\ LADIES : I want to call your attention | to the nice line of fine shoes I have just received. They are good in quality , elegant in style , and pleasing to the eye. They will fit your feet and make you smile when you see them. THE PRICE IS FROM $1.00 TO $4,50 You also may want some school shoes. I have them good and cheap. Do not buy a shoddy shoe when you can get a better one for only a few cents more. I guarantee them. MEN'S FINE SHOES IN Hf . ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES .ff T " ir THE OLD RELIABLE , 1 J. F. GANSCHOW , 1 V \ ± t J $ yp McCOOK , NEBRASKA. m -rffcr At Brewer's Old Stand. TI I FRESH AND SALT MEATS § T Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. | | e keep everything usually to 41 | be found in a first-class city market , | and respectfully solicit your patronage. fflfl C/JS// r\ f Pure , Kettle-Rendered Lard OUR OWN MAKE. Ten pounds and upwards at 5 cents per pound for a short time. WILCOX & FLJTCRAFT. ffiiuffic jKlioffikjtSncjgSs. til wSr afetfficjgSk i&zj&jSSaa&x d&t.i&fjiSiaSx I , tycy -j nesj y 's J J J yyf f' iyn p ayiuqyaijgnqyrl I Tn V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. * A. C. EBERT , CASHIER.f P # # * CI BAN * n * * OF MeCOOK , NEB. I Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5,000 f DIRECTORS / . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , ' 1 | / / . T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. J ? ) s THE TRIBUNE ONE DOLLAK. TRY IT. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Clel Pope is off duty with a steam- burned leg. The total trackage of the United Stntcs is 24.1,000 miles. J. A. Dnlnney is firing the heater nt the round house. Miss Nellie Chirk visited Ked Cloud friends , last week. C. N Ciidy and 1) . N. Taylor arc new trainmen , this week. Engineer J. K. Burton is able to be out and iirouud again. There arc about 36,000 engines in u.se on Amurican ruilroads. The ruilroads employ 850,000 persons at an average wnge of $565 per year. Conductor 1C. M. Cox is off duty jind has taken his wife to Chicago for treat ment. John Itohnstedt returned home from his mine up in Wyoming , last Saturday night. Mrs Anna llerstrom is here from Den- vr , guest of her .daughter , Mrs. Harry Dixon. Conductor Frank.Kundlen entertained his father from near Arapahoe , last of the week. A. J. Washburn and wife have gone to Curtis , where he has opened for business a harness shop. Conductor and Mrs. George Heck re turned home , Tuesday night , from see ing the exposition. George Hollister came up from the Red Cloud round house recently to help during the rush here. The value of the railroads of America is placed at $60,000 per mile , or a grand total of $11,291,009,000. A special train of about thirty cars of cattle and sheep passed through here , Wednesday afternoon , eastbound. Mrs. K. K. Stangland returned , Sun day night , from a visit of about two weeks with the children in Lincoln. Mrs. W. O. Simons has gone to Lin coln to receive treatment for her throat , and may be gone a number of weeks. Alex. McLean is firing the "pusher" at Oxford. He came up to headquarters , Saturday , on the second section of No.77. J. K. Best arrived from Cowles , Ne braska , last night , to see his son , D. J. Best , the operator , who is quite ill , but is better , this morning. Engineer Noren and Conductor Rouch have a 3O-day vacation , since the 25th. The boys neglected to take the sidetrack when the official special passed them. Exclusive of sleeping cars there are 1,325,000 cars used on the railroads of this country. There are 38,000 sleeping , mail , passenger and express cars in use. Assist. Supt. D. F. McFarland of Hoi- yoke and Roadmaster T. A. Wilburn of Red Cloud were Western division head quarters visitors , Tuesday , on business of their respective offices. The switch engine got off the track in the yard here , last Saturday , and bucked around al a lively rate for awhile. The front foot-board suffered considerable damage and it was some time before the "goat" could be placed on the rails again. Supt. Campbell and wife and City Treasurer Zell and wife of Denver re turned home , Saturday on 5 , from the exposition , all but Mrs. Campbell con tinuing the journey on to Denver , from which point the superintendent returned on 2 , Wednesday morning , going on to Hastings. /Engine 1193 will be put on Burlington train No. 5. on November 7 , for a trial trip. This is one of the four engines built by the Burlington for passenger service between Lincoln and Creston. The engine has 20x26 cylinders , 200 pound boiler pressure , and is expected to do the work of two engines now in the service. President Perkins of the Burlington and party are over in the neighborhood of Ludell , Kansas , on a hunting expedi tion. The