A now tcrlcs ot New Zealand stamp \ ha been Issued , which arc already tagerly sought for by collectors. It may have contributed to this that an English syndicate had offered the gov ernment to take a large quantity of them but with the condition that the postoGlce should promise not to sell the new stamps In New Zealand be fore tlio expiration of three monthu , and to sell no stamp * during the came tlmo to any foreign concern. The proposition was declined. The ad vertising thus given by the London concern to the issue has caused an enormous demand for the stamps in the colony from the first day of their iasue. A NAVAL HERO'S STORY , ( From the Times-Herald , Chicago , III ) Ltuo iu 1801 , when President Lincoln ibguod a call for volunteers , ! < . J. Clark , of Warren , Trumbull Co. , Ohio , -was among the first to respond. Ho joined the mortar fleet of Admiral Porter just before the memorable operations on the Mississippi river began. It was at the tcrriflc bom bardment of the Vicksburg forts , that the hero of thin story fell -with a bbattered arm from a charge of schrapnel. After painful months iu the hospital he recovered bufflciemtly to bo sentio his home at Warren , Ohio. Another call for troop * fired his patriotic zeal and Clark roon en listed in Company H. of the 7th Ohio Vol unteers. In the army of the Potomac , he was in many engagements. Being wounded in a Ekirmibh near Richmond , he was sent to the hospital and thence home. Boon aftervrurd ho hotran the Rtudv and then the practice of veterinary BUTgery. Soaking a wider field than the Ohio village afforded , he wont to Chicago cage , where be now has a wide prac- t i o e , is o ' member of A. Wounded Hero. Hatch Post Q. A. R. , and lives at 4035 Ashland Are. Several years ago Dr. Clark's old -wounds began to trouble him. Ho grew -weak and emaciated , and his friends despaired of his lif o. Ho finally recovered sufficiently to be out , but was a mere shadow , weighing only 90 pounds. The best medical attendance failed to restore his lost strength rid vigor. "A friend gave mo a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People , " said Dr. Clark. and they helped me so much that I bought a half dozen bores and took them. I coon regained my strength , notr weigh 100 pounds and , " except "for injuries that can never be remedied , am SB well as ever. "I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People the best remedy to build up a run down system , and heartily recommend them to everyone in need of such aid. " Wind Something that makes a bi cycle pneumatically tired. Don't Tobacco Spit ana SmoXe Tour Lite Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mau- netic. full of life , nerve , and vigor , take No-To- Dao , the wonder- worker , that makes weak men strong. All dniffgiEts , 50c or 81. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. . Chicaso or New York. Flirtation A pastime of the fair sex that is only half fair. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting In the courts our right to the exclusive use of the -word "CASTORIA. " and "PITCHER'S CASTOKIA , " as our Trade Mark. I , Dr. Samuel Pitcher , of Hyannis. Massa chusetts was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA. " the same thst has borne and does now bear the fac-simile sI0Tmture of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look carefully at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you have always bought , " and has the signature of CHAS. II. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company , of which Chas H. Fletcher is President. llarch 8. 1807. SAMUEL PITCHER , M. D. Pity A fellow feeling that is too often substituted for charity. "Wo Pay Kxpensca and liberal commissions , refund the cash for all goods not giving the consumer satisfaction. Long terms of credit. First-class scheme s-alcsmen wanted. No bond required. Sales made from photographs. We guarantee 550.00 permontHon mall orders. Address IN 'r. Co. . Iowa City. Iowa. Bootblacks are seldonm seen on the streets in Berlin. COO'B Coacn Bnltnm & ; the oldest and bestIt will breaic up a oold quicker ihannnjthlnceW It la always reliable. Try it. A Kaffir's religion consists mostly in singing and dancing. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel K swollen , nervous and hot , and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet , blis ters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c , Trial package free. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy , N. Y. "Mr. Abijah Goddard , " says the Boston Transcript , "better known , perhaps , to the people of Brookline as Deacon Goddard , celebrated yesterday his ninety-fifth birthday. He was born on the farm where he now re sides , and his parents , Joseph and Mary ( Aspinwall ) Goddard were from New England stock. His father held many town offices. While the British occupied Boston great stores of mili tary supplies were secreted on the old farm by the continentals. Fascines were made there , and , when complet ed , were loaded into beavy oxcarts and taken to Dorchester Heights , " From Baby In the High Chair to grandma in the rocker Graln-0 is good for the whole family. It is the long-desired substitute for coffee. Nev er upsets the nerves or injures the di gestion. Made from pure grains it is a food in itself. Has the taste and ap pearance of the best coffee at U the price. It is a genuine and scientific ar ticle and is come to stay. It makes for health and strength. Ask your grocer for Grain-0. Silver money 250 years old is still in circulation in some parts of Spain. A bath with COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP , exquisitely scented , is soothing and beneficial. Sold everywhere. In India there is a fly which attacks and devours large spiders. Educate Your Uowela "With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever , ,10cf 260. ITC. C. C. fail , druggists refund money. A DREAM REALIZED. John Overton sat alone , smoking his pipe. Ho could hear the men as they laughed and joked around the campfire - fire , but he could not join in their merry-making. Five years ago he had left his east ern homo to endure the privations of a mining engineer in a new country. A scheme carried out successfully placed bis name prominently before the scientific world. He felt elated that night , yet his thoughts would turn to her. In the years that had gone by much of the bitterness of that quar rel had passed away. After all , she was only a girl then , sweet Priscilla Grey. His mother had dreaded to see him go away so far. She had enough for both , but when he and Priscilla quar reled the course of his life seemed changed. His mother had died since , and ho had como Into her fortune. Yet still he tarried. He had grown to love the West "Why is the paleface brother sad ? ' * "Why , you naughty little girl , why did you stray so far from home at this time ? " Overton exclaimed , as he looked - od upon the dark , sweet face so neai * his own. "Father came to see you , and I came , too. I am going away , Overton. The heart of Robin aches within her. She loves the mountains , she loves her father , she loves Overton. When he is. sad she is sad. When ho i& gone the winds sigh more deeply In the pines ; the brook , as it leaps over the stones , Is not so gay. Even the sun shines not BO brightly when Overton ia cot here. " As her sweet , monotonous tones ceased Overton looked Into her face. Her mother had been the daughter of a noble chief of a tribe of Indians , and her father was an officer at tin fort She was , perhaps , 15 , and carried herself with the dignity of her race. She had her father's classic features , but the sadness of her mother's people shone In her great black eyes. When Overton came to the north west country he had some work to do at the fort where she lived. He had killed a huge snake one day. An in stant later and it would have been upon her. Since then she had loved him with the unreasoning affection of an animal. Her father joined them as they sat there. Taking Robin's hand , he drew her .to him. "Poor little one ! I am going to send her East , Overton. " "No better plan could suggest Itself. You should have sent her some time ago. Be a good little girl , Hobin. KILLED A HUGE SNAKE. Learn a lot , but don't forget your old friends. " "I shall never forget , " and turning quickly she glided away. Unusually bright , her constant com panionship with her father had deep ened her intellect. They learned to love her in the school. With careful treatment her skin grew fine-grained and fairer. Her hands were small , soft and dimpled. She did not look like an alien , and few could guess that In dian blood ran in her veins. Her habitual sadness never left her , but her smiles were ready and often. She combined the best of the two races from which she sprung , and a more charming woman was never in troduced into the gay world than Kob- in , daughter of Captain Strathmore. Overton had made rapid strides in his profession. The years seemingly left no impression on his handsome face. To his heart he still clasped his dream , of Priscilla. She had been married , and was now a widow , still as lovely and fair as In her sweet girlhood , so rumor had it. For the first time in many years he decided to go home , back to the old haunts , the old friends , and Priscilla. Alas ! He found them changed. The old house was the same , but his moth er had gone away. At the club new faces greeted him. Selfish , narrow , aimless men stagnated In the little town. He felt then and there like tak ing the next train back where he could breathe the pure , sweet air and feei the freedom and ambition of the plains. 