The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1898, Image 7

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    Tito Ilotort Ready.
A bustling agent for a patent churn
Invaded the ofllcc of a busy merchant
one day and proceeded to deliver his
lecture. "One moment , please , " said
the merchant. "May I ask to whom I
am Indebted for this visit ? " The caller
produced hlo card. It contained the
inscription : , "Barton # cbulon Day.
Agent for Cosmopolitan Novelty Com
pany. " The man of business studied
the card a moment. Then ha looked
up. "I am honored by your call , Mr.
Barton Zebulon Day , " he aald , with a
genial smile , "but this Is also my B. 2.
Day. Good day ! "
Tbb following CORO was printed originally
In The Monitor , a newspaper publiHbod at
Moadford , Ontario. Doubts wore raised ante
to its truthfulness , consequently a close
watch was kept oa the caw for two years
and the original ntatement baa now been
completely verified.
Mr. I'otch had been n hopeless paralytic
for flve years. His caho has hod wide at
tention. Ho was confined to his bed , was
bloated almost bovond recognition , and
could not take polw food. Doctors called
the disease spinal sclerosis , and all said ho
could not live. The Canadian Mutual Life
Association , after a thorough oxamjBution ,
paid him bis total disability claim oL 1,650 ,
regarding him as forever incurable.
For thrco yearu ho lingered in this condi
tion. Alter
taking eoine
of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink
Pills for Pale
, People there
gpwas a slight
change , a tcn-
dency to
sweat freely.
Next came a
little feeling
in his limbs.
This extend
ed , followed
ii\x oioim. uy u ii
sensation , until at lent the blood began to
course freely and vigorously through his
body. Soon bo was restored to his old
time health.
A reporter for The Monitor recently
called on Mr. Fetch again and was told :
"You may say there is no doubt as to my
cure being permanent. I am in better
health than when I gave you the first in
terview , and certainly attribute my cure
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People.
"To these pills I owe my release from the
living death , and I shall always bless the
day I was induced to take them. "
buch is the history f one of the most re
markable cases in modern times. In the
face of such testimony , can anyone say
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not en
titled to the careful consideration of every
mfforer man , woman or child ? Is not the
case , in truth , a miracle in modern medi-
These pills are sold by all druggists and
are considered by them to bo one of the
most valuable remedial agants known to
Obligation A gun that makes a
loud report when it is discharged.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men strong , olood pure. 50c. SI. All druggists.
The American soft felt hat is all the
rage In the leading Australian cole
If you -want to make your white
dresses , skirts , shirt waists , collars and
cuffs look -white and glossy ask your
Krocer for Keith's Enamel Starch , and
take no other. Insist on getting the
genuine article.
If your grocer does not handle it send
his name and address to Keith Enamel
Starch Co. , Chicago , 111. , and get book
of recipes for fine'laundry work for
your trouble.
Mrs. General Ton * Thumb has re
turned to Engalnd after ten years' ab
Piso's Cure for Consumption bos saved
me large doctor bills. a H Baker , 422S Re
gent Sq. . Phi adelphia , Pa. , Doc. 8 , 1895 ,
Phiz The face that grows on a gin-
To Niagara Falls , the Thousand Is
lands , the St. Lawrence River , the
Adirondacks , the Green and White
Mountains , the Berkshire Hills , the
valley of the Hudson , the Catskills ,
and the Atlantic Coast , the Michigan
Central is the direct and favorite Sum
mer Tourist Route. Send 3 cents , post
age for Summer Tours.
City Ticket Office. 119 Adams Street.
O. W. Ruggles , G. P. & T. Agent , Chi
There are said to be 2,064 languages
in the world , and its inhabitants pro
fess more than 1,000 religions.
Jhako Into Tour Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , nervous , aching feet. Try It to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
etores. By mail for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address , Allen
B. Olmsled , Le Roy. N. Y.
Oily tongues and mute dogs are dan
For a perfect complexion and a clear ,
healthy skin , use COSMO BUTTERMILK
BOAP. Sold everywhere.
