The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 12, 1898, Image 4

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    Royal make * the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
. .
Republican State Ticket.
Governor M. L. I IAYWARU , Nebraska Cit ;
Lieut. Governor. . .Gno. A. MURPHY , lieatrio
Secretary of State C. DURAS , Wilbu
Auditor T. L. MATHEWS , Fremon
Superintendent JOHN F. SAYLOR , Lincoh
Attorney General N. D. JACKSON , Neligl
Land Com'r. A. F. WILLIAMS , Elk Cit ;
Representative J. E. HATHORV , Hartley
County Attorney W. R. STARR , McCool
Commissioner 3d district..STEPHEN BOLLE :
WERE the immortal Lincoli
with us today , would he be sc
cocksure of not being nble to fee !
nil the peoplf nil the time ?
WITH so mnny patriots putting
in over-time iu their strenuous ef
forts to dodge nominntioiis to of
fice , it is quite mirnculous thnt sc
few good offices go a-begging foi
BED WILLOW county Republi
cans present the voters of the
county a clean nud nble ticket
this fall. If the hatchet can be
buried too deep for resurrectioE
every man on the ticket will coine
out of the fall election with his
colors flying.
THE average back-country politi
cian perhaps never so fully realizes
how small and under-sized he is ,
how light his draft , until he at
tends a state convention , returns
home and attempts to take account
of stock , endeavors to figure out
* O
what he accomplished in the gen
eral round up. He then is im
pressed uuforetnbly with the fact
that there are other pebbles on
the beach.
THE Republican state conven
tion in Lincoln , this week , put up
what is generally recognized as a
strong and able ticket. The con
vention was presided over by Sen
ator Thurston , one of the best offi
cers in America in that capacity.
At the head of our columns will
be found the ticket named , with
Judge Hay ward at the head. The
Republicans of Nebraska \vill en
ter the fight , this fall , with enthus
FOLLOWING the death of Captain
Gridley of the Olympia comes the
retirement of Captain Clark of the
peerless Oregon ; both going to
prove that the demands made on
the commanders of the modern
warship are infinitely exacting aud
that the price of such eternal vigi
lance aud immortal accomplish
ment as characterize the American
battleship , their brave and intelli
gent commanders and fearless ,
stout-hearted crews , is thv1 failure
of even robust health if not the
laying down of life on the country's
altar. Its an awe-inspiring , admi
ration-compelling gait , but it's a
killing one.
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
Mrs. Miuhich returned , last Sai
urday morning , from her visit t
J. C. Stewart , after a short ill
ness , has resumed his duties wit !
the B. & M.
Twin daughters were born t
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams , Fri
day of last week.
Jim Fiuuegau has added a bicy
cle to his worldly possessions am
is training every day.
Miss Eva McElroy departed fo
Imperial , this week , to visit wit !
her mother for some time.
W. E. Rollings and family re
turned , Saturday morning , from i
week's sight-seeing at the exposi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enlow o
Cambridge were guests of thei :
sou Francis , Wednesday after
Mrs. C. H. Keys and Mrs. F. L
Eulow made a short visit with Mrs
Delia Cook at J. H. Keys' , Sunday
Claim Agent Hanson of the
Burlington was looking after busi
ness of his office in this educa
tional center , Tuesday.
E. O. Scott of McCook was down
watching things revolve around the
center of the universe and visiting
with the folks over Sunday.
E. E. Smith went up to Denver ,
Monday afternoon , with two cars
of fat cattle and returned , Wednes
day morning , with a car of feeders.
Mrs. J. A. Curlee returned from
her visit in the east , last Thursday ,
bringing with her her niece , who
will perhaps stay with her for some
Miss Effie Teel of Indiauola was
visiting with Mrs. A. L. Cochran ,
Tuesday , and looking over her
school work which will commence
in a few weeks.
Mrs. W. D. Canuell and little
son arrived , Saturday night , from
Crab Orchard. They will stay in
camp with Mr. Canuell until he
returns to that place.
A. H. Kidd of Beatrice arrived
here , Tuesday night , going on to
Stockville , next morning , where he
will be engaged in the trial of the
supposed murderer of Thos. Jan-
J. W. Vickrey of lola , Illinois ,
arrived here , last Friday evening ,
to make his brother W. V. a short
visit Together they departed on
Wednesday morning to visit rela
tives and friends at Kearney and
in the northern part of the state.
The dead body of Thos. Jauseu ,
who has been missing since last
December , was found , Wednesday ,
in an old well about thirteen miles
northwest of this place. Andrew
Hawkins , on whose farm the body
was found , has been arrested on
the charge of murdering the olc
On Thursday last , Mr. Geo. H
Crosby , general freight agent foi
the Burlington , accompanied bj
A. Campbell , superintendent , auc
W. W. Johnson , commercial ageul
at Beatrice , made Agent Enlow a
Ball on business of the company
and were looking after crop pros
pects through this vicinity.
Again are all peace-loving citi
zens compelled to bow their heads
in shame owing to the occurrence
in the principal street , last Sunday
iftemoou. This time the crowd
) f hobos which a constant disgrace
; o civilization desecrated the Day
) f Rest by a public boxing bout
tfith the usual accompaniment of
loise and obscene language. It
seems that in these affairs the limit
) f tolerance will soon be reached ,
iad the village authorities should
ese no time in making provision
'or this gang of toughs to work off
; heir overplus of brutal enthusiasm
> u the rock pile , where they de
servedly should be.
