to the very top of the tree. The present generation of dis tinguished soldiers is passing away. At the end of another decade , soldiers of the school of Wolseley and of Rob erts will be mostly disqualified by age if they have not already joined the majority , and the country must look for their successors among the young men now coming to the front. Oppor tunity is the only sure avenue to suc cess in our army , and those who make the most of it rise fastest and highest" . In this way Egyptian service has of fered the most abundant chances of modern campaigns. Seldom , if ever before , have quite young men junior in regular rank found great openings , responsible duties , large commands , at a time when they would be no more than regimental company officers , in specting dinners or mounting guard. Sir Herbert Kitchener occupies a posi tion almost unique in the experience of British generals. Not only is he at the head of a large army in the field before he Is fifty , but he has enjoyed extraor dinary advantage in command , some thing indeed like complete independ ence. Why She I-eft- "Yes , we lost that good girl that 1 told you about. " "What was the trou ble ? " "Why , she left the water run ning in the bathtub and it leaked through and she caught cold. She said she wouldn't stay in a house where they didn't have water-tight floors. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Temple of Serpents. The small town of Werda , in the kingdom of Dahomey , is celebrated for its temple of serpents , a long building in which the priests keep upwards of 1,000 serpents of all sizes , which they feed with birds and frogs brought to them as offerings by the natives. The Savaee Bachelor. "They say , " said the scientific boarder , "that microbes are the cause sf baldness. " "I've said a good many means things about wives , " said the Savage Bachelor , "but I never called them microbes. " Indianapolis Jour nal. Knglinh Revenues from Spirits. The British revenue from spirits is little less in excess of $100,000,000. A NATION OF DYSPEPTICS. From f/ifl jftwn'afjieer , ( ' ( | / ( | ( Jf. Dakota. The remorse of a guilty utomocb Is what e Jorge majority of tbapeaiioaro&ufierii | > g with to-day. DyBpopitia in n ulmractwistiu American disease nndititf frequently utated that ' ' \vo n nation of dyspeptics. " Improper food , hurrio.1 eating , mental worry , oxlmnstion ; any of tlie-so produce it lack of vitality in the uybtoni , by cuuuin [ ; the blood to lotia its lifa-siibtaiiiK oloments. The Wood is tbu vital oloinont in our llvoa und Rhonld bo raruCnily uurttirctl. Ilestoro the blood to itH projiorconclitiondybpepsiii will vnniah and pee , ! hoaith lollow. For oxiunplo , in tlio county of Pombinn , North Dakota , a fovmilo.s from ViilliRllu , resides Mr. Earnest Haider , u man of Ktor- liug integrity , wboso vjracity canuot La doubted. HOEC.JS : The Doctors Disagreed. "I bOL-amo Beriontily ill three years ago. The doctor gave mo medicine for indiges tion , but I continued to become worbo. ] bad several phyaiciana nt intervals who gave mo some relief , but the disoaco would leturn with all its accustomed hoverity. "I read in the newspapers articles re garding the wonderful curative powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People , and finally concluded to try the pillbI purchased six boxes. This was five months ago. The first box gave rae much relief. I continued taking the pills , and after using four boxes was cured. " Thesopillsarorecopnized everywhere aan specific lor diseases of the blood and nerves. 1' or paralysis , locomotor ntaxia , and other diseases long supposed incurablethey have proved their efficacy in thousands of cases. One swallow doesn't make a spring ; neither does one bottle of hair tonic make a football player. Co xou Want to In a fine , mild and healthy climate , where cyclones and blizzards are un known , where good , rich lauds can be bought at low prices , near cheap trans portation and with educational and industrial advantages ? Homeseekers' ' excursions to Virginia via the "Big Four Route" and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Write for descriptive book of Virginia , list of farms foi sale , excursion rates , dates. time-cards ; etc. J. C. Tucker , G. N. A. , 231 Clark street , Chicago , 111. He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon. The new lignt from Acetylene , made from Calcium Carbide ( or lime , coke and water ) is a recent discovery , and when the gas is made in a "Monarch" Generator the light is as bright