The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 25, 1898, Image 2

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H I V. itt. KI5IJIEM. , rublUlmr.
H I McCOOK , . ; . . : . NEBRASKA
H | The Union Pacific paid its taxes in
1 m Valley county recently , amounting to
M ? 2,5S8.C1.
H 1 Omalm proposes to retrench in her
H ij school expenditures. The city ex-
H P chequer is running low.
H ' I Edwin C. Wiggenhorn of Nebraska
H H lias been promoted from special exam-
j I Jner at $1,300 to clerk at $1,400 in the
H I pension oflice.
H j Parmcle & Richie have their new
H | mill nt Louisville about completed. It
H [ is a large three-story structure with
H an elevator attached.
H | i | The bondsmen of the defunct bank
H 1 I nt .Wallace have been cited to appear
H | I before the county fathers and show
P J J cause why they shouldn't settle the
B i county's claim at 100 cents on the dol-
H The brick factory people at Louis-
H i Title are having their killns emptied ,
H I I preparatory to starting up again. They
H I | were compelled to shut down on ac-
H | | count of the extreme cold weather just
H I before Christmas.
H I J L. A. Rod well , ex-postmaster of
H 1 § Ainsworth , who embezzled nearly $500
H { ! I from the government and is still at
H j | | large , was seen at Mcrriman a few
H 1 days ago making his way for the Black
H I Hills.
H ; I Rev. A. W. Davis of Falls City has
H I tendered his resignation as pastor of
H > I the Christian church of that city and
H § lias accepted a call from the Hiawa-
H a tha , Kan. , Christian church and will
H j 1 occupy that pulpit after February 20.
H § Gcogrc H. Lee of Exeter , who has
H | "been operating a factory for the man-
H | ufacture of insect powder and disen-
H I fectants , lost his building in the fire
H I there a few days ago , and is now fig-
H | I tiring on removing his plant to Lin-
H i The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
H ! Cook , who reside three miles northwest -
H ! -west pf Elmwood. was playing with a
H j pet dog when the animal bit him
H i above the right eye , making an ugly
H < j -wound and nearly tearing off the eye-
H Richard Hillings and Charles Greg-
H ory were arrested at York on the
H § charge of stealing calves from a farm-
H i er in Merrick county. While being
H -8 taken to the jail Gregory gave the of-
H I ficers the slip. He has not yet been
H § caught.
H | The Elmwood roller mills , owned
Hl 1 liy J. A. Campbell and Son , have been
H § sold to W. M. Hagemeister of Aurora ,
B | -who will take charg at once. C. T.
| a Campbell , who has been running the
B g mill since it was erected , will return to
I J K Lincoln.
| g The remains of Thomas Gleason ar-
H I rived in Utica last week from Mok-
B a limine Hill , Cal. , and were interred
| H g in the Utica cemetery. A report is
H I current to the effect that he was shot
H | -while participating in a dance at the
j | above named mining camp.
H , 1 On account of so much money being
H I offered the banks in Lincoln now on
B ' time deposits the rate of interest has
B been reduced from 6 per cent per an-
B j Tium to 4 per cent on six months'
B time and 5 per cent for a year. None
B I of the banks make any effort to carry
Bg 1 county funds , as they have no use for
7 * 1 the money.
H jj The news from Norfolk that York
B i had been selected as the place for
| | holding the next annual encampment
H | of the Grand Army of the Republic
B I has highly elated York people , and the
| Iencampment I that will be provided for
B I next year ' s meeting will be well
B < Iworthy I of the event.
J J § Robert Sovereign , whose parents
J { I live near Table Rock , while trying to
1 m steal a ride on the Rock Island freight
H ft at Stenaur , had the misfortune to lose
H M his hold and fell under the wheels ,
1 | j -which mashed his leg in a terrible
| manner below the knee. The member
| k had to be amputated.
H 1 At Nebraska City Judge Ramsey
H I overruled the motion of the attorneys
H S lor Lee Dillon for a change of venue.
H I Dillon is charged with the murder of
h I William Reisch , an inoffensive Ger-
H man dairyman , on October 5 , last.
H I The case will be continued until the
H May term of the district court.
