1 international press association. 1 CHAPTER XXXVII. rCoN-nsuEiO HH Once safe on English neil Caussidiere flfgg 'became himself again. He forgot his HK | -abject terror and resumed his eld man- H | "or. Then , beforcMio had heen in Lon- K 'don many days , arose the question : 1 J low was he to subsist ? He had little sj * 01' no money , and such talents as he Hw possessed were not at that time in Kl much demand. A happy thought struck ' him he would go down to Scotland , eE hunt out the rich mistress of Annan- Hf dalc Castle , and perhaps secure some HR help from her sympathy or her . fear. H TllIIE it befell that he arrived quietly K one day in the town of Dumfries , asd HR within a few hours of his arrival heard V I -that Marjorie was alive and dwelling L with her mother at the Castle. Up to HRSMhat moment he had been in doubt V | " * whether the woman he had betrayed HH 1 was alive or dead indeed , he had B A I - .scarcely given her a thought , and cared VE not what fate had befallen her. But H H 1 "now it was very different. She lived , H E -and by the law of the land was his law- ft His plans were soon laid. He detcr- H mined to see Marjorie alone , and if she B "was obstinate and unforgiving , to use L what power he had over her to the ut- B most , with the view of securing present K and future help. On reflection , he had B not much doubt that he would soon re- H gain his old influence over her ; for in B' the old days she had been as wax in his B hands , and her character had seemed H -altogether gentle and unresisting. W M He reckoned without his host. These m seemingly feeble and too faithful naB - B ' f lures , when once they gain the strength M t of indignation and the courage of de- m spair , assume a force of determination M I sometimes unnown and foreign to the H -strongest and most passionate men. H As matters liad turned out. however , m it was not with Marjorie herself that E tne Frenchman had had to reckon , but E with her life-long friend and protector , H .John Sutherland. This pertinacious H young hero whom he had always hated , H liad now fully asserted his authority in H giving him the first sound thrashing H i he had ever received in his life B ' Baffled , bruised and bleeding , livid H with mortified rage , Caussidiere re- H -niained for some time where Suther- H i , I land left him , and when he at last I found speech , cursed freely in his own B 1 tongue. Then he paced about madly , B | calling Heaven to witness that he B w would have full and fierce revenge. B [ x "I will kill him , " he cried , gnashing B liis teeth. "I will destroy him I will B f tear him limb from limb ! He has out- B raged me he has profaned my person B [ but he shall pay dearly for it , and so B | shall she so shall they all ! I was B right he is her lover ; but he shall B \ find that I am master , and she my B \ slave. ' ' H j Presently he cooled a little and sat L down to think. B J What should he , what conld he do ? t [ Of his power over Marjorie and the f * * child there was no question ; by the H l B laws of both England and Scotland he B \ U could claim them both. But suppose H & they continued to set his authority at B § [ < lefiance , what then ? The > wore com- H. ? | paratively rich , he was poor. He knew L. g ji that in legal strife the richest is gen- BK V § 1 erally the conqueror ; and , besides , Br U while the war was waging , how was he B & to subsist ? H" g Then he bethought him of his old E I hold upon Miss Hetherington , of * his E , I "knowledge of the secret of Marjorie's ft birth. It was useless to liim now , for V § 3 the scandal was common property , and B S • Mother Rumor had cried it from house L i\ \ to house till she was hoarse. The B I proud lady had faced her shame , and B i liad overcome it ; everyone knew her B ( secret now. and many regarded her B > i with sympathy and compassion. For BEL U the rest , she set public opinion at de- 2 iiance. and knowing the worst the K | world could say or do , breathed more BB. V * freely than she had done for years. M V Thus there was no hope for her. In- B I need , look which way he might , he saw V | no means of succor or revenge. k K As he sat there , haggard and furious , By he looked years older , but his face still F . > J * Ijreserved a certain comeliness. H i \ Suddenly he sprang up again as if re- &t 's solved en immediate action. As he did B \ I. .s0 he seemed to hear a voice murniur- B I ing his name. B • g "Caussidiere ! " H • a > jje looked toward the window , and B i | -saw there , or seemed to see , close pressed against the pane , a bearded \f ' 1 human countenance gazing in upon _ . - fi -him. B / II He struggled like a drunken man , B JjrJ .glaring back