' * ' ' . v. 4 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. \VE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD ' CASTORIA , " AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. / DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of ffyannis , Massachusetts , was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same .that has borne and does now - * on GvenJ lear thefac-simile signature ofyf7 c& wrapper. TJiis is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought on the and has the signature of & t&zi& % wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. / * March 8,1897. Q $ & & & & - & * < , z > . Do Not Be Deceived , Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The End That Never Tailed You. . . . THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY 8TBCCT. NEW YORK CITY. ALL. ROADS ARE Perfection is the re . . of our long are the product of mechanical ingenuity. $40.00 Monarch Chalnless $100.00 Send for 1898 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE MFC. CO. , Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago. Branches New York. London and Hamburg. Send ten 2-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating Lillian Russell , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones. G&ase Go , Land ant ! Jve Stock Dt Horses brauded on left hip nr lull slinl lf. P O. address lini'i-rhi 'hiiFf county , and Hr > nt irl u. Nehmskn Hnrifrt' inKiiitf Wntei nnd tbi IFrHiiehmnn on-i-ki , it ' ChiiPf county Ni Itriind as cm pomeanimalc.I'M sides of sonic < > r sny whore on tbo animal FRANCIS E. DIVINE. CANCER DOCTOR. McCooic , NEBRASKA. f f i guarantee a cure. No cure , no pay. Write me at above address , or call at my home in Coleman precinct. A Map of the United States. Send ine isc in stamps and I will mail you a map of the United States , three feet four inches wide and five feet three inches long. Printed in six colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows every state , county , important town , and railroad , in tbe Uuited States. New edition , just : received ; contains ten handsome halftone > tone pictures of principal buildings of tbe Trans-Mississippi exposition. J. Francis , General Passenger Agt , Omaha , Neb. 3ts DeWitt's Little Early Risers , The famous little pills. "BEFORE BABY IS BORN. ' A Valuable Little Book.of Interest to All Women Sent Free. Every woman looks forward with feel ings ef indescribable joy to the one mo mentous event of her 15fecompared with which all others pale into insignifi cance. How proud and happy she will S be when her precious babe nestles onTo her breast how sweet the name of " " -And her anticipation "MotherAnd ! yet happy pation of this event is clouded with misgivings of the pain and danger of the ordeal , so that it is impossible to avoid the feeling of constant dread which creeps over her. The danger and suffering attendant upon being a mother can be entirely prevented , so that the coming of the little stranger need not be looked forward to with fear and trembling , as is so often the case. Every woman who reads this paper can obtain absolutely free a val uable and attractive little book enti tled "Before Baby is Born , " by sending her name and address to the Bradfield Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga. This book contains priceless information to all women , and no one should fail to send for it. Fay Your Delinquency. In view of the better times , and higher prices for rain etc. , the publisher ex pects those indebted to THE TRIBUNE for subscription to make good their de linquencies at once. During the con tinued hard times and failures no effort was made to force the collection of sub At,1 scription accounts , but now that the con- t,1 t,1D 3itions have changed greatly for the bet D ter it is expected that these delinquencies ivill be promptly paid up. Statements S vill be sent out to all in arrears and with h he expectation that all will appreciate al ur past indulgence and respond at once. THE PUBLISHER. tlsi si To Cure a Cold In One Day. sii i Take Laxative Brotuo Quinine Tablets. Ul druggists refund the money if it fails. o cure. The Grontttnt Man In Florida , Who is IMiuit ? I'ltuit Is klu of 1'lorU du tuttl owner of iH'uily all the South. He INtvn old uuui with limliixHtill young. Into his juickoirt no ninety-nine cent * out of every ( lollitr spent h ) thcaintyof soldiers uud visitors In IHoildii. I'.vcry- thin iu sight belong * to iMunt. Plant is Imppy man. lie pcimllx no compe tition tuul insists upon double price * Tlie. soldicis , und in fuot , nil of UK , mu t ride on 1'lunt ruihouilH , cut in Plant