WIseMs the famous man who doesn't overwork his popularity. To Cure -uoasnpaoon forever * .Take Cawsarcts Candy Cathartla. lOo or 23a -a.jGlO. fall to cure. druggisU refund monty The cleaner the culture the better the crop. If ! t was only health , we might let it cling. But it is a ccugh. One cold no sooner passes of ? before another comes. But it's the same old cough all the time. And it's the same ] old story , too. There is first the cold , then the cough , then pneu monia or consumption with the long sickness , and life tremb ling in the balance. loosens the grasp of your cough. The congestion of the throat and lungs is removed ; all in flammation is subdued ; the parts are put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. It has no diseased tissues on which to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out inflammation of the lungs. Advfco Fees * Kenjcinber we hava a1 Medical Depart ment. I f you lia > o uy complaint - whatever ever and dcilro tlio belt inimical advice can possibly obtain , -write the Sou fn-ely. You -will receive- * prompt reply , without coat. IddroH , DR. J. C. AYER. Lowell , Mas > . $2 WORTH MUSIC FOR 10 CIS Fora short time wewill send TWO DOL LARS' WORTH OF MUSIC FOR 10 CTS. post-paid to any nddrms upon receipt of prico. We lose money on every order , but doit to advertise ourselves. Send at once , stating whether you want Vocal , Instru mental , or both. | , VAWMAN & HEISI.EIX , Rochester , N. Y. ' ( Timeinay bo a success ns-aT/ound- hsaler , but It seldom removes the scars. Our Treatment of 'Ppnnlih Cnptliet. Never before in hlctory was there a case where a defeated and captive ene my received such generous treatment as we gave the Spaniards. Equally as tonishing are the cures brought about by Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Nev er has there been so successful a niedl- cine for stomach and liver disorders like dyspepsia , indigestion , biliousness and constipation. The present is the child of the past and the father of the futura Beauty la TUooa Deep. Clean blood means a clean nkin. No beauty without It. CftEcttrotsCandy Cntbnr- tic cleans your hlooci and keeps it clean , by stirring tip the lazy liver and driving nil im purities from the" body. Begin to-day to banish pimples , boils , blotchoBbIackheads , and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Concarets , btiauty lor ten cents. All drug- , patisfnction guarautend. iOc , 253 , EOc. The Roman penny was valued at about 15 cents. DEAR EDrron : If you tenow or n solicitor or canvasser In your city or elsewhere , especially n man who has solicited for subscriptions. Insurance , nursery stock , books or tailoring , or n mun who can sell goods , you will confer a favor by telling him to correspond with us ; or if you will Insert this notice in your paper and such parties will cut this notice out and mall to us , wo mny bo able to furnish them a good position in their own and adjoining counties. Address , AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS CO. . Chicago. Mulching with tobacco stems will keep away the currant worms. Mrs. "WinsiowH Booming : syrnp For children teotlilnfj.toftenn the jrunibreaureftinflam- maUou , allays pain , cured\7lndcolic. S centsa bottle. Swine will destroy the white grub in the strawberry beds. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Toke Luxatlvo Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. The courting of an heiress is a busi ness suit , 'but the courting of a flirt Is merely a masquerade suit. Piso's Cure for Consumotion Is our only medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. C. Bo.ts , 439 8th Ave. , Denver , Col , Nov. 8 , ' 95. Don't forget that man's chief end is th" one with the head on. Coe's Cougli Tlalaam FB the oldest and best. It will break up a cold anlcker thuu anything else. It Is always reliable. Iry It. Don't expect 10 meet a self-made man who is not proud of his job. IIotrail and the Philippines. Send four cents ( In stamps ) for an Illustrated booklet issued by the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway , the direct route across the American Continent to the New Trans-Paclflc possessions of the JUnlted States. Full of latest reliable Information and val uable for reference. Can be used as a : ext book In school. Address Geo. H. Hcafford , Gen'l Pass , and Ticket Agent , Chicago , 111. Don't think because you think you can sing that others think so. BAD , WORSE , WORST Can , without delay or trifling , be cured promptly by the "RFTTFR RF T REMEDY f XJJZ. 1 X JCOV I3JCO J. ' j'Qj PAIN I t r C C I C I C C d t 0 0s : WANTED Cwe of Baa Heaim tliat IM-P-A-N-S DISCOVERY trill not benefit. Send 5 cents to Rlpans Chemical HEW : i Co. , raw Tork.fcr 10 macles and 1JOOO testimonial ! . _ _ _ _ qnielc relief and cures wont ' cores. Send for book of testimonials and 10 days' treatmontFreo. Dr. u.H.oniK.vssoss. lUuu , < J . Wanted3957 jilftced since May. 