it By F. M. KIMMBLLt OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER . . RepuHI lean [ Newspaper Royal makes the food pure , wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. Republican State Ticket. Governor..M. L. HAYWARD , Nebraska City Lieut. Governor. . .Gno. A. MURPHY , Beatrice Secretary of State C. DURAS , Wilbu Auditor T. L. MATHEWS , Fremon Treasurer PETHR MORTENSEN , On Superintendent JOHN F. SAYLOR , Lincoln Attorney General N. D. JACKSON , Neligh Land Com'r. A. F. WILLIAMS , Elk City CONGRESSIONAL. Congressman C. E. ADAMS , Superio SENATORIAL. State Senator E. N. ALLEN , Arapahoe COUNTY. Representative J. E. HATHORN , Hartley County Attorney W. R. STARR , McCook Commissioner 3d district..STEPHEN BOLLES THE Republican state ticket is clean and able so far as The TRIB UNE is able to learn , and is alto gether worthy of the support anc franchise of the people of Nebras ka. If elected they will honor the state and administer her affairs with great credit. CAPTAIN CLAIRE ADAMS is a man the old soldier of the Fifth district will take special delight in sup porting for congress. The captain was a brave and patriotic soldier. He is a good citizen and has the qualifications for an active , intelli gent and upright congressman The captain is right and sound on the vital questions of the day and will safely represent the interests of this district. THE TRIBUNE f warmly commends him to the voters i ! ers of the Fifth district. THE republicans of the Fifth congressional district in convention at Holdrege on Tuesday evening of this week nominated Captain C. E. Adams , of Superior , for our next congressman from this district. Mr. Adams is a veteran of the war of 1861 and prominently identified with the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic in this state. He is always working for the best interest of the people , and will ably represent this district in the next - congress. Beukelman News. HOBSON has obtained permis sion , after much opposition , to try his plans for the raising of the Cristobal Colon from the beach near Santiago with his rubber basr device , and is hard at work , not withstanding he has been stricken with the fever , refusing to retire to the hospital. The young man is evidently fond of taking big risks. If he succeeds he will in crease his glory , for all the experts say he cannot do it. It is a credit to the administration that it de cided to give the young man a Il I chance whatever be the outcome. l\ \ Every young man in America will lI I rejoice to see him succeed in ad \ ding that'ship to the American uavv. Journal. i OUT in a western Nebraska town a few months ago the American Volunteers opened up a camp and began a lively religious crusade. The work met with considerable success , and it was only a short time till quite a band of workers had been enlisted in the cause. A few weeks ago a steam merry-go- round entered the same town , and interest in religious work began to wane. Before long the religious workers found it impossible to gather an audience , and in a short time afterward creditors closed in on their church furniture and sold it at public sale for church indebt edness. The history of this one religious crusade from beginning to end shows the baneful influence one little merry-go-round can ex orcise when it tries. Lincoln Journal , COLONEL JAMES A. SEXTON of Chicago has been elected com- mander-in-chief of the national G. A. E. COLONEL MITCHELL insists that Samuel Randolph has well devel oped wings white wings. But even white wings won't elect him county attorney. Not this year. MUTUAL insurance companies are declared not exempt from the war tax , but must affix stamps to policies at the rate of one-half of one per cent on each $1 premium. THE political situation has be come so acute in Colorado as to make murder and riot easy and simple. They have a wretched brand of politics up in the Cen tennial State , operated by "plug- uglies" of a most desperate sort. THE Democrats of Red Willow county have wearied of being a very small and insignificant tail to the Populist kite , and , this year , by formal resolutions , absolved them selves from supporting any partic ular party nominees. It will be a with them this go-as-you-please , election. IN the prime of a vigorous man hood , well equipped mentally , and experienced as well , Dr. J. E. Hathoru , the Republican nominee for representative of Red Willow county , should be elected by a round majority. He would make an active and efficient member of the legislature and would be a credit to this county and constitu ency. ency.ONE ONE of the ablest lawyers of Southwestern Nebraska , W. R. Starr , the Republican nominee for the office of county attorney , com mends himself to the voters of this county as fully and completely prepared to ably and carefully dis charge all of the duties of that of