I I 11 NEWS BOILED DOWN. H 9 WHISPERINGS OF THE WIRE IN H H FEW WORDS. H fl | AtlKcrllaiicniiH New * Koto * ( lathered From | fl | 'J'IiIh itnd Other Countries Accidental , B Criminal , I'olltlcul , Hocl.il an < l Otlicr- Hl Inc CrUp Condensations From All ll HH Monday , HI The Chinese loan will , after all , be S mndc by. Great Britain. HS The Maine court of inquiry v/ill asH - H semblc at Key West today. HS 'The remains of Miss Willardwill HI be burled at Evanston , III. HK South Dakota cattlemen arc stock- HB * nB their ranges with Canadian stock. | Bi The government lien on the middle V division of the Kansas Pacific railroad H In Kansas was sold at Saline Kansas. H March 29 instead of February 22 will Hj be the date of the meeting of the MisH - H souri Bar association in Kansas City. H | One thousand dollars is offered for B the return of papers taken from a New H | York office of the Spraguc Electric H | The new management of the Union B Pacific Railroad company has decided Hk * to ) ; ( i 5o ° ncw , ) nx cars f ° r tiic H freight traffic of the railroad. B Charles W. Barstow. a St. Loun H | dealer in pu'nts , oils , naval stores , etc. Bf today filcl a chattel deed of tr'1-.L to H I secure creditors to the amount of ? 10 [ ) , - HI H ; | The house on Saturday considered Hf the bankruptcy bill under the order Hfc for a final vote at 4 o'clock , the bill to Hij he open to amendment today and dc- H 3 bate limited to five minutes each. B. ' < -Former'Governor Horace Boies of H j * Iowa will be pitted against David B. H Henderson by the democrats of the Hi Third congressional district as their ' ! candidate for congressman next fall. 1 A meeting of prominent mining h men was held in Salt Lake , at which H < preliminary arrangements were made H | for the international mining congress W which will be held in that city , begin- H § ning.July G. B Charles Eliot Norton , the distin- H guished critic and professor in Har- H vard University , has announced that , w with the end of the present academic H year , he will retire from the active Hh duties of his position. H ] Tuesday. Feb. K One of Kansas City's packing com- H < pahies slaughtered 7,000 cattle last H The recent outrages in Armenia H by Turks are being duplicated on the H Macedonian frontier. H / An insane man pulled up spikes and disarranged rails on the Union Pa cific near Muncie station. John J. O'Neill , ex-member of congress ! gress from the old Eleventh Missot iri district , died in St. Louis. _ Gen. Booth , of Salvation Army H [ fame was in Kansas City Saturday , H i leaving Monday for Denver. B 1\ Attorney General Boyle of Kansas , ' 5a says the eight hour law docs not ap- K T "plyto Policemen and firemen. 5L Frances E. Willard's will provides HP that her estate , valued at over $20 , - H 000 shall pass into the Temple fund. 1 Near Clifton. O. T. . George Sawyer. | | aged 17 , was killed by the accidental Kl discharge of a gun in his brother's Hl hands. Bl The war department is annoyed by sensational rumors circulated conj - j P * * - cerning activity at the sea coast de- Hj ' fenses. H j The entire line of llic Kansas Pa- B I cific from Kansas City to Denver was HI bought by the reorganization com- H1 mittee. Bl In a quarrel arising from an old HI feud. J. W. Kibble shot and perhaps Hl fatally wounded W. A. Watson at Ne- Hl koma * Kan. Hfl Ex-Superintendent of Census Port- B er thinks the Maine was blown up H from without , but it will be difficult H to fix the blame. H Wednesday , Feb. H The appropriations committc of the H 'house has agreed upon the sundry civil Hj appropriation bill and it will be re- H ported to the house at once. B k tf The British battleship Victorious. Bff Ivhich was ashore for see time off H Port Said , necessitating its being light- H ened , has safely traversed the canal. H Steps have been taken by the navy H department to fill the vacancies in the H enlisted branch of the navy caused by H the loss of most of the crew of the H President McKinley yesterday ad- Hj dressed the students of the University H of Pennsylvania , being given a most H | cheering welcome. There was ' a large B attendance. H The annual meeting of the stock- fl holders of the Delaware , Lackawanna H9 & Western Railroad company resulted 1 in the re-election of all the old officers