The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 25, 1898, Image 1

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The Honor Not Appreciated.
Some of the misguided newspaper
brethren out in the 66th district are ob
jeclhig to being "tacked onto McCook , '
as they style it , in making an exhibit of
the products of Sauthwestern Nebraska
at the coming Omaha exposition. It is
to be regretted that they are so purblind
to the best interests of this section of
Nebraska , and that they fail to appreci
ate the fact that it is an honor to be as
sociated with McCook and Red Willow
county in this work. The following from
the Hayes County Times is a sample of
the silly ' 'kicks" being made. Tun
TRIBUNE does not believe that these
newspapermen express the sentiments of
the farmers and business men of these
"Brother Clayburg of the Chase Coun
ty Tribune expresses the sentiment of
the people of Hayes county in the fol
lowing true statement : 'It seems that
some of the papers of Red Willow county
are making a kick because their county
has been consolidated with Hitchcock ,
Hayes , Chase and Dumly to make a col
lective exhibit at the Omaha Exposition.
They presume that Red Willow county
is big enough to go it alone and infer
that it would be detrimental to them to
be grouped with the other counties men
tioned. As for Chase county we desire
to say that she is not in the least desir
ous of being tacked onto Red Willow in
this matter , as she , with the other coun
ties complained of , has ample resources
and enterprise to make an exhibit with
out the aid or consent of Red Willow ,
and , in fact , would piefer to do it with
out her , for , as in everything else , if we
go in with them they will expect the
other counties to furnish the exhibit and
they claim the honors. The people of
Chase county are getting tired of play
ing second fiddle to McCook and Red
Willow county , and are amply able to
take care of themselves in this matter. ' "
„ . . Held to District Court.
John Bungers of Valley Grange pre
cinct was brought before County Judge
/Bishop , last Friday , on complaint of
Henry Richardson , charged with grand
larceny and .Burglary , involving the al
leged stealing of about fifty bushels of
wheat. The case was continued until
Tuesday of this week , when the prelimi
nary trial was had before the county
judge , H. W. Keyes , county attorney , ap
pearing for the state and A. F. Moore for
the defendant. The judge considered
the evidence sufficient to warrant bind
ing Bungers over to the next term of
district court and the bond was placed
at$500. ; The sureties are Gottleib Klemp ,
John Hesterworth and Frank Bungers.
A Severe Wind Storm.
The cold wave and high wind which
prevailed over this section , Monday
night and almost all day Tuesday , made
one of the worst storms of the winter.
The thermometer dropped from the
nineties to the neighborhood of zero in a
few hours and the wind blew a gale.
There was a little snow. The wind was
strong and piercingly .cold. It was harden
on stock , but fortunately abated some
what on Tuesday afternoon , much to the
relief of man and beast.
An Afflicted Family.
Rev. J. A. Badcon has been very ill
since the close of last week with an at
tack of typhoid-pneumonia , but at the
time of going to press we are pleased to
i learn that the condition of the reverend
gentleman is- less serious. Mrs. Badcon
is also in very poor health and a married
son in Denver is quite low with typhoid
fever. The afflicted family has the sym
pathy of manj' irieuds who wish for the
earlv and complete recovery of all the
indisposed ones.
On Friday and Saturday. April ist and
2d. I have secured the services of Miss
Leonora Miller of Englehart , Davison
& Co.'s , St. Joe , Mo. My opening dis
play will be worthy of your inspection.
Thanking my customers for their very
liberal patronage during the last five
years , I am Yours sincerely ,
By the Wholesale.
Monday of this week , Messrs. Wilcox
& Flitcraft vaccinated over 200 calves
with a preventive against blackleg , a
disease which is quite prevalent in some
parts of the state. The virus is provided
by the government. Only animals over
six months old are vaccinated.
Spoiled Its Beauty.
Everist , Marsh & Co.'s new delivery
* wagon met with disaster on the first day
of its appearance. The team was tied to
an unstable post , from which they broke
i away. The vehicle was somewhat dam
aged as to utility and beauty in the en
suing runaway.
Guaranteed Mixed Paint at McMillen's
Drug Store.
LEON JOHNSON was in Lincoln , Tues
day of this week.
W. R. STARR attended court up at
Hayes Center , this week.
S. R. SMITH of Indianola was at val
ley headquarters , Monday.
MRS. T. B. CAMPBELL is confined to
the house with a very sore foot.
MARION POWELL of Indianola was a
business visitor in the city , Monday.
WALTER MULLEN is weighing the
mail at this point for the government.
