By F. M. K1MMELU OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Royal makes the food pure , wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. Republican State Ticket. Governor. . . .M. L. HAYWARD , Nebraska City Lieut. Governor. . .GEO. A. MURPHY , Beatrice Secretary of State C. DURAS. Wilbur Auditor T. L. MATHEWS , Fremont Treasurer PETKR MORTENSEN , Ord Superintendent JOHN F. SAYLOR , Lincoln Attorney General N. D. JACKSON , Neligh Land Com'r. A. F. WILLIAMS , Elk City CONGRESSIONAL. Congressman C. E. ADAMS , Superior SENATORIAL. State Senator E. N. ALLEN , Arapahoe COUNTY. Representative J. E. HATHORN , Bartle County Attorney W. R. STARR , McCool Commissioner 3d district..STEPHEN BOLLE KEMEMBER , votes for E.N.Allei and J. E. Hathoru nre votes foi competency aud a Republican U S. senator. IN view of the demands made a Paris by the Spanish commission ers , the president has informed those who have approached him on the subject that no more regi ments will be ordered to be mus tered out of the service for the present. He may need every man in the ranks before the snow flies. State Journal. SOME war critics attach significance - cance to the fact that no profes sional pugilist drifted into the army during the war , intimating that there is no fighting blood in the class. The insinuation is un just. The profession is as valor ous and patriotic as the multitude of home guards now so conspicu ously shedding gobs of tears over the hardships of the soldiers.-Bee. GENERAL WHEELER boldly an nounces that he enlisted in the army for the war and all the out growths of the war and is ready to stay in the service as long as the president thinks him useful. The contrast between General Wheeler and some of his military associates who did not get near enough to the war to smell pow der is striking , to say the least. Bee. IN the midst of all the worry about camp and soldiers , President McKiuley has the satisfaction oi knowing that he has conducted a grand aud successful war , and thai all the so-called mistakes are mere motes in the sunbeam of achieve ment which shall illuminate in fut ure years a glorious page in the ) world's histoiy. Every American ; knows this , is proud of it , and will be prouder as time passes. Chicago cage Record. TAKE a thousand railroad men and keep track of them for a year the way soldiers are watched , note the mortality rate and be sur prised. More people are killed in a year on the railroads of the world than are killed in the wars of the world. And yet but few eulogize the brave railroaders and many people never give them a passing thought. Theirs is a gain ful pursuit , aud notwithstanding tlieir vigilance and care preserves the lives of patrons of the road , little attention is paid to the high . death rate. Jouanal. 'l ' L HARTLEY. G. W. "Wirt of York made Wro. Parrish n short visit , Wednesday. J. B. Sipe , the "hog man , " has returned from his trip to Iowa and is with us again. A coat of paint adds materially to the appearance of the interior of W. V. Vickrey's store. Mrs. F. L. Enlow and grand father , A. S. Mathews , made a visil iu Cambridge , Wednesday. A. J. Kestler of Omaha wenl down to Omaha , Tuesday , with a car of hogs of his own raising. Mies Anna Ritchie departed on Sunday for Cambridge , where she will spend some time visiting. Miss Effie Teel made a business trip to Indiauola , Tuesday night , returning the following morning. Frank Walsworth is home on a furlough from the medical college at Kansas City , and while here will look after his insurance busi ness. Privates Price and Minuich re turned on Wednesday to their reg iment at Jacksonville , Florida , af ter , a furlough of. thirty days on sick leave. Lem Smith left for his old home at Ipava , Illinois , Sunday evening , and expects to be gone some length of time visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. A. L. Platt , who has been visiting A. L. Sexton of Stockville , returned to Omaha , Sunday even ing. Miss Grace Sexton accom panied her as far as Hastings. Fred Scarbrough of Oxford of the Third Regiment of Nebraska Volunteers took the stage here , Tuesday morning , for Stockville to recuperate with his grandpar ents in the northern country while on a thirty-day furlough. The engineer on No.VG , Wednes day morning , seemed to find glee ful satisfaction