Hie Red Man Not Greatly Interested in the Grand Sights , A TOUR OF THE GROUNDS Serenely and Solemnly I'nsslngv Through the Greut IJuildings Without Looking to the ICIght or to the Left The Tent ed Field of the Various Trlboi. Noon at the Trans-Mississippi , Ex- , posltion ! In the Ceurt of Honor the .blue laeoon was motionless , save for the rippling gleam that followed the lazy gondola. Reflected in its depths were the classic fronts of the great buildings surrounding it. The shad ows made black blotches on the white walks. In the .shelter of one of the curving colonnades sat a group of Turks , placidly smoking and viewing the scene with appreciative eyes. Ttie 'varicolored flags that surrounded the roofs of the buildings stretched lan guidly with a passing breeze , and then dropped wearily back as though ex hausted with the effort. The echo of .a Venetian boat song , chanted by a stalwart gondolier , floated across the water. Down the steps of the Government building came a brilliant procession. Wrapped. in blankets of gaudy hue , their faces daubed with many colored paints , coarse , unkempt hair hanging over each shoulder , beaded moccasins and leggings as picturesque as a group of Sioux braves as one can often see. Their carriage was dignified and stately , their Impenetrable faces un moved by the splendor of the scene. The snowy facades of classic architec ture , the shimmering sweep of the la goon , the languid gondolas , the distant song not one incident of the picture before them caused one flicker of in terest to cross those stoic faces. Suddenly they stopped. Intense in terest was manifested in their every jnovement. They crowded eagerly around their chief who had evidently fojund something unusual , and was ges ticulating violently. I crowded up to see what strange thing they had dis covered. I found them intent on a "penny-in-the-slot" machine ! "Rain- in-the-Face" was slowly untying from \ a greasy corner of , his fringed blanket. & penny ! Impressively he put it iu the slot ; impressively hs pushed the hutton ! As a narrow bar of chocolate fell into his greasy palm , a shout of triumph went up from the noble "braves. They danced with excitement. They laus&ed with glee. Then their faces straightened into gravity , they wrapped .themselves in their accustomed dignity , and , serene ly solemn once more , started on down the court. They walked through the Imildings with never a sign of inter est , turning their faces neither to the right nor to the left , until in the Man ufactures building they came to a great bottle which advertises a well Icnown brand of whisky. Here was something they could understand. "With grunts of satisfaction they sur veyed it .from all sides. "Hold heap lots firewater ! " said "Rain-in-the- Face , " thirstily. On out of the building they strode down to the end of the Grand Court and up the steps of the great viaduct which connects it with the adjacent Bluff tract. Straight on , not once turning their heads to look back at the splendid scene spread helow them. What cared they for shimmering la goon , they who knew the dancing wat erfalls and the hidden purling brooks. "What cared they for the splendor of the buildings , who slept beneath the maj esty of the sky ? What cared they for a demonstration of the riches of the AVest , who had known its woods and mountains and plains belore the white man had come ? Turning to the left they entered the Midway. The Moorish village with its reproductions of the Alaham- bra's beauty , the golden domes and gaudy minarets , attracted from them no sign of recognition ; but in front of the Mystic Maze they stopped again i and once more they went into ecsta- cies of delight. This time it was the , great concave mirrors that excited | mirth. Holding thenbidea in laugh ter they turned this way and that , hugely amazed and entertained by the sight of their gaudy bodies extended in girth to the size of a bulky barrel. "Fat man ! " grunted one , "eat heaps ! ugh ! " and his squaw , grinning with enjoyment , held bur brown papuose up to seo. j i'5 ' ? ' -4. The "spielers" next attracted their attention , and they stopped in wide- eyed admiration to listen to the man who bawls through the megaphone "Have you seen the See-Saw ? Don't say that you have saw until you've rid den on the See-Sa.w ! See. ' ' One aged warrior , freely daubed with yel low ochre , wrapped in the most bril liant of blankets and wearing , to cap the climax , a pair of green goggles , evidently considered it a rew kind o" battle cry , and danced gravely around the howling medicant , trying in vain to imitate him. j They looked with haughty scorn at ! a group of almond-eyed celestials , cur iously at a clumsy camel laden with laghing Arabian dancing girls , and then proceeded unconcernedly on their dignified way toward their own camp ing ground. Here the group of tents belonging to the different tribes were scattered I about in picturesque profusion. In I the center was a great artificial pond of water where the red man. be he Apache or Navajo , chief or warrior , brave , squaw or papoose , took his morning plunge. The flaps of the tents were looped back , and here and there one caught glimpses of brown faces , of gorgeous beaded trifles , war bonnets hung