Longwood , Bonnpnrl'a house at St. Helena , IB now u barn ; the room in which ho died Is a stable ; on the filte ot hla grave ia tt machine for grinding corn. HUH not Slept for Five Vrnrn. It Is reported that a man in Indiana has not hnd an hour's sleep In five years. Thousands of men and women sire unable to sleep more than an Ijour or two a night because of dys pepsia headache and constipation. A Certain remedy for these disorders is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. All drug- Klsts ucll it. If a woman doesn't dress regardless of cxpciiKC It's her husband's fault. Don't Tobacco Spit ana zmovo Tour Llto Away. Toquit tnbnrco easily and forever , bu nrtlc. full of life , ntrx'o , and vli or. ta'xoNo-To- Bac , the wonilcr-wcrhcr. Unit makes wcil : ( men utront ; . All drtiRKlHH , fiOoorCI. Cururruiinin- tcctl. Iloolclct ami Miliiplo Ircc ; . AiltSrcBS StcrHiiK Itcincdy Co. . Clilcauo or New York. The most wonderful bridge In tlm world Is ono of aolld agate in A.I zona. -We know of nothing better to tear the lining of your throat and lungs. It is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up long enough and you will succeed in reducingypur weight , losing your appetite , bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly right for the gcr.-ns cf con sumption. \ Stop coughing and you will get well. \ cures coughs of every kind. An ordinary cough disap pears in a single night. The racking coughs of bronchitis arc soon completely mas tered. And , if not too far clong , the coughs of con sumption are completely cured. Ask your druggist for one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Piaster. It will aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral. If yon liavn any rnirpMnt rvh.it- ( ; vor ami tlcsite the liost medical ndvico yon < an possibly obtain , vrito us freely. You willreecivon prorrpt ri-ply that nir.y be of great \alnitovnn. Auilrrs * . OMI. J.'O. AYEK. Lowell , Mess. do all claimed for them and arc a truly wonderful medicine. I have of tun vribtied for a medicine plecstiMto take and ut last Ijavc round It In Cascarets. Since taking them. 1117 blood has bc-en purlflcd and my complexion has la- I > roveU wonderfully aud 1 ftcl much better In every way. ' " MRS. SALLIE Ji. SELLAKS. Luttrcll. Teoti. CANDV CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good , Never Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe. lOc. 25c. SCc. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Ittrttap Hetaedj f mpsny. CMrafrn. Monlrrtt , TCf w YflrL. 319 Hfi-Tf ) RfiP Sold and KHarantped by alldrne- - RU-lU-Bflb clMtto CUUETobacco JIablt. FURNITURE. $50OOO StocU of ail trrades of Furniture recently bouglit at th very lowest cash price will be of fered during the next few months at special prices. Customers visiting1 Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here , and we will make cvory effort to please both in goods and prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co. . FURNITURE , 12O3 Douglas St , Omaha. Next to Millard Hotel. KOTR To satisfy ourselves a to whether this advertisement is read we will make a discount of 1 per cent on the purchase of any customer who xvlll tell us thev were directed to u * by It and that thi-y will recoinmend us to tucir friends U ll ) guuds they buy are mtisfactory. SoeoSei to Ladies : We civs Trading Stcrans Dr Ifnv'Q RAnnvafor Guaranteed wr. ncnuvdiui Kays ) tocurcdyspep- Bia. constipation , liver and kidney diseasci-.bil- llousncss. headache , etc. At drursists : J5c & Si. WA D A Vc"5HcachWEEKtheyearround- ? C f A I if you sell Stark Trees. Outfit free. STJLHISDRSERT. LOUISIIKI. EO. . Stark , Mo , Rocket. Ill FAIRBANKS SCALES SUM ' icr coughs , cold1 ; , Or. Kay's Lung Balm and threat disease A pen carrying a small clccU : lamp to prevent uhndows when writ. Ing has been patented. In Germany. "fitraiv * Siioir Which Vfuy ftlio Wind ItlOlVI. " This IH an old adage and one that hnc been demonstrated as truthful many times. The fact that the excur sion business in Colorado seeks to use one particular line la a straw that in dicates where the excursionists find the host scenery , lowest rates and best train service. The line in question , the