The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1898, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Republican Uewspap I8P
THE American flag has beer
raised over Porto Rican soil , will
Commander Wainwrigbt of th <
Glouceslor doing the honors , anc
remembering the Maine.
THE indications are increasing
that the haughty Dons are getting
their "honor" fully satisfied auc
that overtures are being made foi
peace. Nothing satisfies "Spaniel :
honor" like a thorough whipping ,
THE many Hayes county friends
of Capt. R. P. High will be pleased
to learn that he is being pushed
for the republican nomination foi
commissioner of public-lands and
buildings , with good chances foi
receiving the nomination. The
republicans of Nebraska would dc
themselves proud by placing B. P.
High on the state ticket. Nc
squarer mail ever received the
votes of the party.
Mayor J. E. Kelley of McC/oofc
had business in our town , Wednes
Bert Toogood was a McCooL
visitor between trains , Thursday
Stella McCool is visiting in Me-
Cook , the guest of Alex. McDon
ald and family.
W. A. McCool , our "Nasby , ' ;
and John McCluug were McCooli
visitors , last Saturday.
JFred Beardslee and Clark Mc
Cluug of the metropolis , hung oui
in our town over Sunday.
E. H. McMillen and E. O. Scotl
of the "valley's finest" were visit
ors in our town , Sunday evening.
Miss Delia Toogood visited in
McCook , Wednesday and Thurs
day , the guest of Miss Lillie Nor-
Misses Jennie McClung and
Anna Barton attended the Dewey
social in McCook , Wednesday
Henry Crabtree attended the
meeting of the board of county
commissioners at the county seat ,
Colonel Phillips of the Reporter
heads the improvement column
with a new sidewalk. Let the good
work continue.
W. B. Starr was down from the
metropolis , Tuesday , on business ,
and preadveuture to "fix up his
fences" somewhat.
Guy Murphy came down from
McCook , Thursday , to spend a
couple of days here , the guest of
Charles Sherburue.
S. B. Smith and O. D. Mosher
attended the Populist convention
at the metropolis , Thursday , and
took a lively hand in its manipu
J. V. Harrison , J. W. McCluug ,
Jno. Wei born and Dennis Fitz
gerald were delegates to the dem
ocratic county convention in Mc
Cook , Thursday7.
James McCallmn and Fred
Woodcock drove up to the county
seat , Wednesday night , to take in
the "Dewey social" held there by
the Episcopal people.
Misses Leila Sircolournb of
Sheridan , Wyo. , and Delia.Mow-
bray of Lincoln , Neb. , and Messrs.
Boy Smith and Bay McCarl all
drove down from the capital city ,
Sunday , on a brief visit.
S. B. Smith , J. B. Neel , A. H.
Bell , W. Geo. Sheppard , Butler
Jones , I. Vandervort , G. W. Burt
and W. D. Kennedy represented
this precinct at the populist con
vention in the county seat on
John McClung had the misfort
une to run over a "Mephitis Amer
icana" Saturday evening , while
out exercising his bicycle. The
pretty thing evidently foully imag
ined it was the object of a Spanish
attack and used its ordinary , and
at the same time extraordinary ,
means o defense , with telling ef
fect. John has buried his clothes ,
put his wheel out to pasture and
sleeps in the bam for the nonce.
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Lena Smith was the guest of In-
dianola friends , last Sunday.
Mrs. F. L. Eulow , who has been
on the sick list , is able to be around
M. E. Corbin spent last week in
the country helping harvest the
large crop of wheat.
"Johnnie" Mangus has been
confined to the house , this week ,
on account of sickness.
B. F. Shultz of Freedom is load
ing two cars of broom corn for the
eastern market at this point , this
week ,
Will Parrish took in Omaha
and the exposition , the fore part of
the week , returning Wednesday
Grant Crampton went down to
South Omaha , Wednesday morn
ing , with a couple of carloads of
fat porkers.