with feathers , and time I worn tomahawks. In the center of , the Apache encampment loomed up a sin ister war teepee of painted buffalo skin. These war tepees are greally prized by the tribes to which fhey be long , and this particular one Is over two hundred years old. The most gorgeous array of beaded trappings belonged to the .Flatheads. Wonderful moccasins , fringed leggings and befeathered headgear ; the Nava- joes gloried In their characteristic na tive blankets ; the Zunis women wo.ve their dainty blankets and looked with shy , smiling faces at the ferotips of visitors ; over at the edge of the vil lage stood a great cabin , and here the . curio hunter will , find relics that , will gladden his Jieart , . _ - „ . - J" , r\ ; , i ! * r -OT > 7 Grateful Acknowledgment. The f oTlowIng leTEorVfll be of * fnter- cst to every Nebraska relative of tlie boys at-'Manila , 'as it suows < in a measure what the Red Cross society is doing there. The ten dcllais de ducted from the whole amount sent by the Beatrice society is the amount charged for membership fee : * California Red-Cioss , State Association tion/ ' San Francisco , Aug. 20 , 189S. "Mrs. O. N. Whcelocl ; , Treasurer-Tour letter of August 25 , encloses your _ , -very generous donation of $8,115 , has just been received and we thank you most warmly for this splendid contri bution. "Vve greet the Red Cross of Beatrice , Neb. , most cordiajly into cur association , and feel assured that your kind co-operation with us In alleviat ing the sufferings of the "boys in blue" will seem to lessen the distance 'be tween our two states. We wu * take the greatest pleasure in forwarding the aiuount , $81.15 , to company C. First Nebraska. I know you will be gratified to learn we have a field hos pital at Manila , with a corps of trained male nurses and equipment for J.25 beds , and that by both the 'Arizona and Scandia , wo have sent every con ceivable kind of delicacy for the sick in this hospital. "We have also fitted tout , a hospital ship for use at Manila ( which the , government provided ) , equipped with all those necessaries and comforts that are so essential to the sick and wounded , besides providing it with trained nurses , both men and women. To day we will direct our fi nancial agent , 0. H. C. 'Schlott * who is now in Manila , to expend the value of the amount , $81.15 , ( which will prob ably be double in the. coin of the Phil ippines ) , for the boys of Company C. It' is suppc-ed that the Scandia , which left last Saturday , is the last of the transports to go to Manila , so it may be impossible to forward the box of books to company C. If this' is the case , what disposition do you wish made of them ? Very sincerely and gratefully , LUCIAN K. WALL1S , Corresponding Secretary , Robbed of S9JJ5. Omaha Bee : Harry Stockton , a Bur lington engineer , with his bride came down from Lincoln yesterday on a weddins tour and went to the expo sition. Stockton is still on his wed ding tour , but he is § 925 poorer than when he left the grounds yesterday afternoon , for he was robbed of that amount while getting on a street car at Twenty-fourth and Plnkey streets. Stockton had traveled about the grounds and had become pretty tired , so about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon he and his wife concluded that they would go down to their boarding house at 2606 Blonde street. Passing out of the gate at the southwest corner of the grounds , they were caught m a jam and as Stockton was assisting his wife and another woman upon the car he remembers being jostleU by a number of men , some pushing him one way and some pushing him another. He thought nothing of this until he had nearly reached the place where he was to leave the car , wlien reaching around to his right hip pocket he discovered that his wallet was gone , which contained | all of'his money. ' It wa s then that he called to mind the fact of the men jostling against him as he was getting on the car. He also remembered that one of them pushed his coat aside and at the same instant leaned heavily up against him. Sickness in the Third. The governor and adjutant general , says the Lincoln Journal , are becom ing very much alarmed over the in crease in sickness in the Third reg iment at Jacksonville. Yesterday the sick report of the regiment showed sixty-seven sick in ciuarters and 112 in the hospital. General Barry said this condition was appalling and he ' and the governor at once set about ! doing all in their endeavor to bring I about a removal of the men to some j other location or a transfer in case they are to be mustered out. The fol lowing telegram was sent last even ing : Col. W. S. Stark , Washington , D. C. Sick list in Third Nebraska has I grown so rapidly that a proper regard } for the health and lives of the soldiers icquest that they be moved to a healthier location pending determination - tion whether they will be transferred or assigned active duty. Meanwhile it would seem wise to remove them to some northern state. I hope the war department will , if not incompatible - iblo with public interest , have this done , unless they are at once ordered to Nebraska to be mustered out of ser vice ( Signed. ) SILAS A. HOLCOMB , Governor. As to the Crops. The last Nebraska