The man above counsel is alwaye In
danger. _
Educate 1'our Vowels "With Coscarcts.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever ,
lOc , SSc , If C. C. C. fail , druggists reiundTnaoney.
Triplets Little blessings that but
few people appreciate.
To the Front. Again , Chicago to New York
The Michigan Central , "The Niagara
Falls Route , " now leaves Chicago at
4 p. m. , arriving at Grand Central Sta
tion. New York City , at 5 o'clock the
next afternoon ; In advance of all other
limited trains. It also carries a through
sleeper to Boston , arriving there the
next morning. It connects with all
jthrough train * from the west
thought I heard a sound as of
firing , " remarked the occupant
' < ji No. 1534 , stepping out into
or roonijTidor. "That's exactly what
"le corylhear. " replied the janitor. "I
/ ' .been kicking a 200-pound
6 * * th" ° " alrway- " Chicago
Tribune. .
' - * Seating . . -bever-
* " * -ftli - i ; * "
A drawing room in Kensington.
Present Mrs. . Van Tassyl Hussey , Ladj-
Betty , Miss Peck , and the hostess.
"Will you take sugar with your second
end cup , dear ? " said the hostess sweet
ly to Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey , hovering
with the sugar-tongs over the basin.
"Thank you , I always take sugar.
My late husband used to say that a
sweet tooth was an excellent thing in
the middle-aged ; it denoted simplici
ty of ideas. "
"Fie ! my dear Mrs. Van Tassyl Hus
sey , surely you don't lay claim to "
"Middle-aged or simplicity ? "
"Either , " returned Lady Betty.
"They usually go together nowa
days , " observed the hostess ; "it's the
young people I don't understand. They
seem to be developing into a strange
order of being. Have you read Lady
Warwick's book on 'Women's Educa
tion ? ' "
"You mean , " interposed Miss Peck
in her precise manner , "Lady War
wick's collection of papers read at our
recent education congress ? They arc
very valuable , and we are greatly
obliged to Lady Warwick for her ad
mirable preface ; but of course her lady
ship has not taken any great part in
our work. "
"I never could understand , " said
Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey , "how ladies
of position could interest themselves in
slumming matters. "
"Excuse me , " returned Miss Peck
tartly , "women's education in the Brit
ish empire Is certainly not a question
of slumming. "
"But these things often fall into the
same category , do they not ? I heard
only the other day , " pursued Mrs. Van
Tassyl Hussey , blandly , "that a great
friend of yours had been appointed an
inspector or is it Inspectress of
dear me of nuisances. , was it not ? "
"No , " corrected Miss Peck , "of fac
tories. She read an admirable paper
on 'Women as Factory Inspectors' at
our recent congress. It is included in
Lady Warwick's book. We hope , by
means of this volume , to open up a
great many new careers to women. "
"So it would seem , " remarked the
hostess. "I suppose , though , they can
not all be quite womanly professions ? "
"Oh ! we are abolishing these dis
tinctions , " explained Miss Peck ; "we
find that they rather trammel us in
our work ; besides , the great principle
that we advocate the equality of the
sexes does not permit of any conces
sions on our part to "
"Womanliness ? " questioned Lady
"If you like to put it so. "
"How stupid ! " continued Lady Bet
ty. "For my part I wouldn't change
* v\ I I /
places with the most learned man in
the world. As the merely frivolous
little butterfly that I am , I can get all
the admiration I want. "
"From men , I suppose ? " sniffed Miss
Peck. "The homage some women pay
to men is perfectly degrading ; they
pander to their vanity In the most
contemptible manner. "
"As the superior sex , my dear , don't
forget that , " said Lady Betty.
"Superior in brute strength , but not
in intellect. "
"Well , let us say in discernment , "
Insinuated Lady Betty. "However con
temptible the mere man may be , I
find him at least appreciative. George
told me yesterday my new hat was a
perfect stunner ! How's that for an
opinion ? And you women have never
even noticed It ! "
"George ! your husband ? " queried
Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey.
"My husband ? " laughed Lady Betty ;
"why he never sees what I've got on.