as the sun and nearly as cheap. It should be in every store , hotel and home in the land. This "Minarch" Generator is sold by Schlieder M'f'g Co. . Omaha , Nebr. It you are interested , write them. A man's past is the best prophet oi his future. Am dellshtcd with fir. ? eti Arnold's Coash Killer : It cures every time Kev. J. S. CornUli , Wayi.es \HIe.Ill. 25. ' . a buttle. lie tb.it.'s down , down with his , cries the world. TSE EXCELLENCE OF SYSU ? GF HSS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SVBUP Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing1 the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFOHNIA. FIG SYRUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SVUUP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANCI8CO , CoJ. LOUTSTILT.E. KT. XK\V YOHIT. Jf.T. Btarr Jordanthe , illutjngujah- pd scntl ; | = L and government connnlu- fclonor to Alaska , opens the November Atlantic by giving the rcaiilta of hjs official experience and scientific ob servation of the many errora of cur management. ) u Ahiuha , by which the vast resources of that wonderful coun try furs , food-fish , timber , mines , etc. have been and are etlll recklessly squandered , and wealth and property needlessly thrown away by the na tion ; and he Hounds a much-needed note of warning as to the probable re sults of the administration of the prospective colonies now ready to our hands should they be treated in the same wasteful , corrupt and ruinous fashion. Shall \V < : Keep I IKS I'lilllpnlm-g ? While public opinion Is divided as to the wisdom of keeping ; the Philip pines , it Is , however , all one way in regard to the wisdom of everybody keeping their health. For this purpose Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters Is widely used. This medicine Is both preve-- Ive and euro for malarial fevers and stomach disorders. It Is stated that about 20,000 letters are addressed to Queen Victoria from her subjects eacli year. PITS farnjauentljiJurnl. r oninorij r * ii'"e jfcflew nrnt < ta > 'n u e of Dr. Kline Grunt l arva ttanturar K DI ! f.ir FKKIC fi'-J.OO tri.il liottln und tivitlM * Du. H. 11. J LiNi.Z-td..tUl Arch ht. . 1'hiU.dtlyi.i * . i' . The United States hat a lower r r- centago of blind people than any other country in the world. Coe's CotiRli ISals-im Is the olttantond lCflt--l twill lircuk up a cold quicker liiK else , it Isaiway * rel'ulilu. Try lu In Peru it was once the custom for domestic servants to have two of their upper front teeth extracted. Their absence indicated their servitude. He who sows thorns will never reap grapes. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health * fill. Insist that your crocer gives yon GRAEf-O. Accept no imitation. Or , Kay's Lung Balm D IJJSAJ/TJL Lottera to Mrs. Pint- From Happy Women. . " / Ov/o You JJy Mrs. \7ooMii /R , Kill * , 1'cb. , v/rftcs : "DEAJI Miw. I'JKKIIAM--I : - - owe my li/u to your Vegetable Compound. The doctors eaid I had consumption and nothing could be done for me. My menstruation had btopped and they eaid my blood wa turning' to water. I had hcvorul doctors. They all baid L could not live. 1 began the u.sc of Lyillsi II. l'inkham'.s Vcgetr ; lo Compound , and it helped me right away ; mcnt-x * ; returned und I have gamed in weight. J have better health than J have had for years. It ia wonderful what your Com * pound has done for me. " "I JL'ecI Uko a Mrs. ( Jro. JCO'J liellcKL , Alton , 111. , write * : " Uefore I began to take your Vege table Compound J was a great bufferui from v/omb trouble. Menses would ap pear two and three times in a month , cabbing me to be M > \ \ eak 1 could not btand. I eould neither bleep nor eat , and looked bo badly cjy friends hardly knew me. " I took doetor'b medicine but did not derive much benefit from it. My drug gist gave me one of your little books , and after reading it I decided to try Lydia K. I'iukhura'o Vegetable Cora- pound. I feel like a new person. I would not give your Compound for all the doctors' medicine in the world , L can not praise it enough. " FURNITURE. $50,000 Stock of all grades of Furniture recently bought at , the very lowest cash price \vlll be of fered during the next few months at special prices. Customers visiting Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here , and we will make every effort to please both in goods and prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co. , FURNITURE , 12OS Douglas St , Omaha. Next to Millard Hotel. KOTK To eaMsfy ocrselvrs i to whether thl Cflvt-rtl- < -nrut Ik rcxl vr < i ! . ! caXe a discount uf 1 PIT cent on tbe pnr. hs e ol any eu tomcr bo vlll tcil iir > they uer < - dlrccie ! U > Hi by tt kucl ttit thry win rccumciccit ut tu their Irlesas IT l * they bur are Special to Lzdic : : We ci e Trading Stscps W. N.U. OMAHA. No 4-5 1S9S Klieu Anstvering Advertisements Hiadlj Menttoa This Taper. HECK YOR1 AN ACCIDENT AND LIFE PRESERVES. Liberal Terms to Agents. Greatest Kce'-c Yoke ever la i ented. combJnlnp > "lce ! renters i o ; irenpr h , durability nn > l afety. ilnnrtsomely Xtckel Tins ami Center * j TT P'lnied. Wllnot all IT/tcn ii" t'i < ! r < ) Dlf traces Centers , without Tote . . . . . . . . . .65 become IOOFC. No rattle. 