i J. F. GAN8CHOW , 1 7 tiXtcit THE OLD RELIABLE mm d SHOE DEALER , | Carries the Largest and Finest p | stock of seasonable goods in the p | Boot and Shoe line to be found in [ Hi Southwestern Nebraska. . F. GANSCHOW McCOOK , NEBRASKA. r SAVE YOUR FRUIT AND MONEY. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OVER 500 PIECES OP ROYAL STEEL GRANITEWARE INCLUDING Dresden Kettles , Preserving Kettles , Sauce Pans , Dish Pans , Pudding Pans , Tea and Coffee Pots , Cups3 Dippers , Etc. , Etc. Prices Were Never so Low on GOOD GOODS REMEMBER , WE FURNISH A COVER FOR EVERY DISH WITH OUT EXURA CHARGE. r Cut out this coupon and bring : } lOc. PRESENT. it in at once ; it will save you just C This coupon will be received / on purchases of Graniteware 10 cents on your purchase of / amounting to more than 25c. Graniteware. Good until July 15th. THE BEE HIVE. THE BEE HIVE , Trilmno Coupon. . McCOOK. NEB. & I * McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn Wheat 50 Oats 17 28 Barley 18 Hogs -00 Eggs 06 Butter 10 New potatoes 85 Strawberries Tablets and Box Papers. You will find a fine line of tablets and box papers at this office for sale at very reasonable figures and of the best qual- ity. _ Bob Moore of LaFayette , Ind. , says that for constipation he has found De- Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly ir advance. _ Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. A. McMillen. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best fn the market. MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS All Kinds , Sizes and Prices. V T A. G. DOLE , Agent. McCopk. Neb. ALSO MUTUAL INSURANCE . . . FARM. STOCK. AND MERCANTILE In the German Mutual. Omaha ; Mercantile Mu tual , Lincoln ; Farmers Mutual , Lincoln. Go to Ludwick's Sec- oiKl-HaiKl Store for tinwork and repair ing of gasoline stoves and sewing machines. Chamberlain's Pain Balui lias no equal as a household liniment. It is the best remedy known for rheumatism , lame back , neuralgia ; while for sprains , cuts , bruises , burns , scalds and sore throat , is invaluable. Wertz & Pike , merchants , Fernandina , Fla. , write : "Everyone who buys a bottle of Chamberlain's Remedies , conies back and says it is the best medicine he has ever used. " 25 and 50 cents per bottle at McConnell's drug store. THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $ r.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. At Reduced Rates. Subscriptions taken at THE TRIBUNE office for any publication at reduced rates. The editor of the Evans City , Pa. , Globe , writes : "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed. " It cures coughs , colds and all throat and lung f-oubles. A. McMillen. Facts to Remember. The postoffice lobby opens at 6:30 : in the morning. The general delivery at S o'clock. Money order window closes 315:30. : Postoffice at 7:30. General de livery open Sundays from 12 to i. See McMillen's new stock of WAI.I , PAPER. Be in the swim. Buy one of those wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. Sutton. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg , Pa. , seys DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used iu his family during forty years of housekeeping. They cure constipation , sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. A. McMil len. THE TRIBUNE and The Chicago Inter- Ocean (0 1.35 ayear , strictly in advance. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. TIMF TAB1.L : . LINCOLN , i DKNVtK , OMAHA. HKLKNA , CHICAGO. nun r. ST. JOSEPH. TOUT I. AN l > . KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKH CITY ST. LOUIS AND ALL SAN FRANCISCO , VO1NTS KAST ASO AND .M.I. KHN1S SOUTH. \VKS1. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CKNTKAt TIMK. No. 2. VeMibulctl H\prcM = . daily , Lincoln , Omnlm. St. Joe. Kansas City , St. ' cage , ami all points south ami cast 0:15 A. M No. 4. Local K.xpress , daily , I hut- ings .t MKXJK.M No. 6. Chicago Rycr jtjo * . \i No.t.jS. Fmgjit , dailv. c\ . Sunday , Hastings and in tci mediate stations 5:00 A. M No. 70 , Freight , daily , Oxford , llol- drcgc. llasiing * . , , . 0JO A. M No. So. Freightdaily , llnbtin ntul i tcimediate .stations. . . . . . 7:27 A. M No. ( xj. KrciKht. daily , OxfoMl.Rctl CIoiul , St.Joc , Kansas City 4:00 : A. M No. S- Local K.\J > t s , daily , ar- i iv os at S--05 V. M MUUNTAISTIMK. No. i. Denver Flyer 6 0 A. M No. . Vcstibuled K\i rcs > . ilaily , Denver and all point * in Cola.Utah ami California , it o f.M NO.I.JO. Ficilit | ; , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron ami intermediate Mn- ttons. . 