at the face. m fe Was it reality , or dream ? Two wild Hf g eyf.s met His , then A-anished , and the B 1 | face was gone. E § Caussidiere had looked old and B wt % vnrn before , he looked death-like now. H "Trembling like a leaf be sank back B B . into the shadow of the room , held his B B 'hand upon his heart , like a man who H h . liad received a mortal blow. H , ' 5/ / CHAPTER XXXVIII. B Vil 'T Pf AUSSIDIERE re" P / } I • * * \lf \ niained in the room 4 m l\ E fi E ' R for some time , but E ( Ju i ? % v as the face did not m • • , - J & t ? appear , his cour- H t $ $ ' $ ? \ age in a mea3 rc ! B > . . $2jK' ( < Wi returned to him. AtM ' M\ W ; * iMiLlK' last he took up his B l ' .y bat and left the' i B i Xt 'Ck ? - house. $ 30 ? He was still very : Bv palo and glanced i uneasily from sJue to side ; he had b/ ] Hi _ _ this time forgotten all about the child , and Marjorie , too. He went through a procession of by-streets to the policy station , saw the Inspector a grim , bearded Scotchman and demanded from him police protection. "Protection ! What's your danger ? " asked the man , politely. "I am in danger of my life ! " said Caussidiere. He was very excited and very nerv ous , and the peculiarity of his manner struck the man at once. "Who's threatening ye ? " he asked , Quietly. , The repose of the stranger irritated Caussidiere , who trembled more and more. "I tell you I am in mortal peril. I am pursued. I shall be killed if I do not have protection , therefore I de mand assistance. , do you hear ? " Yes , the man heard , but apparently did not heed. He already half suspect ed that the foreigner before him was a madman , and upon questioning Caussi diere a little more he became convinced of it. After a short but stormy scene with the inspector he walked away , revolv ing in his mind what he must do to make himself secure. Of one thing he was certain ; he must leave Dumfries , and resign all hopes of obtaining further assistance from Mar jorie or her friends. He must remain in hiding until political events veered round again and be could return to France. He hurried back to his hotel and locked himself again In his room. He drew down the blinds and lit the gas ; then he turned out all the money he was possessed of , counted it carefully over , and disposed it about his per son. His next care was to dispose about his person any little articles which his portmanteau contained ; then he drew from his pocket a small box , fixed on the false beard and mustache which it contained , and , having otherwise dis guised himself , stood before the mir ror so transfigured that he believed even his'dearest friend would not have known him. By the time all this was done it was getting pretty late in the day and close on the departure of the train he had decided to take. He listened ; he could hear nothing. He walked boldly out of the room , and having quietly locked the door and put the key in his pocket , strolled leis urely out of the inn and down the street unrecognized by a soul. He went straight down to the railway sta tion , took a ticket for the north and entered the train , which was about to start. He had a carriage to himself ; the first thing he did , therefore , was to throw the key which he had taken from the room door out of the win dow ; then he traveled en in compara tive peace. It was somewhat late in the evening and quite dark when he reached his destination a lonely village , not far from Edinburgh. He walked to the nearest and quietest inn , and took a bedroom on the third floor. That night he slept in peace. He re mained in the village for several days , and during that time he kept mostly to his room. On the night of the fourth day , how ever , he rang for the maid , who , on answering the bell , found him in a state of intense excitement. "Bring me a time-table , " he said , "or tell me when there is a train from this place. " "There is none to-night , sir. ' "None to-night ! " "No , sir ; the last train is gone ; but the morn's morn " "Well ? " "There is one at seven o'clock to Edinburgh. " "Then I will go by it do you hear ? At six you will call me , and I leave at seven ! " The girl nodded and retired , fully un der the impression , as the inspector of police had been , that the man was mad. mad.At At six o'clock in the- morning the maid , with a jug of hot water in her hand , tripped up the stairs and knocked gently at Caussidiere's bedroom door. There was no reply. * She knocked louder and louder , but could elicit no sound , and the door was locked. Leaving the jug of water on the mat , she retired. In half an hour she returned again. The water was cold. She knocked louder and louder , with no result. Thinking gov/ that something might be wrong , she called up her master. After some consulta tion the door v as forced. All recoiled in horror. There lay Caussidiere lead in bed , with his fatso beard beside him , and his eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling. As there were no marks of violence upon him , it was generally believed by those who stood looking upon him that his death had been a natural one. How he met his death was never known. It was discovered long after , however , that he was a member of many secret societies , that he had betrayed in al most every case the trust reposed in him , and was marked in their biack list as a "traitor" doomed to die. . HI JIM I Ml . M . 