- t -t u/K-r The Kind You Have Always Bought , and which has been in use for over 30 years , has borne the signature of , and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits , Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUSNE TOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bought in Use For Over 3O Years. . . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. 1ARGAINS. * We have the agency for the sale of the following lands , which we can offer at prices and upon isrms as to payments that \vill be attractive to purchasers. Inquire at this office. No 5S7N,1SV # 29-1-30. No. 7122 S > j = SE 4 3 No. 6005 NWtf S\V % 12-4-29. 35-I-2S. No. 6036 S\V # 6-1-37. No. 743S-NEX 9-2-26. I No. 6538 SW # 21-3-25 No xxxx- SW/ No. 6949-N SW 35-2-26. vy V lWEiW V Wli "iW Wi iVEs\fi ( ! i ! ! El e-i I M I yi l l ; l ! i i Slo ] | i/y\x/ ! coo I Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $ .60,000 j G 0. HOCKNELL , President B. M. FREES , V. Pros. jW [ { W. F. LAV/SON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. Have a Greater Variety to Select From than Ever Before , and at Lower Prices. % \ \ \ MEN'S SUITS $4.T5 and upward. CHILDREN'S SUITS $ l.rs and upward. Overcoats , Ulsters , Mackintoshes , Underwear , Plain and Fancy Shirts , Wool and Cotton Hose. Demon's Sleeping Garments. Everyone who has used these knows they are a luxury. I. T. BENJAMIN. Under Ganschow's Store. AN ANCIENT CHESS KINO. Eaplj some rajah first la ( bo stpw Amid hi * languul l-idK tfttpnra ] Whilu a btock mehlioraltt. M Sane hi.- * ono wtfo KmjV | VUOOIM | < > Haply thou utav t kiw p5 sj > cJ Old John j AQIOMI ; hU jw.Sunwtw a f | | r f ll ; [ Bo eat in tout , grave tH > pWr\U al ki on. on.do t ihou Intro1 ! * k.r nutter * aurv ilr hi-art is mil itl ruib Mi > i tnr tHic tote ! At : > itht of thf. ' , O king , ikal ktl t OutL-u-lins tluHr > . nmi t < 4b i ol | ThruuKh ctoiul kaa s4iu o ) Aud uiurtnun uf tb linti : MMi > n > M luw * * ( A SAD NMGHT. " Cnrljlr- nut ! Lelirlt Hunt UU- ferrtl Un Vtxtul ihr j Leigh Hutu ami Cnrlylo wn oac * i present at u sitinlt pntty of equally \vl ! 1 known niitii It tiupp uctl ibul ihu cot- ! voisatioii rtfetvtlvith thu two , and ih * others sivt. well plutiM * ! tu l > ! * u , Lticfe ; I Hunt talked on in his bright ami 1 ful way , when Curlylo would thof * i heavy tree trunk nt-zues his stream nud bauk it up with pliiix ! * | fcte- , al doubts mid objections at fvwry iut r- ! val , but Huut never ctftuvd his' joy * ' uuticipatious nor ssuuniitiw Cttrly ) bis intinite denuus. Tht lt > tentin > laujh d and applauded by turns , and uotv faiily pitted thoui u uiu.it i-uch oilier : i tin * ' philoiopliers of hope ( jiK j and uubop - fuluoss. Tht > content uoutinutnl with ' ready wit , philosophy , plousnutry ami , profundity and uxtoi ivo knowledge af | books and clmractor. ' The opponents were so well matched that it was qino clear that the cotitoet i would last uidetinituly , bit mtjht WH far advaucwl , and the i rty now broke up. They all sallied forth , and. luHviti the close room , the cuudl&s aud thi * ar guments behind thorn , found themselves under a most brilliant and starlight.