H The state board of pharmaceutical
| B examiners held an examination at the
H B Midway hotel in Kearney. There were
H B twenty-two students examined , and
| f B the , members of the hoard say they
H I Bwere an unusually bright lot of young :
H Tnen- With one excention this was
H M fl the largest number of students em-
H B nmined at one time in the past three
H I H Arrangements are being made for
H fl H n farmers' institute to be held in Wa-
H B B hoe tnis month. Prof. Taylor , supcr-
H fl H litendciit of farmers' institutes , has
H II selected February 25 and 2G as the
H fl fl days he can be present. The farmer ?
B | fl of Saunders county are becominsr
H stirred up as to the importance of
HJ B holding institutes and a good pro-
fl ! SH | gram will be prepared.
B9 | fl J. C. Kahl of Schuvler is planning
jfl B a piece of work that will be watched
Bh9Bwith much interest , having let th"
B HH contract to Davis Brothers for the in-
B HH spallation of what is known as the
Bf B | Wood manure irrigation ] > lant for th"
H99fl purpose of irrieating twelve acrps of
SHi land south of Fiohuvler. where the al-
y99n luvlal sri' is evreedingly rich but vorv
fl fluncertain in the matter of producing
HHcrops | because of easily succumbing to
flfl H
h [ | H Some i' asro a few of the mem
flU "hers of Spdcw'fk nest No. 1 , Gram1
B H Army of the Republic of Kcarr.rv , go4
certain members of Kprtr
EB H nt outs with
HBB . jcK Rel'rf corns No. 1. and petition
r.resident of t > "
HS H rd the drn
. -
H Woman's PnlW oorps. Mrs .Tuii-
H of Hnstincrs. o revoke
33owen there ? hP c-m-
H crnns
of the
charter wlrch t.rred
H SS w'th tb- request ,
the momb n
H Tin indication of
X corns and some of th
, nn
HI . nwl her
of the pom. of 1k
H from to .he . president
H Sat ona a ociatlon. She has affirm
B cd the decision of the
' "
' " " " ' " ' - - - - * - * ' - ' • - - - T"'fii in ri-nii
t'- i i L
- [ f r linn . . . . -j j _ M..ji. - - h
The Caiifflrfnco at Key West Abantloiii-d
Soprplnry T.on SoikIh Wortl tlint
J'romiit Artlnn Ik Xi-ceHHary Only Kx-
Iicrlonvfci DIvorH nru to lie Uscil llx-
plorlnf ; it Sunken VchhcI IJuiiRcrous.
> 'ow for TiivcHtlKrittlon.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. The
naval court of inquiry appointed to
invc3tigate the Maine disaster will be
gins its wqrk at Havana today. This
news came to the navy department
from Admiral Sicard at Key 'West.
He simply telegraphed : "The court
of inquiry sails for Havana 20th by
lighthouse steamer Mangrove. Marix
arrived today. " '
This prompt action is probably due
to the express direction from Secre
tary Long sent yesterday to have the
investigation begun at the earliest
possible moment. The telegram " was
dated yesterday and said the board
would have arrirved before * nightfall
and would ready to begins its work
tomorrow morning.
By an error , incident to the haste
• with which the orders were gotten ,
the first accounts placed Lieutenant
Commander Seaton Schroeder on the
board as the third member , while as
a matter of fact Lieutenant Com
mander Potter , the executive officer of
the flagship New York holds that
place. The board would have un
doubtedly have started previously but
for the necessity of av/aiting the ar
rival at Key West from Washington
of Lieutenant Commander Marix , a
naval officer well skilled in the intri
cacies of marine law v/ho is to be
judge advocate of the board.
Captain Sigsbee was heard from late
last night , but the telegram was not
delivered at the navy department un
til this morning. His message goes
to confirm the press dispatches of the
events jrcsterday in Havana harbor ,
so far as the relate to the exploration
of the wreck It reads as follows :
HAVANA Only most experienced
wrecking divers can do effective work
on the Maine In the upper works I
can use service divers. Did some
work to day with little success. Will
do better tomorrow. Parts of the
Maine , especially the superstructure
and connections , are one confused
mass of metal. "
The statement referring to experi
enced divers is explained at the Navy
department as no reflection upon the
men now engaged in the work , they
being enlisted mea belonging to the
navy. It is the practice on board men
of war to assign a few men , always
volunteers on account of the hazard
ous nature of the work , to duty as div
ers in connection with their regular
work. The scope of their work is the
exploration of the ship's bottom gen
erally , the disentanglement of cables
from the propeller shafts , or search
for a lost torpedo or anchor. Such
work rarely carries them deeper than
twenty-fivo feet into the water , and
it is said for operations in deeper wat
er , such as would he involved in ex
amination of the bottom , they are not
fitted. They are lacking in that kind
of skill to enable a diver to grope his
way safely through the internal parts
of a mighty ship like the Maine , torn
and dismembered a it is , and this
work is highly dangerous.
