The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1898, Image 4

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Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of Ne
hraska are requested to send delegates frorr
their respective counties to meet in conven
lion in the city of Lincoln , on Wednesday
August 10 , 1898 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , for tht
purpose of placing in nomination candidate :
for the following offices :
1. Governor.
2. Lieutenant governor.
3. Secretary of state.
4. Auditor of public accounts.
5. Treasurer.
6. Superintendent of public instruction.
7. Attorney-general.
8. Commissioner of public lands and build'
And to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
Red Willow county is entitled to 9. The
apportionment being based upon the vote cast
for Hon. Albert J. IJurnlinin , for presidential
elector in 1896 , giving each county one dele
gate at large and one for each 125 votes and
major fraction thereof.
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to the convention and that the delega
tion present be authorized to cast the entire
vote of the delegation of the county which
they represent.
Jt is requested that the county conventions
select their coinmitteemen and perfect their
county organizations at the first convention
in counties in which two conventions are held.
ED. K. SIZER , Sec. Chairman.
TEDDY EOOSEVELT and hit ? rough
riders lire the first to feel the bul
let of the Spaniard ou the island
of Cuba. And bravely they stood
the death-dealing test. Never vet
erans stood their ground more val-
THE new war revenue bill went
into effect today. Among other
requirements is the tax on bank
checks , notes , receipts and other
forms of commercial paper. If
you cannot secure the regular
stamps use the ordinary stamps
meanwhile , as the government will
provide the regular revenue stamps
as fast as they can be printed.
SOME people can't see the im
portant and vital difference be
tween manly and valorous Ameri
canism and so-called"imperialism. "
For instance Dewey represents a
responsible article of Americanism ,
and , well who is mean enough to
represent the other fello\v ? Per
haps some of the very fellows that
are most glib with the use of the
THE Republicans of McCook
and vicinity should turn out in
large numbers to the meeting an
nounced to be held in the city hall ,
tomorrow evening , for the purpose
of reorganizing the McCook Re
publican club. It is important
that McCook be well represented
in the state meeting to be held in
Omaha on the evening of July 12 ,
and the local club should be thor
oughly reorganized for that pur
pose and to that end. The national
meeting of Republican clubs will
be held in Omaha on the 14th.
This will be an impressive gather
ing of Republicans from all over
the country , and a source of inspi
ration for the coming campaign.
AT the head of this column may
be found a copy of the call for the
state convention to be held in Lin
coln , Wednesday , August 10. This
will be one of the most important
conventions ever held by the Re
publicans of Nebraska. Wisdom
and harmony should prevail.
Strong and honorable men should
be placed in nomination. Let the
rank and file of the party look well
to the primaries and county con
ventions. Send representative men
to the state convention as dele
gates. Men with wisdom enough
to act and character enough to act
independently. A state ticket of
good men placed in nomination by
such men will win out in Novem
IT is complained that the Trans-
Mississippi exposition lacks proper
and wide-spread advertisement. If
such is the case it is not the fault
of the country yokels of Nebraska ,
who have well discharged their
duty in this regard despite the fact
that they have not been treated
with the consideration they deserve
by the department of publicity.
Every loyal Nebraskan should
make it his personal duty and priv-
ile e to spread abroad the news of
the fact and the attractions to be
seen. The exposition is a glorious
reality and its success means not
only great things for Nebraska but
for the entire west. Let no one
sulk in his tent because he is not
in love with the head of the depart
ment of publicity or of any other
department. Its the west's expo
sition , i
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
IF Colonels Cole and Risley of
he Hitchcock county press pos
sessed the courage of their convic
tions , there would soon be some
work up there for an undertaker.
THE TIUBUNE offers its services as
DON'T cross the bridge till you
come to it. It will be time enough
to settle the question of the dispo
sition of the possessions of Spain
after we have taken them and as
certained the conditions that have
to be met and disposed of there.
RAILKOAD and other accidents
together with disease have slain
more men than the bullets of the
enemy. Indeed it is the history
of warfare that comparatively few
of the fatalities came from the
field of battle , considering the
multitudes engaged. The acci
dental deaths follow close ou the
disease total.
That binder needs pod oil ; go to
tha Bee Hive.
News is scarce and so is money.
Preaching at Vail ton , Sunday ,
at eleven o'clock.
Grasshoppers are doing some
damage to spring wheat.
Grandma Brown of Hitchcock
county has been deprived of speech
by a stroke of paralysis.
The hot winds , Tuesday , were
severe , but we see no very bad ef
fects on the growing crops from
With one exception , every man
and woman in this combined school
district-No.'s 20 and 61-was pres
ent at the school meeting , Monday
afternoon. Next !
That binder needs good oil ; go to
the Bee Hive.
A sister of A. Wegy is here on a
visit from Illinois.
J. H. Fowler of the McCook
surgical hospital spent Sunday
with the folks on the farm.