-ky They looked up. Carlyle can have no answer to this , thought Huut. aud shouted : "There ! Look at that glorious harujouy that fciims with inlinito voices an eternal -oug oi hope in the &OD ! of ' luau ! " Carlyle looked up. They oil remained silent to hear what ho wousd say. They I , began to think he was silenced at la > t. L I but out of the sih-uce came a fe\v low \ ' toned words iu a braid Scotch accent f "Eh , it's a sad night J" b ' They all laughed and then looked ' f < .thoughtful. Theio might be some reason ' ' for sadness , too that brilliant firma- ' meut perhaps contained iutiiiite worlds , i j each lull of struggling and suffering beings. ' i ' Unreeosnlzed. t ! Perhaps when one makes thatconver- sational blunder which is known as a i | "break" it is best to say nothing whatever - , ever about it. Extenuatiou only reu- 1 ders n bad matter worse. 1 i Not long ago a lady was visiting the studio of a portrait painter and trying 1 ! to make herself as agreeable as possible i iu return for n welcome and afternoon tea. She enjoyed the pictures , although iu each case they seemed to her much ! idealized , and she went from one to au- I other , civilly expressing her approba tion. tion."Ah "Ah , " she ? aid to her hostess , "you must tell mo all about them ! Who is this : " "Mrs. Lorraine. " "I don't know her ; charming , but of course I can't speak for the likeness. " "I try to bo faithful , " said the artist humbly. "Oh , I know ! I know ! And who is the very pretty lady in brown ? " "That , " said the other , with some frigidity , "is myself ! " Youth's Com panion. Jlelotv Dcckn During n. The position of the men below decks on a modern vessel of war , they being isolated by the watertight hatches and doors , has been frequently commented upon , but their position is not always so hard as has been supposed. On the Brooklyn , during the fight before San tiago , Admiral Schley sent orderlies among tbo men behind casemates and below decks telling them the effects of the shots and how the fight was going. When the chase of the Colon began , the orderlies went down to the stoke holes and engine room and told the men there that the race had begun and ev erything depended upon them. The wis dom of the action was partly shown in the outcome. Argonaut. People of Stone "The stone age" is not , properly speaking , an expression of time. It re fers to a stage in civilization which passed long ago in Europe and Asia , but still lingers in some out of the way corners of the world. A report of La Plata museum iu Paraguay describes the Qnayoquis , a small tribe of fiOO or GOO living near the headwaters of the Acaray river , us a true stone ago people. They are timid , harmless folks , desper ately afraid of the whites , and with reason , as they have been shamefully abused by them. They have no weapons for defense save bows , lances and stone tomahawks. They are undersized and round headed. the Mr. Wigsby See here , 1113- love , there is some mistake. The baggage delivery - livery man has loft seven trunks on our front porch. Mrs. Wigsby ( who has just returned from the mountains ) Imbecile ! Don't you understand ? HO'H coming back after ( lark for the extra five. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Hot " .Fightin's hot business , " said Willie as he read about the regiments. "First thing , they got peppered at by the ene my , an they they get mustard out by their own gov'ment. " Harper's Bazar. It takes 72,000 tons of paper to uiako the post cards used in England each year. In Ptolemy's time any one who killed a cat was put to death. HARTLEY. A. Baruuit ot McCtok * Alxmt forty j * * * > * * ! from ' * 'Weil * \ ItOU , lit * * 0. P , SL I u * , aop , flMMy * M r iu , wit Is * e r trf J. H. Kc * to { * ) i hog * * ml It KL Somb < MM CMS < * lit * Denver roikrt. { ln Tomtit } Kotwtt * * * ! t > u ( C utbtk ) ; * * * wn ttp tb * > Mxriftl , I e4 KriiUv S H. i > mUk uf liMii tint * fur nMiulr lUMYtvy. MJN * MT iiioaut \V. II. Grttiia te lIHl fut G W. JtMMK , Ifcl * jottkm lo tt itttf , fro a vujt her brother HI tiwa } 4cc % tnl I for home on the 9Tttiitg irmin i Mt * Itln Ohl r of , hns litwu sj * i d y i in this viciuiiy irii g iaii , tion tu s im * in Ut-rs of litignttou ) bt ft re the district ori * Niijht Opemtor 11. B. Max u , WHS transfernul to Brush. Cole . | the latter { > nrt of ln i M-edk. ul has bpeu sueeetHltnl it tbi iv K. 13. Pnteof Hnstiiis. i Lnst Sundny ovoniujj. nt ; o'clock , iiss Eihol Kausoui of I this place wns united in mnrrin e ' to Mr. Ralph \Vtiits of Cambridge , , I the aiTtiir being soltMunixed by jl\ev. X. S. Foutch at the home of I the bride's parents. The happy j couple left on the evening train- 1 . . . i for n short visit to the exposition and with friends in Jowa. In com mon with many friends we extend congratulations and best wishes , for the abundant success of their , venture. Dr. J. E. Hathorn. the Hepub- ! lican nominee for representative , > . is entitled to and should receive as warm support , especially at the hands of his neighbors and friends in this section.Ve believe in local pride , and it may properly be exercised in this case. The doctor , all agree , is well qualified for the position. He is a man of force and conviction , with vigor of body and mind. His acquaintance with the needs of this county and' ' state is sufficiently wide and varied to warrant us in expecting him to give a good account of himself in the halls of legislation. A'ole for Hathorn. New dishes and novelties of all kinds at the "Bee Hive. " Truth wears well. People have loaiu- ed that DeWitt's Little Knrly Riseistue reliable little pills for rcKulatiitK the bowels , curing constipation and sick headache. They don't giipiA. . AIcMil- leii. If you nre thinking of buyinjj u steel range , see the IXIv. It will out lust , use less fuel and give better satisfaction than any range in the inatket. Over llfty sold in IVIcCook ntid vicinity. Sold only by II. P. Waite. _ Tint Tin HUNK mid The Toledo Hlnde for $1.25 a 3'enr , strictly in advance. OKIIIIOK : UKAKINC ON OIUCINAI. PUOIIAM : OF Wll I. . ytite : of Nebraska , I\ed Willow county. s . . At a County Court held at the County Coin ! Room , in and for said County. Octobei JOlh. A. D. , iS)8. Present , ( I. S. Itislm ) ) , Coiinty judlie. In the matter of the estate ol Maiy Colfer , deceased. < > n icadmir and the octition of Muses C'oller. i tliat the In'-truinent , filed on the day of Octobei. iSoS , and | nn polling to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased , may be piovedai > | Movedptol > ale < i. allowed , and recorded as the last Will nnd Testament of the said Mary Colfer , deceased , nnd that the execution of said instrument may lie committed and the administration of said estate may he granted to Moses Colfer as ex ecutor. Ordered , that November 12th. A. D. . iSoS , at 10 o'clock a. m. , is assigned foi hear ing said petition , when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Couit to be held in and for said county , and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not he grantedj and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof , lie in said county.for three successive wccks.prior to said day of hearing. G. S. Itisttor , [ SKAI..J ( A true copy. ) County Judge. than One Cent a Think of it Mnde with to Unhjtnticd Mod Vkxr around each Crib intenMjstsd tili 3& ftfl Pickets , 5iticc t . Inches * A . 