Colorado Midland , has handled more excursion and tourist business this season than ever before in its history , and this is a straw which indicates that the Colorado Midland always of fers the lowest rates , the finest scen ery and the best train service through the Mountains and to the Colorado Tourist Resorts. Tt is estimated that since the begin ning of the historiacl oui 1.,000,000 persons have perishrd in earthquake- . For n perfect eompexion aud a clear , healthy skin , use COSMO BUTTERS11LK. SOAP. Sold everywhere. While our brave boys are storming Spanish forts our brave girls are storming pianofortes. Heaaty Is Jiloofl T7ecp. Clean blood means aclean skin. No beauty without It. UuscJiiets , Untidy Ciitlmruc cleans your blood and Keens It clean , by stir ring tip tlio Iiiy liver IIIKI driving all Impu rities ftotn tlio body. Belri ; today to banish pliniilcs. lHIU , blotches , biack'neaos. anil that slcljlv bilious complexion by taking Oasca- lets beauty for ten cent.- > . All dr kutlsficUon guaranteed. lOc , 3e..rXc. ) . All cyclists are born equal , but some of them deteriorate into scorchers. > thorM Ttatil beat tt will luenn up ncold quicker than anj tblnc elfe. It Isalvtajy rt'llaul ? . Try iu As a rule , a man's hair turns gray five years sooner than a woman's I'ntcnt Ofilfo Itur.incss. DCS Moincs , Iowa , Aug. 25 , 1S9S There were 42,120 applications for patents filed in the U. S. Patent office during the year ending June 30 , ' 98. and 22,731 patents granted during the same time. This indicates that nearly half of the applications filed have been rejected. Possibly many of the sub jects of the applications were not pat- entable inventions. But it is more probable that many of the applications were not properly prepared and pros ecuted. Many that were finally reject ed by the Primary Examiners would possibly have been allowed upon appeal to the Board-of-Exumineys-m- chief. But to file an appeal a $10 fee must be paid to the Commis sioner to corrct the error of the Pri mary Examiner if he committed an error. Costs do not follow suit in the series of tribunals through which an application for a patent may be fully adjudiated and therefore many appli cations for patents for meritorious in ventions are abandoned. All of these causes undoubtedly contribute to pro duce the large disparity between the number of applications for patents and the number of patents granted in a given time. Valuable information about prepar ing , prosecuting and selling patents sent free. free.THOMAS THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. , Proprietors of the Iowa Patent Office. If a woman could retain her beauty forever she might get along without brains. Ko-To-Bac for rty Cents. Guavam-'iid tobacco lianit cure. inaUesrcal | men strong , olood puie. f > C.Sl. All druggists. I Honesty is the trump line of eternal Port Arthur Kouf with new trains to Kan ? y ani the South. Quickest time tu Louis and the Southeast. Shortest .oute to Quincy and East. Finest chair cars ( seats free ) in the West. Low rates to all summer re sorts. Everything up to date. For rates and all information , call at PORT ARTHUR ROUTE office. 1415 Farnam street , ( Paxton Hotel Block ) or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. The tartars have a qiinlnt custom of taking a guest by tinfjar when in viting them to eat or drink with them. CfT lo .a Perns for sate. 52 per ocre cn-jli VtcroJ until pa dJ. . MulhsJt , FAULTLESS STARCH , THE BEST FOR I , Shirt V aists , ! Shirt ' Fronts , { Collars , af fS and , Delicate Clothes. Read our Booklets , Laugh and Learn * TOLD BY THE SERGEANT. From the democrat , Grand Kaptds , Mich. At the Michigan Soldiers' Homeiu Grand RanidK , lives Sergeant Richard Dunn , bale nnd lioarty.nlthough ho carries tbe Kcnrhof hevcrul woundK sustained in some of the battles of the Civil wnr. In recounting his experience to n reporter , Sir. Dunn tnid : 'About a year aud o Lalf ego I began to have trouble with my stomach. MY fculFer- Ing was to intciif-e that I tried different medicines and doctored with several phy sicians , but without permanent relief. "J read an ac count of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People haviug cured