11 , 1 ' ' J' ' ' ' * ? tt I CHAPTER XXXIX. * * ' < | - T WAS not until } - - - I after Caussldioro fP tM wa3 laId ia hl3 fif Wlferz ? U Grave that the newa Wt ffi&wm ot , , is deccaoe tf SjP ifi } reached Marjorie. • ST She read In a Scot- $ / H % > "Sttf ti3h newspaper a rajJL H description of the < g 7 NJs , mysterious death of " • a French gentle man in a vlllago near Edinburgh , and suspicious of the truth she traveled to the place in Suth erland's company. The truth wa3 speedily made clear , for among the loose articles found on the dead man's person were several letters in Caussi diere's 'handwriting , and an old photo graph of herself taken in Dumfries. It would be false to say that Marjorie rejoiced at her husband's death ; it would be equally false to say that It caused her much abiding pain. She was deeply shocked by his sudden end , that was all. Nevertheless , she could not conceal from herself that his re moval meant life and freedom to her self and to her child. While he lived there would have been no peace for her in this world. He was buried in a peaceful place , a quiet kirkyard not far from the sea : and there , some little time afterward , a plain tombstone was erected over hiv grave , with this inscription : Sacred to the Memory of LEON CAUSSIDIERE , Who Died Suddenly in This Village , June 15 , IS . "May he rest in peace. " Marjorie had it placed there , in per fect forgiveness and tenderness of heart. And now our tale is almost told. The figures that have moved upon our little stage begin slowly to fade away , and the curtain is about to fall. What lit tle more there is to say may be added by way or epilogue in as few words n3 possible. In due time , but not till nearly a year had passed , Marjorie married her old lover , John Sutherland. It was a quiet wedding , and after it was over the pair went away together tc the Highlands , where they spent a peace ful honeymoon. During their absence little Leon remained at the Castle with his grandmother , who idolized him a3 the heir of the Hetheringtons. On their return they found the old lady had taken a new lease of life , and was moving about the house with much of her old strength and a little of her old temper. But her heart was softened and sweetened once and forever , and till the day of her death , which took place several years afterward , she was a happy woman. She sleeps now in the quiet kirkyard , not far from her old friend , the minister , close to the foot of whose grave is yet another , where old Solomon , the faithful servant , lie3 quietly at rest. Marjorie Annan or shall we call her Marjorie Sutherland ? is now a gentle matron , with other children , boys and girls , besides the beloved child born to her first husband. She hears them cry ing in the Castle garden , as she v/alks through the ancesfral rooms whereh , ° r mother dwelt so long in sorrow. She is a rich woman , for by her mother's will she inherited all the property , which was found to be greater than anyone supposed. She is proud of her husband , whom all the world knows as a charming painter , and whose pictures adorn every year the Scottish Academy walls ; she loves her children , and she is beloved by all the people of the pas toral district where she dwells. The Annan flows along , as it has flowed for centuries past , and as it will flow for centuries to come. Often Mar jorie wanders on its banks , and look ing in its peaceful waters , sees the old faces come and go , like spirits in a dream. The gentle river gave her the name she loves best , and by which many old folk call her still Marjorie Annan ; and when her time comes , she hopes to rest not far from the side of Annan Water. THE END. ENGLAND'S COAL SUPPLY. Mines Will Last Aiiont Four Ilumlrei Years. "It may new be accepted as geclog ically certain that between Dover and Bath there cccars a mere or less in terrupted trough of coal measures of 150 miles in length , and of a breadth varying from two to four miles , meas ured from north to south. " Dr. Hull