- DROPS CASTORIA 9-oo i Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought JSyegefablePreparationfor As similating iheToodandRegula- ling the Stomachs amlBoweis of Bears the Signature PiomotespiesttonCheeiful- 'fiessandEestContalns neither of Opmm Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. RcupcafOldllrSAltUELElTCSER. Pumpfan See j4lx.Scnna * JfocAtUcSafif- jtnistScrd * Jlpfcmant - Clarififd Sugar , . IVoalfiyrcsn Rarer. Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP Tac Simile Signature of . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY Ji' * f -IJ'w fiavo iho agency for the sale of ihe following lands , which * ) ty j „ ' WQ can offer at prices and upon terms as to payments ihai will be * 3 * 15 attractive to purchasers , inquire at this office. 3 ' , , , X- - CM/ . NO. S ' Nli , S j4 57s/ - / = \/4 29-1-30. 7122 > 'j > 4 ; f Ki ' 6ri'5 N'A SXV1 12-4-29. 35-1-28. - ; , > 'o 6-j36 SV\ ; + 6-i-i37. No. ' 7438 NE # 9-2-26. No. : : xxx N > < S\V # 137 No 69 9-N S\V 35-2-26. & j < TS I i pc * r r yrajs i s > N ATI O N A I eco Authorized Capital , $1OOOOO. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 j COO GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. - FOK - * = - Have a Greater Variety to Select From than Ever Before , and at Lower Prices , MEN'S SUITS $4.r5 and upward. CHILDREN'S SUITS $1.75 and upward. Overcoats , Ulsters , Mackintoshes , Underwear , Plain and Fancy Shirts , Wool and Cotton Hose. Denton's Sleeping : Garments. Everyone who has used these knows they are a luxury. I. T. BENJAMIN. Under Ganschow's Store. [ OFFICIAL BY AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , October 25th , 1898. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment ; present , Stephen Belles , Jas. A.Robinson and Henry Crabtree , commis sioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min utes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion board adjourned to meet October 26th , 1898. McCook , Nebraska , October 26th , 1898. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment ; present , Stephen Belles , Jas. A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , commis sioners , Harlow W. Keyes , county attorney and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following official bond examined and on mo tion approved : W. G. Higby , overseer road dis. 30. The proposition of C. II. Meeker for renting of county offices , was on motion re jected. Proposition of H. C. Rider for same purpose taken under advisement. On motion the affidavits of Henry Crabtree relating to personal tax were accepted as prayed for , and the same ordered placed on file. ROAD NO. 329. Petition of M. C. Stephens et al. asking for the location of a public road read and consid ered. The board find that all the requirements of law have been fully complied with , and on motion , petition is granted and road estab lished as follows : Commencing at the north west quarter of section one , township 2 , north lange 26 , running thence west on section line to northeast corner of section 3 , thence south on section line 156 rods to a stake , thence southeast 108 rods to a stake , thence south west 32 rods to a stake , thence west to a stake on section line between sections 2 and 3 , 28 rods north of the southwest corner section 2 , thence south on section line to the southwest corner of northwest quarter of section II , township I , north , range twenty-six (26) ( ) west 6th P. M. all m Red Willow county , Nebraska. " 35 Per acie was granted the claimants Mar tha E. and J. B. Cummings by reason of dam ages sustained by the location of the above road over , through and on tne northeast quar ter section 10 and the southeast quarter 3-1-26 , and clerk instructed to draw warrant on road district No. 42 , in payment of above damages. The following claims were audited and al lowed , and on motion clerk was directed to draw warrants on county general fund in pay ment thereof as lollows : J. Menard , mdse 19 30 J. Menard , hall for couit 19 50 Michael U'Leary , board jurors n oo J.J. Garrard , mraib for jurors i 30 J. C. Oakley , board for paupers 13 56 Bullard & Co. , coal 10 35 Mrs. V. E. llaydenboard paupers 6 25 \Vm. McCallum , mdse 49 co | ( J. C. Knux , board pauper 4 oo j C. II. Meekei , rent court house 5000 F. M. Kimmell , printing delinquent tax , list 482 30 \Vecklyl\eporter , supplies 14 25 R. A. Green , county clerk , recording roads and bonds 39 10 G. C. Boatman , impaneling jury etc 2 oo G.S.Hishop , certificates of appointment 34 50 II. W. Keyes , salary third quarter 200 oo I. M. Smith , services as court bailiff 14 oo j. R. Ned , attending district court 14 oo FEUS , SPATE VS. HUBER. G.C.Hoatman , C.D.C. , 5 33 J. R. Neel , sheriff. 