The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 08, 1898, Image 7

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    Some years ago , says the Evening
6un , Edward E. Rice was presented
to Von Bulo\v at a club dinner in Bos
ton. It was Just about tbo time that
all Europe was talking of Mme. Von
Billow's flirtation with Verdi , who
had taught the pianist almost all he
ever knew about music. ' 'I want you
to become acquainted with Mr. Rice , "
said a friend ; "he doesn't know any
thing about music , but he has com
posed several operas. " "Delighted , I
am sure , " murmured the great pianist ,
with a sarcastic smile ; "he reminds
me of a man I knew at home : his
name is Verdi. "
Brown came very near los
ing his wife yesterday. Jones That
ao ? How did it happen ? Smith
They had a quarrel in the morning ,
and after Brown started down town
his wife put on her things and went
out with the intention of drowning
herself In the river. Jones And she
failed to accomplish her purpose ?
Smith Yes ; it began to rain before
she got half way , so she turned and
hurried back home for fear of getting
her new hat spoiled. Chicago News.
A husband is a plaster that cures all
the ills of girlhood. Moliere.
A Dyspeptics
Dyspepsia it one of tlic most prevalent of
unease1- . Thousands of people itiffer from
it in a more or Icxs aggravated form. Hew
diseases are more painful to the individual
or more far reaching in their effects oil
human life and happiness. What the dya-
pcptic nced.s is not local treatment , not
mere temporary stimulus. The real need
is the toning up of the entire .system. J'or-
tify the system and it will do fts own fight
ing , mid promptly eject any intruding
disease. The success of Dr. Avcr's ,
panlla in curing iudifjestion and dyspep
sia is due to just this quality winch it
possesses , of renewing Hit vital forces ,
repairing the waste and loss of the bodv.
The ordinary treatment brings the food
down to the level of the weak stomach.
Dr. Ayer's > : iuarilla puts strength into
the stomach , and brings it up to the level of
the strong food fit for men. It does this
by strengthening the entire svstem. The
stomach cannot stay weak When all the
other organs ate gaming strength. What
Jr , Ayer's Sarsaparilla do for dyspep
sia is best illustrated in cases likethatof
M. S. Shields , Meridian , Miss. Mr. Shields
had got down to the last level of dyspepsia.
Hut let him tell his o\ru stor3 :
" For years , I was afflicted with dyspep
sia which gradually grew worse until I
could cat nothing but bread and potatoes
W -N. U. OMAHA. NO. 15.-1S98.
Answering Advertisements KiaclSy
Mention This Faner.
A tablet taken at bed time cootbcs your
clumber and is sure to
all functions for the morning ,
leaving you , not dull and stupid , but
bright and fresh , fully prepared for your
day s duties. Csscsrets are absolutely guar
anteed teA
A booklet and cample free for the asking , or you
can buy a box fsr IDC , ssc , soc at your drug store.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal. NewYork.
and guaranteed to cnro
Tobacco Habit bvalldraeslsts.
A better Scale for FREIGHT PAID.
less money than lias
ever been oflered.
Jon s o f Uinghamton ,
lilnghauituii , JS' . Y.
To get our new Cat
alogue. Hundreds of
people save hun
dreds of dollars se
lecting Furniture , Draperies , etc. , from IU
Scr.d for it. It gives pdccs and pictures.
1418 Douglas ? i. . Omaha. Neb.
j njjOTn rarurrhJi'imjiri'L * - i u n ' " 'ik '
f We delight to do an early f need i" *
good tarn. Tlie woikicn jiatts of
' BEARING , = ehyr-run.
'niag , evei-gome , eetlastinE , power-1
„ doubling , UP-TO-DATE ' 98
SRfiOTOR.S FT. FOR S6 ; 12-Jt. fortlljlG-tt.