IIJ and directors. I Ecclesiastical circles at Great Falls , B X Mont , are much excited over the disH - H I appearance of Rev. Arthur Davies , M. H I A. , temporary pastor of the First Pres- H I byterian church. H 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone have gone to H 1 Bournemouth. On the way to the rail- H 1 road station they drove to Marlbor- H m ough House and inscribed their names H 1 in the visitor's book , thus returning H Jj the visit of the prince and princes of Bjl Wales. H | | Workmen at the Norfolk navy yard H'/l were engaged all day Sunday on the B I repairs to the monitors Terror and H 1 Puritan. H | The comptroller of the currency has B 1 < leclared dividends in favor of the cred- H 1 itors of insolvent banks as follows : d ; Ten per cent , First National bank of HH- ' Eddy , N. M. ; 15 per cent , Union NaH - H tional bank of Denver. B By the term of the will of Miss H Frances E. Willard. late president of B the W. C. T. U. , her estate will pass H into the temple fund , after the life H interests of her secretary , Miss Anna Hl Gordon , and of her sister-in-law , Mrs. H [ Alary B. Willard , have expired. iMiwnriimmaBmBaammaBBWsemBamaaEmmmammmMa Thur d y , Feb. HI. The remains of MissWillardarrlvcd in Chicago yesterday. Postmaster Karlenun burned to death in his office at Bunebery , Minn. The new postofilce at Omaha was occupied for the first time on the 22d. At. St. Joesph , Mo. , footpads held up Rev. Mr. Slaughter , robbing him of ? 300. Ignatius Donnelly , the famous Min nesota author , has married his stenog rapher. Denial is made that the French ex peditions are advancing into British protectorate. At Tulsa , I. T. , Bud Ledbettcr killed a well known desperado while trying to arrest him. The reindeer for the use of the Alaskan expeditions are expected to arrive soon in New York. It is figured out that Spain is not liable if the Maine disaster was ac cidental or caused by a fanatic. The Duluth , Minn. , Chamber of Commerce building was damaged to the extent of $50,000 by fire. Oscar Gardner , the "Omaha Kid , " put Jack O'Keefe to sleep in the eighteenth round at Wheeling , W. Va. Lee B. McFarland , who defaulted in the sum of $43,000 from the Second National bank at Parkersburg , W. Va. , was sentenced to five years in the pen itentiary. General William Booth , of the Sal vation Army , lost , while in Kansas City , the old-fashioned silver watch which was given him by his wife twen ty years ago. It was stolen from him. The Taris Temps says : "The inquiry into the loss of the Maine will insure the peace which the fertile invention of politicians and the credulity of the American people were compromising so seriously. " The proposed Brussels sugar bounty conference has been indefinitely post poned , owing to want of unanimity between the beet growing powers. It is probable that England will now invite a conference iu London. Ti-idiiy. Feb.U. . The Santa Fe considers J he agree ment to maintain the Colorado rate is ended. Mrs. William C. Whitney's mishap in South Carolina is liable to result in her death. The anti-football ordinance passed by the city council of Atlanta , Ga. , last fall has been repealed. A wire and nail trust it is expected will soon be organized in Pittsburg , with a capital stock of $87,000,000. Silas Baysinger , a Missouri farmer , had no faith in banks. He buried $1,900 in double eagles and another man dug it up. Thirteen students of Lombard uni versity , Galesburg , 111. , were suspended for participation in a class color fight. Five were seniors. The Vienna correspondent of the London Daily Chronicle reports that there is a serious rising against Japa nese rule in Formosa. The Illinois republican state central committee decided that the republican state convention will be held June 14. Representation will be based on the McKinley vote , one delegate for each 400 votes. The Canadian government has decid ed to permit Canadian goods to bp shipped from Vancouver and Victoria in American vessels free of duty by St. Micheals to the Yukon for the coming season. The St. James Gazette says it is in formed that Mr. Gladstone will short ly undergo an operation to alleviate the pain caused by necrosis of the bone of the nose , from wflich it is alleged some of the specialists say he is suff