crop bulletin says that corn has generally deteriorated in condition and even in the northern counties , where the rainfall has been sufficient for the corn crop previous to the hist week , the corn is resorted as damaged somewhat during the last week. The amount of damage in this section is variously estimated , some placing it as high as 25 per cent and some claiming little or no dam- age. Much of the early planted corn has dried out so rapidly that it is har dened beyond injury by frost. Late planted corn is ripening prematurely and will he a very short crop generally. Corn has ripened so very rapidly the last three weeks that most of it will be beyond injury by frost in a week or ten days. The last week has been fa vorable for threshing and haymaking. The wild or native grass is being cut for hay quite generally and the crop varies from fair to good , but is above the average in most sections. Hoary Yield of Exeter dispatch : Off of nineteen and one-half acres P. A. Murphy has threshed 570 bushels of wheat and of , a fine" quality , foo. Other farmers around here who thought their wheat would not amount to much are meeting with similar surprises and are feeling a whole lot better than they did two months ago. Corn is doing wellbut , rain is needed badly to settle the dust and cool off the atmosphere. Jfotcs. The seventeenth annual Cedar coun ty fair will be held at the grounds of the Hartington Driving Park and' ' Fair association on September 14,15 and 16. This promises to be the best fair ever held in tne county on account of the .good premiums and purses offered by the fair association and the .liberal -premiums of the "merchants. , . . . . \ A MARINE MONOPOLY. .HOWENGLAND MAINTAINS HER SEA SUPREMACY. No American Built Ship Can Obtain from tbo British Lloyds u Clntjslflcn- toln and Rating as Favorubln uu Those Accorded to British Vessels. Marine Insurance as closely follows the carrier of goods as trade follows the flag borne by the ship. This is conclusively shown by the history of marine underwriting in this country. In the early days of the republic when pur merchant marine was ade quately protected by the imposition of discriminating duties , and when , there by , the American shipbuilding indus try prospered , American marine under writing flourished. There was little or no competition in the market for freights ; therefore these were com paratively high. At the same time profits on goods were large , and ship owners could well afford to pay full rates for insurance , while shippers of goods found no fault with the high rates of underwriters who guaranteed the safe delivery of the cargo. The marine insurance companies do ing business in this city in 185S num bered thirteen , having an aggregate capital of 120,000,000. The commerce of the country was comparatively large , and it had grown from about § 200,000.000 in 1S38 to $335,000,000 twenty years later. This capital was ample for the safe conduct of the busi ness , and large dividends were paid by all the companies. These profitable conditions did not attract competition of foreign insurance companies , how ever , mainly for the reason that there had not , at that time , been much competition in the carrying trade , though foreign carriers were gradually forcing their way into the oversea field by means of their iron steamers. The outbreak of the War of the Re bellion gave the foreigners their long- sought opportunity. American ship ping was practically driven from the sea- the ocean-carrying trade was se cured by Europeans , and agencies of foreign insurance companies followed the foreign flags to this city and to other Atlantic ports. Gradually American underwriters were forced out of the business , and today there is but one of the marine insurance compa- event insuranca would most assuredly follow the carrier , successful competi tion with foreign underwriters would soon become possible , and it Could be made entirely successful by a system of taxation which would adequately , protect American capital employed in underwriting. First of all , however , an American merchant marine. After that , innumerable blessings and ad vantages will follow. EXPORTS OF MANUFACTURES. Interesting Facts Concerning the Record Breaking Ycur Just Closed. While our wonderful export trade in the fiscal year just ended has attracted much attention , the most interesting and really wonderful feature of it has been , in some degree , at least , over looked. While our exportations of agricultural products during the year have surpassed in value .those of any preceding year in the history of the country , and thus attracted universal attention , the exportation of manufac tures is , when considered in detail , equally interesting in its bearing up on the general commerce and pros perity , both present and future , of the nation. The exportation of domestic manu factures In the fiscal year 189S is set down by the records of the bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department at $288,871,449 , which is nearly twelve millions of dollars greater than any preceding year in the history of the country. This is especially interest ing in view of the fact that the im ports of manufactures during the year were abnormally small. In addition to