The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 21, 1898, Image 8

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H J. C. Herry , one of the best known citizen
H of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himsel
H J of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxe
H of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , lie had bee !
H troubled with piles for over thirty years ani
H had used many different kinds of so-rallci
H cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did tb
H work and he will verify this statement if an
H one wishes to write him. A. McMillen.
H Warning Persons who suffer from cough
H and colds should heed the warnings of dance
H and stive themselves suffering and fatal result
H by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is ai
H infallible remedy for coughs , colds , croup am
R idl throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen.
H Ilv virtue of an order of sale issued fron
H the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne
H braska , under a decree in an action whreii
H Alice K. Wadsworth is plaintiff , and Davi (
H I'orler and Mr * . David Porter , wife of Davit
H Potter , are de'ei'dants , to me directed and de
H livcred , I shall off. r at public sale and sell ti
H the highest bidder for the east door o
H ( he court house , in McConk , Red Willov
H County , Nebraska , on the 24th day of January
H 189S , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the fol
H lowing described real estate , to-wit : nivj { o
H the uc'a and the swK of the neK of scctioi
H 27 , township 1 north , range 26 west of the 6:1 :
H Dated this 23d day of December , 1897.
m 12-24-st J. R. Neei. , Sheiiff.
M W. R. Stark , Plaintiff's Attorney.
H In the District Court of Red Willow Counts
H and State of Nebraska. II. G. Dixon , plain
M tiff , vs. Carrie H. Webster and Winfield S
H Webster , defendants.
H Carrie U. Webster and Winfield S. Webstei
H will take notice that on the 2d day of Septum
H her , 1897. II. G. Dixon , plaintiff herein , filec
H his petition in the District Court of Red Wil
H low county , Nebraska , against said defend
H ants , the object and prayer of which are to se
H cure the payment of one principil note datec
H June 27th , 1893 , for the sum of S500 , due ant ;
H payable at the election of the plaintiff nn the
H failure of defendants to pay the interest or
H .said note at maturity or within thirty day ;
H thereafter , which interest is evidenced b )
H seven coupon notes dated June 27th , 1893 , fall
H ing due July 1st and January 1st each yeai
H successively. That there is now due on said
H notes the sum of $701.25 , and the plaintiff ha :
H caused to lie attached the southeast quartei
H and the northeast quarter of section 26 , town
H ship I north , range 30 west 6th P. M. in Red
H Willow county. Nebraska. The plaintiff pray ;
H that said property may he sold to satisfy the
H amount found due on said notes.
H Von are required to answer said petition or
H > r before the 7th day of February , 1898.
H Dated December 27th. 1897.
M 12-31-41 II. G.Dixon , Plaintiff.
H Uy W. R. Starr , his Attorney.
H By virtue of an order of sale issued fron
H the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne
H braska , under a decree in an action wherein
H Fanners and Merchants Bank , Vandalia , Illi
H nois , is plaintiff , and Edgar Floyd-Jones and
H lulia S. Floyd-Jones are defendants , to me di
H reeled and delivered , I shall offer at public
H sate and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at
H the east door of the court house in McCook ,
H Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 24th
H j day of January , 1S98 , at the hour of one
H o'clock , p. in. , the following described real es-
H tate , to-wit : The southeast quarter of section
H i nine , township one north , range twenty-nine
H west of the 6th P. M. , Red Willow county ,
H Nebraska.
H Dated this 23d day of December , 1897.
M 12-24-51 J. R. Neel , Sheriff.
M I \V. R.Starr , Plaintiff's Attorney.
M United States Land OfTice ,
H McCook , Neb. , December 8,1S97.
H Notice is herebv given that Silas N. Welch
H lias filed notice of his intention to make final
H , proof before register or receiver at his office
H m McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 22d day of
H January , 189S , on timber culture application
H No. 56S7 , for the w'A neK and vse of
H section No. 29 , in township No. 2 n , range No.
