The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1898, Image 8

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7 , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts ,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTCRIA , " the same
that has borne and does now . r * on every
lear the foe-simile signature of ( Zz&yf/4Mc4M wrapper.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind-you have always bought p , / & . * % ? * * on e
and has the signature of Cfra&yfcMc4 i wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
March 8,1897.
8,1897.Do Not Be Deceived.
, Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The End You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The End That Never Failed You.
, , .
Perfection is the i jf our long
are the product of mechanical ingenuity.
Monarch Ghainless $100,00
Send for 1898 Catalogue.
Agents wanted in open territory.
Lake , Halsted and Fulton Streets , Chicago.
Branches-New York , London and Hamburg.
Send ton a-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards Illustrating
Lllllon Ruasoll , Tom Cooper , Lee Richardson , and Walter Jones.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
S. S. ASHION. Trcs. T. E. JfcDONALD , Cash.
A General Banking Business
5 ? Aiiy business you may wsh : to
transact \vithTiiK McCooK I'KIIJUNK
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orduis
taken foradveitisementsand job-work.
JSTvAgent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Kear of First National bank.
AH dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo
the "Bee Hive.-
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
Plumber and
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
0. L EVERIST & CO. ,
McCook Transfer Line
nly furniture vau in the
city. Office one block north of
Barnett Lumber Yard. Leave or
ders for bus calls at Commercial
hotel ; ordei s for drayiug at Ev-
eeist , Marsh & Co.'s meat market.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That Is what it was made for.
* Proceedings.
. nv
McCook , Neb. , April II , 1898.
Board of county commissioners. . ; ! pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , .Stephen Holies ,
Jas A. Kol'inson and Henry Crablrec , com
missioners , and K. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of la t meeting read and approved.
On motion the following appointments wtir
made : W. G. Hijjby , overseer roail distiict
No. 30. to fill vacancy ; S. O. liongiaml , over-
'seer road district'No. 31 , to fill vadincy.
The following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved : C. A. Hedc , over
seer load diiitiict No i ; S.O. Ilongland , over
seer road district No. 31.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed , and clerk directed to draw wai rants
on county fund , levy 1897 , in payment
thereof , viz :
Lillian M. Wclborn , salary 1st qr $213 50
J. C. Oakley , bd and care p > upci > 48 36
C. Aimstntng , mdse for pauper io 80
11.1'adc & Son , coffin for pauper 20 oo
C. H. Meeker , rent for court house 50 oo
And 011 county road fund , levy 1897 , as fol-
low.s :
S J. Jones , road tax refunded S 3 So
A. Z. Jones , same , 4 93
On motion board adjourned to meet April
Attest : k. A. GKKKN , County /Jlcrk.
McCook , Neb. , April 12 , 1898.
Board of county coinmissiont-rs met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Holies ,
Jas. A. Robinson , and Henry Crnblree , com-
missioneis , ami R. .A. Grem , cpunty clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and appioved.
Resignation of Samuel Hastain , justice of
the peace for Beaver precinct , read and on
motion accepted On motion \V C. Sh ickley
was appointed justice of the peace for Hea
ver precinct to fill vacancy.
The following official bond examined and
on motion approved : W. C. Shockley. justice
of the peace for Heaver precinct.
On motion clerk was directed to correct er
roneous entiy in the assessment for p. rsonal
tax of Haive Lord and also ofVm. . Uc-rlings
for the year 1894.
The following report of the county superin
tendent read and approved :
"Amount received fiom L. A. Carnahan ,
ex-county superintendent 5 9.76
Amount received forceitificatesand ex
amination n .00
Total 520 76
On motion consent road No. 327 was estab
lished as follows : Commencing at east end
of Short street of the town of Danbury and
extending east to section line between sec
tions 19 and 20 , Town. I , Range 27 ; said road
to be 60 feet wide , .same uidth as Short street ,
and clerk directed to notify oveiseer > of high
ways to open said road.
The following claims wcie l on
motion allowed , and clerk diiected to draw
wai rants on county general fund , levy 1897 , in
payment thereof as follows :
A. P. Welles , county doctor 45 oo
R. A. Gieen , county clerk , mailing as
sessors' books 57 5 °
F. D. Burgess , icpairs on shackles I 50
Frank Neel , jailer 61 50
T. 11. Flood & Co. , law digest 5 00
State Journal Co. , supplies 133 70
R. A. Green , county clerk , postage , etc ,
for county officers.- 13 6. ]
W. C. Bullaul & Co. , coal 13 oo
1L W. Keyes. salary 200 oo
J K. Neel , board and washing Kd. Lor-
mz 22 75
And on county bridge fund as follows :
Jas. Bergin , bridge work ? 3 ° °
Tom Gorman , same 45 °
W. M. Bergin , same I 50
W. C. Bullard & Co , lumber 55 69
Barnett Lumber Coblidge material. . . 15 12
On motion board adjourned to meet April
I3th , 1898.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Cleik.
