The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1898, Image 7

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    Hicks There's a dlfferoncobetwcen
love and respect. Wicks A wide
difference. For Instance , thcre'e
liawkspur. He says ho IOVGB his wife
hecause she bclievca every word ho
says ; hut , of course , It Is impossible
for him to respect a person who would
believe oven half what he said. Bos
ton Transcript.
of illustrated -
u tourint nnd Immigration Jlter-
4rgl % being distributed bv the Stiito
1'wlJLureau < f Tulhiluuso , 'Fin. . , which
ni.Ugjjont free for the aBkiuf ? , This Is
no finest illuKttatod descriptive promotion
literature over t.ont out from the south.
To Washington nnd lliiltlinoro vlu tlio
.tloiuin Route.
There Is not a pleasant or or more pic-
turcmitio route from Chicago to WftBbfntj-
Um and Baltimore than tlio Monon , via
Cincinnati and tbo B. & O. S. W. and B. &
O. Railways. Tbe train service of this If no
is comfortable and convenient , fionnistinfr
of through pnluco sleeping curs aud
coachcH. The time of leaving Cbicngo is
2:45 A. M. , but the sleeper is ready for oc
cupancy at any time after 0:30 : r. M. This
route traverses Uio garden section of
southern Ohio , ami pasnos through tbo his
toric bcction oC WCHC Virginia in the eve
ning aud down the beautiful and tradltioif
laden Potomac valley in tbo early morning ,
arriving at thn national capital'at/ / : and
Baltimore 7:55 the next morning. Taken
altogether it IK a most comfortable and
restful jouruov. a tour of education , that
once taken will uovor bo fogottcu , and the
oftouur repeated , tbo more enjoyed.
K J. linen ,
General Passenger Agent.
Valuable Inventions.
T'ie above illustrations show three
famous inventions. Inventors desiring
a free illustrated hand bcok should ad
dress Sues & . Co. , Registered Patent
Lawyers , Bee Building , omaha , Neb.
AVlio Owns the U. S. Patent Ofllco ?
We frequently hear complaints about
the manner in which officers serve the
people- Men elevated from the raniv
of private life to positions of trust ,
honor and emolument often assume au
air of importance and haughtiness thai
is ouite offensive to the humble citi
zen who , as one of the sovereign people
ple , has a right to expect civility in
his intercourse with every public serv
ant from X Roads postmaster up tu
president. Deputies and clerks fre
quently put on airs that principals are
too modest and sensible to assume. Oc
casionally we are glad to know , ollicial
importance and insolenca gets whole
some rebuke from the dignity of pri
vate citizenship. An instance of this
kind occurred in the corridors of the
Patent Office and may serve as a lesson
to all public servants who forget their
duty. Early one morning an humble
inventor and public benefactor was
walking up and down in the hall quite
complacently waiting for the doors to
be opened. An official approached him
with a look intended to annihilate the
early caller and asked : "Do you be
long to the Patent Office ? " The of
fended citizen with true manly dign ty
turned on his insolent interrogator
and replied : "No sir , the Patent Of
fice belongs to me and other citizens
of the United States. "
Valuable information about obtain
ing , valuing and selling patents ssnt
free to any address.
Iowa Patent Office ,
Des Moines. March 22. 1S98.
Several important changes will be
made in the Traffic Department of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
on March 1st.
J. A. Murray , the present Coal and
Coke * Agent , will be given the title of
General Coal and Coke Agent of the
entire system , with headquarters at
William L. Andrews will be Assist
ant Coal and Coke Agent for the Pitts-
burg District , with headquarters at
E. T. Affleck , now Coal and Coke
Agent for the lines west of the1 Ohio
River , with headquarters at Columbus ,
will become Assistant Coal and Co.ce
Agent for that terr.vOry.
Mr. Andrews is well known as Pri
vate Secretary of Receiver Oscar G.
Murray and came to the B. and O.
when Mr. Murray was appointed Re.
ceiver. Mr. Affleck has held his pres
ent position for a number of years anu
Mr , J. A. Murray was formerly p ivate
secretary to ex-Traffic Manager Frank
These appointments are in the na
ture of promotions and it is believed
will very materially strengthen that
branch of the B. aiid 0. traffic depart ,
A flap of the
United States.