Creeping through narrow iron
bound passages and groping for the
doors of the numerous "water-tierht
bulkheads which divide the hull into
many compartments , on slimy floors
and in perfect darkness , requires the
highest expert skill and that is why
Captain Sigsbee , with only his .sailor
divers at command , had not been able
to do much so far toward unraveling
the mystery of the Maine's untimely
end. It is to meet just this emer
gency that the Navy department is
making every effort to hasten the be
ginning of the work of recovery of
the goods , and perhaps the raising of
the hull , by professionals.
To that end Captain Lebly , the
judge advocate general of the depart-
mpr > - was atwork in his office with
rev -"jntatives of the wrecking com
panies trying to draw un contracts for
the immediate prosecution of the
work. Ho has been at the desk for
two days and it has not been easy to
dispose of. This is owing to an ap
parent disposition on the part of one
of the concerns to drive a hard bar
gain , leaving th9 department in the
da.rk as to the amount of money to be
paid for its services.
May Ttrinc : About a Crisis.
quirer prints under Washington da'e
a lengthy dispatch rrom Robert P.
Porter , ex-superintendent of census ,
giving what he believes to be the pol
icy of the administration regarding
Cuba ,
Mr. Porter thinks that Spain wi'l be
asked to allow the Cubans to purchase
their liberty by the issuance of Cuban
bonds , this government to assume the
responsibility of collecting the cus
toms duties and thus see that the rev
enues of the government are applied
to the payment of interest on the
Concerning the Maine disaster , Mr.
Porter says there is little doubt that
it was blown un from without , but it
will be difficult to fasten guilt on the
SDan'sh authorities He concludes tbat
the situation is critical , and that the
coming week may bring ab-ut a crisis.
The appointment of Count Cos n :
an ambassador to the Unite Slat"s
instead of minister , is gazetted at St.
" . " " .li.
"Wtom : : * "Keatly for a 55rtj
NEW YORK , Feb. 21. The Monitor
Association , of Naval Veterans , port
of Brooklyn , has adopted a series of
resolutions on the subject of the Maine
disaster which , expressing sympathy
with the friends and relatives of the
victims , says :
Resolved , That the same spirit
which lead us to the defense of our
country in 1SG1 is still alive within
our breasts , and if any wrong has been
done , which God forbid , but if such is
the fact , we hereby offer our services
to our beloved country and its flag.
- * * m" " * " * * * * ' * * * " • - -
" * ' " ' > " * ' * TrfTry
rj"trrjr'T"'fhW mx 2i
Opinion Ih Kxprenscd that They Should
IJo IW-ttor rrotfctcMl.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. While
the disaster to the Maine has created
a temper in the house in favor of lib
eral appropriations for the navy , and
while it is undoubtedly true that the
house , in its present frame of mind ,
would not hesitate to vote for two new
battleships , one to replace the Maine ,
the temper is predicated upon the
theory that the Maine was blown up
by external agencies If the result of
the official inquiry should develop the
/act beyond p ' eradventure that the
ship's magazine exploded from fire or
other cause within the ship , it is be
lieved a sentiment in congress will be
created against the expenditure of
millions in the construction of war
ships that may blow up at any time.
It seems likely that a congressional
investigation will follow a report from
the board of inquiry attributing the
loss of the Maine to an explosion of its
magazine. No resolution for this pur
pose has yet been introduced into the
house however A prominent member
of the house naval committee said he
he was absolutely amazed when he
learned that the Maine's coal bunk
ers abutted the magazine with only a
. thin partition between.