this it is reasonable to suppose that the purchases manufactures . by the people of this country in the pros perous year just ended were unusually great , both by reason of their in creased earnings and the further fact that during several preceding years their purchases in these lines had , be cause of the financial depression , been light. For these two reasons , the smallness - ness of importations of manufactures and the probable increased consump tion of manufactures by our own people ple , it is reasonable to suppose that the home "demand uponourown manu facturers was unusually great , thus re ducing , to some great extent , the at tention which they had formerly been able to give to an invasion of foreign markets. In addition to this it had been feared by some that the in- -n. MERCHANT UEET . ' * * 's . CP : < INC AWO.K-- . THE WILD WAVES HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. nies in existence in this city , and only five , and these of small capital , in other Atlantic ports. Almost the entire business of ma rine underwriting is now done through agencies of foreign companies. Though the commerce of the country has enormously increased , being nearly quadrupled in forty years , yet the capi tal of these foreign companies Invest ed in this country is only about $7- 000,000 , this being the aggregate amount of the deposits required to be made with the insurance department under the state laws. The capitaliza tion of the parent companies is un known , no statement of such capital being published , and , therefore , these foreign organizations pay only small taxes here for the privilege of doing business in this country. The facili ties for instant cabling enable these foreign agencies to take enormous lines of insurance , distributing the lines among the various parent companies , and in this way the risks are actually underwritten abroad. It will be seen at a glance that com petition by American companies , did these companies exist in sufficient number to attempt to compete , would be almost imposssible , and until condi tions shall materially change there will he little incentive for American capi tal to engage in marine underwriting. The spectacle is presented today of our ocean carrying trade being almost wholly in the hands of foreigners who are receiving fully $300.000,000 annu ally for the transportation of our im ports and exports. Foreigners are also underwri ing almost every ton of the goods carried , besides taking risks Aup- on every ship engaged in the traffic. They contribute scarcely anything in the form of taxes for the privilege of conducting their business , and they vigorously resist every attempt which is made to require them to bear some portion of the expense of maintaining facilities for their shipping. ul The remedy for this disgraceful con dition of affairs seems to be the im position ' of discriminating duties against goods carried in foreign stilps. If this remedy should prove effective it would tend to stimulate the growth of our American marine , and in Jthat crcased customs rates adopted a year ago would result in a reduction of the purchases of our goods by citizens of other nations , but this expectation was not realized. In view of these facts the large ex portation of manufactures in the year just ended is , to say the least , a very notable feature of the commerce of , this remarkable year. The total exporta tion of manufactures for the year , as already indicated , is $288,871,449 , which is more than double that of a decade ago , almost three times as much as that of 18SO , more than four times as much as in 1870. and seven times as much as in 1860. In 1876 the exportation of manufactures for the first time touched the one hundred million dollar line , and since that time has gone steadily forward until in 18D8 it reached $288,871,449 , or nearly twelve million dollars more than in any preceding year. Maintain the American Policy. The real interest of the nation is not to change its policy but to continue it continue the policy that has made it great. If it is recognized as keeping the front place among the greatest na tions from now on it will not be due to its army or its navy ; it will be due to the industrial policy under which the nation has been developed and its military and naval success made pos sible. It is continuance , then , of this policy which will make the republic great. It will be greater still if it can turn from this military digression .and resume its previous industrial policy. Its previous industrial policy has giv en us our wealth and prosperity ; it has given the laborers of this country something to esteem ; as Carl Schurz said in his recent article in a Ger man paper , correcting the misconcep tions of the Germans regarding Amer ica , all Germans who have made their home in this country will fight as readily for their new fatherland as they ever would for their old father land. Nothing has made this possible , I say , but the industrial policy under which the material prosperity of. the people has undergone a progress not witnessed in any other country. Gun- ton's Magazine for August. FOE BOYS AND GIRLS , SOME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS. Some Yonujr Americans \Vmt an Indian Has