Send me 15 cents in stamps and 1 will
mail you a map of the United States ,
three feet four inches wide by four feet
long1. Printed in six colors. Mounted
on rollers. Shows every state , county ,
important town and railroad in the
United States.
J. Francis. General Passenger Agent.
Omaha , Neb. ' ,
"Tim OntortuimU ] Boy" Sonic .Vavorlto
( jiuneft for KvcnlngH modern Toll tale *
An Instructive Kxpurlrnent OH
Tlio Unfortunate Hoy.
Unfortunate Is Just tlio plirase
To WHO of Peter Grievous Long ;
A wicked fate perplexed his ways.
And made him suiter mucb of wrong.
When all was still In school or church
And this IK "uure as eggs are eggs"
He'd leap and howl , and get the birch ,
Through 'plns-and-needtes in his legs.
When rude companions In Joke
Made wport of passers-by , and fled.
Poor Pelei's bootlace always broke ,
And he was caught and thrashed In
A penny lost upon the way
Was never found by Wm. ai.-w why ?
lie failed to ee It where 'it , lay ,
Because a lly was In his eye.
If Peter ever chanced to take
His bowl of porridge on his knees.
The bowl would always fall and break.
For something surely made him sneeze.
If eggs were hidden In his breast.
Some lad would come with merry face.
And tell a Jolly tale or jest ,
And slap him soundly on the place.
His schoolmates offered stores of sweets
Whene'er he had a homely flll ;
And people sent the scholars treats
When Peter was away and ill.
It's hound to rain when Peter wears
A brand-new hat or glossy coat !
And , when he laughs to ease his cares.
The pesky gnats get down his throat.
Druid Grayl.
These Arc Popular Favors.
Children's partes weigh heavily these
days on the minds of pastry cooks ,
caterers and the busy housemother.
The new ice molds are calculated to
satisfy this craving for novelty. Klon
dike miners with picks and shovels and
bags of gold are evolved from multi
colored favors , while rabbits and birds ,
flowers and fruits , though not new , are
as popular as ever. An amusing mold
for chocolate ice cream represents a
group of savages on an * island. The
island vegetation is illustrated in pis-
tache cream , while waves of lemon ice
foam around the shore.
The influence of French and German
nurses is shown in the popularity of
rabbits , squirrels , wooden shoes and
row-wreathed crowns. Wax babies
swathed in lace-paper and tied up
with narrow ribbons seem to be great
favorites with the small girls , yet it is
doubtful if many American children
ever saw a baby in Alsatian swaddling
( iothes.
Clay pipes and tobacco pouches in
miniature , sugar cigarettes , isinglass
spectacles , boxes of chocolate cigars ,
and diminutive but ingenious shaving
sets are in demand for boys' favors ,
while dainty high-heeled china slip
pers , little .bags of brocaded silk , fans ,
dolls , heart-shaped trinket caskets ,
lorgnettes and other ornamental and
useful trifles are appreciated by the
small maiden. Every favor is either
filled with sweets or tied to a cake of
Modern Telltale' ! .
Do school children of the present
day hold in less aversion the "telltale"
or "tattle tale" than did those who , a
quarter of a century ago , braved the
master's rod rather than tell ? asks the
New York Post. The question is sug
gested by the report of a test made in
the schools of Utica by Superintendent
George Griffith. At his prompting 3,000
children -were asked to give their writ
ten opinion , anonymously , it is sup
posed , as to whether one pupil should
testify against another. Voluntary
telling or "tattling" was not meant in
the test , but only 15 per cent of the
children noted the distinction , so that
the result may be accepted as the chil
dren's opinion of the "tattler. " The
question asked was whether it was
right or wrong , and it appears that the
boys hold more robust views ( judged
in the remembrance of old school
days ) on the matter than do the girls.