ten- taurmits , .sleep in Plunt hotel * , use the Haul telegraph , ship Kooll.s via 1'hint tx- press , tit ink IMunt beer , muoke Plunt tobacco , and hivvu your linen wnohrd in a Pltuit Stiundiy. If this seems an iinlm- pottaut subject to Noitheiners , just ask the Kovcinment how much it is pitying daily for the use of land , hotels , mil * roads , steamships and other things own * ed by a man named Plant. The govern ment is paying Mr. Plant twice as much per diem lor the use of his possessions as we pay the president of the United States per annum for the use of his brains \Villets in Collier's Weekly. Low Rntos to Omn.hu via the lUirlinglon Route account Ne- raska Day , Tuesday , June I4th , at the Trans-Mississippi Kxposition. Special trains from principal points in eastern Nebraska. Get full information from the local agent. Facts to Remember. The postoflice lobby opens at 6:30 in the morning. The general delivery al S o'clock. Money order window closes " 5:30. Postoflice at 7:30. General de livery open Sundays from 12 to I. Tablets and Box Papers. You will find a fine line of tablets and box papers at this office for sale at very reasonable figures and of the best qual ity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hon. W. J. Bryan will be the orator of the day at the Ne braska Day Celebration , Trans-Mississip pi Exposition , . June I4th. Very low rates and spectSl trains to Omaha via the Burlirfglou Route. Get full informa tion from the local ticket agent. See McMillen's new stock of WAI.I. PAPER. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictl3' in advance. Be in the swim. Buy one of those wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. Sutton. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .18 Wheat 75 Oats 17 Rye 30 Barley 18 Hogs 3.40 Eggs 08 Butter 10 Potatoes 90 Strawberries 10 Once Tried. Always Used. If we sell one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , we seldom fail to sell the same person more , when ii is again needed. Indeed , it has become the fain- 51 v medicine of this town , for coughs and colds , and we recommend it because of its established merits. Jos E. Harned , Prop. Oakland Pharmacy , Oakland , Md. Sold by L. W. iMcConnell & Co. S. M. Geary , Pierson , Mich.vrites : "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , is curing more piles here today than all other rem edies combined. It cures eczema and all other skin diseases. " A. McMillen. Late to bed and early to rise , prepares a man for his home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Riser , the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. A. McMillen. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly in advance. GERVER. Jolm Green , sou of County Clerk Green , is spending n short vacation with his nucle , Albert Wagy. Albert Wagy and family spent Sunday and Monday in McCook the guest of County Clerk Green and wife. The Pleasant Prairie school will close its doors after this evening. The scholars generally are not sorry ry in the least , as they have had a long and tiresome seige of nearly ten mouths. John Goodenberger was a Liu- coin visitor , going down on Thurs day of last week and returning on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Good s enberger has for some years been 1 working on an attachment for horse powers , in which interest he called at the Lincoln foundries to get the machinery cast. It seems that the flag at the school-house disappeared in a somewhat mysterious manner , not long ago. And not until a search was in progress did it turn up at the school-house one moruinjr ns O mysteriously as it disappeared. It seems to us that people should have more lespect for our nation at honor than to deliberately steal 4 the flag from one of our public in stitutions , wherein the future destiny be tiny of our country is shaped. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. Nebraska nay at Ihc Trans-MlsslsslppI HxposltUw. Tue dny , June ijth Nubrtitkn lny will lie n ted k-ltcr ilny t the Trans Mimilitgippl Imposition. An crtpualittly Iin- ! pro ntni hn ! ( n prepared. In mlditlon to the nntinl nl- trnctloiiH ut tin-exposition--thr exhibit * , the "Midway"lth | | n Hintn c sl lito itiid oulotiti people , tin : iiftcrimun mid vvciiin conceits j-lvon by the U. B Miitlnu Hand und Tlioiniu1 Orchrntrit will be drllvcicd by ninny dls- NVInittikiiii * , chief nMioiif : them IK-IIIH lion. W. J. Hrywii. The cxuiclHCH will conclude with it mi nnf ! | . cunt < Htpluy of liivwoikN lveiy $ lovnl NVhiaHkitn ahoutd iniikt- a point of ftprndiiiK NvbtiinUii Day at the Kxposition. The hiiildiiiKft < m- finitely