JOHN F. BOHNSTEDT left , the first cf
the week , for the mines up in Wyom
W. S. MORLAN went down to Alma ,
Tuesday morning , on business of the
A. BARNETT returned home , Wednes
day night , from his trip through Wis
H. W. KEYKS , count ) ' attorney , was
up from Indianola , Tuesday , on legal
MRS. WILL KRAUTER is heiu from Il
linois , visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. LeHew.
JUDGE W. R. BURTON of Hastings
transacted legal business in the city ,
W. F. EVERIST went down to Hoi-
brook on No. 2 , Monday morning , on a
stock deal.
REV. L. A. TURNER and Miss Turner
were up from Indiauola , Monday , on a
short visit.
Josephine Happersett , of Indianola , are
in the city today.
REV. W. J. TURNER , the new Congre
gational pastor , will be here in time for
the Easter Sunday services.
Miss LEONORA MILLER arrived from
St. Joe , Mo. , Monday night , and will
trim for Mrs. M. 1C. Barger.
Miss BIRD MITCHELL arrived from
Eau Claire , Wisconsin , this morning ,
and will visit Mrs. A. P. Bonnot.
MR. FURBUSH of Michigan was in the
city a few days , this week , on business
and to visit his sister , Mrs. A. Barnett.
J. A. HAMMOND'S little daughter Onie
has been very ill with pneumonia , but is
better and hopes are entertained for her
recovery now.
W. S. AUGUSTINE visited Grand Is
land relatives , early part of this , and was
caught out in the storm of that day
while hunting.
up from Lincoln , Saturday and Sunday ,
returning to the state capital on No. 6 ,
Sunday afternoon.
F. O. FRITZ , the energetic and success
ful organizer for the Star of Jupiter , ar
rived in the city , Tuesday night on busi-
iness of the order.
Miss LoTTA STOVER , who has been
absent most of the winter preparing
spring and summer millinery , returned
to the city , Sunday night.
MRS. FRED REXFORD and Alex. Drutn-
mend took their departure , Monday af
ternoon , on 6 , for Sardis , British Colum
bia , where they expect to make their
future home.
A. W. COREY arrived from San Diego ,
California , last Friday , and spent the
early days of the week here on business ,
leaving for home , Wednesday. He is
doing a prosperous loan business.
Prosperous Times.
J. J. Latnborn of Indianola was in the
city today and had a glowing story to
tell of the prosperous times in Red Wil
low county. He said that the merchants
are doing a better business than they
had for years , that the farmers are get
ting out of debt and are all looking for
ward to valuable improvements during
the year. The cattle feeders in that
section are all making money , especial
ly those who bought youug cattle two
years ago , a large number of fat steers
going on the market this month. Mr.
Lainborn said that so many mortgages
are being paid in that section that there
is great difficulty in finding places to
loan the money again , and that he him
self as agent for an eastern loan com
pany has been obliged lately to send a
consideable amount of money back east
that had been paid in during the last six
months and could not again be loaned
out. Lincoln Cor. Omaha Bee.
The fact that Alex. Drummond of
South McCook left his wife here upon
his departure , Monday afternoon , for
Sardis , British Columbia , has- caused
some excitement in that part of the city.
He drew all his money from the bank
and presumably did not leave his wife
in the best of circumstances. t
- Murder and Suicide.
ATWOOD , KANSAS , March 23. Specia
to THE TRIBUNE : Atwood was thrown
into terrible excitement between noon
and one o'clock p. in. , today , by an aw
ful tragedy ; a shock such as has never
been known in the history of North
western Kansas , owing to the promi
nence of the parties and the appalling
circumstances of the deed.
Mrs. Gertie Woodward , daughter ol
Mr. Gleason , editor of The Republican-
Citizen , while in the office of that paper ,
was shot four times and killed by Wesley
Cochrau , a prominent youug man of At
wood and son of ex-Register of Deeds
Cochran. He shot her with a revolver
once in the temple , twice in the breast ,
and once in the abdomen. She died at
6 o'clock in the evening. After the
shooting Cochran ran to his father's
house where he procured a razor , and ,
going into an adjoining building , took
his own life by cutting his throat from
ear to ear and was there found dead a
few minutes afterward.
A pall of sadness hovers over Atwood ;
a gloom touches every household ; heart
felt sympathy is extended to the be
reaved relatives in this their time of
great sadness , whose sorrow we appreci
ate , but not in s > uch magnitude as the
brothers and sis
grief-stricken parents ,
Groups of citizens from all parts of the
count ) ' were seen during the afternoon
and the appalling theme was on every
tongue gloom was depicted on ever ) '
Wesley Cochran and Mrs. Woodward
were raihed in Rawlins county and spent
their childhood days in Atwood , their
parents being early settlers. They were
both young : he scarcely in manhood's
prime and she on the threshold of young
womanhood , each being twenty-four
years of age. Death is sad at any period
of life , but sadder still in younger years
before life has reached its prime in vig
orous health and promising future.
