The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1898, Image 8

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    ffMHiiiiiui iiiiimmimiimiiiiinmiiiiiiimmiiuiiimii
For Infants and Children.
IMIMimimiihl tliHlltltllltiilin'"m""ml | 't"lm'lllll"lllCi
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
JWegelablePreparationforAs- t - . . A - - - - 4V-B _ _ tf _ _
lirigthcSloinidisaiiriBQwels'or Bears the
tiess andHfist.Gontains neither
OpmmMorphina ;
Jimtmant -
Jn Carianatt
JfbmSccd- .
ftarifud Sugar
Apcrfecfltemedy forConslipa-
tionSour.StomachDiarrhoea ,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacSitrule "Signature o
dLfr&t&z .
Atf > rnp.ntlvs 014
3) osfcs1 . . . \JiJ < CE ' . . . J . . .
j Authorized Capital. $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $6O,000
GEO. HQCKNELL , President B. M. FREES , V. Pres.
W F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
Pure , Kettle-Rendered Lard
Ten pounds and upwards at 5 cents per pound for a short time.
We Have a Greater Cjfariety to Select \
From than Ever Before , and
at Lower Prices.
MEN'S SUITS $4.75 and upward.
CHILDREN'S -SUITS $1.75 and upward.
Overcoats , Ulsters , Mackintoshes , Underwear , Plain and
Fancy Shirts , Wool and Cotton Hose.
Denton's Sleeping Garments. Everyone who has used
' these knows they are a luxury.
Under Ganschow's Store.
Pretty , It Not Political.
The Czar's rescript , whether inspired
by the Queen , hy a prescience of the
Auglo-German agreement , by the appre
hension that France may take the bit in
her teeth , or , as has been generally as
sumed , by all three , and Muscovite guile
besides , is , nonetheless , an auriflaumie
of peace unfurled in a world full of war.
With tl e motives behind it we have
nothing to do It is the beauty of the
spectacle that allures. Were matters a
trifle less mixed , had Russia fewer irons
in the tire , and were the Colossus which
she is in better form to fight , it might
seem more ideal. But even so , out of
chaosissuesiarsand outof rescripts hopes
That the latter are chimerical is a side
issue. The aspirations of the best of us
are usually nothing else. Yet divest
man of them and there remains but the
brute Collier's Weeklv.
One Minute Cough Cure surprises people
ple by its quick cures and children may
take it in hirge quantities without the
least danger It has won tor itself the
best reputation of any pieparation used
today for colds , croup , tickling in the
throat or obstinate coughs. A. McMil-
Mrs. Dennis Fitzgerald visited McCook
fi lends , Wednesday.
J. W. Dolan had business in the metropolis
of the county , Saturday.
1 he public schools commenced the fall
term , Monday of this week.
S. R. Smith and George Cramer had busi
ness in the county seat , Monday.
Will Dolan attended services in St. Pat
rick's church , McCook , Sunday.
Commissioner Crabtree attended a session
of the board in McCook , Monday.
Spencer Hager and family drove up to Mc
Cook , Saturday afternoon , on a short trip.
County Superintendent Welborn discharged
the duties of her office at the county seat , Sat
Fied Shaw is still in bad shape from ma
laria contracted in the campaign against Santiago -
tiago , Cuba.
W. R. Starr was in his former home , Sun
day , visitiilg his oldtime friends , and they are
numerous heie.
Dennis Fitzgerald and Miss Jennie Mc-
Clung were McCook visitors , Wednesday
night , between trains.
Miss Lulu Beardslee spent last week in the
city , returning to McCook , Sunday , with Mrs.
Beardslee and Fred , who drove clown after
The county fair is a thing of the past. The
weather and lack of interest were drawbacks
in the large success of the undertaking. Both
are essentials.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Congrega
tional church maintained a stand on the fair
grounds dining the fair , last week , and real
ized 558 therefrom.
Rain stopped threshing temporarily.
Rev. Chrysler went to conference at llold-
rege , Monday.
' Mr. Wnlsworth of Cambridge looked over
Tyrone , last week.
Those who have to pay hail insurance , Oc
tober ist , feel like the man who had to pay
for a dead horse.
And still the pedcliera , traveling agents
and steel range fiends steal our good money
by the common consent of all concerned.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Neb. , September 19,1898.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles ,
James A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
proved. Pursuant to law in such cases made
and provided , the board proceeded to select
the names of sixty electors from which to
draw a jury for the October term of the dis-
tiict court in and for Red Willow county and
State of Nebraska , for the year 1898 , which
list so drawn is as follows :
Alliance W. W. Lemasters , Arch Mann ,
Solomon Premer.
