mWmm ' * I IV I ! | IIMlMllllliMfcLJW ' J ' ' ' I B' - , i HI • fmmWmWmWmWmmWKi H § 1 J. F. GANSCHOW , 1 | K plf - -S" OJLZ ) RELIABLE | | | B ' " ' 1 SHOE DEALER , fa V as3Carries the Largest and Finest lH K w stock of seasonable , goods in the W % Jtj ivs Boot and Shoe line to be found in | | | It Southwestern Nebraska. if H m I - - H 1J.RGANSCH0W,1 HI H McCQOK , NEBRASKA. ' ' jl I H H HI 2 F * * * BURG-ESS , 7 I | Plumber and j 11 1 Steam Fitter M Ik . § McCQOK , NEBR. 7 HMB 4 Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass 1 K fa Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings. Z X H A Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ M B 7 Windmills. Basementof the Meekery II 0. L. EVERIST & CO. , B | I McCook Transfer Line H fil 5"5' BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. B MSI J3gPOnly furniture vau in the B kk ! city- Leave orders for bus calls B &H | --at Commercial hotel or at office WW' < nUt opposite the depot. Satisfaction ' guaranteed. Uu i't m HL jk Leach , The Jeweler $ HkJl sells Singer Sewing' HH | Machines. H ' i Fine stock of Solid HI Sterling Silver-ware. Hjvk Leach , The Jeweler. | | McConnell's f | Sarsaparilla | | and 1 | Burdock I I for the I 1 Bl00d- | j } * Now is the time to take it. * * a rjjjjo jsjpr i pc jjpvg : vgcisp. xjjr u tgv } Gdase Do. Land and Live Stock G& Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder < j/fKp P. O. address Imperial P bmpChase county , and Beat H HHppS > I9 &ricu. - Nebraska. Range , Pfa SffMStinkinfr Water and the l HS&5& fes Frenchman croekfi. in xssSEaS TrtM Chase county. Nebraska. " PwS Brand as cut onsideof j SSsapfr aj Wrrsi' eoraeanimal8on hip and rt SSiiSSisfeSaB5' 6ides of some , or any where on thP animal Several Mcycles for sale cheap. LEACH , The Jeweler. _ _ il gmftrtftftm ? ? ? ? ? kf E jEvead . . H E 'Tfie ISest ; III = JVtcGoofe 3 III S Tri&tiite = 2 IH fc : clnd is p > © nfg $1 r3 VAVAU i - . , . - - J * I , i mi mi r.i ri iriMMfto mm TIMP. TABIJr. lHi bUhI MsCOOS , MIEBAOrjL UfiMfli LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS and ALL SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS ! CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vcstibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , OmahaSt. , Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- cafjo , and all points south and east 5:55 A.M. No. . 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 11:10 p.m. N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 : a. m. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drcge , Hastings 6:45 A.M. No. 80. Freight , daily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:30 a. m. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions 8:30 p. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 p.m. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediatesta- tions 6:00 a. M. No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wray and Akron 1:30 P.M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wray and Akron 4:10 : p. M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 7:00 A.M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Engine No. 76 is up from the Hastings- Oberlin run for repairs. Brakeman O. R. Anjick of the Hast- ings-Oberlin run * is on the sick-list. Brakeman C. G. Mason attended the meeting of Sbriners in Lincoln , this week. Brakeman Wm. Shinsel and wife are visiting their parents at Grafron , this state. Auditor W. T. Foreman was at head quarters , Tuesday , on business of his office. Engine No. 157 has been turned out of the shops for service after a long spell of inactivity. Brakeman Keith has moved into the Ballew residence , recently purchased by Ed. Flitcraft. Conductor Foley has charge of Con ductor Pope's run during the latter's visit in Lincoln. Engine No. 314 returned to work yes- terdaj- , having been in the shops for more than a month. Will Harmon entered the company's employ , "Monday morning , as a black smith's apprentice. Chief Clerk Harris of Superintendent Campbell's office went up to Denver , Tuesday night , on business. Superintendent Campbell went over the St. Francis branch in his private car , Thursday and Friday last. Conductor Gilchrist had charge of Conductor Beale's run during his visit in the eastern part of the state. The Alliance Grip states that the monthly pay roll of the Woyming divis ion of the Burlington is $60,000. Brakeman E. O. Custer , who has been down on the Hastiugs-Oberlin run reliev ing Neal Beeler , returned to McCook , this week. Agent Enlow of Bartley came up on No. 5 , Saturday evening , to meet his wife , who was returning from a visit with friends at Longmont , Colo. Switchman Chas. Fuhlendorf returned from Charlston , Illinois , latter part of last week , bringing his family with him. They will make their home in South McCook. Supt. J. R. Phelan of the Wyoming division spent Monday in the city on his way to Denver. J. R. is always a wel come visitor at Western division head quarters. Conductor "William Brown had the misfortune to have a journal burn off , Friday night , at Indianola. The track was torn up somewhat before the acci dent was noted. M. D. Frost quit the company's em ploy on Wednesday and left , this morn ing , to visit his parents at Stromsburg , this state , after which he will go south west in search of emploj'ment at the ma chinist's trade. During the absence of Conductor L. E. Gilchrest at Akron , last Friday , Agent Thomson and Conductor George Beck took out the Imperial train , Agent Thom son being in charge of the express , as Conductor Beck is not under bond. At Imperial , the agent met some old friends who made his short stay very pleasant. Engineer