The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 17, 1898, Image 6

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    ! "
Ex-Judge Tree Pictures the Future Policy of
" the United States. Old Ideas arc
/ "tf *
: Out of Date ,
Ex-Judge Lambert Tree , Democrat
student of affairs and former minister
to Russia , is outspoken in behalf of an
overturning of the traditional "isola
tion" policy of the United States. He
believes that Dewey's victory has
thrown into the hands of this country
an opportunity which should not be
overlooked to extend its commercial
and maritime power. Asked what he
considered were some of the more im
portant questions thus far suggested
by the war , Mr. Tree said to a Chicago
paper :
"The logic of the war which requires
the seizure of Manila and Puerto Rico
will be apt to bring the United States
face to face with new questions in re
gard to the future policy which ought
to control the government in its inter
national relations. It Is easy to under
stand how the statesmen who were
guiding the steps of the republic in the
infancy of Its experimental existence ,
when It had scarcely three millions of
inhabitants , was substantially without
an army or navy , or the means of procuring -
curing either , and whose chief inter
est and ambition was to be let alone
to develop its own internal resources
and solidify its own federal system
of government , should strenuously in
sist upon Its avoiding any line of ac
tion which might by any possibility
bring it into contentions beyond the
continent on which it had established
Itself. Most of the disputes between
nations at that period concerned dy
nastic ambitions In which this country
could have no possible interest aside
from the fact that our feebleness as
a power of the world admonished us
to keep clear of them , whatever might
be their purpose
America Past Its Babyhood.
"But times have changed consider
ably now. We have passed the
period of babyhood as a cation and
find ourselves grown to be a great com
mercial power with a population of
more than seventy millions , engaged
in all the pursuits incident to a pro
gressive and aggressive people. Our
manifold interests reach out and touch
every portion of the inhabited globe.
The rules laid down for the guidance
of the sparsely settled , little experi
mental republic of a hundred years ago
in its international relations scarcely
fit the powerful nation of today , and
a strict adhesion to them seems near
to being-fetish worship. "Whatever ar
guments may be advanced by those
who look with apprehension upon the
establishment of new outposts by the
United States in order to secure their
share of the world's commerce , it will
be found In the end that the country
will be compelled to obey the laws of
its destiny as a great commercial and
maritime power. If not today , then
tomorrow. China , with her four hun
dred millions of people and vast re
sources , Is soon to be awakened from
her slumbers of centuries. Railways
will penetrate the heart of the empire
and ships will fill her navigable rivers
to engage in trade with her , The
United States , whose western frontier
is bordered by the same ocean which
washes China's shores , and whose ships
sail directly out of our ports into
China's , must have an equal chance i
to share in China's trade with European t
nations , whose shores know no other t
ocean than the 'faraway Atlantic , i
Even now the trade of this country i
through the open treaty ports of China
is many millions of dollars greater c
than that of the combined countries c
of continental Europe , and is only exceeded -
ceeded by that of Great Britain. The j
vessels also which navigate 'Chinese r
waters and fly the American flag outnumber - r
number by thousands those of all Europe - t
rope , Great Britain excepted. Yet we E
have recently seen inaugurated a move
ment by certain continental powers by v
the seizure , more or less violent , of
several important ports of China for
the undoubted purpose of controlling
and monopolizing the trade there , to
the exclusion of other nations. The
last breaking into the Flowery King
dom waa a case of flat burglary. No
wonder these * saine powers , after all
the pains they have taken , contemplate
with consternation and undisguised
jealousy the event which has trans
pired at Manila , In which an American
odcer of the name of Dewey played a
part Can it be possible that the de
tested Yankee is going to put his hand
in the game and spoil the plan of ex
cluding him from sharing in the bene
fits df the Asiatic trade , as the same
powers have already probably done in
Africa , England excepted , who , to her
everlasting credit be it said , is always
In favor of open and unrestricted trade ?
If to assure and protect our trade with
China a foothold on that side of the
world Is necessary , then we must have
it , cost what it will.
Forced Into IVar with Spain.
"We are at the present time engaged
in a war with Spain. It Is not a war
of our making. It has been brewing
for three-quarters of a century. We
have been forced into it in order to
abate an intolerable nuisance in our
neighborhood and to prevent worse
consequences. We have been forced
into it by the conduct of Spain herself ,
and she must pay the cost.- The Phil
ippine Islands are likely to be one of
the sources of our indemnity If we
choose to keep them. When Spain
emerges from this war it will probably
be as impossible for her to retain sov
ereignty over the Philippines as it
would be to retain sway over Cuba.