'Union Teacher * ' Agenclet , Wathlngton , D. C. , T St. Lonit , Mo. W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 43-1898 , HI Artificial Laket'on Farm * . We have noticed In some parts of Ill inois a number of small artificial lakes constructed In the pastures where the cell Is suitable. Recently we saw not less than half a dozen of these on a single large farm. So far as we could sec they supplied the only water avail able for the stock , and the latter not only drank the water but bathed In it. There was no outlet , and the supply was gathered mostly from the rains. The result of such conditions Is that the water becomes stagnant and foul. Water weeds and .water life multiply rapidly and the possibilities of disease are greatly increased. It would bo better to build fewer artificial ponds and have them more sanitary in con-- structlon. The desideratum Is to produce a pond In which there will be a current of water. In such farms as we refer to It will be found Impossible to pro duce such ponds without going outside of the natural resources of the pasture. In many townships there are no brooks that run throughout the year. The de pendence In such cases must be placed in a wind-mill , and this Is the reason why fewer and better ponds should be constructed. A wind-mill will not give much of a stream , It Is true , but It will bo enough to prevent the water from becoming entirely stagnant. It will take some study to make the water run through the -whole pond , but this can be accomplished by placing obstructions In the way of the current , continually deflecting it. Where there are low swales It will not require milch of a lift to get the water to the top of the ground. This will Increase the amount of water that can be pumped. If gravel and sand be near and plenti ful , It might be advisable to use some of It for the bottom and sldej , as that would probably have some influence on keeping down the growth of slime in the ponds. It would be also well to suggest that { he hogs be not allowed to divide the possession of this pond with the other stock. The hogs seem to do more than any other animals to keep such places in an unwholesome state. . . Preparing Ground for Tobacco. There are many good people that do not like tobacco and think it should not be raised. Yet we are forced to confess that the growing of _ tobacco seems to be on the Increase and to be coming more Into prominence every year as an agricultural crop. The zone bf its influence seems to be enlarging In an agricultural sense. Parts of the country that were formerly regarded as unfitted for the growing of this [ ) lant are coming into prominence as tobacco growing regions. The tobacco plant holds a unique place in our agri culture. We cannot look upon it either as a food or ornamental plant. tn itself it is a poisonous weed. It was formerly thought that tobacco growing greatly exhausted the ground , but un der proper methods this is believed now not to be the case. Growers of tobacco say that the cul ture of the soil should begin a long time before the culture of the plant , to get the best results. The land should be thoroughly plowed and harrowed in the fall. Stable manure should be Used in large quantities , and some fol low the practice of cutting It on the ground before the plowing Is done. Others put it on- after the field Is plow ed and harrow it in. At least this should be done in the fall to give the manure time to decay , as the tobacco plant grows so rapidly that there Is no time for manure to undergo chem ical changes after the seed has sent out the shoot. It is advised to avoid the use of manures too heavily nitro genous , and to use considerable pot ash. The ground should be well har rowed , and there are growers that as sert that a tobacco field cannot be har rowed too much. After the plants are on the ground cultivation should be frequent and thorough. Trick of