Two ladies formerly of Wood
ward , Okla. , stopped on Saturday
aveniug with the Tuftle's while on
their way toivIcCook.
Quite an interesting school meet
ing was held in district No. 25. H ,
Richardson was elected treasurer
md C. M. Lofton moderator.
A surprise was fully carried out
) u Monday evening at the home
) f Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ellis , it
) oing the thirty-first anniversary
) f their marriage. Supper was
served with many of the luxuries
> f life and a general good time
vas had.
Eighty to One.
William Coleuian exhibited at this of-
ice , this week , some samples of alfalfa
) f quite remarkable growth. The sam-
jles were grown on the high divide in
oleman precinct , two hundred feet to
vater. One sample was five feet and
Ive inches tall. The other was second
: rep , and but two and a half feet high ;
lowever , there were eighty stalks of the
jreat clover plant on the one root.
HighesV. Honors World's Fair ,
OR ;
> pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
om Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Early corn is tasseling.
A fine shower on Friday ; anofchei
would be welcome.
New potatoes are large in sizi
and excellent in quality.
G. H. Simmorman sold 16 hogi
last week ; average weight 330 Ibs
The weeds , had a hard time lasi
week. Most corn fields are quite
Grass-hoppers ate up the cab
.bage plants and are hurting somt
That fine field of alfalfa of M. L
Brown's was harvested , last week ,
There were about 25 tons. I. B.
Stryker , Eli Everts and Ed. Shep
herd helped with the job.
All kinds of gloves at the Bee
Eye harvest will be in full blast ,
next week.
New potatoes and spring chick
ens are on the regular bill of fare.
E. A. Sexson was a county cap
ital visitor , Thursday , on business.
There will be a neighborhood
picnic in the Kemp grove , July
Christ. Gensen and Will Sexsou
were the guests of Mr. Dueusing ,
last Sunday.
Quite a good shower visited this
section , the other day. Hail ac
companied it and cut the corn
badly in places and blew down the
John Longnecker has received
word from his son Lewis , who is a
member of company "L. " He said
they were getting along all right ,
but that some of the boys were
S. L. Donnell of Red Oak , Iowa ,
was looking over his real estate in
terests in this section and visited
Will Sexsou on Thursday last. He
expressed himself as well pleased
with the prospects for crops on
his farm.
That binder needs good oil ; go to
the Bee Hive.
A. Barnetfc of McCook was look
ing after business interests here
Milan Beesou and Baxter Howe
visited Indianola between trains ,
Saturday evening.
Mrs. C. W. Keys and Mrs. F. L.
Enlow made a business visit tc
Cambridge on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tornblin of
Cmperial spent a day with friends
iiere early in the week.
Bert Kelley of the depot force
it Cambridge was the guest of
EL B. Maxou , last Saturday.
Traveling men and hucksters
ire very numerous in our village ,
; his week , an indication of pros
perity of the first water.
Mrs. Electy Bailey of Freedom
leparted for Omaha , Monday even-
ng , to take treatment for her eyes ,
vhich are in a very bad condition.
Eev. N. S. Foutch tendered the
mud boys a reception , Wednes-
lay evening. Refreshments were
erved and all had a royal good
J. G. Ogg has moved his stock
f provisions into the building va-
: ated by G. W. Jones. The change
jives him a neat and roomy place
> f business.
The gramaphone entertainment
pven by the Wyrick brothers in
he hall , Friday evening of last
veek , was attended by a fair-sized
iiidience and no doubt highly ap-
) reciated.
F. F. Tombliu , formerly agent
it this place and now located at
imperial , was renewing old ac-
[ tiaintauces here , Wednesday. He
vas returning from a week's sight-
eeing at the big fair in Omaha.
H. P. Hodgkin and wife drove
ip to the farm north of JBox Elder ,
Saturday morning , to spend a day
ir two with Mrs. Hodgkin's par-
nts , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steph-
us. Miss Mollie Stephens , who
las been here making them an ex
tended visit , returned home with
Harvest Gloves at the Bee Hive.
SHIRTS of all kinds , with
and without collars , for dress
and work ; soft and laundered
to suit all tastes and to fit all
sizes a great variety.
HATS Straw , Crash , Fur
and Wool.
All at Popular and Lowest
The coming Fourth of July will ushei
in the I22d anniversary of the Declara
tion of Independence which made a new
nation out of the the thirteen original
colonies. Each recurring year as we re
cede from the scenes that gave our na
tion birth we find new cause for con
gratulation and rejoicing.
The declaration that all men are
created free and equal before the law ,
kindles in the hearts of men a new am
bition to make that declaration a con
dition rather than a theory. The his
tory of noble deeds and self-sacrificing
patriotism of our forefathers shines forth
in letters of living light.