McCook , Neb. , April 13 , 1898.
Board of commissioners met pursuant to ad
journment. Present. Stephen Holies , Jas. A.
Robinson and Henry Crabtree , commission
ers , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved.
On * motion petition of McDonald Bennett
et al. asking for public road was rejected.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on
county general fund , levy 1897 , in payment
thereof as follows :
F. M. Kimmell , supplies 325 30
J. A. Gunn , medical services 50 oo
G. C. Boatman , C. D. C. , fees insanity
case Viola Stilgebouer : 6 35
J. R. Neel , sheriff , same 40 86
\V. V. Gage , M. D. , same. . . : 8 oo
J. E. Kelley , attorney , same 3 oo
Jas. Robinson , services as commissioner 25 io
Henry Crabtree , same 16 30
Stephen Belles , same 34 70
And on county bridge fund as follows :
Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 173 78
Geo. Younger , bridge work 3 oo
Henry Crabtree , same 17 oo
Andy Barber , same 3 oo
Wm. Divine , same io oo
Jas. A. Robinson , same 9 oo
On motion board adjourned to meet April
30th , 1898.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
ROAD NO. 326.
To Nellie L. Owen and to all whom it may
concern : The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at section cor. of sees.
i and i2Tp.3 , R. 26 , and sections 6 and 7 , Tp.
3 , R. 25 , running thence north along the range
line between sections I and 6 and 36 and 31 ,
two miles , terminating at the corner of sec
tions 25 and 36 of Tp. 4 , R. 26 , and 30 and 31 ,
Tp. 4 , K. 25 , has repoited in favor of the loca P.
tion thereot as follows : Commencing on north
line of sections I and 6 at corner stone and
running thence south on county line between of
sections I and 6 , to corner stone in main road ,
one mile , and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the iSth day of
June A. D. 1898 , or said road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
4-15-41 R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
n ;
THE TRIBUNE and Demorest's Family tcai
Magazine for $1.75 a year , strictly in is
advance. N isM
The farmer , the mechanic , and the bi tii
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cut. tiiM
and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Dl
Salve is the best thing to keep on bands i'M :
It heals quickly , and is a well-known i'SI
cure for piles. A. McMillen.
For the convenience of readers of TUB
TRIBUNE , we have made arrangements
with the following newspapers and peri
odicals whereby we can supply them in
combination with THK TRIBUNE at the
following very low prices :
Detroit Free Tress Si'oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly 400 300
Prairie Farmer I oo 125
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune I oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine I oo 175
Toledo Blade i oo 125
Nebraska Farmer i oo 165
Iowa Homestead I oo 175
Lincoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo I 50
New-York WoiId i oo 165
OmahaBee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo I So
\Ve are prepared to fill orders for any
othrr papers published , at reduced rales.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
Wanted-Cattle to Pasture.
I want 125 head of cattle to pasture on
the Stewart ranch , at 25 cents a month.
Plenty of water two new large cisterns.
J. A. RESH , Manager.
THE TRIBUNE and The Prairie Farmer
for Jr.25 a year , strictly in advance.
Thirtyfiveearsniakesa generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher , of
Zanesville , O. , stiflcied from piles He
was cured by using three boxes of De-
Wilt's Witch Hazel Salves. Sold ! > } A.
California Excursions
Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
jomforlable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p in. ,
Lincoln 6:10 p. m. , Hastings 8:50 p. ui.
and McCook at 11:40 p. m. , ev
ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not
crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver and Suit Lake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratan ;
have spring seats and backs and are
provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , _ etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about baggage , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
helding to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths f5 For folder giv
ing full information , call at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha , Nebraska. 4-25-98.
The Best Liniment "Chamberlain's
Pain Halm is the Finest on earth , " wiite
Kdwards & Parker , of Plains , Ga. This
is the verdict of all who use it. For
ihenmatisni , lame back , sprains , swell
iig- > , and the numerous slight ailments
and i accidents common to every'house
1i hold 1 , this liniment has no equal. With
it i in the house , a great deal of pain and
suffering may be avoided. For sale l v
L. W. McConnell.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 250
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
, up in the morning as fast as you can. "
The J druggist recognized a household
name for DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
and gave him a bottle of those famous
little pills for constipation , sick headache
and liver and stomach troubles. Sold bv
A. McMillen.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Burlington Route.
To Portland , Ore. , without change of
cars. Through tourist sleeping cars , in
charge of special excursion managers and
accompanied by uniformed Pullman porters
ters , leave Kansas Cit3r every Thursdav
morning for Portland , Ore.