H 30 w 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : Rex-
H ord Simpson , Austin Dutcher , Mrs. Rexford
H Simpson , David Carpenter , all of Vailton ,
H Nebraska. A. S. CAMrliELL , Register.
H United States Land Office ,
H McCook. Neb. , December 18,1S97.
H I Notice is hereby given that Henry J. lJurg-
H J graf has tiled notice of his intention to make
H hnal proof before register or receiver at his
H office m McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 29th
H day of January , 1898 , on timber culture appli-
H cation No. 6589 , for the se& of section No. 17 ,
H in township 1 north , range No. 30 w 6th p. m.
H He names as witnesses : Wilson II. Hart-
H man , Cora B. Hartman , William M. Cratty ,
H William A. Brown , all of McCook , Neb.
H i2-24-6t A. S. Campbell , Register.
H The bladder was created for one pnrpose ,
H namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such
H it is not liable to any form of disease except
H by one of two ways. The first wav is from im-
H perfect action of the kidneys. The second
H way is from careless local treatment of other
H diseases.
H Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is
H the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the
H womb , like the bladder , was created for one
H purpose , and if not doctored too much is not
H liable \veakriess or disease , except in rare
H -cases. It is situated back of and very close to
H the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or in-
H convenience manifested m the kidneys , back ,
H bladder or urinary passage is often , by misH -
H take , attributed to female weakness or womb
H trouble of some sort. The error is easily made
and may be as easily avoided. To find out
H coirectly , set your urine aside for twenty-four
H hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney
H or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi-
j nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ,
H the great kidney , and bladder remedy is
H soon realized. If you need a medicine
M you should have the best. At all druggists
H fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
B sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
' mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
H address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
H Ar . The proprietor of this paper guarantees
H | the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
B One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
H That Is what it was made for.
H McCook. Nebraska.
H JSr-Apent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
H Rear of First National bank.
H All dental work done at our office is guar-
H anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
H Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
H & Bellamy , assistants.
H tMRS. E. E. UTTER , . ? . . ,
I Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
H VOICE training a specialty.
H ST"Studio Opposite Postoffice.
H I Dr. W. V. GAGE.
HI McCook , - - - Nebraska.
H1 Office and Hospital-over First National Bank.
HI Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
HI before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
HHHr .
0 S 0
IflU I IILll I of mea ning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother " she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Mother -
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
so ass > sts nature
I 1I _
Mothers s srsss
n the Expectant
L | < | nnrl Mother is ena-
rriellublediolt or ;
iiiwiiim , ward without
dread , suffering or gloomy fore
bodings , to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child , and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short , it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy , " as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wife suffered more in ten min
uted with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last , having previously used four bottles
tles of 'Mother's Friend. ' It is a
blessing to anyone expecting1 to be
come a MOTHER , " says a customer.
Henderson Dale , Carmi , Illinois.
Of Druggists at $1.00 , or sent by express on receipt
of prlco. Write for book containing testimonials
and valuable Information for all Mothers , free.
The Bradfield Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
* California Excursions
Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 : p m. ,
Lincoln 6:10 : p. in , , Hastings 8:50 p. m.
and McCook at 11:40 p. 111. , ev
ery Thursdain clean , modern , not
crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratau ;
have spring seats and backs and are
provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about baggage , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
helding to make the overland trip : i de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths $5. For folder giv
ing foil information , call at nearest Bur-
iiuglmi Route ticket office , or wnie to J.
Frani is. General Passenger A.eiit , Oma
ha , Nebraska. 4-25-98.
What doeit cost to get there ? When
and how should one go ? What ' • hould
one lake ? Where are the mines ? How
much have thej * produced ? Is work
plentiful. ' What wages are pan ! ? Is
living expensive ? What ate one's chances
of "making a strike ? " 4-25-98
Complete and satisfactory replies lethe
the above questions will be found in the
Burlington Route's " Klondike Fouler , "
low ready for distribution. Sixteen
: > ages of practical information and an
ip-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
jffices.or sent on receipt of four cents in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omahi. Neb
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets.
