The superintendent of Grace Epis copal Snday school , Oawego , N. Y. , the other Sunday , read the names of the pupils who were absent , and when he came to that of "Joe" Powell the whole achool hroke out Into applause. This somewhat unusual action Is ex plained by the fact that "Joe" Powell la better known to the world as Cadet Toseph W. Powell , who so plucklly stood by In a launch to aid Hobson at Santiago the other day. Don't Tobacco EpU ana SmouoTour Lite Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever , bu mag netic , full of life , and ntrvo. vlffor. takoNo-To- Boc , the wonder-wcrkor. that makes weak men Mrong. All druffgletn , We or 81. Curoxuaran- tecd. Booklet and sample free. Address Jsterllnc Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. The hottest region Is on the south western coast of Persia , where Persia borders the gulf of the same name. T7o I'uy Kip crises unJ liberal commissions , refund the for nil goods notKlviiiuthoconBiimerRalisfactioa. I-onp terms of credit. First-class scheme halcKincn wanted. No bonrt required. Sales made from phoiopcrinbs. We Kuarantee JKKW per mon ih on nml I orders. AddrcHswitJiSiamp , ilrcntu duller. Co. . Iowa City. Jo wo. More gcod will be sure to co"ie if we nre gratefu for the good that has al ready come. Ram's Horn. A Imth with COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP , exquisitely scented , is soothing and beneficial. Sold everywhere. Ex-Secretary Richard W. Thomp son , of Indiana , who has been celebrat ing another birthday , the 89th. is the one man in the united States who has seen all the presidents save Washing ton and known most of them person ally. Ke was amember of congress as far back as Tyler's presidency. Commodore Schley suould have great1"blood relations if death has not made great Inroads on their number. He is one of thirteen children , and two brothers of his father have had each thirteen children ; nor has any ill luck come from this number. Three thousand marriages are per formed every day in the world. Try Allen's Foot-Cage. A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen , nervous and hot , and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Base. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet , blis ters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest aud comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package free. Address Alien S. Olmsted. k Roy , N. Y. Marrying a man to reform hici wi'l often chance the color of a woman's hair. Wheat 4O Centfl a Kuslicl. How to grow wheat with bi ? proflt at 40 rents find pnmples of Sul/.or'H lied ( Jro s (80 ( HushelH per acre ) Winter Wheat , Rye , Oats , Clovers , etc. , with Farm Seed Catalogue for 4 cents postage. JOHN A. SALZEIl SEED CO. , La Crosse , Wis. w.u.u. Good deeds often speak for them- sevcs when they call for improved ml estate. nClovur Hotel. 1618 Haniey , Omaha. Xl > . Central iiml modcrr. KodKliiK , Mir and tl ; K < li mcale , "So. parties. Correspondence solicited. Another Gladstone anecdote serves to illustrate Mrs. Gladstone's devotion to her husband. When a bishop once spoke hopefully of "One Above" as a final help against the dangers of the time , Mrs. Gladstone calmly replied that "Mr , Gladstone was at that mo ment washing his hands upstairs , but would be down presently. " It is said by a St. Petersburg paper that an amateur botanist , of Voron- sceh , Mr Petisoff , has succeeded in cul tivating a rose of pure black color. His persistent experiments lasted more than tea years , and he intends shorty to exhibit his new black rose in Lon don. don.Affection Affection before marlage Is often overdone , but after marriage it is ually rare. Is your hair dry , harsh , and Lrittle ? Is it fading or turning gray ? Is it falling out ? Does dandruff trouble you ? For any or all of these conditions there is an infallible remedy in Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor. "For years , I was troubled with dandruff , large flakes scaling and falling off , causing great annoyance. Sometimes the itching of the scalp was almost unendurable. Prescrip tions from eminent physicians , put up in my own drug stor * were tried , but failed to afford relief. At length I used Dr. Ayer'e Hair Vigor , and in one week I foand it helped me. At the ead of only two weeks , my head was entirely free from dandruff , and as clean as a child's. I heartily recommend Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor to all who are suffering from diseases of the scalp. " EOwiN-NOHDSTBOM , Drugs , etc. . Sacred HeartMinn. . Use A yers Hair vigor FROM FACTORY TO USER DIRECT. We make fine Surreys , Buggies.Phaetons and Rox'lWagons.i KIBIU Clir Wan- Our goods have been inferably known to tbe trade ( or yean. . MBt , Bj oarc \Ve now sell direct to the i r at TTbolriale Prlwi. Tbe Bbrewdl j na ir t llth si' buyer prefers to deal with tbe factory. Hegettof usflnel work at less price than agentt lr for.Jow grade vehicles. 