The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 30, 1898, Image 7

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    In London there is a manufactory in
which every kind of rare or ancient
coins IB made.
i Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty-without it. CaEcarctsCnndy Cathar
tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean , by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all Im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples , boils , blotchesblackhcads ,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
CascarctB , beauty for ton cents. All drug-
Klsts , satisfaction guaranteed , lOc , 25c , 50c.
The society of ladies is the school of
politeness. Monfort.
All those Kuffcrlns from Nervous Debility
oj Diseases peculiar to men should consult
The Dr. Louis WclRcrt Co. , renowned and
long established Specialists of 130 Liberty
fct. , Now York. All correspondence conlf-
clenllul. Bend for free book containing
Method and Testimonials.
Walking on the stilts of pride soon
leads to a fall from grace.
Perhaps you have had ( he
grippe or a hard cold. You
may be recovering from
malaria or a slow fever ; or
possibly some of the chil
7 dren are just getting over
the measles or whooping
Are you recovering as fast
ns you should ? Has not
your old trouble left your
blood full of impurities ?
And isn't this the reason
you keep so poorly ? Don't
delay recovery longer but
. _ _ _
- ! --L "
-.JtTwill remove all impurl-
ties from your blood. It Is
also a tonic of immense
.value. Give nature a little
help at this time. Aid her
by removing all the products
or disease from your blood.
If your bowels are not
just right , Ayer's Pills will
mate them so. Send for
cur book on Diet in Const- } ,
Wetta to OUP Boaters ? _
Wo liavo tlio exclusive services /
of some of the most eminent physi
cians In the United States. Write
freely and receive a prompt reply ,
without cost. - "
Address , DK. J. C. AVER ,
, . Lowell , Jjfl
tape worm eighteen feet Ions at
least came on tlio scene after my taking tire
CASCARETS. This I tim sure has caused my
bad health for the past three years. I am still
taking Cascarots , the only cathartic worthy of
notice by sensible people. "
GEO. w. BOWLES , Balrd , Mass.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good , Jlover Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe. lOc , 25oMc.
Btcrllnj Renedy Company , Chicago , Uontrral , Kew Yort. 313
Sold and guaranteed by all drag-
gists to CUBE Tobacco HablU
$50,000 Stock of all grades of
Furniture recentljr bought at the
very lowest cash price will be of
fered during the next few months
at special prices.
Customers visiting1 Omaha will
find this the largest -and oldest
furniture store here , and we will
make every effort to please both
In goods and prices.
Chas. Shiverick & Co. .
12O6 Douglas St , Omaha.
Next to Millard Hotel.
KOTZ To satisfy onrsslrcs as to whether this
advertisement Is read -we will make a discount oJ
1 per c nt on the purchase of any customer-who
will tell us they were directed to us by It and that
they -will recommend us to their friends If tu
goods they buy arc satisfactory.
to Ladies : We an Tradina Stamp : .
Remarkable experiences are being
related by the faithful down at the
Christian Alliance camp meeting at Old
Orchard. Probably the most remarka
ble of them all is that of the young
woman who tells how she prayed for
relief from "a Jumping toothache , "
and she not only got the relief she
prayed for , but the cavity In the tooth
was filled besides.
The Medical Record tells of a man
who was cured of blindness by a sur
geon remarkable for his unprepossess
ing appearance. When .vision was
fully restored , the patient looked at
his benefactor and said : "Lucky for
you , young man , I did not see you be
fore you operated , or I would never
have given my consent. "
The Growth of Socialism.
The growth of socialism is due to
the standing armies of the world in
which men are often , made to enlist ,
and thus become discontented. The
growth of a stronger race is due to
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters , which is
the best medicine for costiveness , dys
pepsia , fever , ague and all nervous
troubles. Try one bottle.
Critic A genius who points out
what the author has left out of his
Ono Hundred Thousand Grateful
These war times have tried men's
souls in many unexpected ways , but
like a shall of sunshine and .good cheer
out of the cloud of privatlou and en
durance has been the work that The
American Tobacco Co. has done among
the U. S. Soldiers and Sailors ever since
the war began for when they discov
ered that the camps and hospitals were
not supplied with tobacco they decided
to provide them , free of cost , with
enough for every man , and have al
ready given outright to our Soldiers
and Sailors over one hundred thousand
pounds of "Battle Ax Plug" and
"Duke's Mixture" Smoking Tobacco ,
and have bought and distributed fifty
thousand briar wood pipes , at a total
cost of between fifty and sixty thou
sand dollars.