ering. Prince Tai Wan Keen , father of the emperor of Corea , died on February 22 , according to advices received by the Corean legation Washington. Prince Tai Wan Keen was king regent dur ing the minority of the present em peror. The minister will go in mourn , ing for a period of thirty days. Saturday , Feb 20. Half of the Chinese loan has been under written. There is talk of an extra session of the Kansas legislature. Fast trains , commencing March 1st , will exact excess fares. The soutnern states are said to be heartily in favor of a war with Spain. Simond Lazard , founder of the bank ing firm of Lazard Freres , is dead in Paris. The Maine court of inquiry will hold the remainder of its sessions in Key West. Nearly every county in Illinois sent floral tributes to the funeral of Miss Willard. The counsel general' did not advise Americans to leav. * Havana as reported in dispatches. The condition of Mrs. W. C. Whitney is decidedly critical. She is paralyzed in body and limbs. Presbyterians at Trenton , N. J. , cele brated the 120th anniversary of the adoption of Westminster confession of faith. President McKinley is quoted as saying that he does not propose doing anything to precipitate war with Spain. A secret proclamation just issued by the Macedonia revolutionary commit tee calls upon the people to join in an insurrection. Washington's serial season of 1S07- ' .0S closed on the 24th. and in all re spects it has been a remarkable one. It began and ended in mourning. Past Assistant Surgeon T. B. Bailey. United States navy , was found dead in his room in Washington under condi tions that lead to the belief that he had committed suicide by taking poison. The navy department has given out figures showing the strength of the naval militia up to date. This shows a total force of 4,445 officers and en listed men , which is a gratifying in crease from 3,703 shown by the last re- port. THE ALAHMIST.KEWS. IT IS DISCREDITED BY WASHING TON AUTHORITIES. Tlu-y arc Content to Wall for rntHlitfcnro From Proper Sources Think II Un likely Matters Sent Out by Corrcni > on- denlK Could rseaiii- Observation by the Court of Inquiry. It Ih l'alti ) Journalism. WASHINGTON , Feb. 23. Undoubt edly there isaquieterfeelingmanifest- ed at the navy department over the Maine affair as time passes. This is the tenth ( Jay since the war ship was destroyed , but the officers arc willing to wait in patience until the facts re lating to the explosion are fully de veloped. They are fully on their guard against the acceptance of unau thorized statements of the conditions at Havana and the daily developments , being aware of the efficiency of the precautions adopted by the court of inquiry to prevent the premature dis closure of tne proceedings. Therefore the published statement that the ex plosion has been demonstrated lo be of exterior origin by the discovery of the upheaved double bottom of the Maine did not cause much of a stir because the officials could net conceive that the alert members of the court of inquiry and their assistants in Havana had overlooked a fact so important as this , nowthstanding it must have been per fectly apparent for the past week to any one who came near the wreck in case it is true. Captain Croninshield turned up at the navy department today and took the helm in the bureau of navigation , relieving Captain Dickens , who has distinguished hinu-elf and earned the thanks cf th- secretary for the untiring j vigilance with which he has managed all of the Maine matters that have fallen upon the navigation bureau , and of the newspaper men for the pa tience and frankness with which he has met their manv inquiries. Captain Croninshield's absence has been made the basis for the coniecture that he has been on secret service for the navy department in Cuba , and color was lent to this impression bv the fact that it wis not possible until a late hour yesterday to secure from any of the officials a statement of the nature of his business in the south. for it was known that he had arrived in Tampa on the Montgomery from the West Indies. The officer himself was not verv communicative- to the de tails of his trin. but he did sav that he bad been in Dominao. He had gone there on the Brooklvn with bis son when the ship started for St. Thomas. While in San Domingo lu > received news of the disastrr to the Maine , and took advantage of the opnortunitv tn-e- sented bv the apnearam-p in San Do mingo of the c-uiser Monto-oniPrv to make his way back to the United Stamps and to Washington. tiip-o n-as no WOVfj fron ) pinlpi. Cap _ tain Sigsbee or Consul General T.po tM s morning * > t the navy or state de- partmonts. The monitor T n-or n * lyincr " in Hamnton Roads , -ind it is said at "Hip naw den-tnipnt that it ha < ; no orders as yet. Thp imnression i * lhat it wi" vpmnin in flint nine ? , which is one of great ? tratg " c va'u ° in ra rf need , at least until the monitor Pn-i- tnn is r. , .ilv to t ls its pl3re. Tlle Puritan is almost twi < > a li > as thn Terror being : \non-tnn v = sp1 verv littip less than the Maine in size. It carries twelve-inch guns In its turrets aerainst ten-inch r'ms for the Terror and is altogether the most formidable double-tn.-reted monitor in tb world in smooth water. This nullification flops not nean that it is "liable to ke ° n the sea. but onlv tht from its p-reat breadth and light draft it js sn cliflicut to do jreod work witb its . - ns in a seaway. It is now bavins : n w f"vneo s fitted to its boilers at the Norfolk navv vard. the , mYwhs nf Hip furnaces hnvinsr eome < 7o mi souip tirnP ace nn- inpto * bo foot th t ti-P boiTnrs aP the same tb t were built for R . when it v- , r | Hn inin , ] nwil T11nlv vea.s ao.o ' It is said at the navy denartmont tt'at it will ho . ' rep.iv 'or services about the -Jth of next month rr. ISrvan's 0inJ . . , . TOPEKA. Feb 2fi. William J Bryan , who was. the principal speaker at the Imnauet of the democratic club m Toneka was interviewed concerning the Maine affair : "In my opinion , we should be slow- to act in the Maine affair , esneciallv under the tryine : circumstances which confronts us , " he said. "Another fact which in my mind impels us tn exer cise discretion , is that the .official in vestigation of the exnlosi.m is now being made. The United States can not aTorrl to be too hastv in this mat ter. International questions are in volved and it would be a sad compli ment to our government were we to onenlv and maliciously bring about strained relations by our anxietv to locate the resnonsibilitv of thp Maine disaster. Nothing should bp done until the investigation is concluded. " TJtei-t'-oim Fire t Louisville. Ky. LOUISVILLE , Kv. , Feb. 26. The picking , drving and steaming ware houses of the Nat'onal Tobacco com pany , situated at Twenty-fourth and Main streets , were totallv destroyed bv fire this morning The loss will amount to S1.000nno. fullv covered bv insurance. W. B. Duke of New York- president of the American Tobacco company , nf which the Na'ional Tolne- co comnany of Louisville is a branch , is in the city and witnessed the de struction of his prnnerty. He said it would be at once rebuilt. Deny Any War Prcpirntion . NORFOLK. Va. , Feb. 2C The ru mor that the government is securing from railway companies estimates of their capacity for moving troops and munitions of war between Atlantic and gulf ports and the interior is of ficially denied by Vice President St. John of the Seaboard Air Line , whose road is mentioned in the reports. Mr. St. John said today tnat he is ignorant of any such move on the part of the war department , and as to contracts for movinp- troops , he had heard noth ing of them , .A-lJi- * NOTHING HELD BACK. All LeRluiutc Noivh in Promptly Given to the I'ublle. CHICAGO , Feb. 2G. H. H. Kohlsaat , who is very close to President McKin ley , publishes the following in the Chicago Evening Post : "It can be stated positively that neither the president nor Secretary Long is in possession of a single fact or report in regard to the Maine disas ter that they have not made public. And while they cannot confirm or de ny the sensational stories daily pub lished throughout tne country as to the progress of the court of inquiry , they know that none of the evidence or conclusions of the court will be made public in advance of the official report. Every official connected with the in vestigation into the cause of the dis aster to the Maipe , from Captain sampson - son down to the divers and linemen , is under oath of secrecy. For the time being the divers are under naval disci pline. When above water each is at tended by n nettv officer of the court of inquiry. The Maine itself is sacredly guarded from unofficial approach. "These facts account for the remark able equanimity with which the Amer ican people read the daily sensations from Havana and the stock jobbing forebeddings of war from New York ai > ' ' Washington. "This much is absolutely true : Pres ident McKinlev knows nothing about the wreck of the Maine or the testi mony as to its cause that lie has not made public. 