German Stockmen. The following paragraph is clipped from the London News : The enterprising German merchants have lately begun to run the proverbial carriage and six through the Contagious Disease Act and regulations of the agricultural de partment. Under the regulations based on that act , the prohibition of the im portation of cattle from Germany is strictly enforced. A method of evad ing the requirements of the act has , Jiowever , been discovered , and Is now Jn operation. The German merchants phip cattle on steamers , and send with them butchers , who kill the beasts during the passage and have the car casses all dressed for market by the time the vessel arrives at the English port. This week a supply of fresh German meat thus prepared -was land- id in the Tees and at once sent off to the Manchester market. Crushed Oats , Cut Hay and Straw are Better than Whole Oats and Hay. The London General Omnibus Com pany have recently completed an In teresting experiment with their horses. They divided them off for the purpose of testing the effects of two systems of diet The first section were given daily 16 pounds of crushed oats , 7 % pounds of cut hay and 2 % pounds of cut straw. The other section had 19 pounds of whole oats and 13 pounds of uncut hay. It was found that the condition of the animals under No. 1 diet had decidedly improved , while at the same time a saving was effected of 2d per horse a day. The whole stud is accordingly now placed on the first-named dietary. Tree Borers. For borers near the ollar of fruit trees the use of various [ alkaline washes is desirable , as they I keep the bark smooth and the eggs are not likely to be deposited. The ad- lltlon of parls green , lime , sulphur ind carbolic acid Is recommended by some orchardista. A scientist has discovered that .thirst drives 99 per cent of mankind to drlnli. Science is a wonderful thing. Dcafneia Cannot Da Cored by local applications as they cannot reach the diBeahOd portion of tue car. There Is only on way to cure deafness , and that Is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hcar- Inp. and when It IK entirely closed deafness Is the result , and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will be deotroyed forever ; nine canes out of ten are caused by catarrh , which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. .Send for circulars , frco. & ft Sold by Drupgists. 76c. Hall's Family Pills arc the best Don't acquire a reputation for truth fulness by speaking ill of yourself. y. A. U. WTMAV , Ex-Transnrer of the United States and no\v President of the Omaha Loan and Trust Co. . one of the largest negotiators of Western Mortgages , writes : "To Whom This Comes , Greeting : I take pleasure in recommending the vir tues of the remedies prepared by the Ur. B. J. Kay Medical Co. Having known of BOino remarkable qures of Omaha people affected by the use of Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Stay's Lung Balm , I believe that these great remedies are worthy of the con fidence of the public. " Thousands of the most prominent people in America know that the above are facts , and no remedies have affected so large a percent of cures. Send for our large illustrated book. It has great value , but will be sent free. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. , Saratoga Springs , N. Y. , and Omaha , Keb. Careful transplanting insures rapid growth. Don't Tobacco Spit ana maxeTJur Lite Away. To quit tobacco cislly and forever , bo mag netic , full of life , ntrve , and vigor , take No-To- Bnc , the wonder-wcrker. that makes weak men strong. All druggists , 50c or 31. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Stjrling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New York. Don't pick quarrels before they are ripe. .HAPPY MOTHERS AND HEALTHY CHILDEEN. Lydla R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Goes Straight to ttib Oauso of All Female Troubles and Assures a Healthy Maternity. Mrs. M. SIKOER , 104 Hudson Avc. , Rochester , N. Y. , Tvritcs to Mrs. Pinhham as follows : " When I applied to you for advice I had been suffering some years from don * - nxrrm sno { : nf < * T } < nil Tin.fl Kf'Vfml in n 1111 > ! iill nm llt iT aa MBnKHMBB miscarriages and was pregnant when I wrote to you. " I ain grateful to say that after talcing three bottles of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I was considerably better , and after