This work has been done quietly and
thoroughly , by establishing headquar
ters in each camp , so that every camp
and every hospital of the United States
Army has been supplied with enough
tobacco for every man and the sailors
on thirty United States Ships in Cuban
waters have shared with the soldiers
this most welcome of all "rations. "
Perhaps it will be only fair to re
member when we hear the remark
again that "corporations have no
souls. " that there Is one American cor
poration whose soul has been tried and
has not been found wanting In "prac
tical kindness. . "
* r *
Betting A fool's argument that is
convincing only when you win.
Don't Tobacco Spit ana smrae roar uuo Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , nerve , and vigor. takeNo-To-
3ac , the wonder-worker , that makes iveak men
strong. All druggists,50c or Si. Cure Ruaran-
iced. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New York.
Poverty A disease that a poor phy
sician is unable to cure.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. S. H.
Green's Sons , of Atlanta , Ga. The
greatest dropsy specialists in the world.
Read their advertisement in another
column of this paper.
It is said that married men make
better clerks than single ones. They
are not in such a hurry to get home
of an evening.
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious , nutritious ,
and flesh-forming S ,
beverage , has our
Yeliow Label
on the front of every
package , and our
Chocolatiere"on the
Dorchester , Mass.
Or. Kay's Rotator ,
sia. constipation , liver and kidney diseas'es'.hfl-
liousness , headache , etc. At druggists 25c & 31.
Get Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent ,
1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C.
F i 5nn fl 6IP/ * ffcfifllF'O n L
' rcr coughs , cold ?
Dr. Kay's Lung and throat disease
Tbo Only Honso In the West Soiling Goods at
lA/hoIesale Prices to Consumers
WESTERN MERGflNTILB 60. , 1013-15 Lcavenworth St.
From the Herald , Watcftown , If. T.
John Young , of LeRoy , N. Y. , is72years
old , and is well known in that and neighbor-
log towns. While pitting some weather
boards on a barn , standing on a Ecafflold
twenty-two feet from the ground , he feli
dizzylost his balance and fell to the ground.
The Bide of his face , arm and one entire
side of his bcdy , on which he struck , was
badly bruised. Picked up and carried to the
house , he was under a doctor's care for sev
eral weeks. The doctor finally came to the
conclusion that his patient had received a
stroke of paralysis -
alysis and
was beyond
medical aid.
He could not
use ono arm ,
or turn over
iu bed.
Ono day ,
while lying
on the bed ,
he read of a
case some
thing like his
having been
cured with
Paralyzed 7jy the Fall. pjnkpflis f < fr
Palo People. Ho coaxed his granddaughter
to got him a bos of the pills. After that
box had been used ho secured another. In
three weeks ho began to feel a little life in
his arm ; at the end of four ho could move
his fingers ; at the end of two months ho
could walk , and in three mouths he could
shave himself with the injured hand.
As he told his story in the Herald office ,
he looked the perfect picture of health. Ho
carries a box of the pills in his pocket , and
whenever ho does not fool just right , he
takes them. They cured him after doctors
had given him up , and his death was daily
All the elements necessary to give now
life and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nervis are contained in a con
densed form in Dr. "Williams'Pink Pills for
Palo People. They are an unfailing spe
cific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia ,
partial paralysis , St. Vitus' dance , sciatica ,
neurelgia , rheumatism , nervous headache ,
the after effects of la grippe , palpitation of
the heart , pale and sallow complexions , all
forms of weakness eitherinmaleorfomale.
Regret is the compound interest we
'have ' to pay on hate.
Iowa Patent Offtcc Kcport.
The president has appointed as com
missioners to revise the laws relating
to patents , trade-marks , commercial
names , etc. , the Hon. P. S. Grosscup ,
U. S. district judge of northern Illi
nois ; Hon. Francis Forbes of New
York , and Hon. A. P. Greeley , assist
ant commissioner of patents.
A Canada patent has been issued to
M. Kehoe of Gushing , Iowa , for the
cvener for two-horse vehicles , for
v/hicb. we secured a United States pat
ent for him as heretofore noticed ia
our reports.