Ul druggists refund the money if it fails
o cure. 25c
] S [ lHE-TENTHS off s- 1 I
which women I
- -
r rT w
suffer is caused W S
by weakness or &jK / X M :
derangement in /aj fja Vi M
the organs OI $ § Tf | ) 0lj 9
menstruation. ft vw/fz ( ! n 1
Nearly alwaysBk HBI (0 $ i
when a woman is not well these I
organs are affected. But when 9 :
they are strong and healthy a I "
woman is very seldom sick. I 1
ttTi M5-El J-ll !
Is nature's provision for the regulation - ]
lation of the menstrual function. B "
It cures all " female troubles. "It R
is equally effective for the girl in :
her teens , the young wife with doI "
mestic and maternal cares , and I
the woman approaching the period I 1
known as the "Change of Life. " I 1
They all need it. They are all I <
benefitted by it. <
For advice In cases requiring' special I '
directions , address , givine symptoms. J
the "Ladies * Advisory Department , " B ,
The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , ChattaJ
nooga , Tenn. 1
THOS. J. COOPER , Tupelo , Miss. , says : 9 ]
"My sister suffered from very Irregular H J
and painful menstruation and doctors <
could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul '
entirely cured her and also helped my
mother through the Change 0 ! Lite. " t
) e\Vitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , •
Pleasant. Quick Results. Safe to take. 11
Comml8slonerB' Proceodlngs.
McCook , Neb. , January 11,1898.
Board of county commissioners met in reRU
lar session. Present , Stephen Belles , Jas. A
Robinson and HenryCrabtreecommissionen
H.W. Keyes , county attorney , and R.A.Greer
county clerk. Minutes of previous meetinj
read and approved.
On motion the following appointment wen
made : Willis Gossard , member of the Sol
diers'Relief commission , three years. W. II
Smith , same , to fill vacancy. John Penny
overseer road district No. 8 , to fill vacancy.
The following official bonds were examinee
and on motion approved : I.M. Smith , deput }
sheriff. John Penny , overseer road dist. No. 8
Annual settlement of the following oversee :
examined and approved , and clerk directci
to issue certificate on road district in pnytnen
thereof , as follows : Henry Corcoran , over
seer district No. 40 , certificate No. 102 26159
The board having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of J. K. Neel , sheriff , fine
that he has received in fees from January 1
1897 , to January 1,1898 , $1,444.59 and paici
deputy sheriff $134.30.
In the matter of the county printing for the
ensuing year , the board on motion accepted
the bid of Thk McCook Tribune , which
bid is as follows : Commissioners' proceed'
ings free , legal notices iree , delinquent tax
list , full legal rate.
Report of Fred A. Archerd , state examiner ,
of his findings of the condition of the accounts
of J. B. Meserve , ex-county treasurer , and J.H ,
Berge , county treasurer , examined and on mo
tion approved.
Motion of John \Y. Dutcher to declare con
sent road No. 318 illegally established and null
and void , considered , and on motion road No.
318 is declared null and void.
Petition of J. R. Neel , sheriff , asking for an
allowance of one deputy at a salary of gooc
per annum , considered and on motion granted
and allowed.
It appearing from the affidavit of M. A.
Spalding that he had paid certain personal
tax assessed against him for the year 1886 ,
and that said tax now appears erroneously on
the tax book , on motion clerk was directed to
strike said tax from the tax book for said year.
