A Cook Book Free. I "Tuble and Kitchen" is the title of a new cook book published by the Price Baking'Powder Company , Chicago Just ' at this time it will be sent free if you 1 write a postal mentioning The McCook. BB Tribune. This book has been tried by HH 'ourselves and is one of the very best of BH 'its kind. Besides containing over 400 HH receipts for all kinds of pastry and home HB cookery , there are many hints for the Hfl table and kitchen , showing how to pet a Bfl tablehow to enter the dining room , etc. ; Bl a hundred and one hints in every branch Kfl of the culinary art. Cookery of the very HH finest and richest as we'd as of the most Hifl economical and home like , is provided for. Remember "Table and Kitchen" will be sent , postage prepaid , to any lady . ending her address ( name , town and I • state ) plainly given. A copy in German • or Scandinavian will "be sent if desired Postal card as good as letter. Address _ IPrice Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , 111. Hfl This is the season when our farmer BB readers select their reading matter for H 1898 , and it comes to us almost as a duty B 'to advise every farmer in this county to B include The Iowa Homestead in the list , B without fail. We know of no calling BB that has a journal which represents it BH better than The Homestead represents 9 good farming. Its usefulness is manifest Bln on every page and in every column , and Bil * * ts Special Farmers' Institute editions , BUE -published monthly , and sometimes twice BilSE * a month , consist wholly of the practical B | 'views and experences of practical farm- 1 1 -ers who live and work on the farm. ! There is theories "side no editing , no , no walk" farming and no professional farm hj writing in them. They are just an inter- BH ' change ° f opinions on farm topics among Hf farmers themselves. By all means see a H' | ' -copy of this week's Homestead , and the Bl "Special Farmers' Institute edition that Hf accompanies it , and then suscribe. Sani- B | ° pie copies will be sent free to applicants. Hf V. Address Homestead Co. , Des Moines , Bilil i -Iowa. BmHh / * * iai * lne rheumatism so badly that I Bldll -could uot get my hand to my head. I B I'll ' I tried the doctor's medicines without the Bi'Si ' least benefit. At last I thought of Cham- Bl'IK 'berlain's Pain Balm ; the first bottle re- B nB ilieved all the pain , and one-half of the RfliHsecond bottle effected a complete cure. BIB W..J. Holland , Holland , Va. Chamber- BMpP - Iain's Pain Balm is equally good for BB | f sprains , swellings and lameness , as well BlU as burns , cuts an ( bruises. For sale at Blga JMcConnell's drug store. Hlijj * W * O' Harilman , when sheriff of | | I Tyler Co.V. . Va. , was at one time , alB - B v'i most prostrated with a cold. He used Hffi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was Bk ' * so niuch pleased with the quick relief Hig an ( cure-it afforded him , that he gave Hff ! the following unsolicited testimonial : Bff " ' 0 a' ' who may be interested , I wish HEfc to say , that I have used Chamberlain's K' ' Cough Remedy and find it invaluable for Hffi'coughs and colds " For sale by McCon- HI ONE OF TWO WAYS. BR 'V\\z bladder was created for one pnrpose , Big namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such Bu ' 'ls not liable to any f ° rm of disease except Bn y one ° two ways 1 } e rst way * s from 'm _ HB perfect action of the kidneys. The second HB way is from careless local treatment of other BS -diseases. H9 CHIEF CAUSE. BH Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is BH tac c'1'e ' cause of bladder troubles. So the B womb , like the bladder , was created for one HS purpose , and if not doctored too much is not Bw liable to weakness or disease , except in rare HE I cases. It is situated back of and very close to K KS the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or in- Kfl convenience manifested in the kidneys , back , K H | bladder or urinary passage is often , by mis- HE | take , attributed to female weakness or womb Hv trouble of some sort. The error is easily made KSH ; and may be as easily avoided. To find out Sb correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-tour fll hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney HH | j or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi- K B , nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , K Kyi'jl , the great kidney , and bladder remedy is HA / ' soon realized. If you need a medicine K HKS you should have the best. At all druggists SBn fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a K KS | sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by BHl mail. Mention The Tribune and send your BHH address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. K EflH Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees B D the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. H One Minute Cough Cure , cures. K KflH That is what it was made for. Hit JOHN E. KELLEY. BK ATTORNEY AT LAW Bi McCook , Nebraska. H9 