G. R. Johnson met with a peculiar and painful accident in Chicago ? last week , one which will probably keep him off duty for some time. He was standing in a street car when it suddenly started , and in the effort to regain his balance he threw his left hand through a window , cutting a deep and ugly gash across the palm. He is expected home within the next few days. liHl mmm Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR * CREAM BAKING POWDHt MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Brakeman Harry Frey is visiting his parents at Broken Bow. Will Bulger is reported , today , as being in a serious condition. Engines 281 and 41 have been returned to this division from the Havelock shops. Fireman John Henderson returned , Tuesday night , froma ( brief visit to Chi cago. William Spencer and Miss Anna Lundy were married on Thursday by the county judge. F. M. Lucore has been appointed car accountant in Lincoln vice F. W. Smith , recently deceased. Engineer George Johnson returned home , last night , from his trip to Chica go. His injury is not serious. Conductor H. A. Beale went to Lin coln and Omaha , first of the week , re turning on No. 3 , Wednesday night. Engineer Holliday and wife left , Mon day evening , for their home in Lyons , Colorado , after a brief visit with friends here. Conductor C. E. Pope and wife left on No. 4 , Wednesday night , for Lincoln , where the conductor attended the meet ing of Shriners. Brakeman Neal Beeler , who has been laying off on leave of absence , returned to duty on the Hastings-Oberlin run , first of the week. • Conductor L.E. Gilcrest , who accom panied the remains of Yardmaster Frank Cleary to Indianola.Iowa , returned on No. 5 , Sunday night. The New Jersey Central pays the en ; gine crew that hauls the largest excess tonnage over the rated capacity for freight engines , between Mauch Chunk and Jersey City , 115 miles , a premium of $125 each month , 60 per cent going to the engineer and 40 to the fireman. The second premium is $50 and the third $25. William Bulger , who has been visiting the McCarls for the past few weeks , has been dangerously ill since last Sunday with an attack of pneumonia. At one time his condition was so serious that his mother in Hastings was telegraphed for , but she was unable to respond owing to an attack of neuralgia from which she was suffering. Will's many friends in this city will be pleased to learn that he is recovering. Pure Seeds for Trial. To give our subscribers an opportunity to test their famous seeds , Messers. May & Co. , the well known seed growers of St. Paul , Minnesota , whose order of one million packets of seeds tested over 99 per cent pure ( Government Report ) will mail seventeen trial packets of choice varieties of flower seeds to any of our readers sending only ten cents in silver or stamps. This is their giant collection and consists of one packet each , Asters , Mignonette , Antirrhinum , Pinks , Pop pies , Alyssuni , Zinnias , Nigella , Godetia , Pansy , Callendula , Petunia , Sweet Wil liam , Portulaca , Sweet Peas , Calliopsis and Candytuft. On each packet will be printed full cultural instuctons. They will also send to any gardener or farmer one package of their Extra Early Tree Tomato on receipt of six cents in stamps. Their handsomely illustrated catalogue will be mailed free on applica tion , to any one who intends to pur chase seeds , plants or bulbs this spring. Be sure and mention our paper when writing May & Co. O. W. O. Hardman , when sheriff of Tyler Co. , W. Va. , was at one time , al most prostrated with a cold. He used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was so much pleased with the quick relief and cure it afforded him , that he gave the following unsolicited testimonial : "To all who may be interested , I wish to say , that I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find it invaluable for ocughsand colds. " For sale by McCon- nell. _ _ _ = C. L. DeGroff was up from Nebraska City , first of the week , helping in closing up the annual inventor- . Chamberlain's Eye and Sltin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore tipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granuiated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per bos. TO HOUSE OWNEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists 9 ; H Cold Weather Goods B 11 m Reduced Prices. H I H H I uSs From now until oar Annual InDfe5 M fc $ * ventory we will sell $ ( g M . Ladies ' Capes and Jackets , g& ( I m Mens and Boys ' Clothing , g HI Men ' s and Boys ' Overcoats , | | | Hi Woolen Blankets , Underwear , H § II P M II bQj and all cold weather goods gttjs pH fife at Special Low Prices. J H m m M m& Come Early and Secure a Bargain , d fl 5 3 sags IH J aj Grocery dept. is complete. Get § sj f M cum our prices for comparison. rajm M 11 I wash II < * Waraaits ' 1 . ' m M m f&m C. L. DeGROFF & GO. m & 33 mm > fl _ . vfl 1 FIRST > i jig H f NATIONAL * I il I H | BANK-4 [ B I | S : Authorized Capital , $100,000. [ | § H Ip Capital and Surplus , $60,000 jlS H gCj GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. | . Z" LA hgl W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass 't Ccsh. jVj WM j | = | | A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. % % WW IXl _ J3 | f f § V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier , fjh H 1 ? # - . j CITIZENS BANKS I # OF MeCOOK , NEB. # # . * # ® > M # Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5,000 f : | H # 4 f f z = DIRECTORS = r- $ ' J ? V. FRANKLIN , ' W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , % L H JS H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WILLARD. J ? & % 9 J