Among the applications prepared by
us for United States patents and al
lowed.are the following : McCawley
and Gabrios scale beam attachment
( made in Bes Moines ) , for retaining
a plurality of adjustable weights in
convenient position for use on the
beam to add and register weights of
different objects placed on the scales
in succession. For Knee and Robin-
eon ( of Humboldt , la. ) , an eight-horse
evener for hitching two teams of four
horses each so that one team will be
in advance of the other and the draft
force of all the horses in drawing a
load. Mr. Knee has assigned his entire
interest to S. Sanders of Fort Dodge.
For W. F. Cooks ( of Des Moines ) brick
kiln that is in successful use to save
cost of construction , economize fuel
and to circulate products of combus
tion as required to burn all the brick
uniformly hard.
Consultation and advice by letter erin
in person , free.
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines , Iowa , Sept. 15 , 1898.
Garments for church wear usually
have small pockets.
TSflncate "xour Uoweis "With Cascsrets.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation foreve
lOc. 25c.If C. C. C. fail , druggists refund moaevv
Mercy was not bora until Justice
girded oji its sword.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other discuses put , together ,
and until the last few years was supposed to bo
Incurable. For a ftreat many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease , and prescribed local
remedies , and by constantly failing t $ cure
with local treatment , pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease , and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. . Toledo. Ohio ,
is the only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops tea
a tcaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood
and mucons surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO. .
Toledo , Ohio.
Sold by Drujrtrlsts , 75c.
Hall's Far ily Pills are the best.
The only seed bicycle made is the
one owned by every wheelman you
For over flfty years Jlr.s. WiusLo.Wa SOOTHIITG
SYKUPhas l > een used by mothers lor their children
whllo teething. Arc you dlstuibcd at night and
broken of your rest \ > y a sick child suffering nail
crylnBwith pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so Bend at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. WInsIow'a Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value Is incal
culable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Im
mediately. Depend upon it , motlieis , there Is no
mistake about It. It cures illarihoa , regulates tlio
Stomach and Bowels , cures Wind Colic , softens the
Gums , reduces Inilamniatlon , and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. "Mrs. TVInslow's
Eoothlng Syrup" for children teething Is pleasant
to the taste and Is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians end nurses in the
United StatCB , and Is for sale by all drufrjrtsta
throughout the -world. Price , twenty-five cents a
lx ) tic. lie pure end ask lor " 3Iis. Wixsi.ow'3
The wife governs best who doesn't
let her husband know she's trying.
Chats With Mothers.
storehouse of information , telling mother
in simple language how to be her own fam
ily doctor nnd how she will succeed in
treating every kind of throat trouble like
Croup , Measles , Scarlet Fever , Diphtheria ,
Quinsy , Coughs , Colds and all sore throats.
I also tells how to cure Catarrh of the
Stomach , usually called Dyspepsia , Indi
gestion , etc.Vrite to iluco-Solvent Co. ,
Chicago , 111.
A man is always discovering things
that others knew long ago.
Xo Care vonsnpanon Tcrever.
Take Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25a
'if C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money
"There was never yet a family with
an old maid belonging to it , " observed
the Rev. Anna Shaw in a recent ad
dress , "that didn't rely upon that old
maid to help it out of all financial diffi
culty. past , present and future. "
In the stone quarries of St. Triphon ,
in the Rhome valley , the stone is sawn
by means of continuously running steel
wire cables kept moist with wet sand.
While the Imports for the Fiscal Tear
Showed Marked Decrease.
The bureau of statistics in its latest
summary of finance and commerce ,
presents details of the imports and ex
ports in the fiscal year ending Juno 30 ,
1898. It shows that , the exports to all
parts of the world increased both In
manufactures and products of agricul
ture , and that while there was a great
falling off in imports , the reduction
was almost exclusively in manufac
tured articles and food products. Man
ufactured articles ready for consump
tion fell from $134,375,126 in 1897 and
? 145,274,039 in 189G to § 82,570,687 in
1898 ; articles of food and live animals
fell from $245,166,197 in 1S97 and $237-
025,045 _ jn 1896 to § 181,480,011 in 1898 ,
while "articles of voluntary use , lux
ury , etc. , " fell from ? 83,09S,970 in 1S97
and § 93,323,154 in 1896 to § 77,452,561 in
1898. On the other hand , articles re
quired by the manufacturers and classi
fied as "articles in a crude condition
for use in manufacturing , " of which
the 1897 imports were § 214,916,625 and
those of 1S96 , § 209,368,717 , amounting
in 1898 to § 204,543,919 , forming in 1893
over 33 per cent of the total importa
tions , while in 1897 they were but 28
per cent , and in 1896 , 27 per cent of
the total imports.showing a large rel
ative increase in the proportion which
these articles used in the domestic in
dustries bore to the total importations.