"When I learned of the fire in the
coal bunkers of the Cincinnati which
charred the boxes in which the shells
in her magazines were stored. " said
he , "I did not consider it my duty to
attempt to initiate congressional ac
tion to avert this danger in con
struction. I assumed , of course , that
it was the duty of the navy depart
ment officials to effect such changes
as would remove that danger. Now I
find that nothing was done to correct
the defeat on the Cincinnati or any
other ship that we will undoubtedly
ascertain how many of our war ships
are subject to this danger , but I done
no | know whether it is advisable to
have a congressional inquiry. "
Opinion of Prof Alfred of the Ordnance
WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. The opin
ion of one of the leading experts in the
use of high explosives , Prof. Alger of
the ordnance bureau , as to the cause
of the explosion , is as follows :
"As to the question of the cause of
the Maine's explosion we know that
no torpedo , such as is known in war-
faie. can of itself cause an explosion
of the cbii-acter of that on board the
Maine. Wo know of no instances
where the explosion of a tornedo ermine
mine under a shin's bottom has ex
ploded the magazine within. It has
simply torn a great hole in the side
cr bottom through which wter en
tered an.d in consequence of which
the ship sank. Magazine explosions
effects exactly
on the contrary wrcduco
actly similiar to the effpets of the ex
plosion on beard the Maine.
"When it crmes to seeking th9 cause
of the explosion of the Maine's mag
azine , we should naturally look not
for improbable or unusual causes , but
those against which we have had to
guard in the nast. The most common
of these is through fire in the hunk
ers. Many of our shins have been in
dancer at various times from this
cause , and not long ago a fire in the
Cincinnati's bunkers actually set fire
to fittinss. wooden boxes , etc. . within
the magazine , and had it not been dis
covered at the time it was it would
fifiibtlp" ! havn TPsuUpd in a catastro
phe on boar-i that ship similar to the
one on the Maine.
"I shall again emphr-iVp the fact
that no lopedo exploded without a shin
has never pi-educed , or according to
our knowlcdero. can prc/i'icp an ex
plosion of a magazine within. "
Dancr'i'crsof the Retolutinn.
WASHING ON , Feb. 21. This week
will bring to Washington more dstin-
guished women than have been seen in
this city for some time.their presence
being due to the annual meeting of the
Society of the Daughters of the Revo
lution , and the next president general
of this society may be Mrs. Daniel
Manning of Albany , N. Y. , a desend-
ant of the Schuylers and the Linving-
stons and a woman of national nota
bility. The members of the national
council in Washington are likely to
endorse Mrs. Manning almost unani
mously. Mrs. Alger , Mrs. John W.
Foster , the wife of ex-Justice FieM ,
Mrs. Frye , Mrs. Fairbanks , Mrs.
Mitchell and Mrs. Thurston , wives of
the senators , are among the Washing
ton daughters who are identifying
them selves with the campaign of Mrs.
Manning. Mrs. Manning , should she
be chosen as president general , is a
typical gentlewoman gracious but
conservative in her tastes ; a leader of
pleasant entertainings in Albany so
cial circles , but little of a club woman
in an old Knickerbocker town , which
is not much given to women's clubs ;
active in church work and her chari
ties. Her dinners are masterpieces of
the dinner-giving art. and she has the
fine faculty of the ideal hostess for
drawing about her table the choice
spirits in the intellectual life of the
city the brilliant women , the distin
guished men.
Free Kicfo to the Klondike.
CHICAGO , Feb. 21. Messrs. Lewis
and Dodge , winners of a New York
newspaper's voting contest for trans
portation to the Klondike free of
charge , arrived in the city this even
ing over the Erie railway from New
York and left at 10:15 : p. m. via the
Ch'cago. Milwaukee and St. Paul road
for Seattle , from which point they go
to Dyea. They arc accompanied by a
party of four destined to the same
< iv in lias Uot'ii Notified.
MADRID. Feb. 21. The Madrid gov
ernment ha- been notified officially
that the American government in
tends to make its own examination
of the wrecked battleship in Havana ,
harbor and mike it whollv indepen
dent of any other examination. This
information come through the reg-ilar
diplomatic channel , being contained in
the advices of the Spanish charge d'af
faires at Washington. Senor du Bofc ,
to the foreign office here. But it also
announced in those advices thai Spm-
ish divers may also examine at th ° .
same time.
" -r '
, , . i. . . .
Tinir i [ i mi iiihii i > rrr IrtrrfTim T" l n-iini nrnmni i i n hi i
Dnclo Sain WanlH to Look at Her and If
l'ohslblo m-terinino the Caun f the
Ksploslon Two Hundred Thousand
Made Available for the Purpose Val
uable Property to bo Itccowred.