1'rlrcs : Fann "VVacrJ'n Grip Uln ? -C5 1'Ialn. nnnlcMed $1.00 Made In three fiz "s , to fit ro'e tr intel . Nickel Loops and Acorn Heads i.co for FEFE Illu-traieil ctrcnlar. AUTOMATIC CRIP HECK YOKE CO.S < Harding St. , Incliancpolis , Ind , AS BF BY B EVERY WAN AND WOMAN SHOULD READ. Lives of suffciing and misery from this repulsive disease turued into health and bappl- ness through the use of After vcars of special study and practice in diseases of the Mncu Mom ! > mnp. and espe cially of catarrlial troubles. w have at lust developed a treatment th.t will } io > Hi\elv .ind permati' ntly cure Catarrlial ! ) ; > > eases-iu whatever form they may Ite. Aftofn'.ly dcnion- BtratinR the merits of this treatment In a private practice of over five vears. : i i MKVfit fully treating and ctiilnfT the most obstinate cases. w > flinlli-iice thVorUl for a case Of "Oatairh. " or Catarrhal Dlsea > u our CATARRH EXPELLANT will not cure. Deafness , resulting fivm Catarrh , quickly cured I.o n of f on .t of smell and 'lasto quickly restored. All repulsive symptoms peculiar to Catarrlial troubles , as foul lircatb. nasal illsclvirjrca Hacking. Coupling : , um ! Spitting , relieved at once. Catarrnal Affection * of Stomach. Liver or Kidneys , caiK'rijr Inilljro-tlon. Sick Stomach , Nausea. "VfealmiMji. Depression. I os * of Ambition ami Knercy. are quickly cured. Most of the weakness of men and women is caused oy Catairhal dlM-a .t x. T'u pol .onons . discharges find their wav to the stomach and into the bloo.t. and distributed thrvuclunut I the entire system , affecting the Vital and I.ifo J'orros and causing these Organic and 1 J rvous Weaknesses so dreaded by every man and woman These weaknesses are cured i y CATARRH EXPELLANT and perfect health and Strength fully restored. Over five bundled testimonials in pral-o of this treatment re ceived since January 1 , 1S07. If you have Catarrh or any Catarrhal lINe.ise. RICHARD'S CATARRH EXPELLANT Will cure you Jnst as sure as water will quench thirst.Vrlte to-dnv for testimonials and valuable instructive paper on tneso diseases. t-E.NT KUKE. Address C. H. RICHARDS CO. , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. f'DXRT DEFEES THE KING. " THEN IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ETSELR , S SCALES ReuOVafCr Guaranteed iieiiukuiwi ; to cure Uy.sjiep- sia. constipation , liver and kidney rtiseasci.lm- iiousnesp. headache , etc. At drujKiss STx : & $1. NEW DISCOVERY ; * ! . quirk relief und cures worst cases. Send for book of testimonials and 1O lny * treiitmcntFrce. Dr. IMI.GRKKVSSONS. itiut * , Ua. CURE YOURSEIF ! Upo Hifor unnMiirM < ! i * < * h.irj < * l ttitl.imnmtioH * . _ irritation * or Dot w ine.ur * . , , f , „ „ 0 , „ , nu coaixinn. Pnii-li-F * mu. * THtEvANS CHtl'ICJlCO , fnt or potnononii . 5told 117 -nt in rl. lnmrr < r. ' for " 'rcuJar nont n & 63 X < . Rev. F. M. Esterbrook , Treasurer of the Nebraska Wosloynn University at University Place , Nebr. , writes on April "U , Ui'J.S ; "I have been troubled for some time with ticklingin the throat xvhlcn often greatly annoyed me. After taking Dr. Kay's Lung Halm 1 found relief. I find your Dr. Kay's Kidneycura helped my kidney trouble which has been troubling me for a number of yoars. Mrs. Esterbrook had been subject to a cough for most of the winter , ami also insomnia. After taking only one box of j-our asm she was almost entirely relieved of her cough nud she also found ! t made her sleep better. We find your remedies work like a charm. It drnffdlsts < ln not linvo them tnko no Riibotltut. . for tlioy lii\ : < no oitniil. "H" rite us for free a < lvico und Dr. Kay's Homo Trent incut. vidintltlo li > < > k , Iroo YVoBcnd the reiiiodU-s by mall , 1O cts. und Vtl ctx. for I.uiij ; lliihit niul Sl.OO for Kidneycura audits cts. and 81.0O for Dr. Kny't KonoMitor. AddreRH OK. B. J. KAY MKDICA1. CO. , OMAHA , NICU. H