H The following is a characteristic Hood's H Sarsaparillu testimonial. Fuels like | H these have made Hood's Sarsapnrilla B- America's Greatest Medicine and cn- B denied it to thousands of homes scat- K cured all over this broad land. H "Wo like tell Hood's . : to what oar.apa - B i rilla has done for us. Our four children H hud diphtheria. From the very first our I | H * little ho } ' Ralph , thou seven years old , was I very sick uml for several days it secmod as if ho would uover ho any hotter. After a while bo Logan to improve and in a few wcoIcb was ahlo to go out , although weak and miserable. Then , gradually All Strength in His Limbs gave out. The physicians told us it wa3 paralysis , which sometimes follows au ut- tack of diphtheria. AVe did everything for him , hut bo grew worse until ho was in a pitiful condition. Ho suffered terribly at night and complained continually of his head , and in what little sleep he was ahlo to get , moaned unceasingly. Ho lost all coutrol of the muscles of his body and limbs. He had no nppetito audcomplaiuod of fooling sick at bis stomach all the time. After wo had tried many different reme dies and had about given up all hope commenced him Hood's Sur. wo giving > a- parilla. In a short time ho ceased to com plain , his appetite improved and at the end of three months ho was ahlo to attend school a pait of the time. Now ho is well and quito a strong and rugged boy. You are at liberty to m > o this testimonial if you desire , as wo feel wo cannot say too much in prniso of Hood's Barsaparilla as a blood puriflor and building up medicine" Mia. It. E. Andekson , Cumborlnud , Maine. Economy is also a characteristic of IIoocl's Snr.iaparilla. Every bottle contains 100 Doses , and hence there is a solid fact concisely stated in the familiar line , 100 Doses One Dollar. B ' Is America's Greatest Medicine because it accomplishes wonderful euros when all other medicines fail. H Sold by all drug-gists. SI , six for S. "i. Prepared only bv C. I. Hood & Co. , Anothecaries , Lowell , Mass. H ' The longest article in the Ameri- H j can Monthly Review of Reviews for H March is on "The Rush to the Klon- H dike. " It was written by Mr. Sam H Stone Bush and is illustrated with H more than thirty photographs , a ma- H jority of them having been taken by 1 the author. Both text and pictures B serve to tell in au unusually vivid H way the things that thousands , cast H and west , are just now asking about. H Mother. "Wlmt on earth are you do- H ing to the child , Bridget , to make her H cry so ? " Bridget ( who has just slapped H her ) : "I s'pose it's the medicine , mum ; P the Iaibul says as how children cries 1 for it. " Brooklyn Life. H Don't put on too many airs as yen H float down life's stream r your little H boat may capsize. Raai a ma Lia 5 MaiaaE m , For All Points B In Colorado. H The train of trains is the Burlington ' s H Denver Limited. Nearly two Iiours H i faster than any other. Makes onl-11 B ' stops in 533 miles. Runs on time over H _ * " a superb track. B Leaves Omaha 4 : ? > p. m. B Arrives Denver. . .7:15 a. in. Sloopinr. cliair. r.ainkiiiir and dining cars. Tickets at oflicesof connecting lino. B B BJ J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , B B BJ Omaha , Neb. H (5 < ® < ® f > < 2 > < < © > 5 > < 9 < CG > S > o H i ! f you are interested and wish to § H k post yourself about the Gold Fields A H A of the Yukon Valley , when to go a H 'H and how to get there , write for a | ? H V Descriptive Folder and Map of V B B BJ y Alaska. It will be sent free upon y BaVaH application to T. A. GRADY , Ex- H A cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R. , A H q 211 Clark Street , Chicago. & b b bI ffizffi'Zf& ' t * B § 1 Eater's SHs ara Wsrrjntfd to PraJcwjfu [ B H9 K. Walter , I.cRavsillc. . i'a. . as ai hM tbcvrnrld fexgft ' . . , H WM Jrgrowius230bu ' .Iicl3 Stliars corn : .1. lireldcr TOS3 Bflflflfl BII&Meott. Vis. . 173 bob. barter , and ? . Sn oi. SB BBBBB BS Kandall * . rovr-i. br grons 193 bash. Sal r'J o U 3 B fpcrr. re. If joaduubt , writs them. We wish tu g = ia KSj I WS 110,000 new cu tomcrs , heaco will srad oa trial Kg | M 10 DOLLARS WORTH FORI Cc. lg > ] . , Vetch , te1 . ii pi-sof rare far-n sce.is. Hog Pea Sand * I I | PD < we. Wheat. 