10 25 J. M. Hell , witness 3 co Eugene I louchin , witness 2 oo Sarah J. 1 louchin , same 2 oo Geo.V. . Dillon , same 2 20 Maud I louchinsame 2 oo Olive Houchin , same 2 oo Hiram C. Rider , same 2 oo E. J.Yiicox , same 2 oo Albert lucker , same 4 oo C. I. Hall , same 400 Isaac Gruell , same 4 oo t Mrs Frank Harris , same 4 oo i J. E. Kelley , same 4 oo t Mrs. 11.11. Troth , same 4 oo Ed. Jordan , same 4 oo f FEKS.STA fh Vb. KUNCKU * . : G. C. Boatman , 13 58 I. M. Smith , Dep. sheriff S 50 Gottlieb Clemp , witness 2 70 John I lesterworth , same 2 So A. M. Caldwell , same 2 10 Oliver Thorgrimson , same 2 oo Henry Richardson , same 8 oo James Richardson , same 8 oo H. I. Peterson , same 5 30 A. Ellis , same 8 60 G. S. Bishop , county judge 7 ' 15 Ed. Jordan , constable S 60 Henry Richardson , witness 2 oo Jas. T. Richardson , same 2 oo Alex. M. Ellis , same 2 30 Gottlieb Klemp , same i 90 H. I. Peterson , same 2 30 FEES STATE VS. HUBER. G. C. Boatman 5 J. R. Neelsheriff S 6b J. M. Bell , witness 3 oo Hiram C. Rider , same 2 oo : Geo. W. Dillon , same 2 20 [ acob Steinmetz , same 210 E. J. Wilcox , same 2 oo > Albert lucker , same 4 oo " . . I. Ilall.same 4 oo Isaac Gruell , same 4 oo Mis. Frank Harris , same 400 I. E. Kelley , same 4 oo Mrs. H. II. Troth , same 4 eel f , l d. Jordan , same 4 oo [ \ . A.Green , same 4 oo Li. S. Bishop , county judge 6 50 Ed. Jordan , constable 2 95 [ \ . A. Green , witness I 10 .I.Hall , same I 10 ( \lbert lucker , same I 10 [ saac Giuell , same I 10 Mrs. Frank Harris , same I to 3. S. Bishop , county judge 6 75 id. Jordan , constable 3 85 VI artin Yager , witness I 10 ( Vlbert lucker , same I 10 ; Mrs. Frank Harris , same I 10 FEhb , STATE VS. KUMMER. 3. C. Boatman , c. d. c. , ' 2 93 11.11. Berry , j p . 4 15 d. Jordan , constable 3 65 j. C. Boatman , fees , State vs. Sullivan. 2 93 .lenry Crabtree , services as commVn'r 21 70 as. Robinson , same 27 20 Stephen Belles , same 24 30 JURORS. oseph Dodge 3 40 Jtto 1'uelz 14 co Geo. Nicholson 10 10 . B. Cummings 11 40 1. II. Mitchell 12 20 S. H. Stilgebpuer 12 50 . T. Benjamin 2 oo William Porter 2 10 as. McCIung , Jr 3 40 ohn Girens II 50 William Wight 4 50 \lbert Weeks 5 80 Gus Budig 8 oo Kripps 13 So [ Melvin 1 lolmes 8 oo A. Brinton 10 30 , II.Taylor 10 90 Xich Mann ' . 14 oo J.W.Dillon 12 201 like llogan 10 oo 1. B. Leopold 13 oo Geo.Smith 12 Co amcs Boatman 12 oo . C. Marsh 12 oo V.S. Fitch 12 30 D. G. Divine 10 50 Horton 10 oo D. W. Colson 6 oo d. Hendricks 10 oo ' "red Beardsley 6 oo TALESMAN. i O. L. Thompson 6 oo 1.1. Peterson 6 oo .ee Williams 6 oo Addison Miller 6 oo And on county road fund levy of 1898 , as follows : Henry Carothers , road tax refunded . . 211 A. Hammond , com II 30 A. Barber , surveyor. i . 900 Grant Rogers , chainman. * ' 2 ° ° ' P. J. Bastian , appraiser 3 30 \V. A. Minniear , same 3 30 S. VV. Stilgebouer , same 3 30 S. Belles , money advanced on scrapers and frt nc 68 And on county bridge fund levy of 1898 , as follows : M. M. Weaver , bridge work 6 50 S. S. Graham , same 200 J. G. Ervin , same 2 oo L. A. Mansur , same i 50 Geo. Younger , same 4 50 Geo. C. Hill , lumber 117 91 Bullard & Co. , same 79 14 On motion board adjourned to meet Novem ber iSth , 1898. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. Tribune Clubbfinf ? List. For convenience of readers of THE TRIB UNE , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. Detroit Free Press . Si oo Si 50 Leslie's Weekly . 