finished. Almost nil the exhib its arc in place , and the "Midway" in m full hwiiiK. Nowhere in the United Slutt-H can one pass time mon ; pU-.iMiiuly or with teater Hatihfiiction and profit The Hut Huston Route will run trains to Omahii from the principal points on its line in eastern Nebraska l-'or information about lht" > e train * when they leave your station , hour of arrival at and departure from Omaha call at the local ticket office of the liut- lington Route. Rates are extraordinarily low. Tribune Clubtalntf List. For the convenience of renders of Tins TKIHUNK , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and peri odicals whereby we can supply then in combination with THE TRIHUNE at the following very low price.s : rUULICATION. I'UICK. Detroit Free I'ress . $ t oo $1 50 Leslie' Weekly . 400 300 Prairie Fanner . I CO I 25 Chicago Inter-Ocean . i oo 135 Cincinnaii Enquirer. . I oo 150 New- York Ti ibune . i oo i 25 Demorest's Magazine . i oo 175 Toledo Blade . I oo 125 Nebraska Farmer . i oo 165 Iowa Homestead . I 00 175 Lincoln Journal . ! oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture . I oo i 50 New- York World . I oo I 65 Omaha Bee . I oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine . i oo i So We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb. Burlington Route. To Portland , Ore. , without change o cars. Through tourist sleeping cars , n charge of special excursion managers ant accompanied by uniformed Pullman porters ters , leave Kansas City ever- Thursday morning for Portland , Ore. They run over the Burlington Route to Denver , D. & R. G. Ry. ( Scenic'Line ) to Ogden , Oregon Short Line and O. R. N. Co. to destination. A lay-over of ten hours is made at Salt Lake City , giving passengers all opportunity to become ac quainted with one of the most beautiful ind interesting cities in tbe world Travelers destined to Portland or any other Pacific northwest point should join these weekly excursions This they can do at any point at which trains stop There is no cheaper or more comfortable way to make the trip. The cars have all the conveniences of palace sleeping cars , acking only their elaborate finish. Second end class tickets are accepted. Berth- rate , Kansas City to Portland , $5. For tickets and full information call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office or write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. TIIK TRIBUNE and The Prairie Farmer "or 5-25 a year , strictly in advance. During the summer of 1891 , Mr. Chas. P. Johnson , a well known attorney of Louisville , Ky. , had a very severe attack of summer complaint. Quite a number of different remedies were tried , but failed to afford any relief. A friend who knew what was needed procured him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , which quickly cured him and he thinks , saved his life He says that there has not been a day since that time that he has not had this remedy in his household. He speaks of it in the highest praise and takes much pleasure in recommending it whenever an opportunity is offered. For sale by L. W McConnell & Co. THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family ' Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in advance. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. S.E.Parker , Sharon , Wis. , writes : "I have tried DeWitt's Witch Ha/el Salve for itching piles and it always stops them in two minutes I consider De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve the greatest pile cure on the market. " A. McMillen THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. S. C. P. Jones , Milesburg , Pa , writes : "I have used DeWitt's Little Eurly Ris ers ever since they were introduced here and must say I have never used any pills in my family during forty 3ears of house keeping that gave such satisfactory re sults as a laxative or cathartic. " A. Mc Millen. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was made for. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 32t > . To Peter J.Byers , John II. Roberts , Hannah Fearn , William Fischer , Harry M.il ; > on. John D. and Wm. D. Canuelle , and Howard M. Gardner , and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners has cs tablishcd and ordered opened a road com mencing at the southwest corner of section 16 , township 4 , range 26 , in Noith Valley pre cinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence south on section hue and terminating the southeast corner of section 32. township , range 26 , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 23d day of July , A. D. 1898 , or said road will established without reference thereto. 