Beaver Solomon H.Stilgebouer , M.B.Leo
pold , George Smith.
Bondville Joseph A. Carter , William Uer-
Box Elder William X. Johnson , Jas. King-
Coleman H. K. Bixler , S. D. McClain.
Danbury H. W.Naden , Otto Puelz.
Driftwood Chas. Ferris , W. A. Holbrook.
East Vallev Peter Fredericks , C. C. Rich
ards , C. W. Hodgkm.
Fritsch Andy Barber , Chailes Masters.
Gerver Joseph Dodge.
Grant Albert Weeks.
Indianola James McClung , Jr. , Jas. Potts ,
E. S. Hill , W. F. Miller , F.M.Goodnick , Isaac
Vandervoi t.
Lebanon R. P. High , M. C. Stephens , J. B.
Missouri Ridge John Girens , M. Kripps.
North Valley William Wight , C. W. Miz- f
Perry J. II. Ludwick , J. A. Brinton.
Red Willow A. II. Reynolds , E. A. Sex-
son , R. 11. Taylor.
Tyrone W. C. McTaggart , Walter Mur
Valley Grange James Roberson , Fernando
Willow Grove J. M. Hell , G. W. Dillon , I.
T. Benjamin , Phillip Blatt , Gus Budig , Mike
llogan , Maurice Griffin , Melvin Holmes , Wil
liam Porter , H. II. Mitchell , A. C. Marsh , A
W. Utter , George R. Nichols , John W. Under
bill , T. M. Philhppi.
The resignation of G. W. Dillon , road over
seer of road district No. 8 , read and on mo
tion accepted , and T. F. Gockley was ap
pointed to fill vacancy caused thereby.
The following settlement of road overseer
examined and on motion approved , and clerk
directed to draw certificate on road district in
payment thereof as follows : Geo. W. Dillon ,
overseer road ' district No. 8 , certificate No.
107 , $10.00.
The following official bond was examined
and on motion approved : James Byrnes , over
seer road district No. 33.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed , and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw wan ants on the county general fund ,
levy of 1898 , in payment thereof as follows , to- ,
wit : . *
J. Menard , mdse for paupers $44 30 *
S. R. Smith , President Agricultural Society - \
ciety 290 40 J
J. C. Oakley , board of paupers , assigned rte
to S. Belles 10 oo
F. P. Allen , recalling subpoenas 2 oo
C. II. Meeker , rent court house 50 oo
State Journal Co. , supplies for county. . 42 50
R. A. Green , county clerk , expenses for
county officers 47 43
R. A. Green , countv clerk , compiling tax
' list for the year 1898 486 44
Henry Crabtree , services as commis'n'r. 19 oo
James A. Robinson , same 23 70
Stephen Belles , same 19 50
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as
follows :
Geo. Younger , bridge work $3 oo
R. II. Thomas , same' . 7 50
Geo. W. Cramer , same 2 oo
And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as
follows :
A. F. Reeves , county surveyor , survey
ing road in North Valley precinct 6 oo
Matnias Droll , road tax refunded 5 30
Stephen Belles , same 6 09
D. B. Doyle , same 55
On motion board adjourned sine die.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That | 5 what It was made lor.
And Remember What He Tells You.
He may say that he will give you three
or five years to pay for a range. If he
does , don't you believe him ; he wont do
He may say that the paper you sign is
only a receipt to show where the range
is. Don't believe him. It is a note , and
if you sign it you must pay it.
He may tell you that his company only
wants 6 per cent interest , and that they
will extend the time as long as is wanted.
If he does , don't believe him. Thous
ands have been told the same story , and
their notes had to be paid when due , era
a law suit.
He may say that he will board out $10
or $20 with you. If he does , don't be
lieve him. It is seldom , if ever , done.
He may promise to take your old stove
in part payment , and that another man
will come for it. If he does , don't be
lieve him. It is never done.
He may say that his reservoir is better
than the MAJESTIC'S , which is not true ,
for the reason that it is connected In
pipe and a large lock nut , which when
once rusted , cannot be removed withoul
cutting it out. It steams and it pounds ,
drips water on the floor , is uncomforta
ble in the kitchen , and rusts the water
unfitting it for use. The MAJESTIC mov
able reservoir don't fill with litwe or
mud , don't freeze or burst , don't rust
the water , makes no noise , don't drip on
the floor , and will last forever.