Of the 2,834 who answered the ques
tion , 494 boys , or 38 per cent , and 375
girls , 6r 25 per cent , considered it right
not to tell , the larger percentage of
both regarding it as wrong. In other
days the "tattler" was ostracized after
having been soundly thrashed outside
of the school yard , and those who aided
in the thrashing can hardly understand
the mental attitude of the Utica chil
dren , who justify the talebearer , wheth
er his information comes voluntarily oren
on request.
\VIiy She Prayed.
This story will be appreciated by
those who went to Sunday school Sun
day and studied the lesson , which was
"How to Pray , " says the Omaha
In a North Omaha Sunday school the
of the primary class
teacher was-en-
saged in the task of explaining to the
little tots the meaning of the Lord's
"Can any little one tell me , " she
asked , "why we should ask God to give
us this day our daily bread ? "
A little girl sitting in the front seat
raised her hand and shook it with all
the vigor of a pupil who knows the
answer to a question propounded and
wants a chance\o tell it.
"Susie knows , " said the teacher.
"Susie , you te\l us why we should ask
God to give us this day our daily
bread. "
" 'Cause papa is out of work , and if
God doesn't give us bread we'll " go
hungry , " was the startling but prac
tical answer.
Prayers by Telephone.
At a small dinner given recently in
a western city , relates the New York
Sun , the guest of honor was a young
married woman who is the proud moth
er of two handsome boys , both under 5
years of age. In their education she
endeavors to follow a system , after the
manner of most young mothers , and Is
very particular to live up to any rule
she has mgde for them.
During an early course In the dinner
and in the mlldle of an animated con
versation with her host , she suddenly
paused with a startled look and cried :
"There , if I did not forget those
boys again ! Have you a telephone in
the house , and may I use it ? "
She was taken to the telephone by
her host , and the murmur of her voice
In earnest conversation floated tyack to
the dining-room. After a short pause ,
she'returned. ,
"I do hope you will pardon me , " she
said. "But , you see , I always have
Georgle and Eddie say their * prayers
for me before they go to sleep. I for
got It tonight in the hurry of getting
off ; so I just called up their nurse. She
brought them to the 'phone , and they
said their prayers over the wire , so my
mind is relieved. "
On Cliildrou/K Heading * .
Some people congratulate'themselves
when their children take to , reading.
But they sometimes forget that a boy
is not necessarily out of mischief when
he is absorbed in his book. Much de-
'pends upon the character of the books
a.d papers he reads. If he revels In
such papers as The Police News , Detec
tive on the Wing and The New York
Story Paper , or In such books as
"Peck's Bad Boy , " "New York Ned in
California , " "Deadwood Dick in Dead
City , " and "The Wild Man of the
Mountain , " he is in far worse business
than if he slammed the doors , disar
ranged the rugs and mats , slid down the
stair rail or went tearing over the car
pet with his rough shoes.
Indian hunters , desperadoes , highway
robbers , pirates , runaway boys , snake
charmers , gamblers and tramps are
no better company in papers and books
than in everyday life. If reading
serves only to introduce one into dis
reputable society , or to familiarize one
with slang , cheating and fighting or to
inculcate wrong views , of life , it were
better that one remain forever an igno
ramus. We should avoid the bad booker
or bad paper as we would a bad man
or woman.
Ail Instructive Experiment.
The direction of growth of root and
stem is not a merely accidental one.
A number of investigators have been
at work to see what is the cause of this
diametrically opposed growth in stem
and root. It has been suggested that
the action of gravitation would take
some part in the guidance of the roots.
This is , in fact , the apparent tendency
of the following experiments :
Beans have been made to germinate
when placed on the circumference of
an iron or wooden wheel surrounded
with moss so as to maintain the mois
ture of thT seeds , and holding little
troughs full of mold open on two sides ,
the wheel being put in motion in a
vertical direction by a current of
water and made to describe many revo
lutions in a minute. In consequence of
this rotary movement , producing the
particular force known in mechanics as
centrifugal force , the action of gravita
tion is as it were annihilated , and the
sprouting seed , removed from its in
fluence , is subjected to centrifugal
force only. See what occurs : The
small stems which , in ordinary circum
stances , would be directed upward
that is to "say , in a direction opposite
to the action of gravitation now turn
themselves in the direction opposite to
the direction of the centrifugal force ,
or toward the center of the wheel.