a case much like mine , and 1 de- _ cidcd to give " "them a trial , which 1 did. ' After tak ing five boxes I was cured. I never felt bet ter than I do now. even in Urnlly a robust man. but tuat stomach trouble , together with rheumatism , -which afterward hot in , were making fast inroads upon my health and I am satisfied that it would have been but a short time befpro my comrades would have been co fhtc'tinf { the regulation funeral ceremonies overmy remains , had I not chanced to read of and taken Dr. Williams' Pink PJlls for Pale People. " "There are several others in the homo who uro takinp tlicso pills aud are receiv ing great benefit. " KICHARD DUNN. Subscribed and sworn to before me , this let day of Nov. IS'.l" . Hzxr.T OIBSON , Xotam Public. Sergeant Dmm is perfectly willing that anyone- should write him in reference to his case , provided stamp is enclosed for reply. .AH the elements necessary to pivo new life nnd richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained in a con densed form in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females , such as suppressions , irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they cure cases arising from mental worry , overwork or excesses of whatever nnture. If a barber only goes over a man's face once he's less apt to strain his voice. ARTISTIC HOMES. How a Great Manufacturer Has Ilrought Them Within iteacli of All. Probably at no time in the world's history has so much attention been paid to the interior decoration of homes as at present. No home , no matter hov ; humble , is without its handiwork that helps to beautify the apartments and make the surround ings more cheerful. The taste of the American people has kept pace with the age , and almost every day brings forth something new in the way of a picture , a draping , a piece of furniture or other form of mural decoration. One of the latest of these has been given to the world by the celebrated artist , Muville , in a series of four handsome porcelain game plaques. Not for years has anything as hand some in this line been seen. The sub jects represented by these plaques are American Wild Ducks , American Pheasant , American Quail and English Snipe. They are handsome paintings and are especially designed for hang ing on dining-room walls , though their richness and beauty entitles them to a place in the parlor of any home. These original plaques have been pur chased at a cost of $50,000 by J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co. , manufacturers of , the celebrated Elastic Starch , and in ' order to enable their numerous cus tomers to become possessors of these handsome works of art they have had them reproduced by a special process in all the rich colors and beauty of . the original. They are finished on heavy cardboard , pressed aud em bossed in the shape of a plaque and trimmed with a heavy band of gold. They measure forty inches in circum ference and contain no reading matter or advertisement whatever. Until October 1 Messrs. J. C. Ilubin- gcr Bros. Co. propose to distribute there plaques free to their customers. Every purchaser of three ten-cent packages of Elastic Starch , flat-iron brand , manufactured by J. C. Hubin ger Bros. Co. , is entitled to receive one of these handsome plaques free from their grocer. Old and new cus tomers alike are entitled to the bene fits of this offer. These plaques will not be sent through the mail , the only way to obtain them being from your grocer. Every grocery store in the country has Elastic Starch for sale. It is the oldest and best laundry starch on the market , and is the most perfect cold process starch ever invented. It is the only starch made by men who j thoroughly understand the laundry business , and the only starch that will not injure the finest fabric. It has been the standard for a quarter of a cen tury , and as an evidence of how good it is twenty-two million packages were sold last year. Ask your dealer to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept no sub stitute. Bear in mind that this offer holds good a short time only , and should be taken advantage of without delay. It hardly pays to grieve about how badly some one has treated you. There are others. COSMO BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP makes the skin soft , white and healthy. Sold everywhere. Don't build your hopes on a "sure thing" you may get queered. Actions don't speak louder than some golf stockings look. "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED/3 TRY FARMERS , STOCKMEN , MERCHANTS When visiting Omaha this fall , don't forget to look us up. "WILTAVKAR 10 YEARS. GENUINE. ORIGINAL COLUMBUS BUGGY CO. 1314 & 1315 DODGE STREET. UT THIS AD OUT TO REMEMBER LOCATION. PLEBES AT WEST POINT. JSmliryo Warriors Are Ma-Jo to Amuae t'to YenrllngH nt the Acndnmy. If the new fourth classmen , or "plebs , " as they are most frequently called , who entered the military aca demy at West Point a short time ago , think that on account of the war with Spain they will not be hazed , their hopes are bound to be rudely shattered. For weeks the yearlings have been prewiring a , warm reception for them. War or no war , the time-honored custom o" double stepping and choo-chooing "plebs" will be faithfully observed. A cavalry recruit might just as well hope to escape a blanket tossing as the new "plebe" to miss the setting up exer cises , which Grant , Sherman and Sher idan tried in vain to dodge. The "plebe" who has successfully passed the en trance examinations first reports to the adjutant , and , after registering , is sent to the assembly room , where cadet offi cers are on hand to give him a warm reception. "Knock ! " is the advice giv en by the tired looking orderly who shov.'ed him the way , and the new re cruit is left to his own thoughts. The response to his timid tap is like the roar of the reveille gun. "Come in ! " echoes from basement to roof. The tone is like the lion's rear. It strikes ter ror deep down in the heart of the new soldier , who instinctively recoils , and for the first time wishes himself at home. The door opens with a dozen cadets who regard him with absolute indifference. Nobody questions the new arrival , and he is forced to intro duce himself. It is then only his trou bles begin. He finds that in address ing or answering upper classmen he must invariably use the word "sir. " He also discovers that all questions , how ever senseless or ridiculous , must be answered. Here are a few samples : "Where arc you from , Mr. Dumbjohn " "Chicago. " "Say sir , Chicago , sir. " "How do you know you are from Chicago cage , : \Ir. Dumbjohn ? " "I don't know , sir. " "Well , you are a stupid product , Mr. Dumbjohn. Do you know any thing ? " "Yes , sir. " "What do you know , sir ? " It is usually at this point that Mr. Dumbjohn wilts and admits he knows nothing. Then a corporal takes the new arrival in charge and his lot thencefoiVard for at least a year is not a happy one. In camp the "plebe" guard is usually tackled by ghosts on dark , stormy nights and tossed into Fort Clinton's moat. The new fourth classmen are drilled continuously. Whether walking through the company streets , or "off duty" on the plains , the "plebe" must be always at attention. In his tent work will be found for him by the "yearlings. " Cleaning guns , making lemonade and doing general police work leaves little time for home sickness. Sitting on a bayonet or chewing the side of a cot or double stepping by the hour are some of the things a "plebe" must do to amuse up per classmen. A new amusement was invented last summer by a "yearling" who has since been discharged. He named it the "Sammy" race. Two "plebcs" are blindfolded , and each is furnished with a jug of molasses and a spoon. The command "Feed" is then given and one "plebe" tries to feed the other with the molasses. By the time half the stuff is exhausted nearly all the wasps and hornsts in camp are settled on the "plebes' " uniforms , drinking in the surplus sugar deposited there. The recruits are then released , and no time is lost in trying to doff the sweetened blouses. He is a for tunate "plebe" who manages to escape from this exercise without at least a half dozen wasp stings. When a "plebe' ' is ordered to laugh he usually "fins out , " palms of his hands to the front , and , with his back against a tree , smiles pleasantly for an hour. This is regarded as great