He may say that his range is made oi
malleable iron , and the MAJESTIC ol
cast iron. If be does , tell him it is not
true t ; that it has more malleable parts
than his range , and such parts are heav
ier and better.
He may say that his range lias a heav
ier fire box If he does , don't believe
him. The fire box in the MAJESTIC is
double the weight of that in his range
He may say that the steel parts in his
range are heavier than in the MAJESTIC
If he does , say to him that 3011 know
better , and that you have it from author
ity better than he gives.
He may say that his range is better
than the MAJESTIC. If he does , don't
believe him. It is not true. The MA
JESTIC is heavier and better constructed ,
is made of better material , lasts longer ,
is mort- easily managed and consumes
one-half less fuel He -
- maj-plead as a
saint , but he wont tell jou who follows
for the money , and that it must be paid
when the collector comes.
He may say that his company owns a -
mortgage on competitors. If he does ,
don't believe him. The only mortgages
possibly owned are the ones on their
He mav say that repairs for the MAJESTIC -
JESTIC RAXGKS cannot be had from
dealers who sell them. IF he does , it is
false , as the dealer can be found at all
times , and is responsible to you. Ask
Mr. Peddler where he can be found after
he leaves you.
He may tell you that , if his range is
not satisfactory after thirty days' use ,
the inspector will come and get it , giv
ing back your note. If he does , don't
belieye him. The inspector don't come ;
it is the collector , and , if you are re
sponsible , he never leaves without the
money , a mortgage , or a law suit.
He may say that his range is riveted
and the MAJESTIC is bolted. If he does ,
he is a negotiator of falsehood. In the
construction of the MAJESTIC it is sol
idly riveted , the only bolts used being
He may say that he will take corn ,
wheat or stock at a high price for the
range. If he does see that it is so stated
on the face of the note , the time to be
delivered , at what place , and that the
terms are written with pen and ink
plainly. If this is not done , don't sign
his note. If you do , you will pay it in
cash , as his verbal agreement is of no
value in such matters.
He may say that his company is very
wealthy. If he does , you might ask him
if this money was made on the plan as
now carried on wherever possible , re
gardless of the dealers and without pay
ing taxes.
License to wed was issued by the judge
to Ainos Hauxwell and Effie M. Loomis ,
and they were united in marriage by
Rev..L. A. Turner of Indianola on Sat1
urday last.
Joseph Dodge , Otto Puelz , Geo. R.
Nicholson. J.B.Cummings , H. H. Mitch
ell , S. H. Stilgebouer , I. T. Benjamin , )
William Porter , James McClung , Jr. ,
John . Girens , T. M. Phillippi. William
Wight . , Albert Weeks , Gus Budig , M. >
Kripps , Melvin Holmes , T. A. Brinton ,
Walter Murphy , R. H. Taylor , Arch
Mann , G. W. Dillon , -Alike Hogan , M. <
B. Leopold , George Smith.
Majestic ! Majestic ! Majestic ! C
See it , next week , at our store. j.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the
largest sale of any salve in the world.
This fact and its merit has led dishonest
people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look
out for the man who attempts to deceive
you when you call for DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure. A. Mc-
More than twenty million free sam
ples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have
been distributed by the manufacturers.
What better proof of their confidence in
it's merits do you want ? It cures piles ,
burns , scalds and sores in the shortest
space of time. A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
Tb famous little
Are unequalled , because thny are of Malleable Iron and Wronging ,
Steel. "Will not break by rough usage or overheating. Water- :
backs bear 200 pounds pressure. No danger of explosions by freez
ing. Flues lined with asbestos. Bake quickly and are
Abundant hot water. Burn hard or soft coal , and wood. They
are convenient au'd ornamental , and will last a life time with ordinary
care , and are
Over 317,720 sold to November 1 , 1897. No.
96 only sold from Company's Wagons , by their own
Salesman , at a uniform price through the United
States and Canada.
Three gold and silver medals. World's Industrial and Cotton
Centennial Exposition , New Orleans , 1884-85.
i Highest awards Nebraska State Board of Agriculture , 1887.
Diploma Alabama State Agricultural Soc ety at Montgomery , 1S8S.
Awards Chatahochie Valley Expositio , Columbus , Ga. , 18SS.
Highest awards St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Ass'n , 1880.
Six highest awards World's Columbian Exposition , Chicago , 1893.
Highest awards Western Fair Ass'n , London. Canada , 1S93.
Six gold medals , Midwinter Fair , San Francisco , Gal. , 189-k
Silver medal , Toronto , Canada , 1895.
WASHINGTON AVE. , 19th to 20th St. , ST. LOUIS , MO.