The jealousies existing between Eu
ropean powers seem to preclude the
idea of their passing under the flag of
either of them without exciting a con
flict , even if we were disposed to sell
them. The United States , therefore ,
will most likely have the problem pre
sented to it of deciding whether it
should make a new departure in its
foreign policy with reference to the
Acquiring of territory In Asiatic waters.
[ t is not difficult to foresee that such t
a question will excite profound discus iih
sion in this country between those who h
believe that we should adhere to the \v
restricted policy marked out In the be siai
ginning of the republic , and those who ai
jelieve that the time has arrived for si
broader foreign relations which will m
make us a more influential factor in fi
he control and division.of the world's &
commerce. tl
"Any one who has at all noted the tl
progress of events must perceive that Ci
jreat changes have taken place in the ti
character of our government since its s
oundation , little more than a century se
ago. The civil war decided the dis m
puted question as to whether our sys- fc
em was a voluntary bond between it
states to be determined at any mo d :
ment that either of them thought prop
er to withdraw from it , or whether it se
was an indissoluble union which could U
only be terminated by a majority of s
all of the people of all of the states , w
and we came out of that war a nation m
pelled with a big N , as much so as the
people of Great Britain , or of France , of f
under their systems. Since then the
trend of federal legislation , the decis inY
ions of the highest judicial tribunal Y
in the land , the settlement of delicate
and intricate questions arising with of f
other nations in consequence of the Ei
expansion of our commerce , the responsibilities in
sponsibilities created , and even the M [
jealousies excited by our growing Im be
portance , all tend to the solidifying of ti'
power in the central government for w :
the protection of the rights and happi 01
ness of the American people. pc
"There are many people , it is true , ac
who regard with nervous apprehension la
cny movement looking to a wider
sphere of operations by' the United
States , and think the government un
der which we are ruled does not admit
of anything approaching a colonial
system. I am , however , one of those
who have faith both in the capacity of
the American people and of their gov
ernment to control , regulate , and gov
ern any colonies in any part of the
world which they may find it neces
sary to their interests to establish. A
free constitutional government where
the press is untrammeled , education is
free , religious tests are forbidden , and
Intelligence Is widespread is the beat
government to Insure safe , just , and
prosperous colonial establishments.
Such a government is the United States ,
and such is that of Great Britain.
"Dewey , by his brilliant victory , has ,
almost in the twinkling of an eye ,
opened to us the opportunity for a
foothold in the East. The discussion
as to whether we should avail our
selves of it should rest , not upon
whether the Americans and their gov
ernment would be able to manage and
govern the Philippine islands success
fully , but whether any government es
tablished by any other people could dose
so , for the Americans and their gov-
. .
* * k * v M.
* -rr f\
would she have ever relinquished her
sovereignty over Cuba. Fortunately It
baa come in such shape as to make it
a holy war. "
Nine Families Form One That Famishes
Meals For Nine Cents Bach.
Nine of the most staid and respect
able families in Burrton , Kan. , have
thrown away their stovelids and pack
ed their dishes on the back kitchen
stoves. They have shocked the ordi
nary ideals of economic propriety , says
the St Louis Globe-Democrat , and
have formed a co-operative living as
sociation , wherein the food question Is
settled upon a co-operative basis.
Burrton Is a small village without any
Immediate prospect of growing larger.
The size of the town does not warrant
the location of a bakery , and all the
wheatstuff must be bought from the
neighboring cities. As a consequence
of the limited population there Is a
very small supply of hired help , even
smaller than the limited demand. The
heavy burdens of the household fall
upon the housewife alone , and very
little social intercourse can be enjoy
ed. In such a condition of affairs the
jrnment are competent to administer
my colony that any other people or
jovernment could.
"To adhere to old traditions which
10 longer have a ralson d'etre is Bour-
) onism pure and simple. That is what
s the matter with Spain today.
Benefits of the "War.