Maine Matter In the Senate.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. Soon after j
the senate opened Mr. Hale ( Me. ) ob
tained the floor and introduced the
following joint resolution :
That the secretary of the navy be ,
and he is hereby authorized , to engage
the services of a wrecking company ,
or companies , having proper facilities
for the prompt and ellicient perform
ance of sub-marine work for the pur
pose of recovering the remains of the
officers and men lost on the United
States steamer Maine and of saving
the vessel , or such parts thereof , and
so much of her stores , guns , material ,
equipment , fittings and appurtenances
and for this
as may be practicable ;
purpose the sum of $200,000 , or so
much thereof as may be necessary , is
hereby appropriated and made immed
iately available.
The resolution was prepared at the
navv department and introduced at
the " request of Secretary Long , who ,
in forwarding it to Mr. Hale , also sent
a letter explaining its purpose. He says
in this letter :
It is deemed proper and important
that steps should be taken immedi
ately to recover the remains of the of
ficers and men lost on the occasion of
the most deplorable catastrophe ; to
raise the vessel , or to recover such
parts of her armanent and equipment
as mav be practicable.
To this the secretary adds :
The meager information receivil
respecting the nature and the extent
of the injury sustained by the hull of
the Maine renders it difficult to deter
mine at this time whether there is
reason to hope that the vessel herself
may be raised ; but it seems probable
that as she lies within the protection
of a harbor and is net wholly sub
merged that much valuable property
may be recovered if the neceF ° ary ac
tion is taken without delay. The ves
sel , with her stores , guns , material ,
equipment , fittings and nnniirteiruices.
cost approximately , § 5.000.000. As an
illustration of the single items which
may have escaped serious injury , it.
mav be said that the ten-inch guns , of
which the Maine carried four , were
worth , with their mounts , $13.n00 each.
Aside from the melancholy duty rest
ing upon the government to recover
and to bring to this country for burial ,
if this may bo done , the bodies of the
officers and men who lost their lives
in this disaster , it is believed that
much valuable property may yet be
saved from the vessel. In any event
it is of the utmost importance that
whatever is to be done in t"is matter
should be entered upon without de-
The sinking of the Maine will be
made the subject of immediate and ex
haustive innuirv and congress will be
fullv advised of the result of such in
Mr. Long stated that the department
is at this time unable to estimate the
necessary expense" with any degree
of accuracy , but he says he has con
ferred with the bureau of construction
and rena-ir and that in case of the ap
propriation requested , only so much
of it as mav be found necessary will
be expended in the work.
The secrotarv encloses a table show
ing the cost of a numbpr of items of
the ordnance outfit of the vessel , all
aggregating $502,152.
The appropriation resolution was
paed without division.
Mr. Mason has offered sn amend
ment to the Allen resnh'Mnn for an
investigation of the Mainr * disaster
providing for a special committee to
make the investigation. Mr. Hale
asked that the master b ° not pushed.
Mr. Mason in replv said that it was
evident that the facts in regard to
Cuba , were being concealed from the
people cf the country and from con
gress. Mr. Mason said the policy of
the government was deiav , and noth
ing was uopp to stop the murder of
people in Cuba. The De Lome letter
had not. stopped the murders. The
Msine disaster had not stopped then } .
It was time for the senate to act. Mr.
Mason said he id not want the farts
regarding thf * Maine locked up in the
exr-cutive. Mr.
Mason said we have
waited whil the diplomats have de
ceived us. They hnyp saJ ? * our table
and misrenrespnted the * Hnation. Mr.
Mason nid that while diplomats de-
laved 250 of our bravp spamen were
Iyiifr in the harbor at Havana.
Mr. Hale honed there would he no
exasoerrpting debate in the senate
while this matter was bQing investi
gated by the nvv deparfment. He
deplored the refactions
which wn-e
made unon the navy demrfmpnt. Mr
Hale siUthp who-lp world deplored the
? rrt , + rgpdy. He hopp'l the senator
( Mr Ma. on ) would s"P tno imnropriety
of the position he was taking.
Mr. Mason said that hp meant no re
flections nn Secretary Long , but an
. inveptisratirn bv congrcps could not
inVrfarp -ith the navv dppirtment.
Mr. Ma on the n onlp w rp tirpd
of investigation behind closed doors ;
that with 250 peampn ] vin ° - af the > hot-
torn , of Havana harbor the pronlp of
the. TTmiWl States wa d ito know
whpther the ship was blown up bv Vr
( Hiemie * or fi-cm spontanpous combus
tion. Mr. Mason s"id that if it was
found thpt flip Maine disaster- was a
result of acnJrlp the peonio
WOuli h a
better s ? + > npd if a commit + ce cf con-
crec * * p.tii fid it so and no harm
would be done.
