The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 04, 1898, Image 4

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    "wl 'i ' ii ii mi. .iii ) iu i ! i , nrr in . ! - ,
H' jCy1" ' ' . . . i i ii j mi w i iiiiiii\irmmtu'j \ + * Mt
fl By F. M. KIMMELL.
H From and after January 1st , 1898 , the
H subscription price of THE McCOOK TRIB
ES UNE will be $1.00 a year , if paid in ad-
H ranee. All arrearages on subscription
H will be received on the basis of a dollar a
H year. This will make a considerable
H " saving' to all those that are a number of
H years in arrears , and should stimulate
H an early settlement of all delinquent sub-
H scrlptions. It is our purpose to bring the
H subscription to a cash-in-advance basis
H as rapidly as circumstances and the times
M will warrant. THE PUBLISHER.
H ' - .
H The paper trust seems to have
H been revived or a new one formed.
H As usual it represents fabulous
H money on paper and it is stated
H | in this connection that an increase
H in price of paper may be expected.
H The Burlington proposes to
equip its new trains , to be put in
service , next Sunday , in the finest
I style throughout. One thing the
people of the great mid-west enjoy
is first-class railroad , service , both
in the equipment of train and in
H the speed with which they cover
H • the magnificent distances of this
H ' great domaiu. And the Burling-
B I ton in both respects is in the van
H ' I of the procession.
H All hope of any legislation on
H the money question has been rude-
H ly jarred by the recent action of
H the senate , which by a vote of 47 to
H 32 sustained the Teller-Matthews
H resolution that all bonds of the
United States are payable , princi
pal and interest , at the option of
the government , in silver dollars.
Seven Republicans stood by the
resolution : Carter of Montana ,
Chandler of , New Hampshire , War
I ren and Clark of Wyoming , Wol-
cott of Colorado , Shoup of Idaho ,
and Pritchard of North Carolina.
The lower house of congress
promptly defeated the resolution
by a majority of 50. So the im-
H portant matter rests.
A. Prentice has built a granary.
H. B. Wales has built a new hog
I house.
S. Johns is moving on to the
Nicklas farm. '
H H. B. Wales has built an addi-
H < tion to his house.
H 1 An Iowa man was looking over
H the country here Monday.
H ) y,0 ' , Bert Wales commenced Mouday
H • - • to pick fifty acres of corn.
Hj Bob Nusbaum picked coin for
H ' ' Frank Coleman last Saturday.
H • It. Traphagen and Bob Moore
H hauled wheat to Perry , Monday.
H B. . . Traphagen has built two new
H cribs and has them filled with
H corn.
H M. H. Cole has bought a drove
H of shotes to feed a part of his
H corn to.
H H. B. Wales feeds meal that he
H grinds on that new corn and cob
H grinder.
H Frank Coleman is still in the
H hospital at S3 per day expense.
H Pretty expensive hunt , that.
M A. Prentice , Geo. Howell , Wes.
M Bozell , J. W. Corner , and Mike
m Doyle hauled wheat to Perry last
H week.
B J. W. and J. U. Smith have
M shelled out over 25,000 bushels of '
M m corn in this town. , this winter , and *
M m have only fairly got started yet. '
M m There is so much singing up <
M ifl here that -the meadow larks have <
M IS caught it and sing before breaki i
M IB fast. The four-pet Bears can sing 1
m JB sweetly.
M jflH Court in the county seat twice a
M jj H year , while up here it sits every
m JH | two weeks ou Suuday evenings
9H pleadings at every session ; pris-
SH oners in arms from 9 till 1 o'clock
19R ' Ed Osbough's team took a spin i
HS H and scraped some knots off a string i
H B of fence , jerked three toes off the 1
HBH foot of a hill , and knocked a couple i
H of teeth down the mouth of a cani i
B yon , and tore the lower corner off
HB . a pecker , and then yes , - Ed got 1
B them.
* • - - " • - - Tu T
[ i- .
" " '
- ' "
1 I II- I i i l I" i i. i i
The twenty-sixth annual sessioi
of the Nebraska PresB Association
held iu Lincoln on Tuesday anc
Wednesday of last week , was ii
all material respects one of tht
most successful iu the history o
the association. The attendance
reached quite an unusual number
and the program was of substan
tial interest and excellence , while
the social and entertainment fea
tures were superb. It may be
truly stated that the meeting waf
a source of inspiration and instruc
tion to all the members of th (
press gang in attendance , and th (
pleasing and profitable results war
rant us in urging every Nebraska
newspaper man to join the asso
ciation and attend its annual ses
sions. The personal contact and
thought friction will prove of in
estimable value , and the social
functions will probably reduce au
excess of provincialism.