V I for ? 30. They run like a bicjclc , and arc made like o
B watch , e\ery mo\ablepziten rollers. Doubles jcatcd I
fl mill ixiri. . 7he Acrmotor rin when all other nills I
" stood still , and made the steel vindmill bujjness. |
I On receipt of rmojnt. revised motor ( bat not wheel I
1 or vane ) will l > s sent to replace old eno then to bo j
1 returned. Offer tnbje.-t ti > cancellation at any time. , f
If your old wheel is net an Acrmotor , write for
. .terms of snap ncvrforold topooncldtov7erv '
.ToucanpetHon. AermotorCo.Chleago . .
HJclt Grade ' 3S > Sloileld , $14to$40.
GREAT CLEARING SALE of ' 97 and ' 83
models , best makes , 49.75 to 118. Sent on
approval tcittiout a centpaumtnt. Free use
of wheel toournBcnts. wiltoforour new
\ nlnn "How to Earn a Bicycle" and make
moncr. SPECIAl. \VEEK-10hiph
'Krado ' * 07 models Is-liirhtly shopworn 1 , S10.75
'each. ' WnntlerInK < AwheoI"n.-onv < nir
booS of art , FltKE for stamp while they last.
Dr ifav's Penovaiorc Cuarantaed
UiB i\dj d l.euwvaiusj to cure dyspep
sia. constipation , liver and kidney disea es.bil-
liouhness. lieadache , etc. At druggists i" & SI.
ington , D. c. Send for 37th
nnnivcresry work on patents FKEE. Hlgheet rcf r'nccs.
j The best Rei Rope Rooflnf ; for le
, pei-pq. ft. , caps anil nails included.
Btw > . --J Sub-tltuto-5 for 1'laster. Samples
fixe. THE IMY JUMLLt HOOKINO CO. , CtnDK.N , } , . i.
seasoned xv-ith a little salt , and drink only
a little milk. I became ho bad that a trifle
too much of even these caused terrible
suffering- the regions of the .stomach ,
darting pain.s back of the eyes , attended
with dizziness and partial loss of sight.
The only voy I could get relief \vasby\oin-
iting. Finally I had such a severe attack
that the entiie left side of my body felt
numb and partially paralyzed , and in this
condition. I was taken to juy room un on-
sciouh. The physicians failed to help ) e.
and none of the many remedies I toolf jd
me any Rood. At last a friend presented
mo with a bottle of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and before I had used half of it. I could sec
a decided change for the better. I used
three bottles and was so completely cured
that for four years I have not been troubled
with the old complaint , but am rugged and
hearty and able to eat anything that can
be eaten. It would be impossible to say
too much in praise of Ir. Aycr'.s Sarsapa
rilla. and I would not give one bottle of it
for a do/en of any other kind. " M. S.
SniiDb , Meridian , Miss.
Try Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla if you are
dyspeptic , if you want more testimony to
the value of the medicine , get Dr. Ayer's
Cnrebook. It is sent free on request by
the J. C. Aycr Co. , Lowell.
Saint Foix , the French pcet , who
was always in debt , sat one day in a
barber's shop waiting to be shaved.
He was lathered , when the door opaned
and a tradesman entered who hap
pened to be one of the poet's credit
ors , and angrily demanded his money.
The poet composedly begged him not
to make a scene. "Won't you wait for
the money until I am shaved ? " "Cer
tainly , " said the other , pleased rt the
prospect. Saint Foix then made tha
barber a witness of ths agresmenr ,
and immediately took a towel , wined ,
the lather from his face and left thw
shop. He wore a beard to the end of
his days.
From Baby In tlio Illsrli Chair
to grandma in the rocker Grain-0 is
good for the whole family. It is the
long-desired substitute for coffee. Nev
er upsfets the nerves or injures the di
gestion. Made from pure grains it is a
food in itself. Has the taste and ap
pearance of the best coffee at % the
price. It is a genuins and scientific ar
ticle and is come to stay. It makes for
health and strength. Ask your grocer
for Grain-0.
First Citizen Are you a democrat
or a republican ? Second Citizen
Sir.I believe the Maine was blown up.
Philadelphia North American.