Done ; a Story with a Moral Washing a TVlld Tiger ; the Length to "Which Fearlessness Will Curry a Man. A Song of Winter. His gathering- mantle of fleecy snow The winter-king wrapped around him : And flashing : with Ice-wrought gems be low "Was the regal zone that bound him : He went abroad In his kingly state. By the poor man's door by the palace- gate. Then his minstrel winds , on either hand , The muslc of frost-days humming. Flew fast before % him through all the land. Crying , "Winter Winter Is coming ! " And they sang a song in their deep , loud voice. That made the heart of their king re joice ; For It spake of strength , and It told of power. And the mighty will that moved him ; Of all the joys of the fireside hour. And the gentle hearts that loved him ; Of affections sweetly Interwrought With the play of wit and the flow of thought. He has left his home In the starry North , On a mission high and holy ; And now In his pride he is going forth. To strengthen the weak and lowly- While his vigorous breath is on the breeze. And he lifts up Health from wan Dis ease. We bow to his scepter's supreme behest ; He is rough , but never unfeeling ; And a voice comes up Irom his Icy breast. To our kindness ever appealing : By the comfortless hut. on the desolate moor. He is pleading earnestly for the poor. While deep in his bosom the heart lies warm. And there the future life he cherlsheth : Xor clinging root , nor seedling form. Its genial depths embracing , perlsheth ; But safely and tenderly he will keep The delicate flower-gems while they sleep. The Mountain heard the sounding blast Of the winds from their wild horn blow ing. And his rough check paled as on they passed. And the River checked his flowing : Then , with ringing laugh and echoing shout. The merry schoolboys all came out. And see them now , as away they go. With the long , bright plane before them. In its sparkling girdle of silvery snow. And the blue arch bending o'er them ; While every bright cheek brighter grows , Blooming with health our winter rose ! The shrub looked up , and the tree looked down For with ice-gems each was crested ; And flashing diamonds lit the crown That on the old oak rested : And the forest shone in gorgeous array. For the spirits of winter kept holyday. So on the joyous skaters fly. With no thought of a coming sorrow For never a brightly-beaming eye Has dreamed of the tears of to-mor row. Be free and be happy , then , while ye may. And rejoice in the blessing of to-day. Some Young Americans. Whatever may be true of the young people of America in general , there is one part of the country concerning whose young folks it is asserted , on the best authority that they positively do not know how to be disrespectful to those older than themselves. The par ticular young people referred to are the children of the Innuit inhabitants of Alaska. A lady writer in the Outlook gives a pleasant picture of these young Americans , who are now being train ed in American schools , according to American principles. Innuit is the name these people give themselves. It means "the people. " Americans call them Eskimos , "raw- fish eaters. " They are not the stunted race they are usually supposed to be , but a tall , well-formed , muscular people ple , many of them standing six feet and more. One of their teachers , who lives on St. Lawrence Island , near the entrance of Bering Straits , says of his pupils that they are apt scholars , as well endowed with mental capacity as American children of the same age , and that after a winter's instruction they are able to speak , read and write in English. They excel in penmanship , and have an astonishing natural talent for draw ing. At home they have been taught to carve in ivory the figures of the walrus , the bear , and other familiar animals , but in their drawings they will depict everything their various amusements and duties , their hunting and fishing expeditions , their dogs and sledges , and the reindeer that are just being introduced among them. The drawings are neat , full of detail , and not without artistic effect. There is one characteristic of these Innuit boys and girls that could not be excelled by young Americans in the more highly favored parts of our broad land. That characteristic is their tender - ( der compassion for each other. They have all learned what famine means , but let them be ever so hungry , they always divide the seal that has been caught with every member of the com munity. During a time when food was scarce Mr. Gambell , the teacher referred to , often gave his school of thirty or forty pupils a dinner. On one occasion the meal consisted of beans. The hungry scholars had partly eaten their allow ance when Mr. Gambell remarked that the tin cans in which the beans had come were of no use to him , and that the boys and girls might have them. Instantly the guests stopped eating , popped their re maining beans back into the cans , and carried them home to share with the rest of. the family. Patient , merry , good-humored and industrious , these Innuit Americans ought to make good citizens. They are never idle. In the short summer they endeavor to lay in enough food cs-.s for the winter , and In the winter they work on their clothes , nets , Imple menta