One never expects a compliment from
one's husband. I mean George Gil-
low ; he was skating with me at
Prince's yesterday. "
"It was always my practice to con
sult my husband on all matters , " said
Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey , "but then I
suppose you young people would call
me "
"Not middle-aged , " smiled the host
"No , rather old-fashioned. Marriage
itself , they say , is getting old-fash
ioned. "
"Yes , it Is going out , " said Lady Bet
"Only a very small percentage of our
women marry , " observed Miss Peck ;
"I mean the Glrton and Newnham wo
men. "
"Does their education make them too
fastidious ? " Inquired the hostess.
"Perhaps It makes the men fastidi
ous ! " said Lady Betty. "I never knew
a man yet who would make love to a
woman because she held a diploma.
They like a nice little ignoramus who
doesn't know enough to see through
them. "
"One can see -why you are so popular
Miss , Peck.
"For my part , I should like to see the
male population of this and every other
country swept off the face of the globe
but come to the meeting of our Hy
gienic Clothing association at St.
George's Hall next Thursday , and then
you will understand better than you
do now why "
"Why so many learned women pre
fer spinsterhood ? " interposed Lady
"Let us say rather independence , "
said the hostess , genially. "Pass mo
your cup , Miss Peck one lump ? "
"I never take sugar , the glucose ele
ment is not wholesome. "
"But talking of Independence , " con
tinued the hostess , "is independence at
the price of spinsterhood the best state
for a woman ? Isn't it after all rather
a pity to be educated so far above the
headof the average man ? For the
average man is the best we can get as
a rule , isn't he ? "
"Yes , " answered Mrs. Van Tassyl
Hussey , "and I always think an un
married woman is such a hopelessly
Incomplete specimen of humanity I
mean , of course , the woman of a cer
tain age. "
"Quite an exploded prejudice , " snap
ped Miss Peck.
"Now a female factory inspector , "
observed the hostess , "I do not really
think I could stand. She would give
me the creeps , I'm sure. "
"It is to careers like this that we
look for relief in the female labor mar
ket , " remarked Miss Peck , severely. "It
is this way that the brilliant future
of the emancipated woman lies. We
have our foot on the ladder , we are
mounting. "
"Yes , but when you have climbed to
the top , where do" you think the la.lder
will land you ? " queried the hostess.
"It will land us , " answered Miss Peck ,
with a gleam like cold steel in her
eyes , "at the glorious goal where the
present degradation of women will not
exist , where they will take their prop
er position in the world , and where
man will be shown himself as he
really is. "
"Dear me ! " ejaculated Mrs. Van
Tassyl Hussey.
"Well , " said the hostess , "emanci
pation and the moralizing influence of
Girton and Newnham may be all very
well ; but for my part I think that
education misses its mark when it
does not promote the welfare and hap
piness of its devotees. And to con
demn women to an eternal spinsterhood -
hood is surely not promoting their
chances of happiness in the general
scheme of things. "
"For my part5nterposed Lady Bet
ty , with an irresponsible shrug of her
shoulders , "call it degrading if you
like , but I would rather purr on the
hearthrug of the merest of men than
I would go prowling about factories
and sniffing down people's sinks in the
glories of emancipation. "
"I will wish you good afternoon , "
said Miss Peck , snapping the clasp of
her serviceable golf cape severely. "I
am due on the 'Regeneration of Man'
at 5:15. "
"Isn't she funny , " laughed Lauy
Betty , as the door closed behind her.
Their Incomes Would Be Small in
America or England.
