J. F. GANSCHOW THE OLD RELIABLE im SHOE DEALER i i -Carries the Largest and Finest stock of seasonable goods iri the l Boot and Shoe line to be found in Southwestern Nebraska. . F. GANSCHOW McCOOK , NEBRASKA. SPRBMQ SUIT Made to Order for $12.50 ; look iieat , lit well , nicely made and g'ood wearers. Ready Made Suitsfor less j money ; guar anteed all wool and to give extra - tra good satis- faction. Suits for Boys , big- and little , L tP3.5O , and upward. Two pairs shrot pants , $1.25 , Full liue of Furnishing- Goods everything- man wants to wear. FOR THE LADIES Stylish Tailor Made Suit ? , Skirts , Waists , [ Jackets and Capes. Also Mackintoshes , Undervests and f Hosiery. _ _ _ _ „ All Goods sold subject to Examination and Approval before taking. I. T. BENJAMIN.yUj -yUj iy-JVI ATk. ATk."w "wi Chase Co- , Land and ive Stock Cs. Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. O. address Imperial Chase county , aucl Beat krice. Nebraska. Range. iStinkinp Water and the [ Frenchman creeks , in Chnse county. Nebraska. I Brand as cut onstdoof I some animals , onliip and i sides of some , or any where on the animal FRANCIS E. DIVINE. CANCER BOCTOK , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. fffL guarantee a cure. No cure , no pay. Write me at above address , or call at my home in Coleman precinct. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant. Quick Results. Safe to take. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn . $ .20 Wheat . 85 Oats . 20 Rye . 30 Barley . 20 Hogs . 3.65 Eggs . : . 08 Butter . 10 Potatoes . 90 Strawberries . 12 J4 S. JI. Gear3' , Piersou , Mich. , writes : "DeXVitt's Witch Hazel Salve , is curing more piles here today than all other rem edies combined. It cures eczema and all other skiu diseases. " A. McMillen. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. S.E.Parker , Sharon , Wis. , writes : "I have tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for itching piles and it always stops them in two minutes I consider De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve the greatest pile cure on the market. " A. McMillen. Chamberlain's Pain Balm has no equal as a household liniment. It is the best remedy known for rheumatism , lame back , neuralgia ; while for sprains , cuts , bruises , burns ? scalds and sore throat , is invaluable. Wertz & Pike , merchants , Fernandina , Fla. , write : "Everyone who buys a bottle of Chamberlain's Remedies.Jcomes back and says it is the best medicine he has ever used. " 25 and 50 cents per bottle at McConnell's drug store. ' THE TRIBUNE and The New-York Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad vance. The human machine starts but once and stops but once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles THE TRIBUNE and The Chicago Inter- Ocean for$1.35 ayear , strictly in advance. MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS All Kinds , Sizes and Prices. V V V A. G. DOLE , Agent. McCook , Neb. ALSO MUTUAL INSURANCE. . . FARM , STOCK. AND MERCANTILE In the German Mutual , Omaha ; Mercantile Mu tual , Lincoln ; Fanners-Mutual , Lincoln. LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH. PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS AND AI.L SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL 1'OINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- cage , and all points south and east 6:15 A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Hast ings 11:00 P.M. No. 6. Chicago Flyer 4:40 P. si. No.l48. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. M , No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastings 6:30 A. SI , No. So. Freight , daily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:27 A. M. No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:00 A. si. No. 5- Local Express , daily , ar rives at 8:05 P. M. MOUNTAIN TISIE. No.I. . Denver Flyer 6:20 A. si. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.TJtah and California , 11:40 P.M. No. 149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediatesta- tions 6:45 A. SI. No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wrayand Akron 1150 P. si. No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonBen- kelman , Haigler , Wrayand Akron 4:30 p. si. No.i75- Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 6:38 A. si. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write A. P.Thomson , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha. Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Joe Culbertson was up from Holdrege , Sunday. Brakemaii P. A. Perry is up from Reel Cloud temporarily. Harry Isbell spent Sunday and Mon day with Red Cloud friends. Brakernan G. W. Burnett made a fly ing trip to Cambridge , Monday. Engineer J. E. Sanborn is spending a week up on the farm near Haigler. Brakernan B. C. nonpleasure has gone to Red Oak , Iowa , on a short business trip. RoadmasterTom Wilburu was up from Red Cloud , Thursday on business of his office. D. A. fiowen came up from Hastings , Sunday , to attend the funeral of C. H. McCarl. The bridge gang has been raising the bridge over the Arickaree near Haigler about two feet. John Roxby went down to his farm near Arapahoe , last Saturday evening , on a short visit. Brakernan J. F. Custer and wife are visiting down in Missouri , starting on Tuesday morning. Trainmaster Web Josselyn was up from Orleans Monday evening , on busi ness of his branch. Mrs. J. F. Custer and the children went down to Blue Springs , Monday morning , on a visit. Auditor W. P. Foreman and Route Agent C. S. Pettit were at headquarters , Tuesday , checking up the boys. Conductor C. W. Bronson and Brakeman - man F. S. Currie took in the exposition opening between trains , Sunday. The late lamented C. H. McCarl car ried $2,700 of insurance $1,500 in the relief and $1,200 in the B. of R. T. Conductor Herman Brown and wife were up from Hastings to attend the funeral of C. H. McCarl , Sunday after noon. Assistant Supt. D. F. McFarland was down from Holyoke , Wednesday , on business