The rootlets , which , under ordinary
circumstances , would bury themselves
in the earth , and in the direction re
quired by laws of gravitation , in real
ity now point in the direction of the
force which has" taken the place of
With a horizontal wheel the direc
tions of sprout and root are still" from
and. to the wheel's center respectively.
tittle Ruth's Ouestlon.
Palm Beach , Fla. , is virtually owned
by Mr. Flagler , of the Standard Oil
company , says the Detroit Free Press.
When improvements are in progress , -it
may be assumed that Mr. Flagler is
behind them.
Little Ruth is not yet 3 years old.
but she is a native of Palm Beach and
understands 'its ways. One day she
went to the beach with the expectation
of being allowed to go in bathing , but
the tide was in and the waves very
high. Her mother said that they must
wait. The child was very much dis
"Mamma , " she said , her lips begin
ning to tremble , "when will Mr. Flag
ler lat the waves go down ? "
ThO present mean diameter of Ju
piter is 86.500 miles , while its mass
exceeds that of the earth in the ratio
of 316 to 1.
'It Is said that there ar sixty lan
guages spoken In Russia. " I'm pre
pared to believe It. I hear two Rus
sians talking the other day and It
sounded as if they were using the
whole sixty at once. " Chicago Daily
Tlio aroderu Generation oT Mon.
Physically men are better today
than ever. Our college youth are , as a
general thing , mag.iiicnt spt-.ixens.
The constitutionally weak and neiv-
o.tis can greatly lacrosse ti e r strength
a'nd restore the nervous system by the
efficient aid of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters , which also removes dyspeptic
and billioua trouble.
The best wheel on the market can
not begin to go as fast as a $5 bill.
We are asserting In the courts our rlnht to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOniA. " and
"PITCHER'S CASTOR ! A , " as ou r Trade Mark.
I. Dr. Samuel Pitcher , of Hyannis. Massa
chusetts , was the originator of "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA. " the same that has borne and docs
now bear the fac-simllc signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used in the homes or the mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and sec that it is "the Kind you
have always bought. " and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company , of which Chas H.
Fletcher is President. *
March 8,18ST. SAMUEL PITCHER , M. D.
The New York eleyated railway
runs trains only fifty seconds apart.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , bo mag-
nntic. full of life , nerve , and vigor , takeNo-To-
I3ac , -wonder-worker , thabmukcs weak men
strong. All druggists , 50o or 81. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
"He once told me he could marrv
any girl he pleased. " "And has he ? "
"Well , he hasn't managed to please
any yet. " Plck-Me-Up.
Mr. Goodman , Williams Co. , ill. ,
writes : "From one package Salzer's
German Coffee Berry costing 15c I
grew 300 Ibs. of better coffee than I
can buy in stores at 30 cents a lb."j
A package of this and big seed cata
logue is sent you by John A. Salzer
Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , upon receipt
of 15c stamps and this notice , w.n.c.
There , are almost 400 mineral
springs i'n the United States.
Brother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray ,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York , Cure Feverishness , Bad Stomach
ach , Teething Disorders , move and
regulate the Bowels and Destroy
Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials.
They never fail. At all druggists , 25c.
Sample free. Address , Allen S. Olm-
sted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Some battles are won by fighting
and others by running away.
My doctor said 1 wou'd die hut , Piso's Cure
for Consumption cured me. Amos Ke'.ner ,
Cherry Valley , Ills. , Nov. t3 ! , ISO. )
The heiress who brags of her wealth
may aim to be fortune teller.
Smote Sledge Cigarettes. 20 for 5 eta.
Edith : "I suppose you were at the
wedding ? " Helen : "Oh , yes. " Edith :
"How did the bride appear ? " Helen :
"Triumphant , of course. " Harlem
An extraordinary coincidence con
nected with the Zola trial was the
fact that while the novelist was being
so plucklly defended In one court by
Maltrc Labor ! , in another and ad-
joniiug court a man named
Zola was condemned to three
years' hard labor for forging
the signature of a certain Mme. La-
bori , neither the convict nor his vic
tim being In any way connected with
M. Emile Zola or his advocate.
No grave Is deep enough to bury the
Good man's hope.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo ,
Lucas County ,
63. ,
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he la
the xenlor partner of the lirm of K. J.