fice. Nothing short of a good , round majority will suit the case and THE TRIBUNE wagers a cooky that the majority will be ample for all practical purposes. ED. ALLEN , th Republican nominee for state senator , repre sents much that goes to make the typical , successful , frontiersman. By his intelligence and energy and everlastingly sticking to it , he has gathered a competency in this new land. This energy , judgment , in telligence , fairness , power to anal yze questions , and courage of con viction , will make him a typical state senator. Yole for him. E. N. ALLEN , of Arapahoe , was on last Friday at McCook nomiua- ; ed by the republicans for state senator from this district. Mr. AJlen was also nominated for the same place two years ago and ran several hundred votes ahead of his icket. He is a very popular gen- lemau where he is known , and all hat is needed to assure his elec- ion is to have the people of this listrict once become acquainted vith him. Benkelman News. EVERY wild story of alleged neg- jlect or needless suffering in the nilitary camp told by any irre- iponsible fakir is eagerly caught ip by the yellow journals as sup- ) ort for their maligant assaults ipon the war officers. On the > ther hand every report made by : ompetent and experienced observ- irs , who all agree that camps and lospitals are in better condition han could be expected , is entirely gnored and suppressed or its ruthfulness impugned. The yel- ow yellers are bond to have news o fit their purpose if they have to aanufacture it themselves. Bee. Don't dream of buying a range or § 48 from the stove peddlers ? heu you can get a BETTER ONE 'OR § 25 from S. M. Cochran & Jo. of McCook , the reliable home aerchants. eirt rt rtto Awarded toh rlighe& Honors World's Fair , le u b : tlA \A Afr frat frM CREAM M BAKING at erpi MOST PERFECT MADE. A' pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free > m Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. E 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. + 1VWW . September 9. 1898 The McCook Tribune. i J "THE FAMOUS" "NO MATTER HOW LOW OUR PRICES , We Keep up the STANDARD OF RELIABILITY" Slowly but surely the tide is turning . The masses of the people are awakening * to the folly of buying goods just because they are advertised as cheap , regard less of the quality. Please remember our motto , "Not How Cheap , But How Good" we can sell you for the price asked. This is the store where a child can trade as well as a grown person. Every t article sold here is guaranteed to be as represented. CHILDS' & BOYS' DEPT. Everything1 desir able in School and Dress Suits in all the new shapes and colors. Extra pants , all sizes ; three to twenty years. Hats and Caps , Neckwear , Shirts and Blouses. As in all other depart ments , an assort ment two or three times larger than shown by any other house between Den ver and Hastings. FURNISHING GOODS. l M A line of neck wear just opened comprising * all the rich colorings now so fashionable. In the new Four-in- Hauds , Puffs and other shapes select ed , we have an as sortment you can find equaled only in the first-class furn ishing goods stores of Chicago and New York City. Our prices on these goods are as low as ordinary qualities are sold elsewhere. HATS & CAPS _ _ _ _ _ _ , New additions are being made almost daily to our Complete - plete Line of Men's , Youths' , Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps. Every desir able color and shape is represented here , and the prices are Guaranteed as Low as similar goods are sold for in Chicago or New York. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Don't fail to look through our Line of samples of Suitings , Overcoatings and Pan tings before you make a selection. Leave your orders with us. _ Our long experience in this line is at your service. We as sist you gratis in making a be coming selection of colors and patterns , and take your measure with care. It is no guess work with us. Low prices and first- class work and fit guaranteed. THE FAMOUS CLOTHING COMPANY. „ V \ CRITICAL TIME luring the Battle of Santiago. ICK OR WELL , A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. he Packers at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic Efforts in Getting1 Ammunition to the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler , of pack-train No. 3 , writ- ig from Santiago De Cuba , on July 236 , lys : "We all had diarrhoea in more or ; ss violent form , and when we landed e had no time to see a doctor , for it as a case of rush and rush night and ay to keep the troops supplied with ani- mmtion and rations , but thanks to hamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar- icea Remedy , we were able to keep at ork and keep our health ; in fact , I sin- : rely believe that at one critical time lis medicine was the indirect savior of ur army , for if the