president is accompanied by his family and a small party. Their special train is composed of the Hannibal & St. Joe special car "Lycoming" , and Q special cars Nos. 100 and 200. They carry a baggage car in addition. No. 77 ran off the derailing switch at the B. & M. and U. P. crossing at Sand Creek , near Denver , Sunday afternoon , causing some damage and considerable delay to traffic. The engine and six or seven cars were thrown off the track. The wrecker was sent up from here in charge of Mose Carmony. Joe Slaby was in charge of the engine on 77. It was his second run. A Burlington train had just passed the crossing and the switch was set for an approaching U. P. train. No. 6 was delayed a number of hours. Just after the wreck had been cleared away , the switch engine from Denver ran into the way car attached to the wrecking train from here , badly smashing the car and shaking up those inside , Master Mechanic Archibald being among the number. The crew of the switch engine was discharged from the service for its carelessness in the matter , which was especially aggravating under the circumstances. All Eyes Turned to Lincoln. The Omaha exposition ban closed and all eycn are now turned toward Lincoln , tbe capital city , where the legislature will .soon meet. The itmtallation of new state oflicerw , the election of a United States senatorand other matters of much importance will inukt : Lincoln the center of atiite intcretittt and every Nebraskan will want to tead tbe old , reliable stand by , The State Journal , during the coin ing year. AH a special inducement to secuie new readers , The Semi-Weekly State Journal , printed every Tuefiday and Friday , will be mailed from now un til January i , lyoo , for $ t. This 5 a long time for the money and tbe riooner > on send your dollar the more papers you get. There isn't any other paper in Ne braska that gives .so much for tbe money , it is twice as good as the old-fashioned weekly. Try it. Address , The Statr Journal , Lincoln , Neb. Oh , that line of Gloves at the "Bee Hive. " A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Min ute Cough Cure , the best remedy for nil ages and for tbe most severe cases. We recommend it because it's good. A Me- MiUeu. Our 5c. and lOc. counters are well worth looking over. The Bee Hive. Tribune Clubbing : List. For convenience of readers of THE Tkin- UN'K , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicalb whereby we can supply them in combination with Tin : TKIHUNK at the following very low prices : I'OltLICATION. 1'RICK. Detroit Free Press . Si oo Si 50 Leslie's Weekly . 400 300 Prairie Farmer oo Chicago Inter-Ocean oo Cincinnati Enquirer. oo New-York Tribune oo Demorest's Magazine oo Toledo Blade oo Nebraska Farmer oo Iowa Homestead oo 75 Lincoln Journal oo 75 Campbell's Soil-Culture. oo 50 New-York World oo 65 Omaha Bee oo 50 Cosmopolitan Magazine. oo So St. Louis Republic I oo 175 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. You can find just what you need at the "Bee Hive. " Soothing , healing , cleansing. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable ene my of sores , burns and wounds. It never fails to cure piles. You may rely upon it. A. McMillen. Bisque Bolls , Rubber Dolls , Rag Dolls , Felt Dolls , Doll Heads , Bolls , Dolls , Dolls , at the "Bee Hive. " Few men in this country are better or more favorably known to the drug and medicine trade than Mr. E. J. Schall , buyer in the proprietary medicine de partment of the Meyer Bros. ' Drug Co. , St. Louis He says : "My boy came home from school with his hand badly lacerated and bleeding , and suffering great pain. I dressed the wound and ap plied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely ; all pain ceased , and in a remarkably short time , it healed without leaving a scar. For wounds , sprains , swellings and rheumatism , I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. I consider it a household necessity. " Sold by L. W. McConnell & Co. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .20 Wheat 45 Oats 20 Rye 36 Barley 20 Hogs 3.10 Eggs 15 Butter v. . . .20 Potatoes 40 THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly in advance. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup , bronchitis , pneu monia , grippe and all throat and lung diseases. A. McMillen. WANTED Reliable and experienced salesmen to handle a good line of lubri cating oils and greases on commission. Address , THE CUNTON OIL Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. Late to bed and early to rise , prepares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser , the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely certain cure for croup , such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your little oues are pro tected against emergency. A. McMillen. New dishes and novelties of all kinds at the "Bee Hive. " THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. Underwear , new goods , low prices , at the "Bee Hive. " McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. J -4- : In order to reduce our large stock of Dress Goods , we have marked down our already low prices. Now is the time to buy , Call and get a bargain n LADIES' Collarettes CBS are going fast. See our line before you i ® buy. New Gooods and Correct r wfl Styles at lower prices than you rP fa JjWfcJ will find elsewhere. . . . /1 % - UIN S&S CLOTHING r * - * ! We have special bargains in this line. dflg Call and see them. { & 3 5c We are better than ever prepared to r 2 supply your wants in Groceries. H m I'Mi Bring us your Orders. sag AT THE as it sag urga tore * * * PI S C7. L. DeGROFF & CO. J ? KW3S ia 3SH McConnell's Fragrant Lotion is a delightful preparation to apply to the skin after a bath. It is especially beneficial for a too red , rough skin , and in healing all kinds of facial eruptions ; excellent for heated and inflamed parts. It is a grateful and refreshing addi tion to the toilet , cooling , ton ing and beautifying. Fortifies against exposures to wind and produces a clear complexion. 2Bc. a bottle. L. W. McConnell & Co. Constipation prevents the boily from ridding itself of waste matter. DeVVitt's Little Jiarly Risers will remove the trou ble and cure sick head.iohe , biliousness , inactive liver and clear the complexion. Small , Mijiar-coated , don't I'i'tptr cause nausea. A. McMillen DeWitt's Little Early Risers , The famous little pills. "Many have said their children would have died of croup if Chamberlain's Con h Remedy had not been given , " write Kellain it Ourren , dnijjjists. Sia- view , Va. "People conufioin far and near to jet it and speak of it in the high est terms. " This is equally true of this reined- every community where it is known. liny a bottle at McConnell's drug store and test it for yourself. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of piles being cured by this , than all others com bined. A. McMillen. NEW AND STANDARD WORKS. T Religion History Biography Poetry Fiction V V L.W.MCCONNELL&CO. The 5-ounrr a cou h or cr > < i ' cured without harm to the j fferer. the better Lingering colds are dangerou * . Hack ing cough is di tres > ir.g Onr Mirute Cou h Cure quickly euro it Why Buf fer when such a cough cure : - within reach ? It is pleaaxu to the ta > : e. A. McMillen. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW of Lincoln Land Co. Ofncc Rear of First National b.uik. J. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is sf inteed to be tii > t-cla > s. We do AI ! k nu > Crown. Uridge anil Hate Work. L > r > . i re & llellamv. assistant- . McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL. Dr.V. . V. CAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. OlVice ami Ilo > jut : l over hirst National Kar OtVice hour > at re > uleiKV. 701 Msi > h.iH A'v l-eforc 0 .1. in. .uui alter o v > in .i e gixon in appi priiii . . Ml > > ANNS 1 1 v K\ll. E. E. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. . w . A General Bankins : Business ; jf\m I > HMI O > No ui.u \ \ : > h lo tran .ut \\illi 1'HK M 'Co. \ . 1'KU.i NK \\illici-ouo prompt . \ \ \ > \ < . . \i\-\\\\ \ \ . \\1vn lion. Sub'-vMiptionN uvi'uoo. ' lc " taken toi ad\otti cnicnt ! > aiu ! iob \ tk NOTICK TO I ANO OWNFKS. KOAP NO. ; ; o. To Almon 1C. Paxisjlanu-t M. lUxis llrotlieis. Uarbara SteveniJcoijje Maisl. * . W. Scott Katon. P. C. 1'nton and Marx 1 Johnston , and to all ulioinit may cvHCfin The Commission.1 ! appointed toUuto a io. .l commencing at s\\ ot so see ji. t M\ * S i > i. ranjje W.ni C5iant precinct. Kcdillov oo n\ \ tv , Nebraska , uuuniij : thence noith one nulo , then east one half mile , tlion noitli to th * - > ( sec. i ( > . all ol tox\nslup i.ian e , W.ha u- toiteil in favor of tlto lomtion tlietc ' ( a * t. > l lows , toit : I'ommoncing at tin * s\v cor ol tlie se ( matter of MV. i\ . thence n 14 mmv & > chains IS links , thence n 77 iS chains , thence n doc ' * > > > . ' ° 50 links , thence n | ( > lo > . JS mm. , e thence south ( > 7 deg. . * o mm . e is chahii . > > links , theiuo n 77 u'g.o ( o ne cor. ol said > 21 , tlionc'1 n i.j deg. . w So chains jo h ks. t , < the n\v coi. ol socs . all in township our ( i ( . n. range thirty ( > ) ) . \v ot the sixth prtitcipMl meridian , in Red Willow comity. Nel > n > k ; ami all objections theieto or claims Un dwm ajjes must be liled in the county cletk's office on or before noon of the Jlst day of I Vsetwlwi A. 1) . iSoS , or said road will be e it\hH iu > d without reference tlicieto. K. A. fiKttHN . 10-28 5ts. County Clctk. I