'Sheep Rape , Jeraialcai Corn.ete. . . iii- J I HS cludins our mammoth Seed Catalogue , til.Ia ; Ail fJM I IM abont the JIM gold prizes f-r best name for onr SiJ ' andoatt. • Trudigies , ? I VVi new mirrclous corn v H , • & . also sample of tame , all mailed ; nn upoa ifcgrt. ' [ ' T&Zk receipt of but 19soitaje. . po iiirdjX V I TltSk. worth $10. to get a start. 100.000 bbU. jASS I JPTn. Seed iotntor at $1 J ) a bbi. JVggr VAVAVI tSS . * * P E'-l'art ! vegetable ftiSp H Please S fetel ' * ? ? ' CataloK H eend thii lfiBff < 3sU ! { ceSeUj22' ' nlons.uc. adr. alonz. SS 'J Si' S 1 Ilc.tv.c. P U g 1 | | © 6e ! Your Pension CE19illl1@ ! DOUBLE QUICK BBVflfl Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent , 1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C. H it wiiTpm any nwm BBBBB to Kcnd his addrco on a po at t : > J. I. . STRAW. BflflflH fciouarcl , 111. , for free circular lllu tratisii : tbu mo'-i H liuiunnc. iirolitalilc , practical and i-atlsfactory inctbod BBBBa < 'f nilRinp. handling , feeding and keeping cattle BBhBB known to husbandmen. | | Garden & Flower SfpgHtfrf B m IhELe ) reputation. Catalog B Bfl JAMES J. H. GRECORY &S0H , iVlarblehead.iVlass. BBBB1 n ir I I . . m nnln tor COU hS. C0llS. | Df. Kay s Lung baim - .v taL H 'X. 'g g. lTfaompson'sEyc Water , b bh .hL * jBWSj&fiBte Slissouri has the sroatest hodes of lead ore in the world. Kducare Your Itowols With Ctsciirct . C.umly ( Jttliutic , cure constipation forever. 10cac. If U.U.U. fail. di" .iKist.srefund 'nouoy. Crosccut Hold , ICurulLti SpiiiiBS , Ark. Opens iJareli lht. In licart of Ozark Mountains , climate mild and liraing , scenery wild and beautiful. Unoqiialed modioinal water.- . Excursion rates , through sleepers , via Frisco Line.ddre. . - > s jrana < jor Croicent. Eureka FJjirings , or Geo. T. Kicholhou. O. P. A. , Frisco Jjiue. fct. Louis , SIo. Liberia is the land where circles are almost entirely dispensed with. New Inventions. - Amongst the curious p 1 y0 j patents issued last week $ pj j v/as one for a selt-pro- , j ' / rcllins sleigh issued to a * ' 5J | f H > i { Minnesota inveutcr. Another - ' other related to a simple , \ ) _ _ stock feeder. While a NJ jlV New York inventor got a * S -2 clever device patented to him embracing a combinafon stret sweeper and sprinkler. Inventors de siring : a free illustrated book on pat ents should addles ? Sue ? & Co. , reg istered patent lawyers , who have charge of the exhib't of inventions at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition , and who are located in the Bee Building. Omaha. Nebraska. Don't think it is disgraceful to tum ble to your faults. Established 17C0. % I Baker's I & < * = = = = = = = = I Chocolate , I & 'S * rZVcelebrated \ for more } J , > U'ri ' 'S s\ ic than a century as a § / < 2 > &fe.S delicious , nutritious , * & A W $ % S a n iiesh-fornung 5 % & / roy T beverage , has our Vw wA well-known < S MI fiwK Yellow Label KS fib , Hm ' ' . * / lijs on the front of every < } ' a ra ' sdl'l P kase and our tv M trade-mark "LaBelle & & ( \ 0M - , & l4l ! & ' ipL * Chocolatiere , "onthe g , " * - H tfw back. & NONE OTHER GENUINE. $ o. MADE ONLY BY \Q I V/ALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. , § Dorchester , Mass. 5 | S&c5tStr5 t&t5r5t5tSt5t5i5 5i $ 5r5i I M T E BOWELSc I * Did you know that millions of microbes , i i bacteria , ptomaines , inv.sib' .a to the i f naked eye , brezd and feed in the 1 i towels , causing all inds of intestinal t ; ctoudIss ? i t ars ths only antiseptic Ias3tiva that * ? kill microbes and prevent their pro- ? * pagation. Cascaret3 thersforc pxsvsat ± * S3 well as 3T * { l rs 0@siifip fiL § \ \ A booklet and sample free for the asking , | * or yea can buy a box lor xoc , 35c , 50c , at your * t drug store. Satisiaction guaranteed. ' 73 f * Sleriing Remedy Co. Chisago. Kontroal.MeivYork. | Mtt Till TiUS * Sold and K'larantccd to cure To- WJmztf-URv bacco Uabi ; by all dru jl3t2. TO THE FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA , Where twcntv-Qve and thirty bushels or wheat are jjrown to the acre , will