'We ship anywhere , Eubjcct'to examination. WK BStlTgn on board cars'Kaneas City , Mo. , or GoShen , Ind. . us may suit purchaser. Send for catalogue -with prices plainly printed. IT'8 FnKK. Write today. We sell Sewing Machines and the COSHES nicrcLK as well. All BtWhcltule Prim. ALL GOOD. No matter where you live , you are not too far away to do business with us and save money. Address , HOWARD . WALKER CARRIAGE CO. . GOSHEN , INDIANA. "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE. " COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH Bevel-Gear Clhaiiiiless la ; Blcyles MAKE HILL CLIMBING EAST Columbia Chain Wheels. S75 Harifords. - - 50 Vedettes. $40 & 35 $50OOO Stock of all grades of Furniture recently bought at the very lowosfcash'price-will be off - f ered'tfufinff tti6 riextAf ew months at'speeiai prices. Customers visiting1 Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here"and\we ivill , make evAry.effort to pleaso'botb' in.goods < and prices. it/ Chas. Shiverick & Co. , FURNITURE , 12O6 Douglas St , Omaha. Next to' lHard Hotel. NOTK-TO aatUfy onrselTe * a to whether thti BdvertUcincnt Is read wt wW mate discount of the purchase of.anv customer who coot on 1 per " wilt tell"s'they weVo'dlrecta to'iu by'Jrand ' that thVv will rec.onlm nd-us to , their frUnds lf tb goo'ds they buy'arcjatiif&itory. Special to Ladles : We olvfl Trading Stamps. tor congas , colds , Dr , Kayfs Lung Balm and throat disease r -r t "For six yearn I tvas a victim ofdy - pepela In its vorst form. I could eat nothing but milktoast , and'artimes mrstomach-would not retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved , until I am as well as I ever was in my life. " DAVID H. MUHPHT. Newark , O. CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent ? Taste Good. Do Good , Never Sicken , Weaken , or Gripe , lOc , 2Sc. &c. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Sl rllog Rtmttj l'o p aj , thlcifo , MontrreVKeir TorV. Sit Mfl.Tf ) HAP SoM and guaranteed by all drug' BU" IU-DAV . . gists to OVItE.Tobacco Habit. PICUljE OF ToeTcry person sending us 25 cents foa a three months' trlttl subscription to the great Trans-MIssisslppl farm rand -family weekly. THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD , we will mall a beautiful plclure"orr Admiral George W. Dewey , the hero of Manila. TJiU picture 1 In colors and U a rarecreation. . of art. It Is suitable for framing and will bo admired by t every member of the fatuity. Wrlte-at once , as this offer remains open but . - -THE AMERICAN ROM.ESfl EAD , - s j 1 Omuliii , Nebrask To get our new Cat- § * ? 'alogue. Hundreds of people save 1 > un dreds of dollars se lecting Furniture. bVaperies , etc. , from It. j Seed for It. It gives prices and pictures. ORCHARD & W1LHKLM CARPET CO. , HIS Douglas t. . Omuhii. Neb. Oft Kav's Renovator cuarantaed ! i\aj * iiviiuvaiui ; to cure dyspep- shi. constipation/liver and kidney disrtuscs.bil- liousness , headache , etc. At druzRists 23c & 51. FAIRBANKS SCALES 4 ! J J t' lvJ * - If toieejes afflicted frith , } Thompson's Eye Water. Bid GOLD NUGGETS. A Montana Collection of Which Evcrj Specimen lias a History. Helena , Mont. ( Special to New York Sun ) . For years one of the national banks of this city had collected gold nuggets. With the failure of the bank a year ago the collection was sold aud was bought for little more than its iu- trinsic value by the Conrad brothers , cattlemen , ranchers , bankers , and freighters , of , Kalispel , in the far west ern part of the state. They made a large fortune in Indian trading and freighting when the territory was young , which they had steadily in creased by mining , i-anchlng , and bank ing since then , and they could easily afford the few thousand dollars they tied up in gold specimens. Besides , there was a state pride in keeping this collection in Montana. Montana will show this collection at the Paris exhi bition in 1900. There the rounded or flattened chunks of yellow pebbles will attract attention. The biggest of them is of the size of a small paving block and weighs five pounds. It is worth $1,050 , and is said to be the largest nugget of gold ever taken from a mint in America , so far as authentic records go. One was said to have been tanen out of Nelson Gulch in this state that was worth $2,300 , but it reached the melting pot so soon that nobody has ever been found who saw it. Another story tells of a ? 