believes , however , that this trough is interrupted by many flexures and disturbances and that it cannot be ex pected to compensate for the possible exhaustion of the Lancashire and mid land areas , says the Spectator. Nor , though he considers that it must extend under the channel toward Dover , does he think that it could be worked under the sea to any extent with profit ; as , except at an enormous depth , the diffi culties of intruding water would be too great. Taking each cal field separate ly , Dr. Hull discusses its probable lat eral extension under ovei lying strata , and. on the basis that about 4,000 feet represent the downward limit of prac tical working , he arrives at estimates in round numbers of the amount of coal that will be available at the end of the century. The total for the United Kingdom is S1.C33.000.000 tmts. As the output of coal for 1S0S was arer 195,000.000 tens , oi the extremely in- probable assumption that the rat * . - cf production , which has more than doubled since 1SG0 , will remain prac tically stationary , these figures of Dr. Hull would gh c ? life of about 400 years to our coal mines. Within this period , then , an enormous readjust ment of social cenditiens and probably of C3mmercial conditions is bound to occur. - . _ I THE NAVY * ISIN FIGHTING TRIM I t Ships , ' Men and Money Uncle Sam's Strength. A Congress Authorizes Vast Ad ditions for New Battleships The Maine to Be Re placed Marines Also Being Inlisted Under Special Or ders State of War Exists All Along Our South At lantic Coast Movements Of Our Warships. The navy department lias now reason to believe that it lia3 secured the two war ships , Ainazcnas and her sister ship , now builtliri , * ? in England tor Brazil. lfas stated at the cabinet meeting by Secre tary Loin ? that the naval attache at Lon don. Lieutenant Colwell , lsad almost com pleted the nesotiations for the purchase. So far , however , the llnal notification Horn him that his oYcr : lias been accepted lias not yet readied the navy department. Authorizes Tlircn > fe\v Ships. Three new battleships of the slanehest type alloat were authorized by- the house committee on naval affairs Saturday , find a provision for their construction was in serted in the naval appropriation bill. At the same time , the committee asrecl on a maximum price of $100 per ton for ar mor plate for our vessels , inere.ised the force of naval mnrhtes by 47:1 : men and put matters in fair shape for a decision to morrow on the lecatioh cf dry docks , probably four in number , capable of ac- commodatins the largest sized wai ves sels. The committee was in session prac tically all day and before the decision on the increase of ships wa.t reached there was a long and interesting discussion. Representative Tate , while favoring an increase , believed two vessels would be ample , and that further expenditure be yond the point of necessity should be avoided. Representative Loudenal-ig-T of New Jersey protested that if the strength of the navy was to be increased at all it should be to the extent of three new vessels , built and armed to mce : any ves sel alloat. Ilawley "Wants One Cruiser. • Representative Ilawley of Texas . -loved that a cruiser be substituted for ( ne of the battleships , but subsequently with drew the motion. When tne vote was tak en there was but one dissenting voice , ilr. Tate insisted that two battleships would ant of the marine corp3. and to ench of the bureau chiefs of the navy department : "Sir Under the emergency appropria tion of $ ; 0.000GOO made Wednesday you will incur , no expense or liability except after written statements and estimate made by you and approved by the presi dent and secretary , all In writing. A special record must be kept of every such requisition. If any such liability or ex pense has been Incurred by you by oral direction make such written statement and estimate and submit It at once for such approval. "By order of the president. „ "Verv respectfully. A _ t . .JS "JOHN D. I.O-N't : . Sec'y. Ilig Item for Carnegie. Lieutenant Stone , representative of the Carnegie Steel Company , was at the na\y department in conference with the oltl- cials respecting ' .he naval work in prog ress. The torpedo llotilla at Key West will soon be re-enforced by two line boats , which have been under repairs. The V. 