5-20-415 R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. MANY THINK ! \\hcn the Creditor wi 1 to uoinan. "In Horrow shah thou brim ; forth children , " th it a curi e vvai pro ; nounccd ajjauist the human race , ! but the jov felt by every Mother j when she first jireswe * to her heart i her babe , prove * the contrary j Danger and uffcnng lurl : in i the pathway of the Lxpeciant i Mother , and should be avoided. ' that she may reach the hour u-hcn j the hope of her heart is lobe ic l- i/.ed , in full vigor and strength. -o -Jax * * * the v t M -i ! j I've MM Hc.'iJacIic. I t r \ o u , i or J'Oic- ! / Giooiny - ' boding of dan ger , and t h e trying hour is robbed of its pain 5 and suffering , as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to ue anything else. "Mother's Kricn-l" H th trrealt reraedre'-er pnt on tlitj inarkft. ami at i tir custotaent jiraist II hjgir.y.V. . H. Kl'O , tC > . U blMwrigbt , Tet. ! Of UfugK' > - ' ' at * 1 OJ i r ' - 1,1 by exi > reM > ou r * celpt or iiruVri' ; ft.r l-ool : coeiaimng valua ble Inforiniit.ori tor - > : l lu'.hers , mailed Iroe. Thb JJradlirlcl lUvulatbr Co. , Atlanta , Ua. BANK OF DANBURY DANBURY , NEB. A General Banking Business business you may w sh to transact with THE McCiniK IKIBLNE will receive jironipt and careful atten tion. Subscriptions recei\e < i , taken for advertisements and ' .h v < > rk Cuba The World West Indies Just what 3ou need to locate KEY WEST , CANARY ISLANDS , CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. PORTO RICO , or DRY TORTUGAS , Etc. ch chTi ! Ti [ The World g TiSe Cuba ) On other Indies Mile. West \ Knch map formerly sold al 250. 750. Kt SEND 15c. for Sample Sheet and terms to Agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RAND , MCNALLY & CO. , Chicagro. III. a ' ' " Sf 'r : baa demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible FDR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. Irregularities and derangements. It has become tbe leading remedy for this class of troubles. Jt exerts a wonderfully hcalinjr. struiiRthcn- infj and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures "whites" andfalluiKof the womb. It stops floodiug luul relieves suppressed - . pressed nnd painful menstruation. For Chatigo of Life it is the I'cst medicine made. It is boneficinl during pregnancy , and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It inviRorutes , stimu lates , strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy 13 oucretl to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within renchT Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 per bottle at your drug btoro. For advice , < n easts requiring rpteial dtrte- ttons , address , yiving i/tnp ( < mu , the "lAidits' Adi3oryVei > art > nent , " The ChattanooyaMtd iclne Co. , Chattanooga , Tcnn. Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camdcn , S. C. , says : "My wile used Wine of Cardui at homo for falling of the womb and U entirely cured her. " CASTOR IA For Infant * and Children. Tli 1 KM YM Han Aiwap Bears the re o TIMKKK CflllJtt H.NAL tfOTJCK Ht > K IT ML 1C AT JON tac4 * * * * * * l * * J * „ 54 < C t , ? M f I.l5l Notice at fc I. oren on CttlUM * * < X * . J , M N * . $ Hro M. Pwrf iM * nil 4 L > sf 4 OifciMw < f $ ac-tt A. S AXXt'Al. e < uf ty It * ifcr ) > cr iUlc < J.'ortk Valley Willow Gm * ImtiMoi * Pr Hff irf \ 7 4tv R A. Ofc * . CMMM * Orrk 0. L EYERIST & Oi. TttF McCook Transfer Llm BUS , BAGGAGE AMD farmtare rtut t * city. Onicc < u - i > l < ck bortii < Baruf tt Lamlier Yar L Lacvs or iers for bus cullat Ct Mmt A betel : orde s lor drmru * at Bsr erist. Marsh & Co "s Satisf ction ? F. D. BUKGESS. R Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK , KE33. Iron. _ eac ana Gocxs. Pumos. * " 3 5o Agent to' "i \ \ .nam s Base e t Pi OS Do C iVKX JULIUS Carpet Laying , Carpet Cleaniag. amtiii JOHRC curpet lav : * * , lean inr la\\Ti tuttisc and waJU work. irvrite me betore siviac diwork. . Jtr barges arc ven rtasonaN * . 1 * * ve orders : RIRCNK office. R'LirS xl'XERT. JOHN E. KELLEY. ATTOKXEY AT I * Jear of rir > t National J. B. BALUAKD. DKXTIST. All vlcntalvrk viotw atmr > fivr > . rot ntccd Co l > c tirj > t claw \ \ \ A > i ; Km4 ( 'row n. Hruijic and Halt \\\H- < Ivcllamv. a M . MRS. E. E. MV'SU'M Mano. Oi\ran. Guimr ami VOIOK TRAtSIXi ; \ xrt-Vt W1Y J.1E-Sliul > o Over the "He * McCOOK SURGICAL Or. W. V. OAOU. McCook. - - o a. m. and after ft j m Webster's .Internatioitali Didiionary Ono Great Sf. St > \ \ riles lion 1 > . > CommcmluOi Y &C. Mcrrlnm Co.l nmi Uov C APT ! OX. " llo not bo ffi thS W.tefi 3g 7f < itt