They run over the Burlington Route to
Denver , D. & R. G. Ry. ( Scenic Line ) to
Ogden , Oregon Short Line and O. R. &
N. Co. to destination. A lay-over of ten
hours is made at Salt Lake Cit } " , giving
passengers'all opportunity to become ac
quainted with one of the most beautiful
and interesting cities in the world.
Travelers destined to Portland or any
other Pacific north west pqintshould join
these weekly excursions. This they can
do at any point at which trains stop
There is no cheaper or more comfortable
way to make the trip. The cars have all
the conveniences of palace sleeping cars ,
lacking only their elaborate finish Second
end class tickets are accepted. Berth-
rate , Kansas City to Portland , $5.
For tickets and full information call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office or
write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver , cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver trou
bles. Sold bv A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
The tamous little pills.
McCook , Neb. , April 6 , 1898.
Notice is hereby given that Franklin W.
Eskey has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before Register or Receiver at his
office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the
I4th day of Mav , iSgS1 on timber culture appli
cation No. 6228 , for se of section No. 13 , in
township No. 5 north , range No. 29 west 6th
. M.
He names as witnesses : Richard F. Lakin ,
Nathan Edwards , and Richard R. Holcomb ,
Indianola , Nebraska , and Frank S. Sclioon-
over , of Box Elder , Nebraska.
4-S-6ts A. S. CAMPHELL , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb.
March 26th , 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg-
ster or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
May 7th , 1898 , viz : George Hanlein , II. E.
No. 10,664 , for the \v'A netf and nlA set sec-
Jon 30 , town. 4 north , range 29 west of 6th P.
. lie names the following witnesses to
Drove his continuous residence upon and cn-
ivation of said land , viz : Albert F. Reeves.
Vlillard S. Modrell. Roy King , and Tony A.
Steltzer , all of McCook , Nebraska. E
4-i-6t A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
Mine !
Every mother
feels an i n d e -
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
io all , but the
.suffering and
danger o the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
a fl&iyp
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great p : in and suf-
f rin'-- incident to mplor.iily ; this
hour ' "inch is drcac'eu : > J v.'oman's
3cvret tried i not oniy made
n-'iisles : : , fcufc all t' ' -ringer is re-
i ic.od by Us use. 'j.osc v/ho use
ti'.is rornc- ; * f-"o ' lonrjcr de-
sponftcnt or j''oor.nervousness ; and other cJiutrcssing con
ditions are avoiiicd , the system is
m : cio ready for the coming event ,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the iwc of Mother's
Friend. / / / ; f * / " / . / / / to ivoman.
t-C T t .r.C1 2 r. atall Drug : Stores ,
. s.- _ _ c bjZZ. : i "cr 3 cx receipt of price.
f ' " ' "o Poa"i ! i i' v-tlv. " ! information of
' ' irfro . 1 v."r.c3will
- : r. v."r-.c3 , bo sent
. - ( " - , upon application , by
R CO. , Atlanta , Gs.
What does il cost to get there ? When
: < nl how should one go ? What should
one take ? Where aie the mines ? How
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful ? What wjiges are paid ? Is
living expensive ? What me one's chances
of "m < iking a strike ? " 4-25-98
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above questions \\ill he found in the
Burlington Route's " Klondike Folder , "
now ready for distribution. Sixteen
piges of practical information and an
up toilaKmap of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
offices.or sent on receipt of four cents in
stamps iiy J. Franris , Gen'l Passenger
AJ-MV , Ifiirliiii'.ton Route , Omaha. Xeb.
Children like it. Ir saves their lives.
\Ve mean One Minute Cou h Cure , the
infallible remedy for coughs colds.croup ,
bronchitis , gripps- , and all throat and
limy troubles A McMillen
"I icei it nn dulto give 3 ou a truth
ful .statement of what Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
did. " writes J. S Collins , of Moore , S.
C , "I had a child about two years old ,
thrit hail the diarrhoea for two months.
I tried all the best known remedies , but
none gave the least relief When this
reined- came to hand , I gave it as direct-
en , and in two days the child xvas com-
plftt-ly cured. " Sold bv McCminpll.
It is a great leap trom the old fash
ioned doses of blue mass and nause
ous physics to the pleasant little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure constipation , sick headache ,
and biliousness. A. McMillen.