This community was shocked on
Tuesday evening by the intelli
gence that "Johnnie" Mangus had
passed from earth. About two
, veeks ago he was striken with
lever and on last Saturday coudi-
ions were very favorable for his
jarly recovery , but on Sunday it
) ecame evident to the attending
) hysiciau that his heart was fail-
ng rapidly. The action of this
rgan gradually grew weaker until
leath resulted at 10 o'clock , Tues-
lay evening. The funeral , under
he supervision of the local lodge
f the Star of Jupiter , occurred
m Thursday afternoon , interment
leing made in the cemetery north-
rest of town. The sympathy of
11 is extended to the wife and two
ittle ones and his parents who sur-
ive him.
Ausrust 12. I S9S
McCook Tribune.
When you are sick , if you wish to be cured you will call
upon a doctor. You will visit one in whom you have confi
dence that he has a knowledge of his profession , has experi
ence , and knows how a well man should appear and feel.
Anybody can have a book of samples.
Why not a medicine chest and call themselves a doctor ?
We have a practical experience of over thirty years in
this line and it is reasonable to suppose that we have a bet
ter knowledge of the business than those whose entire stock
in trade consists of opening a sample book or two and quot
ing prices. In the meantime they cannot tell the difference
between a piece of goods which cost 49c and one costing
$2.89 per yard.
Give us a trial. You will be a permanent customer.
A Plea for Our First Volunteers.
In these days of excitement over the cases
of fever and all the other ailments that RO to
make the soldier's life one of supreme torture ,
the eyes of the nation are fixed on Cuba where
so many of her sons have given up all of this
life , and others lie on beds of disease and
pain. They are within reach of Washington
by cable , and with the dispatch boats the dis
tance is not formidable.
All philanthropic organizations are making
grad efforts to send them all the aid needed
and possible. Eighteen transports are lying
at the wharfs , hastening in every manner pos
sible their embarkation for the home land.
And with the facilities already at hand , the
sick ones who are obliged to be left behind
will have ample attendance. And this is just
and right.
Our governor and his staff are going to visit
Chickamauga and Jacksonville , where the
brave Second and Third are encamped , and
if they have a need congress will be besieged
to supply that need. And they , too , are with
in reach of friends by telegraph , telephone
and mail service. Cheers for the governor
and aids who stop to remember "the man be
hind the gun ! " 3 Cheers for Omaha , which re
members her boys with kind wishes and boxes
of good things !
13ut , you will ask , why all this preliminary ?
Simply this. . : ; Has Nebraska forgotten that
she sent her First regiment to an island in the
Pacific Ocean , six weeks or two months travel
from their homes ? Far away from our presi
dent and congress.strangers in a strange land.
No direct telegraph or mail service. Denied
even the consolation of cheering letters , ex
cept at long intervals , and boxes and visits
From the home friends , and landing amen }
strange scenes after an ocean voyage of abou
six weeks , with over a thousand men on each
ship. Between SanFrancisco and Honolult
they had two and a half gallons of water pe
man , and from there to Manila one gallon
per day for all needs , when salt water could
not be used. And their welcomeI What wa
that ?
Who welcomed the First Nebraska in San
Francisco and fed the well ones , cared for the
iiomesick and really sick ones , devised ways
xnd means for their comfort and well-being
Who were the last at the wharf with thei
Jodspeed , giving to each one a box of lunch
ifter their march through the broiling sun
: ven procuring a steamer and taking the
jray-haired mothers out for a last look and
vave of the hand to their soldier boys ? The
nembers of the Red Cross Society of San
And now they are making every effort to
lend out after them the supplies they are soon
0 stand in need of. Massachusetts has given
1 ship to be fitted for a hospital ship , but the
vomen are anxious for a station on shore at
Manila , realizing that a hospital ship , or even
wo , would not be equal to the demands. The
athers and mothers of the Tennessee troops
vhich passed through McCook have written
hanking the society for its work , as also has
Colorado , Montana , Oregon , and perhaps
ome otheis.
Nebraska has nobly responded to the na-
ion'scall with the flower of her young man
lood , in both the east and the west , and we
ire quite sure her people only need to have
hese facts brought to their attention to rouse
hem to prompt action on behalf of these
> oys. While one is no more entitled to aid
han another , the one thing that should guide
is is the NEED , always remembering that "an
mnce of prevention is worth a pound of cure , "
/here the health and well-being of the soldier
5 concerned.
Peace , with her white wings , is hovering
iver our beloved land. At the same time it
nust necessarily be a considerable length of
ime ere the soldiers of Manila can be within
ur borders and conditions may be such as to
ecessitate their stay the whole time of their
nlistment. To a people who are so tena-
ious of their liberties and their rights , who
re so quick to avenge a wrong , whose cry
rent up "Remember the Maine , " I say forget
11 this , now that victory is perched upon our
anners , and remember the soldier who has
lade all this possible , and among the others ,
i the east and the west , let me beg of you ,
: member the boys who are now lying in the
enches before Manilanot knowing what the
lorrow has in store for them the First Ne-
raska volunteers. * * * '
The Latest Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats and Men's
and Boys' Caps , comprising the largest and most complete
line we have shown.
The Celebrated and Weil-Known "Tiger , " "Champion"
and "Royal" Brands are well represented in this great
assortment , and we want you to come in and see the new
styles whether you are ready to buy or not
No house west of Chicago will show you a better line ,
and we will guarantee our prices to be as low as you
get there.
Your money back if you are not satisfied.
Can we do better. ?
Our Navy Forever
The entire series of UNCLE
SAM'S portfolios , 12 numbers
in all , is now complete and can
foe had in whole or part at THE
TRIBUNE office at 10 cents a
number or ONE DOLLAR for
the entire series.