"It is not 1'kely that wars will cease
o break out from time to time. The
nterval of peace which this country
tas enjoyed since the close of the civil
rar is the longest which has happened
ince the declaration of independence ,
nd our situation now shows the neces-
ity of being prepared for war at any
aoment. I regard the presentrwar as
raught with many blessings. It uni-
ies the country by giving the South
he opportunity to prove her loyalty to
he flag an opportunity which she
agerly embraces. It will create a sen-
iment In favor of a strong navy , which
indispensable In these days to the
ecurity of a great maritime and com-
icrcial power like the United States ;
ar it is sea power which commands
lie wholesome respect of nations to-
ay. It will prove that the Island of
luba , directly or Indirectly , is as es-
sntial to the peace and safety of the
Fnited States as the control of a large
sland at the mouth of the Thames
rould be to England , or one at the
louth of the Seine would be to France.
iOok back over the diplomatic history
this country for seventy-five years
nd you will find that one of its most
iteresting chapters relates to Cuba ,
"ou will find that during all of that
eriod Cuba has been a constant source
anxiety to us lest it might , through
luropean intrigues or upheavals , pass
ito other hands than those of Spain ,
ore than once the United States has
een brought face to face in hostile at-
itude , first with one power and then
ith another , because they coveted its
wnership. In the hands of a strong
ewer it would be an unendurable men-
ce to us. War with Spain sooner or
iter was inevitable. In no other way
Co-operative Living Association was
organized for the economic and social
benefit of its membership. In order to
insure a reliable , orthodox reputation ,
the association has enrolled among its
members bankers , merchants , drug
gists and a representative preceptor
and dominie. The practical advantages -
of the club may be noted as follows :
First , the saving of from fifteen to
twenty-five hours of "kitchen worry"
per week. Second , the providing of'
well-cooked and well-served meals , ,
ranging In cost from iy2 cents to 9i
cents per meal. It may be well to note
that low rents ( § 8 per month for an1
eight-room house ) and the compara--
tlvely low wages paid to the cook ( $25
per month , with use of house and with ,
board for herself and family of threei t
children ) may not be duplicated in
larger towns. A purchasing commit d
tee of three members buys the provis
ions , groceries at wholesale rates ,
meats by the quarter and side , and all'
provisions in correspondingly large ;
quantities. Another member acts as
treasurer , and all bills are paid prompt
ly on Monday morning for the weekending 01
ending the Saturday previous. B
An Unexpected Reply. b
The duke of Wellington , writes Sir fe
William Fraser detested SE
, being helped ;
not from Ingratitude , but from two dis sePi
tinct feelings one , that he did netlike Pi
like to be thought , what he certainly inn
was not , decrepit ; the other that he n
knew very well that the majority of diT
persons who helped him did so in or T
der to be able to say that they had done re
so. This to him was revolting. Stand SF
ing opposite the Apsley house , in the * 01
evening , in Piccadilly , when the street in
) It
was even more crowding than it Is"
now , the duke was hesitating on the1 se
curbstone. A
gentleman , nearly as
old as himself , made some demonstration d
tion of assisting him to cross the road ,
endeavoring to check the tide of cabs
and other vehicles that was setting
strongly. When the duke reached the
gate of Apsley house he touched his ly
hat and said , "I thank you , sir. " The pem
elderly stranger immediately uncover m
ed. Holding his hat at his knee , he
addressed the duke " ge
as follows : "My
lord , I have passed a long and not un haw
eventful life , but never did I hope to
reach the day when I might be of the ;
slightest assistance to the greatest man re
that ever lived. " The duke looked at se
Icon :
him calmly , and , in a voice not the
least choked by emotion , replied :
"Don't be a fool ! " and walked into
Apsley house.
Covered Uls Tracks.
A Florida exchange has the unique
local notice : "While 'Major' Scott , the :
fisherman , was wading out Into the
river he happened to the accident of wa
losing his left leg , from the same being an
bit off by an alligator which was evi thi
dently laying In ambush for him. A pu
crowd Is pursuing the 'gator , but he po
seems to have covered his tracks well. " an :
Canine K 9.
A Chicago woman , who possesses a le
pet poodle which she prizes highly , 'a '
brought it to a matinee at one of the up
theaters last week. As the house vht
wasn't crowded she asked for a ticket
for the animal so he could have the 1
pleasure of a seat all by himself. The ml
box office man wasn't phased. He
gave her K 10 and the dog K 9. rea
Only Remedy. :
Penelope I got my stockings on aft
svrong side out. Marie Then you'll be t
sbllged to have your maid turn the hose
an you. prc
Splendid Conduct of Kncllsh Women
Praised by Humaae Society.