It appearing to the board that Maria Rooney
was erroneously assessed with personal prop
erty in the city of McCook for the year 1896 ,
on motion clerk was directed to strike said
tax from the tax list.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was directed tote
to draw warrants on county general fund , levy
Df 1897 , in payment thereof as follows :
f. Menard , mdse 4 10
Wm. Byfield , witness , insanity case , Jo
seph Lute 2 60
Mrs. Wm. Byfield , same 2 60
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1897 ,
is follows :
F. P. Eno , nails 6 85
[ Ienry Corcoran , bridge work S 00
jeorge Younger , same 7 50
And on county road fund , levy of 1897 , as
ollows :
ohn refunded for road tax 71
On motion board adjourned to meet January
:2,1898. :
Attest : R. A. Gkekn , County Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , January 12,1S98.
Board of commissioners met pursuant to
idjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , Jas.
. . Robinson and Iltnry Crabtree , commis-
ioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Min-
ites of last meeting read and approved.
On motion the following appointments were
nade : Abram Hammond , justice of the
ieace , Red Willow precinct. John Horton ,
ssessor , Lebanon piecinct. Henry llamil-
3ii , overseer road district No. 40.
The following official bonds were examined
nd on motion approved : J. L. Horton , as-
essor , Lebanon precinct. Henry Hammond ,
verseer road district No. 40.
The following depository bank bonds were
xamined and on motion approved : State
lank of Indianola ; State Bank of Lebanon ;
litizens Bank of McCook.
Bond of The McCook Tribune for faith-
ll performance of contract on award of
aunty printing examined and on motion ap-
Pursuant to law in such cases made and
rovided the board pioceeded to select the
ames of 60 electors to certify to the clerk of
le district court from which to draw a jury
> r the February term , 1898 , of said court ,
hich list , so drawn and certified , is as fol-
iws : Alliance precinct Sam Premer , W. W.
emasters and Adolph Schmidt. Beaver W.
. Henton , Philip Gliem and W. A. Min-
iear. Bondville Nelson Downs and J. II.
farfield. Box Elder Ed. Werner and John
ihnson. Coleman M. II. Cole. Danbury
W. Leisure and George Ilarboi. Drift-
oed J. Pickrell. East Valley S. B. Rowe ,
. E. Crosby , T. C. Jones and Lyman Jen-
ngs. Fritsch Lee Hanger and C. M. Go-
: n. Gerver John Goodenberger. Grant
lbert Weeks. Indianola James McClung ,
. , Willis Gossard , Geo. W. Burt , B. F. Sib-
: tt , A. C. Crabtree and John Welborn , Sr.
ebanon Win. E. Marquis , D. A. Waterman ,
. C. Stephens and R. P. High. Missouri
idge Frank Schmoldt and T. E. Miller ,
orth Valley S. S. Haywood and J. V. Car-
ihan. Perry J. A. Brinton and C. II. Ilar-
an. Red Willow E. A. Sexon , A. H. Rey-
ilds and A. P. Day. Tyrone J. C. Moore
id W. S. McTaggart. Valley Grange M.C.
axwell and John Calkins. Willow Grove
owe Smith , David Keithly , W. J. Porter , M.
JClark , J. M. Starr , C. F. Babcock , Philip
att , Jacob Steinmetz , M. A. Spalding , Peter
) xen , C. J. Ryan , Martin Yager , J. P. Notley ,
M. Huet and Lyman Miller.
On motion the estimate of the necessary ex-
inses for the ensuing year was made as fol-
ns , to-wit :
junty general $12 000 00
junty bridge 6 000 00
juntyroad 3 000 00
junty bond 3 000 00
ildiers' relief 500 00
arth Valley precinct bond 1 000 00
illow Grove " " 2 000 00
dianola " " 300 00
titley Village bond 500 00
cCook City bond 2 ooo 00
heel district bonds 7 000 00
On motion clerk was directed to strike all '
ic appearing of record on the tax books
ainst "The McCook Club , " Belles and Rob-
> on voting aye and Crabtree voting nay.