Should JJe Stopped.
CINCrXNATT. Feb. 10. Genera !
Wm. Booth of the Salvation Army
said :
"The Cuban bufeberv should stop.
It should stop if need lie bv the inter
vention of the United States England
is not jealous of America. The indi
vidual Englishman would see voting
Amenci prosper in ppace. T do not
think that the fur of thp British lion
would rise should Uncle Sam fight the
Dons. The Cuban war should stop at
any cost and that is admitting a
great deal , for as conservative an
Englishman as I am. "
( { exolutlono Introduced in t'nngrens
Looking to Itn irc 'llnii.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 19. A move
ment has been set afoot to have the
United States erect a monument to
Gen. Lafayette In the city of Paris ,
to he dedicated during 4ho Paris ex
position. The projector of the move
ment is Robert Thompson , who has
been assured by the French govern
ment unofficially , through M. Picard ,
tliat ground for the monument can bo
secured through the municipality of
Paris in case it be deemed inadvisable
to erect it over the grave of Lafayette ,
which 'is ' now obscure and almost un
marked. President McKinley and As
sistant Secretary Day. Mr. Thompson
says , have shown much interest in the
matter , which has been brought of
ficially to the attention of congress
through resolutions offered in .
houses. , , , .
A resolution by Senator Thurston of
Nebraska makes provision for a com
mission to supervise the collection of
a fund among all the schools of the
United States for the purpose of erect
ing a monument to Gen. Lafayette in
thp city of Paris the same to be pre
sented to the Government of France
and unveiled and dedicated on the
Fourth of July , 1900. A preamble to
the resolution declares that it is pro
posed to signalize the celebiation of
United States day at the Paris expo
sition of 1000 by the erection and dedi
cation that day of a monument from
the people of America to Gen. Lafay
ette. It then recites the several oc
casions on which the government of
lho United States recognized the in
fluence of Gen. Lafayette upon the re
sult of the war for independence and
continuing , says : •
Whereas , An occasion now presents
itself wherein the American people
may reciprocate the courtesies extend
ed us in the presentation of the La
fayette monument now in Lafayette
Square , in the citv of Washington ,
and the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty in
the New York habcr. and again show
their friendship to France , their love
and veneration for that compatriot of
Washington. Gen. Lafayette , an oppor
tunity which may not come for many
years , a. fitting time and a fitting
place , and.
Whereas. The remains of Gen. La
fayette now lie humbly interred in the
pious cemetery in Paris , marked only
by r.n unpretpnticus granite slab , and.
Whereas. The snot should form a
most proud and holy pilgrimage for all
lovers of liberty , and.
Whereat : , The proposed monument
should be a spontaneous offering com
ing direct and exclusively from the
children of America and that in their
bearing the expense of this work with
out financial aid from the government
[ the effect may be of the highest bene
fit to our poopIo in directing the
thoughts of the American vouth to the
most patriotic and inspiring period
of our history , to broaden their views
to international points , and to arouse
their interfst in the great events of
the dawning centurv ; therefore , be it
Resolved. That in furtherance of this
bill , an honorably commission is
hereby formed , cons-sling of the presi
dent nf the United States as ex-officio
| president of said commission , and the
governors of various states and terri
tories , as ex-officio vice presidents of
said commission. That the president
be and is hereby authorized to appoint
an acting commission of five members ,
consisting of a president , secretarv-
sunerintendent. treasurer and two
others , who shall arrange plans and
personally direct the
collection and ex
penditure of all monevs , the selection
of a sitr > and the plans cf said monument
ment , the building of the monument ,
the dedication and unveilinr of the
same , and the preparation of an his
torical report unon the work when
completed , the expense of such work
in h borne out of the moneys raised
The lCn < = ' t : 1cifi ' T-itfor.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 19. Mr. Tnr-
pie's resolution in the senate declar
ing that the sale of the Kansas Pa
cific be not confirmed unless the gov
ernment receives not only the princi
pal , but also the interest of its claims ,
being up for discussion , Mr. Thurston
resumed his remarks upen it. He
pointed out that the entire debt of the
Union Pacific railroad , which includ-
etd the Kansas Pacific branch , to the
government , was about $71,000,000. The
sales of the main and branch lines
would return to the government $ C5 , -
000,000 , or 91 per cent of the road's in
debtedness to the United States , prin
cipal and interest. This , Mr. Thurston
held , was a piece of good Lnanciering
on the part of the president , who , he
said , was better informed upon the
value of the read and all the details
bearing unon that value than any other
official of the government , in congress
cr out. He pointed out that ifhe
sale cf the Kansas Pacific were not
confirmed the president would have "io
other alternative than to redeem the
first mortgage bonds and thus , instead
of having in the treasury more than
six million dollars as a re = ult of the
sale , the government would have to
invest about seven millions more in
crsh to redeem the first mortgage
bonds , and then would have on its
hands a pror rtv that was cf so littip
value as compared with what some
senators imagined some single one of
the great roads centering in Kansas
City thought enough of it to venture
a bid unon it at the sale yestredav.