A recent report of the Royal Hu
mane society is more than usually in
teresting. If evidence Is wanted of the
strength and courage and hardihood
of English young women , here It is
with a vengeance , old folks would add ,
says the Philadelphia Times. The sil
ver medal is granted to Miss Fullerton
of Dudbope Terrace , Dundee ; of such
a heroine every detail is worth note.
Miss Fullerton was strolling on the
Forfarshlre coast , apparently , when
she observed a manufacturer in great
distress out at sea. We are not told
whether she threw off any of her
clothes , but since the man was seized
with cramp and was drowning , it is
to be supposed that she did not The
distance was 300 yards and the sea
"heavy , " but Miss Fullerton swam out
and "exhorting the manufacturer to
reserve his presence of mind" also
' " " she him
"holding him up" conveyed
safely until a boat picked them up mid
way. This is somthlng like a "rec
ord. " Our fathers would not have be
lieved It possible for a girl to swim
a quarter of a mile in her clothes
through a heavy sea , but this brave
young athlete actually supported a
manufacturer who ran to weight as
a rule in the agony of cramp. Miss
Joan Harris of Belfast also plunged
into the sea without undressing and
rescued a grown girl ; further circum
stances are not given , but swimmers
know that it was a feat , anyhow. Miss
Louisa Bright of Reading , too , did not
waste time in preparations when shec
saw a schoolboy drowning in the Ken-
net. It is not many years since swimming -
ming was regarded as a dubious sort
of accomplishment for women.
Engaging- Servant and Hiring a Man
Two Different Experiences.
Any man who has ever done busi
ness at an intelligence office will feel
a thrill of sympathy for me , as a re
cent victim of that institution , says
Boston Traveler. My wife was mildly
lamenting yesterday that fate had
driven away the maid servant , and that
she would have to get another. I rash
ly said that I would do It for her.
"There Is an Intelligence office near
my office , " I said. "I'll run in there at
noon and send a girl out early in the
afternoon. " I went into-the aforesaid
intelligence office as I returned from
lunch and was at once absorbed by a
roomful of females , every one of whom
gazed at me suspiciously. I am a
bashful man , but I nerved myself and
-began talking with a young woman
who sat near the door. "We have
four in our family , myself , wife and
two children , hot and cold water "
"Pardon me , " she interrupted , "I am s
looking ] < for a servant myself. " I apolo-
gized and she snickered. I then tackled
ga S
an applicant for a job. I did not
"shed light , " for she asked questions. h
I replied as follows : "Yes four in the
family set tubs hot and cold water
iit every room three miles out of ol
town my wife takes care of the chil elm
dren who does the chamber work ? I
dg . Confound it. Get out. " She didn't
get out , but I did. My wife went in
the next day and hired a girl. di
We were sitting on the veranda of to
our bungalow one evening In far-off
Burmah , R. A. and I , enjoying our aft fit
er-dinner cheroot. The waters of the en
bay : lapped lazily at the sands at our
feet , for our house was "builded on the
sands" of the shore. All the world
seemed at peace , only the plunk !
plunk ! of the monotonous night bird
the jungle , and the occasional weird
note of the jackal , signaling in the
distance to his comrades , were heard.
The : moon had come up from behind a
rocky island just over in the bay , and
spread a flood of golden-yellow light
over the silver-topped breakers , roll
ing in over a neighboring coral reef.
was so calm and beautiful that it
seemed that all that was wicked and
bad had gone out of the world , and yet
death lurked just at my friend's el
bow , as he puffed unconsciously at his
cheroot. n
We had been discussing in a leisure is
manner something that had
hap to
pened at home. To prove some point tom
uy ; friend arose , and stretched himself kr
lazily : , sauntered into his bedroom to Cc
et a paper bearing on the matter we
tiad been discussing.
Usually lights tri
nrere placed in all the bedrooms , but
his evening , for some unaccountable > y
eason ; probably the
moonlight the on
servant : had not performed his duties. as
could hear my friend fumbling about im
his dressing-table , and then sud- tie
lenly gave a quick cry of horror and
ushed out to the light.