The two-year-old son of W. I , Furga-
son , of Bolton , Mississippi , had whoop
ing cough. "After several physicians
had prej-cribed for him without giving
him relief , " writes Mr Furgason , "I
persuaded my wife to try a 25 cent bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The
first dose had the desired effect , and in
forty-eight hours he was entirely free
fiom all cough I consider \our remedy
the best in the market , especially for
children , and recommend it at all times "
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L W.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Mothers !
HE discomforts -
forts and
* dangers of
child-birth can
be almost en-i
tirely avoided.
Wiiie of Cardui"
relieves ex
pectant moth
ers. It gives
ital organs , and
puts them in
condition to do their \vork
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy less painful , shortens
labor and hastens recovery after
child-birth. It helps a woman
bear strong healthy children.
has also brought happiness to
thousands of homes barren for
years. A few doses often brings
joy to loving hearts that long
for a darling baby. No woman
should neglect to try it for this
trouble. It cures nine cases put
of ten. All druggists sell "Wine
of Cardui. $1.00 per bottle.
For advice in cases requiring1 special
directions , address , fivine symptoms ,
the "Ladles' Advisory Department. "
The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chatta
nooga , Tenn.
of Jefferson , Ga. , says :
"When I first took Wine of Cardui
we had been married three years , but
could not have any children. Nine
months later I had a fine girl baby. "
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , clT
Pleasant , Quick Results , Site to take. T
Send \our address to us , and we will
infoim 3011 how other men earn from
$15.00 to $35.00 weekly. If you are en- _ .
dowcd with an average amouni of com-- *
nion .ense , you can in a short lime do as
well , or bitter , byecuring a county
agency for one of our standard publica
tions. If you want to start without de
lay , send $1.25 , Hint we will forvuirda
copy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U.
S. & World , " 66x46 inches in M'ZC.eleven
beautiful colors. A county nmp nf'heU.
S. on one side , and a library map of the
world on the other , should be in every
home and office This is the 1898 edit
ion , to date ; two five-dol'ar maps at a
popular price.
We will al < o send a copof nr new
.vail mapof Nebraska , .showing counties ,
railroads , towns , elc. . 1898 edition with
a marginal index , loiating every town
on map and giving populntion , 28 x 44
inches in size , just issued.
Above two maps almo-t sell them
selves , but printed instructions accom
pany samples Later on you can try
some expensive article Wri'e quick
and choose your field.
RAND , McNAM/v * & Co .
166. 168 Adams St. . Chicago , 111.
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for < ii 50a year , strictly
in advance.
Pay Your Delinquency.
In view of the btter time- ; , and higher
prices for grain etc. . the publisher ex
pects tho.-e indehti d to THE TkliJUNEJ
for subscription to make good iheir de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greittly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid np. Statements
will be sent out to all in arrears and with
the expectation that all will appreciate
our past indulgence and respond at once.
S.C. Brown Leghorn eggs at 25 cents a
dozen after March i. M. C. MAXWELL.
Thousands of sufferers from la grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs , rolds , bronchitis , pneumonia ,
grippe , asthma , and all throat and lung
diseases. Sold b } ' A. McMillen.
M. L Yocum , Cameron. Pennsylva
nia , says " I wns a sufferer for ten years ,
trying most all kinds of pile remedies ,
but without success DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was recommended to me. I
use-d one box. It has effected a perma
nent cure. " As a permanent cure for
piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. Sold by A. McMillen.
THE TRIBUNE and The New-York
Tribune for $1.25 a year , strictly in ad
When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a ChHd , she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss , she clung to Casftria.
When she had Children , she gave theoi Castoria.
Don't Wait
a week for the news in
these exciting times. By the new train ser
vice the best paper in the west reaches you
first in the morning
The Omaha Daily Bee
contains the very latest news of the Spanish
and Cuban troubles. It prints THE 1-ULL
Associated Press dispatches and the New
York World exclusive special service. You
want the most complete news , too , of the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition , which only The
Bee publishes. You can
Read it at Breakfast.
By mail with Sunday , $2 for three months ;
without Sunday , 50 cents a month. By carrier ,
15 cents a week.
J. N. PURVIS , Agent ,
McCook Book and Stationery Co.
Gloves ,
A Kid Glove
that you can safely order BY MAIL.
Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Kid Gloves ,
embroidered backs , 4-hook or buttons , every
fashionable spring shade in style and finish
they are superior to any dollar glove offered
America at ONE DOLLar per pair.
Posta je paid to any point in the United
States. Give color and size. 4-i-5ts
Nebraska friercanti/e Company ,
Incorporated ,
Alfred Hadell , Mgr. RED CLOUD , NEB.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Saive
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning.
am still doing carpet laying , carpet
cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See
write me before giving such-work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at