4 co 3 oo Prairie Fanner . I oo 125 Chicago Inter-Ocean . I oo 135 Cincinnati Enquirer. . I oo i 50 New-York Tribune . I oo i 25 Demorest's Magazine . I oo I 75 Toledo Blade . I oo 125 Nebraska Farmer . i oo 165 Iowa I lomestead . I oo i 75 Lincoln Journal . i oo 1 75 Campbell's Soil-Culture . i oo 150 New- York World . I oo I 65 Omaha Bee . i oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magzine . I oo I So St. Louis Republic . I oo i 75 We are prepared to fill orders for anv other papers published , at reduced rate ? . THE TRiBUNt , McCook , Neb. Une Minute Couyh Ctue burprises people ple liy its quick cures and childten may j take it in large quantities without the | least claiifjer It hns'v.'on for itself the best reputation of any pieparation used today for colds , croup , tickling- the throat or obstinate coughs. A. McMil- len. THK TRIUUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50a year , strictly in advance. WANTED Reliable and experienced salesmen to handle a yood line of lubri cating oils and greases on commission. Address. THK CLINTON OIL Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. Mote than twenty million free sam ples of De Witt's Wifh Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want ? It cures piles burns , scalds and sores in the shortest space of time. A. McMillen. K TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a 3'ear , strictly in idvance. "I can't see how any family lives with out Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remed- , " says J R.Adams , \ well known druggist of Geneva , Ala. , \ \ a letter inquiring the price of a do en jetties , that he might not only have it "or use in his own family but supply it to iis neighbors The reason some people jet along without it , is because they do lot know its value , and what a vast imount of suffering it will save. Wher- : ver it becomes known and used , it is ecoguized as a necesbit- , for it is the > nly remedy that can always be depend d ed upon for howfl complaints , both for : hiklren and adults. For sale by L. W. VIcConnell & Co. New dishes and novelties of all dnds at the "Bee Hive. " Truth wears uell. People have learn- d that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are eliable little pills for regulating the owels , curing constipation and sick leadache. They don't gripe. A. McMil- eu. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade or $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. Few men in this country are better or nore favorably known to the drug and neciicine trade than Mr. E. J. Schall , myer in the proprietary medicine de- lartuient of the Meyer Bros.'Drug Co. , it. Louis He says : "Hy boy came iome from school with his hand badly icerated and bleeding , and suffering real pain. I dressed the wound and ap- ilied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely ; 1) . 11 pain ceased , and in a remarkably fc hort lime , it healed without leaving a incl cl car. For 'wounds , sprain ? , swellings fc nd rheumatism , I know of no medicine r prescription equal to it. I consider it household necessity. " Sold by L. W. IcConnell ic Co ° j ai A stubborn cough or tickling in the aiR hroiit yields to One Minute Cough Cure , Jc larmiers in effect , touches the right pot and just what is wanted. It acts at O uce. A. Mc-Millen. A JeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , R PJeu.sant , Quick 'Results. ' Sale to take. A e 5O YEARS' th EXPERIENCE tli tlid d ; to i todt dt dtal al alT atbt TRADE MARKS es DESIGNS ec : COPYRIGHTS &c. iS Anyone sending a sketch and description may in ulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably itcntablo. Communlcn- in tlons strictly confidential. Hondbookon Patents to sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents , Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ca special notice , without charge , In the be Scientific Bnerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J rcest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms , * 3 a year ; four months , ? L Sold byall newsdealers. MUNN &Co.3BIBroadNew York Branch Offlco. 625 F SU Washington , D. C. f r * Less than One Cent a Bushel Think of it fj Made with 10 Galvanized Steel Wire Cables ? around each Crib interwoved with fg = inch v v I Pickets , space ij inches apart , v r v v v A Crib of 500 bushels capacity , 13 1-2 feet in diameter , 8 feet high and S rods long1 , for $3.75. Cheap , Convenient and Practical. ' Can be put up in 55 minutes. For saie by W , G. BULLARD & CO. , McCOOK , NEB. You invite flisappointuient when you xperiinent. DeWitt's Little Early Ris- : rs are pleasant , easy , thorough little ) ills. They cure constipation and sick leadache just as sure as you take them. V. McMillen. 