The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1898, Image 6

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An OfHccr of n .Monitor T
for u New Dealt , ' " Tlmt 3Iny IJo of
Great Vuluo to tlio Navy Not si
Thing of JJeuuty.
1 The accompanying sketch was made
by a naval officer who luia had some
experience on the larger monitors. It
represents in a' ' general way his con
ception of the Ideal battleship. All
ships are compromises , , and this de
sign departs materially from the well-
known and approved monitor type In
having a superstructure .forward. This
feature enables the' ship to maintain
her speed in a head sea , which is whol
ly - with the ordinary
' monitor , although a sea abeam has but
little effect on the speed of this pe
culiar craft. For about two-thirds of
Its length the design presents a free
board of only thirty inches , which may
be considered the monitor standard.
The freeboard at the bow is ten feet.
The twelve-inch guns are well located
for sea work , being eighteen feet above
the water line. The turrets are housed
in barbettes. The height of each bar
bette above the deck is twelve and one-
( It Works Automatically and Is Gen
erally Kept in a Warship's Conning
Tower. )
The cour.inx towers on most shipsare
* ' . _ , . . . .
- -nA J mf'v ccm-
manding officers say they would rather
take their chances on an open bridge
than to occupy one of the alleged "con
ning towers. "
The smoke pipe passes up through
the center of the tower and receives
protection from it. The smokepipe Is
utilized as a mast , and carries the usual
fighting top and signal yard. The top
of the smoke pipe Is 100 feet above the
water line , and as the fighting top is
fifteen feet below the smoke outlet , the
men at the top guns ought not to suffer
any discomfort from smoke. The bar
bettes arid conning tower rest on the
main deck , which is two inches thick.
The side armor Is continuous and has a
mean thickness of twenty Inches , twen
ty-four inches amidships , "tapering to
sixteen inches at the ends. The depth
of side armor Is six and one-half feet.
The thickness of armor on turrets , bar
bettes , and conning tower is twenty
The length of the vessel on water
line is 300 feet ; beam , seventy feet ;
draught forward and aft , twenty and
one-half feet ; displacement , about 8-
COO tons ; twin screw ; indicated horse
power , 5,000 ; speed , about thirteen and
one-half knots per hour ; coal capacity ,
500 tons ; main battery , four twelve-
inch a'nd ' six four-inch guns ; secondary
battery , si : : six-pounder rapid-firing
guns and two thirty-seven mm. Hotch-
kiss revolving cannon.
The sketch represents the ship clear
ed for action , the boats at other times
being stored on the superstructure. The
presence of a superstructure amidships
adds much to the comfort of a moni
tor's crew and does not increase her
size as a target , as bridges and other
gear would incumber the space bqtween
the turrets and give the enemy as good
a mark as does a superstructure. This
point is illustrated by a comparison-of
the Minantonomah and the Amphitrite ,
the former having no superstructure.
The model of this design is necessarily
line , the St. Louis , the St. Paul , the
New York and the Paris , are the largest
ships of the number , and besides these
there are the steamships of the New
York and' Cuba Steamship company ,
and the Mallory , Morgan. Red D and
Panama lines. All of these vessels
could be fitted out and prepared for
duty in a very short time. They would
be supplied with guns of the Driggs-
Schroeder and Holchkiss pattern ,
which are designed to throw a large
number of small projectiles with great
rapidity. Naval officers do not be
lieve that all the available merchant
steamships would be called upon to do
duty as commerce destroyers. They
believe that lialf a idozen of the fastest
( Ue Carried the Report of the Maine
Inquiry to Washington. )
one > ; would be more than enough to
wiptSpain's small commerce from the
seas in a comparatively short time.
The navy yard at Brooklyn could ac
commodate ten large steamships at one
time if it were necessary to fit them out
at short notice.
Horrors of War.
"War , " said the old colonel , as he
stirred his toddy , "is too .terrible to
contemplate. It should not be lightly
* - " . \
half feet. A leading feature is the con
ning tower , which is a tower in fact as
well at ; in name. It has a height of
twenty "even and one-half feet above
the wa'pr line , is twenty-five feet in
diametc- . and twenty inches thick.
There i > nothing equal to it now afloat.
very full'otherwise the enormous ar
mor weights could not be borne. The
absence of eight-inch guns means a
sacrifice of offensive power , but there
is a corresponding gain in armor pro
tection and in general simplicity. The
ship can be commanded by one man
and handled by a small crew. The de
signer believes that this ship , although
costing not over two- thirds as much as
the Indiana and being much cheaper to
maintain , would be more than a match
for the pride of the Hoosier state.
