By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Republican State Convention. The republican electors of the state of Ne braska are requested to send delegates from their .respective counties ( q meet in conven tion in the city of Lincoln , on Wednesday , August 10 , 1898 , at 10 o'clock . m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates foi1 the following offices ; J. Governor. . 3. Secftiary tf ffif.-iie'i ' 4. Aiiditbf Of p'ubiie aCco-- ' - 5. Treasurer. * ms- 6. Superin' " ' , . r , , . . . 7 jA , -ndentof pub'4lC instruction. ' < . . .lOrney-genera ] , . Commission cr of public lands and build ings. JnO. to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. UedJWHlow county is entitled to 9. The apportionment being based upon the vote cast for lion. Albert J. Burnham , for presidential elector in 1896 , giving each county one dele- Hate at large and one for each 125 votes and major fraction thereof. It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted to the convention and that the delega tion present be authorized to cast the entire vote of the delegation of the county which they represent. Jt is requested that the county conventions select their committeemen and perfect their county organizations at the first convention in counties in which two conventions are held. DAVID II. MERCER , ED. K. SIZER , Sec. Chairman. THE closiug scene of the Bart- ley cnse was enacted , Tuesday , when the defaulting ex-state treas urer entered the state penitentiary on his twenty-year sentence. IT is not easy to keep an iinperj ial people on the ten cent counter. Uncle Sam is not only coming out into a larger place , but he is going to stand there and show the nations of the earth what true American ism is and what it can do for the earth. America stands for the best that mankind has yet attained in the government of the people for and by the people. It stands for the best and purest ideals oi not only government But of morals and religion and business. And when it comes to fighting , Uncle Sam is not so slow either. IT would now be interesting and instructive to have a diagram 3 of the European estimate of Amer ican naval efficiency and army val or. All the original lines of the old diagram would be erased and in their stead would appear some lines and colors never dreamed of by the self-sufficient and remark ably complacent European. The American army and navy have in this war for humanity and justice and honor won imperishable re nown and again proven the uncon querable courage of a people of "shop lepers" people best ac quainted with the arts of peace , but not incapacitated to wage suc cessful war for the right. since the stirring times of the rebellion have the people of the United States celebrated a Fourth of Juty so fraught with intense interest and profound significance as the one we have just celebrated , marking as it does the complete destruction of Admiral Gervera's superb fleet. Never until the un paralleled victory of Admiral Dewey at Manila has the world seen a victory so complete and overwhelming as that suffered by the Spaniards on the fateful day of July 4th , 1898 , off the southern coast of Cuba. The two victories stand out in bold relief as unprec edented in naval annals and cast a glamour of glory over the exploits of the American uavr as imperish able as bravery and as indestructi ble as Anglo-Saxon grit. THE indications now are that the army at Santiago will be prop erly equipped in every particular and provided with artillery and siege guns , that commissary and quartermasters' supplies , ammuni tion and hospital stores will be on hand before any more fighting will be engaged in. THE TRIBUNE be lieves the waste of life to have been unnecessary and useless , to pnt it mildly and not to be censorious. There is little or no excuse for al lowing brave men to rush into such a hell of destruction , when the re sults can be obtained more easily and with much less loss of life after artillery has been used to good ad vantage. The facts are that the American forces were illy prepared with artillery and in the assaults were mown down by the hundreds. Less haste and more thorough preparation are needed. Human lives are of vastly more importance than time or the winning of fame for a commander. Let not the lessons of the rebellion be lost siglit of entirely. Royal makes the food pure , wholesome and delicious. POWDEi ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. THE defeat and utter destruction of Cervera's fleet is only equalled by that other unequalled victory in the bay of Manila. COLONEL PHILLIPS never ex pects to attain that altitude of Christian sanctity that will enable him to forget and forgive. EDITOR ABBOTT of the Hayes Center Republican has the pro- fouudest sympathy of the frater nity in the death of his helpmeet. AN authority savs : A Russian mt > fights for empire , a Turk for faith , a Dutchman for pay , a Spaniard for jealousy , an Italian for re venge , a German for home , a Swiss for liberty , a Scotchman for kin , an Englishman for trade , an Irishman for fun , a Yankee for peace and a fool for nothing. One of the worst sea disasters on record is the sinking of the French liner "Bourgogne" which occurred on the morning of July 4th , sixty miles south of Sable island , south of Newfoundland. Six hundred persons were drowned. It is re ported that little effort was made by the French crew to rescue the perishing and that in many instan ces murder was commited by mem bers of the ship's crew in order to save themselves. But one woman was saved. The liner came in col lision