Don't Tobacco Spit ana Smoke Your Lile A'.vay.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , ntrve. and vigor. takeNo-To-
Bac , the wonder-wc rkcr. that makes weak men
stronjj. All druggists , TXte or Si. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Cc , Chicago or Xew York.
Humble wedlock is far better than
proud virginity. Augustine.
Star Tel > acco is tno leading brand of
the world , because it is the best.
A lie is the devil's attempt to coun
terfeit uie truth.
A Cheap Trick.
To manufacture a chea kalsomine
stuck on the wall with glue , claiming
it to be .the "same thing" or "just as
good" as the durable Alabastine , or
to buy and sell such goods on such
representations would seem a cheap
trick. Some resort to it. To be safe ,
buy Alabastine only in packages and
properly labeled.
Owls have their orgies while doves
are asleep.
yc\f Route to Health.
Little , fragrant , palatable tablets in a
daiiitv enameled metal box , just right for
the vest pocket or the ladv's purse. Ou the
tablets are stamped the letters "C. , C. C. "
Cascaret , Candy Cathartic. Eat one like
candy , and the little tablet at once
purifies and destroys disease germs in
the mouth and throat , stops souring of un
digested food in the stomach , stirs up the
liver , tones and strengthens the bowels ,
making them act healthily and naturally ,
They are well and widely adverti&ed in the
press , but the best advertisement for Cas-
carets is their wonderful mild yet positive
action , which makes n Cascaref convert of i
every one who tries them. We recommend
them to all our readers. e
One of the most remarkable gifts i
that ornaments the home of Rev. Dr. -y
Talmage since his return from his re
cent wedding trip is a Russian tea a
service of gold and enamel , a perso-
$ & r TT-J nArx nr &E
soothing and subduing the pain.
That's the way
,5B , 5MN = & 5 = - = 4 =
A Splendid Book for the Development of American Patriotism ,
The Beautiful life of Frances E.Willard
Written by Anna A. Gordon , for 21 vears her private sec
retary and most intimate friend. Official memorial volume
endorsed by the W. C. T. U. Q
r The Most Popular Book of the Century ,
Size Sxiq irclics. nearly .wo pages , beautifully illustrated.
Retail price. Cloth. $3 ; Half-Morocco. 12.75 ; De Luxe Edition ,
. * 5375Sent postpaid on receipt of price.
"VITcuatocl jS-voxry-wrlxor-o. A
$5 to $ S per day easily jnadeselling this book. Experiences
not necessarj- ; most liberal terms ; credit , given ; freights to
paid : circular and terms free. Write for outfit to-dav. A
Ofnfr.l Aent5 for thr United Stntrr , Enjland , Canndi. Australij , etc.
Chicago. 111. Philadelphia , Pa. Oakland , Cal.0
Address nearest office.
Explorer Guvcndlsh'u ThrHUns
Kroin Death In Africa.
From the London News : II. S. H
Cavendish gave an interesting account
of his recent trip to Africa before the
Royal Geographical society. Among
the incidents he related was the fol
lowing account of a fight with a
wounded elephant , in which he nar
rowly escaped death : "I tried to dodge
him , but he was too quick for me , and
as I neared the thin mimosa bush I
saw him just over me with his trunk
in the air , so I threw myself to the
left on mj ' , face and kept still , think
ing that the elephant might go on. He
however stopped immediately , and ,
spinning around , knelt down behind
me , with his head right over me , and
took a drive at me with his tuskswhich ,
I luckily avoided by rolling in closer
under his chest. He then pushed me
under him with his trunk and tried
to pound me with his knees , but , as
luck would have it , I was just out of
his reach. I kept dodging his legs as
they came down. This continued , my
boys said , for half an hour , but he was
very much occupied watching my gun-
bearers , who were shooting and shout
ing from some distance off. At one
moment he lay on me and I expected
every moment to hear the bones crack ,
but suddenly his weight was shjfted
off me and I pretended I was dead , and ,
not wishing to see the coup de grace
coming , closed my eyes and remained
quite still. The boys told me that he
got up and backed off my body and
knocked his leg against a log of wood
lying close behind. Mistaking the log
for me , he vented his rage upon it.
