i'Uit BOYS AND GHIIS. SOME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS. ISoclthno. ' Throe lltllc girls arc wcnry Weary of books and of play ; Bad is the world und dreary Slowly the time sllpa nway. Six llttlo feet arc uchlnjr. Ho wed IB each little head ; Yet they are up and Hhaklnjr When there Is mention of bed. Bravely they laugh and chatter , Just for a minute or two. Then , when they end their clatter , Sleep comes quickly to woo. Slowly their eyea are closing. Down asaln drops every head- Three little maids are dozing. Though they're not ready fbr bed. That Is their method ever- Night after night they protest , Claiming they're aleepy never Never in need of their rest. Nodding and almost dreaming. ' Drowsily each little head < t Still is forever scheming > # Merely to keep out of bed. ; " ' * < i * < f\ 'Tor Valor. " There never was an eight-year-old toy who found so many things to be &fraid of as Allan Brent. His brothers and sisters laughed at him , his father gravely shook his head , and oven his mother called him a dear little coward ; but though he was ashamed of him self and often determined to be brave , his fears always proved stronger than his resolutions. There really seemed no help for it till one afternoon when his father sent him with a message to his uncle. Professor Brent. While the professor wrote a note in reply , Allan's attention was attracted by a small object on the library table. Jt was a Maltese cross of bronze at tached to a faded red ribbon. On the cross was a crown and a lion , and be neath these a scroll , on which were some letters. Allan was trying to make them out , when his uncle looked over his shoulder and asked , "Can you read it ? " "For V-a-1-o-r , " spelled Allan. "Yes , for valor , " said the professor. "Do you know what that means ? " "To be brave ? " "Yes ; coUrage ; bravery ; and this modal is what is called a Victoria cross ; you can see the V just below the clasp. "It oncp happened during a war in India , when a town held by the Eng lish was besieged , that one of their ammunition-wagons exploded. They had but a scanty store at bast , and ; here was great danger that the flames He walked down the steps very slow ly ; a battle had begun Inside of him ; for to reach this door It was necessary to go through a certain gate behind which lived a great dog , of whom ho was terribly afraid. He glanced at the windows , but no one was In sight. That poor baby mamma had said It was very sick. He went to the gate and looked through yes , there on the porch he could see Dion's brown coat ; then something eeemed to whisper , "For valor , " and the thought that he must not be un worthy of his name gave him sudden courage. He softly pushed the gate open and made a dash for the kitchen door , which he thought offered he best chance of escape from the dog. "For the land's sake ! " cried Patsy the cook , as the door flew open and a small , frightened boy tumbled in. It happened that Miss Janet , the doc tor's sister , was there giving some or ders , and it was she who soothed his excitement and after sending off the doctor , made him rest a few minutes in her sitting-room. "Were you so frightened about the baby ? " she asked. Miss Janet was a friend of Allan's and moreover was the sort of person to whom you flnd it easy to tell things , so he confessed how afraid he was of the dog , but how he had tried to be brave. . She looked rather puzzled as she patted the plump hand. "I am glad you tried to be brave , " she said , "but I don't know how you could have seen a dog on the porch , for Dion went to the country last week. " Allan was so certain that they went to the side door to look , and when ho peeped cautiously out , there was Dr. Marvin's big bearskin rug thrown down to air. Allan's face grew very red and his eyes filled with tears after all he hsd not been brave ! Miss Janet wouldn't let him run away as he wanted to do , but kept him and comforted him , and finally heard all about the Victoria Cross. "You were brave in spite of the fun ny mistake , " she said , "and you will have another opportunity some time , so don't be discouraged. " Allan went home feeling a little con soled , though .still rather grieved. Miss Janet knew the professor very well , and from her he had the story. The result was that he went to see his little nephew a few days later. "I have a favor to ask of you , " he said. "I am going away for several LOOK PLEASANT , CARLO. Look pleasant , Carlo , hurry up ! Begin right off this minute. Think 'bout bones an' an' oh , yes ! A hole with a woodchuck in it. Sit up real straight an' fold your ears. There' that will do , I think , sir. Now , if a fly lights on your eye. Oh , don't you dare to wink , sir ! An' 'member , too , you mustn't breathe , Now ready , one , two , oh , dear me ! would spread to the other wagons , and to make matters worse , the enemy turned their guns against the spot to keep any one from approaching. "The lives of helpless women and children depended on that ammunition , and yet it seemed as though nothing could be done to save it , when a young officer with splendid courage dashed forward , and while the shot from six canaon fell around him , he tore apart the burning mass and extinguished the fire by throwing earth and water. X Strange to tell , he was not even wound ed. "For this heroic deed he was given the Victoria cross , which is presented to English soldiers and seamen who perform some act of valor in the pres ence of the enemy. "That" young officer was my uncle , and would be your great-uncle if he were living , and his name , like yours and mine , was Allan Brent. When he died , the cross was left to me , his namesake , and I count it one of my treasures. Don't you think you and I should be proud of our name and try to be worthy of it ? " His uncle was called away for a mo ment and while he was gone Allan held the cross in his hand , whispering under his breath , "For valor , " his heart beat ing fast at the thought of the wonder ful courage of this other Allan Brent. He thought about it all the evening , wondering if he could ever do anything brave. As he came in the gate from school the next day , his mother called to him , "Allan , run as fast as you can to Doc tor Marvin's and ask him to come ate o ce to Mrs. Brown's. The baby is \ very ill. I saw the doctor drive past a few minutes ago , so I am sure he is at home. " Allan put his schoolbag on the step rind .ran off , but when he reached the house , which was only half a block away , he found a card tacked over the bell , which said , "Go to side door. " You've winked an' breathed an * all un- posed. I never shall get as far as three ! Look pleasant , Carlo , hurry up ! I'll beg a chicken-bone from cook I'll play with you , or anything , Look pleasant one , two , three you're took ! A. H. D. in Youths' Companion. weeks , and I want you to take care of the Victoria Cross for me. ' Allan's face glowed with pleasure. "You see , " the professor continued , I think you were truly brave the other day. It is a very common experience that the things we are afraid of turn out to be quite harmless , so I want you to keep on trying , and perhaps the cross will help you to remember. " Allan was very happy ; he held it for a long time in his hand and then put it away among his own treasures. When he went to bed that night lie said , "You need not stay with me. mamma , I am not going to be afraid of the dark any more. " "Very well , dear , I am glad to hear it , " she answered , a good deal surpris ed , and turning out the light she left him. Going back some fifteen minutes lat er she found him asleep , but as nhe bent over him to draw up the cover hs stirred a little and murmured drowsily "For Valor. " Mary Leonard in Youths' Companion. Knconrago Confidence. It will hardly be possible for parents to govern their children aright if the mother and father dispute in their presence as to the parents' mode of government. When a child voluntari ly confesses a fault and exhibits con trition , it should not "be scolded or at the time reproved in any way what ever. At such a moment a child"s heart is peculiarly tender and sensi tive ; and if its confession be met with harshness , rebuke or punishment , the child will smart under a sense of injus tice , it will lose faith in its parents' kindness , affection and goodness of heart it will be afraid to confess its faults thereafter , its heart will be sealed up , and the child will become deceitful , instead of continuing to be frank , honest and confiding. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS EXPANSION OF FOREIGN TRADE UNDER THE DINGLEY LAW. Net Gain from 1897 In the Eces of Exports Over Imports Amounting to 8107,178,280 in the Fast Eight Months und a Trade Balance of 8410,001,105. A continued gain In the foreign trade of the United States goes forward un der the Dingley law. The gain is whol ly in what we , sell and not what we buy. This fact is totally destructive of the theory that the policy of protection is not compatible with the maintenance of trade with the outside world. For the past seven months the free trade writers have been insisting that such a condition could not last , but the treas ury department reports for February show the contrary. They show a hea vy increase in our exports and also a heavy decrease in our imports. For the month of February , 1898 , the exports of merchandise amounted to 594,981,017 , as compared with $79,821- 086 for February , 1897 , being a gain of $15,159,931. Imports for February , 1898 , were $53,082,117 , a decrease of over $6- 000,000 as compared with February , 1897 , and leaving an excess of exports for the month of $41,898,900 , against an excess amounting to $20,583,709 for February of last year. For the eight months ending Febru ary , 1898 seven full months and a fraction of the eighth month being the period of the operation of the Dingley law the total exports of merchandise were $813,370,071 , against $734,998,213 for the same period a year ago , a gain of $78,371,858 for the Dingley law pe riod. For the same period the imports were $393.708,966 , against $422,515,394 , being a decrease of $28,800,428 in the gross volume of imports. The excess of exports over imports for the eight months is $419,661,105 , as compared with an excess of $312,482,819 for the eight mouths ending with February , 1S97. The net gain in the excess of ex ports over imports during the eight months of the Dingley law period as contrasted with the corresponding pe riod a year ago amounts to $107,178,286. Otherwise stated , the Dingley law has in less than eight months swelled our trade balance to $419,661,105 , and has scored a gain of $107,178,286 over the trade balance of the equivalent eight months