The annual address by President
F. M. Kimmell , of the McCook
Tribune , and the paper on "Strict
ly Business , " by Ross L. Hammond
mend , of the Fremont Tribune ,
opened the session Tuesday after
noon. In the evening the mem
bers of the association enjoyed a
complimentary theatre party at
the New Oliver , at the hands of
the Lincoln newspaper men.
Wednesday morning's session
was occupied in the delivery of a
paper on "Independent Journal
ism , " by Edgar Howard , of the
Papillion Times ; a poem by Jeff.
L. Stone , of the Minden Gazette ;
and a paper on "What I Don't
Know About Journalism , " by
Adam Breed , of the Hastings
Tribune. All were excellent ef
forts , and the following discussions
spicy. At noon the members were
the guests of the Union-Commer
cial club , at a luncheon served in
their new club house ( the late T.
M. C. A. temple ) , all of whose
conveniences and appointments
were at the use of their guests.
The session of Wednesday af
ternoon closed the business of the
meeting. W. W. Haskill , of the
Ord Quiz , read a paper on " News
paper "Gastronomy" ; Clark Per
kins , of the St. Paul Republican ,
i paper on "Beady Prints , " after
ivhich W. E. Dayton , of the York
Republican , conducted the Round
Table one of the most interesting
ieatures of the entire session.
The usual resolutions of appre-
jiatiou were unanimously passed ;
jesides a majority report express-
ng the sentiment of the State
Press Association against the pend-
ng Loud postal bill.
The election of officers resulted
is follows : President , Edgar How-
ird , of the Papillion Times ; Sec
retary-Treasurer , F. N. Merwin , of
; he Beaver City Tribune ; Corresponding
spending Secretary , W. N. Huse ,
) f the Norfolk News. Vice-Pres-
dents : First District , J. W. Barn-
lart , of the Auburn Herald ; Sec-
md , L. A. Williams , of the Blair
Pilot ; Third , E. Cunningham , of
he Wayne Republican ; Fourth ,
C. J. Pickett , of the Wahoo Wasp ;
Fifth , F. M. Kimmell , of the Mc-
Dook Tribune ; Sixth , Clark Per-
rins , of the St. Paul Republican.
Thursday morning the Associa-
ion was transported to Omaha in
ipecial cars furnished by the Bur-
ington. At Omaha the members
eere shown over the Exposition
[ rounds and South Omaha by
ourtesy of G. M. Hitchcock , of
he World-Herald , and at noon en-
eyed a complimentary luncheon at
he hands of Mr. J. B. Kitchen.
? he visit to Omaha was a revela-
ion to the' newspaper men , who
onnd much to astound them in
tie magnitude of the work on the
Jxposition grounds , in the amount
ompleted and the promise for a
rand and successful exposition
verywhere evident. It can no
mger be doubted that the comi'ig
xposition will be a success beyo > d
arly expectations all available
pace is already applied for but
jat Nebraska will therefrom reap
golden harvest. People will be
ttracted to the state , its resources
ill be seen , and a large immigra-
ou will naturally result.
This excursion closed a memo-
able meeting.
The excursion committee an-
ounce an excursion to Port Ar-
lur , Texas , and New Orleans , La. ,
le cost to be from § 30 up , to go
bout the middle of February and
) take about ten days time.
Omaha will be the next place of
olding the annual meeting of the
_ _
Royal wakes the food pare ,
wholcjOBO aad delicious. -
Absolutely Pure
I M i il "
James Lawthers finished thresh
ing on Thursday of this week.
John Gathercole and wife made
Ed. Lawthers a short call , last Sun-
Conuty SuperiuteudentWelborn
visited the Fowler school , Thurs
day of last week.
J. W. Miner of Cedar Bluffs was
in this vicinity buying hogs , the
fore part of the week. - - <
Geo. Seigwing will soon move
on the old Eli Lofton place , which
was unoccupied last year.
Belle Smith of McCook has been
assisting Mrs. J. E. Dodge in her
housework for a few days.
J. E. Dodge was down in Danbury -
bury predinct threshing for Wm.
Nixon , latter part of last week.
Wm. Gathercole gave a bachel
or's dinner to several of his young
gentleman friends , last Sunday.
Revs. Bell , Berry and Bohn-
stedt all preached in the Pleasant
Prairie school-house , last Sunday.
