The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1898, Image 1

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Resisted the Officer.
At a late hour , Sunday night , while
attempting to arrest John ljrawleyvhon
iie found loitering in the reur of Clyde's
saloon , Night Policeman James G. Ro
ijers was ( juite severely pounded abou
the face and head , hut finally succeedet
in lodging his man in the city jail.
Jp" * The affair attracted considerable alien
, * X.ion to the vicinity of the jail , as the
policeman called lustily for help while
he was being pummeled by his prisoner
who was drunk. After help came , Craw
ley attempted to escape , but ran into
his own brother , Ben. Crawley , and fell
to the ground. Before he could get up
the policeman was at him and used his
club with effect , after which he put him
iii the jail over night.
The following morning , Crawley ap
peared before Police Judge Babcock ,
who fined him $20 and costs on the
charge of resisting and abusing an offi
cer while in the discharge of his duty.
Crawley was also taken on the charge
of being drunk and was again fined $3
and costs , the entire amount being
Crawley was over from the neighbor
hood of May wood , Frontier county , on
a case before the local land office , and
Ins difficulty was the result of getting
too much whiskey on board and showing
f } a. disposition to run the town.
lie may congratulate himself on get
ting off as easy us he did.
Rogers was quite badly thumped about
"luv face , but got his man , and will be
none the worse for his experience in a
few days. The experience will be valuable -
uable to him in the future.
A Romance.
A little romance of old people was re
corded among the marriage licenses is
sued by County Judge Baxter yesterday.
Nathan A. Starr , aged 67. and his bride ,
Mrs. Eliza A. Nettleton , aged 55 , were
ihe high contracting parties. The
room , hail and smiling , happened to be
here from Clay Center , Kan. , and she
! frorn New York , really to enjoy the ex
position. One day they met , and , being
cousins and both natives of Connecticut ,
: it was not long until they understood
each other , for he was a widower and
rihe a widow. They therefore concluded
to make closer their relationship by get
ting married , and Mr. Starr will surprise
his friends at Clay Center by returning
'home with a bride. Her father , Giles A.
Wilcox , and his mother , Mary A. Wilcox -
cox , were brother and sister. The initial
* 'A" stands for an old Puritan name
which has been running through all
Branches of the Wilcox famih' . Omaha
iBee , July 24.
Exciting and Fortunate.
airs. Emory E. Rogers and three little
children were passengers in an exciting ,
imt fortunate , runaway , last Friday
about noon. The two horses took fright
at the switch engine in the western limit
of the railroad yard , and ran rapidly
down Dennison street , obscured in a
cloud of dust. Fortunately nothing
interferred with them and out on East
Denuison street the horses both became
separated from the buggy , which carne
to a sudden stop without any injury to
the occupants. Mrs. Rogers had a babe
in arms and another child about three
years old in the buggy , and a lad of
seven or eight summers was driving.
He held on bravely till the animals be
came separated from the buggy , and
seemed to be little disturbed. It was avery
-very fortunate escape from serious injury
and much damage.
"Uncle Sam's Navy"
Has given a good account of itself and
has practically destroyed the Spanish
jiavy. If you want to own splendid ,
large pictures of the vessels that have
accomplished this wonderful work call
at THE TRIBUNE office. They only
cost ten cents apiece. They are taken
from photographs and each portfolio
contains full printed descriptions of the
vessels , their guns , men and other im
portant facts. Call and see a number.
They- are well worth the money and will
be a delight to any patriotic American.
Handsome New Helmets.
The Nebraska Brigade band has re
ceived its new helmets. They are white
iu color and will help the fine appear
ance of the baud. The word "McCook"
apears on the front of the helmet in
raised letters of gold.
Were on the Wing.
Grasshoppers were on the wing , Tues
day afternoon , and could be seen in
large numbers in the air with the aid of
a shaded glass or by the protected naked
eye. They were going north.
> ' / * All refrigerators on hand after July 15 ,
( will be closed out at a very low price. *
Machine Oils at McCounell's.