Time will scarcely obliterate the terri
ble memory of this most awful tragedy.
While Gertie Woodworth was dying ,
surrounded by loved relatives and sorrowing
rowing friends she had known since girl
hood days , suffering the most excruciat
ing agony , she begged for death to end
her suffering. It was a scene never to
be forgotten ; stout hearts were touched
and eyes unused to tears shed them
there. During the afternoon many citi
zens went to see the remains of Wesley
Cochran , who in death appeared as nat
ural as in life , and the pathetic scenes
there cannot be described by pen or
The history of this awful day , the 23d
of March , makes a terrible chapter in
the chronicles of Atwood.
The time for the funerals of the de
ceased is not set , as distant relatives
have been sent for and are coming.
They will be the saddest funerals ever
seen in Atwood , and the deep sorrow
will touch the hardest heart. F.
The following licenses to wed have
been issued since our last report :
John S. Kuhns and Sarah E.Johnson ,
both of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas. They were
married by the county judge on Monday ,
the 2ist.
Aaron E. Gamuiill and Sarah M.
Young , both of Bartley. Judge Bishop
married them on Monday.
Edward J. Edgar and Addie J. Hunt ,
both of Bartley.
Since our last report the following
cases have been filed in district court :
Nebraska Loan and Trust Company vs.
Charles Ebert et al. ; equity.
The State of Nebraska vs. John Buu-
gers ; grand larceny and burglary.
William Coleman vs. Thomas M.
Warue , attachment.
The protracted meetings in the Bap
tist church will close tonight , after con
tinuing about three weeks. These meet
ings have been largely attended and the
best feeling has prevailed throughout.
Part of the-time Rev. Sheafor was assist
ed in the good work by Rev. S. C. Green
who is a very pleasing and convincing
preacher of the Word. Rev. Sheafor
informs us that the results have been
very satisfactory and helpful to the cause
in our midst.
As we go to press , Rev. Sheafor in forms
us that the meetings may be continued.
The services at the Christian taberna
cle being held by Rev. H. A. Lemon ,
evangelist , and Prof. C. R. Travis , solo
ist , both from Lincoln , are continuing
with increasing interest. Their cam
paign may lengthen into weeks. Go to
hear them.
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
in advance.
BAPTIST Bible study at 10. Preach
ing at ii. Evening service at 8. The
revival services may continue this week.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday-school at 11:00 a.
m. Evening service at 8:00 p. m. Even
song and instruction on Thursdays at
8:00p.m. : REV. HOWARD STOY ,
Priest in Charge.
METHODIST Services Sunday March
27 , 1898 : Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at if.m Junior League at 3 p.m.
Devotional Service , Epworth League , at
7. Preaching at 8. Rev. G. B. Mayfield
of Culbertson will fill the pulpit both
morning and evening.
JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Services morning
and evening at the usual hours a home
missionary rally to be conducted by
Rev. and Mrs. Hermon Bross of Lincoln.
It is hoped that a generous home mis
sionary collection may be lifted and that
the services will be largely attended.
Junior Endeavor at three. Christian
Endeavor at seven. Wednesday even
ing prayer-meeting at eight. General
invitation to all these services cordially
CHRISTIAN The following are the
subjects at the Christian tabernacle for
the ensuing week : Friday and Saturday
lights , How to read the Bible to under
stand it. Sunday morning , 11 o'clock ,
Divinity of Christ ; evening , 7:45 , The
way to be happy. Evening services at
7:45 , Monday , Suicide ; Tuesday , Is God
eve ? Wednesday , Faith ; Thursday ,
Why sinners cannot be happy. A good
ive sermon and a fine solo at each and
every service. Everybody invited.
Lantern Class.
The public school has received from
Chicago a valuable loan collection of lan-
teru slides made in Paris by Levy & Son ,
the famous optical instrument manufac
turers. These pictures are recently ta-
cen views of Madrid and vicinity , and
ire the finest photographs ever shown
in McCook. Regular lantern class Fri
day evening.
Benefitof Cuban Sufferers.
Monday and Tuesday , March 28-29 at
eight o'clock , in school Assembly room ,
[ llustrated lecture on Spain and the
Spanish. Admission to all 10 cents.