Caunell Bros , have received a
steam threshing outfit from Crab
Orchard and will begin work on
their own grain at once.
The Hamilton brothers are re
pairing the Duff Grain Co.'s scales ,
this week , preparatory to handling
the immense small grain crop.
Sam Young received a large
separator with a blow stacker at
tachment from. Edgar , this week.
He expects to be running in a few
C. W. Keys has added to his
numerous improvements a wind
mill , which will enable him to
keep his lawn and garden in a
green and thriving condition.
E. J. Merchant arrived from
Missouri , Wednesday , and has re
sumed his former position as coun
ter-jumper in Yickrey's. His many
friends welcome his return.
E. E. Hanson , claim agent for
the Burlington , was in our village ,
Wednesday. He also drove over
to Lebanon on business of his po
sition , returning the same day.
C. W. Peters , John Long , M.
Reddy , F. M. Williams and Wm.
Bergin lepreseuted Alliance pre
cinct in the populist county con
vention in the capital city , Thurs
R. C. Catlett and S. Bentley
were McCook visitors , Thursday ,
jeing delegates from North Yalley
Dreciuct to the populist county
convention which met there on
; hat date.
The members of the Star of Ju
piter lodge will be entertained by
their worthy secretary , Miss Grace
Curlee , this ( Friday ) evening , at
her home. A royal good time is
Bliss Edna McCallum , who has
been visiting her cousin , Miss
Bessie McCallum , for the past two
weeks , departed ou Tuesday for
Denver where she will make a
short visit before returning to her
home in Indiana.
Hot winds have prevailed in
this vicinity , the past week , to
such an extent that corn has begun
to curl some , and th'e crop outlook
is less brilliant than it was sup
posed to be. The wheat yield will
be fairly good , however.
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
\ pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
W - * * * - "
We need rain.
B. B. Smiley's new house is
nearly finished.
Geo. Woods is taking in the ex
position , this week.
The Beaver valley is in the swim
for crops , this season , as usual.
Ruby Bros , were the first to
commence threshing in this vicini-
.S. A. Fisk brought in the first
load of wheat threshed this season
to the elevator.
Wm. Sandou of Rooks county ,
Kan. , is here visiting his son and
daughter , here.
Duff Grain Co. is putting in a
new office and scales on the east
side of their elevator.
The Christian Endeavorers here
are planning for an evening con
cert -which will be some time with
in the next six weeks and a pro
gramme will be printed later on
Hg to the nature of it.
Wheat is turning out more to
the acre than was first expected ,
making from 15 to 30 bushels to
the acre. The rust and dry
weather about 3 or 4 weeks ago
did some damage to it in places.
The following were delegates
from Beaver precinct to the popu
list county convention in McCook ,
Thursday : S. W. Stilgebouer , W.
A. Miuniear , Webster Dowler , A.
P. Bodwell. Thomas VanPelt and
J. M. Thomas.
Rev. , Arthur Duugaii rode over
to McCook , Monday , on his bicy
cle , and from that point took the
train for Eastern Colorado , where
his father is living and where he
will spend a short vacation. He
is doing satisfactory and efficient
work here in the Congregational
It is being more and more rec
ognized as a fact that to get the
news of Red Willow county , to get
that information in reliable shape
and promptly , it is necessary to be
a reader of THE McCooK TRIBUNE ,
and if you are a reader you ought
to be a cash-in-advance , paid-up
subscriber. Don't borrow when
you can get the paper for yourself
for only two cents a week.
After a long and adventuresome
voyage the ELloudykers , Levy Clay
and Ned Rowley rettuved home ,
bringing home with them suffi
cient amount of experience to last
them the rest of their days. They
so.em to think that is all there is
up there , and one going in there ,
Clay says , should be well supplied
with money and necessaries of life
in order to come out alive. Dell
Aunis , who was one of the party , j
stopped at Portland to visit
Mrs. Canaga and the girls de
part for Kansas , Tuesday.