Could Be Fitted for Action.
Attention has been attracted to the
merchant steamships that are classed
as auxiliary cruisers to the navy , and
which could be fitted out in a short
time so as to serve most effectively as
commerce destroyers or as speedy
transports for the handling of troops.
The available steamships that could be
utilized by the government would con
stitute a big fleet , and experts believe
that it would prove of great service
in the event of war with any country.
T ! : ? 'c"r biz steamers1 of the American
spoken of , sir ; it is a serious , sad
affair. I have two graves in Virginia ,
one in Tennessee and three in Ken
tucky , and but for war the men who
fill them/would be living yet ! " "Your
sons , colonel ? " asked the listener , in
an awed voice. The colonel tossed off
his toddy neat , and stroking his gray
beard said : "No , sir ; my substitutes ;
the brave men who fought , bled and
vTTr7t : T rrflP ; 73 * X * v &frTrF3e&r * * * *
B K I s SsSWsS
( Now Belongs to Chile , But May Be
Purchased by Uncle Sam. )
died for me ! " Then the listener cough
ed and observed that whisky was not
-as coed cow as-it was before the war.
These two words emphasize a neces
sity and indicate a , reraedj' .
SPRING the season when the blood is
most impure as a result of the win
ter's closer confiinemcnt , higher liv
ing , Blower action of the kidneys
and liv r ; when humors of all kinds ,
boils , pimples and eruptions are
most liable to appear ; when the
weak , languid condition of the whole
bodily structure demands and wel
comes help.
MEDICINE that to which the millions
turn at this season Hood's Sarsapa
rilla , The original "and only prep
aration especially adapted to the
prgsent needs of the human family ;
that which makes the blood pure and
clean * , as shown by its thousands of
wonderful cures of dreadful blood
diseases ; creates an appetite and
cures dyspepsia , as shown by its
"magic touch" in all stomach trou
bles ; steadies and strengthens the
ncrvesV as proved by peopla for
merly nervous , now calm and self-
possessed , thanks to
Only those who have been relieved
of great suffering can fully appreciate
the gratitude with which the testimonials
menials overflow written in favor of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Just read this :
"C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell. Mass. :
"Gentlemen : "My flrst experience -with
Hood's Sarsaparilla was when I uced it as
a tonic and spring medicine. It did mo so
much good my faith in its merits became
America's Greatest Medicine , becnuse it cures \vben all others fail. Be sure to get Hood's.
Fond Mother Wonderful how ideas
have changed since our grandparents
days. Scarcely any one now believes
in infant damnation. bachelor
Brother Umph ! Your husband
'doesn't talk 'that way. " Brooklyn
From the Ey-Standcr , .Uacomft , 111.
Aldermaii Louis "W. Camp , of our city ,
has quite astonished his friends of late , by
a remarkable gain \reijrlit. . Ho has gained
22 pounds in five wee ! ; = . These of his
friends who do not know the facts of his
sickness will read with interest tbo fol
lowing :
"I was broken downmU.ealtb.nnd utterly
miserable , " baid Jlr. Cainp to our reporter.
"I was unable to work much of the time
and so badly afflicted with a form of stomach
trouble that life was a veritable nightmare.
"I tried various remedies , but during the
six months of my sickness I obtained no
relief. I had always been a rebus > thealthy
man and sickness bore heavily upou mo.
"About two years a so I was advised to
try Dr. AVilliams'FinkPillsforPalePeople.
I purchased one box and received so
much benefit that I use ! five more and was
entirely cured. I gained twenty-two pounds
in five iceehs. Since I stopped taking the
pills I have scarcely had an ache or pain.
Interviewing the Alderman.
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills restored me to
health and I most heartily recommend
them. "
L. W. Camp on oath says that the fore
going statement is true.
W. W. MELOAN , Ifntary Piihlic.
Following is the physician's certificate
as to Mr. Camp's present conditou.
I am a regularly licenced physician of
Macomb , McUouough County , 111. I have
very recently examined Mr. L. W. Camp as
to h'is general physical condition , and find
the same to be all that could be desired , ap-
Selite and digestion good , sleeps well , and
as all the evidences of being in a Rood
physical condition. SAM'L RUSSELL , M. U.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
30th day of September , 1S97.
T7. W. M.CLOAN. .Rotary Public.
A wife never hates to ask her hus
band for money any worse than he
hates to have her.
JJeuury it Ulood Deep.
