The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1898, Image 8

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    * ) oo DROPS I
egetablePjeparationfor As
similating UieTood andRegula-
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
'ness andBest.Contains neither
OpmmMorphin ; norlfineral.
in SetiL"
jtrust Strtt *
Rppemant -
Ei CartonatcSotla *
ffamSceJ -
flarifttd Sugar .
llftaywwJVme :
Apcrfectltemedy forConstipa-
tion , SourStomach.Diarrhoea ,
ness aridl/OSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children ,
The Kind You Have
Always Bough !
Bears the
, .
Perfection is the pi our long
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
Monarch Chainless $30000
Send for 1398 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago.
Branches New York , London and Hamburg.
Send ten 2-oent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illuotratlnc
Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones.
guarantee a cure. No cure , no
pay. Write me at above address , or call
at my home in Coleman j.recinct.
All A.'urfs , Sizes ana Prices.
9 9
A. O. DOLE. Afrer.t. McCook. Neb.
Ii llujiriinn Mutual. Oin.ilm : Mercantile Mu
tual , Lincoln : I'.irtuer * Mutual , Lincoln.
Once Tried. Always Used.
If ue sell otic bottle of
Cough Remedy , we seldom fail to fcell
the SHUie person more , when it is again
needed. Indeed , it has become the lam-
ilv medicine of this town , for coughs and
colds , and we recommend it because of
its established merits. Jos. E. Ilarned ,
Prop. Oakland Pharmacy , Oakland , Md
Sold by L. W. McConuell & Co.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It'heals promptly and cures ec
zema and all skin diseases. It gives im
mediate relief. A. McMillen.
During the summer of 1891 , Mr. Chas.
i' . Johnson , a well known attorney of
Louisville. Ky. , had a very severe attack
of summer complaint. Quite a number
of different remedies were tried , but
failed to afford any relief. A friend who
knew what was needed procured him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which quickly
cured him and he thinks , saved his life
lie says that there has not been a day
since that time that he bas not had this
remedy in his household. He speaks of
it in the highest praise and takes much
pleasure in recommending it whenever
an opportunity is offered. For sale by
L.V. . McCounell & Co.
McConnell's Colicure
Cures Colic , Cholera Morbus and Diar
rhoea Money refunded if not as repre
See McMillen's new stock of
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
in advance.
E. C. Blanks of Lewisville , Texas ,
writes that one box of DeWilt's Witch
Hazel Salve was worth $50 to him. It
cured his piles of ten \ears standing.
He advises others to tr } it. It also cures
eczema , skin diseases and obstinate
sores. A. McMillen.
Machine Oils at McConnell's
Sick headache , biliousness , constipa
tion and all liver and stomarh troubles
can be quickly cured b } ' using those fa
mous little pills known as DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers. They are pleasant to
take and never gripe. A. McMillen.
THE TRIUUNE and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad
B. S. AS2TOS , P s. T. E. UcDONALS , Cash.
A General Banking Business
JSjTAny business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
Republican Primaries.
The Republican voters of the Firs
precinct are requested to meet in the
basement of the Commercial House at i
o'clock p. m. , Saturday , July 3Oth , fo
the put pose of selecting 8 delegates to
represent the precinct in the Republicai
county convention to be held in Me
Cook on Saturda3 > , August 6th , 1898 ; anc
to transact any other business that ma\
come before the caucus.