0. L EVERIST & CO. , I'ROPRIETOKb OF THE VlcCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. } 5irDOiiIy furniture vim in the it } * . Office oue block north of 3aruett Lumber Yard. Leave or- lers for bus calls at Commercial lotel ; orcleis for drayiug1 at Ev- rist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Jatisfaction guaranteed. F. D. BUKGESS , McCQOK , NEBR. Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Wmdmilis. Basementof the Meeker- Phillips building. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , Septem- sr 17 , iSoS. Notice is hereby given that the > llo\ving-named settler has filed notice of her itention to make final proof in support of her aim , and that said proof will be made be- ire register or receiver at McCook. Neb. on aturday , October 29 , 1898" , viz : II. K. NTo. ) gi , Mrs. Anna M. Ward , for the SV > 4 of E ' , ' of Section 7. and NV J4' of N E % of ection iS , Township 4 north , Range 30 west F the 6th P.M. She names the following wit- ssses to prove her continuous residence upon id cultivation of , said land , viz : James yan , Thomas F. Ryan. John N. Smith and > sepli Hunter , all of McCook , Nebraska. 6-2-5-ot F. M. RATHBUN , Register. RDER OK HKARINC ox ORIGINAL PROIJATE OFVn i. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss. t a County Court held at the County Court ooin , m and for s.iid County. October 20th , . D. , iSgS. Present , G. S. Uishop , County tdge. In the matter of the estate of Mary olfer , deceased. On reading and filjng LC petition of Moses Colfer , praying iat the Instrument , filed on the 20th ly of October , ityS. and purporting be the last Will ami Testament of the said ; ceased , may be prov e I , approv ed. probated , llowed , and recorded as the last Will and estament of the said Mary Golfer , deceased , id that the execution of said instrument may ; committed and the administration of said itate may be granted to Moses Golfer as ex- utor. Ordered , that November I2th. A. D. , IgS , at 10 o'clock a. m. , is assigned for hear- g said petition , when all persons interested said matter may appear at a County Court be held in and for said county , and show iuse why the prayer of petitioner should not : granted ; and that notice of the pendency said petition and the hearing thereof , be ven to all persons interested in said matter ' publishing a copy of this order in Tiir. Mc- DOK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper printed said county.for three successive weeksprior said dav of hearing. G. S. BISHOP. EAL.J ( A true copy. ) County Judge. T7e have the highest regard for the : T" t.jul profession. Our preparations : ire not sold for the purpc > s of amagon- ! .n ; ; them , but rather as an aid. We i iy it clown as an establislied truth that tstRrnal remedies are positively injuri- ; . s i expectant mothers. Tbcdistress . . .J L. ; , . . > mforts experienced dunng the r.iontns preceding childbirth can be al- ; -vlated only by external treatment by i" 1yin ; ; c. hnirnent that softens and re- . . > . = ; the over-htraiued muscles We cike and sell such a liniment , corn icing the ingredients in a manner : : herto unknown , and call it \Ve kno'.r that in thousands of cases it lias proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers. It overcomes morn- irc sickness. It relieves the sense of t. htness. Headaches cease , and da i- r from Swollen , Hard and Rising I r.sts is avoided. Labor itself is shortened and shorn of most of the pain. We know that many doctors recom mend it , and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug stores and buy it because rhey are sure their physicians have no objections. "We ask a trial just a fair test. There is no possible chance of injury being the result , be cause Mother's Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $ i a bot- ile. and should be used during most of iustrated book about Slother's Friend. THE : BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , QA. Frazer Axis Grease Not affected by Heat or Cold. FRAZER LUBRICATOR Co. , Factories : Chdago , SL LouFj , New York. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That Is what It w Bade lor.