Manufactured articles for use in the
mechanic arts formed in 1898 about
the same percentage of the imports
that they did in 1896 and 1897. The
exportations of manufactures , which
amounted to $288.871,449 in 1898 , ex
ceeded those of 1897 by § 11,586,053 ,
and those of 1896 by § 60,300,271 , while
the products of agriculture exported
amounted to § 854,627,929 in 1898 ,
against § 683,471,131 in 1S97 and § 569-
879,297 in 1896 , the chief incrqase in
agricultural exportations being in
breadstuffs. The exportations of the
year increased § 180,336,694 , and the im
portations of the year decreased § 148-
725,253 , the comparison being made in
each case with the preceding fiscal
year , 1897. The following table shows
the total exports and imports by the
grand divisions in the fiscal year , 189S ,
compared with the preceding year :
Imports from 18D7. 1898.
Europe" . . . . § 430,192,205 § 300,091,81-1
America. 105,924,053 91,171,923
America. 107,389,405 92,093,526
Asia 87,294,597 92,595,037
Oceanica . . 24,400,439 26,859,220
Africa 9,529,713 7,193,639
Totals. . . § 764,730,412 § 616,005,159
Exports to 1897. 1898.
Europe . . . . § 813,385,644 § 973,699,289
America. 123,958,461 139,635,239
America. 33,768,646 33.821,371
Asia 39,274,905 44,824,2655
Oceanica . . 22,652,773 21.991,331
Africa 16,953,127 17,357,752
Totals § 1,050,993,556 1,231,329,950
Attractive and 1'rofltahle Amnseincnta
for Iiittle Ones Easily Provided.
Very little is required to keep active
children amused. If to this axiom is
iadded a triile of thought that the
( amusement be made profitable much
good can be secured thereby. Nothing
Iwill be of greater service in this par
ticular than to teach them to keep a
garden. A few feet of earth in a sunny
window or a bit of garden in the back
'yard ' will provide valuable training
with undying interest to the children.
This work will inspire a love for the
beautiful with orderly habits , which
will last through a lifetime. All chil
dren are attracted by pretty and fra
grant blossoms , and they should be
taught to cultivate and give plants the
tender care they require and thus learn
some of life's sweetest lessons. Ex
ample is the first element to be consid
ered in educating a child's mind. Don't
try to force the child to keep a gar
den , but keep one yourself. Whatever
children see their elders do they wisfc
to do themselves , and if you have them
near you and' let them wtch you sow
seeds and plant slips -and pull up
weeds , if you explain all you are do
ing to them never mind if it is then
too difficult for them to understand
it will not be long before they imitate
you and want gardens of their own.
A Tombstone rr
A man who went away from home
some time ago to attend a convention
of church people was struck with the
beauty of the little town in which the
gathering was held. He had plenty of
time , and while wandering about
walked into the village cemetery. It
was a beautiful place , and the dele
gate walked around among the graves.
He saw a monument , one of the larg
est in the cemetery , and read with
surprise the inscription on it : "A
Lawyer and an Honest Man. " The
delegate scratched his head and looked
at the monument again. He read the
inscription over and over. Then he
walked all tround the monument and :
examined the grave closely. Another
man in the cemetery approached and
asked him : "Have you found the grave
of an old friend ? " "No , " said the del
egate , "but I was wondering how they
came to bury those two fellows in ono
grave. " Tit-Bits.
But It Helps.
First Member Musical Committee
"Does the new soprano's voice fill the
church ? " Second Member "Hardly.
The ushers tell me there are always
vacant seats in the gallery. " Detroit
Mrc. Pinkham Tells Hovr Ordinary Tasks May Produce Displacements
That Threaten Women's Health.
Apparently trifling incidents in
women's daily life frequently pro-
cluce < 15splaccmentsof thewonab. A
Blip on the stairs.lif duriugmen- -
struation , standing1 at a counter ,
running1 a sev/ing1 machine , or at
tending to the most ordinary tasks ,
may result in displacement , and
a train of serious evils is started.
The first indication of such
trouble should be the signal for
quick action. Don't let the condi
tion become chronic through neg
lect or a mistaken idea that you
can overcome it by exercise or
leaving it alone.