using three more it brought me where I am to-day. I am well , and the mother of a thrce- months' old bab } ' . " Doctors had failed to help me. I have no one to thank but Mrs. Pinkhuzn and her won derful remedy. " Mrs. ELUL DUNCAN , Boeder's Mills , . Iowa , writes : ' "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I thanlcyou forwhat 3'our medicine and advice have done for me. " I have a baby two months old. "When he was born I was sick only fifteen minutes , whereas with my other children I was sick for two or threw days , and also suffered with my left leg , and could get nothing to relieve the pain but morphine. My leg did not trouble me at all this time. I had no after pains and was not as weak as I Lad been before. * 'I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound too highly. May God bless you in your noble work. " Mrs. J. W. PRUETT , Mcdford , Oregon , says : " My health , also the baby's , we owe to Lydia E. PinJcham's Vegetable Compound. " e © @ © "THOSE who subscribe at once for the 1899 volume will receive Free all the November and December issues from the time of subscription to January i , 1899 , includ ing the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers. Among the many famous contributors to these issues will be . . . . Nov. loth issue. " The Burning of the Sarah Sands. ' The story of a hero. Dec. ist Issue. "The Water W. B ) . Howells & melon Patch. " A story of fruit- lovm boys. Dec. aad issue. " Incidents in a Lillian Nordica Singer's Xrlfe. " An American RUDYARD KIPLING. priir-a donna's trials anil'triumphs. . THE volume for 1899 will be the best THE COMPANION has ever published. Each of the 52 weekly issues will 1 contain half a dozen delightful stories , besides articles of rare interest. Famous soldiers , sailors , statesmen- , . scholars and story-writers will give their best work to readers of THE COA\PANION. NKW SUUSCKIBEKS who will cut out and send tills slip , with name anil address and S1.73at oiiee.will receive THE COMPANION every week from the lirst November Issue until January , 1800 , 50-CENT - including : FREE All the November and December issues of 182S , inclusive of the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers. CALENDAR FREE 3TIIEE The exquisite Companion Calendar for 1593. richer and costlier than any of the famous Companion Calendars of former years. Designed and lithographed in twelve colors exclusively for TUB COMPANION. A charming ornament for the home. TO NEW AND THE COMPANION for the 62 weeks of 1SW a library in Itself. SUBSCRIBERS. Illustrated Announcement and Sample Copies Free. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , - - 201 Columbus Avenue , BOSTON , MASS. The new lignt from Acetylene , made from Calcium Carbide ( or lime , coke and water ) is a recent discovery , and when the gas is made in a "Monarch" Generator the light is as bright as the sun and nearly as cheap. It should be in every store , hotel and home in the land. This "MInarch" Generator is sold by Schlieder M'f'g Co. , Omaha. Nebr. If you are interested , write them. 3o-To-Bac Tor STirty Cents Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , mak men strong , olood pure. " "V * Jl. All druggist ! I Don't think because an aching tooth is little that it isn't nervy. I Try Gram = 0 ! 1 | TryQrafn = 0 ! Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon O a package of GR AIN-O , the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. j ; The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All -who try it , like it. * GRAIN'-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , O but it is made from pure grams , and $ the most delicate siomach receives it v without distress. the price of coCee. < . 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like Coffee Looks like Coffee Insist that yonr grocer gives yon GRAIN-0 Accept no imitation. $50OOO Stock of all irrades of Furniture recently bought at the very lowest cash price will be of fered during1 the next ievr months at special prices. Customers visiting Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here , and wo will make erory effort to pleasa both in goods and prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co. , FURNITURE , J2OG Douglas St , Omaha. Next to Millard Hotal. HOT * To i tlfy onnelres an to whether thU uVf-rtlsement It read we will make a dUcount of per cflot on the parcbnnc or any ou toraerwha trill tell