0:45 A. M No. 77. Krcisht , daily.Stratton.Hcn- kchnan , llaijilcrVrayaiul Akron i : $ o v. M No. 63. Freight. daily.Stmtton.Ucn- kchnan , IhuglerVrayand Akron jj0 : ! f. M No.i75- Accommodation , Mondays , \YedncMlav.N and Kiidays , Imperial ami intermediate stations 11:38 A. M Sleeping , dining and reclining chair car : ( seats free ) on thtough trains. Tickets , sold ami baggage checked to any point in the United Mates or Canada. For information , time tables , maps ami tickets , call on ornte A. I'.Thomson. Agent. McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , ( Jeneial Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. General Sf.pt. Culvert went through on No. 3 , Monday. Mrs. William Throop was a Hastings visitor , last Saturday. A. L. Knowland has bought the C. E. Magner residence , this week. Conductor Al. Sharp was down from Denver to spend the Fourth. The Imperial train starts at 5:20 , west ern time , daily except Sunday. Conductor A. P. Bonnet is laying off during the illness of Mrs Bonnot. Charlie Heber will spend Sunday in Denver on a visit to his mother. General Manager Holdrege went hrough on his private car , Thursday. Supt. Campbell presented his little daughter Elsie with- fine piano , this veek. Brakeman W. S. Touilinson has been entertaining his mother from Oxford , his week. Mrs. G. W. Starks and little son are n eastern Nebraska visiting relatives , his week. Dispatcher and Mrs.V. . B. Miils re turned on Sunday morning from their Canadian visit. Mrs. S. S. Frederick was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Hammond , close of last and first of this week. Mrs. Dora Archibald returned , last Saturday on 6 , from her visit to her daughter in Denver. C. W. Britt was up from Wymore over the Fourth greeting and being greeted by his numerous friends. No. i , yesterday morning , was about an hour and three-quarters late , caused by a washout near Lincoln. Mrs. P. F. McKenna and daughter went down to Hastings , last Satunday on 6 , on a visit to relatives and friends. Asst. Supt. D. F. McFarland was down from Holyoke , last Saturday , on busi ness at Western division headquarters. Conductor E. F. Caffrey was up from Oxford over Sunday , to see the family. The family will shortly go down to Ox ford , to live. Mrs. Fred Bosworth and the children crine down from Denver , last Saturday afternoon , on No. 6 , and are the guests of Mrs. R. B. Archibald. Engineer and Mrs. F. W. Westland returned home , last Thursday evening , after an absence of a few weeks , visiting friends and relatives in the east. There were a number of small wash outs on the St. Francis line , Tuesday , caused by the heavy rain. There was no special delay to traffic , however. Misses Lillie and Pearl Smith , who have been here from Red Cloud on a visit to their sister , Mrs. W. D. Burnett , departed for home , j-esterday morning. Will Purvis was able to be out , Satur day , the first time in a number of pain ful and weary weeks. It is hoped that his complete recovery will now be swift and permanent. Daily train service was commenced on the Imperial line , Thursday morning. This will be appreciated by the patrons of the branch. Increased business made this action of the company necessary. The whistle of a locomotive can be heard 3,000 yards , the noise of a train 3,800 yards , the report of a musket and the bark of a dog 1,000 yards , the roll of i drum 1,000 yards , the croak of a frog 3oo yards , the chirp of a cricket 300 yards , a dinner bell two miles and a call : o get up in the morning 3 feet 7 inches. THE ORLEANS-ST. FRANCIS BRANCH | Orleans. Neb . July 7 Sptcial .1 JKtfKtr * * ! rain nil K | < MI Um branch. Julj j 3 d , * ml a heavy ram. July 5th , \ \ Ox ! record of l t uevk All cranviaicin best Corn has made remarkable routl * ant ! is generally clean. It b a full > tntt l tbt : jcar , of K d color. i > ro necu fii t cUk , Winter wheat U being Uarve trl ; yieW ami ncrcngc heavy , quality mxl , Tlu Inlc rains lutvc ttumctl ] tritK wbc t < ) oath. Alrnlfft soon rratiy for * H 1 croj , . HnrwtTs ate haj j y. Wheat Mil ht > uitl l , and corn } rup ci tcuurkfcble The Heaver Valley awd ttiUwUiy twin- toty prc eiiU. toly. with the j * MrH shcnvcs dotting the tul > blc field * and Wrtvitij ; Kiadt ivnitittx fet ll c ir prr. VM | uica-i of d ik gievu COIH. | Hupiiux nil a ] fn , MjirniiiK Kraiu , the WHjHJHline fmige of emerald foliage kuting tbw VKitrv. picture llwV. would pltrwyc th u o t > r- vcro critic. It is .1 jMNorHNiH of beauty miMiijKiMKrtl iu this or any country. Fifty binders wetc iKHigtit at the . | lh. Car loud after cr loud of head ers htive been sold at HcriMiuii H I < ! At wood to the farmer" . North of l.udelt. . \t\\ood and Herndoii , ten * uf UKMMMIKS aciesofvtntcr wheat will yield from 30 to .jo Iniidtf N | < r sere. This was put in with prc s tlriih on clean Innd HIK ! ihrrc ate fields , with well filled hcnd * . o thick ttiul even tlutt one could pluce Ins hat on the top. Some farmers Imve from 500 to 150 acres of this pt-rilrvs wheat. The glorious .jlh was t. [ ria ninit joy fully this year. lttbt. for Sampson's matchless victory and the boundles- . pride we have for our brave sailois and soldiers. Second , for the splendid crops and soaking rains. Third , for the day itself , for we are today , one country , one people , with one flag and a genuine American president. The crossed swords. of I.ee and Grant are garlanded with flowers of peace , and future generations will love to remember the dates of 1776 and 1898 , Independence and united country. _ C.A. . Ward arrived home , last Satur day morning , from his visit in the east. Payments on State Lands. I and Commissiouer Wolfe will in struct county treasurers to require pur chasers of school lands to pay interest up to next January when a payment of principal is tendered. This ruling is based on an opinion given by Attorney- General Smyth. It is the interpretation of the attorney-general and will be en forced , though it is considered not only a hardship , but unfair to purchasers. A section of the new school land law with drawing lands from sale contains the fol lowing : "Any person who has purchased land heretofore may at any time pay any portion of the principal thereon to the county treasurer of the count } * in which the land is situated , provided , that the interest has been paid up to January i , following. " According to the view of the attorney- general if a purchaser tendered payment of principal in the month of July he would be allowed to do so provided he paid the interest to next January. Many purchasers are now prepared to pay for their land , but they object to paying in terest for six months in advance to se cure that privilege. Land Commissioner Wolfe will embody the opinion of the attorney-general in a circular letter to county treasurers , but he does not care to let the public know anything about the new ruling. He desires to keep the information for county treasurers alone. Formerly there was an act which cm- powered treasurers to credit interest on the principal when such interest had been paid in advance and the purchaser desired to pay up in full. This act was repealed by the last legislature. Journal. Tribune Clubbing List. For the convenience of renders of Tine TRIBUNB , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and peri odicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TKINUNIC at the following very low prices : I'tniucATio.v. I'Kicn. T.Vj\"F | \ ! ' Detroit Free Press Si oo Si 50 Leslie's Weekly co , } oo Prairie Fanner 00 25 Chicago Inter-Ocean oo .55 Cincinnati Enquirer. 00 50 New-York Tribune 00 5 Demorest's Magazine oo 75 Toledo Blade 00 25 Nebraska Farmer oo 65 Iowa Homestead OO 75 Lincoln Journal oo 75 Campbell's Soil-Culture oo 50 New-York World oo 65 Omaha Bee oo 50 Cosmopolitan Magpzine oo So We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. Advertised Letter List. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice , July 3 , 1898 : F. E. Gorham , Lottie Kennedy , Mary Pomrnar , G. W. Rogers and Miss Eflie Rohe. For Sale Cheap. Good five room house and lot , part cash , balance in monthly payments. 6-io-iots. Write C. E. MAGNER , Kearney , Nebr. "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the finest preparation on the market for piles. " So writes John C. Dunn , of Wheeling , W7. Va. Try it and yon will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. A. McMillen. Now is the Time to Buy Them. t/jt r i We are Offering Our Lame Line ol § . ; - ; v/4 O O .tC-l Summer Dress Goods at Very Low Prices H UUi AI\S IX 1 Ladies' ' Suits ress Skirts m Shirt Waists flag | | 2 ( Hvr usa call and he roil \hu-cd g that you can saniunc I.V trading \ \ Ith us. Get our Prices on Men's , Boys' and Chil * dren's Clothing , Shoes , Hats , etc. * Grocery Stock as evfr Fresh and ? $ * Complete at Lowest Prices. AT THE . . . * * C. L. DeGROFF & CO. FIRSTI I I . . * ' * V s. * * HJ Authorized C&pittiL SlOO.OOO. Capital mid Surplus. S60.OOO GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FS SS. r .rrs. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEXXSLL. * ss ° i &s . A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRASX HtSSIS. B v V. FRANKLIN. PHESIDENT. A. C , I CITIZENS BAXlvf nr # * OF MoCOOK. NEB , * f Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus$5,000 j * * * * * = = = = = = DIRECTORS / . FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A..TO ? \ II H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. / / , HtfM.V *