Proceeds to be forwarded to Cuban relief
The high school cadets have reorgan
Week after next will be the spring va
The school choir was organized , Thurs
day morning.
Carrie Benjamin of the Twelfth grade
will return to Benkleman , Saturday.
Inez Plurab has been over from Danbury -
bury visiting the schools and her sister ,
On account of the cold wave , Tuesday ,
only one session of school was held in
the forenoon.
Marion Bishop of the Eighth grade
was surprised by a company of youthful
friends , last evening.
Rev. G. W. Sheafor was a school vis
itor , Monday morning , and addressed
the Assembly briefly.
Charlie Beardslee and Ora Hendrick ,
joth of the Ninth grade , were visitors to
the town on classic Coon creek , Sunday.
Frank Smith of the Fifth grade acci
dentally shot hiirjself in the forearm ,
Wednesday of this week , with a 22-cali-
Dre revolver.
L. EGilcrest took a number of rec
ords. Thursday afternoon , for use next
Monday and Tuesday , at the Cuban Re-
ief entertainments. They will embrace
solos , choruses , and recitations.
Every child in the McCook public
schools will donate'a penny to aid in
juilding the proposed monument to the
memory of the immortal Lafayette.
This monument it is proposed to build
with the penny offerings of the school
children of America , and every child in
the great system will doubtless feel proud
to be among the number of donors.
President McKinley is the leading spirit
n advancing and promoting the noble
plan of appropriately commemorating
; he deeds of the great Frenchman by the
erection of a suitable monument.
Joe is lost , and the Chief of Police
and Sheriff have been in search of him.
Anyone keeping him will do so at their
own expense.
Cuban Relief Meeting.
Responsive to printed call circulated
a number of citizens met in the city hall
Wednesday evening , to take some ac
lion in devising ways and means to as
sist in the general movement in this
land to succor the starving Cubans
Mayor H. H. Troth presided over the
deliberations , which were taken dowi
in due form by C. W. Barnes , secretary
Two committees were appointed by
the chairman , an executive committee
consisting of H. H. Troth , chairman ,
J. S. LeHew , secretary , J. H. Berge ,
treasurer , Mrs. M. A. Northrup and Mrs.
A. W. Utter ; and a committee to solicit
from farmers , composed of D.W.Colson ,
C. A. Leach , A. F. Moore , Mrs. John Ste-
vens.Mrs.Max Anton. These committees
were in session , last night , and report
the following plans through which to
raise funds for the suffering Cubans :
It is requested that all money dona
tions be handed to J. H. Berge , at the
court house , and that the donations of
grain , etc. , be left with D. W. Colson , at
the Bee Hive.
Two lantern class entertainments will
be given by the public school , Monday
and Tuesday evenings next , on Cuba and
the Spanish. Admission ten cents.
The Brigade band will give a rehearsal
in the opera house , some day next week ,
date to be duly announced.
The donations will be distributed by
the Red Cross society , through Clara
Barton and Consul-General Lee.
Meeting of Poultry Association.
The association met , Monday after
noon pursuant to the call of the secre
tary in L O. O. F. hall.
Thd treasurer , R. B. Simmons , made
his annual report showing the financial
transactions of the association for the
year as follows :
Cash received $71.60
Cash disbursed 29.60
Cash on hand 42.00
The secretary was instructed to correspond
spend with F. W. Hitchcock and others
and secure a competent judge for the 2d
annual exhibition.
It was agreed that after April 4 , 1898 ,
the membership fee be raised to $ i.
It was agreed that an adjourned meet
ing be held at the I. O. O. F. hall on
Monday , April 4th , 1898 , at 3 o'clock p.
m , at which the annual election of offi
cers and the time for holding the 2d an
nual exhibition will be taken up.
There being no furthur business the
association adjourned.
J. S. LEHE\v. Secretary.
Death of Richard Johnston.
Thursday afternoon , Richard Johnston
of Valley Grange precinct suddenly
passed to his reward at an advanced age.
The deceased has been ailing and quite
feeble for some time past. He was one
of the earliest and most influential citi
zens of that precinct. Two sons and
two daughters.all living in that precinct ,
are among the bereaved ones , Alex. D. ,
Robert , Miss Nellie and Mrs. A. R.Ham-
niell , and they all have the sympathy
and consolation of many neighbors and
The funeral will take place , Saturday
afternoon , soon after dinner , from the
Baptist church , with which the deceased
recently united. Rev. G. W. Sheafor
will conduct the services.
Star of Jupiter Program.