'insiow failed this morning from Charleston for Key West and the Foote from Norfolk for the name. The commandant of the Hare Island navy yard reported that the cruiser Mo hican had sailed with her cargo of am munition , which she will tranship at lion * olulu to the Baltimore for the Asiatic squadron. The naval officers who are en deavoring to effect the purchase of ships abroad have encountered an obstacle Uiat promises to give rorao troubl > . This is found in the difference between the cali bers of the guns mounted on foreign built ships and the United JJtates navy stand ards. Not only do these gunr ; differ in cali ber from our own in most oas > ' : ; , but as they ate almost all designed for the sise of smokeless powtlrr their combustion cham bers are too small to use the ordinary brown powder with which the Amcrian navy is still supplied. Must * uy Powder Abroad. This obstacle is serious , but not Insur mountable. It will requite the procure ment in Europe of a large quantity of am munition in special sizes for these ships , as it would require a good deal of time lor our dotne. .tic ammunition makers lo change their plants and make the special sizes. Commander William If. Emery has volunteered to command the auxiliary cruiser St. I.oui.i in the event of that ves sel's impressment into the naval service , and he will be oidereC " o join her be fore her departure ftom New York next Wednesday , in a capacity similar to that which caused Commander Brownson t o sail on the St. Paul. Commander Emery has selected as his immediate staff Lieu tenant Nathan Sargent as executive offi cer , at present recorder cf the board of inspection and survey of the navy depart ment , and Lieutenant Frank F. Fletcher THE ORDER'NOW OFTEN HEARD ON OUR WARS HI PC. NIL / fer * 1 ' J W "SPONGE AND LOAD" A CHARGE OF THIS KIND TvHEN PROPERLY DIRECTED WILL BLOW UP ANY WARSHIP. be sufficient to meet present reeds. The new warships provided t'or will i.e of lhe finest pattern. It will be two year. ? , doubtless , before they can be placed in commission. One Will 55c Named the Elaine. One of them , the 'jommittec decided , should bear the name of the ill-fattd Maine. The appropriation for th"ir con struction was not fixed , being referred to the subcommittee on appropriations.wl.ich will report to the full committee to-iiiOi-- row. The cost , it is expelled , .vili be about ? 5C00CCO each , though for the fiscal year covered in the bill the amount of ex penditure may not exceed $2OG0.G0O'J ' each. An important question was raised as to whether the expenditures for the new ships should be defrayed cut of the S'O , - C00.CC0 emergency bill , but this subject was passed over. The committee also agreed on a provis ion authorizing the secretary of the navy to purchase armor plate , by root'Met or otherwise , at a cost of not excepting S' .OO per ton. This was agreed to. however , only on the express proviso that "hir item include the nickel used in the armor , lo. - which a large outside percen' .ig- * hereto fore has been paid by the government. This limit of armcr contract price h.vs been generally expected and. with the ex ception of the insertion of the proviso as to nickel , met with little opposition m the discussion. Increase Number of Marines. One of the most important features of the work en the bill was an agreement on an appropriation of $12. , .C00 for outfitting , rationing and uniforming 473 additional marines. This increase in the naval force was made the subject of a special and ur gent request sent to the house after the submission of the regular recommenda tions. The question of esfabiisnmerir of new dry docks went over fo > - action to- rrorro.v. It war. thoroughly discussed to day , and the outlook is that four new dry docks would be "authorized , two on the Atlantic coast , one on the Pacific coast and another on the gulf. If the present expectations are materialized to-morrow these docks will be authorized to be con- strueted at Boston. Mass. . Algiers. New Orleans. Hare island. Cal. . and League island. Philadelphia. Carries an Enormous Total. With the amounts to be paid for dry decks and fjr armor plate in the aggre gate not yet determined that bill as it stands caines in all something like SCG. - 0011.00) . which , however , will be larg l\ augmented by the ether items. Rap.d progress has been made with the bill , and it is likely : ' . v. ill be in shape to re port to ihi house Monday or Tuesday. Tells All to Practice Ki-onomy. Secretary Long has determined that there shall be no wasteful extravagance in his department in the expen iiture of the funds so generously provided by con gress , and to this end he has addressed the following letter to the assistant" sec retary of the navy , tr.e ccloncl command- as navigator , now on duty at the torpedo station at Newport. May Arm Wlialehacks. Captain Alexander McDougall of Use American Steel Barge Company at Duluth - luth has received a telegram from Assist ant Secretary Roosevelt of the navy de partment , asking his opinion as to the feasibility of converting