JSHBSBts J How baldness begins. How to prevent Every person , male or femnle , shrinks from baldness. It adds to the appearance of age and is a serious discomfort. The cases nre rare when the falling- out of the liair may not be clapped , nud n new and healthy growth of the hair promoted. The hair grows in the scalp like n plant in the soil. If n plant flourishes , it must have constant attention ; it must he watered regularly and find its food in the soil where it is rooted. It's so with the hair. Neglect is usually the beginning- bald ness. Dandruff is allowed to thicken on the scalp. The hair begins to loosen. The sculp loses its vitality. The hair , insuf ficiently nourished , begins to fade and to fall. The instant need in such a case is dome practical preparation which , sup plying the needed nourishment to the scalp , will feed the hair , give it strength , and so produce u strong and healthy frrowth. All this is done by Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor , the most practical and valua ble preparation for the hair that can be obtained. It tones up the scalp , does away with dandruff , stops the hair from falling , restores the original color to gray or faded EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF KOTRE DAME , NOTRE DAflE , INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classics , Letters , Science , Law , Civil , Mechanical and Electrical Bngi- nccrlnjj. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Rooms Free to nil Students who have com pleted the studies required for admission into . the Junior or Senior Year , of any of the Colj j leIntc Courses. A limited number or Candidates for theEccle- slasticalfitatc will be rom'lved atspecial ! rates. 5t. Hdward'a Hall , for boys under 13 years , is unique In completeness ot Us equipments. The looth 'term vrill open September 6th , 1808. Catalogue Font Free on application to KEY. A. nORRlSSEY. C. SC. . . President. MOUNT ST , JOSEPH ACADEMY DUBUQUE , IO1VA. Ccnductod by Sisters of Charity. A School of Hlffli Hcpr.tiitlori for In inniiy jxlvsulnce * < ui > l UuiroiiKli nlucutlun In every lir.tnrli. \tcnslic prounels for out-door cxcrclfccs. Terms for board and tuition reasoualilc. Apply to S1STKH sri'KUIOIi. "Where the Grape , FlR nnd HOMES other fruits grnw. Cheap laudsi on the line of proposed - ' " posed railroad , partly built ; abuudanre of water for Irrigation. Address , Chan. Cobb , Overt on , Lincoln Co. , Nevada. WANTED-Coso of had health that K-I-P-A-K-S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Ulpaas Chemical Co. . New York , for 10 samples and l.OUO testluionid.0. ! Bet Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent , 1425 New York Avenue , \VASHINQTON , D. C. Best Cough Synip. Tastes GO/HI. Dso Intlmo. Sold by dnic lialr , ( ind ijlvc-i nn nbnni\xnt \ nttil c1n r crowth. Those who utc thtrntrnrd with approaching baldnc. will be inlet c teil in tlie ( ollovvinir voluulury * tiUpiuc li made bv Atdcrmuti S. J. Giccn.ol Spencer , lowu. lie writes : "About four months nrco , n > y V.nir commenced - menced fnllitiK out t-o inpidly tttnt I became nl.irmed , nnd I > clns iccpitimciuled Dr. Aver'a lluir Viior by u iliucK t , I resolved to try this preparation. I have been now usinjr it for thtec months nnd nm much Rrntlncd to find that my hsir has ceased fulling out and also that hnir which had been turning Kr y f ° r the pa t five years has bcH restored to its original color , dark brown. It jrivcs me much pleasure to recommend this dressing. " S. J. GUUCN , Alderman , Spencer , Iowa. Those who arc interested in preserving and bcautifviaij the hair will do well to scud for DrI Aver's , Curcbook , A story of cures told by the cured. This book of 100 pages is sent free , 0:1 request , by the J. C. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass. STARCH , THE BEST FOR Shirt Waists , Shirt Fronts , Collars , 'Cuff ' S and Delicate Clothes. Read our Booklets , Laujrh and Learn * < F httvo Trecn nilnz CASCAKF.TS and a > a mild and effective laratlvo they arc simply won derful. My daujinter and 1 were bothered with si uk stomach and our breath was very bad. After taking a lew doses of Cascarets wo liave Improved wonderfully. They are a great help in the family. " wit.nKi.MiNA NAOZL. 1137 BlttonlioaEC St. , Cincinnati. Ohio. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK REGISTERED Pleasant. Palatable. Potent , Taste Good. DC Good , Kovcr Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe. lOc. 2jc. 5Gc. . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Sterling lUnrdj Cotnpasr , CMciro , Kentml , N * ir Tort. Si5 Soldand Riinrantecd by olldruK- Rlststo CU2CB Tobacco HablU CASH each WEEK the year round , iryouKellStirkTrces.Outfltfrce. STARE KURSERY. LOUISIANA , KO. . Stark , Ho , Eockoort , III. IfaClictod-wlth [ Thompson's Eye WaferB EOI o eyes , use i\ lit AVpBlJlMUH , 1MB it lilllt- \vhloh Uua j\i \ it uptptivulcil the liUOUi nuuiViM'BUVvV of Ha founilu- t \\tll IHMIt till H onM ln 0l f ( linhithttiitli \ > > * , H tr t uu n W IH iith foii o u uiuho Itio ullu'i1 l\vu ( \\et\tR \ \ of i * Mu it u' Other poui > lo Uuu'i u ! d tut much hi- l yum' I'hlhlron utt you ( to , r u % nriy fonta , O\u\riiir'-'it : tolniroo luUilt euro , niiiUtni tml , niou t runs , > lo > d put o. f > ( K\M ! , AUilniuuUln. A pli'l Ju t , nnlunilly huto.-i boy until ylio IK 11 ! or II ! yt-an ; old. Unlvor.iUy > T Notrn Wo call uttwition to the tuh'crthto- mcnt of the Univunilty of Notre Uaniu in this Issue. Thlu K at Institution of learning takes rank with the llrnt in the country and In the world. H 13 beautifully situated nt Notre Da mi- , Ind. , a place famous in thu early his tory of Christian explorations in the New World. The educational course is fully as complete as at Harvard , Yale or Princeton. A now 184-paso cat alogue just issued by the institution gives Home very valuable information that should be read before arranging to sending your boys elsewhere. St. Edward's Hall for boys under 13 is complete in all its equipments and has many advantages. II ia possible for a boy of 10 to enter Notre Darae and re main until he graduates in Divinity , Classics , Letters , Science , Law , En gineering , etc. The receivers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad have purchased 40 miles of 85-lb. sixty foot steel rails and will experiment with them on the Pittsburg division and in the Baltimore tunnel. These rails were originally bought for the Columbia and Maryland Electric Railroad , which was designed to paral lel the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Washington and to become an important factor : n business between these points. The project failed and the material which was purchased has been sold. These are the first 60-foot rails to be used on the B. & 0. COSMO BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP makes the skin soft , v/hite and healthy. Sold everywhere. Iron horseshoes have been found dating back to the year 481. WE VA7. T AOEXTS to M-ll our -oods rVTTJKO. . CO. . 