J. E. KKLLEY , Conmiitteeman.
The Republican voters of the Secoin
precinct are requested to meet in the
city hall at 8 o'clock , p. m. , Saturday
July 3Oth , for the purpose of selecting
5 delegates to represent the precinct in
ihe Republican county convention to be
held in McCook on Saturday , Augrfst
6th , 1898 ; and to transact any other busi
ness that muy come before the caucus
H. H. BERRY , Conmiitteeman.
The Republican Tolers of the Third
precinct are requested to meet in the of
fice of H. H. Heny at 8 o'clock p. m. ,
Saturday , July 3Oth , for the purpose of
selecting 5 delegates to represent the
precinct in the Republican county con
vention to be held in McCook on Satur
day , August 6th , 1898 ; and to transact
any other business that may come before
the caucus. C. G COGLIZKK ,
The Republican voters of the Fourth
precinct are requested to meet in the of
fice of C. F. Babcock at 8 o'clock p. m ,
Saturday July 3Oth , for the purpose of
selecting 6 delegates to represent the
precinct in the Republican county con
vention to be held in McCook on Satur
day , August 6th , 1898 ; and to transact
any other business that may come before
the caucus. G. R. JOHNSON ,
Indian Day at the Exposition.
If you want to see Ihe strongest , most
original and most striking feature of the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition , spend next
Thursday , August 4th , at Omaha. It
will be Indian Day. From sunrise till
sunset , the ahorigSnees will "own the
town. " Representatives of nearly eveiy
j tribe on the continent will be present.
I Their dances , religious lites and savage
I customs , their games , solemn festivals
I and natural surroundings will be repro-
' dticed with absolute fidelity. No such
opportunity of studying the red man
justa's lie is has ever before lieen offered.
Nor will it , in all likelihood , ever occur
In order to secure the largest possible
attendance for Indian Day , the Burling
ton Route lias made a rate of one cent a
mile. For tickets and information about
selling dates , return limits , etc , call at
the Burlington depot.
j Army Hygiene in Hot ( Jotsntries.
j Overheating of the body , which is accompanied -
! companied by perspiration , is dangerous
' unless the body is well covered. The
too rapid evaporation of sweat chills the
body , which in that state is more susceptible -
| ceptible to diarrhcea , dysentery , inflam
mation of the liver , fevers and other
maladies. The u < e of light canvas is
rational for outer garments , and for
underclothing cotton flannel is best.
At night , warmer clothing is requisite ,
and a flannel belt must then be woin.
For headgear , a light canvas helmet ,
with airholes , will be found most suita
ble. A large visor , lined with leather
or green cloth , will protect the eyes
Fever is often taken through the eyes
The English authorities , recognizing this
fact , supplied their men with smoked
glasses in Egypt. Before a march , the
feet ought to be washed in water with a
dash of alcohol and then soaped , or ,
preferably , greased. After a day's march ,
the feet must be washed , if feasible , in
warm water , and put iu light shoes or
slippers. Collier's Weekly.
Flower Day at the Exposition.
The society event of the year. Grand
Parade of 100 beautifully decorated
equipages driven by the society ladies of
Nebraska and Iowa , presenting a specta
cle that will outrival the world-famous
fiestas of Los Angeles , Colorado Springs
and Orleans , Tuesday , August 2 , at 4 p.
m. on the Exposition grounds at Omaha.
One cent a mile via the Burlington
Route. Tickets good to return August 3.
IVIcCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .18
Wheat 50
Oats 15
Rye 30
Barley 18
Hogs 3.40
Eggs 06
Butter 10
New potatoes 75
Tablets and Box Papers.
You will find a fine line of tablets and
box papers at this office for sale at very-
reasonable figures aud of the best qual
The editor of the Evans City , Pa. ,
Globe , writes : "One Minute Cough Cure
is rightly named. It cured mv children
after all other remedies failed. " It cures
coughs , colds and all throat and lung
troubles. A. McMillen.
Facts to Remember.
The postoffice lobby opens at 6:30 in
the morning. The general delivery at
8 o'clock. Money order window closes
at 5:30. Postoffice 317:30. General de
livery open Sundays from 12 to I.
Mr. Townslay returned to Iowa ,
last week.
Pnrmers are well plensed with
the crop of grain.
Hot , dry weather with hot winds
is the order of the day.
Early corn that is , the ninety
day corn is hardening.
Grasshoppers do not seem so
very numerous in this vicinity.