The differences in the unit of money
in different countries make a consid
erable difference in the practical
meaning of the word "millionaire. "
Webster's dictionary defines a million
aire as "one whose wealth is counted
by millions. " In popular use one who
has a million is regarded as a million
aire. In the United States it would b9
$1,000,000. In England it would be
1,000,000 sterling. But as the pound
sterling is worth $4.86 and a fraction
in our money , the Englishman would
require nearly five times as much act
ual capital as ths American before the
Englishman could take rank in the
noble army of martyrs known as mil
lionaires. "
Here in Germany , where tb.2 unit of
value is the mark , which is worth 23
cents and a fraction in our money ,
much less actual capital is required to
make a man a millionaire than in the
United States. I had this fact im
pressed upon me by reading in a Ger
man newspaper that according to the
Statistical Year Book * of Berlin that
city of over 1,000,000 Inhabitants , con
tains 2,092 millionaires each person
who has an income of more than
36,000 marks being reckoned as a mil
lionaire. " Thirty-six thousand marks
are less than $9,000 and $9,000 a year
seemed to me to be a rather small
"millionaire" income. I found , how
ever , by a rapid computation , that
36,000 marks is a little more than Zy >
per centum on a million marks ( about
$240,000) and there you have your
millionaire according to the German
value. According to the same author
ity there are 477 "thaler millionaires"
in Berlin a thaler being 3 marks , so
that each of this variety of million
aires has a capital of 3,000,000 marks ,
or about $720,000 each. The wealthi
est man in Berlin has an income of
1,729,000 marks , or roughly $400,000.
Only seven Berliners have an income
of more than a million marks
$240,000. Wilmington ( Del. ) News.
Grogless American Sailors.
The practice of serving a ration of
grog to sailors a.v' marines was dis
continued in the United States navy
many years ago , as the custom was
found to be prejudicial to discipline
and morals. Grog is still served , how
ever , In all the other navies of the
world. The advocates of temperance
in Great Britain have been trying for
years to persuade the government to
put a stop to the practice , but in vain.
The average man considers other
men wise ony when they come to him
for advice.
The Chinese 1'lnp.
Is a very queer looking affair. It rep
resents the most grotesque of green
dragons on a yellow ground. The lat
ter is suggestive not only of the nation
al complexion , but also that of a suf
ferer from biliousness. To remove tnis
use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters , which
will speedily regulate your liver and
prevent malaria.
Don't consider a task impossible be
cause you are unable to perform it.
Coe's Consrn TJnI nm
'J th oldcot nnd beetIt will break up a cold quicker
than anything else. It Is alwuj a reliable. Trj 1U
Don't acquire a chainless wheel at
the expense of a watchless chain.
Ilennty Is Hlood Deep.
Clean blood menus aclean skin. N. beauty
without It. Ujnearois. Citndy Cathartic
clciins your bloori and keeps It clean , by ! > tlr-
rlng up the Ii7y : liver and driving all hnpu-
ritlos from the body. Be ln today to btmloh
pimples , bolls blotches , b uckhcals , and that
sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnseu-
rets beauty for ten cent- . . All d
satisfaction gunratitccd. lOc. 25c. 50e.
If a ninn's words taint the air , he
has a cesspool in his heart : Beware
of Infection.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price. 75c.
Don't rob yourself by calling other
people hard names.
Mrs. TVlnslow's Sootlilnpr Syrnp
For children tccthlng.hoftenh tlie ( rum".rulIK etl
mixlicn , alia ) s ] > nln , cure * wind colic. 23 ocntsa bottle.
Fashion The one thing a woman
can follow without remaining behind.
An Kdltor Says.
The editor of theRiverton , In. , Indepen
dent writes : "lam indeed pleased to say
tbat your medicines are the best I have
ever tried for stomach troubles one of the
most horrible diseases to which flesh is
heir. I had been afflicted with the trouble
for four years or more in an aggravated
form , and during the last two years , not
withstanding I had treatment from noted
physicians from different localities , 1 kept
getting worse and worse , until life became
almost unendurable and in reality a tor
ture. Luckily , I was induced to try Dr.
Kay's Renovator. After using a half
do/.en packages I am actually feeling like
a new person. 1 believe suffering humani
ty can be benefitted thereby. I willingly
scatter the good tidings. Again , I toy I
believe your remedies for "stomach trou
bles' ' are the best ever put on the market. "
'Stomach Troubles" can be cured by Dr.
Kay's Renevator when all other remedies
fail. It renovates and removes the cause
aad the disease is cured. As a Spring
Medicine it has no equal. For constipa
tion , kidney and liver disease it effects a
permanent cure. A valuable book sent
free. Druggists sell Dr. Kay's Renovator
at 25c and SI , or six for 5 , "but if they do
not have it , do not take any substitute
they may say isjust as good" for it has
no equal. You can get it from us by re
turn mail. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Don't expect a superior police pro
tection unless you keep a pretty cook.