Miss Updegraft of McCook has
been visitiDg O.L.Thompson's and
other friends in this neighborhood ,
this week.
Mrs. F. M. Badgett , 819 New
street , Knoxville , Teun. , writes a
letter for publication , which she
desires all her suffering sisters to
read. She writes : "When I was
16 years old , I suffered with fe
male weakness of the worst kind
and spent all I had trying to get
cured. I tried several of the best
physicans , but ss&2 L
all failed
K ,
to cure me. I $ Srtl ; 3fc
gave up hope W " ' y'W
of recovery ; fiJ4 * 7
nally Dr.Hartiffm - - -
man's treat- >
- Wrv
mentwas recAftC il\k \ ' J
ommended to d J | / ; '
* ' '
' < ? * * *
me by my
teacher , who also lent me the mon
ey to get the medicine which Dr.
Hartman prescribed. I took the
treatment and it cured me. I am
now a healthy women , weighing
194 pounds , and I owe it all to Dr.
Hartman's treatment. I am sure
I would not be living now if it had
not been for his treatment. I can
not help recommending it to all
sufferers , and will answer all in
quiring letters. "
Any woman wishing to apply
for Dr. Hartman's free home treat
ment has only to send age , sym-
toms , duration of disease , when
the doctor will prescribe the proper
treatment. The medicine can be
obtained by each patient at the
nearest drug store. Each woman
3hould have a book on the diseases
peculiar to women , called "Health
and Beauty. " Sent free to any
ivoinan by The Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Company , Colum
bus , Ohio.
Mrs. A. Anderson visited Mrs.
R. M. Wade , Monday.
Barnes and Plusard shelled corn
' or R. M. Wade one day last week.
E. G. Dunham and wife visited
it Mr. Holbrook's , Sunday after- \
Leonard Stephens and wife vis- <
ted with John Burtless and wife , i
Oscar Hammond of the Drift-
vood was a visitor hero , Sunday <
tfternoon. I
Quite a number from this place (
ittended the farmers' convention
md poultry show at McCook , this t
veek. ]
Corn picking is about finished <
n this neighborhood , and the yield \
s somewhat larger than for the *
> ast four years.
m i m > i " n winnu ii hi ii i ± nrr ii
- ' iBlWIMMIMWMiia 'fmlw ' * > 11 ' '
i nun iirn-mtimrfni
Miss Emily Hopt was iu Indi-
anola over Saturday , guest of the
Misses Teel.
Nellie Hodgkin aud Dlla Brock-
ham of Cambridge spent Sunday
with friends here.
Mrs. Chas. Hopt is very sick ,
suffering from a heavy cold which
settled in her lungs.
The younger portion of the pop
ulation has been making the most
of a week of good skating.
J. G. Dole was down from Mc
Cook , Saturday and Sunday , guest
of Guy Curlee and other friends.
E. E. Smith , the well known and
successful stockman and farmer ,
had business in McCookThursday.
A Junior League of about forty
members has been organized here
by Mrs. Foutch , who has charge
of the same.
Miss Myrtle Ault spent Sunday
in town and left on No. 2 , Monday
morning , to visit a sister at Pitts
burg , Kansas.
P. J. Hickman attended the
Farmers' convention and Poultry
exhibition in McCook , Wednesday
and Tuursday.
Mrs. J. Williams and little son
of Cambridge are spending the
week here with her uncle and aunt ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowles.
E. J. Laughlin and wife were
down from Max , Dundy county ,
latter part of last week , guests of
J. A. Curlee and family.
Gertie Stenner is out of school ,
this week , on account of a badly
scalded foot received by overturn
ing a pan of boiling water.
Dr. J. M. Brown attended the
Farmer's convention and Poultry-
exhibition and transacted business
in the county seat , Thursday.
James Bentley is here from Re
public county , Kansas , making his
parents a short visit. He and his
father were county seat visitors ,
Our big hardware man , S. W.
Olark , transacted business in the
county capital and took in the
chicken show there , Thursday af
It was somewhat of a shock to
some good citizens to discover that
they had been regularly fracturing
the village ordinances relating to
grames of chance.
W. W. Kite returned from Phil-
lipsburg , Kansas , last Saturday ,
svith a team and wagon , and de
parted on Wednesday with his
family to make a permanent resi
lience at that place.
Rev. Roberts of Hendley is con-
lucting revival services in the
Christian church , this week. He
lias been engaged to preach here
svery Sunday instead of twice a
uonth as heretofore.