of the Wilson-Gorman law pe riod of the preceding fiscal year. No other country can produce such a showing as that made by the United States under the policy of protection intelligently applied. Free trade Eng land presents a striking contrast in this respect. Returns for January , 1898 , published in the latest issue of the London Chamber of Commerce Journal , show that during that month British imports have increased $704- 116 as compared with January , 1897 , while for $6,000.000."A produce and manufactures have fallen off $2,774,160 as compared with the same month a year ago. The excess of imports over exports for January , 1898 , amounted to $103,425,435 , or at the rate of over $1,200,000,000 for the year. Trade returns of Austria-Hungary for the year 1897 show an increase in imports of 54,545,553 florins , while the exports have decreased 627,607 florins , as compared with 1S96. A similar story is told by France for the month of January , the increase of imports amounting to 13,199.000 francs , while the exports fell off 1,840- 000 francs. Germany makes the best showing of any European nation , but still far from equal to that of the United States. For the year 1897 Germany's imports , in cluding precious metals , were in value $1,208,222,000 , an increase of $68,735,000 over 1896 , and her exports were $947- 032,000 being $13,577,250 more than in 1896.No No country enjoys the peculiar com mercial advantage possessed by the United States that of exporting in eight months $813,370,071 of her sur plus products , while importing but $393,708,966 of the products of other na tions. Such is the record made by the United States tinder the Dingley tariff. FREE TRADE AND TRUSTS. Monopolistic Combines Flourish luxuri antly in England. Recent developments in the world of capital would seem to demonstrate that trusts and combines do not flourish ex clusively in countries where protection abides , but that they make very good headway under conditions of absolute free trade. From the New York Journal of Commerce , of March 4 , a prominent anti-protection journal , we learn that : "Following the recent announcement noted in these columns of the organi sation of a flax thread trust in Great Britain , to include the four principal spinners , who control , it is said , four- flfths of the trade , comes a repcsrt that promoters are uo-v endeavoring to con solidate Hie spinners of fine flax yarns in the North of Ireland , the center of the manufacture of table and handker chief and other linens. Advices from England state that a company with 4,000,000 is now proposed. A move ment is also said to be on foot in Dun dee , Scotland , to form a 2,000,000 company to control the jute spinning trade of that city. There appears to be a general impression in local thread circles that the new enterprise will be put through. The stock of the new concern is to be publicly cffered.wherc- as in the case of the flax thread trust it was held among the constituent com panies. "Still another combination is reporr- ed. This is intended to include the spinners of fine Sea Island and Egyp tian cotton in Lancashire and the south of England. The capital will , it is said , be $6,000.000. "A London cable dispatch yesterday stated that twenty-six dyeing firms In the Bradford district have arranged a combination representing a capital of $40,000,000. It is a well established fact that un der the partial free trade regime of 1893-1899 In the United States , trusts multiplied rapidly and received the encouragement and impetus which have carried them along swimmingly ever since. But it appears that under free trade In the "altogether , " as they have It in the United Kingdom , mon opolies fatten and thrive at an amaz ing rate. The list presented above aggregates $76,000.000 of capital concentrated for purposes to control in a few lines of textile industry in Great Britain. There is manifestly something wrong with the favorite Cobdenite contention that protection is your only breeder of trusts. At the present rate of demolition the time honored assortment of free trade arguments and maxims will soon bs wholly wiped out. One by one they are being relegated to the limbo of "in nocuous desuetude. " They "Would If They Conld. "The organs are now busy showing that the Dingley bill has taken $17,000- 000 more from the people in seven months than the Wilson bill did in a like time. Would it not be better to the country if they were able to show that much less spent by congress ? People ple do not generally hanker for" greater taxation ; they would prefer less ex pense in hard times. " Milwaukee Journal. Thus the expected happens. Nothing could be more certain than that the free-trade acrobats would execute pre cisely this kind of a flipflop. Previous to the February report the Dingley tariff was condemned for its failure to produce a revenue equal to government expenditures ; but now that the return of something like normal conditions shows the law to be a good revenue producer , behold , the Dingley tariff is roasted because it has yielded in seven months $17,000,000 more than the Wil son law yielded in a corresponding pe riod of time. Let the present law continue to pro duce surpluses for the next six months and every free-trade flipflopper in the land will be worrying about too much revenue , "excessive taxation , " etc. Meanwhile we can all take comfort from