of his branch at division head quarters. Auditor Sampson , who succeeds Au ditor Brant , was at Western division headquarters , last Saturday , checking up the boys. Mrs. H. Thomas , mother of Mrs. G. W. Burnett , is here from Oberlin , and will , we undrstand , make her home here in the future. W. J. Purvis has been having quite a painful and serious time with blood- poisoning , this week , but is better and getting on as well as can be expected. . Auditor Brant has resigned from the Burlington service and is now in the em ploy of the Anheuser-Busch people at a large salary and with liberal allow ances. Mrs. Dr. A.Townseud is at Cook , Neb. , for a several weeks' visit with her par ents. The Dr. accompanied her , but returned " turned the first of the week. . . . . Geo. Monks of McCook , is filling the position in the round house here formerly held by Clarence Denton , who is now at Oberlin , Kansas It is quite proba ble that Chas. F. Lee of this place and Saul Muraii of St. Francis will exchange situations soon. Mr. Lee will go over to St. Francis some time this week to get acquainted with his new work and see how he would like the change. Mr. Muran , a number of years ago , was an employe under Foreman Burton at this place. Oxford Standard. "As We go Marching to Victory. " Uncle Sam has roused himself from lethargy and peace ' j To make the Isle of Cuba free , and cruel op pression cease ; I The Yankee guns will boom along , 'till Cuba ' gets release , As we go marching to victoiy. CHORUSSr- Hurrah ! hurrah ! we'll not forget the Maine , Hurrah ! hurrah ! we'll whack it to old Spain , We'll fight our battles bravely while we shout the same refrain , As we go marching to victory. The Stars and Stripes now proudly wave o'er islands far away Where Spanish dons for years and years held undisputed sway , But Dewey lell upon their fleet in sweet Ma nila bay , As he go marching to victory. CHORUS : Hosts of men are leaving home and old fa miliar scenes To aid the gallant Dewey now to hold the Phillipines ; That's what makes the Union Jack observe the Eagle's scream , As we go marching to victory- CHORUS : Old Glory is the greatest flag , the proudest in the world , And now upon the ocean's crest the banner is unfurled ; Castilian blood and royalty from reigning will b = hurled , As we go marching to victory. CHORUS : Mrs C. E.Pope spent the early days of the week in Lincoln. H. F. Toniblin and wife of Imperial were the guests of their daughter , Mrs. J.F.Forbes , part of the week. Dr. Beebe of Chicago , who has been relieving Dr. Waters , left for Chicago , Wednesday fevening. . Dr. Waters ar rived home last night on No. 3. Mrs.A.Herstrom and Mrs.M.Herstroui mother and sister-in-law of airs.H.at. Dixon , arrived from Denver , Tuesday afternoon on 6. airs.at.Herstrom has gone on to Omaha , to see the exposition and will return and visit here later. Mrs.A.Herstroui will also see the expo sition before returning to Denver. James I. Lee was "held up , " Wednes day night , on his way home from the round-house , where he had been putting in some "overtime , " by a gang of foot pads. All that saved his coin and per haps his life was the vociferousness with which he raised up his magnificent bass voice in supplication for assistance. Jim's vocal powers are of the first-class- raise-the-dead sort , and finally caused the dispersion of his assailants. You can get a good Screen Door for-l , including hinges etc. , at Bui- lard's. Lilian Bell and the Czar. "Kodaks" are not permitted within sight of the Czar of Russia , and he is considered the most difficult man in all Europe to photograph. Lilian Bell , who is in Russia for The Ladies' Home Journal , persuaded the Russian" officials to allow her to be an exception to the rule , and she succeeded in photograph ing the Czar so close that the Russian monarch jumped at the click of the but ton. Miss Bell will tell how she got her photograph , in the next issue of the Journal. Accomplishes Wonders. The coat may not make the man , but a coat of paint will accomplish wonders toward improving the appearance of private dwellings and business-houses and thus of the entire city. John Esker- son does the most artistic work at the most reasonable prices. Shop in the old U. S. land office. Facts to Remember. The postoffice lobby opens at 6:30 in the morning. The general delivery at 8 o'clock. Money order window closes at 5:30. : Postoffice 317:30. General de livery open Sundays from 12 to r. Tablets and Box Papers. You will find a fine line of tablets and box papers at this office for sale at very reasonable figures and of the best qual- ity. = = = = = = THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. Guaranteed Mixed Paint atMcMillen's Drug Store. Go to Luclwick's SecondHand ond-Hand Store for tinwork and repairing ingof gasoline stoves and sewing machines. The BEST Paint to buy is the SHEBWEST- WILMAMS Co.'s. It goes farther , lasts longer , and gives bet ter satisfaction than other paints. We have ail kinds and colors and for all purposes. LW.McConnel&Co. ! ' ' Now is the Time to Buy Them. m We are Offering Our Large Line of Summer Dress Goods at Very Low Prices BARGAINS IN Ladies5 Soils Dress Skirts Shirt Waists Give us a call 'and l > o convinced that you can save money l > y trading' with us. P * Get our Prices on Men's , Boys'and Ghilgj dren's Clothing , Shoes , Hats , etc. Grocery Stock as ever Fresh and ggp Complete at Lowest Prices. ar ? AT THE . . . $ f fs H 5 * C" * j yx/i N1 S ' & + > N A.TI O M A. K NlW rv7 / v ! A/ % < ws > v W rf 1 2 S5I ooo m Authorized Capital , $100,090. Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO ooo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. fe2 f V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. CASHIER. f * t # * * CITIZENS BANK # ? * fr na # OF McCOOK , NEB. > & Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5000 DIRECTORS TJ f V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , * / / . T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD.