LADIES : I want to call your attention m ® to the .nice line of fine shoes fi I have just received. They are good in quality , elegant in style , and pleasing to the eye. They will fit .your feet and make you smile when you see | H them. THE PRICE IS FROM $1.00 TO $4.50 You also may want some school shoes. I have them I good and cheap. Do not buy a shoddy shoe when you can get a better one for only a tew cents more. I guarantee them. MEN'S FINE SHOES IN ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES M THE OLD RELIABLE , J. F. GANSCHOW , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. fny Mtffi nergON ON Wednesday , September 28 AFTERNOON AND EVENING. You are fnvited to be present and inspect the \yr I most stylish display of millinery in the city. Miss LOTTA STOVER. ri lt f te-vertst - * IF 1 At Brewer's Old Stand. 4 1 FRESH AND SALT MEATS I Fish' , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. | | 1 , " f keep everything usually to C L 5 $ If be found in a first-class city market , E - TK m and. respectfully solicit your patronage. 4 * m , A RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Operator G. R. Perkins is in Denver. Brakeman Neal Beeler is on the sick- list. Santford Lewis was down from Den ver , Sunday. C. N. Kent of Hastings is a new pas senger brakeman. Mrs Ed. Caffery of Oxford has been quite poorly of late. Mrs. B. J Doyle of Sheridan is visit ing here and at Wyniore. Conductor and Mrs. A. P. Bonnet took fn the fair , first of this week. Brakeman and Mrs. A. G. Bump are visiting at the fair , this week. Switchman C. J. Hill was up from Holdrege , Monday , on a short visit. Conductor John Morris was in Norca- tur , Kansas , close of this week on busi ness. Hert Beyrer and Millie Slaby attended the West Nebraska conference , Saturday last. Engineer B.H.Douglas of Denver went through here , last Friday , for New York , on a visit. During the recent cold snap snow fell at St. Francis and Oberlin to the depth of a half inch. Brakeinun . S. Parks of the Hastings- Oberlin run has been transferred to Me- Cook for the present. Conductor George Beck has the Hast- ings-Oberlin run during Conductor Cromwell's absence at the fair. Mrs. S. E. Callen and the children left on Monday for South Bend , Indiana , Chicago and other points on a visit. Rufus Carl ton went over to Norton , Kansas , Saturday morning , on a visit to his sister. He rode over on his wheel. Mrs. J. F. Forbes entertained her mother , Mrs. Henry Touiblin , from Im perial , a few days the first of the week. Mrs. M. R , Gates and the children went down to Lincoln and Omaha , Wednesday morning on 2 , to visit friends and see the exposition. Seven different makes of fine steel ranges are o'n exhibition and offered for sale by S. M. Cochran & Co. Price and quality assured. Asst. Supt. D. F. McFarland was down from Holyoke , Monday , on business at headquarters. Also Trainmaster Web. Josselyn of Orleans. Conductor G. L. Hackett of Denver had the editorial special down from Den ver , Sunday , and Conductor T. F. En- right and crew took them on through to Hastings. The members of the national editorial convention passed through McCook , Sunday afternoon , just ahead of No. 6 , in a special train. The association met in Denver , this year. The great but unfortunate B. & O. seems to be in a fair way to emerge from its difficulties with a promise of becom ing one of the great trans-continental lines of America , in connection with the Great Northern railroad. All freight conductors are providing themselves with passenger uniforms , and the freight brakemen are securing caps , as per orders. Many of the freight brakemen are also buying full uniforms. The uniforms are for use in case they are called to make passenger runs. Brakeman J. F. Custer received a tele gram from JacksonvilleFlorida , Wednes day evening , informing him that if he wa'nted to see his brother E. O. alive , it would be necessary to come at once , as his brother is sinking with an attack of fever. E. O. formerly worked for the company at this place , and will be re membered as a robust j-oung man. He is a member of the Third Nebraska regi ment. Two of M. Lawritson's children were pretty badly scared , Tuesday morning , in what promised to be a runaway of the family horse with the family cart. The little ones were the sole occupants and were on their way to the depot. Going down Main avenue the horse got under such headway that the little ones became scared and called out in terror. Ben Stoddard came to the rescue and in the sudden stopping of the horse both of the children were thrown out , but fortu nately without injury to either of them. The locomotive of last Friday after noon's passenger train met with an ac cident as it was approaching the Beaver City depot. One side of the frame be came loosened and , dropping down , caught in the track , breaking some of the heavy castings and disabling the en gine. It was fortunate that the accident occurred when the train was almost stopped , as had it happened when going at full speed a serious wreck would have resulted. The train was delayed here until an extra engine could be sent from Orleans. Master Mechanic Archibald , of McCook , and a force of men repaired the disabled machine , Saturday , suffi ciently that it could be run to the shops. Beaver City Tribune. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. Mrs. O. D Keith was a visitor in Hast ings , last Friday. Mrs. G. W Burnett was a Cambridge visitor , last Friday. Mrs. J. F. Custer is entertaining her sister MISS Madison. Mrs. Geo. Willets was a Hastings visi tor , fore part of this week. Conductor E. M. Cox and wife are seeing the lair , this week. Mrs. George Settle and Mae Moore ex pect soon to go to Denver. L Lawritson of Riverton visited his brother Mathew , this week. Mr. and Mr. M. Lawritson are seeing the sights at the fair , this week. Patrick Golfer is here on account of the serious illness of his aged mother. Switchman Otto Penner is in the Holdrege yard in place of D. A. Bowen. Mrs. G. W. Starks went down to Lin coln , this morning , on a visit to rela tives. Roaduiaster Tom Curren of Sheridan spent Sunday here , the guest of his twin brother Jack , on his way home from Denver and the roadmaster's conven tion. The superiority of the celebrated "El gin" shirts is well stated by a great au thority in this line in this way : "As the light of the sun is superior to that of the moon or stars , so is the ' 'Elgin" in fit , make and quality , better than all others and the low price , only one dollar , makes it also the cheapest " A full line of white and colored at The Famous. If you buy a Majestic Steel Range from Cochran & Co. , during the exhibition week , September a6th to October ist , you will get $6 worth of the finest furni ture in the market. This will only hold good during this week. Our elegant and immense line of neck wear is well worth seeing. Nothing like it any where between Lincoln and Den ver. Come and see the low prices. THE FAMOUS. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Predmore are parents of a son whose birthdays will date from last Saturday. H , H. Troth is painting his residence , this week. Exposition Rates. Tickets from McCook to Omaha and return will be sold from Sept. ist to Oct. 3ist , inclusive , for $8.95 , return limited to seven days. SHEET MUSIC. We have just received 200 new pieces which you can buy at 3c. each , come at once and have first choice. THE "BEE HIVE. " A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect , touches the right spot and just what is wanted It acts at once. A. McMillen. CRITICAL TIME During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OR WELL , A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. The Packers at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic Efforts in Getting Ammunition to the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler , of pack-train No. 3 , writ ing from Santiago De Cubaon , July 23d , says : "We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form , and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor , for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with am munition and rations , but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy , we were able to keep at work and keep our health ; in fact , I sin cerely believe that at one critical time this medicine was the indirect savior of our arniy , for if the packers had been un able to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life. " The above letter was written to the manufacturersof this medicine.theCham- berlain Medicine Co. , Des Moines , Iowa. For sale by L , W. McConuell & . Co. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results. Safe to take. Are now ready for your inspection. Please call and examine our new lines of DRESS GOODS You will find our stock the LARGEST , styles the NEWEST , and prices STRICTLY RIGHT. Will be a SPECIAL FEATURE with us , this fall. Have just opened up a large line of NEW , UP-TO-DATE CAPES and JACKETS , which are marked at prices THAT WILL SELL THEM. CLOTHING WE BEAT 'EM ALL. I GROCERY DEPT ft ® " IS COMPLETE. COME , SEE , BELIEVE. PT 9 * " PI AT THE . . . ft ar gai m C. L. DeGROFF & GO. . ' * ft * i fer 1.1V W6f . - jyjqjp. Jgfragcagraagagryfxyr jjjc V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. J * II I * A XV * AiMV 41 & OF MeCOOK , NEB. # % w j& Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5.000 * - = = = = = DIRECTORS = I ? . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL1HAN , C. H. WILLARD . - a yi : j u : JJJLT J. ju ac j ysyc : agca Menard Building , First Door North of Citizens Bank. We are here to do business with 'y ° uOur Grand We do riot want you to pay ONE PRICE and your Fall Stock is ful ] of Bargains. It is a splendid assort neighbor ANOTHER PRICE for the same article , and ment of the Latest Styles and the Finest Grades , all at therefore mark EVERYTHING IN PLAIN FIGURES. "Live and Let Live" Prices. You cannot help being Our facilities for buying GOOD GOODS for the LEAST pleased with our common-sense , popular prices , and in MONEY are great , as we buy in connection with our large every way desirable Jine of MEN'S , BOYS' and CHIL Plattsmouth Store. DREN'S CLOTHING , HATS , CAPS AND FURNISHING Nothing ; we can say will convince you like OUR GOODS and OUR PRICES themselves , so GOODS. come in and let them show you that it pays to trade with us. MORGAN - THE LEADING CLOTHIER - M'COOK