The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 07, 1898, Image 8

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B It Kinds a Striking Counterpart In
B Recent World Triumphs.
B Napoleon knew well the value or a
j H victory. After Au.sterlitz the world
H seemed his. Fame invited , fortune fn-
H ! vored , everything stimulated his aspir-
B ing-nuibition. With growing power he
B gatheied the fruits of victory. And so
B has it ever been. Success succeeds. A
1 uotHble illustration of this truth is fur-
| B nished by the great victories won at the
H World's Fair in ' 93 and the California
H Midwinter Fair in ' 94 by Dr. Price's
B ] Cream Baking Powder. Ever increasing
| H < sales and popularity have been the rc-
H suit. The people have promptly ratified
H the official vei. .ict that declared Dr.
H B Price's , for leavening power , keeping
H qualities , purity and general excellence
H the "foremost baking powder in all the
H world. . " Quite as quickly as the great
H Emperor do they know the value of a
B victory that means worldwide supremacy.
H I had the rheumatism so badly that I
H could not get my hand to my head. I
H tried the doctor's medicines without the
B least benefit. At last I thought of Cham-
H bcrlain's Fain Halm ; the first bottle re-
H lieved all the pain , and owe-half of the
H second bottle effected n complete cure
H | W. J. Holland , Holland , Va Chamber-
Hl Iain's Pain Balm is equally good for
H sprains , swellings and lameness , as well
B as burns , cuts and bruises. For sale at
H JvlcConuell's drug store.
Hl Free to Our Readers.
B ' "bar readers will be pleased to learn
B ' that the eminent physician and scientist ,
B Kilmer , after years of research and
H stud } * , has discovered and iven to the
B world a most remarkable rented v , known
B fl 8 4iS Swamp-Root , for the cure of kidney
B I • liud bladder troubles ; the generous offer
B I 't ° sen(1 a bottle free that all may test its
B B Nvonderful merits without expense , is in
B 1 -"itself sufficient to give the public confi-
B I Vhince and a desire to obtain it. Swamp-
H Root has an established reputation as
B fj lne most successful remedy , and is re-
Hff ceiving the hearty endorsement of all
Bi up-to-date physicians , hospitals and
B'l ' homes. If our men and women readers
B'fj ' are in need of a medicine of tliis kind no
Hj | time should be lost in sending name aud
1 address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Bingham-
Bi ton , N. Y. , aud receive a simple bottle
1 and pamphlet , both sent absolutely free
Bi by mail. The regular sizes may be ob-
Bi tained at the drug stores. When writing
B&j please say you read this liberal offer in .
if TheTribunk.
B | The Weather Calendar.
BH Tiih Tribune has received the Cardui
Bl Weather Chart and Calendar for 189S
Hl from the Chattanooga Medicine Co. ,
R U manufacturers of McElree's Wine of Car-
B 1 dm aud Thedford's Black-Draught. This
B is one of the best calendars published.
B M It consists of twelve sheets of paper ,
B 13 x 20 inches in size , all fastened to-
H I gether with a gilt tin strap and a brass
H I loop hanger. Each sheet contains the
1 m calender for one month in large figures
HJ | that can be read across any room. Under ;
B 8 lne figures patent weather signals indi-
B I eating Prof. 'DeVoe's Weather Forecasts
BiB * ° r cvery day m tne year appear. The
BSB I moon's changes aud legal holidays are
Bl I , also shown. The calendar is valuable
B H i ° an - v home. We understand a few cop-
H B iesofit can be secured by sending 10 ,
H H the Chatta-
one-cent postage stamps to -
B | nooga Medicine Co. , Chattanooga , Tenn. ,
H H The bladder was created for one pnrpose ,
H B namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such
H B 'l ls not liable to any form of disease except
H HJ by one of two ways. The first way is from im-
B B perfect action of the kidneys. The second ,
B B waV 's from careless local treatment of other
H B diseases.
H Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is
H B the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the
B K womb , like the bladder , was created for one
H m purpose , and if not doctored too much is not
H S liable to weakness or disease , except in rare
B f § cases. It is situated back of and very close to 1
H j the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or in-
H K convenience manifested m the kidneys , back ,
H m bladder or urinary passage is often , by misH -
H m take , attributed to female weakness or womb
B trouble of some sort. The error is easily made
B and may be as easily avoided. To find out
B correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-four
B hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney
| or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi-
H nar > ' effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ,
B t'lc ' great kidney , and bladder remedy is
B soon realized. If you need a medicine j
H you should have the best. At all druggists 1
B fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a 1
B sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
H mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
H address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. |
B V. The proprietor of this paper guarantees I
H the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. j
H One Alinute Cough Cure , cures.
H That is what it was made for.
H It
K * , McCook , Nebraska.
B "fe Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office f
B 'Rear of First National bank. *
B B " " "
rr = i
B S All dental work done at our office is guarI (
1 H anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
H E Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith B
H | H & Bellamy , assistants. c :
B flj - • e
B jH t.MRS. E. E. UTTER.j . fc
Hfl Piano. Organ , Guitar and Banjo , v
BBB rs"Studio Opposite Postoffice.
McCOOK , t
B Dr. W. V. GAGE.
B McCook , - - - Nebraska.
B Office and Hospital over First National Bank. -
B B Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , J
BB before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m. j
Mothers !
rpHBdiscom- |
I forts and / { \ |
* dangers of l * * c * Sah |
child-birth can ib f * & 'M l
be almost enfcw r
I tirely avoided./ . vi r * C fc
- * ? E
WineofCardui-i % JfeV | ! 5 ! .
relievesesWjfcf' ' fo
- Wjfcf''j : 'j
pectant mothE'J V m
ers. It gives x$0ty W
tonetothegenK 'f' * 7 j *
ital organs , and v H
puts them in n
condition to do their work Jq
perfectly. That makes preg'j | 'j
, . . nancy less painful , shortens tj
g labor and hastensrecoveryafter f.j
child-birth. It helps a woman j-j
| fc bear strong healthy children , j
t has also brought happiness to \ :
| j thousands of homes barren for V
Iyears. . A few doses often brings ft
i joy to loving hearts that long K
% for a darling baby. No woman
i should neglect to try it for this
5 trouble. It cures nine cases out &
I of ten. All druggists sell Wine t
E of Cardui. $1.00 per bottle. 7 {
J\ For advice in cases requlrlnc special | , '
h directions , address , givingsymptsms , - . ,
{ the "Ladles' Advisory Department. " { • •
K The Chattanooja Medicine Co. , Chatta- ! ? \
I nooga. Tenn. j - '
m • - •
Mrs. LOUISA HALE , tf.
of JefTerson , Ga.says : j ,
" When I first took Wine or Cardui ; ,
[ we had been married three years , but ; • ' • '
could not have any children. Nine ; > i
months later I had a fine girl baby. " f. '
California Excursions
Via Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p in. ,
Lincoln 6:10 : \ > . m. , Hastings 8:50 : p. 111.
and McCook at 11:40 : p. in. , ev
ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not
crowded tourist bleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver and Salt Lake Cit3 %
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratan ;
have spring seats and backs ami nre
provided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about bagyage , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other ways
helding to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths $5. For folder giv
ing full information , call at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha Nebraska. .
, 4-25-9S.
What doe > it ccst to get there ? When
aud how should one go ? What should
one lake ? Where are the mines ? How
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is
living expensive ? What at e one's chances
of "making a strike ? " 4-25-98
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above questions will be found in the
Burlington Route's " Klondike Folder , "
now ready for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information aud an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
officesor sent on receipt of four cents in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha. Neb.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
Every expectant mother has
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
-/if lBk
} \ IV rk ( \ get ready for it ,
v l\ * * i / ' there is no telling
\ what may happen.
U Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Mature is not given proper assistance. 1
Mother's Friend
3 the best help you can use at this time ,
t is a liniment , and when regularly ap-
died several months before baby comes ,
fc makes the advent easy and nearly pain-
ess. It relieves and prevents " morning
ickness , " relaxes the overstrained mus- '
les , relieves the distended feeling , short-
ins labor , makes recovery rapid and cer- :
ain without any dangerous after-effects. .
Mother's Friend is good for only one '
lurpose , viz. : to relieve motherhood of
anger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at all drug stores , or
ent by express on receipt of price. 1
Free Books , containinp : valuable informa- I
ion for women , will bo sent to any address (
ipon application to (
Atlanta , Ga. '
OeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , 1
Pleuant , Quick Results , Safe to take. 1
* . . m
. , . . . . .
r j | | T. IIIIM , j. . uiua .
Warnino l'erxons who suffer from coughs
and colds should heed the warniuesof danger
and save themselves suffering and fatal results
by usinu One Minute Cough Cure. It is an
infallible remedy for coughs , colds , croup and
all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen.
J. M. Thirswend of GrosbeckTex.says that
when he has a spell of indigestion and feels
bad and sluggish , lie takes two of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers at night , and he is all right
the next morning. May thousands of others
do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen.
You can't afford to risk your life by allow
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure
are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A.
sheIuff's SALE.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from
the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , under a decree in an action wherein
Farmers and Mcrrhants Bank , Vandalin , Illi
nois , is plaintiff , and Edgar Floyd-Jones and
Tulin S. Floyd-Jones are defendants , to me di
rected and delivered , I shall offer at public
sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at
the east door of the court house in McCook ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 24th
day of January , 1808 , at the hour of one
o'clock , p. m. , the following described real es
tate , to-wit : The southeast quarter of section
nine , township one north , range twenty-nine
west of the 6th P. M. , Red Willow county ,
Dated this 23d day of December , 1897.
12.24.5t J. R. NhKi. , Sheriff.
W. K. Starr , Plaintiff's Attorney.
Milton E. Homer , Orpha Horner , Hiram C.
Rider and Lhailes L. Miller , defendants , will
take notice that Henry O. Wait , plaintiff , has
filed his petition in the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , against the above
named defendants , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted on the 151I1 day of July , 1889 , by the de
fendant , Milton E. Horner , to The Nebraska
Loan and Banking Company , upon the fol
lowing described real estate , to-wit : the south
twenty feet of lot number fifteen in block
twenty-seven in the oiiginal town of McCook ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage
being executed to secure the payment of the
one principal note of said Milton E. Horner ,
of $700 with ten interest coupons thereto at
tached , all dated July 15th , 1889.said principal
note maturing on the tirst day of July , 1894.
one of said coupons being for the sum of
522.50 and nine of said coupons being for the
sum of 24-50 each , all of which coupons have
been paid. That said mortgage and the debt
secuied thereby have been duly assigned to
plaintiff. That there is now due on said notes
and mortgage the sum of seven bundled and
forty-nine dollars with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum fiom the first
day of January , 1S96 , and plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount due with inteiest and costs
of suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 24th day of January ,
You are further notified that on the 14th day
of February , 1S9S , at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be
heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district
court of Red Willow county , Neb. , at the dis
trict court room in the city of McCook , Red
Widow county , Neb. , for the appointment of a
receiver of the mortgaged property above de
scribed , upon the grounds that said mortgaged
property is probably insufficient to discharge
this moilgage debt , and that the defendant ,
Milton E. Homer , who is the only defendant
personally liable thetefor , is insolvent.
In support of said application the plaintiff
will file and read the petition in the case and
the affidavits of C. B. Gray and 11. W. Cole.
Plaintiff proposes the name of S. Cordeal as
receiver , with J. W. Hupp and J. II. Bennett
as sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sureties for
himself J. W. Hupp and J. II. Bennett.
Dated this 14th day of December , 1S97.
12-17 4ts I Ienry O. Wait , Plaintiff.
By W. S. Muklan , his Attorney.
Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan , William
Nicklas , Mrs. William Nicklaslns wife , whose
christian name is to plaintiff unknown , Robert
G. Johns , and Samuel C. Johns , defendants ,
will take notice that Hugh A. McGaughy has
filed his petition in the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , against the above-
named defendants , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted October 14th , 1892. by the defendants ,
Cornelius J.Ryan and Maiy J. Ryan , to this
plaintiffupon the following desctibed real es
tate , to-wit : the southwest quarter of section
twenty-two , and the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-seven , all in township four , north ,
in range thirty , west of the 6th P. M. ; said
mortgage being executed to secure the pay
ment ol their two certain promissory notes ,
both dated October 14th , 1892 , one for the
sum of $700.00 due October 14,1S93 , and the
other for the sum of Si,5oo due October 14th ,
1895. There is now due on said notes and
mortgage the sum of $2,200 , with interest at
the rate of seven per cent per annum from
October 14,1894 , and plaintiff prays for a de
cree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy said amount with interest and costs I
of suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 24th day of January ,
You are further notified that on the 14th
day of February , 1S98 , at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be
heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district
court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , at the
district court room in the city of McCook , Red
Willow countVNebraska , for the appointment
of a receiver of the mortgaged properly set
forth in plaintiff's [ petition , upon the grounds
that the said mortgaged property is insuffi
cient to discharge the mortgage debt ; that the
defendants , Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan
and William Nicklas , who are the only per
sons liable for said mortgage debt , are insolv
ent ; that the defendant , William Nicklas , who
is the owner of the legal title of said premises ,
is a non-resident of the state of Nebraska , and
that said premises are depreciating in value-
In support of said application the plaintiff
will file and read the petition in the case and
the affidavits of J. E. Kelley and S. Cordeal.
Plaintiff proposes the name of F. S. Wilcox
as receiver , with Ed.Flitcraft and W. F. Lawson -
son as his sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sure
ties for himself , Ed. Flitcraft and W. F. Law-
son.Dated this nth day of December , 1S97.
Hugh A. McGaucjhy , Plaintiff.
12-17 4fs By W. S. Morlan. his Attorney.
United States Land Office ,
McCook , Neb. , December 8,1S97.
Notice is hcrebv given that Silas N. Welch
has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof befoie register or receiver at his office
in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 22d day of
januarv , 1S9S , on timber culture application
No. 56S7 , for the wlA netf and \vlA se } { of
section No. 29 , in township No. 2 n , range No.
30 w 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : Rex-
ord Simpson , Austin Dutcher , Mrs. Rexford
Simpson , David Carpenter , all of Vailton ,
Nebraska. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office ,
McCook , Neb. , December iS , 1S97.
Notice is hereby given that Henry J. Burg-
graf has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof before register or receiver at his
office in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 29th
day of January , 189S , on timber culture appli
cation No. 65S9 , for the sej of section No. 17 ,
in township 1 north , range No. 30 w 6th p. m.
lie names as witnesses : Wilson II. Hart-
man. Cora B. Ilartman , William M. Cratty , 1
William A.Brown , all of McCookNeb.
[ 2-24-6t A. S. Campbell , Register.
nnwiii ii iimmiiwnr mr < K > iiwnm"i iiin ' , „ .
During the past two years , Mrs. J. W.
Alexander , wife of the editor of the Way
nesboro , ( Miss. ) Times , has , in a great
many instances , relieved her baby when
in the first stages of croup , by giving it
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She
looks upon this remedy as a household
necessity and believes that no betteV med
icine has ever been put in bottles. There
are many thousands of mothers in this
broad land , who are of the same opinion
It is the only remedy that can always be
depended upon as a preventive and cure
for croup. The 25 and 50 cent bottles
are for sale by McConnell.
The TkibuKK and The Toledo Blade
for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance.
J. C. Berry , one of the best known citizens
of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himself
of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. lie had been
troubled with piles for over thirty years and
had used many different kinds of so-called
cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did the
work and he will verify this statement if any
one wishes to write him. A. McMillen.
Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds
may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve , the great remedy for piles and
for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A.
There is no need of little children being tor
tured by scald head , eczema ' and skin erup
tions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives in
stant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc
You can't cure consumption but vou can
avoid it and cure every other form of throat
or lung trouble bv the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. A. McMillen.
Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa
tion , sick headache. A. McMillen.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Su
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
In the District Court of Red Willow County
and State of Nebraska. H. G. Dixon , plain
tiff , vs. Carrie B. Webster and Winfield S.
Webster , defendants.
Carrie B. Webster and Winfield S. Webster
will take notice that on the 2d day of Septem
ber , 1897. H. G. Dixon , plaintiff herein , filed
his petition in the District Court of Red Wil
low county , Nebraska , against said defend
ants , the object and prayer of which are to se
cure the payment of one principal note dated
June 27th , 1893 , for the sum of $500 , due and
payable at the election of the plaintiff on the
failure of defendants to pay the interest on
said note at maturity or within thirty days
thereafter , which interest is evidenced by
seven coupon notes dated June 27th. 1893 , fac
ing due July 1st and January 1st each year
successively. That there is now due on said
notes the sum of $701.25 , and the plaintiff has
caused to he attached the southeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of section 26 , town
ship 1 north , range 30 west 6th P. M. in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. The plaintiff prays
that said property may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due on said notes.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 7th day of February , 1S9S.
Dated December 27th , 1897. 1
12-31-41 II. G. Dixon , Plaintiff. I
By W. R. Starr , his Attorney , j
By viitneof an order of sale issued from
the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , under a decree in an action wherein
Alice R. Wadsworth is plaintiff , and David
Porter and Mrs. David Porter , wife of David
Porter , are defendants , to me directed and de
livered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to
the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of
the court house , in McCook , Red Willow
County , Nebraska , on the 24th day of January ,
1S9S , at the hour of one o'clock , p. in. , the fol
lowing described real estate , to-wit : nw } * of
the neK and the swj { of the neK of section
27 , township 1 north , range 26 west of the 6th
P. M.
Dated this 23d day of December , 1897.
12-24-51 J. R.N kel , Sheriff.
W. R. Stark , Plaintitf's Attorney.
To Ernest Hegele , non-resident defendant :
You are hereby notified that on the 28th day
of December , 1S97 , Maggie Hegele filed a pe
tition against you in the District Court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the grounds that you have wilfully
abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for
the term of two years last past. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday , February 7 , 1898.Maggie
Maggie Hegele.
12-31-41 By W. R. Stark , her Attorney.
Thirty Papers Free.
We have thirty papers to give aw'ay for
one year. They are the best farm papers
printed , and every farmer should have
one.Our proposition is this :
We will give ten copies ( year's sub
scription ) of the Iowa Homestead , the
best farm weekly published , to the first
ten persons who subscribe for The
Tribune or pay one year in advance on
old subscription.
When the ten Iowa Homesteads are
exhausted , we have ten Special Farmer's
Institute Editions of the Iowa Home
stead that go the same way ; and still we
will have ten copies of the Poultry
Farmer for the next twenty.
Here are thirty in all. Kach over one
3-car's subscription until January 1st ,
1S99. If you want a good farm paper ,
here is the opportunity of your life.
Call and get your reading for 1S9S.
The Tribune.
Is caused hy Uric Acid and other im
purities lingering in the blood , which
have not been filtered out by the Kid
neys through the urine. The seat of
the trouble is not in the skin or mus
cles. It's sick Kidneys. Electricity ,
liniments or plasters will not reach the
case. Hut the disease can be
• 'Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills have been the
means of ridding me of a serious kidney disease
combined with rheumatism. I consider them
the best preparation on the market for all
kidney and rheumatic affections. "
D. D. Brunsok ,
Baggage and Transfer Line , Norfolk , Neb.
"Your sample and one box of Hobbs Pills
which I have used , relieved me so much of my
rheumatism and kidney trouble that I have
discarded my crutches and have no further use
for them. "
G. M. Hanjta , 510 South 12th St.Omaha. Neb.
. Hobbs
Kidney Pills.
- . . - - - -
ntrrTrWTT r-iiiir-i-ji iiiiawni iiHBimii i
Mrs. Cameron , Who Was a Friend of
UorJoh' > l and Tennyson.
In The Century V. 0. Scott O'Con
nor has an article on "Mrs. Cameron ,
Her Friends and Her Photographs. "
Mr. O Counor says :
A feature of her personality which lay
ut the root cf her great snecess as a
photographer was her love of all that
was beautiful. "Shownsnlwaystoolcby
a face , " as nu old woman in Freshwater
v'ho remembers her put it to mo.
Charles Turner said the Famu thing in
poet's languugo when ho told her , in the
sonnet ho addressed to her on leaving
the isle of Wight after a visit , that she
"loved nil loveliness. " In obedience to
this impulse she invariably stopped and
spoke to any one , however unknown ,
whether in a great Loudon thoronghfaro
oravillago laue , whoso beanty attracted
her. "I am Mrs. Cameron , " she would
say. "Perhaps you have heard of mo.
You would oblige mo very much if you
would let me photograph you. Will you
let mo do so ? " And by such bold aud
unconventional means she prevailed on
many , absolute strangers though they
were , to sit to her.
Ono of her models captured in this
way was a yonug lady como as a sum
mer visitor to Freshwater. Mrs. Camer
on , engrossed at that time in some remarkably -
markably fiuo studies illustrative of the
"Idylls of the King , " was at a loss for
a model for Queen Guinevero. But the
advent of the fair stranger settled all
her doubts. Hero was a beauty suited to
her purpose , and within the hour she
had carried her off to lunch and subse
quent photography.
