IMPOETANT 1 REDUCTION I am now making my annual clean-up of small sizes in shoes 1 and slippers. Every pair offered at reduced figures is of sterling quality 1I - I ! ity and make. The collection has m ? been divided into four lots : Lot No. 1 at only $0.50 a Pair Lot No. 2 at only 1.00 a Pair Lot No. 3 at only 1.50 a Pair Lot No. 4 at only 2.00 a Pair All ladies wearing' small sizes will find this a most opportune time to secure a pair of good shoes or nice slippers at a very low figare. . r. I THE OLD RELIABLE , m J. F. GANSCHOW , M 2 McGOOK , NEBRASKA. 4 sifa8lSa3&8&Bm . J jgcqrpoqyr yjpcxyc a fi. xjgi aqrpn * iEvertst , Marsft & I ? At Brewer's Old Stand. FRESH AND SALT MEATS 5 ! Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. 4 # e keep everything usually to II be found in a first-class city market , Sand c and respectfully solicit your patronage. 1 Republican Congressional Convention. The Republican electors of the Fifth con gressional district are requested to send dele gates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of Holdrege on Tues day , August 30,1898 , at five o'clock , for the of placing in nomination a candidate jr representative and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows : Adams 15 Harlan S Chase 3 Hayes 3 Clay 15 Hitchcock Dnndy 3 Kearney 9 Franklin S Nuckolls 10 Furnas 10 Perkins Frontier 7 Phelps 9 Gosper . 4 Red Willow 9 .16 Webster 10 The apportionment being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Albert J. Burnham for presidential elector in 1896 , giving each coun ty one delegate at large and one for each 125 i. votes and major fraction thereof. It is recommended that no proxies be ad- . _ milted to the convention and that the delegation - tion present be authorized to cast the entire vote of the county which they represent. FRED KENNER , R. Q. STEWART , Secretary. Chairman. More than twenty million free sam ples of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want ? It cures piles , burns , scalds and sores in the shortest space of time. A. McMillen. Machine Oils at McConuelPs. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what It was made for. MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS All Kinds , Sizes and Prices. . T A. G. DOLE , Agent. McCook , Neb. ALSO MUTUAL INSURANCE . . . FARM , STOCK. AND MERCANTILE In the German Mutual , Omaha ; Mercantile Mu tual , Lincoln ; Farmers Mutual , Lincoln. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .22 Wheat 45 Oats 15 Rye 28 Barley 18 Hogs I 3.25 Eggs 09 Butter 14 Potatoes 40 For broken surfaces , sores , insect bites , burns , skin diseases and especially piles there is one reliable remedy , DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A. McMillen. - McConnell's Colicure Cures Colic , Cholera Morbusand Diar rhoea. Money refunded if not as repre sented. Truth wears well. People have learn ed that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regulating the bowels , curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. A. McMil len. FOR CASH CASHOH , LARD ! Pure , Kettle-Rendered Lard OUR OWN MAKE. v Ten pounds and upwards at 5 cents per pound for a short time. - . . WIL.COX & FLITCRAFT. I < I TIMF. TABLE. McCCOZ , HEB3A8ZA. LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY. SALT LAKE Cm ST. LOUIS AND ALL SAN FRANCISCO POINTS EAST AND AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vcstibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- Ciigo , and all points south and east 6:15 A. A No. 4. Local Express , daily , Hast ings 11:00 r.\ No. 6. Chicago Flyer 4:40 i > . \ No.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , I tastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. .v No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastings 6:30 A. \ No. 80. Freightdaily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:27 A. M No. 6. } . Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:00 A. \ No. 5- Local Express , daily , ar rives at 8:05 r. \ MOUNTAIN TIME. No. I. Denver Flyer 6:20 A. y No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.N No.i49. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediate sta tions 6:45 A. M No. 77. Freight , dailyStrattonBen- kelman , IlaiglerVray and Akron 1:50 p. N No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonBen- kelman , Ilaigler , Wray and Akron 4:30 p. M No.i75- Accommodation , Mondays , , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 6:38 A. M Sleeping , dining and reclining chair car ( seals free ) on through trains. Tickets sol < and baggage checked to any point in tin United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps am tickets , call on or write A. P.Thomson , Agenl McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , Genera Passenger Agent , Omaha. Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Louis Probst is on the relief with son eyes. Roy Zhit is firing on the switch engim at night. John Thomson is laid up with an in jured arm. Maud Brown saw the show at Hast ings , Wednesday. \V. C. Bulger took in the show a Hastings , Wednesday. George LeHew is now assistant hos tier on the night force. Mrs. O. D. Keith was a visitor tc Hastings , Forepaugh-day. No. 3 , delayed , was run through tc Denver as a special , Tuesday night. Mrs. Sarah Haley and the family de parted for Creston , Iowa , midweek. Mack Wayson is calling vice Georgt Snyder , who is in Omaha with the band. Conductor Beck went through to Den ver with the bankers' special , Sunday night. Mrs. L , . E. Gilcrest is enjoying a visit Vein her mother since the close of last week. Mrs. Ed. Beyrer went down to Red Cloud , this morning , on a visit to rela tives. Mrs. V. II. Solliday was called up tc Denver , Tuesday night , by the illness ol a relative. Robert Sayers has T. E. McCarl's run with Conductor Burns while Tom is at the exposition with the band. Mrs. Sarah McCarl , Ida and Blanche returned home , last Saturday morning , from their trip to the exposition. Mrs. C. E. Pope and children went down to Omaha , last Saturday night , tc spend a few da3rs at the exposition. Emerson Hanson returned home , Sun- da- night , from his trip to Illinois. Mrs. Hanson will not return for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Campbell and daughters , Lillie and Ruth , returned , Tuesday morning , from a visit of a few days with Denver relatives. Engineer Bailey and Fireman Tram- inell are loaded for bear for the fellow that gave them out-of-date passes to the Forepaugh show , Wednesday. F. W. Jordan has purchased E. C. Mc Kay's dwelling in West McCook. Mc Kay will move back to his Marshall street residence , now occupied by Mr. Griffelh. Manila is to have the civilizing influ ences of America at an early stage of the game : A carload of beer went through here on 77 , Wednesday , billed for that point via Hong Kong. George LeHew has retired from the service and Reuben Trowbridge is call ing in his place. Reuben's place in the bath-house will not be filled at present , at least , and each patron is expected to provide his own towels , soap etc. The rain of Wednesday of last week was very heavy over in the vicinity of Hendley and the company had two or three bad washouts as a result , between Wilsonville and Beaver City. One of them is said to have been 12 feet deep and 30 wide , and the other 15 deep and 50 wide. Supt. and Mrs. Campbell , Elsie , Bruce and Stuart McLean went down to Hast ings , Tuesday , to see the great Fore paugh. Mr. Campbell and Elsie returned home , Wednesday night , Mrs. Campbell and Bruce went on to Lincoln to spend a few days , and Stuart left for his home in Calumet , Michigan. G.A.R. Nat'l Encampment , Cincinnati. Burlington Route Official Line. Th Burlington and Pennyslvania railroad have been designated the official rout from Omaha to Cincinnati for the 189 National Encampment of the G. A. R Veterans and others who intend visititi ; Cincinnati at the time of the Encamp incut should see to it that their ticket read over the above named railroads Comrades will tendezvous at 4 p. m Monday , Sept. 5 , at the Burlington sta lion , Omaha. At 5 p. in. they will leav Omaha on a special train via the Bur lington Route arriving at Chicago at ! o'clock next morning and at Ciiicinnat at 6 p. in. same day. Through sleepers Omaha to Cincinnati. Department Commander T. J. Major and staff , the president of the W. R. C and staff and past department command ers will travel on the official train..J cordial invitation to accompany them i : extended to all veterans as well as t ( the general public. Sleeping car accom modattons on the special train should bi reserved at once. For tickets , berths o : further information apply to any B. S M. R. R. R. ticket agent or address J Francis , General Passenger Agent , Onia ha , Neb. 8-26 2ts ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS. Brakeman W. C. Pope returned fron : the exposition , Wednesday night. Brakeman J. J. Harry left for Iowa or 6 , Wednesday , to be gone 30 days. Brakeman D. P. Crowe is on passen ijer