us they were directed to us by It and thai they will recommend UK to their friends If tb guudi they buy arc & uifatorr. to Ladies : We civs Tradlna Dr. Kay's Lung Ealni and throat disease cold. ? Mrs. JOUN "W. LONG , Wyoming. Iowa , writes : " I had shooting1 pains all over my body , was very weak and nervous. I could not straighten up. I wished to become a mother but was afraid 1 never could. Seventesn months ago I got some of your Vegetable Compound , and after taking half a bottle was much re lieved. I took four bottles and was cured. Now I have a big ; baby boy which I feel I owe to your Compound. Many thanks for your kind advice. " A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham's Advlceand Medicine TVe make nne Surreys , BuRKles , Phaetons and Kuad'WaRoni. | Kan s City Wire- Ourgoodshave been jnvorably known to the trade fur > e8 . | „ , „ , , nd OBte , TVe now BtH direct to the u r at Wholnale Friers. The Shrewd ] j os Wftt buyer prefers to deal with the factory. lie geia of us f rr work nt less price than scents ask for low grade vehicles. AVe ship anywhere , subject to examination. WE DHLlVKlt en board cars Kansas Clty.Mo. , or Gcsben , Ind. , as m y suit purchaser. Send for catclojtce with prices plainly printed. irs FREK. Write today. We soil Sewing Machines and tec C03I1ES lUCYCLK aa well. All atWhole alel'rlcet. ALL GOOD. Ko matter vliere you live , yon are not too far away to do Imstneet with us and Pave money. .Address. EDWARD TV. WAL.KEB CAKItlAtJE CO. . GOSHE2T. IN &Bfi ' ' * l ' * iiKyK > ' i SS iffisSl ? s'J ? ? * ' 5 * J ? j [ n > * c B * ftiifw $ f * iJrwf ? < F > $ slfc v w i SiweiSSSSFjiJ. . ! * ! K nijflnEBiyCCn Tfl PJIBST CTery kind ot Cough , Cold , La-Grippe , Sj UUnltMSf 1 LLU lU UUrlU Jloniecneas , Influenza. Catnrrb , nii'l all ! lungnmltlivoiittioublu ? . Semi lor vroofolit. It does not eici.cn or disagree K with the etomach. Sale for all agca. 1J 0 ? ! l T , Write u , pivlnjj nil symptoms plainly and our Physician will give FREK ADVICE , u CS-pace hook of fe'olil hy Druggists or sent by mall , recipes and a IfREi : SAMPLE. Price , 1O cents and 25 cent * . Address Dr.B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( WesternOffice ) Omaha , Neb. "DIRT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY. " BE WISE IN TIME AND USS. AS IF BY R3AG1G. EVERY MAH AND WOKlAIi SHOULD READ. Lives of suffering and misery from this repulsive disease turned into health and happi ness through the use of After vears of special study and practice In diseases of the Mucus Membrane , and espe cially of catarrhul troubles , we have nt last developed a treatment thut will positively anu permanently cure Catarrhal DUcascs-in whatever form thev may bo. After fully demon strating the merits of this treatment in a private pructicc of over five yt-ars. ami sncce s- fully treating and curing the most obstimite cu&cs. wtCliallente tlievVorlil for a cue of Catarrh , or Catarrhul Disease our CATARRH EXPELLANT will not cure. DeafnegH , resulting from Catarrh , quickly cured I < oiB of Senne of Smell and Tnitto quickly restored. All repulsive symptoms peculiar to Ckturrlml troubles , as fonl breath , nasal discharge * } Hacking , Con tiing. and Spitting , relieved at once. Cutarrhpl Affections of Stomach. Liver or Kidneys , cans'ng Indigestion. Sick Stomach , Nausea.VcaknoHn , Depression. I.osi of Ambition and Kiiergy. arc quickly cured. Most of the weakness of men and women is caused by Citarrhnl dfeonses. The poisonous- discharges find their way to the stomach and into the blood , and distributed thmughouft the entire system , affecting the Vital and J-lfo forces and causing thnte Orgnnlc and Nervous Weaknesses so dreaded by every man and woman These weaknesses are cured t > y CATARRH EXPELLANT and pcrftcs health and strength fully restored. Over five hundred testimonials In pruise of this treatment re ceived since January 1 , 1697. If you have Catarrh or any Catarrhal Will cure you Just as sure as water will quench thirst , Wrlto to-dnv for testimonials valuable instructive puperon tne : > 6 diseases. SENT l.'KEE. Address THE C. H. RICHARDS CO. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. CURES WHERE AIL Best Congh Syrup. Tastes O od. Tae In time. Bold by dmsr n = u < . KaVS Guaranteed- n.j tocurc dyspep sia. constipation , liver anahldnoydiseaset.bfi- iiousiiess. headache , etc. At drucclsts 25c & SL , FAIRBANKS SCALES , - * - * *