1,700 nugget , but this is not to be found , and nobody will swear that he ever saw it. One beauti fully symmetrical specimen in the col lection weighs forty-eight ounces , and is so pure that It is worth ? 21 an ounce , or $1,000 , while there are three others that weigh from forty-five to twenty ounces each. Pour or five more .50 above ten ounces and a dozen more above two. There are thirty-eight nug gets of about an ounce each aud forty of smaller size , besides a pound of duat , purer than if filed from a double eagle. A handful of sapphires and another of rubies , all Montana specimens , com plete this collection. The entire col lection would be a rich haul for any thief , for its value in the melting pot would be not far from ? 12,000 , and its actual worth is much greater. Scarce ly one article in the lot but has Its his tory. Some were the unexpected re ward of long toil , continued after ewry chance seemed to be against the minor. Others have stories of Indian raids , robbery and murder , of road agents and early day vigilantes. Scarcely one is from a camp that is now active , ex cept for the Chiuamen who are washing over the old ground. Most are from this state , but several of the most valu able specimens come from California , and some come from the scene of the great rush of the early ' 60s , the far north country of the Cariboo and Li- looet , toward which Montana pioneers toiled over mountains and across great rivers , only to be driven back by sav age Indians or to die in the fields they had found. < ! en. "Wheeler's Remedy for Insomnia. Gen. Wheeler , so a friend of his tella me , has a remedy for insomnia which Is guaranteed to make one sleep even in the midst of war's alarms. Gen. Wheeler , so his friend tells me , al though he is from the South , knows good liquor when he tastes It , seldom takes a drink during the day , but at night when he is ready to go to bed he pours out a mug of beer , stirs into it a little salt , and after that after that the very next thing , so far as he knows , is the breakfast bell. In Agreement. Roman Parent "I shall pay your debts this time , sir , but understand that in future I decline to be a party to your extravagance. It is useless to ask me to increase your allowance , which is already more than sufficient for every reasonable requirement. Upon two hundred a year , sir , you ought to be able to maintain your po sition with credit. " Young Hopeful "Yes , dad , and if that's all you're go ing to defer me , I shall want plenty of it. " Moonshine. TEMPERANCE. A grand state inter-collegiate orator ical contest was held in connection with the convention of Massachusetts prohibitionists on June 9. William Waldorf Astor , in reply to the question , "How may a poor man make a fortune ? " says , in the New York World : "Rum and tobacco he should entirely avoid. No man can make money unless his brain is clear , and clear it can not be when clouded with the fumes of alcohol ad tobacco. " The Supreme Court of Illinois has decided that the testimony of police Dfflcers and city employes against "blind pig" keepers is valid , and a re versal of the ruling recently made in the case of Evanston vs. Meyers , oy Judge Waterman. As a result of the new ruling two "blind pigs" have vol untarily gone out of business. A new proposition in regard to Alas ka's prohibition law is that in the list af occupations taxed to secure revenue , 'restaurants" be included , every place that sells "refreshments" being taxed ftOO , but with no permission for the sale of anything illegal , although it is considered probable that the "refresh- nents" will often include illegal li- luors until public sentiment in all or jarts of the country has been so devel- jped that the prohibitory law can be aken up , like a neglected sword , and Yielded. Such a disposition of the : ase in the pending law will not make t any the less the duty of the secretary ) f the treasury to enforce prohibition , t will leave upon all liquor sellers t i.e > rand of outlaws , with no rights In the : ourts. The new government tax is , 10 doubt , objectionable in that it pre- upposes , though it does not permit , iquor selling , less directly , however , ban the internal revenue tax. A GUARDSMAN'S TROUBLE. From the Detroit ( AffcTt. ) Journal. The promptness with which the National Guard of the different states responded to President McKinley's call for troops at the beginning of the war with Spain made the whole country proud of its citizen soldiers. In