SIMPSON of Norton , Kan
sas , was a business visitor , Tuesday even
L. H. BLACKLEDGE was down from
Culbertson , Monday , on business of the
MRS. C. F. BABCOCIC has been absent
in Cambridge , the past week , visiting
C. A. LEACH returned , Tuesday night ,
from a visit of a week at the Omaha
Miss SELMA NOREN arrived home ,
Saturday evening from her visit to Lin
coln friends.
Miss MAUD LowRANCEof Evansville ,
Indiana , is in the city , guest of Mrs. G.
W. Bunting.
HARMAN WATT , the well known piano
tuner , is here from Chicago in the line
of his business.
MRS. G. W. BUNTING is being visited
by her sister , Miss Biederman , of Evansville -
ville , Indiana.
A. A. ANDERSON of Macon , 111 , is
visiting S. G. Goheen and family of Val
ley Grange precinct.
MRS. TIM HANNAN and Miss Anna
arrived home , Monday evening on 6 ,
from their visit east.
C. C. BERRY , a brother of H. II. and
Miss Rachel , arrived from Illinois , Sun
day night , on a visit.
MRS. JAMES HARRIS has been in
Council Bluffs , Iova , on a visit , since the
alter part of last week.
MRS. E. II. WATERS and the children
went down to Hastings , Monday after
noon on 6. on a short visit.
MR. & MRS.W.T.COLEMAN departed ,
Wednesday morning , for Hot Springs ,
Arkansas , for their health.
children returned , Tuesday night , from
their visit in Rushville , this state.
C. J. O'BRIEN and Otto Pate of the
'Cash Bargain Store" will make a trip
.o the Omaha exposition , Sunday.
Miss BERTHA BOYLE came down from
Denver , Tuesday afternoon on 6 , on a
visit and is the guest of her brother C. H.
A. C. MARSH returned from Omaha ,
Tuesday on 3. He went in with some
cattle and took in the exposition during
lis short stay.
POSTMASTER COLE Culbertson and
son Ira of the Era were in the city ,
Saturday. The postmaster is still in
very poor health.
MRS. J. W. McKENNA returned to
Denver , Monday on No. i , after a visit
icre of a few weeks , guest of her broth
er , Rev. J. W. Hickey.
C. E. ELDRED left , Monday , for Orua-
la , where he met Mrs. Eldred. They
jriefiy visited the exposition together
and returned home , last night.
J. N. PURVIS left on Sunday morning |
or a visit of a week or two , east. He
vill see the exposition , Leavenworth
and oilier points during his absence.
MRS. J. R. SIRCOLOUMB and Master
3arl of Sheridan , Wyoming , came up
rom Oxford , last Saturday night , and
are the guests of her sister , Mrs. C. E.
P. WALSH returned from Illinois ,
Tuesday night , accompanied by his
liece , Miss Maime Fitzgerald. Mrs.
Walsh is visiting her home in Penusyl-
ille , Illinois , arrived in the city , Mon-
lay , and is making her cousin , I. M.
teardslee , and family , a visit. She has
jeen visiting in Denver.
MRS. F. L. SCHWAB and children of
lerudon , Kansas , arrived in the city ,
ast Friday night , and visited her broth-
r , Louis Suess , until Sunday , when they
Irove over to Herndon.
Miss ANNETTA McKAY has retired
from the Ma3'or's office as stenographer
and Miss Mima Richardson is installed
in the position. Miss McKay has re
turned to her home in Friend , Neb.
MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL departed , this
morning , for Orleans , where she and the
children will be the guests of the Gibbons
bens until Mr. Campbell gets the new
home in Hastings in order for their oc
cupancy. Nought but regrets and good
wishes accompau } ' them.
have been visiting a son in Pueblo , Col
orado , for a number of weeks , returned
to the city , last Friday afternoon on 6.
Tuesday morning they left for Doniphan ,
this state , where they will visit another
son until Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Campbell
are located in their new home in Hast ,
ings , Neb.
Populist County Convention.
The Populists held their count } ' con
vention in the opera house , yesterday
afternoon. S. W. Slilgebouer of Danbury -
bury was chairman and R. A. Green of
McCook , secretary of the convention.