32o iic , la. Now and then you will find a man who has better legs than courage. -JLO Care v-'onstrpatioa PoreTerr. Take Casoarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25a If C. C. C. fall to cure , druggists refund money. Immune A man who has been mar ried so long that he doesn't mind it. 'Wheat 4O Ccutr a Bushel. to grow wheat with bicj profit nt 40 cents nnd samples of Snl/er'sRed Cross ( SO Bushels per acre ) Winter Wheat , Rye , Oats , Clovers , etc. , with Farm Seed Catalogue for 4 cents postage. JOHN A. SALZER SEEDCO.LaCrosse , Wis. w.n.u. Bachelor A pair of scissors with one blade missing. ry tcm Paras for aale. S2 per ecre c ± 3 > li balen tcropHHtll paifl. J. Mulball , Sionjt Cify.l rully ti tiiii H uffpi-'i ' or BliiUII.-MWt'V ' , HU orM Uouil OIWH ? HllHil Yea , All 'I'ltt ' * Oltli-MI A NP\V Voi'lt ' Uint ( ( loi'luf ' , cued Uiti , VOllllllPPi'ml ' lilM fiPl'Vil't't ' ) lu tilt ! I'l l- llPHl , I'Pl'tilltl ' } ' Hq ( III lll'iliy ( UlI'MPOlh Ai lilfi advaneptt ymtrit liu CKU itiul v/illi- oltl liinPi'rt , mill wjtlk 10 lilllpfl ti liny. 'I'llP Oltlpfll MlfHiniH'll Illt'dli'lilP { n Jldn- ( PllPt''M IJtOIIIIIOll UlllPI'tl ' , Wllirll llllB 110 Piltil ( | foi' tttiliiepoi ) | ! , ilvhnH | ) t mid I'Ollrttl put toil. 0(10 ( llUlll'i llut-S lllllHi KOOti. lit IWslH , II Illllltll'H | tll | > 'M III ) llllllfM'l- itiil , ( tni'i in the ii Ilin Mt'l'Moo hullUS r ' ( livri' 111 ot U. Dnn'l ToMi'to ! ( < ritl | nun KIIIUMO Vmr i.i TotUll | ( nliiU'i'O inniiy nml f ( > mvi nriU\ full of llfn. in rvo , unit vlyoi1 , lii lUlC , l.ll \\uilltni'-W ( VliiT , Illlll.IlHlli' went ; llir/i ; All ill iicitlUfj , Mio di'fl. ( ! IHO KHiiniM- HiMilcliit unit riuiiipln free. AiM lidiwilvOi. . ciiifiiaoor Now VorU. There lu awfully r.wx ! tnalrrlnl In r , yoiiiig Klrl who IM fond of a bail brother. Ati'hltum ( ! lobi . Iin | ) < ) ftiitit to i The mniuifncMircrs of CiiMtorlu litivn lircn rninpcllr-il to spend lutiidrcdu of UIOIIH uiilKof dollars tu fsiiniliiinro tin : pulillc with tliu slu- uuturoor Clias II. Kit-toiler. ' 1'lils lii : t liccn necciisltiited by reason of pirates counterrelt ln- { the Custorlti tratlu uiuric. This counltir- fL-itintr Is n crime not only : ii.-ilnst the i-roj.rli- tors of Castoriii , but n < ; : iinst the irov.lii | : Rcncratlnit. All ] icn > ou. .shulil bo careful to sac that Castoria bears the signature of Uiins. II. Fletcher , if they would Ruard tlio hcul'.h of their children. Parent's and inothTK , In p.ir- tieular , ovght to e.ircfully exr.inine the Castoria advertiscmanta which haveUCCK ap pearing in this paper , and to remember that the wrapper of every bottle of ontiine Cnstori-t bears thu fac-sltnlle sivnaiurc ot ChaH. . Fletcher , under whq-e supervision ha * . b ° eti manufactured conliuuously for oxer thirty years. There is a clock in Brussels which has never been wound up by human hands. It is kept going by the wind. Kcal \Vsxrin "Weather Kcst ami Comfort. There is a powder to be shaken into the shoes called Allen's Foot-Ease , in vented by Al 3n S. Olmstcd , Le Roy , N. Y. , which druggists and shoe dealers say is the best thing they ever sold co cure swollen , burning , sore and tender or aching feet. Some dealers claim that it makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It certainly will cure corns and bunions and relieve instantly sweating , hot or smarting feet. Allen's Foot- Ease costs only a quarter , and the in ventor will send a sample free to any address. Recent measurements of the Chinese wall show it to be eighteen feet high and 1,300 miles long. Hall's Catarrh Cnro Is takea internally. Price. 