The noble daring of these men have
found emulation in their sons , whose
dauntless courage on land'and sea is the
wonder and admiration of the civilized
We do but honor ourselves when we
celebrate the day that gave birth to our
nation. It is but meet and right that
the merchants and other business nitn
lay aside their daily avocation and as
sist the committee of arrangements in
making this celebration a complete
success. It is expected that the busi
ness men will meet their customers and
help entertain them on that day.
Therefore it is earnestly requested
that all places of business in the city be
closed between the hours of ir a. m.
and 5 p. m. and that each and every one
may participate in the greatest of all
celebrations. Let the flags be unfurled
and the houses duly decorated.
Done at the city of McCook , Nebraska -
ka , in the Year of Our Lord , One Thou
sand Eight Hundred and Ninety-eight ,
and of the Independence of the United
States the I22nd. J. E. KEr.tEY ,
Attest : C. I. HALL , IWayor.
[ SEAL ] City Clerk.
Fourth of July Programme.
Sunrise Salute of thirteen guns by
: he famous Mosquito Batter- . John
R.oxby , chief gunner.
9:30 a. 111. Band will play at corner of
McDowell and Dennison streets , near
Ball Park. Parade will form under di
rection of Hon. J. A. Wilcox in the fol-
owing order :
Nebraska Brigade Band.
Trades' Carnival.
"Teddy" Roosevelt's Rough Riders in
Teams will form on West Denuison.
LVades * procession , calithumpians and
earns on North McDowell. Rough
Aiders at Ball Park.
10 a. m. ( sharp ) Parade will start and
narch through city to Water Works
? ark.
11 a. ui. The following program will
je presented at the Park :
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
[ uvocation Rev. Jas. A. Badcon
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
Declaration of Independence
Frank Colfer
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
Dration Rev. W. J. Turner
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
12:30 : p. m. Free Picnic. Dinner for
ill , consisting of roast ox served with
> read and butter and iced tea by the
adies of McCook. Everybody invited.
3 p. m. Base Ball : Stratton vs. Mc-
Bicycle races : One-fourth mile ; one
nile ; two miles ; Boys' one-fourth mile ;
low race.
Foot Races : 100 yards ; one-fourth
tiile , Boys' 100 yards.
Entrance lists no.w open with C. A.
, each or with any of the committee.
9 p.m. Mosquito battery will fire sa
ute. A splendid display of fire-works
icar new court house grounds , during
i-hich the Nebraska Brigade band will
; ive an open air concert.
THE time to buy and make
your selection is now , while
the assortment remains g'oocl.
Note the fact.
SPECIAL Prices on Men's ,
Boys' and Children's Suits. In
order to reduce our stock in
this department we are mak
ing these special IOAV prices.
qgciyragic : jyn1 J jf. jjjc y TJI K JJ IL jaya. s yneg *
At Brewer's Old Stand.
* * *
* *
Fish , Oysters , Celery , Pickles.
! keep everything usually to i
be found in a first-class city market , 1
and respectfully solicit your patronage. 4
l lllC&CPC IKll5ClR1
| These Pictures are the most accurate , most authentic , the Best. H
THE TRIBUNE , ever alert to secure for its readers
the best and most valuable offerings , points with pride to
its now famous distribution of Portfolios of "UNCLE SAM'S
NAVY/ ' which has in every way surpassed anything oftho
kind cefore attempted.
is now ready , and contains the following photographic views ,
accompanied by full historical and descriptive matter :
No.l. Battleship Kentucky.
N0.2. Protected Cruiser Olympia.
N0.3. Gunboat Castine.
N0.4. Converted Cruiser City of Paris.
No.5. Converted Cruiser St. Louis.
No.6. Converted Cruiser St. Paul.
No.T. View of League Island.
No.8. Monitor Fleet at League Island.
No.9. Rear view of Holland Submarine Torpedo Boat
No.iO. Front View of Holland Submarine Torpedo Boat.
No.ll. North Atlantic Squadron at Hampton Roads.
No.12. Launcing of the Kentucky.
No.13. The Kearsarge towed to the Norfolk Wharf.
No.14. Gunboat Vicksburg.
No.15. Torpedo-Boat Rogers.
No.16. Series of Cuban Views.
A superb portfolio series of photographic views , u x I3J " <
inches in size , of the battleships , cruisers , torpedo boats , nioni"
tors , coast defense boats , gunboats and auxiliary vessels of the U.
S. Navy , drill exercises , big guns and other interesting views ,
each illustration being accompanied by text matter giving all
needful information of naval .
our resources. Each portfolio con
tains 16 pages of pictures and text matter , printed on heavy plate
paper , and hound in colored paper cover , and may be obtained
upon the following terms :
Each of these parts as issued ( weekly ) for one coupon and 10
cents. Cut out the "Naval Series" Coupon , which you will find
on another page of this paper , and send it or bring it to us with-
10 cents and obtain Portfolio No. 6.
S-Portfolios Nos. l , 2 , 3,4 and 5 of Uncle Sam's Navy can
still be had.