and carving. TVhat an Indian Has Done. Many an American boy has obtain ed his education by overcoming great obstacles , ' but no American lad has ever accomplished it by greater per sistence and determination than a young man who halls from the far north. This young American Is a full- blooded Indian , whose home Is in tha island of New Metlakahtla , Alaska. He is a graduate of the SItka In dustrial School , of Marietta College , 0. , and of Lane Theological Seminary , from which he has just graduated. His name Is Edward Marsden. and he la now on his way back to labor as a teacher and a missionary among the Indians of Alaska. Very few American students attempt what this young Indian has mastered. Aside from the culture received in col lege and seminary , his requirements are almost amazingly varied. Bricklaying and clock-repairing , house-painting and gardening , tin- smithing and steamboat engineering , storekeeping and bookkeeping , piano- tuning , machine-handling in general and land-surveying , typewriting and a few other incidental branches , have in less or greater degree been taken up by him , side by side with ordinary book learning. Besides his regular theological studies , Mr. Marsden has given a brief time to study in the law department of the Cincinnati Young Men's Chris tian Association , and is a member of one of the classes of the Chautauqua literary and scientific course. He is thoroughly conversant with two of the three Indian tongues spoken in Alaska.- in both of which he hopes to be use ful to his people. This is a fairly long list of attain ments for one who began his career without the inherited qualities that come from a civilized ancestry , or the advantages and stimulus given by cul tured associations in early youth. He did his first summer's work at nine years old , and gained by it a pair of trousers , a sack of potatoes , and three dollars. Then followed the accom plishment of a steady purpose to fit himself for usefulness among his pee ple. ple.He He owes some of his training to help given by friends in Alaska , who took an Interest in his career , and cheered him by their confidence and encouragement ; but his three years' work in the Sitka Industrial School , the four at the Marietta College , and the three at Lane Theological Semi nary , have been secured solely by his own exertions. Besides his college training Mr. Marsden has traveled somewhat in British Columbia and the United States , eagerly studying the education al and mercantile institutions , munici pal government and social organiza tion of the places he has visited. If his future career develops in use fulness as his friends anticipate , be cause of the foundations thus laid , his life will be one of supreme good to his race. In its large-minded purpose and unselfisnness it is a manifestation of public spirit that every young Ameri can should be ambitious to emulate. TTushlng : i Wild Tiger. A story copied from "La France du Xord" illustrates the lengths to which perfect fearlessness may carry a man. The famous lion-tamer Pezon hired at Moscow a poor Cossack , who was as ignorant of the French language as of fear , to clean the cages of his wild beasts. Instructions were given to the man by means of gestures and dumb show , and apparently he thoroughly under stood what he was expected to do. The next morning he began his new duties by entering with bucket , sponge and broom , not the cage of a tame beast , but that of a splendid untamed tiger , which lay asleep upon the floor. The fierce animal awoke and fixed his eyes upon the man , who calmly pro ceeded to wet his large sponge , and ua- terrified , to approach the tiger. At this moment Pezcn saw what was going on , and was struck with horror. Any sound or motion on his part would increase the danger of the situ ation by rousing the beast to fury ; so he quietly waited till the need should arise to rush to the man's assistance. The moujik , sponge in hand , approached preached the animal , and perfectly fearless , proceeded to rub him down , as if he had been a horse or dog. while the tiger , apparently delighted by the application of cold water , rolled over on its back , stretched out its paws , purred and offered every part of its body to the moujik , who washed him as complacently as a mother bathes her Infant. Then he loft the cage , and would have repeated the hazardous experi ment upon another savage of the des ert had not Pezon with difficulty drawn him off. En Ic Bagloy's Last Words. The Chicago Chronicle says that a private letter gives a pathetic incident connected with the death of Ensign. Bagley on board the torpedo boat Winslow - slow at the engagement off Cardenas. Bagley had been fearfully wounded by a shot which practically toro through his body. He sank over tha rail and was grasped by one of the en listed men named Reagan , who lift ed Ja\m \ up and placed him on the deck. The young officer , realizing that he had only a short time to live , allowed no murmur of complaint or cry of pain to escape him , but opened his eyes and stared at the sailor and simply said : "Thank you. Reagan. " These were the last words he Many a man is out in the back yard bemoaning his luck when fortune , knocks at his front donr. - " - V _ Ji . - fjirr