The lady proved a most kind and indefatigable -
defatigablo model. Thevillago postman
had already been secured for King Ar
thur , and Mrs. Cameron's picture of
him in this character is ono of the best
things in the collection. A friend , going
ono day to Dimbola , found the young
lady looking rather fatigued.
"Oh. " she said , with an expressive
gesture , " 1 am so tired. "
Supposing her fatigue was the result
of a long walk on a midsummer day ,
my friend made some snitublo refereuco
to the matter , but the young lady an
swered with a smile :
"Oh , no. I have not been for a walk.
I have been lying on the floor for the
last two hours , clutching the postman's
ankle. "
Mrs. Cameron , ever kind and un
selfish , possessed the faculty of bringing
out such qualities in others. In 1879
she died , a few mouths after her last re
turn to Ceylou.
"As the day died , " her sous wrote to
Lord Tennyson , "as the clay died on
Sunday , .lannary the 2(5th ( , the sweet ,
tender , gracious spirit of our beloved ' '
mother passed away in peace. " No ;
death could have been more calm , more
beautiful , than hers
Lincoln's "Selfishness. "
Mr. Lincoln once remarked to a fellow
passenger on the old time mud wagon 1
coach on the corduroy road which antedated - ]
dated railroads that all men were j
prompted by selfishness in doing good
or evil. His fellow passenger was an
tagonizing his position , when they were
passing over a corduroy bridge that
spanned a slough. As they crossed this
bridge and the mud wagon was shaking
like a Sucker with chills , they espied
an old razorbacked sow on the bank of
the slough , making a terrible noise be
cause her pigs had got into the slough
and were unable to get ont and in dan
ger of drowning. As the old coach be
gan to climb the hillside Mr. Lincoln
called out , "Driver , can't you stop just
a moment ? " The driver replied , "If the
other feller don't object. " The "other
feller" who was no less a personage
than at that time Colonel E. D. Baker ,
the gallant general who gave his life in
defense of Old Glory at Ball's Bluff did
not "object , " when Mr. Lincoln jumped
out , ran back to the slough and began
to lift the little pigs out of the mud and
water and place them on the bank.
When ho returned , Colonel Eaker re
marked , "Now , Abe , where does selfish
ness como in on this little episode ? " 1
"Why , bless you soul , Ed , that was the
very essence of selfishness. I would j
have had no peace of mind all day had
I gone on and left that suffering old sow 1
worrying qver those pigs. I did it to get
peace of mind , don't you see ? " Spring
field ( Ills. ) Monitor.
Paying the Cook.
In old times to dine with a nobleman
cost more in tips to the servants than a
club dinner. James Payn relates that
Lord Poor , a well named Irish peer , ex
cused himself from dining with the
Duke of Ormoncl upon the ground that
he could not afford it. "If you will
give me the guinea I have to pay your
cook ( fancy ! ) , I will como as often as
you choose to ask me , ' * which was accordingly - •
cordingly done. The duke , however , had ,
not the pluck to stop the practice. Lord j
Taafe , a general officer in the Austrian !
service , did what he could. He always
attended his guests to the door. When J
they put their hands into their pockets , I
ho said : "No. If you do give it , give it !
to me , for it was I who paid for your <
dinner. " To Sir Timothy Waldo must •
be given the credit of putting an end to
the monstrous practice. After dinner
with the Duke of Newcastle he put a
crown into the cook's hand. It was re
jected. " 1 do not take silver , sir. "
"Very good , and I do not give gold. "
This courageous rejoinder "caught on , "
and the day of vails to cooks was over
A Shrevrcl Cyclist.
An eminent queen's counsel is said t
to take his bicycle exercise in the following - J
lowing fashion : He goes out every (
night , but he always rides before the ,
wind , and consequently the direction of j
his ride depends upon the wind. He always - j
ways comes back by train. London |
Early Training.