Will Bentley , formerly of this
Dlace but now of Edgar , who is
employed on the Southern division
) f the Burlington , is again laid off
> n account of injuries , having had
ihree fingers pinched while making
i coupling , last week.
On Sunday , the 23d , while M.
Fossen and family were at church ,
heir residence was entered by
sneak thieves , who carried off jew-
slry and silverware , a shotgun and
mraerous articles of wearing ap-
jarel including a suit of clothes.
Che perpetrators left no clue as to
heir identity.
Mr. and Mrs. Stroud were in
his neighborhood Sunday.
Miss Nataline Elmer is at home
his week , as she has a week's va
We are all going to the chicken
how , and figure in the poetry af-
The meetings at the Willow con-
inue with unabated interest. Mr.
jong preached an interesting seri -
i on Sunday morning.
Literary was somewhat above
lie average last Wednesday night.
Ir. Cecil Mathews , of McCook ,
ntertained the audience with
Mr. J. F. Helm has not as yet
scertained the cause of the death
f his cattle. He lost fourteen l
ead , probably from corn-stalk dis-
There was a joint meeting of
le Indianola and Red Willow T.
' . S. C. E. last Sunday , in honor '
E the C. E. birthday. Mr. Tur-
er and others addressed the meet-
) g , and a pleasurable and profit-
ble time was spent.
" ' ' - k- iiWi iiiiimi inHi ii \ * iinrriT Tr-L-ri "r "ii i i irtT ° 1 r
_ _ * il
• rfr
t I 1 I
F Jannary Cluariin Sale r
_ . 5 / I
! Is now in progress. I ( I
\ We would emphatical- ' ; I
I ly advise you to buy i I
\ liberally at these Clear- \ / I
I \ I
ing Sale Prices. . .
I Woolen Goods are 5 ' ' I
I steadily advancing , and I I
i it will be impossible to | I
$ name such 'I low prices I I
\ again. i I
\ Such opportunities \ I
I do not often occur. I I
[ Tbe Fiu UiDg Cliif I
f > m/n . S\ / g81 ti t the World's most friendly smile are f , H
/ „
? JW wk/l < * > A - - flQ always ready for the well-dressed S ; M
I 'M ' mfk t J " ' Mk \ I man. There's no mistake about A J H
I W * $ Mymt $ Wp&Z * kis. Energy may . miss its mark. Talent f / H
? W SimWkMiiJM niay go a-be King. Virtue itself may die S
I WxTollPV - EMf/mM ° ne8'eC ' ut there is ahvays a welcome I > H
" 'A ) liiK | M - an ( * measure of success for good clothes , f > H
7 f-Y 'W If you wish to test tlis 5t of ph 0sophy , ; H
| Va ? M T Just order one oi tIie elegant suits of I H
' y/B feS 5Tl ) THE GREAT I H
J ' j 1/ = = = S SMn ' Chicago Merchant Tailors J H
J / / ll'i'1'l ' ' ' | , ' iHrvOTC 5c Sffllllll ! who5e productions ore noted everywhere for choice I H
S ' ' • " ttl fef | afi ffi ? material , neat fit and finish , and perfect pp-to-datc |
M | M Sstyle A "BORN" passT H
g - styleA suit of clothes Is a pass-
3 lmm Ba:2 ' mulhjf port to the World's friendship ! I M
t l w T = 300 Selected Patterns to order from. T H
C. L. DeGROFF & CO. , McCook , Neb.
It is radically Republican , advocating < * * But it can always be relied on '
m the cardinal doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po- |
• with ability and earnestness < < t litical movements Jt tj/t tji tjtjlt • n U
5 It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. " I H
, The Literature of its columns is _ U
( s .n. equal to that of the best magaZZjQ \ 1
• zines. It is interestingto the cbil- * H
• dren as well as the parents. • H
a H
5 i and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF • M
• THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest e |
discussions of all questions of the day , it is in full sympathy * - H
§ v/ith the ideas and aspirations of Western people and 2 < |
9 discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. * * . * * • f M
• • • SI.OO-PRIGE OHE OLLARPER YEAR-f' .00 • • • H
5 111 fi Price of Daily by mail $4.00 per year 5 | | 1 5 1
Z WJLh Pricoof Sunday by mail $2 . 00 per year Z U • H
S n q Daily and Sunday by mail $6.00 per year S n 5 H
• • 0I IOBdE9l02eBSSnI ! B 10I l BCI B ieiei lH H
It is Official and Si a Year.
And It Prints All the News. * ' \ ! I