He must have been badly'wounded. .
After a time I heard the boys coming
closer , and , waiting until they were
fairly near , in case the elephant might
not have gone far , I looked carefallly
round and saw him standing some 170
yards off. I got on my legs as fast as
my bruises would let me and stag
gered toward my pony. The boys , on
seeing me get up , were dumbfounded ,
and my groom , who was a great , hulk
ing fellow , wanted to carry me , think
ing I must have some bones broken ;
but , although my left leg was serious
ly bruised , and my scalp damaged , I
was in other respects unhurt. "
Colored Zealot Iluildinp : a House of
AVor.sliip Entirely Vimltlcd.
A Georgia colored man , Andrew Bon-
ner by name , is manifesting his reli
gious enthusiasm in a substantial ,
though unusual way. juonner is a sim
ple minded negro , filled to overflowing
with what his admiring wife terms "de
ol' time religion. " He resides with her
in College Park , a village a few miles
from Atlanta. His ambition for years
has been to build a church for the ben-
enc of some of his own race , the material -
terial used to be procured with his own
earnings , and no workmen to assist
him in the rearing of the edifice. "With
utter disregard of legal measures , An
drew selected two years ago a site for
the church of his dreams , which he ex
pects to be a monument to his mem
ory long after he has returned to dust.
The fact that he does not own the
ground has never disturbed him.
When far-sighted friends urged him
to wait until the ground could be
bought for the purpose he paid no heed
to the proposition , but kept to his
original purpose. Every spare pen
ny was spent by him for lumber and
nails. The work has necessarily been
slow , but now , after twenty-four
months of patient labor. Andrew
gazes with pride upon the building ,
which is almost covered. The old man
is said to have sometimes denied his
family bread that he might save money
for his pet project.
Walking Erect.
To derive the greatest benefit from
v/alking , it is necessary to hold up the
head , keep the mouth closed , and move
briskly ; it is in these circumstances
that walking is really good for us.
Walking erect not only adds to the
manliness of appearance , but it de
velops the chest and promotes the gen
eral health in a high degree , because
the lungs , being relieved of the pres
sure made by leaning the head down
ward and bending the chest in , admit
the air fully and freely. If an effort
of the mind is made to throw the
shoulders back , a feeling of fatigue
and awkwardness is at first experi
enced , but this is soon forgotten. To
maintain an erect position , or to re
cover it when lost , in a manner which
is at once natural , easy , and efficient , it
is only necessary to walk habitually
with the eyes fixed on an object ahead
little higher than your own the top
of a man's hat , for example or simply
keep the chin a little above a horizon
tal line. If either of these things is .
done , the necessary , easy , and legiti
mate effect is to relieve tlie chest from
pressure , the air gets in more easily ,
develops it more fully , and permeates
the lungs more exclusively , causing a
more perfect purification of the blood ,
imparting greater health and more
color to the cheek.
Feeds Four People Well for S94.S2 a Teal * *
A contributor to the March Ladies'
Home Journal by publishing a copy of
his household accounts shows that it is
possible for a family of four persons
to live on $200 a year. The family II
comprises husband , wife and two chil
dren I and 3 years old and the aggregate - .
gregate cost of the edibles consumed
for the entire year is $9-1.82. Of course , "
strict economy is necessary , but the ir . ,
writer avers that he and his family
live substantially and well , and out of
his salary of § 400 as teacher he is able li
put $200 per year out at interest.
Why does a man always promise to
be good when he's too sick to be bad ?
Flick : "Call him a musician ! Why.
lie doesn't know the difference be
tween a nocturne and symphony. "
Flack : "You don't mean it. " And
they hurry to get away from each
other. Each is terriby afraid that
the other will ask : "By the way , what
is the difference ? , , Boston Traa-
_ a
In large cities or the United States
the condition of tne poor is constantly
being improved by the benevolences
of wealthy people. Sanitary reforms
arc suggested and carried out with
earnestness but those produced by
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters in dis
ordered liver , bowels or nervous sys
tem are very conspicuous.