amusement by the upper classmen. Fistic combats may now be looked for between the "plebes" and "yearlings. " New York Press. rropagratinc the Rose. The first matter for atttention is the wood from which the cuttings are to be made. It must neither be tee hard nor too soft. To be sure of getting it at about the right stage , make up the cuttings from the flower shoots or stalks at the terminus of which the flower is borne , just at the time the flower naturally wilts and the petals fall. It is not necesssary at all in making the cuttings to have an eye , or joint it might be called , at the end of the cutting which enters the sand , as is often supposed. Make the cut tings about two and one-half inches in length , using a sharp knife , and in cutting let the stroke be slightly slant ing. The ends of the cutting should be cut clean and smooth , and not mash ed or bruised in any way. Let several leaves remain on each cutting , but trim off the tips of the outer leaves. Now procure a saucer or pan of some sort deep enough to hold abput two inches of sand. After putting it in the sand to a depth of about two inches , water heavily until it is thoroughly soaked. With a knife make several cuts one and one-fourth inches deep across the sand , and in these incisions insert the cuttings , pinching the sand about the base of each cutting as it is put in. When the pan is filled with the cut tings about an inch apart , or perhaps a little more , set the pan in full sun light , there to remain every day during the rooting process. The only opera tion necessary each day while rooting is to keep the sand thoroughly satur ated with water. Neglect this one day and the chances are that the whole lot will be spoiled. From Woman's Home Companion. Only CUSP on Record. Through all his passionate pleadings she sat absolutely unmoved. It was tne first instance ever noted where a woman sat thus who had secured pos session of a piazza rocker. Cincinnati Enquirer. NO WOMAN IS EXEiYPT. Rcgulari 13' is a matter of importance in every woman's life. Much pain is , however , endured in the belief that it is necessary and not alarming , when in truth it is all wrong1 and indicates derangement that may cause serious trouble. Excessive monthly pain itself will tinsettlc the nerves and make women old before their time. The foundation of woman's health is a perfeetly normal and regular per formance of natxirc's function. The statement we print from JMiss GII- TRUDI : SUCKS , of Eldrcd , Pa. , is echoed in every city , town and hamlet in this country. Head what.she says : " DKAII Mas. PIIIKIJAM : I feel like a new person since following your ad vice , and think it is my duty to let the publie know the good your remedies have done me. My troubles were pain ful menstruation and leueorrhcca. I was nervous and had spells of being1 confused. Before using- your remedies I never had any faith in patent medi cines. I now wish to say that I never had anything do me so much gcod for painful menstruation as Lyditi E. I'ink- ham's Vegetable Compound ; al > o would Eay that your Sanative Wash has cured me of leucorrhcea. I hope these few words may help suffering' women. ' ' The present Mrs. 1'inkhum's experi ence in treating1 female ills is unparal leled , for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham , and for sometime past has had solo charge of the correspondence department of her great business , treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women during1 a single year. All suffering1 women are invited to write freely to Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. , for advice about their health. 6st Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARREI.L. Pension Agent , 1425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D. C. DISCOVERY ; ei i qulckrcllef and cii'is worst rose * . Kemi for book Oi' to.iUnior.iali nnd IO llaya' treatment JJTrae. ur. uj < .easE5's tois. itKnta ua. EDUCATIONAL. One Mile Wctt c ! ih : Uomn ity of Nitre Djtnau . MATVTS ACADEMY for yonni : Indlen.now rn > lerlnx upon lu forty-fourth ycur of ucthc U < IIIL llonal wurk. hm carried the reputnclim f lirlnw ene of ihemniit thoroughly rftippi | | : < i and im-tfc-wlu- * Institution * li the Unlt3il hiiuon. Tim ArnuVmj' biillilluK * arc beautifully Hltu.itvd on an eni'.ucnro over-loolclni : the | iflnrci | > < ] iiQ bauics of the M. Jutcpl ) lilvcr. All the branches of A Thorough English and Classical Education , Including OreeJc. I.ntln. 1'rcnch anil Oennin r tuuctit by n Faculty of competent teacher" . ) n com pleting the full coiirao uf studies tuiileuta receive tiie Re ular Collegiate Degree of Litt. B. , A. B. or A. M. The Cnincrxutory of Music ! R rnniluctod na. the plan of the hot CU-kK-ul Con ervatnrlCH of Ku- rope. 