Everj' precinct but Lebanon was repre
sented in the convention. The only
lively incident of the convention was the
selection of chairman of the county cen
tral committee and I. M. Smith came
out of the melee with flying colors
The following nominations were made :
Representative , 65111 district , L. J.
County Attorney , S. R. Smith.
Commissioner , Third district , J. H.
The following committee on resolu
tions was appointed and made the fol
lowing report : C. H. Boyle , Sidney
Dodge , S. R. Smith , N. Dutcher , A. R.
Clark :
McCook , Nebraska , July 28 , iSgS. We your
committee on resolutions and platform beg
leave to submit the following :
We , the delegates of the People's Independ
ent party of Red Willow county , Nebraska , in
convention assembled , declare that we here
by endorse the national platform of the Pee
ple's Independent party , adopted at Omaha
in 1892.
Resolved , That we endorse the administra
tion of Governor Ilolcomb , as wise , patriotic
and economical.
Resolved , That we view with great satisfac
tion and pride , the able and honorable man
ner in which our fellow-citizen Hon. J. 15. Me-
serve , has administered the affairs of the of
fice of state treasurer and we heartily com
mend him to the state convention for a re-
nomination to that office.
Resolved , That we heaitily approve and en
dorse the course of Senator William V. Allen
and Congressman R. D. Sutherland in the
halls of our national congress.
Resolved , That we approve the course ol
Piesident McKinley m the prosecution of the
in the of humanity
Spanish-American war , cause
manity and liberty. But we disapprove ol
using the war as a pretext to further increase
the bonded indebtedness of the United States.
And , as we believe that the United States i
the power in the hands of Almighty God , to
civilize , christianize and carry liberty to the
world , we believe that the territory con
quered by oui armies , through the means of
war , should be held by the United States only
so long as is necessary _ to give their people the
civilization and libeity enjoyed by the citizens
of our own country.
The following delegations were elect
ed :
State O. D. Mosher , H. H. Pickens ,
John Long , R. H. Thomas , Morris Red-
dy , John Erwin , C. H. Boyle , W. E. Rol
lings and N. Dutcher.
Congressional John Real , A. P. Bod-
well , John Broomfield. James Munlz , J.
R. Neel , I M. Smith , John Wharton ,
M. C. Maxwell and Andy Barber.
Senatorial James W. Roberson , Wui.
Bergiu , Butler Jones , James Caruiichael ,
Robert Moore , J. H. Meyer , J. A. Car
ter , W. A. Stewart and M. C. Stephens.
The county central committee is com
posed as follows :
Alliance F. M. Williams , Indiauola.
Beaver W. A. Minniear , Dan bury.
Bondville Henry N. Colling , Indi-
Box Elder J.S. Modrell , McCook.
Coleniau Robert Moore. McCook.
Dajibury J. C. Lafferty , Danbury.
Driftwood-Charles Boatman , McCook
East Valley-Lyman Jennings , Bartley
Fritsch S. O. Hoagland , Indianola.
Gerver Sidney Dodge , McCook.
Grant John Wesch , Banksville. i
Indianola W.G. Sheppard , Indianola. 1
Lebanon To be filled.
Missouri Ri'dge-James Jones , Danbury.
North Valley-Samuel Bentley , Bartley.
Perry R. E. Divine. McCook.
Red Willow John Broomfield. Indi
Tyrone W. C. McTaggart , Tyrone.
Valley Grange James W. Roberson ,
Willow Grove A. R. Clark , McCook.
Chairman I. M. Smith , McCook.
Secretary to be elected at the first
meeting of the committee.
Native Fungus Working.
An example of the effective working
of the native fungus disease among
grasshoppers may be seen at the farm of
Mr. Ploussard , southwest of the citj * .
The fungus works best where water can
be utilized and is not very effective in
dry places. Parties who desire should
go out to Mr. Ploussard's farm and se
cure some of the diseased hoppers , and
place them where they will do the most
Oed among the living hoppers in wet
Dr damp places on their farms. They
will do great things toward helping re
move the grasshopper pests.
Every effort , mechanical and by propa
gating the fungus disease- , should be
ased to destroy the hoppers , and all far-
uers should be interested in stamping
jut these pests , which in due time will
lo immense damage.
The members of the Junior Christian
Sndeavor of the Congregational church
icld a lawn picnic at the home of Mrs.
r. B. Campbell , Tuesday of this week ,
vith the customary delightful particu-
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. ni.
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday-school at 11:00 a
ni. Evening service at 8:00 p. m. Even
song and instruction on Thursdays at
8:00 p. m. REV. HOWARD STOY ,
Priest in Charge.
BAPTIST. Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at n ; subject , "Peace
Like a River. " Junior Union at 7. Join
in Union service at Congregational
church at 8. All are invited.
.NATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Kiorning subject , "Hospitality to
Christ. " Union meeting of young pee
ple's societies at 7. Subject , "Trans
forming Power of Conversion. " Refer
ences Luke v-ii : 36-50 ; Acts xxvi : 9-23 ;
2d Corinthians xn : 12 : 21. Union ser
vices at S ; sermon by Rev. Badcon.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at loa ni.
Preaching at n. Subject , "The Atmos
phere of a Christian Life. Class at 12.
Union services at the Congregational
church. Young people's service at 7.
Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible study
on Wednesday evening at 8. All are
welcome. I desire all members of the
church present at the morning service
as there is a matter of importance to
come before you.
JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The Christian people have engaged T.
Paul Beall of Fairfield as pastor for half
of the time , beginning with Sunday , July
24111 , and each alternate. Sunday morn
ing and evening thereafter.
The choir and organist of St. Patrick's
church provided the music at the services - ,
vices of consecration of the bell of the
Catholic church , Arapahoe.Wednesday.
After a number of aggravating delays
the Congregational brethren are now
ready to go ahead with the building of
their parsonage.
Democratic County Convention.
" The Democrats met in the city hall ,
Thursday afternoon , in county conven
tion. Dennis Fitzgerald of Indianola '
was chairman of the convention and U.
} . Warren , secretary.
The chairman was authorized to ap
point the several delegations and fill all
vacancies , and announced the following :
State P. Walsh , U. J. Warren , J. V.
Harrison , W.A.Stewart , J.B. McClung.
Congressional William McCalluui ,
Dennis Fitzgerald , Harry Barbazett , I.
T. Benjamin and J. T. Welborn.
The following resolution was adopted :
Whereas , The Populists of Red Wiilow
county show no disposition to confer
with the Democrats relative to the nom
inating of couutr , legislative or congres
sional candidates , in accordance with
the action of the state committees of the c
Fusion elements.
Be it Resolved , That no nominations
be made for county officers in order that
avery Democrat may be free to exercise
his right of suffrage as he may deem
Dennis Fitzgerald was chosen chairman -
man of the county central committee
for two years and J. V. Harrison was
: hosen secretary.
Red Willow County's Schools.
McCook , Red Willow county , shows
sriginality in the mounting of a fine for
estry collection on a section of a tree ,
perhaps eighteen inches in diameter. A
iierbarium , quite as complete , in port
folio form , and photographs of pupils ,
ire parts of the exhibit. Indianola , from
: his county , sends bound volumes replete
with valuable results. Omania Bee.
J. G. SCHOBEL is entertaining his sis-
.er from Mindeu.
WILL S. JAY of the State Journal made
.he Imperial branch , Monday.
JUDGE WELTY of Cambridge was a
: ity business visitor , last Frida- .
MRS. A. G. DOLE returned home , last
light , from her visit in Omaha and
KATIE SNYDER is up from Hastings enL
L visit to her brother Nick of the River-
ide dairy.
Miss ANGIE BIEVER is down from
Sheridan , Wyoming , on a visit to old-
hne friends. *
MRS. P. F. McKENNA , Mrs. Frank
endlen , Misses Maud Cordeal , Jessie
lull , Bertha Towusend and Anna Han-
lan and J. A. Schmitz attended and par-
icipated in the consecration services of n
he bell of Arapahoe Catholic church ,
Machine Oils at McConnell's.