Founded in 1864. Paid up Capital , $1,000,000.00
All Kinds , Sizes and Prices.
A. C. DOLE , Agent. McCook , Neb.
In the German Mutu.ii , Om.ilia ; Mercantile Mu
tual , Lincoln ; I'.inners Mutual , Lincoln.
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , Septem
ber 17 , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice of her
intention to make final proof in support of her
claim , and tint said proof will be made be
fore register or receiver at McCook. Neb. on
Saturday , October 29 , ibgSiz : II. E. No.
9901 , Mrs. Anna M. Ward , for the S W ' of
S E M of Section 7 , and N W ' ( of N E % of
Section iS , Township 4 north , Range 30 west
of the 6th P.M. She names the following wit
nesses to prove her continuous residence upon
and cultivation of , said land , viz : James
Ryan , Thomas F. Ryan , John N. Smith and
Joseph Hunter , all of McCook , Nebraska.
6-23-61 F. M. RATHHUN , Register.
lives a happy wife. She writes : " I
have used Mother's Friend before
two confinements. The last time I had
twins , and was in labor only a few min
utes. Suffered very little. " The reason
does expectant mothers so much
good is because it is an external liniment ,
to be applied upon the outside , where
much of the strain comes. It helps be
cause the pores of the skin readily absorb
it , and it comes into direct contact with
and is absorbed by the parts involved.
Morning sickness is quickly banished ,
and nervousness is kept'completely away.
The sense of dread and foreboding is not
experienced , even during labor itself.
Confinement is short and almost without
pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best
of all , Mother's Friend benefits the
unborn just as much as the expectant
mother , and when the little one comes it
will be strong , lusty and healthy.
Druggists sell Mother's Friend for $1 a bottle.
Send for our free book on the subject ,
finely illustrated.
3. S. ASET01T , Pro : . T. S. UcSOlTiLD , Cssh.
CLIFF02D HAS31T , At. Cash.
A General Banking Business
T"Anv business you may wish to
transact \\itIiTHE McCooK rRiKL'NE
will receive prompt and careful atten-
' lion. Subscriptions received , order.- ,
taken foradvertij-ements and job-work.
fffl. guarantee a cure. No cure , no
pay. Write ine at above address , or call
it 1113 * home in Coleman precinct.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
In the District Court of Red Willow county ,
State of Nebraska. In the matter of the es
tate of Michael Travers , deceased. This
cause came for hearing on the petition of
James Doyle , administrator de uonis non of
the estate of Michael Travers. deceased ,
praying for a license to sell the following de
scribed real estate , viz : The southeast quar
ter of section four , township three , range
thirty , Red Willow county , Nebraska , or a
sufficient amount of the same to bring the
sum of 5360.65 for the purpose of the payment
of the debts allowed against said estate and
for the costs of administration. It is therefor
ordered that all persons interested in said es
tate appear before me in the district court
room m McCook , Red Willow county. Ne
braska , on the 10th day of October. lSgi > , at o
o'clock a. in. , to show cause why a license
should not be granted to said administrator
to sell so much of the above described real es
tate of said deceased as shall be necessary to
pay said debts and expenses. It is hereby
ordered that a copy of this order to shou
cause be published for four consecutive week-
in THE McCooK TRIBUNEa newspaper pu ! >
lislied in the county wherein said real estate
is situated.
Dated this 30th day of August , iSoS.
9-0-4ts Judge of the District Court.
C. II. Boyle , Attorney for Administrator.
Land Office at McCook. Nebraska , August
25th , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of his-
claim , and that said proof will be made before
the register or receiver of L" . S. Land Office
at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , October
ist , ib'oS , viz : Julius Hin/ , Homestead entry
No. 9897 for the NE ' 4 of section S , Tp. 2 , N.
range 2b' W of 6th P. M. lie names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land , viz :
Charles Ebert , Charles Nothnagel , Herman
Bey , Michael t ch. all of McCook , Neb.
S-26-6t. K. M. RATHIJUN , Register.
0. L EVERIST & CO. ,
McCook Transfer Line
furniture van iu the
city. Office one block north of
BaniPtt Lumber Yard. Leave or
ders for bus calls at Commercial
hotel : orders for dravinjj at Ev-
erist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Steam Filter
Iron. Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoiierTrimmmcrs
Agent for Halhday , Waupun , EC' ese
Windmills. Basementof the Meeer-
Phillips build'ng
of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office i > euar
anteed to be firstclass.Ve do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and I lospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
given in appropriate cases.
McCook Surgical Hospital.