The following resolution was read and on ,
jtion adopted : "It is hereby ordered by
i county commissioners that all county offi- *
ccrs desiring stationery and supplies slial
make a written requisition for the same t <
the county clerk , whose duty it shall be to ap
prove or disapprove such requisition , and , i
approved , order the same ? rom parties witl
whom he can secure the best terms. Any sup
plies purchased contrary to this order will no
he approved , allowed or paid for by thi
county. "
The following claims were examined ant
allowed and on motion clerk was directed t <
draw warrants on county general fund , levyo
1897 , in payment thereof as follows :
H. W. Keyes , county attorney , salary
and postage S204 K
Stephen Belles , services as commiss'n'r 19 6c
Jas. A. Robinson , same 25 4c
Henry Crabtree , same 7 2c
And on countv bridge fund , levy of 1897 , a >
follows :
Hall & Neiswanger , nails $1 8c
Wm. Porter , hauling bridge lumber 3 5c
On motion salary of county superintendenl
for the ensuing year was fixed at S850 00.
On motion board .adjourned to meet January
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , January 15,1898.
Board of county ' commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment. Present. Stephen Belles ,
Jas. A. Robinson and Henry Crabtree , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
The following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved : Abram Hammond ,
justice of the peace , Red Willow precinct. W.
H. Smith , member soldiers' relief commission.
Annual settlement of the following road
overseer examined and on motion clerk was
directed to issue certificate on road district in
payment thereof as follows : S. O. Hoagland ,
overseer district 31 , certificate No. 103 , S26.94.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy of 1S97 ,
in payment thereof as follows :
R. A. Green , county clerk , postage and
expense $24 29
J. II. Berge , county treasurer , same 7 50
C.W.Barnessupplies for county judge 5 00
Barnett Lumber Co. , coal 7 96
And on the county bridge fund , levy of 1897 ,
as follows :
Barnett Lumber Company ; lumber.$304 25
" . . . . 59 56
" . . . . 66 7S
" . . . . 7463
W. C. Bullard & Co. , same 109 76
On motion John Real , Sr. , was appointed
overseer road district No. 26.
On motion the State Journal Company was
awarded the contract for furnishing supplies
to the county for the ensuing year.
On motion board adjourned to meet Febru
ary 14 , 1S98.
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk.
I had the rheumatism so badly that I
could not get my hand to my head. I
tried the doctor's medicines without the
least benefit. At last I thought of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm ; the first bottle re
lieved all the pain , and one-half of the
second bottle effected a complete cure
W. J. Holland , Holland , Va. Chamber
lain's Pain Balm is equally good for
sprains , swellings and lameness , as well |
is burns , cuts and bruises. For sale at 1
McConnell's drug store.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
-orn $ .16
Vheat 68
) ats 13
tye 31
Parley 17
Jogs $3.00 @
5ggs 12
Jutter 12
'otatoes 60 @ .80
J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex. , says that
. 'hen he has a spell of indigestion and feels
ad and sluggish , he takes two of De Witt's
Jttle Early Risers at night , and he is all right
lie next morning. May thousands of others
o the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen.
You can't afford to risk your life by allow-
ig a cold to develop into pneumonia or con-
umption. Instant relief and a certain cure
re afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A.
Disfigurement for life by bums or scalds
lay be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch
lazel Salve , the great remedy for piles and
jr all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A.
There is no need of little children being tor-
ired by scald head , eczema and skin erup-
ons. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives in-
ant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc-
You can't cure consumption but you can
void it and cure every other form of throat
r lung trouble by the use of One Minute
ough Cure. A. McMillen.
Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's
ittle Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa-
011 , sick headache. A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Witch Hazei ScZ
Cures Piles , Scalds. Burns.
; the most dangerous of all human
ilments because its approach is unob-
irvable. Its symptoms are common tether
ther diseases , viz. , Severe Headache ,
ackache , Dizziness , Sleeplessness ,
lurred Vision , Dyspepsia , etc. Once
st it get a firm hold on the system and
. is difficult to dislodge. It is caused
y inability of the kidneys to filter the
rea from the blood.