Cheney & Co. , doing business In the City
of Toledo. County and State aforesaid ,
and'that said lirm will pay the sum ol
and every case of Catarrh that cannot t >
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my nre. f nce , this 6th day of December.
A. D. 1S36.
'J22uJi A.V. . GLRASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send lor
testimonials , free.
F. C. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's .Family . Pills are the best.
Havana is almost due south of Co
lumbus 0.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOc or STx ; .
If C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money.
There are about 250 religious sects
in England.
Wales is the richest part of Great
Britain in mineral wealth.
The darkest days of husband and wife are when they come to look forward
to a childless and desolate old age.
[ Many a wife has found herself incapable of
motherhood owing1 to some great lack of
strength in the organs of generation. Such a
condition is nearly always due to long con
tinued neglect of the plainest warnings.
Frequent baekache and distressing pains
accompanied by offensive discharges
and generally by irregular and scanty
menstruation , indicate a nerve de
generation of the womb and sur
rounding1 organs , that unless speedily
cheeked will result in barrenness.
Read Mrs. Wilson's letter :
have suffered from female troubles
more than I. 1 had tin more on the
womb , my ovaries were diseased ,
and for fifteen years 1 was : i burden
to myself. I was operated upon
three different times , with only
temporary relief ; also tried
many doctors. Lydia 13. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
was recommended to me by a
lady friend , and after taking
four bottles I was like a new wo
man. I had been married nine
years , and had no children , I now
have a beautiful little girl , and we
feel assured'she is the result of my taking the
Compound. MAY B. WILSON , 323 Sassafras
St. . Millville , N. J.
Modern science and past experience have produced nothing so effective in
treating diseases of the female organs as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and Sanative Wash used according to special directions.
If you know any woman who is suffering and who is unable to secure relief ,
or who is sorrowful because she believes herself barren , tell her to write to
Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. , and ask her advice. The thousands of Mrs.
Pinkham's cures are all recorded for quick reference , and a reply will be promptly
sent wholly without charge , that will direct her what to do.
Mrs. B. BLUIIM , 4940 San Francisco Ave. , St. Louis , Mo. , writes : "Itlias been
my great desire to have a babe. Since taking your medicine my wish is fulfilled. " '
LydiaE.PinKham'sVegetaWeConipoancIjAV/oman'sRemedyforWoman ' sIIls
The nisery of it is awful.
You'll fee ! it is worth its weight In g
11 MAD ]
$ : is prepared on
scientific princi
ples , by men who have had years of
experience in fancy laundering1. It
restores old linen and summer dresses
their natural whiteness and
AS WHH ) naST BOOT a beautiful and lastingfinish. . The
only starch that is perfectly harmless.
ONE POUND Or THIS STARCH WILL GO Contains no arsenic , alum or other injurious
OFANY OTHEn STARCH. jurious substance. Can be used even
a.C.HUBIN5ER BROS'C9 for a baby powder.
but have sold direct to the con
sumer for 25 years at whole
sale prices. savin ? hid the
dealer's profits. Ship any
where for elimination.
Everything warranted.
113 styles of Vehicle ? ,
53 styles of Harness.
Top Unties. § 35 to § 70.
Surreys. $30 to § li3. Carria
ges , Phaetons. Traps , Wa on
_ cttes , Spring-Road and Milk
So. 77. Snrrrr H rnosJ. Price. J16.00.Wa5f33 - Send for large , free No. COG Surrey. Price , with certain * . lamss.TOa-
A3 good in sells for J25. Catalog of all our Etylej. thade. apron and lenders , $ 0. AJ goodiTscStar&O.