On account of saving the grain
a ffood deal of cutting is beiop-
t- O O
clone ou Sunday.
Mrs. Burtless , from south of
McCook , was visiting with Mrs.
Longnecker , last week.
There was an interesting meet
ing of the C. W. B. M. at the
Christian church , last Sunday.
We were mistaken about Jacob
Longnecker being the first white
child born in Red Willow county.
He was fourth on the list.
There will be preaching in the
Christian church , next Sunday ,
both morning and evening. Chris
tian Endeavor begins at seven
0. D. Mosher , R. H. Thomas ,
A. Hammond and John Broom-
field were delegates from this pre
cinct to the populist county con
vention in McCook , Thursday.
THE new war bonds are being
shipped out to those entitled to the
same under the rules and regula
tions governing their allotment.
Et is work requiring the' greatest
attention and care.
THE prospects for earty peace
between the United States and
Spain are not rapidly improving.
Sagasta is riding for a fall and he
doubtless get it , and a disas
trous jar to boot.
ALL Americans are especially
proud of the performances of the
Brooklyn and Oregon off Santiago.
Just now it is a good time In Summer Wear such
to replenish your wardrobe. as Underwear , Straw Hats ,
Spring' and Summer stock Colored Shirts , Collars and
must be reduced , and it is Cuffs , Uiilinecl Coats and
your opportunity to supply Vests , Pants , Alpacca Coats
your wants with a very lim and Hosiery , we have a fair
ited amount of money. assortment from which to
We are selling Men's , select.
Boys' and Children's Staple Strictly seasonable goods
and Fancy Wool Suits at are being sold at Special
Special Prices. Prices to reduce stock.
Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates from
their respective counties to meet in conven
tion in the city of Lincoln , on Wednesday ,
August 10 , 1898 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , for the
purpose of placing in nomination candidates
for the following offices :
1. Governor.
2. Lieutenant governor.
3. Secretary of state.
4. Auditor of public accounts.
5. Treasurer.
6. Superintendent of public instruction.
7. Attorney-general.
S. Commissioner of public lands and build
And to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
Red Willow county is entitled to 9. The
apportionment being based upon the vote cast
for Hon. Albert J. Hurnham , for presidential
elector in 1896 , giving each county one dele
gate at large and one for each 125 votes and
major fraction thereof.
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to the convention and that the delega
tion present be authorized to cast the entire
vote of the delegation of the county which
they represent.
/1 is requested tint the county conventions
select their committeemen and perfect their
county organizations at the first convention
in counties in which two conventions are held.
En. R. SIXER , Sec. Chairman.
Republican Congressional Convention.
The Republican electors of the Fifth con-
rressional district are requested to send dele-
jates from their respective counties to meet in
onvention in the city of Holdrege on Tues-
lay , August 30,1898 , at five o'clock , for the
purpose of placing in nomination a candidate
or representative nnd to transact such other
jusiness as may properly come before the
: onvention.
The several counties arc entitled to repre-
lentntion as follows :
\dams n Harlan S
: hase 3 Hayes 3
3Iay 15 Hitchcock 4
Dundy 3 Kearney 9
"rank'lin S Nuckolls 10
'urnas 10 1'erkins 2
'rentier 7 I'helps 9
josper 4 Red Willow Q
lall id Webster 10
The apportionment being based upon the
ote cast for Hon. Albert ] . Burnham for
( residential elector in 1896 , giving eacU coun- .
y one delegate at large and one for eacli 125
otes and major fraction thereof.
It is recommended that no proxies be ad-
nitted to the convention and that the delega-
ion present be authorized to cast the entire
ote of the county which thev represent.
Secretary. Chairman.
Republican County Convention.