with Conductor Bonnet in Harry" ; place. Conductor O. R. Amick returned U work today after a sickness ot a feu weeks. SHEET MUSIC. We have just received 200 ne\\ pieces which you can buy at 3c each , come at once and have firsi choice. THE "BEE HIVE. " Some time ago , a little bottle of Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoe : Remedy fell into my hands , just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies , to no purpose , but the little bottle tle of Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy speedily cured him. William F. Jones , Ogleshy , Ga. For sale by L. W. McConnell. Machine Oils at McConnell's. We have put our entire line ol California novelties into one lot and will close them out at lOc. each. They are going like hot cakes at The "BEE HIVE. " Machine Oils at McMillen's drug store. [ OFFICIAL nv AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , August 22,1898. Board of county commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Holies , Jas. A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , county commissioners , Hailow W. Keyes , county at torney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min utes of previous meeting read and approved. The following damages by reason of the location of the road hereinafter set forth , were Examined by the board and on motion ap proved and the overseers of road districts where said road is located are directed to pay the same out of any funds belonging to their respective road districts as by law directed , to the following persons as follows , towit : Road No. 328 , in road district No. I. Peter J. Byers , damages to e'A ne and ne se of sec. 20-4-26 $21 co Mrs. Hannah Feam.same to w oflA of sec. 21-4-26 28 oo John Roberts , same to se se sec. 20 and e'A ne and ne se sec. 29 4-26 28 oo Cannelle Bros. , same toe ne and ne se sec. 32-4-46 21 oo H.M.Gardner , same to se se sec. 32-4-26 7 oc The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy of 1898 , in payment thereof as follows : Lincoln Land Co. , rent of room for court $22 oo ] . C. Oakley , board of paupers , 17 15 E. J. Mitchell , supplies 16 75 G. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , fees in case of Anna Uhren , insane 6 75 W. V. Gage , M. D. , same 8 cc ] . R. Neel , sheriff , same 70 25 ] . E. Kelley , attorney , same 3 cc Nicholas Uerling , witness , same 3 50 John Girens , witness , same 3 50 Stephen Belles , services as comm's'n'r. . 19 40 fas. A. Robinson , same 1600 Henry Crabtree , same 23 60 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1898 , as follows : Arthur Joslin , bridge work $2 cc L. L.Jones , same 2 oo George Younger.same 4 oc Barnett Lumber Co. , same 5 45 And on county road fund , levy of 1898 , as Follows : I. Grewell , work on road Si 50 Young Stothard , road tax refunded 3 09 lake Stenner , appraising damages , road No. 328 3 oo 3. Bentley , same 3 00 5. W. Clark , same and nails 3 25 On motion board adjourned to meet Septem ber 19 , 1898. Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , August 25th , 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the register or receiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , October 1st , 1898 , viz : Julius Hinz , Homestead entry No. 9897 for the NE X of section 8 , Tp. 2 , N , range 28 W of 6th P. M. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land , viz : Charles Ebert , Charles Nothnagel , Herman Bey , Michael Esch , all of McCook , Neb. 8-26-61. F. M. RATHBUN , Register. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , The fanooc little pills. still have a tew Wash Goods which we are Hosing * cut regardless o ! ' cost We have some Genuine Bargains in vwj sas Closing- out our line ol' Ladies' Oxford Ties. Call eiry ! before the assort ment is broken. NOTICE THE CHANGE = SSS ES OUR J v - - % v il n Never have we been better S&5 pared to supply your wants In this line. You can save money by givingns a call when in need of a new suit. AT THE . . . C. L. DeGROFF & OO. > rv - 1 1N&N ATI O N A ILv = irv BANK-4 coo jj Authorized Capital , $100,000. 3 Capital and Surplus , $60,000 GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass'i Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. | j f ; t \i | [ o j | M s j | V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. CASHIER. 1 ! CITIZENS BANK ! OF McCOOK , NEB. Paid Up Capital , ยง 50,000. Surplus , $5,000 < % DIRECTORS = f * / . FRAHKLIH , W.F.HcFARLAHD , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAH , C. H. WILLARD.