Yet it can be
s visited Health Resorts for Seven Years
Without Relief. Dr. Hobfas Pills
Cured Him. '
• 'Your sample box of Sparagus Kidney :
Ills obtained of Eubn & Co , , cured me of
y kidney trouble. I have visited all health
sortsbut without relief for the past seven
; ars , but thanks to Dr. Hobbs Sparagus
idncy Pills I am now awell man. " (
E. Gusske , Foreman , Fred Krug- Brewing ,
> . , 813 K. 33rd St. , Omaha , Neb.
. Hobbs
Kidney Pills. \
A Great Sunday Paper Free.
The Semi-Weekly State Journal wanti
to get 5,000 new subscribers during the
next thirty days , and as a special offer
one that is bound to bring new subscrib
ers , will send The Semi-Weekly State
Journal every Tuesday and Friday for f
whole year for $1.00 , and as a special pre
inium will also send the great Sunday
State Journal , sixteen pages every Sun <
day , for three months free. Remember ,
you will get The Semi-Weekly Journal a
whole year and the great Sunday papei
for three months all for $1.00. To get
the advantage of this greatest of nil of
fers you must send your dollar direct to
The State Journal , Lincoln. Neb. , and
not through an agent. Never before has
so much good reading matter been of
fered fori.oo. The Sunday Journal con
tains more reading matter alone than
many magazines. If you want to keep
up with the world's doings , here is a
chance such as has never been offered
before This offer may be withdrawn
soon , so do not put off sending your dollar
lar for fear you may be disappointed.
One dollur does it all.
During the past two years , Mrs. J. W.
Alexander , wife of the editor of the Way
nesboro , ( Miss. ) Times , has , in a great
many instances , relieved her baby when
in the first stages of croup , by giving it
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She
looks upon this remedy as a household
necessity and believes that no better med
icine has ever been put in bottles. There
are many thousands of mothers in this
broad land , who are of the same opinion.
It is the only remedy that can always be
depended upon as a preventive and cure
for croup. The 25 and 50 cent bottles
are for sale by McConnell.
A genuine Oxford leather bound Bible
costs considerable money. Any one
wanting such a book without paying a
cent cash will find out how they can get
it by calling at The Tribune office.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
) make final proof in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before Reg-
ter or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
aturday , February 26th , iSoS , viz : Hans I.
eterson , who made homestead entry 10,555
> r the south \i southwest ' , { section 13 , town-
up 1 north , range 30 west , 6th P. M. He
ames the following witnesses to prove , his
jntinuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
'd land , viz : Joseph II. Relph , Banksville ,
ebraska , Abraham V. Olmsted , John Good-
lberger and Orlando L Thompson , of Mc-
00k , Nebraska. A. S. Cami'Hei.l ,
i-i4-6ts. Register.
m be cm !
And to PROVE that our CATARRH
URE will positively CUBE catarrh in
s worst forms , wo will send a
Two Weeks' Treatment Free
i all who send usten cents(10c. ( ) in stamps
pay cost of postage and packing.
Address JQHXS & DIXON , Koriicster , .Y. Y.
of the . . . .
We respectfully solicit your business , =
id guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
id prompt , courteous service.
( .
