AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA , " AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADEMARK. I , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Eyannis , . Massachusetts , -was the originator of "CASTORIA , " 'the same that has borne and does now hear # on every the facsimile signature of C ezyf wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought f _ - * on the and has the signature of & & % & &x wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company , of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. 'March 24 , 1898. Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you ( because .he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the ingredients - gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. . , . THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY. ALL ROADS ARE &UEC ? ' . - Perfection is the r f our long are the product of mechanical ingenuity. Send for 1893 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE ftSFC. CO. , Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago. Branches New York. London and Hamburg. Send ten 9-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards illustrating Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones. Cdase Go , LandsR'l iva Stock Si Horses brnudud on loft hip or left P. O. address Imperial rimse oounty. nnil Ucat rie. . Nebraska. Utinpe. iStinkinp Water mid the [ Frenchman < TCC | < . in Chapp county. Nebraska. Brand as cut on uieol someaifitnnliVf Mpnnd Bides of eome or t ny- % vhcre on the animal FRANCIS E. DIVINE. CANCER DOCTOR , McCooK , NEBRASKA } gp1 guarantee a cure. No cure , no pav. Write me at above address , or call at uiy home in Coleman precinct. Once Tried. Always Used. If we sell one bottle of Chzimberlain's Cough Remedy , we seldom .fail to sell the same person uiore , when it is again needed. Indeed , it lias become the fam ily medicine of this town , for coughs and colds , and we recommend it because of its established merits. Jos. E. Harned , Prop Oakland Pharmacy , Oakland , Md. Sold by L. W. McConnell & Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 250. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , Tbo famous little pills. AGENTS WANTED In Every County to Supply the Great Popular Demand for AMERICA'S WAR FOR . HUMANITY Told in Picture and Story. Compiled and Written by SENATOR JOHN J..INGALUS Of Kansas. Tiie most brilliantly written , most profusly and artistically illustrated , and most intensely popular book on the subject of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations from Photographs taken specially for this great work. Agents are making $50 to Sioo a week selling it. A veritable bonanza for live canvassers. Apply for description , terms and territory at once to N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO. , St. Louis , Mo. or New York City. Tourists Pamphlets. Descriptive of Yellowstone National park and the summer resorts of Colora do ami containing , besides maps and il lustrations , a great deal of information of interest to sight seers and tourists can be had by addressing J.Prancis , General Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. 6-17-51 ? . Write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , for a handsome 32 page pamphlet descriptive of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. Free. 6-17-513. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly in advance. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sah- Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns. One Tnutt of Yankee Invention * . A French eugiueervho had boon ou a tour of inspection iu the United States was uot impressed by the big things of the country. "I shall report to my gov ernment , " suid he , "that the biggest things in America are the littie things. The French people are experts1 in do mestic economy and live comfortably by saving what average families in the United States throw away. ' But Amer icans arc , on the other hand , experts in industrial economy. They make money by saving wastage in business and lose some of it by wastage in domestic econ omy. The attention paid to small de tails in big works is amazing to me. I have visited some establishments where I believe that the profits are made not iu the manufacture proper , bnt in the saving of materials and labor by close attention to details that are with us un- cousidcred trilles. r'For example , I saw a little grind stone'in operation at a big works auto matically sharpening lathe and planer tools. This machine costs probably as much as 100 of our ordinary grindstones cost , but I see that it automatically grinds all the tools for 300 high priced mechanics , and it only works a few hours each day. The skilled mechanics in our country frequently stop their reg ular work to grind their own tools , and then they do it imperfectly. In the United States tools are all accurately ground to the best shape by the ma chine , so that they do more and better work ou this account iu a given time.I believe that that machine has brains the brains of the inventor and it has no doubt revolutionized work of this kind in American machine shops. This is but one case out of many that I have noted. " Invention. Canary 15'irds. At a moderate estimate 400,000 change hands every year iu the United Kingdom alone , tbo value of them be ing about 100,000. Of the total num ber of canaries sold