Clean blood means aclean hUin. No beauty
without it. Cusoareis. Candy 'Cathartic
cleans yourlilooil anil k'ipit clean , by stir-
iin up the lnzv liver mid driving all impu
rities ftom thu'body. Buirin today to banish
] > impIelioiK blotches , -icklieaUs. . and that
bii'klv bilious complexion by U : ' < ing , Caca -
iet > bojiuiy for tt-n icnt- . All dr
butibfuctiun guaranteed. lOc. > o. . > 0c.
To find his place and fill it is KUC-
cess for a man.
Coe'o CougJi TIa2sirr )
Is the oldest and best It 111 lireaK up a. co'd quickci
than an } tlilnjr else. It Is i livajs reliable. Try it
Cultivate a spirit of gratitude for
daily mercies.
A girl's love affair gets tangled when
she has too many strings to her bow.
IT * / + o fa
* Try Qram = 0 ! S
lTryQrain = 03 I
v v < $
Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon
* npackageof GRAIN-0 , the new food O
$ . drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children inuy drink it without < >
injury as well as the adult. All who
% try it , like it. GSAIN-O has "that %
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java ,
but it is nude from pure grains , and
the most delicate stomach receives it
* without distress. 1 the price of cofFee. *
15 cents and 23 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. $
Tastes like Coffee *
* Looks like Coffee o
$ > Insist that your grocer gives 7onGKAIN-O
Accept no imitation.
To get our new Cat
alogue. Hundreds of
people save hun
dreds of dollars se
lecting Furniture , Draperies , etc- , from it.
Send for it. It gives prices and pictures.
1413 Douglas . t. , Omaha. Neb.
' 'for cougis. colds ,
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm and throat disease
Water ,
Forgive your enemies and conquer
your aversions.
Star Tobacco is tne leading brand of
the world , because it is the best.
Never argue on religion , our
yrcacher is paid to : lo it for > nu.
Colorado tJolil Field.
Colorado is the banner gold-produc
ing state in the Union. Production in
1S97 over § 20,000,000. This rear prom
ises tc exceed $30,000.000. New strikes
are being made every day. Nothing
like since the days of ' 19. Would
you know all about these things ?
Then send twenty-five cents for a 3ix-
months' trial subscription to the
"MINING WORLD , " an eight-page
illustrated weekly paper. Rcgulai
subscription , ? 1.00 a year. The news
iest mining newspaper in the world.
Address "World. " P. O. Box 1C13. Den
ver , Colorado.
Life seems but a dreary ex-pants to
the boy who has to wear his dad's
made-over trousers.
Ask for Allcn'r Tent Kuse.
A powder to shake into your shoes.
It Cures Corns and Bunions , Chilblains ,
Swollen , Nervous , Damp , Sweating ,
Smarting and Callous feet. At all
Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sam
ple FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted ,
LeRoy , N. Y.
You can get into some secret socie
ties only by degress.
Educate Your UcnvclH With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
lOc , ioc. IIC. C. C. fail , druggists refund money.
Realize worrying is an enemy which
destroys your happiness.
Curly-haired dogs have some e-xtMo2
for snarling.
Use Biff G for unnatural
discharges , inflammations ,
irritations or ulcerationj
of mucous membranes.
Painless , and not astnn *
EEYJnsCHEKC ! .CQ. gen * or poisonous.
or eent in plain -wrapper ,
br express , prepaid , for
Jl.flO. or 3 bottles , $ ? .75.
Circular e nt oa re nie3
very strong. About two yearn later I had
a running Koro on my fcot. It developed
into erysipelas and affected tbo out
limb. At that tirno I was
' Very Much Run Down , -
as I hnd been troubled with dyspopslsfe *
The drain on iny system was so severe and
my stomach wan so weak I became a ready
victim of malaria. I feared I could never
regain my health. Sly stomach rebelled
at the simplest food , and the medicinal
prescribed for ao gave but little roliof. I
sent for a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
and I had taken this medicine but three
days when I began to improve. Continu
ing -with it , I am now better and stronger
than I over ospoctod to bo. It has purifietl
ray blood and given good circulation. I
have had no return of my old troubles
sin e. " Mit3. W. KAXC , Media , Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is
The Wlodlclno For You
Because of what it has done for others ;
because you ought this spring- take
that which will do you the most good.