with the British merchant ship "Cromartyshire" in a dense fog while running at a high rate of speed and sank in ten minutes. PLEASANT RIDGE. Some of the Ridgites worked on the Fourth. Small grain is ready to cut and everybody has bought a binder. Grandma Brown has recovered her speech and is getting better. Her manr friends in Red Willow county will be pleased to hear this. - Before the rain , last week , we heard a good many wails and lam entations about the drouth that was coming. But it did not come. We are requested to say that Children's Day will be observed ai the sod school house , next Sunday at 11 o'clock , with appropriate ex ercises. Mrs. E. C. Goehviug's brothei writes from Toledo , Ohio , that he enjoyed the sights at the exposi- iion and was surprised at its inag- nficence. The Fourth was celebrated at the Stone Ranch by Trenton , Cul- bertsou , Cornell and surrouding country. Patriotic speeches were made by people , who knew the art of speaking. One of the best speeches was made by Harry Ris- ley , and the girls said Harry took the cake , but they would not have him know that they said it for anything. Cheers were given with a will for Dewey , Hobsou , Samp- sou and the entire American army , rhere was first class music given 1)V the Culbertson baud and Cor- * * aell glee club. There were plat- "orms for dancing and this amuse- neut was enjoyed by the young ind everything was just as lively is a great crowd of well behaved people could make it. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , OR ; BAKING MOST PERFECT MADE. . pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free om Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BARTLEY. Willard Weeden of Cambridge visited Agent Eulow briefly , Tues day. Geo. Chadd went to Arapahoe Monday , and returned on Wednes day. Floyd Walsworth made a busi ness trip to Arapahoe , Wednesday morning. A. B. Wilson made a drive tc Lebanon , Tuesday , returning the same day. M. E. Corbiii spent the 4th iu ' and exciting Ai'apahoe reports very ing tirses there. H. B. Maxon of the Burlington force Bpent til ? Fourth at Miudeii with his parents. A. Baruett of McCook was look ing after his business interests here , Wednesday. Francis Sells of Box Elder has been spending a few clays here under the parental roof during the past week. Smith & Parrish are adding a new power house to their elevator , and will paint all their buildings iu the near future. J. G. Ogg , Miss Edith and Miss Carrie Scott celebrated at Free dom the 4th , Mr. Ogg having a stand on the grounds. Miss Alice Sexton of Stockville returned to her school work at Grand Island , Wednesday morn ing , taking Ko. 2 at this point. W. V. Vickrey is expecting his old clerk , E. J. Merchant , from Missouri soon , to resume his for mer position behind the counter. Heber Yickrey has been help ing W. E. Rollings put up bind ers the past few days. "Ante" does the artistic work and puts on the finishing touches. A large crowd from this place celebrated at McCook , and all , with the exception of those who had the big head next day , consid ered the day well spent. H. E. Ash , representing the Buckeye Harvester Co. , is here assisting in starting the many binders W. E. Rollings has sold during the past two weeks. Our village was so nearly de populated , Monday , that it was really difficult to transact any business whatever , A. B. Wilson and Agent Eulow being about all the really live men iu sight. The company has put in a new mail crane a the depot to supercede - cede the old one. The new article is a rather complicated piece of machinery. However , neighbor Rodney thinks he can handle it , although he may not receive any formal instructions. INDIANOLA. Miss Jennie McClung spent the Fourth in McCook with friends. Mrs. F. H. Strout and daughter Ethel left , Sunday , for Omaha , to see the exposition. S. R. Smith made the county capital , Tuesday afternoon , on le- business bent. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fitzgerald selebrated the Fourth with the people of the county seat. The fine rain of Tuesday even ing and night will boom the corn md help fill out the later grain. Henry Crabtree was in the 3ounty capital , Tuesday , attending i session of the commissioners. This week , Taylor Quigly pur chased the Butter place between lere and McCook. Consideration 51,600. Miss Clara Happersett went up ; o McCook , Sunday , and spent the Fourth there , the guest of Miss IJulu Beardslee. Dell Teel and Jack Powers issisted McCook in the ball game > f the Fourth , making a very ef- 'ective battery for the McCook ) OVS. utIf 'Colonel Phillips would devote is much time to the news depart- nent of his paper as he occasion- illy does to firing up the Reporter urnace he would have less time to roast" and a better newspaper. Both would be applauded by his nany friends and admirers here abouts. Machine Oils at McConnell's. Just now it is a good time to replenish , your wardrobe. v Spring' and Summer stock must be reduced , and it is your opportunity to supply your wants with a very lim ited amount of money. We are selling Men's , Boys' and Children's Staple and Fancy Wool Suits at Special Prices. / THE FAMOUS CLOTHING COMPANY An Echo of the Day. MR. EDITOR : If you have space iu your paper will you please publish the following : We had a glorious Fourth. I cannot keep uiy peu still when I look over our beautiful valley in all its verdure and beauty ; our bountiful fields of grain and all the blessings we need bestowed upon us. Our enterprising citizens gave us a Fourth that was so grandly planned , one momentous event