SOAP , exquisitely scented , is soothing and
beneficial. Sold everywhere.
Pigs do not squeal when they are
The Omaha Exposition of 1898
Beats the Centennial Exposition which
occurred In Philadelphia in 1876 away
out of sight and is next to the World's
Fair at Chicago in Importance to the
whole country. All of the States in
the Trans-Mississippi region are inter
ested , and our Eastern friends will en
joy a visit to Omaha during the con
tinuance of the Exposition , from June
to October , inclusive. Buy your ex
cursion tickets- over the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul R'y. An Illustrated
folder descriptive of the Exposition
will be sent you on receipt of 2-cent
stamp for postage. Address Geo. H.
Heafford , General Passenger Agent ,
Chicago , 111.
* .
Complete and Scholarly.
Professor W. E. Dwight , natural his
tory , and curator of museum , Vassar
College : "It is the most complete
scholarly , advanced , and remarkable
book of its kind ever issued. "
See display advertisement of how to
obtain the Standard Dictionary by
making a small payment down , the re
mainder in installments.
Don't think that a self-made man
can't be self-undone.
Dont' try to shoot craps with a shot
Three "Women Believed of Female
Troubles by Mrs. Pinkham.
From Mrs. A. "W. SJIITII , 59 Summer
St. , Biddeforcl , Me. :
" For several years I suffered -with
various diseases peculiar to my sex.
Was troubled with a burning1 sensation
across the small of my back , that all-
gone feeling , was despondent , fretful
and discouraged ; the least exertion
tired me. I tried several doctors but
received little benefit. At last I de
cided to give your Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial. The ef
fect of the first bottle was magical.
Those symptoms of weakness that I
was afflicted with , vanished like vapor
before the sun. I cannot speak too
highly of your valuable remedy. * It is
truly a boon to woman. "
ington , Ind. , to Mrs. Pinkham :
"Before I began takingyour medicine
I had suffered for two years with that
tired feeling , headache , backache , no ap
petite , and a run-down condition of the
system. I could not walk across the
room. I have taken four bottles of the
Vegetable Compound , one box of Liver
Pills and used one package of Sanative
Wash , and now feel like a new woman ,
and am able to do my work. "
From Mrs. MOLLIE E. HERKEL , Pow
ell Station , Tenn. :
weakness of the back , I could not
perform ray household duties. I also
had falling of the womb , terrible bear
ing-down pains and headache. I have
taken two bottles of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound and feel
like a new woman. I recommend your
medicine to every woman I know. "
needs coaxing , not crowding. Dr. Ayer s Pills stand with
out a rival as a reliable medicine for liver complaint. They
cure constipation , and they cure its consequences , piles ,
biliousness , indigestion , sick headache , nausea , coated tongue ,
foul breath , bad taste , palpitation , nervousness , irrita-
b'Mty , and many other maladies that have their root in
constipation. They are a specific for all diseases of the
stomach and bowels , and keep the body in a condition of
sound health.
" I have used Ayer's Pilla for the past thirty years and
consider them an invaluable family medicine. I know of no
better remedy for liver troubles , and have always found
them a prompt cure for dyspepsia. " JAMKS Ql'LNN , 'JO Middle
Street , Hartford , Conn.
Ofl ® ,
Tli ic Qffltvfi 5s PreParcd ° n
1 HlO O lai til scientific princi
ples , by men who have had yesra of
experience In fancy laundering-
restores old linen and summer dresses
KISS CCtUUS WQ COTS STIFF MO ICE to their natural whiteness and imparts
FUST aXHT Ht . a beautiful and lasting finish. The
only starch that is perfectly harmless.
CHE FOUND GT THIS STARCH WILL GO Contains no arsenic , aluin or other injurious
Or ANY OTHER STARCH. jurious substance. Can be used even
C9 for a baby powder.
j It puts on that enamel , glossy finish that is so desira
ji ble. It makes Shirts , Shirt Waibts , Collars and Cuffs
look like new. Keith's Enamel Starch is the most
economical starch made. It will do more work , do it
i with less labor and do it better than any other starch.