bo personally cou- " Trvmsxy'irN tsa l < luut3d by a Canadiun a ? BhWW * ( Government repre- S > jTiE &ra seatativcon IwSf&y A 23d and 30lh March ' K&iil st-1"1 nf' & Lca nc - " " oa Q kOIUmm these dates. Fcr p.ir- ( _ _ _ SdKaLMIBMl ticuiars as to the spe cially low passenger and f reisht rates , apply to W. v , BENNETT. N : Y. Life Bids. . Omaha , . . , Caxullaa Gcvcraawut Agcat. AS A TRAVELING COMPANION. ffew Uho Dincoveroil for the Ugly IU18- slua iioii3e. The reason of the new fangled fem inine fancy known as the Russian blouse was discovered by a "Washing ton Star reporter on a trip from Jersey City to Washington a lev/ nights ago. The train had just begun to move out of the Jersey City station when a young woman , rather of the "new" order - • der , swung herself aboard. She was almost breathless from hunying , and , unlike the majority of her se.\ , was sin gularly unhampered by luggage. A neatiy rolled umbrella and a jacket were all the traveling gear she carried. The young woman occupied a section by herself , and it was apparent that she contemplated retiring , for she re quested the porter , with every indica tion of weariness , to make up her berth with all possible haste. Yet was the reporter mildly curious to observe ihat the young woman had no grip in which it is usual to carry toilet conveniences. He wondered if she contemplated ly ing down in an immaculate tailor made skirt and a fashionable Russian blouse. As the making up of the berth neared completion the young woman rose and proceeded to the lavatciy. Ev ery one in the car looked at her , for she was exceedingly handsome and pos sessed a trim little figure. Pretty scon she returned to her section and the re porter marveled more than ever. She was arrayed in a black India silk neg lige , and she carried her blouse over her arm. Several observing women exchanged - " changed wondering glances , for they , too , had noticed the absence of all lug gage , and were puzzled at the transfer mation. This fascinating traveler was the object of general attention next morning as the train rolled into "Wash ington. The young woman sat calmly in her section , rolling into the small est and tightest bundle possible the India silk garment. This completed , she closed a folding comb , put a tooth brush into an oil silk cover , and with a dexterous movement from under neath , which looked like the stretch ing of an elastic band , the young wom an slipped neglige , comb and tooth brush into her Russian blouse. A hand kerchief and veil soon followed , and lo ! the traveler suggested one of our west end girls arrayed for a morning stroll on F street , without a suggestive sign of having passed the night on a sleeper. BEETS AS LARGE AS YOUR ARM. p -s The e d i- tor of the " B r o w n ' ' City.Mich- > Vv' v - - - 5 3 ? * S * cently paid V / V " - - - - - " * i - a viRit to * " ' " * ' " " • " J W e s t e rn Canada , and speaking of a garden that he saw in the Edmonton District , says : "On August 23rd we had the pleasure of visiting the model seven-acre gar den at Edmonton , owned and operated by one Donald Ross , a typical Scotch man , and as whole-souled , good-na tured old gentlemen as you often meet. He gave the Yankees each a hearty handshake as we were intro duced in succession by the Canadian Government Agent , who was our guide and pilot while at Edmonton , and to whom we are indebted for many cour tesies conferred. Mr. Ross informed us that he cleared from ? 800 to $1,000 annually from the sale of roots , vege tables , flowers and plants. We here state that we never before saw such a growth of vegetables ac that season of the year. He said that he raised 750 bushels of onions to the acre. Beets were growing as large as your arm , turnips the size of one's head , and cabbages as large as a patent pail. Fol lowing are prices that Mr. Ross gave us as receiving fcr his produce : Beets , 50 cents per bushel : carrots , 40 cents ; onions , $1.25 ; turnips , § 5 per ton ; cab bage , 4 cents each ; green corn , 25 cents per dozen ; tomatoes , $1.50 per bushel ; potatoes. 