FREE ADVICE l > .v our Physician and a FREE SAMPLE J ?
of our medicine anil u C3-imge Free Book treating all diseases with 5C excellent * <
recipes arc some of the reasons why you tliouldvritc us. * *
Cures the very worst caseaof Dyspepsia. Constipntion , Headache. Liver and '
Kidney diseases. Send for proof of It.Ve Guarantee It. Write us ulxnit ' ,
sill ot your symptoms. Dr. Kay's Renovator is sold by clruggiits , or sect i
l y mail on receipt of price , 25 cents and S1.0O. '
AddressDr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , Western Office } Omaha , Neb. i
Captain Silns Casey , commander o
the League Island navy yard , who
has become ranking captain of the
navy was graduated from the United
States naval academy in ISfiO and
was a master in the navy when the
war broke out. Prom 1870 to 1873 ho
was on the Colorado , then attached
to the Asiatic squadron. Ho was in
command of the battalllon of sallom
from the fleet In the Corean expedi
tion and the assault on Fort McKce.
Seoul river , in June , 1872. Since that
time he has held many important
places. Before taking command of
the League island navy yard ho was
captain on hoard Admiral Slcard's
flagship , the. New York. All told.
Captain Casey's actual sea service
covers a period of nineteen month * ,
three years and one month of which
were under his present commission.
"Could I sell you a Bible ; ' asked the
agent. "I guess not" replied the real
estate dealer. "You might try Heb-
bardshee , in the next office. He has
a sort of mania for rare books. " In-
dlanapolis Journal.
No-To-IJac for Fifty Cent * .
Guaranteed tobacco liable cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 80c , 81.
The artist with a magnetic temper
ament ought to draw well.
. tVIiiHlow's Sootlilnjc Syrup
ForchllilrfntcctliliK.M > ftrnntriOriimi ! , re < lueiniism. .
nation , allaj pain , ctirwwlml colic. 23 ceatea buttir.
A novel may have anything but a
novel plot.
When a sinnner turns saint he Is apt
to overdo it.
W.N. U. OMAHA. NO. 141393. .
/I /
r. Jh2a Answering Advertisements Kindly
EsntScR This Taper.
indepemlenceis as
sured if you { alee
up yonr home in
Western Canada ,
the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets , giving- experi
ence of farmers who have Lecome
wealthy in growing1 vlieat , reports ol
delegates , etc. , and full information aa
to reduced railway rates , can be had
on application to Department Interior ,
Ottawa , Canada , or to W. V. Bennett ,
X. Y. Life Building , Omaha , Neb. ,
Agent for Canadian Government ,
Dr. Kav's Renovator Guaranteed
uii ivaj o nciiuvaiuij
toenre dyspep-
sia C03 .tipation , liver and kidney disrases.lnl-
liousno , heu'lache , etc. At drujists i'x ; & ] .
"Wo wish to train YJOff.Q new cns-
tomerF , and nonce otter
1 Pkg. IT Day Ka-INli , 10s
IPlcg. Karly Spring Turnip , 10s
1 " KarliextllPtlBect , Ko
1 - " BirnnRrck Cucumber , lOc
1 " Oaccn Victoria Lettuce , 15c
1 " * Klondyko JleloDt lie
1 " Jumbo Ginnt Onion , l c
3 " Brilliant I-lower beeds , Uc
T7orti dl-OO , for 14 cents.
AbovolO ' . . " . irorth SI.00 , wo will
mail you .roe , together with oar Plant nnd Seed Catnlogno
upon receipt of thi- notice and He.
postageWe invite your trade and
know when yon once try tia.lzer'a
becda yon wiirneTcrjrPtaloup with
out them. I'ntntocHQtSl.OO
c.I5bl.Catalogr.lonoCc. ! T < * m .
Ladies Wanted
TO TKAXLCL for uld estar-li-beU , hru > e.
peni.acent pohklon. * Vwt per month anil al : cxpoii-e- .
P. W ZIEGLLU & CO. . ? J Deart jrn StreetCWcaso
Get Your Pension
\Vrle ! CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent.
1425 "iew York Avcnus , WASHINGTON , D. C.
L hCWB I quickr liefan.IcuresworsS
ra. er. Send for book of testimonial * and lOUays *
treatment Free. Dr. iLU-Ciiiii 'SiOss. AUtata.c .
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