Mr. Thur = ton regar-ied the "settle
ment pfferted bv thp ndpiinistrnMon of
the whole Pacific railroad business as
eminently satisfactory.
Remarks in fivnr of the rp olufiei
were made by Mr. Rawlins of I'tah and
in opposition by Mr. Gear of lov/a
? Ti > i : "WiUilw TJfiiuiinc
CHICAGO , Feb. 19. Formal s rvir ° s
nvr the remains of Miss Francis E.
\nilard. pre < = idont of the "World's
Wema'i's Christian Tempera"0'
union , will be held here undav.rr , > p
lvuiv will then be sent to Chicago , " ifies
Katherine L Sfevpn < ; on. corrr n nding
secretary of the Women's Civistiin
Temperance union , said today it was
the present intent ion to have a com
mittee of Miss Willard's friends ft"d
co-workers in Chicago mept the body
between here and New York Citv and
act as an escort during the journev
wpst. The body will then be taken to
Miss Willard's home in Evanston.
) ]
Very PainfuS * J \
Could Not Move without Croat Suf- vJlUs * ' lW
ferlng-Hood's Cured. fj pf I I
that I could hardly I
ful with rheumatism ho g
move them without great Buffering L * V I
have taken four bottles of Hood's Saraa- . \ I
parilla and now find myself free from f w
rheumatism. " Mas. Maiiy A. Tuckui : , . JP _
451 Ninth St. , Red Wing , Minn. | , ;
Hood's Sarsaparilla l I
Is the bust-In facttlio Ono True Blood I'urHltT. .
Tlood'S Pl seuro sick headacho. 25c.
If you would enjoy your food be g .
' '
good humored. An angry man doesn't ,
know whether ho is eating boiled cab-
baige or stewed umbrellas. Chicago- g
Daily News. %
Tf you can't swim , never wade in , B
unknown waters. H
OH , WHAT Sl'LHNlHI ) coitki : . H
Mr. Goodman , Williams Co. . 111. , . ( H
" package Salzer's- H
writes : "From one -
German Coffee Berry costing 15c L / fl
grew 300 lbs. of better coffee than I „ H
can buy in stores at 30 cents a lb. " H
A package of this and big seed catalogue - H
logue is sent you by John A. Salzer < L H
Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , upon receipt * - , * * H
of I5c stamps and this notice , w.n.c. ' ' J
If the domesic troubles of a mar- v H
ried couple are only little ones they ; , ,
ought to be happy. " { , < * v M
_ _ _ _ _ _ V" H
Ueafuesit Cuunut Jio Cured
as tbey cannot M
bv local applications
reach the dibeased portion ot the ear. m
to cure aeufni&s , m
There 1j only one way
and that is by constitutional remedies- m
Deafness Is caused by an lniiamed cotidl- ( m
Hon of the mucous lining of the H
tachlan Tube. When this tnbe is in- m
named you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect - m
perfect hearing , and when it is entirely m
closed. Deafness is the result , and un- H
. Hand
Itss the Inflammation can be taken out.