25 to CO cents ; cauli flower , $1 per dozen ; cucumbers , 15 cents per dozen ; strawberries , 25 cents per box ; squash , 4 cents per lb. , and other produce in proportion. He kept a hot-house 12x180 feet , heated by a furnace by means of flues. One man beside himself attended this garden , except at time of gathering the crop. " Agents of the Canadian Government are now located at different points in the United States , and using their ef forts towards securing settlers on the fertile lands of Western Canada , to which the gold fields are tributary. SEWS BOILED D0WH. WHISPERINGS OF THE WIRE IN FEW WORDS. ATlRccllnnpous Nowh Ncjtc ? ( I.ttlifcrert From 'i'hl and Other Countries Accidental , Criminal , l'olltlcal , Social and Other wise Crisp Condunsutlous 1'rom All OnarterN. Monday , March 7 , Two new government torpedo boats have just been completed at Bristol , R. I. % Sensational reports of the past week tended to interfere somewhat with prices. There is no martial law at Skagua , all reports to the contrary notwith standing. Hundreds of tons of supplies for re lief of Cubans are going forward from New York. Wife Murderer Luetgert has been as signed to make sausage for his fellow convicts at Joliet. President Dole of Hawaii has given $500 for relief of families of sailors who met death on the Maine. The negro militia of South Carolina are ready to take a hand for Uncle Sam in warring on Spaniards. From Hyderabad , India , comes the report of fifteen deaths daily , result ing from a plague of "black blister. " The emperor of Germany makes the declaration that territory once seized becomes anil will forever remain Ger man. man.A A bill has been introduced in the senate appropriating $59,000 for im provements at the national sailors' home at Leavenworth. Postmaster General Gary directed that an inspector be sent to Ada , Ga. , to investigate the circumstances in cident to the assisination of Mr. Free man , who was appointed postmaster , but was killed before he entered on the duties of his office. Tuesday , March 8. The Hotel Graham , at Graham , Va. , has been burned ; loss , $90,000. There is a concerted move by Colorado rado , Utah and Wyoming on the cattle thieves. Editor Hedley or 3un > .er Hill. 111. , has been acquitted of tne charge of homicide. Japan is evidently preparing for a struggle with Russia over Korean neutrality. Pinkerton of Chicago indignantly de nies a report that his detectives are in the Dons' secret service. Thirteenth Cincinnati May music festival will open May 21 with Theo dore Thomas as director. Heidelbach , Eickelheim & Co. of New York have engaged $200,000 in gold for export from Paris. The viceroys of Nan Kin and Hu Kwang , China , have openly revolted against the rule of the emperor. AH Ferouck Bey , the newly appointed - j ed Turkish minister to tae United j States , has started for Washington. | Governor Otero has remol Solicitor - J tor General A. B. Fall of New Mexico , j charging neglect of duty. Fail will eon- j test. j Dave Sullivan of Boston met and j defeated Patsy Broderick of Provi- j dence at Yonkcrs. N. Y. , in the ninth i round. I Adrian Braun , a conviel in Sing ' Sing ( N. Y. ) prison , murdered his wife , who was paying him a visit at the prison. Inspection has "been ordered Tor the California National Guard ? and they , with the naval militia , will he placed in readiness for an emergency. Billy Layton of Hot Springs and j Jack Grace of New York , seconds to j McCoy and Burley , were arrested for i abetting the prize fight at Hot Springs , Ark. Ark.The The Bulgarian agent at Constant- . tiople has asked the Turkish govern- j tnent for explanations regarding the alleged movements of Turkish troops towards the Bulgarian frontier. First Lieutenant J. H. Sh pton. First : u'lillery , has been selected as United States military attache at Rio , Brazil , Lhe first time the United States has maintained a military attache in Bra- "I- "Wednesday. ? iFarr3i 9. General Sickles says that Spain is imply justified in seeking Lee's recall. A number of Gjiatz Arabs have pil- aged the Jewish quarters at Tatza , cilled several Jews and abducted the fewesses. John Howard Parnell , brother of he late Charles Stewart Parnell. has ) een elected city marshal cf Dublin it 1.000 