11 ° . will not w 'thhold any information when he gets it. He has not eonic to anv conclusion as to whether it was caused by an internal or "v'ernal explosion. "When he receives the report of the court of inquiry he will know the facts , which be will make public , with his conclusions and policy. " CHICAGO. Feb. 2 . A special dis- riatcii to Hie Ohirago Tribune nuotps President McKinlev as sppaking as fol lows to a senator who called upon him yerterday : 'it do not propose to do anvthing at all to precipitate war with Suain. Up to the present. I lo not thmk war iq either necessarv > r inevitable. I would be lax in mv duh\ however , if T did not prepare for the future. Tl : situ ation is srave. and the policy of the administration will be determined al most entirelv bv the course of events from time to time There is no neces sity of alarming the people , but con gress mu-t be ready to assist the ad ministration without making too many innuiries as to the course or current events. " The dispatch to the Tribune con- tiin' < " 1' ? : "Tlie president and his cabinet unite in the belief still , in snite of all evi dence to th" contrary , that the explos ion of the Maine was the result of an unfortunate accident , but they recog nize the fact that the contrary mav prove true at almost any hour , and that , if it is x'lO' .vn even inferentially that Pnain had a band in the catastro phe. iv > ere win oe but one thinoto do. and that will be to sci the island of Cuba by force of arms. " Indians Preparing an Outbreak. CIIADRON. Neb. , Feb. 2t = . No little excitement was caused here yesterday when it was rumored that the Indians at Pine Rid.Te were causing trouble and preparing for an outbreak. The report came from Pine Ridge , and was brought by a half-breed. He said that there had been for several days a feeling of unrest in the fcroast of the warriors , caused by the rcpor s that in case of war with Spain the troops would be taken fiom Fort Rob inson , and that then would be a good time to make demands for more ni- tions from Uncle Sam. The half-breed , whose name is Tell , stated that while hunting for sone cattle he ran into a band of natives , and when they noticed him approach ing they stopped him and refused to let him come near. Being familiar with their customs , he is positive that they were in secret council , rreparing for trouble , as sev eral of their chiefs were maki-g speeches , which were cheerd by the braves. Deny tin * Iwlstenre of 3Iinr- < . WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. In view ot the report that the harbor of Havana contained a system of submarine mines , a statement : around winch has centered the chief mibl c irterest in connection with the battleship Mai"-e. Senor du Bosc , Spanish charge d'af- fairs at Washington , makes th s statement , which , coming from such authority , may be considered as offi cial denial : I wish to state on my own official knowledge that no mine exists inside or outside of Havana harbor , nor is there any submarine defens ? of anv kind. The report is so absolutely false and ridiculous that it could only have originated in the minds of those p r- sons anxious to excite the angry pas sions of both nations for their own miserable ends. I consider the con sideration of such a thing an insti.t to Spain. New York Gold Imports. NEW YORK , Feb. 2 . Ileiclelbach. Eickelheimer & Co. . have engaged $700,000 in gold for shipment torn ar row from France. L. von Hoffman & Co. will import $750 000 in gold , partly from France and partly from Eng and next week. The National City b"nk has engaged ? 