'llireo Insiniinciilnl IcsA-m" . mi.lonr In tlieorv. wreklj , ure Included In the regular tuition ; eitra prietlce pmrnttu The Art Dcimr Intent IK modelled after the bcs Art bchuoN in huroff. I'rejinrutory : in < ! lUinlm Topnrtniciit < i. Pupils ho need primary training , and the nof ten der Ago. nro here rinsliillv prcpired for the Academic demicOmrtc a-iil Ailwu.ced Course Jtook tCL-cplnt : . Paom > zra : > hy and Typewriting ex tra. E\cry variety > f 1'iinry Koe llpwork tauxht. For catalogue co.itala'n full Information , ndilreso DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY , St. Mary's Acaacmy. KOTRE DAME P. 0. . INDIANA. CURE YOURSELF ! ' ' UUUEfiTV I 1T - IlK fr uniiatiirnl 'ia I Sil yc.\ I ue < .h'ir t-F , inticmnmlloiiK. ( ) c r n'j"-d \j irritations or nlccr.itinirt net to imeiurr. of miiiouf mcmlTniH-H. JPrcttati coatnion. J'uiuIepH. end not astriu- [ \T1IEEVAKS CHEUICAlCO. C ' "t or poitouiius. ; CISCisKXTO.J ! old C. 3. A. 'or pi'iit iti piulii wrapprr , liyxpro > i. prcpalil. for f : U > , or 3 liottlfK. & .T > . \ - ( 'irculur teat ou retjutBt * lENSIONS , PATENTS , CLAIMS. J O H N W. M O R RIS , WASHINGTON. D. C. Lite Prlr.cip.l Ez&miner U. S. Ftniion Bureau. " TA ia lost wo. , ISn'i.ailc-tin cla.ms , ally. sine * . T "ANTEI-Ccec of liml health that K I-P-A N O trill L'otlifiicllt. Srnil r tent * to Uiimnn Clirinlial Co.-\ov Voik.for lUfcumplCB cctl UHJO tuitlir.imllc. rj = ; r [ Thompson's Eye Wafer W. N. U. OMAHA. No 36 IS9S til Q Answering RSvcrtZss jatB hicdly Kectica Tills facer. Columbus discovered America But 1 have discovered BATTLE AX ! . There is a satisfied glad I've got it expression on the faces of all who discover the rich quality of > . It is an admirable chew fit for an Admiral. In no other way can you get as large a piece of as good tobacco for JO cents. buy P@ @ ® © @ @ © < BY USING KEITH'S It puts on that enamel. Kloe y nnisn that is so desira ble. It makes Shirt' . , bhirt Wsifats , Collars and Cull's look like new. KTSilJv's Enamel Starch is the mot economical starch made. It will do more r.-ork , do it with less labor and do it better than any otiier starch. If it does not give you entire satisfaction ymir grot T will refund your money. I tir o package , IO cent'pm ; > Il REMARKABLE DISCOVERY package * f cents. If your grocer does not have it , please ; FOR FINE LAUNSRT VfCRX. send us his name and audre an.lv will send yoi an REQUIRES Ho COOKING. ENAMEL STARCH RECEIPT HOOK for your trouUe. ITUMueiCUU. Manufactured bv KEITH EHAKIEL STARCH GO. , CHICAGO , ILL FACTORY TO USE ! Vc inane fine * -urre' . TuKsIc ! - . Phaetons nnd Kt > 'l wujrons.t Onrpiudi-haxc l > efn iairaU ] > known totlie trtdei"r Jen. * . . na > n- 'U f now B-ll dlrctl In th u.cr at WIiol ile l'rlc . fhe tilicwill j nt | . M. lm > er prefers to den ! with the factory , lie Bctsof m i.ue' wurk ct 1cm price than agents a. k for IOWRTUUIeli : 'ict. Ue s-hlp on > whctc ptihject to examination. WE liKf.MKItoa board cars IIPCMIS CUr. ! " .ortnvht'n , Inrt. . as may i-.ilt p r < tinker. Send for cataloKna wiiti prirc * plelnlv iTtiitr < ! _ 1T' HIFK. Wrltctoday. VCM U pwn5.- ! > ta'hiiieaii < l the cr.Mn-'i CfOl.K .t well. AilatWbiilr alerrtf . JIM. UU'jli. No inatlcr nlitre v.i ll\e , jouareimt toofarawaj t do luirines- with uf > and a e nn > mAdd > s. KDWAKD \VAJLKEK CA1 UA K CO. . Fora short t'rae tv K > ve away a 11.n ted num ber of lliro t-a-ts of the tlncst Callfara.a InnJ { .unable : or rr.iMn ; : ORSIiGES , LEMONS , PINEAPPLES , BA MS , fliiuEEB AiD ( COFFEE. O'Vrltc HI nn.-e forful. particular * . ABSOLUTELY FREE S = ! LCV/FH OAt.lFORNJ > A. O COMPANY. & -il OtTAGk GXOTS AVK. , CIIUUOO , ILL.