packers had been un- ble to work there would have been no ay of getting supplies to the front , here were no roads that a wagon train juld use. My comrade and myself had le good fortune to lay in a supply of lis medicine for our pack-train before e left Tampa and I know in four cases absolutely saved life. " The above letter was written to the lanufacturersof this medicine.theCham- srlain Medicine Co. , Des Moines , Iowa , or sale by L. W. McCounell & Co. Tablets and Box Papers. You v.rill find a fine line of tablets and jx papers at this office for sale at very : asonable figures and of the best qual- y- Truth wears well. People have learn- 1 that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are liable little pills for regulating the awels , curing constipation and sick iadache. They don't gripe. A. McMil- n. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB- NE office. Best in the market. For broken surfaces , sores , insect bites , irns , skin diseases and especially piles icre is one reliable remedy , DeWitt's 'itch Hazel Salve. When you call for eWitt's don't accept counterfeits or auds. You will not be disappointed ith DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A. cMillen. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family agazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in Ivance. You invite disappointment when you : periment. DeWitt's Little Early Ris- s are pleasant , easy , thorough little 11s. They cure constipation and sick ladache just as sure as you take them. McMillen. eWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results. Sate to take. THE INDIAN CONGRESS a permanent feature of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition at Omaha. NOW OPEN. CLOSES NOV. i Forty Tribes of North American Indians represented. Unique Ethnological Exhibit. Rare opportunity to see the various types of American Indians in their native costumes and habitations. Nearly a Thousand Indians on the Grea Encampment Grounds within the Exposition Enclosure. Under the direction of Capt. W. A. Mercer , U. S. A , these Indians tribes participate in their spectacular dances nearly every evening. THE WAR DANCE THE GHOST DANCE , THE SUN DANCE , THE SNAKE DANCE , THE MEDICINE DANCE , and other traditional rites of the red man are performed by these Indians. This great ethnological exhibit , in aid of which the United States Congress appropriated $40,000 , will con tinue to the end of the Exposition. Reduced Railroad Rates from all Points now in Force. Exposition Rates. Tickets from McCook to Omaha and return will be sold from Sept. ist to Oct. 3ist , inclusive , for $8.95 , return limited to seven days. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the argest sale of any salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest aeople to attempt to counterfeit it. Look ) ut for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt's Witch 3azel Salve the great pile cure. A. Mc Millen. See McMillen's new stock of WALL PAPER. More than twenty million free saui- ) les of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve h.tve > een distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in t's merits do you want ? It cures piles , ) urns , scalds and sores in the shortest space of time. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly in advance. When you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure , don't accept anything else. Don't be talked into accepting a substitute for piles , sores or burns. A. McMillen. Machine Oils at McMillen's drug store. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON Monday , September 12th Showing : Complete and Handsome Lines of Dress Goods , Trimmings , Linings , Cloakings , Sackings , Broad cloths , Skritings , Silks , Satins , Velvets , Cassimeres , Flan nels , Ginghams , Shirtings , Outings , Percales , Table Linens , Satines , Prints , Curtain Stuffs , Muslins , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. Gloves , Corsets , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Ribbons , Laces , Embroideries , Underwear , Neckwear , Notions , Etc. , Etc. Men's Worsted , Cassimere and Cottonade Pants , Men's Gloves , Overalls , Work Shirts , Blanket-Lined Coats , Etc. , Etc. THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Ladies' Neckwear , Belts , Purses , Gloves I and Handkerchiefs. PURSUING our constant and well-tried method of nearly ten years , we shall carry on a strictly cash business , thus avoidin ° - 3 the expenses , labors and general disadvant ages of a credit business , being thus ena bled to buy in the best markets and always at the lowest prices.Ve shall demonstrate BY ACTUAL DEALING that these ad vantages are to our customers as well as to us. Soliciting your inspection and trade , we are. Your truly , Per GEO. E. THOMPSON , In Lanil to County Ollico OllicoMcCOOK , NEB.