. ri
. . * | H
- - - - 1 1 1
A Superior Through Sloeplnpr Car t H
Line Between St. Louis H
and Jacksonville. H
Commencing December 26th the Louisville - M
ville Air Line has established the great H
Through Sleeping Car Route to Florida. H
Through sleeping cars arranged to leave | H
St. Louis 9:15 p. m. daily , passing Louis * ] H
ville 7 a. in. , Lexington 10:55 : au , .V M
reaching Chattanooga 5:55 : p. m. , Atlanta , 'Iff |
10:40 p. m. and Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. M
( second morning. ) Stop-overs allowed. M
This route is through large cities and interesting - M
teresting country , and , while a new H
through sleeping car route , is over most M
superior and well-established lines of H
railway. The schedules are fast and M
most convenient. H
The line also affords passengers foi H
Florida trip via Asheville , N. C , the H
greatest American all-year-round resort. H
Correspondence solicited and in forma- j H
tion promptly furnished. R. A. Camp- H
BBLiGenl Pas'ng'r Agent , St.Louis , Mo. M
This is also the best line to points in H
Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia , and H
North and South Carolina. 3-1-98. j H
Leach , The Jeweler , B
lias fin e goods at right H
prices. H
Send \011r address to us , and we will M
inform you how other men earn from |
$15 00 to $35.00 weekly. If you are endowed - |
dewed with an average amount of common - H
mon sense , you can in a short time do as H
well , or better , by .securing a county H
agency for one of our standard pnblica- H
lions If you want to start without delay - M
lay , send $1.25 , and we will fonwird a M
copy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U. |
S. & World , " 66x46 inches in size , eleven H
beautiful colors. Acounty map c.fiheU. M
S. on one side , and a library map of the H
world on the other , should be 111 every | |
home and office. This is the 189S edition - |
ion , to date ; two five-dollar maps at a H
popular price. |
We will also send a copy of our new H
wall map of Nebraska , showing counties , H
railroads , towns , etc. , 189S edition with H
1 marginal index , locating every town H
) u map and giving population , 2S x 44 |
nches in size , just issued. H
Above two maps almost sell them- H
: elves , but printed instructions uccom- H
) any samples. Later on you c.tu try |
ome expensive article Write quick H
ind choose your field. |
Rand , McNally & Co. , H
166 , 168 Adams St. , Chicago , 111. |
By virtue of an order of sale issued from |
he District Court of Red Willow County , H
Nebraska , under a decree , in an action where- |
n The McCook Co-Operative Building and H
Savings Association is plaintiff , and Joseph H
ipotts , et al , are defendants , to me directed H
nd delivered , I shall expose to public sale |
nd sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the |
rout door of the Phillips-Meeker block , in the |
'ity of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne- |
iraska , on the 24th day of January , 189S , at H
he hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following H
escribed real estate , to-wit : Lot six in block H
sur. in Willow Grove Addition to the City of |
lcCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. |
Dated December 23d , 1S97. j H
2-24-5t J. R. Neel , Sheriff. M
W. S. MORI.AX , Attorney. H
If you need any Mariile Monuments , H
See A. G. DOLE , Agent , H
Satisfaction guaranteed. He also writes H
Iutual Insurance both Farm and Mer- H
antile 50 per cent cheaper than old companies. |
Jujcius Kunert , M
Carpet Laying , H
Carpet Cleaning. H
CST"I am still doing carpet laying , carpet ] H
leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See H
r write me before giving such work. My H
fiarges are very reasonable. Leave orders at |
'ribuneoffice. JULIUS KL'NERT. M
\ ' < HYGEffl CORSETS. M
JVG-EIVTS WSS.lX'3Tr.0 > . • |
Experience not necessary. For prices ami jmr- j l
titulars irrite the Manufacturers , H
\VKi TEIt.V CORSET CO. . bU I iiN. Mo. | H
r.lJbhM&dj 50 YEARS' | H
" > 9 BF Trade Marks H
rHHT Designs H
rFTW Copyrights &c. ' 1
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar Y f |
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an l H
. Communlca- * H
invention is probably patentable. -
tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents 1
sent Iree. Oldest ncency for securing patents. M
Patents taken tbrouch Munu & Co. receive J M
special notice , without charge. In the 1 ' H
Scientific American. 4
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T-nrcest cir- j U
cnlatlon of any scientific JournalTerms. . $3 j M
year ; four months , $ L Soldbyall newsdealers. t H
MUNN & Co.36lB'oadwa * New York ; H
Branch Office. 62a F St , Washington , D. C. . , H
' Little H
DeWitt's Early Risers ,
The famous little pills. H