An Unfortunate Accident.
Sunday evening at Wray , Colorado ,
Charles Diehl , a merchant of Stratton ,
in attempting to stop two men who were
disposing of goods taken from Diehl's
store in Stratton , Saturday night a week
ago , had the misfortune to accidentally
shoot himself in the left leg at the knee
He was brought down to McCook , Mon
day afternoon on No. 6 , and is now in
the McCook hospital receiving attention
for his unfortunate injury.
It appears that the thieves were dis
posing of the shoes , clothing , etc. , stolen
to various parties , the Burlington bridge
gang , agent and others , and when Mr.
Diehl approached them they started to
run. Mr. Diehl called to them to halt ,
and drawing his revolver started after
them , not noticing that the sidewalk
was not on a level with the street ; fall
ing as he stepped off the walk , the revolver
ver was discharged and the ball entered
the left leg at the knee on the inside of
the leg. He succeeded in getting his
men and after chaining them together
and turning them over to a Ideal Colorado
rado officer , he took No. 6 , Monday , for
The ball was located , but it will not be
removed on account of its position under
the knee cap , unless it causes sufficient
annoyance to make such action neces
These rascals are members of an or
ganized gang of thieves that are opera
ting up and down the valley. Requisi
tion papers are being secured from the
sjovernor of Colorado and an effort will
be made to bring them to speedy and
sure justice.
Perhaps the only cause for regret is
that the bullet did not make an opening
in one of the thieves instead of Mr.
Diehl , who has much sympathy in his
misfortune , as he has a prospect of a stiff
leg in store for him.
A Birthday Party.
Last Friday Frank Harris turned an-
ather milestone in the journey of life ,
ind the event was made the occasiou of
i gathering of neighbors and friends at
Lhe Harris residence , which will long be
remembered by those present as guests
ind host and hostess.
The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Bornenian , L'Roy Allen , V. H. Solliday ,
2. E. Pope , F. M. Kimmell , A. L. Kuow-
and , Emerson Hanson , T. B. Campbell ,
Albert McMillen , A. P. Thomson , Mrs.
Margaret Oyster , Rev. W. J. Turner , J.
P. Forbes.
The decorations were simple , but pat- 1
iotic and pretty. Each of the guests
: arried home a bouquet of red , white
ind blue baby ribbon.
The evening passed pleasantly and
juickly in social conversation , and at a
ate hour refreshments were served of a
nest dainty and delicious character in a
nest attractive and clever manner.
Before departing for their respective
lomes the guests left with Mr. Harris a
okeu of their esteem and a remembrance 1
) f the day and event in the comfortable
; hape of a handsome rocking chair.
The "Dewey" Social.
The "Dewey" social projected by the
adies of the Episcopal Guild was carried
nit , Wednesday evening , with most
'ratifying success. The handsome lawn
iurroundmg the home of Conductor and
Mrs. T. M. Munday was lighted and at-
.ractively prepared for the event , which
Irew large numbers of people to its en-
Uncle Sam , Fair Columbia , Admiral
Dewey , Generals Miles and Shafter , Eu-
iign Hobsou and other notables , besides
oldiers and sailors , all in handsome un-
fornis , received the visitors , a flag drilL
ind salute being given. J/
Before being called to mess the visitors
vere regaled with music by theJpgade
> and and a general literary-musical pro-
; ram of excellence.
Mess consisting of hard-tack , coffee
.nd so forth was served on the small
ables scattered over the lawn. Besides
emonade , ice cream and cake were
erved separately.
The affair was very cleverly conceived
nd successfully carried out.
We congratulate the ladies and their
ssociates in the fact. ;
Insured and Insurers Disagree.