Hone is the best friend tii .t enny
man iaz. and the only one that sum
Educate Your iltnvelsVHli Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
lOc , i5c. If C. C. C. fail. druKgKtb refund money.
Take not too short a time to make
a wide-world bargain in. Shake-
Shako Into Your Sliors.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , nervous , aching ft-ct. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. By mail for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address , Allen
S. OlmsLod , Le Roy , N. Y.
Phools are allwuss the fust ones to
proclaim it.
An Ounce of 1'rviviitloii Is "Worth n
Pound of Cure.
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. , Chi
cago. Dear Sirs : I used one bottle of
your " 5 Drops , " and it did me more
good than any medicine I ever
used. It did me more good than
all the medicine I have taken
from the doctors for two years , besides
sulfering the entire time. In three days
after I commenced using the " 5 Drops"
my pains all disappeared. I recom
mend it to all sufferers of rheuma
tism. Very respectfully , R. L. Martin ,
Anguilla , Miss. Feb. 1 , 'OS.
Every family should have a bottle
of " 5 Drops" on hand , especially at
this season of the year. Changes in
the weather are so liable to cause rheu
matism , la grippe and many other dis
eases that " 5 Drops" cures.
For another thirty days you can se
cure a sample bottle of " 5 Drops" for
25 cents. The manufacturers have
100,000 sample bottles which they in
tend to distribute for this small
Write today to the Swanson Rheu
matic Cure Co. , 1G7 Dearborn street ,
Chicago ( , 111. This company is reliable
and promptly fill every ordc- .
Too * many forget to be useful In
trying to be consistent.
OloRi.o Gold Field.
Colorado is the banner gold-produc
ing state in the Union. Production in
1397 over $20,000,000. This vear prom
ises tc exceed $30,000.000. New strikes
are being made every day. Nothing
like since the days of ' 19. Would
you know all about these things ?
Then send twenty-five cents for a .six-
months' trial subscription to the
"MINING WORLD , " an eight-page
illustrated weekly paper. Regular
subscription. Sl.OO a year. The news
iest mining newspaper in the world.
Address "World. " P. 0. Box 1613. Den
ver , Colorado
Ine more erfect the trust , the more
perfect the ponce.
\Ve are asserting In the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the -\oid "CASTOUIA. " and
' l'lTCIIER'SCASTORIA"asourTradeMarb.
T , Dr. Samuel Pitcher , of Ilyannis. Massa
chusetts , was the originator of "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA. " the ssme that lias borne and does
now the fac-simile signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used in the homes of ihe mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and see that it islhc kind you
have always boupht , ' ' and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on th'e Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use mv name ex
cept The Centaur Company , of which Chas H.
Fletcher is President.
An iceberg in the pulpit cannot
kindle a fire in the pews.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury ,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely deranye the
whole system when eiiu-ring it tlirou h
the mucous surfaces. Such articled
should never be tisud except on presTip-
Jions from reputable physicians , as the
damage they will do is tenfold to tlie
goot ! you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo. O. . contains
no mercury , and is taken internally , act-
.nj ; directly upon the blood and mucous
fcurfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure yon Kct tlie genuine
It is taken internally and madf in To
ledo. Ohio , by F. J. Cheney , t Co. Tes
timonials fice. Sold by Drussists , price
7Sc per liottlo.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Men marry to inatce an end , women
to make a beginning. A. Dupuy.
P.Trs. IVSnsiow's soothing ; Syrup
Porchilrt'ntcctliing. : > cftonstlicnHmi < .rpiliitc' in"am-
M-Uion , alia } spam. oino'-Tviniloti'i" . % : eutsa bottle.
Fidelity in little things is one of
the surest tests of character.
To Ctiro Constipation X'oicrer.
Take Ca'-carets Candy Cathartic , lie or 25c.
C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money.
Those who know when to sneak ,
know when to be silent.