500,000 in gold for thip- ment from England tomorrow. The increase of the artil'.ery force of the country by two regiments , as provided for in the senate bill , was agreed on by a sub-committee of--the house military affairs committee. Perfect Discipline on the Miiinc. NEW YORK. Feb. 2G. A dispatcli to the Tribune fioin Havana says : Captain Sampson's naval board has been able to gain the fullest informa tion showing that an accident through lack of discipline was impossible. This branch of the inquiry brings out that the officers and crew of the Maine were under the strictest discipline , because , although on the surface the visit of the Msine was frit.ndly , Captain Sigs bee had taken proper precaution agains hostile action. iii nnnrrT it- 7 W SujMmtDm aatam GEXKUAI. XV.XVS A > ) NOTKS. Simon P. Wolcott was appointed re ceiver for the Bank of South Balti more , Baltimore. Mil. Assets , $120,000 ; liabilities , $170,000. American Hay Shippers' association was formed at Detroit. Mich , by rep resentatives from th" middle stars. It will capitalize at $500,000. Chicago police are looking for John P. Harrison , wanted at Rolla , Mo. , for alleged embezzlcmnt of $10,000 from the Rolla bank , of which he was fish ier. Governor Black cf New York au thorized the extradition to South Car olina of Chris Harris , a ne-ro mur derer , arrested in Niagara county , for criminal assault upon a white woman in that state. Secretary Alger has returned from Fort Monroe greatly improved in health , and called on the president at the White House. He walked with a firm step and seemed to have almost completely recovered from his recent illness. The postofilce department has offered a. reward of $300 for the arrest and conviction of the persons who burned the postofilce at Lake City , S. C. and a reward of $ r eo for the arrest and conviction of the persons who murder ed the postmaster at the same time. A special from Vancouver , B. C , says : The large steamer , Pakshan. is fast on Beaconed rock , at the entrance of Nanaimo harbor. Efforts of the tugs to pull her off have thus far been unsuccessful. The Pakshan had ntst returned from her first trip to Alaska. Prince Tai Wan Koon. father of the emperor of Corea , died on February 22 , according to advices received by the Corean legation. Prince Tai Wan Keen was king recent durine- the mi nority of the present emneror. The minister will co in mourning for the period cf thirtv days. Charles Merritt. said to be a dis charged postal clerk , has been arrest ed , charccd with having had a hand in ihe Kansas- City Pittsburg & Gulf hold-up. the night of January 4. A re volver in Merritt's possession is said to have belonged to the Wells -Fargo messenger on the robbed train. The natural opinion of many per sons is that the Maine was bit bv a tor nado , after which the magazine ex ploded. In an interview with Thomas Melville , of Brooklyn , who was not injured and was on w tch on the ouarter deck , he said he felt two dis tinct shocks. The first wr-s as severe as the second , which biew up the ship. Other survivors are of the same opinion , that it was foul work. Henry Williams a necro asred 2.j , shot and killed Miss Ethe' Orsiv. a white girl , shortly after niHnMit at her residence in Oakland. Cal. . and then killed himself. The dead iirl was 22 vears of age , a daughter of Mrs. H. S. Gray , and was emploved as a clerk. The dead ne ro was a desnerate char acter , and had perved a term in the count1' jail for theft. He is said to have been infatuated with the girl. Great preparations are beins : made at the Denver stock yards for a larse cattle business in the snrinr In oreer to attract shipments the charges for hav and corn , fed to eattle in the yards , have been r ° duced so as to cor respond with the Missouri river r > "ir- kets. Hereafter the ebarre for hay will be SO cer > ts opr 100 pounds , in stead of SI as heretofore , a.id f corn $1.25 per 100 pounds , instead of $2. The New York Press says : There is a. pos ibi'itv ' that th bark Auatp. which sailed from this nort last veek. bound to the Yuk n river , niav lmvo 1-een wrecked. The A-ite "irri d forty men sjoimr to the T'iovdikod a crew of sixteen. Th ° of > ttP'"I'n Kipp-sland. when twenty miles poi'th- soutbeast of Barnekat , foil in w'Mi ' a nuantitv of vreckage. " Cant i'i P ott of the Kin roian t says the wreckage extended forty miles. A Cherokee. la. , special says : At Cloehorn. a small tov-n nbnut t n miles west of hero. Mrs. Elizabeth W'l- env. : > widow . -i $ vea s of age . pi'ot and killed her . " -vear-'dd son. Trvinsr. In- sanitv was undoubtedly the cause of the crime , as the woman wis th in- m-if-p of a bnita ! * t Independence ftr-i July. ISPfi. to Julv. 1897. It is Kf.id she lias labored un 1or the dn- lu ion that some o" would eventually defrai'd Tb u of their nrnnertv. and that th" child would be better off dead than alive. r ivr : stock and pkoduck maix : cit Quotations rrom Xew York , Chicago , St LiOiii" , Omaha and Klsciviicre. OMAHA. Rutier Creamery separator. . . " 0 ( < ? 