M. Garber & Co. and the insurance
ompanies have so far disagreed as to
he amount of insurance to be paid on
he loss sustained , last Sunday night a
, -eek ago , in the Temple building fire ,
nd the former have not been able to re-
ume business as early as announced ,
'he Garbers place their loss as high as
2,500 ; while the adjusters for the differ- \ \
ut companies will only agree to pay $ i- ,
oo. As there is quite a discrepancy be-
ween the amounts , some difficulty has
een met in agreeing upon a coinpro-
FRED GRASS , formerly of Indianola ,
rrived in the city from Hastings , this
, -eek , and has taken a position in Eas-
srday's elevator. tl
Machine Oils at McConnell's.
Machine Oils at McMillen's drug store.
Tuesday was the hottest day of sum
Milton Frost has been iu the city part
of the week.
Guaranteed Mixed Paint atMcMillen's
Drug Store.
A new sidewalk on the north side of
the "Bee Hive" , this week.
A slight shower gladdened every
heart , early Monday morning.
John Porter is making some improve
ments to his West McCook residence.
This hot weather is stimulating the
desire for water among those under the
Creston , Iowa , residences to trade for
McCook or near by realty. J. E. BARN-
GROVER , Creston , Iowa.
The mayor sports a handsome new
'trap. " something unique in the vehicle
ine in this neigborhood.
A few fiue refrigerators to be closed out
at cost. Buy one now and save money.
The interest some of our neighboring
lewspaper brethren are taking iu the
emetery matter is all out of proportion
o the importance of the controversy.
Visitors to the Omaha exposition can
ecure rooms on car Hues , iu walking
listance of city , desirable location , by in
quiring at 2010 California St. , Omaha.
J.G.Scobel is arranging to open a rack
ket store in the room now occupied by
lisses Stover & Burgess. Each firm
vill occupy half of the room in the fut-
The continued hot weather is damag-
ng the corn , and unless relief shall come
n the near future that portion of our
ur crop will be very light. A good rain
s badly needed.
Tne National Fireman's tournament
vill be held in the Omaha exposition
rounds , September 5th to loth. Prizes
mounting to $10,000 in value are offered ,
nd the competition will be stiff.
NOTICE. I hereby give notice that I
ivill not be responsible for any indebted
ness incurred by my son Charles , after
Lhis date , July 29th , 1898.
The following letters were advertised
jj' the McCook postoffice July I4th : H
W. Brown , J. H. Brooks , Dr.C. M. Carr ,
Mrs. Eddie Carpenter , C. G. Irwin , J.E.
Pheuice , S. W. Pinkertou , Mrs. Marj
atalcup , Elmer Smith.
New brick sidewalks are improvements
: ompleted by C. E. Eldred and J. A.
iYilcox , this week. The former in front
) f his residence and in the 3'ard and the
alter all through his yard. They are
iretty and permanent.
A Farewell Party.
The ladies of the Priscilla club gave a
arewell lawn party iu honor and at the
ionic of Mrs. A. S. Campbell , last eveu-
ng , which was participated in by almost
.wo score members , their husbands , and
nvited friends. It was a social affair of
Droportions and the only cloud was the
act that the club was about to lose one
> f its most energetic and enthusiastic
nembers , McCook's social circle one ot
ts brightest lights and the community
i popular family.
Refreshments were served on small
ables scattered over the lawn.
George H. Rowland and Anna Hill
vere united in marriage at the home ot
tf. C. Maxwell of Valley Grange pre-
inct , Wednesday evening , by Rev. J. A.
3adcon , in the presence of a number of
riends and neighbors of the contracting
jarties. The groom came here from
) hio , a few years ago , and the bride has
; rown to womanhood iu this county
rhey have the well-wishes of many.
The Grasshopper Pest.
There is no doubt but that the native
rasshoppers are doing and will do great
iamage to crops in various parts of the
ounty and it behooves everybody inter-
sted to go to work to do his part in the
xtermiuation and eradication of this
est. Reports are already coming in of
arnage being done by them to the corn
Withdrew the Petition.
This morning , W. S. Morlan appeared
efore the county commissioners and
, -ithdrew the petition asking the com-
lissioners to call an election to submit
proposition to vote a special tax to fur-
ish and complete the court house.
The judge authorized the wedding of
leorge H. Rowland and Anna L. Hill ,
iiis week.