"ITS IVnannentlyUureil. ohtsoruervonsn" safte.-
t cii\ : iiie of Dr. Kline's 3ior\o IJcstorer.
s.-nil forKKKE S2.0U trial hottlo and trratisu.
UK. Jl. H. KLISK.Lttl..931 Arch St. . I'liilndulpln.i , 1'a.
There is no music for the old man
like an old tune.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. CO for 5 cts.
Don't cover your neglected duties
with the cloak of excuse. D
Loiters to Mrc. Pii-kham From "Women "Who Have Boon Helped Froro
Sickness or Health. , ,
The ordinary every-day life of most of oar women is a ceaseless treadmill of worlr.
How much harder the daily tasks become when some derangement of tlie
female organs makes every movement painful and
keeps the nervous system unstrung' !
The following1 letter from Mrs. WALTERS. BAXTA ,
Sparkill , X. Y. , tells the story of many women ,
uncl shows them how to get relief :
"DKAiiMns. PI.VXHAM : I cannot thank you
enough for all Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable
Compound hasdone for me. When I wrote to
you I had suffered for years with falling , in
flammation and ulceration of the womb ;
my back ached , and I was so much
distressed I could scarcely walk. I
was a burden to myself and did not
care whether I lived or died.
"T have taken five bottles of your
medicine and it has done wonders for
me as all my friends can testify. I cuu
no\v do my own work , and do not know
how to express my gratitude to you for
the good your medicine and advice
have done me. I owe my life to Mrs.
Pinkham. ' '
Mrs. Pinklim'.j counsslisofl'ereu free
to all wouii who need advice about
their health. Her address is Lynn ,
Mass. Mrs. P. II. IlrrciiCROFT , Kel ) )
lerton , Iowa , tells here in her own N >
words how Mrs. Piukham helped her :
"Di\R MRS. PIXKHA I : I was in a
very bad condition before I wrote to
you and began the use of Lydia. E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I
did not know what to do. I suffered
terribly every month , when on my
feet would have such a bearing-down weak womb
feeling , was v ry , was
swollen , back ached , appetite was very poor , also had trouble with my head.
I have taken several bottles of your Compound and cannot bay enough in its
lavor. It helped more than all the doctors. * '
Lydia E. PinKfiam'sVegeta'oleComnound : a Woman's Remedy f or Woman'sllls
. , , -
ThN ftarcli prepared , u M-Ientili'- ( . .rTcriplc"- men ivho liailuil vear > of rractfal experience ! n fancy
l.iiimlerlnjr. H ie tores > old linen amiuMinier ilre--f" ' to ihflr nature : ttliliruct. . acil impart- l > eantiiil nntJ
1-it-tlu , ; linl.-li. It I * tliu uiii starch'luuiiil'ufiureil rh'it N r < Tf < % " - tlliarm It"-1- . ci.ntalr.inK celthf itic
aluin or any other t > ul > tauf o Injurious to 1'neu cud i an l > e ujr < l ex en fi r u l > al j pyder. .
Foi- Sale by AH Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
Ask any disinterested mechanical expert
and he will tell you
They are absolutely uniform in quality and finish. You have the
added satisfaction of knowing no one can buy a Columbia cheaper
than you. We sell for one price only the advertised price.
Columbia Is ? Ghainless , , SI25 Hartford Bicycles , , , 50
Columbia Chain Whsels , , 75 Vedettes , , , , S40 and 35
POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn.
Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer , cr by mail for one 2-cent stamp *
& Cures the vcrv vrort ra-o r f DvapencSa. Cou'tipatlo : : . Heailarlie. t.ivcr and 2 ;
; 2S Kiclucv ih e. "ea. M-nil lur proof .f U. AVe C.uan iit ' < - It.Vnti - inlH > ut ? S ;
; j 'ill of " your \iiipt ri- . Di. Kav'- * Uino-.ator jstilil by lruggi- , or bcni SI ? ;
I * i r innil on .ec'O'pt of jirici25 cents and SI.CO. * 2-
§ f Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDZCAL CO. , WesterOffict Omaha , Neb. 5 :
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quk-krtlleranU cares worst
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