21 Hutter Choice fancy country. . It df Ji ; Kssv re-.h 11 0 > UV Chickens Per Ih \ \ fit 7 Turkev-.nor lb S fy 10 I > m'ks.jier lb 7 ' * 5 * ( . • ee e Per Ih fh * Lemons Choice 5Ies-inn 'J 7 > % . ' . ' 2. > Honey Choice , perlh 1'J & U Onions per lm 1 10 fia 1 : r Cranberries. .Ier > o\s per bin 7 00 < < > 7 " " > Heans Umdpicked Navy 1 • _ ' . " > ffi 1 : U ) T'otatjoes per hu .W ( tt .75 Sweet polntorcs Per bbl 2 'Si < fo 2 50 Oranjjes I'cr bo * -75 < ? & : : Ui Apple * "Winter stock , per bbi : ' . 00 T4 : i 50 May Upland i er ton I .V Gt 5 50 Wheat Vr hu SO ( ' 3 ten Corn Perbu : si % : UH Outs Per bit 'J7 & 'XlVi FOUTTI OMAHA STOCK MARKKT. llofrs Choice lijrht : * • 75 < jfe : ; i ) Hors Heavv weights -i 0 < ? 4 : : < B Beef.steers : : CO < & : ! ' . . - > Hulls : * ro < & : ! > btc 's 3 < Ht Gl-fSi Calves • " > 75 < § (5 CO Western Feeders • ' ' > ' it 4 05 Cows : ' > - " > fj : ; .V ) Heifers < ' ' < - ' • ft " • ' MocUeisand Feeder ; . Hi To 1 75 Sheep "Western Lambs • " > 00 % 5 'Z' cheep Mi.xed western : 03 © I it ) CHICAGO. Wheat No. u spring WA'b Kyz Corn per hu -s { it ji.J Oat * perbu " * r' Ci IJarlev No. 'J : j-2l ; < ? . * . 10 Ive ! "Sa.2 • ! • - * © 50 Tlmothv ' seed Prime per mi. . C ' . * * H t VX I'oilc . 1100 Ci.lt 05 Lard per 100 lbs 5 0 ' < 5 0J : Cattle t hoice beet steers 1 ' _ ' 0 ( f I 10 Cattle Stockers and feeders. . . 3 SO 65 4 40 Ih.s .Vi\ed 110 ® I2) fcheep Native Lambs 4 00 © t 50 NHW YORK MAIJICET. Wheat No.2. red.Winter 1 0J Q 1 0. . * ; Corn No. 2 . ' 55 Gj . ? . ' • ; oats No. - : ; i OJ ol1-- I'ork 10 75 Ct 110.1 Lard > 47 < 5 50 KANSAS crn. Wheat No. 2. sprin ? ? 5 Ci S7 Corn No. 2 2.J TaPt Oats No 2 2i © Zl\ Hogs Mixed : t j-o cc too Sheen Muttons : > 75 © 1 10 C-.ilc kCwLuii and fec-urj. . . 'J 7j ' , * j < 3 WIWHOWHI ruiMiuM 1 , . " ' " " ' * i * l ! s ' 1 from the city as mayor and a. salary ij i ' vls editor. . j Newt * for the Wheelmen. M > | The L. A. W. numbers neiinv 2,000 h I below thp 100.000 mark within tne last < j ! ] 1 few weeks. In snlto of this startling | .1 dimunition. the maximum of health * , I may be obtained by those who use the [ J .1 comforting tonic , Hostcttcr's Stomach • ] I Bitters , which promotes digestion and , ' I regularity of the bowels. I There arc in London 593 common I lodging houses. I Don'l Tobacco Spit anil 5moe rour Life Away. I To quit tobacco easily and forever , bo vane- actio , full of life , nerve and vigor , take N'o-lo- Hue , the wonder-worker , that makes weak men strom , ' . Alldrusslsts , 60c. or SI. CuroKuaran- teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling lteuiody Co. . Cliieaco or New York. The harder you inn up against the M devil the more his horns hurt. • The FuIInosH Thereof. H Amid the discomforts of life and the , fullness therof , reaching to every H family , there is that which can so easily mitigate or entirely cure , the H wonder is why we endure and suffer H so much. From big pains to little * H aches , which are the wear and tear M of the physical structure of man , there j H ; tre always remedies good , better and * M best. The choice should be always for M best as the surest and the cheapest. In M ohronic or acute suffering with rheumatism - M matism , neuralgia sciatica or lumbago - H bago , or with the minor ailments of H sprains and bruises , or of soreness and M stitfness , the efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil H and the fullness thereof in so many H complete and perfect cures make it H stand out as the best remedy for pain. H Why , tlen , should we stand on the j Herder order of going for it , and not eo at Hence once ? In numberless cases the aggravations - H vations of discomforts and pains are H from delay. Why should we sufferv H Why is ii that a woman can never H throw anything straight but kisses ? H mother Cray's Sweet INuvders f < r Children j H Successfully used by Mother Gray. H nurse in the Children's Home in New M York , Cine Feverishness , Uad Stomach - M ach , Teething 'Disorders , move and j H regulate the Bowels and Destroy M Worms. Over 10.000 testimonials. H They never fail. At all druggists. 