a year. The government's Alaskan relief ex pedition arrived at Seattle , having srae from New York by freight rain in six days. Dr. A. A. Mathews , a prominent ihysician of Gladstone. O. . was called ; o the door of his house and fatally diet by an unknown person. United States supreme court af- Irmed the sentence of one year's im prisonment of Herman Keck , a Cin- iniifti merchant , for smuggling in liamonds. James T. Ohert. secretary of the orth St. Louis Building and Loan issociation. pleaded guilty to embez zlement and was given two years in hs penitentiary. Irish-Americans at Denver in con tention denounced Father Weber of ! Cew York , who said it was the duty ) f Catholics to sunport Spain in a conflict with the United States. In the court martial trial of Captain Darter , in progress in New York. Ex pert Carvalho testified that the signa ture of A. M. Bangs on two checks vas in the handwriting of A. Con- lelly and B. D. Greene respectively. In a communication to the senate Secretary Bliss of the internal de partment recommends that the open ing to location and entry of the Un- compaghre Indian reservation lands be extended six months from Anril 1 , White Rock cotton mill , Westerly , R. I. , started up , hut the strikers re fused to return to work. In the New York supreme court Justice Chase donled the petition of Mr. Bannard , a stockholder in .he Union Pacific Railroad company for an injunction to restrain the reorganlza- tlon committee of the road from is suing more than $75,000,000 in bonds. Thursday , March 10. The republican state convention ot Kansas will be held June S at Hutch inson. The Union Pacific railroad has giv en $25,000 for the Trans-Mississippi exposition. Garibaldians made a great display at Rome at the funeral of Cavallotti , who was killed in a duel. * Great Britain's marine steam ton nage is today G.720,703 , about as much as that of all other nations added to gether. The night agent of the Adams Ex press company at Orrville. O. , ab- second with a package containing $10,000. The president has signed the Hawley - ley bill providing ; for two new regi ments of artillery to man the coast defenses. Governor Pingrec called a special session of the Michigan legislature for March 23 to provide a uniform rule " of taxation. " Andrew S. Draper , presidpnt of the Illinois university , has declined the position of KUDerintcnnent of Greater New York's nublie schools. Salvati. the well known Venetian glass and mosaic artist , who executed the masaics in St. Paul's cathedral , London , has committed suicide. The directors of the American Sugar Refining company have declared the regular quarterly dividend of 3 per cent , on the common and la on the preferred stock , payable April 2. As a result of a conference recently held between Thomas Dolan anda num ber of workmen employed in the cloth mills of Thomas Dolan & Co. at Second and Oxford streets , Phila delphia , a 12 per cent , increase has been granted , to take effect at once. Frtilay , ? .Ia'-ch II. Dr. Yon Riecke , minister of finance , Stuttgart , Wurtemberg , is dead. Abraham P. Cline , a pioneer thresh ing machine manufacturer , is dead. Applications for enlistment in the artillery average thirty a day at Bos ton. The Oil'City , Pa. , opera hou e was destroyed by fire. Loss en building , $00,000. Over 100 clerkships were declared exempt from the operations of the civ il service law at Chicago. The operators and miners at Colum bus , O. . have not yet reached an agree ment on the day labor scale. Thomas W. Cridler. United States commissioner to the Paris exposition , was presented to Minister of For eign Affairs Hanctaux. Thirty-sixth anniversary of the bat tle between the Monitor and the Mer- rimac was celebrated at Philadelphia. Congressman Bon telle spoke. It is announced on excellent author ity that tne Union Pacific ir- now in control of the Oregon Short Line. The Rev. David Morton , D. D. , secre tary of the board of church extension of the Methodist Episcopal church , south , died at Louisville. Ky. , of olood poisoning , aged GS years. Prince Poniatowski is at the head of a company which proposes , within a year , to bring at least 