75c. The Chinese dress in white at funer als and in black at weddings , and eld women always serve as bridesmaids. For a perfect complexion au < i a clear , healthy fkiu , use COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP. Sold everywhere. Plajr The work that we do that isn't compulsory. I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy \Valiace , Marquet , Ka.ii. , Dec. 12 , "Jo. Sleep The only satisfactory substi tute for insomnia. iS7f frS't ; s-3 sr.i SM-i - ' -m cl * a ltVfnontJis * < 9 nil tlssrs bi 0/s tdebmled MLASTlC BTAKCff , rWl Ifod L'rnnd ; * To hiJticew < lo Iry ( li/s / Lwrtd of filriftjlii so tliat yt/u npy/i/ii&u / ( for ybtii > ) ] / l/in / ! all claJiris he Jl9 siiptrJ > Oily ( p/itl ctidfiomy are ( rile , file /rofe * JlflVB J < it1 pfcpsrtd , a ! crol f/pj/iw , .1 tcrlcs ol /O. / O.V < V < tot - cxic reprodticijtws cl if is $10,000 witv \ * Ky .f.nii'fc , f/'uk'n ; vz Riven you ABSOLUTELY FIfc'Kl yyc ir prefer w.otdi'iznznwJ lr.nr , Taw I'litqucKare 40 inches in circurnfcrcf.ee , arc free c\ \ anyg ; 'i&a oi wlMtcvcr , .irH will ornament the tmtA clrjjari ! op r ; rttn' . ' 'ona ; * t c1 / ever before fr.-.ve away such valuable present ? to its c ; iflmr ; . They tz tt& at any price , and cm be obtjincd only in the manner sjifit'J. . Tf subject * rs > AMERICAN WILD DUCKS. . ' .Mi-fclCAN PHEASANT , ENGLISH QUAIL , ENGLISH SfW'E. The birch arc Iiandtomcly cnbocd and ttsnd cut neural as fife. Each P uc h * bordered wilh a band of gold. HOW TO GET THEM : Elastic Starch fusz been ihc ctervd rd kr 2 . . < : ytzrt. All purchase of tl.roo 10-rcnt or ulx ! > -ccnt ji.'icktiift-- : jiihttiStarcii ; : ( Klit TWENTY-TWO MILLIC.'f 7 * Iron It rand i , : no entitled to receive from of this brandwere -were i ages their : 'ro'-er one cit thhC hf-antlful Oamc Plaque * free. The pluijui's will not \ns \ year. That's hcv/ good iJ sent by miiil. They can It's obtained only Ask Your Dealer from your grocer. Every Grocer Kzcps Elastic Starch. to shovycu the Plasucs tii Do not delay. This offer is for a short ycu about Elzdic Stirrh. time only. nc substitute. FAIRLY JUMPED INTO SUCCESS RIGHT FROM THE VERY START Notwithstanding all the othc-r starches on the market. Now , why was it , why is it , that millions of packages of KEITH'S EKAHEL STARCH have been used in the lev/ years sirce this starch was invented ? Just do your ironing- one month with KEITH'S EHAMEL STARCH and you REMARKABLE K3COVEW will see. It makes ironing- easy , it puts on F3R n.'JE LAUWSt WORK. that beatiful enamel finish , that it puts it at REOiiREsKo COOKING the head of every lcnov/n aid for ironiug- . Manufactured by KEITH EHAMEL "STAR8H GO , , CHICAGO , ILL , f5DRT DEFIES THE KING. " THEN 58 GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF , CURE YOURSELF : Uoo Eig G for unnatural I discharges , inflammations , irritations or ulrcratiooa of mucous membranes , rainless , and not afitriu- \ \THEEVAH3CKEUICaCO. or poisonous. Solder or eent in plain wrapper , by oiprea , prepaid , for Sl.on. or3hottpB,2.T5. | Circular cent on OFH ) ES S\f W2V/DISCOVERYs : t IV iiXB Kw B qulckreliefauiJ cures worst rases. Kcnd for book Ow teatinionlnlsan-t 1O clays * trvateaer' Krca , D.liH.GHSiLN'SSOfiS. . i" ' W. N. U.OMAHA. NO. 32 1SSS Ansveriao RSverticessnts Ecdl Kestion T&is f ar > . naS ' K' Cancer Keasin t CG s : , , ur Homt- Never est a 'ns'- a < - * -t ' . TO r- culars ! PENSIONS , PATENTS , CLAIMS * J O K N W. W O R R ! S , ttAS'-lNoTON. D LC.IC ? rlscipl Er c = ; r u" S ? crs.c = 3zrt * = J. in list \i2 * , lj-'jjwii.rLc. = , iik