More than a million women have
regained health by the use of Lydia
E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound.
If the slightest trouble appears which you
do not understand , write to Mrs. Pinkham
at Lynn , Mass. , for her advice , and a few
timely words from her will show you the right
thing to do. This advice costs you nothing , but
it may mean life or happiness or both.
Mrs. MAJIY BENXETT , 314 Annie St. , Bay City ,
Mich. , writes to Mrs. Pinkham :
"I can hardly find words with which lo thank you
for the good your remedies have done me. For nearly
four years I suffered with weakness of the generative
organs , continual backache , headache , sideache , and
all the pains that accompany female weakness. A
friend told my husband about your Vegetable Com
pound and he brought me home two bottles. After
taking these I felt much better , but thought that I
would write to you in regard to my case , and you do not know how thankful I
am to you for your advice and for the benefit I have received from the use of
your medicine. I write this letter for the good of my sufferingsisters. . "
The above letter from Mrs. Bennett is the history of many women who have
been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Ask Mrs. PlnKtiam's Advice A Woman test Understands a Woman's Ills
It puts on that enamel , glossy finish that is so desira
ble. Jt makes Shirts , Shirt Waists , Collars and Cuffa
look like new. Keith's Enamel Stare his the most-
economical starch made. It will do more work , do it
with less Isbor and do it better than any other starch.
If it does neb give you entire satisfaction your grocer-
tviU refund your money , targe iiaclcaprc , IO cents ; smalt :
REMARKABLE DISCOVERY ; package , 5 cents. If your grocer docs not have it , please
FOR FUME LAUXDRT VCFJt. nd us his name and address and we will send you nn
. .
Manufactured bv
! Y TO ; OT ,
Wo msKe fine Surreys. Bngstes. Phneois nnd K1 Wagons. | Ksn 33 CUr Ifare-
Our goods have been favorably Known to the tnile n r VCMIB. .
) * : nand OJfler
Wo now Bell < ! ! rrtt lo tlio uwr at Nfcolcialc lr ! . The "hrcwdl
. . . . . . . , .
buyer prefers to deal with tie factory. T.OT..tP..f .e < ri.
\virk at less price thia agents csk fur low Krade vehicles. We s-hlp aaywhrro ,
subject to examination. 1VK liKLH KH on Iionnl cars Kaunas Citv , Mo. , or G < stcn ,
Tiul. . as may suit purchaser. Ecstl for catalogue vrlth prices plainly printrd.
IT * VKCE. Write today. We sell PPWIng Machine * and the ( .OsiE3 iiliviuc s
well. AlIatWl.oifksleP.rffM. .ILL GOOD. No matter whore you live , you r.renoc
too far awny to ilo liuolnep * with us ui-d ave nioncv. Adura- ? .
9 A quickrcllofanil cures v.-orss
iu > cs. Send for book of testimonial * and J O ( laj'n *
reatmoiitFrco. Dr. H.ll.cill-t.\-SSi.\s. Atlinto , ( in.
S I ta Prlnclp. . ! Ezoclner U. 3. Petuios Bureau.
9 r-jH. in lait wa. , 15 odiadir tiac clanas , ally , since.
t eoiocsca. afflicted-with use [ Thompson
Rfo , D A V CASH each WEEK the year round ,
fif C JTA I if vou sell Stark Trecs-'Outllt free.
riM KURSERY. LOlfiSIASA. MO. . Stark. Ko. Roektort. IlL
Dcst Cough Byrup. Tastes Good. Dso
hi time. Sold by druwrutis.
W. N.U. OMAHA. No. 4O-1S9S
When Answering Advertisements Kisciiy
Mention This Taper.
t'so Uis tl for unnatural
nischnrpcs , iiitlamciutinn ! > .
irritations or ulccrntion *
of inucout" meniliranrs.
1'aiule-j. and
j- Mn.i-a uuu not ajlriu- i
lECVANSCHEUICALuO. C'1" ' or poisonous.
Sold by DrofryrljitA
ornt in plain wrarrr
liy o.iprppa , rrt'pnhl. for
Jl .00 , or 3 bet tle , (2.73.
Circular lent on request-
WANTED-Case of t > ad health tnat K-I-P-A-K-S
will not benefit. Fend 5 ccnu to Klpans Chemical
Co..Keu Turk , for 10 csuoles and 1.UOO testtaoclilfc