2ac. 1 Sample free. Address , Allen S. Olm- M sted , LeRoy , N. Y. H There is only one Latin newspaper M in the world. M State of Ohio. City of Toledo , fl Lucas County , H Frank J Cheney makes oath that he 13 H tiir.senior partner of the linn of I'J. . | Ci.nncy a. Co. , doing business in the City H of Toledo. County and State aforesaid. H and that .said tinn v.ii ! pay the sum of H ON15 liU.S'OltKD UOLLAliS tor each M aid every ease of Catarrii that cannot be H cured by th- use cf Mall's Catarrh Cure. H F1CAKK J. CHKNWY. H Sworn to before me and subscribed in H my presence , this Gil ) day or December , H A. D. 1SE0. H tSeul ; A. XV OLKASON . M Notary i'ubhe. H Hall's Catarrh Cure is taker : iTiteriially t H ad acts direetly on the l.lood and inu- H cons surfaces of the system. Send tor j H testimonials , free. M F. C. CIIFNEY At CO. ; Toledo. O. B Sold by Druggists. 75c. H llall'b Faniilv I'dls are the best. H Wh.v does nature nut a head on a H dude if it abhors vacuum. H Jleanty Is iliooit Deep. . H Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty | without it. C.jsc. . - -indyCaMiarticclcans | your blond and keeps it clean , by .stirring up • H the la/y liver and driving all impurities from j H the body. Ce in to-day to banish pimples. H boils , blotches , blackheads , and that sickly . | bilious lomplexifai liy taking Cascatcts. | beauty for ten rents. All drti jjists , satisfac- | tlon guaranteed. 10c. 25c. COc M Why does nearly all the milk of human - ' H man kindness taste of the can ? j H To Cure Constipation Forever. H Take Cascarets Candv Cathart-e. Vh-or'Sic j H If C.C.C. tail toenre druvsiats refund money. [ H If all the good had not died young ' H there would be a lot of cranky old H people on earth tcda . \ . • H i H TO CL'KK A COLO IN ONK IJAT. H Take Laxative liromo Quinne : Tablets. All H Druyyists refund the moeey if : t fails to eure.25c H In Chicago thfre is a hospital for M sick and wounded birds. H I shall recommend I'isus euro for Con- ' fl sumption far and wide. Mrs .Mulligan , | I'itnnstead , Kent , KnjrlnnJ. Nov. S , IS' ) " ) ! i | If yet wryit to get onto thrs latest \ | wrinkles in clothes sit on the tails of ' H a damp coat. | Creseent Hotel. CureKa SprinRS , Arlr. H Opens Alai-cli 1st la heart of O/ark , H Mountains , climate miu and braeiu"- . | sceuery wild ami beautiful. Unetiualeil H medicinal waters. Excursion rates. H through sleepers , via Frisco Line. Atldress H Manager Crescent. Eureka Springs , or H Geo. T. Nicholson. G. P. A. , Frisco Line , H St. Louis , Mo. H New Intentions. H rp s. A very curious inven- | / * * " tion v , 'as tllat patentwl t H ( MhH tby a German last week. H ( i' ' > B , coraPri5ing a sleeping H Wr * -V has Ior olliers. e bai ? ' H o > & * , &y Demg Hsr- , easlV 1 siHHi transportable. imper- M vicus to moisture : , nd H Still being properly ventilated. Th * > . H present war scare will of courhe b H responsible for a great number of inventions - H ventions relating to mlitary and naval - H val arms. Inventors i pplying for pat- j H ents should be careful to nlaee tneir H inventions in the hands of registered H attorneys. We have ; , tst rcce vad from H the printer our iilnstratFd hand book H with some one hundred illustrations H which will be sent unon application ' H Free information relating to patents ' H may be obtained in addressing hues ' H & Co. . registered patent iawv rs Bee H Building. Omaha , Xebr. | Why don't they keen cyclones lock- H ed up in the weather bureau drawers ? H The Baltimore and : H Ohio oi "invest- 1 irn Railway company has adopted | a plan of handling locomotive ashes o H cinders at terminals and divisional H points which has resulted in a saving | * of expenses. The device consists H of large pans holding about 2 cubic ya-d" H each , which are placed in the pit a-ur H when full are moved by a crane to the • t H car where they are dumped. The raa- J H chinery is handled by one man and the H result iiT3 bsoa very satisfactory 1