Detroit there are few guardsmen more popular and efficient than Max R. Da vies , first horgoant of Co. B. Ho has been a resident of Detroit for the past Fir years , aud his home is at 410 Third Avenue. For four years ho was connected with the well known wholesale drug houpo of Farraijd , Williams & Clark , in tbe capacity of book keeper. "I have charged up many thousand orders for lr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People , " cnlrl fV _ T1nxri * ! * * Hnt : The First Sergeant. never know their worth . until I used them for the euro of chronic dyspepsia. For two yours I suffered and doctored for the aggravating trouble but could only be helped temporarily. "I think dyppepsia is one of the most stubborn of ailments , and there is scarcely a clerk or office man but what is more or less a victim. Rome days 1 could eat any thing , -while at other 'times -would bo starving. Those distressed pains would force me to quit -work. 'I tried hot-water treatment thorough ly , hut it did not affect my case. 1 have tried many advertised remedies but they would help only for a time. A friend of mine recommended Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale People , but I did not think much of them. "I finally -was Induced to tiy the pills and commenced using them. Af tor taking afow doses I found much relief. I do not remem ber how many bozos of the pills 1 used , but I used them until the old trouble stopped. I know they will cure dyspepsia of the worst form and I am pleased to recommend them. " D.r. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers , or will be bent postpaid on-recefpt of price , 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 , by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Scbenectady , N. Y. The Review of Reviews continues strong on war topics. In the J'Uy number the editor reviews the whole campaign up to the landing of our troops for the advance on Santiago showing the precise part which Li : u tenant Hobson's exploithad in thegcn- eral scheme ; Dr. William Hayes Ware treats of Ilobson's career as that of the typical young American student ; Mr. Edwin Emerson Jr. , the brilliant young newspaper correspondent , .gives notes of his adventurous journeyings in Porto Rico last month ; and Dr. Max West , the statistician and eco nomist summarizes "Our New War Taxes , " in an interesting article. "In ternational Cartoon Comments on Our War with Spain" and the "Record of Current Events" also cover the situ ation up to date. Is Health Worth Ten CentsT Man suffers many mysterious ailments from unknown causes , and nine-tenths of them have their origin In the digestive canal somewhere. It does any person good to clean out this canal occaslonaly In a ratlonaly way. provided it Is not dona In a violent manner. The proper cleansing and disinfecting prep aration Is Cascarets Candy Cathartic , which are very gentle , but at the game time thor oughly effective. A lOc box will purify the whole syatem and In most cases remove .the cause of 111 health. When "feeling bad" take Cascarets. They will do you good , and can do you no barm. Discussion Is lively in Newark , N. J. , over the action of Dr. A.V.Wendell , who to save the life and reason of a young mother in a private hospital there , substituted for her dead baby a healthy live one. Even the husband did not know until the end of ten days and though he was angry at first having received many congratulations he afterwards expressed satisfaction with the plan. Iowa Patent Office Report. Only three patents were issued to Iowa inventors last week , to wit : To J. W. Bear , of Udell , for a non-refill- able bottle ; to H. F. Brammer , of Dav enport , for a mechanical move ment ; to H. R. Gregory , of Presscott , et al.f for a straw-stacker. Leer window sashes are frequently raised and the upper lowered to ventiloto a room and both sashes left unlocked so a burglar can have ready access. R. G. Orwig , of Chicago , has been al lowed a patent for a device thai can be readily applied to sliding sashes to lock both in a closed position , to lock both when the lower is raised raid to lock both when the lower is closed and the upper down and open and to lock both when the lower is raised and the upper down and the window open at the top and bottom for ventilating and at the same time securely fasten ed so a person on the outside cannot unlock them or gain entrance through the oen space at the bottom or toy Valuable information about obtain ing , valuing and selling patents sent free to any address. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. , Solicitors of Patents. Des Moines , June 29/98. Gossip puts two and two together and makes it five. No-To-Bac tor Ifirty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak men strong , olood pure. COe. 81. Alldruggists. Heart wisdom is ahead of book learning. The K. TV. Walker Carriage Company , of Ooslicn , Ind. , Has just issued a very neat catalogue , which should be in the hands of every prospective purchaser of a carriage oV wajjou. They sell direct to the user and can save you money. Write them today. The beauty of holiness is not marred by time. _ For a perfect complexion and a clear , healthy akin , use COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP. Sold everywhere. The man who thinks leads the crowd. Coc'o Conen . will breaic . ec'd quicker / ; tlto oldest and best. It up n. LiannnyUilnzelfe. It Ualwaji reliable. Try it. A religion of love is born from above. _ _ _ nrtncate Your itoivcis TTlth Coscarots. Candy Cathartic cure constipation foreve lOc , 25c. If G. C. C. fail , druggists refund money The lover of truth is a hater of pro secution. Pico's Cure for Consumption is our only nodicino for coughs and colds. Mrs. C. , 439 8th Ave.Denver. Col..Nov. S , ' 95. Every heart has a thorn and a throne. Anonther instance of what the Eu ropeans don't know about America is furnished by a New Yorker now in Rome , who declares that a prominent Italian newspaper recently announced , that General George Washington would shortly take command of the American army in Cuba. Jtednctlon In BIcyolo Prices. It is said that western capitalists are contemplating the organization ol a cooipany , which hopes to make first class wheels and sell them as low as $10. Whether this tie true or not. the fact remains that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a first-class remedy for the stomach , liver and kidneys. For fev er and ague it is a specific. D' % John Blair Gibbs. the New physician who lost his life at Guantanamo , was a graduate of Rut- ger's college. He studied medicine in Philadelphia and for fourteen years practiced in New York City. He gave up ii lucrative business to go to the war. He was a relative of Theodore Roosevelt. Important to The cinnufac urers of Castoria have been couspe'.led to spcii'l hundreds of thoiisuutsof dollars to familiar zcths public with the sig nature of Chas II. Kletchrr. This liu teen necessitated by rca-.on of pirates counterfeit ll the Cts ona trade mark. This lounter- feitlng Is a crime tot only against tbe proprie tors of Castotiu , but against the growing generation. All persons should to careful to see that Casiorla bears the signature of Chas. II. Fletcher , if they would guard the health of their children. Parents and mcthsi s , la par ticular , o-ifjht to carefully examine the Castoria advertisements which have been ap pearing in thi-5 paper , and to remember that the wrapper of every bottle of genuine CastorH boars the fac-slmtle signature of Chat. U. Fletcher , imder'who e supervision it has bnan manufactured continuously for o\or thirty years. Taking tue average depth of the ocean to be three miles , there would be a layer salt 230 feet deep if the water should evaporate. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally. Price. 7nc. A novel port of window nlass has been invented. Persons on the inside of the house can see through it. but is opaque to thee on the outside. COSMO BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP makes the skin soft , white and healthy. Sold everywhere. A man could quit smoking easy enough if he could forget about try ing. lieanty IK islood Deep. ClcR.71 blood menus aclcan skin. No beauty without It. Ciisuarcts. Candy Cathartic cleans your blood and keeps It clean , by stir- rlnu up the lazv liver nnil driving all impu rities from the body. Bejrln today to banish pimples. bolN , blotches. 1 > aclchcarls. iinrl Unit sk-kly bilious complexion by taMnjr Ca&ua- icis beauty for ti-n cent- . . All ( frii satisfaction guaranteed. lOc. 25c. oOw. Every man believes he pays his bills more promptly than other people pay him. _ To Cure constipation irorever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money. Society is composed of two classes ; those who talk war , and the dumb. .ife. B. Yfinulow's Mootblnsr Syrnp For children tcelhlnfr.hofteiis the fnimf.reiiuielafl ni- mation , allay * pain , cuics wind collr.5 cents a ' ot tic. Smolensk , In Russia , lias a peculiar lottery four times a year. A young girls is raffled for in 5,000 ruble shares. The winner marries the girl and re ceives the money from the lottery as her dowry. If he prefers , he may as sign her and the dowry to some one else. Sometimes the girl