and this tube restored to its normal con- ( H
dition. hearing will he destroyed forever ; H
caused by ca- H
nine cases cut of ten nre
tanh , which is nothing but an inflamed H
condition of the mucous surfaces. H
We will give One Hundred Dollars for H
caused by catarrh ) M
any case of Deafness (
that cannot be cured by Hail's CaturrU. H
Cure. Send for circulars , free. H
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo O. M
Hold by Druggists , 75c. M
Hull's Family Pills are the best. H
Few wear the-ir characters like H
their cloaks outside. H
. - H
' - .i
xo kloxdyici ; 1'oit mzz :
Thus says E. Walters , Le Raysvillc.i H
Pa. , who grew ( sworn to ] 2Z2 bushels. H
Salzer's corn per acre. That means 2 ? , - H
200 bushels on 100 acres at 30c a bushel - H
el , equals $7,560. That is better than ; H
a prospective gold mine. Salzer pays- H
$400 in gold for best name for his 17- * H
inch corn and oats prodigy. You can , H
win. Seed potatoes only $ L.ii0 a barreL H
Scud This Notice ) anil IO Cts. hi SttniH H
to John A. Salzer Seed Co. . La Crosse , H
Wis. , and get free their seed catalogue- H
and 11 new farm seed samples , ineiud- H
ing above corn and oats , surely worti ! > H
$10 , to get a start. v. .n.c H
f 1
Potluck may be poor luck , if * X - * J M
taken with a stranger. H
FITS I''-ntl > iirril.r > ofiisnricrrfHRnp i5afr - • : y H
lrst il.iy ' b u o < > ' i > r. Kliiit * ' * ( iri.itNcrc ir t'.r T. r t |
ic-nd iorFIJKR S'i.O.S n.d ! . • • ! . - .inii treati-i- . / Jf 1
JR. It. 11. Klinf rt.t " 'i • - - - > • st .I'hilieicl-.i.ia. I' .u \ B
If a man would have an untarn- i H
ish"d name he should keep his door / H
plate well polished. / M
. r M
Iowa Patent Oflic < - . • X M
Des Moines , February 1C , 1S2S. . H
We beg the indulgence of some of , . . H
our patrons for delays Unit occur in H
the preparation and prosecution or , H
their applications when crowded with ; ' H
work as we are at present. The work ' H
of examination in the U. S. Patent . H
Office is now in arrrears in the dffer- ' H
cnt Divisions varying from one to seven - H
en months. M
A patent has beep allowed to c. H
Hohnsbehn , of Waverly , Iowa , for art H
improvement in his Centritugal H
Cream Separator that has been sue- H
cessfully placed upon the market. He- H
now combines a series of bell-shaped |
parti&ons with the separating bowl H
and provides each partition with a H
fixed tube to serve as a milk conductor - H
or and to retain the partitions apart. H
We have prepared and filed in the- H
U. S. Patent Office at Washington an. H
application for Grant Jacobs , of Des. , H
Moines , for an automatic Wagon H
Brake by which the. hold-back force H
of horses is utilized to apply brake- H
shoes to the rear wheels on a down / H
grade , and to remove them from th& H
wheel/ when the wagon is moved. ' H
backward by the same force. |
Valuable information about seeur- " v |
ing , valuing and selling U. S. Patents- • * * H
sent free. T. G. and J. R. Orwig , H
The Congo railroad will be fo far- \ H
advanced by the end of February , according - |
cording to Major Thys , of Brussels , H
who has just returned from Afiiea [ |
that the first locomotive will be nble- , M
to pass over it to Stanley Pool by- H
that time. The whol" line , which it |
was not expected would be finished H
betore l&oO , will be opened in March . H
of this year. H
\J } • • ' V D > 't be f'K . J uih 11. . u n'os 1 S-v.WJTr' |
22ri$2Tgorr.i $ > < tc-k' h wu * . f3oij2SggJ | B
, .tfcs .it' * > l' e r > ot : r . - ' " > i-h' ? , 1
- ' " Kc.t bt.rm I" - fie F * Br ijH HN M
v > jV.sS.krr. If rot for s- -5 > < jurUJjL H
* ? A n A J tov , ' ' ? h , _ j " .j j a g H
50 ? . > f3 "ioHrjr-tnttf t enemy Is w v- 1
B\Sninifi H'IBQ , Urt- ' j.n , allow ! 4 H
K 2 n'xmt oi.r rcn.nlv G H
) , CLIMNALL-by Irr' % e - < homiI Iim ; t , 3i ? - 1
j > nnajipiiLation < l -amrlp free-to prove our B v l
2 fa o. Tor liriss , hi.-ycle ciianiel. Ml. er v. - ioii work. 9 |
H kitrlien ware rut 0:1 iiirkelinitiuiiat Darts of 8 . 1
3 farm implement- has no cnunl. Vullc 3 H
| i * .o. i ; iv ; ti.cuicatio. : in. ' B 1