Alva Simuiermau and some of
the younger ch Idren lihve the
whooping cough.
Henry Cm-others lost imothfi
horse , being the seventh one with
in u year and a half.
They do say that the Trapha-
gans cut 124 acres of grain in
four days with one binder.
While Charles Siminennan was
shocking ruin he picked up a
bundle with a rattlesnake in it.
He threw the bundle away and
afterwards killed the snake which
had nine ra ties.
Sam Ball ran three binders dur
ing harvest.
A wedding in these parts is a
thing two weeks old.
= 5
Taylor Quigley has bought the
Suitor quarter-section.
Will Sexson was a county seat
visitor on business , Monday.
The harvest is past. Some of
the grain required four pounds of
twine per acre.
Matt. Rollings , the great popu
list worker , was seen in our neigh
borhood. Sunday.
' *
It depends on the yield of wheat
whether we will go to the Trans-
Mississippi exposition or stay on
: he farm.
Geo. Kins ; thieshed on Tuesday ,
o -
doing the work with the Liucoh
steam thresher , which , we deen
worthy of recommendation.
Spend August in the Black Hills.
Go first to Hot Springs There yoi
can bathe , ride , bicycle , climb inoiin
tains , dance and play tennis to you
learl's content. If your limbs are stiff
vour kidneys out of order or if you are
troubled with eczema or any other fern
of skin disease , a month at Hot Spring
vill make a new man of you.
Sylvan Lake and Spearfish ate withii
i comparatively short distance of Ho
Springs and everyone who visits thi
Jlnck Hills should see them.
Sylvan Lake is ihe prettiest , cooles
summer resort in the west. Spearfish is
cached after a railroad ride that ranks
among the experiences of a lifetime
rhere is nothing like it anywhere else
on the globe.
During August , the Burlington Route
vill run two low-rate excursions to Hot
Springs ; one on the gth , the other 01
the 2bth , of that month. Tickets wil
be sold at one fare for the round trip
half rates and will be good to return
any time within 30 da3-s
Organize a party. Arrange about your
liotel accommodations at Hot Springs.
Get your tickets from the Burlington
igent and pass the most delightful
month in the year in the most delightful
mmmerland on the continent. 8-12
Citizens Bank of ilcGook
[ CHARTER NO. 276 ]
it McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the
close of business July 14,1898.
oans and discounts S 96 289 3.4
Jverdrafts , secured and unsecured I 748 63
) tocksboiulssecuritiesjud'jnients ,
claims , etc 7& & 00
) ther real estate 10 889 71
Current expenses and taxes paid. . I 525 73
"hecks and other cash items I 048 92
Due from National , State and 1'ri-
vate Banks and Bankers 12 0&2 74
Jills $5 416 oo
Specie 3 386 oo
Nickels and cents 155 03
I'otal cash on hand 8 957 03
TOTAI . $133 2 ! > 8 I0
Capital stock paid in . S 50 ooo oo
iurphib fund . 5 eco ° °
Jndi\ided profits . 3 731 °
ndividtial deposits sub
ject to check . 541 715 13
Demand certificates of
deposit . 17 043 06
'ime certificates of de
posit . 9 500 oo
'ashier's checks outstanding -
. standing . " . . 41610
) ue to State and Private
Banks and Bankers. . . 883 41 Oo 557 70
tills payable . 5 o00 ° °
itate of Nebraska , County of Red Willow , ? s :
I , A. C. Kbert , Cashier of the above named
lank , do solemnly swear that the above state-
lent is true to the best of my knowledge and
elief. A. C. EllERT , Cashier ,
ittest : V. FRANKLIN , Director.
II. T. CHURCH , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this2Mh
ay of July , 1898. II. II. BKRRV.
[ SEAL ] Notary Public.
Commission expires October 8 , 1901.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , July 23 , 1898.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment : Present , Stephen Holies ,
James A.Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com
missioners , IlarlowV. . Keyes , county attor
ney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes
of previous meeting read and approved.
On motion there was appropriated the
amount of $40 , to aid in making an exhibit at
the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha
for Red Willow county , and clerk directed to
draw warrant on county general fund in pay
ment thereof as follows : W. A. McCool , ap
propriation as above , $40.
On motion the petition to submit to the pee
pie of Red Willow county the proposition to
levy a special annual tax of five mills on the
dollar valuation of the taxable property in
said county for the term of two years , lo-wit :
the years 1898 and 1899 , for the purpose of
erecting a jail and court house in said county
was laid on the table until July 2gth.
Petition of John Whitehead and others ask
ing for the location of a public road read and
considered. 'I he board finds that all the re
quirements of law have been fully complied
with , and on motion petition was granted and
road established as follows : Commencing on
north line of sections I and 6 at cornerstone
and running thence south on county line be
tween sections I and 6 to cornerstone in main
road , one mile. And clerk directed to draw
warrant on road district No.32 for $75 in favor
of Mrs. Nellie Owen Wright , as damages to
her land by reason of location of said road.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund ,
levy of 1898 , in payment thereof as follows :
Win. McCallum.mdse . $73 CO
C. II. Meeker , rent coint house . 50 CO
A. P. Welles , medical services . 60 00
I. M. Smith , deputy sheriff , fees county
vs. Franklin . 4 25
Ilarlow . Keye * . county attorney , salary - j
ary second quarter. . 200 00
G. S. Bishop , county judge , fee ? , State
vs. Huber . 3 60
Ed. Jordan , same . I 00
U. S. Bishop , same . 3 oo
Ed. Jordan , same . I 00
And on county road fund , levy of 1808 , as
: ollo\vs :
II. 11. Kuhlman , com. road No. 326 . 33 co
A. F. llarclin , appraising same . 3 oo
W. Ii. McKillip , same . 3 oc
C. W. Mallory , same . 3 oo
On motion board adjourned to meet July
29 , 1898.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Tribune Clubbinjr List. j
For the convenience of readers of THE |
TRIBUNE , we have made arrangements ;
with the following newspapers and peri
odicals whereby we can supply tliei.n in
combination with THE TRIBUNE at the
following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press . $ i oo Si 0
Leslie's Weekly . 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer . I oo 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean . I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. . I oo 150
New- York Tribune . I oo I 25
Demorest's Magazine . 100 175
Toledo Blade . i oo 125
Nebraska Farmer . I CO 165
loxva Homestead . I oo 175
Lincoln Journal . i oo 175
Cam pbell's Soil-Culture . I oo I 50
New- York World . i oo i 65
Omaha Bee . i oo 1501
Cosmopolitan Magazine . I oo i So
We are prepared to fill orders for any
ather papers published , at reduced rates. J
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. j i
Win your battles against disease by
icting promptly. One Minute Cough
ure produces immediate results. When
: aken earlit prevents consumption , i
\nd in later stages it furnishes prompt i S
-elief. A. McMillen. ij
JNE office. Best in the market.
Go to L ml wick's SecJ : J
[ > iul - Hand S to re for ] l
tin work and repair-1J
ingof gasoline stoves j
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , tlt
Pleasant , Quick Results , safe to take. tlo <
Briiiiant Flora ! Cavalcade R
INDIAN DAY 3 ti tc :
Ipening of Indian Congress. Forty tli tli
Tribes Represented. in
tl :
7or These Occasions VT
T :
Admission to the Grounds reduced
3 25 cents for Sunday , July
The Chief Burge > s of Milesburg , Pa. , bibi
; ys DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
ic best pills he ever used in his family inF
uring loity 3ears of housekeeping. wl <
hey cure constipation , sick headache
; id stomach and liver troubles. Small '
i size but great in results. A. McMil- ) tiThe
THE TR i HUNK and Demorest's Family
[ agazine for Si-75 a year , strictly in 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bougf |
Bears the
Signature of
McCook Transfer Line
Curuiture vun iu the
city. Office one Mock north o
BnruPtfc Lumber Y rtl. Leave or-
dei'8 for bus calls fit Commercial
hotel ; orders for draying at Ev-
erist , Marsh < fc Co.'s meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
V/indmil.s. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building
, 1
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning.
am btill doing carpet laying , carpel
cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See
or write me .before giving such work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
: Aient of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Hear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar-
mteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
3rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
fc Bellamy , assistants.