refuses tJ marry the winner , in which case the money from the lottery is divided be tween them. SINOTLAE STATEMENT. From Mrs. Rant to Mrs. Finlzham. The following- letter to Mrs. Pink- ham from Mrs. M. RANK , No. 2,354 East Sutquehanna Ave. , Philadelphia , Pa. , is a remarkable statement of re lief from utter discouragement. She Says : " I never can find words with -which to thank you for what Lydia E. I'ink- aam'a Vegetable Compound has done for me. " Some j'ears ago I had womb trouble and doctored for a long time , not see- ir.g any improvement. At times I would feel well enough , and other times was miserable. So it went en. until last October , I felt something- terrible creeping over me , I knew not what , but kept getting worse. I can hardly explain my feelings at that time. I was so depressed in spirits that I did not wish to live , although I had everything to live for. Had hys teria , was very nervous ; could not sleep and was not safe to be left alone. " Indeed , I thought I would lose my mind. No one knows what I endured. ' 1 continued this way until the last of February , when I saw in a paper a testimonial of a lady whose cat > e was similar to mine , and who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I determined to try it , and felt better after the first dose. I continued taking it , and to-day am a well woman , and can say from my heart , 'Thank God for such a medi cine. ' " Mrs. Pinkham invites all suffering- women to write to her at Lynn , Mnss. for advice. All such letters are seen and answered by women only. FAULTLESS STARCH , THE BEST FOR Shirt \Vaist , Shirt Fronts , Collars , Cuffs aac Delicate Clothes. Read our Booklets , Laujrh. and Learn Bet Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent , 1435 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D. C. NEW DISCOVERY ; sfas * _ quick relief and curea wont rnsrs. Bend for boolc Co. testimonials and 1O days * treatment Free. Or. JENSIONS , PATENTS , CLAIMS. ' 'JOHN W. MORRIS , WASHINGTON.D.L ( Late TrlnclpJ Exuainer V. S. Femioa Borctn. Zjtl. in last na. , 15 adjudlcctinj claims , attf. doe * . W. N. U.OMAHA. NO. 28 189S Answering Advertisements KiccGy Mention This Facer. For a few months to all users of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH , ( Flat WUiaESHOC30KlM3 , Iron Brand ) . To induce you ( o try this was eutts to cm sat a tt c TOI ran reai gn „ brand of starch , so that you may find cut for yourself that all claims for its superi" cxc roaxa cr na STAJKM win eo A8 TAB At A WWlC AMO A KAU ority and economy arc true , the makers CFAJCV OTXUSWROI . have had prepared , at great expense , a "a.C.HUBNGERBROSC9 ! scries of exact reproductions of the 510,000 originals by Muville , which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below. These Plaques arc 40 inches in circumference , are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever , and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers. They arc not for sale at any price , and can be obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects arc AMERICAN WILD DUCKS , AMERICAN PHEASANT , ENGLISH QUAIL , ENGLISH SNIPE. The birds arc handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each Piaquc is bordered with a band of gold. Elastic Starch HOW TO GET THEM : has been the standard for 25 . years. All purchasers of three 10-cent or six 5-cent packages of Elastic Starch ( FlatIron TWENTY-TWO MILLION pack Iron Brand ) , are entitled to receive from ages of this brand were sold last their grocer one of those beautiful Game Plaquesfree. . The plaqueR will not be year. That's how good it is. sent by mail. They can be obtained only Ask Your Dealer from your grocer. Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. to show you the Plaques and tell Do not delay. This offer Is for a short you about Elastic Starch. Accept time only. no substitute. SOME REASONS WHY IS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. It will not stick to the irons , will starch black , red or other colored goods without the faintest trace of white , and it niakcs shirt waists , dresses , skirts , and shirts , collars and cuffs look like new. KEITH'S ENAMEL STARCH contains no ingredients which can injure the finest fabric. If it docs not give you entire satisfaction your grocer will refund your money. REMARKABLE DISCOVERY . Largo package , lOc : small piu-kage. fie. If your grocer FOR FINE UUJHStt WORK. does not have it please send us his name and address REQUIRES Ho COOKING. and we will send you an ENAMEL STARCH KB- CEIPT BOOK for your trouble. Manufactured by KEITH ENAMEL STARCH CO. , CHICAGO. ILL.