The republican voters of Red Willow coun-
y , Nebraska , are requested to send delegates
rom their several voting precincts to meet in
onvention in the City of McCook on Satur-
lay , August 6,1898 , at I o'clock p. m. , central
ime , to transact the following business tent -
nt :
To place in nomination one candidate for
ach of the following offices :
County Attorney.
Commissioner 3d District.
To select nine delegates to attend the re-
uiblican state convention to be held at Lin-
oln , August 10 , 1898.
Also delegates to the congressional and
enatorial conventions , and to transact such
ither business as may come before the con-
The several voting precincts are entitled to
epresentation as follows , being based on the
ote cast for W. A. McCool in 1897 , giving one
lelegate for each fifteen votes or fraction
hereof and two delegates at large for each
irecinct :
Uliance 5 Lebanon 6
5eaver 5 Missouri Ridge 4
Jondville 4 North Valley 4
3ox Elder 4 Perry 4
"oleman 3 Red Willow 6
3anbury 4 Tyrone 4
Driftwood 4 Valley Grange 4
Last Valley 7 WILLOW RROVK.
"ritsch 5 ist Precinct S
Jerver 4 2d Precinct 5
Jrant 3 3d Precinct 5
ndianola 10 4thPrecinct 6
Central committee recommends that pre-
inct caucuses be held on July 30,1898.
Secretary. Chairman.
WlcConnell's Colicure
Cures Colic , Cholera IMorbus and Diar-
hoea. Money refunded if not as repre-
Machine Oils at McMillen'sdrugstore.
Come in and secure the series of
'Uncle Sam's" navy portfolios while
he series is yet complete.
) ne Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
J ! 5EJ : ! ; *
- -
, Marsft &
At Brewer's Old Stand. * *
"n Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. jJl
i keep everything usually to a'-
be found in a first-class city market , ff
and respectfully solicit your patronage. % fc
These Pictures are the most accurate , most authentic , the Best ,
THE TRIBUNE , ever alert to secure for its readers
the best and mosf valuable offerings , points vriih pride to
its now famous distribution of Portfolios of "UNCLE SAM'S
NAVY , " which has in every way surpassed anything of the
kind cefore attempted.
is now read- , and contains the following photographic views ,
accompanied by full historical and descriptive matter :
No.l. Torpedo Adjusted in Deck Tube for Firing : .
No.2. Double-turreted Monitor Monadnock.
No.3. Dynamite Cruiser Nichtheroy.
No.4. Composite Gunboat Newport.
No.5. Converted Yatch Mayflower.
No.6. Main Deck of the Indiana.
No.7. Arrival of a Battalion at Tampa.
No.8. Battleship Texas Coming out of Dry Dock. 121
No.9. Brooklyn Navy Yard Dry Dock.
No.lO. Deck of the Training-ship Essex.
No.l ! . Entrance to the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
No.12. Marines Drilling at Hampton Roads.
No.13. Ferry-boat Landing Marines at Brooklyn.
No.14. The Vesuvius , stripped for Battle.
No.15. Eight-inch Gun and Crew of the Atlanta.
No.l6. Cruiser Prairie , of the Auxiliary Fleet.
A superb portfolio series of photographic views , nxi3' <
me lies in size , of the battleships , cruisers , torpedo boats , mom" 4y
tors , coast defense boats , gunboats and auxiliary vessels of the U y-
S. Navy , drill exercises , big guns and other interesting views'
each illustration being accompanied by text matter giving all
needful information of our naval 10."s
tains 16 pages of pictures and text matter , printed ou heavy plate
paper , and bound in colored paper cover , and may be obtained
upon the following terms :
Each of these parts as issued ( weekly ) for one coupon and 10 liy
cents. Cut out the "Naval Series" Coupon , which you will find
on another page of this paper , aud send it or bring it to us with
10 cents and obtain Portfolio No. 10.
"Portfolios Nos. i , 2,3,4,5,6 , r and 8 of Uncle Sam's Navv f
can still be had.