wiialebaei : steam ers into vessels of war. The caotain says , however , that there is not much probability of the government taking any. as it would require stmc time to get many of the larger type through the Welland canal. Captain McDougall says he has a plan now whereby he thinks h can attain greater speed with the whaleback type , which might make these vessels of u-e , aside from defending a harbor. He sug gests a steel rain and two turrets as requi site changes for war purposes. Foreign Warships Needed. Speaking of the possibility of the T'nited States obtaining naval vessels. abroad. John Piatt of Thorp * . Piatt & Co. . of New York. American representatives oT John I. Thornycraft & Co. of Chiswick. Eng land , one or the largest constructors of torpedo boats and tornedo boat destroyers in Great Britain , said : "I have just re turned from Washington and I was assur ed that this government desires now more than any other class of vessel a fleet of torpedo boat destrovers , and. had it been considered practical by the navy depart ment to ha\e the boats built in England , the Thornycraft company would have by this time begun work on several vemtcl.t H of the Thornycraft type for uio here , Aut- H Ing upon suggestions received in WiimIi- H Ington , however. I have consulted mem- H her * of three or four shipbuilding concern : ! H in tills country relative to the quick con- H strOctlon of vcksc-Is of the Thornycraft H type. I have been assured by them that. H with the detailed working plans of Urn H vessels In their possession and under an H ordinary commercial contract that Id , a H contract free from nil unnecessary ted H tape they could collectively complete , by H working night and day. a fleet of ten suclt H vessels within seven months. The rcpre- H seutatlve of one firm assured me that it H could send out the first vessel within s'x H months. I am authorized by cable by the H Thornycraft company to offer to dispose H of complete plans of the Tliornycraft vessel - | sel tq tliis government at practically a H moment's notice. The vcazuls are 210 feet | tM u it-m * i ti.j m " tmiifc ? fsy- . ' " " " tr | | " ' ' " ' ' " ' * H * * . _ _ _ - * i * * - 'Minimi ' * i 5 - . . H > . - - ; T- _ . " < wur * ' . "j' ' ' . I . . - _ _ t | * "J T- * * - - - * I _ * 7" * * ri - " - - - - H - f i i mm u. _ - . i . * rf 1 _ j H THE Y PERANGA. H ( One of the New Warships Slated for M Purchase by the United States. ) M long and 275 tons displacement , mounting | four six-pounders and one thirteen-pound- j H er. and equal to thirty knots. They arc H considered the most successful typo of. j H toipedo boat destroyers ever constructed- H England has already about sixty of them H and others building and Thornycraft & Co. H are construetiug a number of them for | Germany and Japan. The plans of this H type of vessel can be obtained from the H Chiswick yards within three days , and I H have every reason to believe that this H government will order them. " . < > H . . . c &WPi. H • " * " " * " " * " A Magnetic Inland. * i. Vv" > ' / | A most phenomenal island is that o' . / | Bornhchn. in the Baltic , belonging to M the kingdom of Denmark. It is famous - | mous for it.i geological peculiarities , | consisting as it docs almost entirely of ! ' , j H magnetite , and its magnetic influence | is not only very well known to the > H navigators of those waters , but also ' i B much feared by them , on account oC j M its influence on the magnetic needles , H which make the steering of a ship H correctly a matter of much difficulty. . H In fact , this influence is felt even at a J l distance of miles , and so palpably / H that , on the islar.t } being sighted by # v l mtriners on the Baltic , they at once ? 1 discontinue i iering their coutle " ? * • V M the needle , and turn , instead , to the \ j H well-known lighthouses and other M holds to direct their craft. IJotwe rt ' ' " l Bornhohn and the mainland there is ' H also a bank of rock under water , which H is very dangerous to navigation , and H because of its being constantly sub- H THE CRUISER PHILADELPHIA. M ( Ordered to Join the South Atlantic H Squadron The Swiftest Armored j H Vessel in the Yv ' orld. ) H merged , vecsels have been frequently - H quently wrecked at that point. The H peculiar fact in this case is that H the magnetic influence of this Here ore bank is so powerful that a ? H magnetic needle suspended freely ia H a boat ovr the hank will point down , H and , if not disturbed , will remain ia a H perfectly perpendicular line. H WHAT MAY HAPPEN. H JltlWi i | / AfJNs I hitS' J zJy ? ' [ A _ * Si $ irt - iVL ) Sr ' 4 1 " " " t ii r " * H LOWERING A Y/OVNDZD MAN TO 1HE SICK BAY ON A MAN-OF-WAR I