"It seems strange that they should
make such a vulgar display of their
wealth. "
"Oh , I don't know ho started as a
window dresser. " Chicago Journal
A Superior Through Sleeping Car H
Line Between St. Louis H
and Jacksonville. M
Commencing December 26th the Louisj H
ville Air Line has established the great H
Through Sleeping Car Route to Florida. * H
Through sleeping cars arranged to leave |
St. Louis 9:15 : p. m. daily , passiuj ; I.otiis- 4 H
ville 7 n. m , Lexington 10:55 : a. in. , H
reaching Chattanooga 5:55 : p m , Atlanta H
10:40 : p. in. and Jacksonville 8:40 11. in. , H [
( second morning. ) Stop-overs allowed. F
This route is through lnrge cities nud interesting - \ \
teresting country , and , while u new .
through sleeping car route , is over most B
superior and well-established lines of \ M
railway. The schedules are fast and \j |
most convenient. H
The line also affords passengers for H
Florida trip via Asheville , N C , the H
greatest American all-year-round resort. H
Correspondence solicited and information - H
tion promptly furnished. R. A Camp- H
UKi.L.Gcn'IPus'ng'r Agent , St.Louis , Mo. M
This is also the best line to points in j M
Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia , and H
North and South Carolina. 3-1-98. j |
Leach , The Jeweler , M
lias line goods a fc right 4H
prices. S
Send your address to us , and we will ' H
inform you how other men earn from M
$15 00 to $35.00 weekly. If you are en- 9 1
dewed with nu average amount of com- f |
moti sense , you can in a short time do as * H
well , or bitter , by securing a county M
agency for one of our standard pit bl tea- H
tions If you want to start without delay - |
lay , send 1.25 , and we will forward a H
copy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U. M
S. & World , " 66x46 inches in sizeeleven * H
beautiful colors. A county map oftheU. B
S. en one side , and a library map of the H
world 011 the other , should be in every H
home and office. This is the 1898 edition - |
ion , to date ; two five-dollar maps at a M
popular price. H
We will also send a copy of our new M
wall map of Nebraska , showing counties , M
railroads , towns , etc. , 1898 edition with M
a marginal index , locating every town M
on map and giving population , 28 x 44 H
inches in size , just issued. j H
Above two maps almost sell themselves - H
selves , but printed instructions accoui- H
pany samples. Later 011 you can try H
some expensive article. Write quick f H
and choose your field. H
Rand , McNally & Co . H
166 , 168 Adams St. , Chicago , 111. H
Iiy virtue of an order of sale issued from 4 H
the District Court of Red Willow County , H
Nebraska , under a decree , in an action where L ' H
in The McCook Co-Operative Huilding and J H
Savings Association is plaintiff , and Joseph M
Spotty , et al , are defendants , to me rlirected H
and delivered , I shall expose to public sale M
and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the ,1 H
front door of the I'hilhps-Meeker block , in the - \ H
City of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne- * H
braskn , on the 24th day of January , 1898 , at H
the hour of one o'clock , p. in. , the following | H
described real estate , to-wit : Lot six in block i M
four , in Willow Grove Addition to the City of t H
McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. - M
Dated December 23d , 1897. |
12-24-51 J. R. Neei. , Sheriff. M
W. S. Morlan , Attorney. ' H
If you need any Makiii.e Monuments , ? H
See A. G. DOLE , Agent I
Satisfaction guaranteed. He also write > j H
Mutual Insurance both Farm and Mer M
cantile fopercentchcaperthanold companies H
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning.
Z3T l am still doing carpet laying , carpet H
cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See | |
or write me before giving such work. My H
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at ] |
Tribune office. 1ULIUS KLNERT. H
j WW M GQRSETS * < * Jk H
'a Experience not necessary. For prices and liar- t M
- . ticulurs write the Manufacturers , X j H
. * wi : > tikv corset to. . Ft. i. wN. mo. J H
Anyone sending a sketch and description may H
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an H
invention is probably patentable. Commnnica- , H
tions strictly confldential. Handbook on Patents H
sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents. ( H
Patents taken through Slunn & Co. receive M
special notice , without charge , in the B
Scientific Btwican. -
A handsomely illustrated weekly. I-arsest cir- i * V |
dilation of any gclentlflc Journal. Terms. ? 3 a H
year : fonr months , ? L Sold byall newsdealers. H
fflUNN & Co.36lBroadwa * New York H
Branch Office. (23 F St , Washington , D. C. H
DeWitt's Little Early RisersT H
The lamous little pills. < |