in running down Agent Enlow's drove of fancy porkers , and it was easily done , too , as they are not of the sprinter variety any more than he is. No damage was done , however , out side of cutting three corners and the front end off of one of the ham-sprouters. So he is "not so swell" as "there are others. " Elect Their Officers. The following are the officers-elect lor the next reunion of the old soldiers of Southwestern Nebraska to be held iu Cambridge : C. B. French , commander ; D. V. Al- len.senior vice-commander ; John Church , junior vice-commander ; M. S. Pollard , quartermaster ; A. J. Hicks , adjutant. Suitable resolutions were passed express ing their appreciation of McCook's treat ment to them during their week's visit here. Our assortment of bo3's' long pants , ( three-piece ) and young mens' suits is . this season unusually choice and select , comprising every thing new and desir able , ranging in price from serviceable suits at $3.70 ( no shoddy goods at an } ' price ) to the finest and choicest made. A.11 perfect fitting and guaranteed in ev- 2ry respect. No trouble to show goods. Remember , no other store in southwest ern Nebraska can show half as many styles. THE FAMOUS. Rev. Badcon married H. L. Brown of Lajunta. Colorado , formerly of Indian- la , to Miss May Hobbs , of Indianola , at he Commercial Hotel , McCook , last Puesday evening. T. 12. McCarl returned home from Om- iha , Friday , to attend the funeral of his a rousin , William McCarl. 1 ] o Awarded HighesV Honors World's Fair , OR , CREAM BAKING fr. WWWttR fr.A MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free F om Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. tu X The McCook Tribune , October 7 , 1 898 Scgr * We depend upon the Merits of our Goods alone to make and , hold our Trade ! This week we call your attention to our Great Stock ot" Winter Goods ! An assortment probably several times Larger in Quantity , Greater in Variety and Much Lower in Prices than any other House from Omaha to Deliver. See the Only Complete Line in McCook before you make your selections. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS All the New Shapes , New Colors , New Makes. Everything that is At = tractive and Desirable in the Short and Long Sack Overcoats , Full = Length Ulsters. An as = sortment that cannot be see elsewhere in S. W. Nebraska. Prices from $4 , $4.50 , $5 , $6 , $7 , $8 , $9 , $10 , and up = wards. You must see these to appreciate their Beauty. The ing Company "Many have said their children woulc have died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given , ' write Kellam . Ourren , druggists , Sea view , Va. "People come from far and near to get it and speak of it in the high sst terms. " This is equally true of this remedy in every community where it is known. Buy a bottle at McConnell's Jrug store and test it for yourself. Truth wears well. People have learn id that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regulating the bowels , curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. A. McMil ien. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. : orn $ .20 tfheat 41 Dats 15 iye 29 3arley 18 3ogs ' . 3-1 ° igRS 10 Jutter 15 'otatoes 4 ° Our line of underwear and overshirts , ust opened , ranging in price from 4oc. o the finest ever shown here , must be een to be appreciated. No trouble to how goods at this store. THE FAMOUS. You invite disappointment when you xperiment. DeWitt's Little Early Ris- rs are pleasant , easy , thorough little ills. They cure constipation and sick eadache just as sure as you take them. L. McMillen. When you call for DeWitt's Witch laze ! Salve the great pile cure , don't ccept anything else. Don't be talked ito accepting a substitute for piles , sores r burns. A. McMillen. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , Septem- er 17,1898. Notice is hereby given that the llowing-named settler has filed notice of her itention to make final proof in support of her aim , and that said .proof will be made be- re register or receiver at McCook , Neb. , on aturday , October 29 , 1898 , viz : II. E. No. Qi , Mrs. Anna M. Ward , for the S W M of E M of Section 7 , and N W M of N E # of ection 18 , Township 4 north , Range 30 west the 6th P.M. She names the following wit- : sses to prove her continuous residence upon id cultivation of , said land , viz : James yan , Thomas F. Ryan , John N. Smith and seph Hunter , all of McCook , Nebraska. 