the reflection that the Dingley law will keep right on producing rev enue , defending American labor and in dustries , and promoting American prosperity. Not all the free-traders who ever howled and flipflopped can prevent that agreeable consummation. They would if they could , but they can't. A Stumbling Block. They AVill Not See. The calamity-howlers and those who will not see improved conditions in the business of the country shut their eyes and say nothing about the advance of wages in the iron mines , the coal mines , the glass works , the iron works , the pottery works and the railroads throughout the United States. The men who delight to see some thing wrong in the business of the country for the selfish purpose of se curing arguments to advance their po litical chances will not acknowledge that the bank clearings of the week when Jones , Towne and Butler issued their wails of woe in addresses to the people of the country were 60 per cent greater than those of the corresponding week of the preceding year under the administration of the party which they are now asking the people of the Unit ed States to return to power. The bank clearings of the United States for the week ending Feb. 19 were $1,524- 588,524 , against $955,135,768 in the cor responding week of last year , while the number of people employed in the United States has vastly increased meantime , and the wages paid have in thousands of cases been advanced. Buffalo News. Trusts and the TiirilT. The newspapers are commenting on the failure of the Great Salt Union , a British trust , which was boomed a. first by enormous dividends , but which has now ceased to be a profitable con cern , owing to the unfortunate trading with the United States and India. The Commercial Advertiser of New York takes advantage of the occasion to hit "American free traders" a diff by ask ing how a union , trust , or pool of any sort can exist where there is no pro tective tariff. As a matter of course , there are a few free traders who seem to believe that a Irish tariff breeds trusts , but a high tariff , a low tariff , or no tariff has nothing whatever to do with the crea tion of trusts. There are dozens of trusts in England , where free trade prevails ; there are a number in the United States , where the Dingley law is now operating. The tariff has no influence or effect on them one way or another. Atlanta Constitution ( free trade ) . NO NEED OF FOREIGN WOOLS. Known Kind of Shcop Can Be Duplicated In Texas. Since the Wool Record called atten tion to the advantages enjoyed by Tex as , in comparison with Australia , for sheep industry , Interest in this In dustry In Texas seems to have In creased. Importn of wool from Australia have averaged about 62,500,000 pounds dur ing past four years. Last year these imports were exceptionally large by reason of the efforts , by European wool interests , to anticipate the change in the tariff , and the imports were also large in 1895. Under nominal condi tions , however , it is unlikely that the average imports would exceed 50,000- 000 pounds. Last year Texas produced 17,315,097 pounds of wool of comparatively fine quality. Montana last year produced 20,110,391 pounds and Oregon 18,440,850 pounds. This makes a total of 55,866- 338 pounds , or more than the normal average of imports from Australia. The quality of the Texas and Montana wools has been greatly impaired with in the past few years. The greatest progress in th's direction has , however , been made in Texas. Not only has the quality been improved by the introduc tion of merino blood , but the average clip per sheep has increased. Texas has a vast area ; it is well wat ered with rivers , the climate is well adapted to sheep husbandry , the tem perature is even and the pasturage is abundant during the whole year. As respects all the essential requirements for sheap raising Texas is certainly equal if not superior to Australia. All that seems to be needed for the en couragement of Texas wool growers is continued protection and the proper presentation of her advantages as a sheep raising state. The flocks of the state are uow en tirely composed of fine wooled sheep , affording a basis of improvement in the grade of the staple. The area is be yond all question ample for expansion , and it is doubtless true , as the Wool Record asserts , that there is no kind of sheep or class of wool in the world that can not be successfully duplicat ed or improved upon In the United States , and particularly in Texas. The wool industry of Texas should bs encouraged in every way possible , and with the protection afforded by the Dingley tariff there is no reason why the Australian imports of wool should not be materially reduced from this time forward , and Texas wool be largely substituted for the foreign product. . The Cotton Industry. In response to a demand for reliable information regarding the conditions recently prevailing in the cotton man ufacturing industry , the American Economist has engaged as a special commissioner to investigate and report upon this question Mr. E. G. Pipp , ed itor and proprietor of the Chronicle , Burlingame , Kan. Mr. Pipp has given much attention to economic questions , and is a forcible and fluent writer. His investigations will embrace the condi tions pertaining to the industry in New England and in the southern states , and his facilities for obtaining