by British dealers 100,000 at least are "made iu Ger many , " for it would seem that the very air of England is so enamored of free dom that , AV bile its native wild birds are the finest singers in the world , Ger man canaries far outmatch English ca naries for beauty and persistency of song. I have otten heard German cana ries continue a single trill for a minute and a quarter , and I have been told of one whoso trill lasted for two minutes and had at least 20 changes of note iu it. This bird was sold for 10. Chiefly bred in the Tyrol , round the Harte mountains and in Thuringia , by weav ers and shoemakers , the German birds are collected iu August and September by the dealers and begin to arrive iu Euglaud iu October. But few of the very best birds como to England , and when they do it is gen erally as birds of passage. In the earlier part of the season the usual retail price is from 0 to 10 shillings per bird , ac cording to the quality of the song , these prices rising 50 per cent by the eud of the year. It is seldom that the fiuest songster is thought to bo worth more than 30 shillings by the commercial Englishman. Consequently the very fine birds are either bought by Germau birdkeepersorsent to the Uuited States , where they readily bring from § 20 to § 40 each. The average price for the birds iu Germauy is 5 shillings per pair. Good Words. Which Was the Better Way ? They had both been refused by her. The first ran home and , running to his room , took a pistol from his dressing case and stood before the mirror. How pale his face , and what a drawn look about the mouth ! It startled him. As ho placed the pistol against his temple his eyes fell upon her photo graph. Ho paused. "Don't , " ho cried , "don't look at me , dear ! " Ho turued her face to the wall and again pressing the pistol to his head pulled the trigger. The second walked home slowly. Ho was more "dazed than hu at first fully realized. He had hoped for so much aud now He reached his room. Her face smiled tantaliziugly at him from the table. Ho took his pistol out and held it in his hand a moment. Then he reached for the mocking picture. Ho looked at it aud then dowu. the barrel of the weapon. "No , confound it , I won't ! " he cried. "I may bo a fool , but I'm not a coward ! Come here ! " ho said , roughly taking the photograph in the left hand. With deliberation ho placed the muzzle agaiust the face and fired. Pearson's Weekly. Russian Dissenters. The so called Greek Orthodox popu lation of Russia is permeated with sects of dissenters of all possible denomina tions. It is estimated that one-third of that population belongs in reality to some branch of nonconformists. Lu therans , Rationalists , Sabbatariaus , Bap tists and Anabaptists are represented in various ways among these dissenters , many of whom strive to returu to the principles of primitive Christianity , or even to still more ancient forms of so- jiety represented in the Old Testameut. The right of free interpretation of the Bible is thus carried on all over Russia , lUd there is uo force which could limit it. Every village has its own teachers men and women who interpret the Bi ble in their own ways , almost always liostile to the present state and to the official church. A powerful religious movement is thus growing in Russia , md it is also bound to work iu a not re- uoto time as a powerful force against lutocracy. Prince Krapotkiu iu Out look. Imagination Care. Fuddy Spleeuey appears to bo much improved iu health lately. Duddy Yes , I cured him. I got him in to a scale the other day , and without iis knowing it I managed to slip a 20' ' pound weight on the platform. When 10 saw how much ho had gained , ho jegan to be cured. In less than two lays he was as well as ever ho was. Boston Transcript. "UNCLE SAM'S NAVY. " This coupon and ten cents get a copy of the peerless "Uncle Sam's Navy" Portfolios , at THE TRIBUNE office. The supply Is limited , so call early before the assortment is broken. UNCLE SAM'S NAVY COUPON NUMBER 6. From San Francisco. Catholic Truth Society , Camp Merritt , San Francisco , Calif . June 28 , 1898. To the old folks at home Dear father and mother : I have received your letters of recent date. This leaves me well and hearty although there is sickness in camp. The men who are sick are mostly the ones who get drunk and expose themselves to the inclement \veather. It is not an unusual thing to .see soldiers going about at night without a coat and sometimes without a hat , and though you don't have to go twenty-five miles from here to find a warm climate this is the coldest , foggiest place I ever saw. I bave just couie off of guard duty two hours on and fours off and if I had not had my overcoat in the night I would liave felt the cold. The four transports ? hicli started to the islands left here yesterday and \veie escorted outside of the Golden Gate by many craft of different , kinds. The whis tles commenced L lo\vmg before they started anil kept it up until the salute was fired from the. Presidio. Two of the prisoners got out , last night , and slipped back before morning , and when the corporal of the guard , whose tint } * it was to guard them , WsMit to wake them he found one asleep , hugging in his arms two quart bottles of Catilornia wine. The other one had a "wicked-looking knife strapped around They both got severe sentences. One boy accidentally shot another in the leg. He has been in the