following another so closely there seemed to be a stream of constant pleasure. The parade was one any city might feel proud of as far as quality was concerned , and the beaming faces of the farmers' sous and daughters smiling upon us give me the thought of the Psalmist : "Their cup runneth over. " Indeed , all I feel sorry about is that some of our city folks are so dilator } ' in greeting them with pleasant smiles , knowing it is through the farmers Prov idence sends us all the good things of life. Our Nebraska Brigade band carries merit with it. It has brought home high honors from the larger cities. Their music certainly does inspire us all , and nothing cheers the soul like good music. The members constituting the aand are good citizens. It is an educa tor in itself and , as we are all human and will imitate , we cannot help feeling proud lo have our families follow a band composed of such fine gentlemen. Our city on orthodoxy has not to take a back seat. We have among our min isters those who are not afraid to give us clean facts ; men who will not dispute the truth , but give us the truth which Jesus taught , knowing from fact that God's word will take care of itself. Rev. Mr. Turner gave us an oration which made our pulses beat faster and gladder and gave us an idea of what noble men , who are in power , not owing to some po litical pull but to their standing as men , can accomplish. He told our farmers lo vote for the man who will give them a square deal all along the line ; a man such as we have t found in our hero , Ad miral Dewe3r. We had a day of rejoicing , the only sorrow being that which all the nation felt , and we can repeat in the words of General Miles , "Our only regret is the great number of gallant souls who have given their lives for country's cause. " MKS. JAS. KlLPATRICK. Republican Committee Meeting. Chairman Barnett has issued a call for the Republican County Central coniuiit- : ee to meet in McCook on Saturday , July [ 6th , at one o'clock , for the purpose of lecicliug upon the date for holding the : ouuty convention , and arranging for lelegates to the state , congressional and senatorial conventions. Sick headache , biliousness , constipa- .iou and all liver and stomach troubles : an be quickly cured by using those fa- nous little pills known as DeWitt's Lit- : le Early Risers. They are pleasant to ake and never gripe. A. McMillen. Machine Oils at McConnell's. E. C. Blanks of Lewisville , Texas , vrites that one box of DeWitt's Witch 3azel Salve was worth 550 to him. It : ured his piles of ten years standing. 3e advises others to try it. It also cures : czeina , skin diseases and obstinate ores. A. McMillen. Come in and secure the series of 'Uncle Sam's" navy portfolios while he series is yet complete. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade or $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. Guaranteed Mixed Paint atMcMillen's Drug Store. In Summer Wear such as Underwear , Straw Hats , Colored Shirts , Collars and Cuffs , Unlined Coats and Vests , Pants , Alpacca Coats and Hosiery , we have a fair assortment from which to select. Strictly seasonable goods are being sold at Special Prices to reduce stock. veristAt At Brewer's Old Stand. I FRESH AND SALT MEATS its II Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles. ft S VVe keep everything usually to fe ! | t Ml be found in a first-class city market , j ft and respectfully solicit your patronage. SUPERB PHOTOGRAPHS OF UNCLE SAM'S ' NAVY These Pictures are the most accurate , most authentic , the Best. 77/r TRIBUNE , ever alert to secure for its readers the best and most valuable offerings , points with pride to its now famous distribution of Portfolios of "UNCLE SAM'S NAVY , " which has in every way surpassed-anything of the kind cefore attempted. PORTFOLIO NO. 7 is now ready , and contains the following photographic views , accompanied by full historical and descriptive matter : No.l. Firing : Tubes of the Vesuvius. No.2. A Four-inch Rifle , side view. No.3. A Four-inch Rifle , breech view. No.4. A Four-inch Rifle , showing recoil cylinder. No.5. Rifling1 a 13-inch Gun. No.6. A Drigrgrs-Schroeder Rapid-fire Gun. No.7. A Maxim Automatic Gun. No.S. A Saluting- Battery at Washington Navy Yard. No.9. Ship-House and Torpedo-Boat , Washington Navy A Yard. No.lO. A Hospital Cot on the Helena. No.ll. Breech Mechanism Shop , Washington Arsenal. No.12. The Lehigh at League Island. No.13. The New York , now called the Harvard. No.14. The Paris , now called the Yale. No.15. Protected Cruiser Olympia. No.16. Gunboat Wilmington. MOST MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF THIS CHARACTER EVER OFFERED TO THE COUNTRY. A superb portfolio series of photographic views , 11x13 inches in size , of the battleships , cruisers , torpedo boats , mom" tors , coast defense boats , gunboats and auxiliary vessels of the U. S. Navy , drill exercises , big guns and other interesting views , each illustration being accompanied by text matter giving all needful information of our naval resources. Each portfolio con tains 16 pages of pictures and text matter , printed on heavy plate paper , and bound in colored paper cover , and may be obtained upon the following terms : TKRMS OIDISTRIBUTION. . Each of these parts as issued ( weekly ) for one coupon and 10 cents. Cut out the "Naval Series" Coupon , which you will find on another page of this paper , and send it or bring it to us with 10 cents and obtain Portfolio No. 7. jgP"Portfolios Nos. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 of Uncle Sam's Navy can still be had.