reliable and valuable information will be such as to attach to his reports an excep tional degree of importance and in terest. Mr. Pipp came into prominence in December , 1897t through a series of articles contributed by him to the Topeka - peka Daily Capital , as the special rep resentative of that paper. These ar ticles , descriptive of the iron and coal industries of the eastern states , attract ed attention by reason alike of their matter and their manner , and stamped the writer as a man of exceptional pow ers of observation and description. It is expected that Mr. Pipp's contribu tions on the subject of the cotton in dustry will begin in the Economist the second week in April and cover a pe riod of about tea weeks. War and the Wilson 15111. The sharp declines in stock values since the Cuban imbroglio began has been remarked. But it is interesting to compare the prices of prominent stocks now with prices prevailing when the Wilson bill was furnishing the pros perity for the country. Yesterday Bur lington railroad shares sold at 93. In 1896 the same stock sold for 53. In 1892 , before the Wilson bill , Burling ton sold for 110. Note how much more destructive some things may be than a fear of war. Panhandle sold yesterday for 43. In 1896 it had fallen to 11. Canadian Pacific sold in 1S95 for 33 , and was quoted yesterday at 80. Chesa peake and Ohio in two years has jump ed from 11 to 19 ; Illinois Central from 81 to 100 ; Lake Shore from 134 to 190 ; Louisville and Nashville from 37 to 51 ; St. Paul from 59 to 91 ; Rock Island from 49 to 85 ; Sugar from 95 to 126 , and Pennsylvania from 48 % in 1S95 to 57 Jyesterday. . War is a terrible calamity. But in its destructive influences it must be come infinitely worse than the shadow that it is so far , or it is not to be com pared with such a disaster as the finan cial panic and the ruin of values that came with the Wilson bill. Pittsburg Times. Predictions Justified. Two years ago , in January , the best Ohio wool was selling in the Cleveland market at 16 and 17 cents a pound. To day the same wool is quoted at 25 and 26 cents a pounds , the increase being 9 cents a pound , or almost 53 per cent. The Dingley law is justifying the pre dictions of its framers in nearly all re spects , and during the coming summer its success as a revenue measure is likely to be demonstrated in such a way as to insure sweeping success for ths Republican party at the congressional elbctic-as next fall. Cleveland Leader. Uncle Sam Says : This Is America's Greatest Spring Medicine. Take it Now to Sharpen Your Appetite , Vitalize Your Blood. To Overcome ThatTired Feeling. Go to your druggist and get a. bottle of Hood's Sarsapanlla and be gin to take it today , and realize at once the great good it is sure to do you. Is America's Greatest Spring Medicine. Incomprehensible. | She Why did you insist on such a short engagement , hubby ? He There were financial interests involved that you would not under stand , my dear. Cardinal Gibbons , in hi = j recent speech before tl.6 New Orleans Press Club said if he were to give any nd- vise to a public man , the most valuable hecould offer would be "Aiwnvs bo frank with the reporters of reputable papers. . / An Editor Say. Tha editor of the Riverton. la. , Inda- paadcnt write"I am iu-Iecd p.eased to ay that your mecicines are the be t I IT.VC over tried for stomach troubles or.o of the mobt horrible diseases ilebh is heir to. I had been aillicted with the trouble for four years or more in au aggravated form , and during the ! ast two years , not- wthstanHug 1 had treatment from noted physicians from diffci out localities , I kept geating worse and w rne. until life bccania almost unendurable and in reality a tor ture. Luckily. I was induced to try Dr. Kay's Innovator. After using a Lalf tlo/eu package , I am actually feeling like a new person. I believe sml'ering human ity can bs beuefltted thereby , 1 willingly scatter the good tidingAgain. . I say , I balievo your remedies for -btooiarh troubles" are the best ever put on the market. " "Stomach Trouble' ' can be cured by Dr. Kay's Renovator when all other remedies fail. It renovates and removes the cause and _ the disease is cured. As a Spring Medicine it hano equal. For constipa tion , liver and kidney dueaso it effects a poriuanent cure. A valuable book sent tree. Druggists sell Dr. Kay's Renovator at 2.jc. and $1 , or six for ? . " > , but if they do not have it , do not take any substitute they may say is "ju t ns good" for it has no equal. You can get it from us bv re turn mail. Dr. E. J. Kay : . ! edical"Co. , Omaha , 2 Congressman Dolliver of Iowa went from the state university of West Vir ginia into a brick yard. Saving his money , he soon had enough to go to Iowa , where he opened up a law office. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of UlftUU ezni It takes the place of coffee fee at1 the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishin and health- Insist that yemr crocer circs you GR AIX-O. Accept no imitation. 9v4 ? fc-7 2 ? VSi Keeps both rid rand siJJe ! per- tcctlydrvin the hardest storns. MibM trt.-s USJisappr Ask -I-i 'sBrjnJPoirmei l ' it 'U. V V ! i "asps. Komi for boolf of testimonial * ami 1O iliy * trv.itiueut i'ree. i/r. H.y.CKKiVasms. iii nia.ta. ! MA30N. FENWICK & LAWRENCE. Wah imctun. I ) , r. bcnil for t. t > annlvcrssrj wurk S. Hihe ! rrerr'n e > .