'A relative was to entertain that eve ning , and he was the guest of honor. Ho came in a little late , and paused a moment In the corridor. 'Looking across the room , he saw the object of his dream , the Priscilla of long ago. She was certainly lovely , but Accustomed as he was to read hu man nature , he saw in that face every thing which he left out of his ideal. She had thrown him over for a rich man. He had thought that she ha ; ] been forced to it by. her parents , and had pitied her so much. She looked so complacent , so self- satisfied , so worldly. Everything she did seemed to be for effect. "What an idiot I have been. " He turned and walked to the piazza. "What an artificial atmosphere ! I am going back by the first train. " He turned to go , but before him stood a magnificent woman. Was it her expression or was It her face that reminded him of that one old masters so loved to portray ? Her regal head , her beautiful face , had the dignity ot a queen. As she smiled he thought of the running streams in the mountains , the music of the pines of the beautiful Western country of his adoption ; then her eweet , monotonous voice broke the si lence : "Has the paleface forgotten the RobIn - In of the springtime ? " His lips could form no words. He opened his arms and clasped her to his heart. Philadelphia Item. HAVE YOU A PIAZZA ? With a Little Furnlshlug It Can Bv Made an Ideal Summer Retreat. J. Harry Adams illustrates and de scribes in the Woman's Home Compan ion some very clever devices for fur nishing the front piazza. "While a few chairs are the only necessary pieces of furniture for the comfortable disposal of the several members of the family , it is oftentimes a pleasure to convert the piazza , or a portion of it , Into a convenient lounging and read ing room. It will be a very simple matter to arrange the few odd pieces of furniture necessary to bring about the change. A few chairs , a table , divan , hammock and some stools , a rug and seme large plants in jar dinieres , if tastefully arranged , will work a wonderful change in the ap pearance of any piazza ; and if the sun should shine on any part sufficient to annoy the occupants , a few large bam boo screens can be fastened in place to shade it nicely and protect one's eyes from the unpleasant top light. When old furniture is to be renovated for this purpose It should be well fas tened together with screws to Insure the strength and safety necessary ; then , having been sandpapered to re move rough places and old varnish , two or three successive thin coats of some desirable colored paint can be applied until the appearance is satis factory. Upholstered seats or backs that are pretty well worn can be re covered with denim or other service able and strong material , and fastened in place with upholstery tacks with large oval heads. If the old furniture that is found in the attic or cellar should not be available for piazza use , it is possible to make some very good pieces from some boxes , boards and a little upholstery-goods. Furniture of this description will be found very ser viceable on a piazza , as it needs little or no care , and if somewhat abused regret will not follow , as In the abuse of a better grade that has been pur chased. Awnings about the upper part of a piazza are oftentimes a necessity to keep the sunlight off , and consequently quently keep it cool , and in any event they prove a satisfactory shield to the eyes from the light above. Where they are used the mild and subdued under light that prevails is soft and pleasing , particularly If a buff or straw-colored canvas is employed. " A PLEA FOR THE HOME WOMAN The Most Brilliant Gifts Are Xofc Too JMnch to Ilrinjr to a Ilome. "The home woman seems to some one who might have fitted certain nar row conditions of the past and certain prosaic ones of the present , but never the needs of progress. The fact is , the needs of a home and the qualifications of a home-keeper stand first in im portance , " is the position taken by Mary R. Baldwin when writing of "The Possibilities of a Home Woman" in the Woman's Home Companion. "So few women