guard-house seven teen days without trial. California is in its dry season now. They say in midwinter the grass is greenest of any time of the year. As we neared California on our journey it was a grand sight to see palm and oleander trees growing in the midst of a sandy desert. It was no less beautiful for the contrast. There aie as many Chinamen in San Francisco as there are negroes in Nash ville , Tenn. Little Pete's nephew was assassinated a few days ago , an J although he had a strong bod3-ouard it was of no avail against the murderous highbinder , who are as mysteiious and silent in then actions as they are cowardly in "their methods of lighting. This nephew was making government uniforms at a re duced rate , so they reduced him. I have been to the theaters some and find the playing of a superior order The Astor battery loses favor in the eyes of the general public and the soldiers as they seem to be anything but gentle manly soldiers. Tell Captain Laniborb to take care of his company and we will take care of the Twenty-third. We are well drilled now. I am glad crops are good there and I hope the corn will pull ihrough all rigiit It is thundering now and I guess we will ijel the fir t rainwe have had since com ing here. Goodb } ' , I have to go to re treat So long , even-body , so long Write soon to your son , T.B.HARRIS. McDonnell's Colicure Cures Colic , Cholera Morbus and Diar rhoea. Honey refunded if not as repre sented. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures ec zema and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. A. McMillen. During the summer of 1891 , Mr. Chas. 1' . Johnson , a well knoxvn attorney of Louisville , Ky. , had a very severe attack uf summer complaint. Quite a number af different remedies were tried , but failed to afford an } ' relief. A friend who knew what was needed procured him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ind Diarrhoea Reined } ' , which quickly : ured hint and he thinks , saved his life He says that there has not been a day since that time that he has not had this remedy in his household. He speaks of it in the highest praise and takes much pleasure in recommending it whenever ii opportunity is offered. For sale by L.V McConnell & Co. OFFICIAL iy Congressman James Rankin You rip. All iboutVar with Spain , the Navy , all defenses , ISattle Ships , etc. Portraits and biographies of Dewey and all prominent officers. Nearly 600 oajjes. Massive volume. Marvelously cheap , liest authorship. Only authentic , official book. Sxperience not necessary. Anybody can sell t. Ladies as successful as gentlemen.Ve ire the largest subscription book linn in \mericn. Write us. Fifty persons are em ployed in our correspondence department done , to berve you. Our book is just out. Get ipeiicy now and be first in the field. Large ; oc. War map in colors free with book or Mitfit. Other valuable premiums. Tremen- lous seller. IJiggest moneymaker ever known. Most liberal terms guaranteed. AgeuU mak- ug $7 to ? 2S per day. Twenty days credit jiven. Freight paid. Full book sent prepaid o agents. Sl45Splendid sample outfit ami 'ull instructions free for nine 2-cent stanip to oay postage. Mention this paper. Monroe Book Co. , Dep't. M , Chicago , 111. ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , * -s : \t a county court , held in the county court oem , in and for said comity. July 2 , A.I > . iSgS. [ 'resent , G. S. liishop , county judge. In the natter of the estate of Michael Travers , ile- : eased. On reading and filing the petition of A'illiam T ravers , praying that administration ) f said estate may be granted to J.imes Dovle is administrator. Ordered , That July 2 d , A. D. 1898. at 10 ) 'clock a in. , is assigned Tor hearing said peti- ion , when all persons in said matter may ap- jear at a county court to be held in and for iaid county , to show cause \\hytlie prayer of petitioner should not be gianted ; and that no- ice of the pendency of said petition and the icaring thereof be given to all persons iuter- : sted in said matter by publishing a copy of his order in THE McC'9OK TRIIHJNI : , a vcekly newspaper printed in said county , for hree successive weeks , prior to said day of icaiiiig. G. S. UISHOP , Judge. 7-8-315 County One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what'it was made for. Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all , but the suffering- and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. is the remedy which relieves \vomcn of the great pain and suf fering incident to mnlernity ; this hour which is dreaded a.v. . Oman's severest trial is not only made painless , but ail ihc danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy ; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided , the system is made ready for the coming event , and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. / / ij a / - 5jfto woman. Sl.OOrizUBOTrraB atallDrug-Stores , or cent by express on receipt of price. ESCXS Contal'iinir imah.