6-23-61 F. M. RATHBUN , Register. 'ARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS All Kinds , Sizes and Prices. V T . G. DOLE , Agent. McCook. Neb. ALSO MUTUAL INSURANCE . . . ARM , STOCK AND MERCANTILE In the German Mutual , Omaha ; Mercantile Mu ll , Lincoln ; Farmers Mutual , Lincoln. UNDERWEAR. e For Men and Boys. A very Large and Complete Assortment , ranging in prices from 4oc. , soc. , 75C. , $ i , and upwards. More than a dozen dif = ferent lines to select from. o e 0 WOOL OVERSH1RTS. 099 A very attractive as = sortment of the Cele = brated K brand , Super = ior to all others. Prices from soc. and upwards. Everything desirable for Work and Dress pur = poses. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. MRS. H. KAPKE went down to the ex position , Monday. MRS. J. B. MESERVE returned to Lin coln , Tuesday afternoon on 6. Miss BELLE MORTON of Trenton was the guest of IVIrs. C. E. Eldred over Sun day. MR. AND MRS. R. B.SIMMONS and the children returned home , Tuesday night , from their lonu visit to relatives in De troit. Michigan. MRS. C. E. McCi.Ei.LAND , sister of C. E. ELDRED , departed on Wednesday morning for her home in Salt Lake City , Utah , after a short vsit here. DR. J. A. GUNN and family have , this week , moved into their new home oppo site the Congregational church. It has been considerably improved by the doc tor. MRS. W. R. STARR and a neice arrived from Ohio , Wednesday. Mr. Starr went down to Omaha to meet them , and they took in the exposition before their re turn. L. W. Cox and family are now located in the McCarl residence on Marshall street , and Mitchell Cl3'de and wife have moved in the A , C. Clyde residence on Madison. FRANK DILLON and mother are out from Tremont , Illinois , looking after his landed interests over on the South Side. Frank worked for the company for a number of years , some years ago. MRS. JEROME BRAINERD arrived from Buda , Illinois , Wednesday morning , and will visit for a few weeks at the home of ler parents , Mr. and Mrs. James King- horn , up in Box Elder precinct. MRS. A. A. BATES' two brothers de- jarted. Monday morning , for their home over in Decatur count } * , Kansas. One of them was quite ill , Saturday and Sun day , but was better at the time of his de- > arture for home. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE HANLEIN of Jox Elder precinct are the fond parents of the daintiest little piece of feminin- ty in Red' Willow count } ' , we have George's word for it. Their first-born vill celebrate October 5th , once a year , lereafter. Congratulate. A. A. BATES received a telegram , yes terday , announcing the death of his brother Curt in Camp Merritt , San Fran cisco. The deceased was a member of company "K , " 5ist Iowa infantry. Ad. will go to Iowa , first of next week , to at tend the funeral. It is a heavy blow , and all sympathize with him. MEN'S AND BOYS7 SUITS o All that is Desirable , New and Attractive has been collected for this Fall's Trade. Never be = fore have we shown so handsome and complete an assortment and been able to offer them at such Remarkably Low Prices. School Suits , Work Suits , Dress Suits of every discription and at all prices. Come and examine the line. PANTS AND DUCK COATS . We sell the Celebrat ed "Star" brand of the above goods. The "Duck" brand of Men's and Boys' Mack intoshes. The Elgin White and Colored Shirts. The "Car" HartOver = alls and Work Coats , and the best makes of Hosiery , Neckwear and Gloves. AIlattheLow = est Possible Prices. Call and see these goods. We Offer ! i8c. HOSE FORn- A PAIR lie , The color is as good as a 25C. hose and is so guaranteed. The Weight , Strength , Elasticity and Gauge are not Equalled in many iSc. Stockings. A wholesale drummer here today guessed them to be a 2oc. hose. THEY ARE A DRIVE * secured by us at little over half value. Our supply will last about a week. "First come , first served. " You are cordially invited to par = ticipate to the extent of four pairs only to a fam = ily. Sizes 6 , 6J , 7 , 7 } f 8 , 8 % , 9 , 9 , 10. lie. FOE ANT SIZE Don't fail to see our Winter Capes and Jackets. Drf s In Meeker Bld . Per i Adj. County Offices. GEO. E. THOMPSON.McCOOK , NEB.