If it does not give you entire satisfaction your grocer
will reffind your money. Large package , 1O cents ; small
REMARKABLE W5COYEHY . package , 5 cents. If your grocer does not have it , please
TOR FINE LAU1ORT MOM. send his and address and will send
us name we you an
tOOU. . Manufactured
\Vo make fine SurreyR , Buggies. Phaetons and Road Wagons.i Kl > lal city w r * .
Our goods have been favorably known to the trade for years. I , „ , „ aDj on .
We now Wll direct to the awr at TTholnale Price * . The Bbrewdl jgos Writ llth 8U
buyer prefers to deal with the factory. He geta of us Cne' '
work at lew price than agents ask for loir grade vehicles. We r'llp anywhere ,
subject to examination. WE DEUTKH on board cars Kansas City , Mo. , or Goshcn ,
Ind. . as may cult purchaser. Send for catalogue with prices plainly printed.
ITS FREE. Write today. We cell Fewlng Machines and the eoSIIKS BICICLK as
well. All at Whofetato Prfor * . ILL GOOD. No matter where you live , you are not
too far away to do business with UK and cave money. Addrers.
EiiiiiiiiiftfliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiHuiunii iiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiH
By virtue of the unprecedented
I GREAT POPULAR OFFER ! purchase , in a single order , of '
one hundred thousand (10O-
' " " " " " " " '
000) ) copif-s of this acknowledged -
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' able to purchase It , will eagerly welcome this opportunity to seeuie at reduced price "The :
Greatest Achievement of Modern Times. " j
It is incomparably the greatest , as it is positively tha [ atE
axt , most complete , and most authoritative , new dictionary
in existence. It is every where the standard. H
ENTIRELY . Itis not areprint. rehash
FROM COYER TO COVER. or revision of any other C
work , but is the result of =
the steady Icbor for five years of over twelve tcore of the
matt eminent and authoritative scholsrs and specislistj in
the world. K < , arlylOOof the lending universities , colleges
and scientific institutions of the world wererej > - ° sented
on the editorial staff : 20 United Slates Governmer.'experts
werealsoon the editorial s-taff. Over $960,000 were actually -
\ ually expended in its production before a single complete -
plete copy was ready for the market. Never was any
dictionary welcomed with such great enthusiasm the
world . As the St. '
over. James's Budget , London.dei-lares
"It Is the admiration of Literary England. . . . It should
be the pride of Literary America. " The highest praise
has come from all the great American and British news
papers , reviews , universities and colleges , as well as
: all classes of intelligent men and women everywhere. The regular subscription price of
, , . , . ,
. _ _ _ . _ .
Is 118.00 - > < ii „ > - „ 1 „ 1 u i r.t
| the Standard Dictionary
live volume , elegantly bound in I
: price ef 512.00 , on the following
' terms to responsible people : . .
' The Dictionary will be sent express prepaid on receipt of the Sl.OO cash payment , thereby r
giving purchasers nearly a full year's use of this great work before payment Is mode. E
; Full particulars by mail. Address ,
"CAHCAKETS do all claimed for them
and are a truly wonderful medicine. I nave often
irlshed for a medicine pleasant to take and at lost
Bare found It In Cascareu Since taking them , my
olood has been purified and my complexion has Im
proved wonderfully and I feel much better ID every
wayUna. . SiLLir E. SELLAKS LuttreU.Tnn.
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a lrral , Krw T rt. SB
(0-TO.Rflfi ( Sp' ' < J and guaranteed by alldrng-
JIW" ! W'DftU
gifts to CXJItE Tobacco Habit.
Jr. Kav's RinOVafor. Guaranteed
wit lj 9 iiviiwiatuif to cure dyspep-
; la. constipation , liver and kidney diseases. bil
iousness , headache , etc. At druggists 25c & II.
W. N. U.OMAHA. NO. 24. I89S
tfben Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This racer.
Togelournew Oat-
alogue. Hundred , of
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