realize the possibilities for ex ercising the most thoughtful energies in learning to be a home-maker. The opportunities for developing endow ments , scientific , intellectual or execu tive , to their fullest scope , are as pres ent hero as anywhere else. The girl who never dreams of having a home of her own and some one at the head of it whom she can delight to honor and love is generally lacking in her feminine make-up. Mothers who , after their daughters arrive at a suitable age to instruct them upon the subject of love , marriage and the duties of home-keeping , neglect this part of training , must sometimes awaken to the fact of what they have missed. And yet one would not cast a shadow over the bright dreams cf youth and force a young creature out of her girlhood by emphasizing to her the somber real ities of life before she takes up the duties that belong to a future experi ence. The girl must not be cheated out of one stage of her development : if she is , through any cause , she will carry through her life a sense of hav ing been defrauded of something that was rightly hers. If a girl is kept true and truthful and pure , she has the foundation qualities upon which to build the happiness of a home. But she needs direction in those habits that have a direct bearing upon its peace and comfort , and one must be a very inexperienced or selfish person who re > fuses to regard the- small things hi their relation to the management of the affairs of a home. The most thorough education , the most brilliant gifts , the most fascinating personality these t.re not too much to bring to a home , and the Investment of the wealth of mind and heart will insure rich re turns to the sacred spot where love and service should go hand in hand. " Another Complete Victory. "Let me kisi : your Dewey lips , " urged the youth in the parlor. "Young man , " roared a voice from above , "the bom bardment will open as soon as I can get down stairs. " Then the hapless youngster organized himself into a flying squadron and made a fleet dis appearance. Ex. "If you Insist upon knowing , there are two reasons for my refusing you. " "And they areV "Yourself and an other man. " Life. Proponed Alliance with England. If the United States and England should form an alliance there would be little chance for enemies to over come us. When men and women keep up their health with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters , there is little chance of attacks from disease , as it steadies the nerves and increases the appetite. Try it. Knowledge of the truth makes us free to welcome new truth. Ueauty IB itlnod Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty xrltluiur , it. Ciiaoitruts , ( 'andy Cullmriiu cleans your blood and Keeps it clean , by stir ring up the lazy liver siiKl driving all Impu rities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples , bolls , blotches , b ackheaus. and that blekly bilious complexion by taking Casca- icls bounty for tvn cent- All druggists , satisfaction guaranteed. lOc. 25c. Advice Something that is easy to give , but uneasy to take. To Cure vonsnnalion yorever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25u U C. C. C. fall to cure , druesrists refund money. Duty Something that is usually too plain to be attractive. Henry fiT. Stanley's Opinion Henry M. Stanley , M. P. , the Afri can explorer , London , Eng. : "I am amazed at the beauty and sumptuousness - ness of the work. . . . The Stand ard Dictionary comes nearer to my idea of a first-class dictionary than any I have seen. I am proud to own such a treasure. " See display advertisement of how to obtain the Standard Dictionary by making a small payment down , the re mainder in installments. The Christian who borrows religion , will never have any to return. For a perfect complexion and a cle.ir , healthy skin , use COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP. Sold everywhere. The pearl of patience comes from the irritating grain of persecution. FITO IVrmanoatlUjiircd. riotHaoruerfousnossaftn. first dar'n ue of Dr. Klin * s Great Nerro Hestorer. Send foi P.RTCrc S3. 00 trial boltlo nnd treatise * . Da. K. U. KLINB.I.W..331 Arch St. . Philadelphia. Pa. Every true man is seeking truth. MRS. LUCY GOODWIN Suffered four years with female trou bles. She now writes to Mrs. Pinkham of her complete recovery. Head her letter : DEAK MRS. PIJJKHAM : I wish you to publish what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , Sanative " \Vash and Liver Pills have done for me. me.I I suffered for four years with womb trouble. My doctor said I had falling-of the womb. I also suffered with nervous prostration , faint , all-gone feelings , palpita tion of the heart , bearing-down sensa tion and painful menstruation. I could not stand but a few minutes at a time. When I commenced taking your med icine I could not sit up half a day , but before I had used half a bottle I was tip and helped about my work. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used one package of Sanative Wash , and am cured of all my troubles. I feel like a new woman. I can do all kinds of housework and feel stronger than I ever did in my life. Inowweighl31J4 pounds. Before using 3our medicine I weighed only 108 pounds. Surely it is the grandest medicine for weak woman that ever was , and my advice to all who are suffering from any female trouble is to try it at once and be well. Your medicine has proven a blessing to me , and I cannot praise it enough. Mrs. Lucr Gooirwcr , llolly , W. Va. $50,000 Stock oC all oracles of Furniture recently bought at the very lowest cash price will be of fered during the next few months at special prices. Customers visiting Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here , and we will make every effort to please both iu goods and prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co. . FURNITURE , 12O6 Douglas St. , Omaha. > "o.xt to Milliirtl Hotel. NOTE To pstlify ourselves a * to whether this advertisement Is read we will make a discount of 1 per cent on the purchase of any customer who will toil us they were directed tit us by It and that tlu-y will recoinmcnd us to their friends If li goods they IMIJ arct > atiafa.tury. Special to Ladies : We give Trading Stamps Dr. Kay's Renovator , sia. constipation , liver and Ulflney lisea .eslil- liousness. headache , etc. At drujgists 25c & 81. PICTURElF To every person sending u - 25 trntsfora a three months' trliil subscription to the Kre.it Trans-Mlss'bBlppl ' farm and family weekly. THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD , TTC trill mall a beautiful picture of Admiral George . Dewey , the hero of Manila. This picture is in colors and is a rare creation of art. It is suitable for framing nnd trill bo admired byvery member of the family. Write at once , as this offer remains open but a short time. Address THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD. Omaha , Ncbiaska. To Ret our new Cat alogue. Hundreds of people save hun dreds of dollars se lecting Furniture , Draperies , etc. . from it. Send for it. It gives prices and pictures. * OKCHARDVII.HEtM CAKPET CO. , 1415 Douglas St. . Omaha. Neb. FAiBBANKS SCALES ilr If ou'e I imrr Halm rcr coun6 > colds. Uft Ray S Lullg Cdim andthroatdh > cac9 Yet took care of seventy head of stock. The farmer who ifound a friend , ' " " Serious results often follow a strain , especially wheu it affects the back , and few people are so liable to ? rain as those vrho are lifting- heavy loads of various kindi , from day to day. The teamster rarely ever overtaxes his .strength. Fa miliarity with the class of wares he haudlfl , enables him to entirely gage the load he lifts so as not to put an excessive burden en himself. Hut with the farmer it is different. He is lifting loads of such varying weight" and under such varying conditions that he is very liable to lift a little too much eotne day. vrith injurious results. Many serious affections of the great organs of the body originate in a strain. Jt was so in the cnsc of H. R. W. Bcntlev , of Towuer , North Dakota , A train resulted in serious trouble with the liver. How he recovered and was enabled to feed seventy head of utock during the winter , let him tell himself : "About o year ago , I sustained an injury In my back and shoulders by lifting a heavyweight. After a time , a liver trouble came oa , which so weakened me that I could scarcely 15ft my hand to my head. "While in this conditicn , I began the use of Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills , nnd finding almost immediate benefit , continued until I was cured of my complaint , so that I-was able to take care of seventy head of stock alt through the winter , which shows that the cure was not temporary but permanent. " H. R. W. UnNTLEY , Towncr , N. D . The action of Dr. Ayer's Pills on the liver makes them invaluable for those livjug in malarial climates. C. F. Alston , Quitman , Texas , writes : " I have found in Ir , J. C. Ayer's Tills an invaluable rcmetly for consiipation , bil iousness , and kindred disorders , peculiar to miasmatic localities. Taken iu small and frequent doses , these pills act well on the liver , aiding it in throwing off malarial poisons , and restoring its natural powers. I could not dispense with the use of Dr. Ayer's Pills. " C.I' . ALSTON , Quitman.Tex. Dr. Ayer's Pills are a specific for all dis eases of the liver , stomach , and bowels , they promote digestion , cure constipa tion and its consequences , and promote the general health of the entire system. They should always be used with Dr. J. C. Ayer's Sarsaparilla when a cathartic is required. More about the pills hi Dr. Ayer's Curebook. Sent free. Address the J. C. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass. IRONING MADE EASY. HAS MANY IMITATORS , BUT NO EQUAL. Thic QfiiYli1S Preared ° n fi IHO CH&l WI1 scientific princi ples , by men who have had years ot esperienus la fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer dresses REQUIRES NO COOKIMO. KUIS MUMS M3 CCffS STlfF MS RCs to their natural whitenessand imparts a beautiful and lasting finish. The only starch that is perfectly harmless. CHE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL 60 Contains no arsenic , alum or other injurious AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OFANYOTHHl STARCH. jurious substance. Can be used even * 5J.C.HUBING R BROS C9 . for a baby powder. KaJKUXJtWA. H WHAVZH.COJ3l ASK YOUH GROCER FOR IT AMD TAKE NO OTHER. vvrvvT y wy THE FREIGHT. BEST SCALES , LEAST JONCSOFBINGHAMTON.N.Y "I have gone 14 days at a. tlmo ivlthoct a Movement of the bowel * , not being able to more them except , by uslnc hot water Injections. Chronic constipation forsaren rears placed mo in this terrible condition ; daring that tituo I did ev ery tt Ing 1 heard of but nererfound any relief : such was raj case until I began using CASCARETS. I now bare from ouc to three passages a day , aud If I was rich I would ( dvo tlOO.CO for e&cn movement ; It la such a relief. * ' AYLMKUL. HUNT , Ida HusseU St. . Detroit , Mica. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RIOISTfRCD Pleasant , Pclatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good , Never Sicken , Wcaken.orGripe.10c.30c.SOc. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Oterlbz Btncdj Caapsay , Chltijo , Hontnil , 5 w Tori. 322 _ _ _ qnlckrcllefaad cures vrorat eases. Send for boob OZ testimonials and 1O days' treatment Free. Or. H.u.ausr.vssoxs.itUats.tia. W. N. U.O.V1AHA. NO. 27. 1 S9 ? Saen Answering Advertisements KiatHy Mecrion This Facet. Bevel-Gear ! iaii9sss ! Bicyles MiKB HILT , CI.l.MniNG EASV Columbia MOC Chain Wheels. S75&I * * NQ ( . 50 Harifords. - - Vedclles , $40 & 35 Pope Mfg. Go. Hnrtford , Conn. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY , WORKS SUCCESSFULLY. " CLEAN HOUSE WITH NSW FAST TRAIFi " * " ' WTfft * * ffiOt/tf/JtfDr / . CHICAGO I2OO Noon. ylifllfG ' * A ° . Hrw YORK ) nav3:3 ° pra' ) AR. BOSTON- - ) NEXT DAY1 5:5O P. iw. For further in'omalicn end a handsome illustrated bcoMel address C. S. CRANE. C. P. & T. A. . SI. Louis. By virtue of the unprecedented purchase , in ; i Miiglc order , of on e bund red thousand (1OO- 000) copits of this acknow- THE FUNK & WAGNALLS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. E ? It is incomparably the greatest , as it is positively jhe Ja . EE st , most complata , and most authoritative , new dictionary * in existence. It is everywhere the standard. r : ENTIRELY NEW , n.It . Is not a reprint , rehash = I FROM COYER TO COYER. & g. ? lS ? § * the steady lobor for five years of ovnr twelve score of the = most eminent and suthcrHative scholar * and sp < iciatiss in * the world. NearlylOOof tht- leading universities , colleges 5 andscientificiuMilutlojisof the world were rep sentPtl ontheeditorialstafl' : 20 Unilert Statas Oovernmer.exports werealso on the editorial staR" Over $960,000 vroreact- ually expended in its production before a single com- nlpto rnnvVfin rpm v fnifH < tunrVn * "VSavturna onv t K \ t "Jtis thoadmirntion of Literary Kiigland. e bo the pride of Literary America. " The hishrst praise t has come from all the Rrsat American and British newspapers - * * * * * * * * papers , reviews , univcr-ities , and collcpes. as well as fS 12.00 , oil the following ( J | fjfj Pooh Wlfh flrrfflr ndl per month ontfce 1st ! terms to responsible people : gllUU UUOl ! Tfltll l/IUCl of each month until paid. ' The Dictionary will be sent express prepaid on receipt of tie1.00 ! cash payment , thereby giving purchasers nearly a full year's use of this greal work before final payment is made. 3 E Full particulars by mall. Address , 1 STANDARD DICTIONARY AGENCY , OMAHA , NEB. | ftniinnnnniniiniiinnnniiinriTiiiiiTnriinHiiiniimiiiniiiinn niiiininnnDinS