Below we give the program which will
follow the regular session of the Star of
Jupiter , Monday evening next :
Duet Misses Elbert
Recitation Reid McKenna I
Solo Alice McKenna
Exercise Miss Stroud's School
Solo Miss Ellington Wilson
Reading Frank Golfer
Solo Mrs. C. W. Bronson
Recitation Miss Lotta Stover
Piccolo Solo Roy Smith
Recitation Ethel Barnett
Solo Bessie Borneman
Solo , i Miss Stella Norval
The public is invited. The program
will commence about nine o'clock.
We will welcome you to our Spring
opening of millinery , Saturday , April 2 ,
There is nothing like our stylish
trimmed hats. We make no two hats
alike , so you will not tire'of looking at a
duplicate of your own.
The ripe millinery persimmons to be
seen at Stover & Burgess' do not dangle
from every bush. Wail for our open
ing. _
LOST Heavy log chain 10 feet long ,
on section 35 , Coleman precinct. Reward
will be given to finder.
Ed Smith died , last evening , at the
county poor farm , aged 98 years. Fun
eral occurs today.
See McMillen's new stock of WALL
See McMillen's new stock of WALL
WANTED Shorthand pupils by L. W.
Wilcox & Flitcraft have a new deliv
ery wagon.
Guaranteed Mixed Paint at McMillen's
Drug Store. ,
UNE office. Best in the market.
THE TRIBUNE and Leslie's Weekly for
$3.00 a year , strictly in advance.
THE TRIBUNE and The Prairie Farmer
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
THE TRIBUNE and The Chicago Inter-
Ocean forSi.35 a year , strictly in advance.
A letter for Mrs. C. F. Kinna was ad
vertised at the McCook postoffice , Mar.
Be in the swim. Buy one of those
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P.
They are exhibiting a scarlet fever
card at the home of Chas. Franklin on
3ast Dennison street.
The Knights of Pythias have changed
the name of their lodge here from Wil-
ow Grove to McCook for convenience'
The large gilded cross was blown off
he top of the steeple of St. Patrick's
church by the high wind on Monday
II. T. Church , S. P. Hart , W. F. Ever-
st and others made shipment of cattle
nd lie s on Tuesday morning , notwith-
tanuing the storm.
The Thursday mail from Wilsonville
o Tyrone has been discontinued , and in
uture Tyrone will receive mail on Tues-
ays and Saturdays only.
The Ladies' Circle of the G. A. R. will A
jive an entertainment and social with a
jrograniuie soon after Easter. The date
vill be announced next week.
Everist , Marsh & Co. bloomed out with
a handsome , new , two-horse , enclosed de-
ivery , Monday morning , with Ed. Paterson -
erson in charge of the stylish rig.
J. II. Bennett has been stocking his
ranch near Max with cattle lately. John
las been improving the place considera
bly and has quite a model small stock
Colonel Mitchell has sized up the Re
publican city ticket and opines that it is
a strong ticket but has weak spots in it ,
and may possibly be defeated. Possibly ,
colonel , possibly.
We hope that Colonel Mitchell will
lot forget that circulation matter , as the
time is rapidly approaching for the pub-
ication of license application notices.
rle should post his attorney in time. \l
If you prefer to have your clothing
made to order , leave your measure with ,
us. First-class work , good trimmings ,
and a good fit , as well as lowest prices ,
guaranteed at
Despite the cold and windy weather ,
Monday evening , there was a fair attend
ance upon the meeting of the Star of Ju
piter. There were three initiations in
addition to the usual routine business ,
and the session was lively and interest
A local contemporary describes the
cannon which passed through this sta ]
tion , last week , for the Pacific coast , as
able to shoot a "torpedo five feet long
and twelve inches in diameter thirteeen
miles. " A truly remarkable cannon , to-
be sure , and important if true.
The McCook Circle of Ladies of the G.
A. R. will meet in Odd Fellows hall the
second Saturday of each month at 3 p.m.
The members of the circle desire that all
mothers , wives , sisiers and daughters of
Union soldiers or sailors in McCook or
vicinity shall become members of this
When Colonel Phillips takes after the
brothers-in-law with his well whetted
snickersnee , there is only one place of
safety for the colonels and that is in the
tallest timber obtainable. Jasper has a
way of cutting and slashing at times
which is simply appalling , and the broth
ers-in-law are bright marks for him.
Rev. E. B. Boggess and his church
have been invited to participate in a
council called to convene at Danbury ,
Neb. , April 7th and Sth , 1898 , for the
purpose of recognizing the Congrega
tional church lately organized there.
Mr.Boggesshas been requested to preach
the recognition sermon. Oberlin Times.