< . -MRS. E. E. UTTERju-Z
h'ann , Organ. Guitar and Banjo
Over the "Bee Hive. "
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
) flke and Hospital over First National Bans.
) tiice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave .
Before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
In the District Court of Red Willow countv
nd State of Nebraska.
Webster S. Morlan , plaintiff , vs. Kdgar
loyd-Jones , administrator of the estate ot
sabell M. Floyd-Jones , deceased. Julia S.
loyd-Jones , widow , and as guardian ot the
nnor children of b'emple tloyd-Jones. de
eased. Isabell Helen Flovd-Jones. Shro' .
.harles Floyd-Jones , Juliet DeLancy Floyd
ones , heirs-at-iaw of
Semple Flovd-Jone- .
eceased , defendants.
Edgar Floyd-Jones. Julia S. Floyd J nt.- .
> abell Helen Hoyd-Jones , Shrob'Charle >
loyd-Jones , Juliet DeLancy Floyd-Jones , the
eiendants as above designated , will take
otice that on the I5th day of July , iSoS , Web-
: erS. Morlan , the plaintiff herein , tiled hi *
etition m the district court of Red Willow
Dtmty. Nebraska , against said defendants ,
ic object and prayer of which are to confirm
ic title in him to an undivided two-thirds in
vest in , and to partition between the rightful
wners their respective shares , the following
escribed real estate , to-wit : The ME * of
Action 6 , township i north. R 26 ; the N - of
' " , ' * of section 2 , township i north , R 26 :
orth * f. ° 1 SWcM-of serc'ion 35 , township 2
K26thebU X of section 11 , township
north , R 26 ; the ISE j ; of section
p 2 north , R 26 ; the NW X of section 15
wnship 2 north , R 26 ; the E of SW \ and
' 4. ° 2I. ' township 4 north.
20 ; the SW M of section 2C , township f
wth , R 27 ; the SW tf of section . town
'Rn ' ° rt . R 27 ; the W u of NE\ and K
iNV of section 21. township I north. R
up i north. R 2S ; the SW X of section
'wnslnp ' i north , R 2- the NE X of section'
J , township i north. R 27 ; the NW ' of sec
Dn 13 , township i north , R 29. all wcs-t , f tlu-
fi principal meridian iu Nebraska and in the
otinty Red Willow.
pt And that in case
id real estate cannot be cquitablv divided
at the same may be sold and the prooeeiN
ercfrom divided as said partienitercxtx
ay appear.
Von are required to answer said petition -n
before the 22d day of August. iSqS.
. , , . Ky W.K.Starr , his Attornev
Dated July 15 , isqs. 7.15.4t
Bob Moore of LaFayelte , Intl. . savs
; at for constipation le has found De
nt s Little Early Risers to be perfect
ley never gripe. Try them for stomach
id liver troubles. A. McMillen.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm has no equal
a household liniment. It is the best
medy known for rheumatism , lame
ick , neuralgia ; while for sprains , cuts ,
mses , burns , scalds and sore throat , is
valuable. Wertz & Pike , merchants „
sruanilina. Fla. , write : "Everyone ±
10 buys n bottle of Chamberlain's
Miiedies , comes back and says it is the '
st medicine he has ever used. " 25 and. *
cents per bottle at McConnelPs drmr '
) re. *
Little Early Risers ,
The famous little pills.