--j : in formation of P-J.J. interest t < > all v. " . - . "nwill lie sent ru u to any ndilrcs , upn i application , by , The BUABriEH ) KECCLA70R CO. , Atlanta , Ga. { 3. E. ASEION. Prcs. T. Z. McBONALD , Cah. CLIFF02D 1TA3EN , it. Cash BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business 2SfAuy business you may wish to transact withTiiK M'cC < > . ) ic I'uinrNi will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscription received , orders taken for advertisements and job-work. iiiofcij iK j&tja- i iCt. sSx ii& Ltc OF. Cuba The World West Indies Just what 3'ou need to locate KEY WEST , CANARY ISLANDS , CAPE VERDE ISLANDS , PORTO RICO , DRY TORTUGAS , Etc. The \Vorld SnxcinchL Cuba j On other West Indies [ sMc- l-'nch map formerly sold at 25c. 75c. SEND 15c. for Sample Sheet and terms- Agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RAND , McWALLY & CO. , Chicago , III. j c Tsy FOB ALL WOMEN IHE-TENTHS of all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles. " It is equally effective for the girl in her teens , the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares , and the woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life. " They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. For advice in cases requiring special directions , address , giving symptoms. tha "Ladles' Advisory Department. " The Chattanooga Medicine Co. . Chatta nooga , Tenn. THOS. J. COOPER , Tupelo , MIS9. , says : " My sister suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul entirely cured her and also helped my mother through the Changs ol Llio. " CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always.Bought Bears the Signature of NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 329. To Elma Johnson , Edgar Floyd Jones , M.C. Stephens , II. C. Partridge , J. IJ. Cumminps , Martha E. Curnmings , 11. G. Rogers , Smitli Bros. ' Loan & Trust Co. , George Kudkin , and to all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northeast c.irnerof the northeast quarter of section two in Leba non precinct , Ked Willow county , Nebraska , running thence west on section line to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section two. thence south on a line parallel with the sec tion line running north and south , west of sec tions two and eleven of said town , and range , to the northeast corner of the northwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of section elcx'en. said town , and range and terminating thereat , lias reported in favor of the location thereof as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of section I , township 2 north , range 26 , running thence west on section line to the northeast corner of section 3. thence south on section line 156 rods to a stake , thence south east IDS rods to a stake , thence southwest 32 rods to a stake , thence west to a stake on sec tion line between sections 2 and 3 , aS rods north of the southwest corner of section 2. thence south on section line to the southwest cforner ol northwest quarter of section It. town. I north , range 26 west 6th P. M. , all in Red Willow county , Nebraska , and all objec tions thereto or claims f r .lamages must be iiled in the county clerk's office on or before V loon of the 27th day of August. A D. 189 $ , or ; aid road will be established without reference : hereto. ) -i7 4ts R. A. GRKEN , County Clerk. 0. L EVER 1ST & CO. , PROPRIETORS OF THE McCook Transfer Line BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. y furniture vim iu tht- ; ity. Office one block north of Burnett Lumber Yanl. Leave or- lers t'oi bus calls at Commercial lotol ; orders for clrnyiiiif at Ev- Ti'st. Marsh & Co.'s meat market. Satisfaction guaranteed. F. D. BURGESS , Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe brass Goods , Pumps , and Soi'erTnrnm ' ngs Agent for Halliday , Waupun , cc pse Wmdnv .s Basemento * the Meeker- Phillips building. JULIUS MUXKUT , Carpet Laying , Carpet Cleaning. am still .loing carpet laying , carpet earring lawn cutting and similar work. See : write me before giving such work. My larges are very reasonable. Leave orders at KinuNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK. NEBRASKA. of Lincoln Land Co. Office ear of First National bank. JTs. BALLARD. © DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar- iteed to be firstclass.Ve do all kinds of rown , Uridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith Bellamy , assistants. iMRS. E. E. MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. iano. Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. :3 i3tudio Over the "Bee Hive. " McCOOK STJEGICAL HOSPITAL Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. ffice and I lospital over First National Bank Itice hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. : fore 9 a. m. anil after 6 p. m. O < HXXXXXXHXXXKHXXX > < > OOO ( < > Q "Webster's * i International ! Dictionary Successor of the" I nnbritt'jctt. ' * The Oao Great SfamJir < l Authority , o writes Hon. I ) . .1. Ilrewer. Justice I . Mu > renu Court. Standard of the t' . S. < : oy'trrimini ; onto.tinr.s.t. . . . . . fourt. all the Mate , . jirenioC otirts.nmlof near ly all the bchoolbouks. \Varnily Commcmled by State i > nporinteti < l nts ( > t chools. t'oll.-KO TroM < lfnt8.amlothfrK liu-.itMr ' almost \ \ Itliout numUtr. Invaltinl > Io In the household , ami t , , tlie teaclwr. scholar , vriv fesslonal man. ami self ctlucator. -Specimen payes sent on ai > i > liciition to G. & C. Merrlnm Co.I ubUHlicrs , I Springfield , Mnn.s. CAUXICW. Do not be decerveJIn . . . . . . , buylnjt small so-called "Webster's Dictionaries. " All authentic' ' aliriilKmcnts of Webster" * International IHctlon ary In the various sizes l > ear our trade-mark on the front cover as shown In the cuts. o-oooo-cx > o < x > oooo-o < x > < x > oo < xx > <