10,000 horse power from the waters oa the west ern slope of the Sierra Nevada moun tains , in Alpine and Calveras coun ties , by means of an electrical line 110 miles Ion to San Francisco. Sat" .nliy. March 12. Sir George Lawson , K. C. B . the as sistant under ? ecretnrv cf state fcr war , is dead at London Rev. Paul Van Dyke of Hampton , Mas. . was ciected professor 01 history of Princeton university. Resign ? tiens cf the eizht trustees of Dr. John Hall's church , New York city , have been accepted. Tug Underwriter , with the big der rick Chief , left fcr Havana. She put in at Charleston several days ago for repairs. Ted Sullivan , manager of the Du buque base ball team , signed Warren W. Beekwith , son-in-law cf Robert T. Lincoln , as a pitcher. American Peace socirtv has issued from Boston a request that prayers be offered Sundav for the deliverance of the country from war. Samuel G-ompers , president of the American Federation of Labor , de nounced the decision in the Latcimer : ase as eminently unfair. Pro * . Ashley R. Hurst of Tulane uni versity was stricken with anopievv at , New Orleans and fell down twenty feet of stairway , fracturing his skull. Mayor Robert McKissoa of Cleve land , O. , announced that he would con test the election of Senator Hanna ivhen the latter attempted to take his 1 scat for the long term. Judge Townsend of the United States court at New Haven , Conn. , de < i if d in a customs ca e that the D : igsy ! tariff - ! iff bili did not become a lav , " until ! President McKinley had affixed his . signature to it. Dr. George N. Kreider , surgeon of the Second Brigade , Illinois National 1 Guard , received notification from t'r.e war deparmer-t at Washington through the adjutant general's office here , to have all the appliances of hi3 depart ment in readiness. The liu'.iaii Navy. ST. PETERSBURG , March 12. An ' imperial ukase just issued orders the lisbursement of G0.00O.CO0 rubies as in extraordinary expenditure for the ' construction of warships. It is added that no loan will be raised to pro- ' ride the money. In official calcula tions , according to tne Statesman's year book. G.40 roubles are considered - I ed equivalent to the British , noun'i ] ' II MAINE'S RAM FOUND. t ! | THE BATTLESHIP'S MASStVB ] PLOW DISCOVERED. | H Moved ! mt B Aaccrtiiliici ! to Have liven ( Ordinal 1'onUlon . / ' B I.ltllo From the JlodX of the Ve-wel Now Wen nt I U. t > Torco of th < r AiiRle * to It Terrlllc K.vploHlun , M > * IiiVfHtlKiUlnsr the. I > l a tor. HJ HAVANA ( via Key West ) , March 12. ( New York World Cablegram ) The H discovery of the Maine's ram and its position relative to the rest of the wreck is the crowning proof that the H ship was blown up by a mine or a H large torpedo. There is no longer H room for doubt , reasonable or unrea- M sonable. The ship Is absolutely broken H in two. Its heavy ram today points M almost at right angles fiom the point M of the intact rear two-thirds of the M ship. It points under water squarely " ( H at the Spanish cruder Alfonso XIr. M which is anchor way to the left of the M wreck. It should ucint risdtt ahead M at La Machina. The quser phenomenon - M non cf the present position of the visible - H ible portion of the wreck is thus ex- J M plained : H On February 15 Alfonso Nil and tha ' H City of Washington- , immediately after H the explosion , lay very near the Maine , H but pointed away to the left of the direction - H rection in which the visible unrtion H of the wreck was found to point the H next morning. Experts said that M either an unaccountable current had M held the Maine in a different position M from that of the others while all were M at anchor , or the Maine was hurled M away around toward the right by the fl force of an outs.Je exnlosion against fl the port side well toward the forward H end. It was hurled away and the explosion - H plosion against its port bottom wan j l powerful enough to break the ship W M bodily and hurl it up and over tha M starboard at the point of greatest impact - H pact about 100 feet ( or one-third of M the ship's length ) , from its lam. M The Maine's extreme fcrwird a. 