"I have been struck by a snake , " he
jasped. and his face was deadly pale. he
"Where is it ? Quick ! Show me ! " of
exclaimed , as I whipped out a knife. fai
He held out his right arm. There as
vas no mark on the hand , which I ex- bo1
imined critically , but on the cuff of ing
shirt were two tiny scratch-like nai
junctures , and two little globules of effi
loison sinking into the starched linen , the
nd leaving a sickly , greenish yellow
"You've had a close call , old man , " LOT
exclaimed , with a great sigh of relief ,
'and ; I think you need a peg to brace Dri
your nerves , but first let us settle sia.
snake. " Uou
We found him celled up on a small
ilrror which lay on the table , and an
igly looking customer he was , too ,
eady to strike again. r.
He was a very poisonous snake ,
nown as the Deboae Russelll , but
fter my friend hnd finished with him ,
would have been difficult for any
aturallst to have placed him in hg !
roper genus.
Without the First You Cannot Have
the Last.
Hood'8 Sarsaparllla gives both. It
gently tones the stomach and gives diges
tive power , creates an appetite and invig
orates the system. By making.the blood
rich and pore it strengthens the nerves
and gives refreshing sleep.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
13 America's Greatest Medicine. 3is xforg5.
Hood's Pills are the favorite cathartic. 25c.
If you would make a self made man.
angry ignore him. t-i
In tno Ffont Hnnlr.
The Michigan Central , "The Niagara
Falls Route , " has made an advance In
the right direction in anticipating the
wants of the traveling public , by
changing the time of their "North ,
Shore Limited , " which will now leave
Chicago at 4 p. m.t arriving at the
Grand Central Station , New York , at 5
o'clock the next afternoon , in advance
of all other limited trains. The equip
ment and. service Is In keeping with
their well-known reputation. It will
also have a through sleeping car to
Boston , arriving there the next even
ing. It connects with all through
trains from the west.
"Among the many expenses home by
railroad companies the ice bill figures
quite prominently. For instance , on
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad it is
expected it will take over 50,000 tons
of Ice this year to meet the require
ments of the service. The greater
portion is used in connection with
shipment of perishable goods ; the bal
ance in the passenger train service. A
great deal of this ice is put up by the
company in its own ice houses , but as
the past winter has been so warm a
very large proportion will have to be
Blrs. 'Wlnslow's Smoothing : Syrup
For children tee thlnp of tens the Rumd.reuuienl
Elation , * llays pain , cure < irind colic. 23 centsa bottle.
Masculine ideas are one thing ; but
let feminine never be feminine , or our
civilization : perishes.
PITS \ farraan nU7Uared.rofluornerTotiices < attei
first day's tuo of Dr. Kiine'a Gnat K rro Keitorer.
SouJ for FHEK 34.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Dtt. R. 11. KX.INK.Ltd.,931 Arch St. . Philadelphia. P .
It has been established that we do'
not wax diviner by dragging cown
the gods to our level.
To Cnro constipation 2Torever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or 25a
li C. C. C. fall to cure , drusgists reJund money. .
If Adam had been wide awake he
wouldn't have lost that rib.
A Scholarly Work.
W. J. Milne , LL.D. , presdent New
York State Normal College : "It is es
sentially a scholarly work. . . .
The keenest scholars in philosophy ,
science , literature , art , will find in it
the most lucid , accurate , and compre
hensive definitions to be found any
where. "
See display advertisement of how to
obtain the Standard Dictionary by
making a small payment down , the re
mainder in Installments.
If silence is coden all flpaf and
3umb persons ought to be milllion-
lires. :
The average length of human life
the sixteenth century was only IS
20 years.
It is estimated that more than four-
Itths of the people of London never
mter a place of worship.
due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination , bat also
the care and skill with which it is
manufactured : by scientific processes
inown to the CAUFOHNIA
only , and we wish to impress
lrL lmpol .nce of Purchasin-the
rue and
> original remedy. As the
jenumc Syrup of Fijjs is manufactured
nly , a knowledge of that fact will
issist : one in
avoiding the worthless
nutations manufactured by other
ies. The high standing of the CALI-
PIG Srnup Co. with the medi-
Slon' .and the satisfaction
the genuine Syrup of Fijrs has
to millions of families , SkkS
< name of the Company a
the excellence of its remedy. It is
arm advance of all other laxatives
it acts on the
kidneys , liver and
owels without irritating or weakCIS
them , and it does not gripe nor
auseate Border to get its beneficial
ffects , please remember the
name of
nrrSvii.t.F Kr. XCTr
TonKt XY
KayfS Renovator , Guaranteed
Kays Lung Balm