There arc lota ot cathartics , some liquid ,
sorns pill-form , some good , some bad ,
but you will never use any of them after
you have tried
Candy Tablets C ? Purely vegetable , so
nice to eat , so smooth and easy in their
effect , so reliable , never failing to cause a
pirfectly normal operation , that they arc
guaranteed teA
A booklet and sample free for the asking , of
you can bay a box for xoc , 350 , 500 , at your drug
store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 80
The Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal. NewYort.
Mfl Tfl RAP SoM anil Guaranteed to cure To
ElU IU UHU baccu Habit by all dnJKJfbts-
\Ve delight to do an e&rljr friend t
good turn. Ike working paits ot
nio ; , e r-goins , everlutioe , powerj j
doubling , UP-TO-DATE ' 981
| fifiOTOR,3 FT. FOR S6 ; iz-lt.for8l2.lG.rt.
| for ? 3U. They run like a bicycle , and are made like a I
| watch , every looiablo rcrt on rollers. Doubles ceared I
] mill power , .ho Aermotor tanrrhen all other mills I
I stood still , and wide the steel windmill Lmlness. I
I Oa receipt < f amount , reused Deter ( bat not vheel I
1 or vane ) will be fientto replace old oao thea to be I
returned. Offer Mitjert to cancellation st any time.
It yonr old wheel is not an Acrmotor , write tot ,
terms of § wap new for old to po on old lower ,
iffar § 9@aSfSi Than for the
[ Trade Murk ]
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. , Chicago. Dear Sirs : It is just about one year ago -rrhcn I
first commenced using your " 5 DROPS" for Nervous Rheumatism , Catarrh In the head and
Bronchitis. I was &o bad that I could not eat at all , in bed or anywhere else : my Nerves wcro
all in a quiver , : tml my Liver and Kidneys were all out of order : In fact. I was so bail that I had
to raise up in bed from live to twcHo times in one night to get my breath and to keep from
choking , hut to-day I am heartier and in better health tliun I iiatohccn for the punt llfty < '
years. Othen > are using it here with wonderful results and still more calling for it.
Yours truly. GEORGE YEAGEK. Portland. Iml. . Feb. IT 1808.
Swan = on Khciimatlc Ctrc Ci > . . Chlcaso. Gentlemen : I recalled the order all right , forwjjfrh I enil
thanks. I am silll takinirtlie " 5 DKOl'S"uncl am auiln e'ry dai Imicii't felt HO \ \ < > 11 for ten
ye. irs. I ime u-ed all kiudiof inedlflni-s. but Iiui4 n \ IT found anything that has done for ni
what " .1 UKOP.V lias. Oursla e < Irlerbrinsmy uiryMrine to me trom bh.tnm.aud lie bringi * It vury
carenillj. lor lie thinks there is no mfdicino > n c rtli llko " .1 DROPS. " Ho In usins It tiir
KhrmnatNm : he ha * only u ed ! t for three week * and ft has done Benders for him. He couldn't harness hU
horses \ . Hli'jut kitting down a number of time.- , and it ha.ttopp il ali the pain In hl IfmlK.
MKS. CEO. H. WMVKI.L , fctratTonl. Vermont. Feb. 13 , 1S98.
" 5 IiOPS"cnre Kienmati > .m.Sci : tIca.N'enralsiaIyppPi > Ia. liiirknclic. Asthma. Hay
Fevor. Catarrh. Meeplt-NHiien * . > urvaiiMies > > . Nervous and N 'uralric I ! < * : ulichvs. Kuntclie ,
Toothache , Heart U eakuens , Croup , Swelling. .LaGrippe. Malaria. Creeplii ; Numbness.
PfiR THIPTY F1AVQ IHUftPn to enable sufferers to cive "oWlOPS" at least a trial , wo will s-n < l a.
lUII I [ 111 : I I UHIG sample- bottle , { iremld by mail. forSj cents. A sample liottlu will con-
Tinrp 1011. .Also. Inrsro bottles C500 iio-ts ) 81.00. 3 bottles forS2..V ) . Not sold by druggists , only by u autl
our agent' . Airents w\nti-il tn lionterritory. . "N rite u * tnltv. .
Our responsibility has been established by 21 years of
fair dealing. In buying a
You know your bicycle is all that is claimed for it.
POPE MFC , CO , , Hartford , Conn ,
Catalogue free rcm any Columbia dealer , or fcy mail for one 2'ccnt stamp.
* wu - mau f B JlaSar1 *
IIIcIi Grade ' 98 HcxJels , 811 to $40. X
models , best makes , $ .75 to 918. Seat on
approval tntAouT a cent payment. JVee n e
oj wbee | to onrngenta. _ Write for our sew
J )