'nt ' H was a masshe steel ram , a termendous H heavy structure. It moved but little , H and this portion of the ship between H it and the point of PXDlnsicn swims H upon this arm like a weight upon a H fulcrum , away from that awful" force H applied against the port side. In the H same manner the stern of the Ma inn M was- uninjured and moved little , while M 200 feet of the ship fcrwaid to the M point of impact swung around to the M right away from the force. And the M Maine lies broken in two by a blow | against its side , as one might lay down H a stick he had broken across his knee. M The discovery or the Maine's nort H bottom plate , with its snlit "Z" bar M braces , its gusset plate , its sluice valve. H its two inches of protective rement on H the inside and its Iliggins green antifouling - M fouling paint upon the outside was H proof enough. It protrudes from the H water fully twenty feet toward the een- M ter of the ship from thf proper position - M tion , and moved exactly toward the H only interior explosive force of the H ship powerful enough to do much damage - H age there. It was hurled into the ship M and above the water by a tremendous j H explosion against it from the outside , H and nov that the discovered ram . H shows the original position of the ship. / H the awful effects noted on great and H small things are known to have come H from exterior causes , aided , perhaps. M by a small interior magazine , as has H been cabled. • H Dinner hour for the naval men , the M non-appearance of the Spanish divers M &nd the fortunate absence of the patrol - H trol boats allowed me to work two I H hours with a sounding leed. comnass i H and tane line. For some time I " hart M noticed that th navy divers wprf * H working awav to nort of the apparent I M nosition of the Maine's pimken bow. ' ' H They ovident'v ' hart found sompth'ns : { . H big. Thev did little work where the ' | ow usually wa sumnsed to be. H Today's snundinsrs show nothing but v I H nmi and light wreckage where the I H low ought ! 09. But thev do show a M iinesive nointed object Iviner some H "Iglit feet above the mud and point- H ng as indicated. In the widest p'ace | t is about fonrte ° n feet and runn to a | loint. Tt is the Maine's ram and now , H > v answprin-r direct questions , the exerts - ' M ) erts admit . I H Careful soundings H approximating- < ourteenfcoteuares show no wreck- \ H ? e on the nort pirte ' ' | of r'io f v"-d lortion of th ? wreck excent the big- H ron rem. Naturallv the mnss of iin > M > er work * went aw > v to stav'omrd and M his the Snanish divers nrobablv have- H nistnken for the Main's bow in nrone.S ' H losition. The ram' = : position fiti i- - H • ml definitply fixes the fact of a mine j H > r a torpedo. , H Orejron Ts fcin r n Ammunition. | SAN FRANCISCO. March 12. The , | H mttleship Oregon is to receive at enc H 00 tons of ammunition. This nuan- H ity will prove a full comnlement for H he fortv-two magazines of the shin \ H : oday the powder , shot r-ntl shell will ' M > e brought from Mare Island to the ' ' M ) roicons * anchorage in Mission bay. M Officers of the naw roitiment on " the \ H act that the ammunition must be- H irought to the ship , uecan-e the vessei f H nnnot so to the naval station at [ M Jarp Island to receive supniieS > owin" H o the shallow water in the channel | " ' here. " "Vimntos nron qjn jn Tn p H ievv dor.a-tmopt chowimr that the sum H s 3250.000 would enlanre the dock at | Tare l < 5i , ' , n i so ag to accommodate a j H dp bpttlpcjiln and deenen th- > channel H It is believp-d bv rvai officers tb.nt ' ' H he Oregon will remain for i cod , | rable lon th of 'imp near Sai Fran. - ' H isco. Tim report that the shjP v .jh * H ; o to China is not credited. H C'olufnhia 0 ii of ? Srr U clc. H ut xn LPHIA. March 12-vh H rig cruiser Columbia was taken out yfi | if dry dock yesterday. It will beirin | aking stores at once. Ammunition. | i-ill be taken on at Fort Mifflin. Th e , | Columbia and Minneapolis will sail f | outh in a few days. Their destina- | ion is not known. fl H Four hundred women , hoys ufi ' V H iris struck at the H Beckman -ooer i nils. Cleveland. O. . for an Iccreaso ot ! H 0 par cent , at once. H HI