1 $ 1-3 AS S J t kfc * Cheap , Convenient and Practical , Can be put up in 15 minute * . For sale by W. C. BULLARD & CO T t _ Last The fetccr * & of i be ston to Otn h . l > u-Uf . ssvnrd if ihc clrtV of the watfert fai duty. Kf > lh iit a prtxi bim. Tb mt * lowrr ttwe rvrt be ton oiTererf , onlv 4.25 for th round tnp Tickets uilt be good to rrteni o ttl tic lober5tst. SpecuU train with couches for Onuih * k rrs it j > m. October sj , . Mmtrtn ( 9:55 a. in. October 34 The program for the week he October 24lh will be as v nrd and estini : * tlmt of mir week nce the ex position ox ; ed its g tes l * t Jane. Il will include daily band concerts , exhibi tion ilrill > . by the I * . S. Life Saving Crew nnd ascensions of the Sutiao War Bal loon. The live stock exhibit , the bent in the lu.-loiy of the \\orl.l. will be open nil week. All the Midway attmctions will he in full swing xnd the exhibits in the Government , Minc and Mining. Art Agricultural , Hlectriciti , Manufacturing and State buildings will be HS well worth seeing n < at any tiiuedutins the | nogic. * of the expo.sinon. If you have wet yet visited the .great fair don't let this op nortunity go by. If you have s ea it , go again. Tickets and full information at B & M. R. R. R. depot. You can find just what you need at the "Hee Hive. " It Doesn't Cost n Cont. "Poultry on the Uarm for Profit. ' is the title of a series of mticles now In im. published iu the liiler-stiile PoulUNnmn if TillTui , Ohio. The suhscttplion JMUO if this pinetiral poultiy icnniuil is hiM cents a yoai , but itill co < t the iciuK-ts if TIIK TKIUUNK nothing We will e.i\ - iiuv 0110 who subscribes foi our pwprr 01 whopaysalIaiieaiMp.es aud OHO \em tn inlvaiico. the Inter-Smie PoiiltiMilan or. whole vein lioo. Now is your ity to get a vnltuihlo pivseut. now and pay otic your iu advance. O H in or temit by mail. Mention this otU r Tnu Tunu'NMC. iMcOook , N'o > Oh , lluil line of Gloves : H M\C"Hce Hive. " You mvito ilisnppoiutnioiillicn \ MI . vpoiiuuMit. DeXVUt's l.illloi \ \ \ \ KI MS uio pleasant , oiisv. tuoioux" 1'ltlr ) ills. They IMIIO oouttipiiiiou ud su k leaihicbo just n1 * sino ason lko tin in \ . Mi-Alilleii. DeWitt's Colic vS : Cholera Cure , IMcniant. 0"lck tto. ultn. nlo fotnkc. NonrF i-xiK ri'iu uTION l.iiinl OHico nt Mil\itiK.\ol trtvUrt , S. 11. > ollo\\ui | ; nniiu'd seltU-i liu * lilcd n < lu 'i > l l uteutnm toninUo liiud pmol -uppoiiol l > . ilaiin , iiiul tlisvliul pii'ol \\dll < r ninili-l < oic lejjistei 01 lecoivt'Ual Met ooK , Nil < . M Jatimlny , Octolior jo. | S ) \ M' U. K N KWI , Mrs. Aiuiu M.ud. : . l"i li ' SV ' , ol ? 15 ' of Sertum ; , m l N NV ' ol N I- < ! jcction 18 , TownMiip.pioitli. K UKO ; o\\rM if the fttli P.M. Mio mum's following wil losses to pioxe liei coiUinuous icsiilcuco upon ind cultivation of. Mud laiul. \\t \ : laiiu" tynii , Tlioinas ! ' . Uviui , John N' . Snnlli mm oscnh HuiitiM. all of McLook , NcbinsUn. 0-2. ; 6t I1' . M. KAl'MHUN , " * . r t t * t " \ v" < Frank nu l bofpt at brook. I > * fc , ! menci R at : Fifty t and Jo fnaifclM wilt cataiofor throat yields * oO t M * * 5 Harmless tw flect , spot and m * once \ rVa ! h in tor h Mi * " Frazer Axle Grease Not nffcctcd by Hcst or CoW Highest Awnrds at Cc Pnrls and World's si An\v > MntUutt s\ s\ , i N * < \ > , v , \ t , 1 < , „ u s\ q 1 ( Vu nwit inn < r i > - < " > n t\v > > M\ * > . < I > I. * l \M\t M i ) " .vV * - r i < js < vmW MK itunMft tliMMMIIi tl1 > UII tOM \\HV\ > U > .VVoH Ht t % i\i no > OM I nj vl\v t\\r ri\ < \ . . . < vw v Mtv'nt < AV-n\ unutMn \ < \ \ A < v' * > IV * Ylili n'Hxllh > \l vnMvA , l < \ Ih ScUlUifiC