SBf Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office H Hfl Rear of First National bank. H J. B. BALLARD , " " © DENTIST. @ All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. jl-MRS. E. E. UTTER.j MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. S ? Studio Opposite Postoffice. McCOOK STJEGICAL HOSPITAL , Dr. W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. I Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. Dr. S. C. BEACH , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. j -Office and Residence Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Specialty made of Diseases of the Nose. Throat and Chest. - i.ii iimimiuh mmui\im \ * mmmmmmommmmmm0imiam0mKmiimam BANKSVILLE. mibb Clara Benjamin of this place and sir. Ed. Knobbs of Driftwood were married , last week. On account of the illness of Key. J. E. Tirrill , there were no preach ing services at Banksville , last Sun day. Eev. White preached an inter esting Christmas sermon at Pleas ant Prairie school house , last Sun day. Mrs.Wm.Huber and Miss Jennie Bell ot McCook are visiting rela tives in Grant and Gerver during the holidays. The Christinas trees at Banks ville and at Pleasant Prairie on Christmas eve were well attended , and a thoroughly good tim * was enjoyed by all. T. J. Relphj-wlio recently pur chased the B. F. Jenkins farm at Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , moved his stock and household goods to that place , last week. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Eheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. to horseTownebs. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 3 nts per package. For sale by druggists. UITAI ETTEC Are tablets which Restore VIIALEIICO Lost Vigor , Develop ell Parts , bring back Lost Powers and return the patient to genuine Manhood and Health. Case No. CU501 says through the use of "Vitalettes , " I was speedily restored to Health and perfect Manhood in every sense of the word. JOHNS PILE CURE- ; d H m a e a tevere case of Piles of 12 years' standing and I know will cure all in need who will try it R R fi Cures Rheumatism , Salt- lli III Ui Rheum. Catarrh , Constipation and all Blood Disorders , by purifying the blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per fect Health. Price by mail , Vitalkttks , $1.00 or 6 boxes J5.00. Johns Pile Cure , 50cts..nd R. R. C. 60 cts. Johns & Dixon , Rochester. N.Y F. M. KIMMELL , McCOOK , NEB. Printer AND Stationer. m PUBLISHER OF AND DEALER IX Legal Blanks Note Books , Receipt Books , Scale Books. m DEALER LM Office Supplies AND J 1 1i STATIONERY ii i i i OP ALL KINDS. 1 1 m ( 1 TRIBUNE OFFICE , : ' FIRST DOOB NORTH OF THE POSTOFFICE , | McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. THE NEW WAY. I male diseases" tj could only be 1 treated after "lo- i1 c a 1 examlna.1 tions" by physi- } P cians. Dread of [ • such treatment kept thousands of * j modest women 2J silent about their ' ? suffering. The introduction - ? troduction of & Wine of Cardul has now demon- jjj strated that nine-tenths of all the * cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention Sj at all. The simple , pure taken In the privacy of a woman's 5j own home insures quick relief and ; speedy cure. Women need not j hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re- g quires no humiliating examinations - I tions for its adoption. It cures any g I disease that comes under the head Cj of "female troubles" disordered P Vi menses , falling of the womb , J I "whites , " change of life. Itmakes | ! women beautiful by making them 3 j well. It keeps them young by | i keeping them healthy. $1.00 at fl I the drug store. | I For advice In cases requiring : special < 3 | directions , address , giving symptoms. 2 I the " Ladies' Advisory Department , " 1 1 The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , ChattaJ n noopi. Tenn. S I W.I. ADDISON , M.D.Cary , Miss. , says : | H "Iuso Wine of Cardui extensively in } * B mypracticoandfinrl itamostexcellent y M preparation for female troubles. " M California Excursions Via Hurlington Route. Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p ui. , Iviticoln 6:10 : p. in. , Hastings 8:50 p. m. and McCook at 11:40 p. in. , ev ery Thursday , in clean , modern , not crowded tourist bleepers. No transfers ; cars run right through to San Francisco and I < os Angeles over the Scenic Route -through Denver and Salt Lake City. Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratan ; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains , bedding , towels , soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex perienced conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers of all bother about baggage , pointing out ob jects of interest and in many other ways helding to make the overland trip a de lightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5 For folder giv ing full information , cail at nearest Bur lington Route ticket office , or write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma ha , Nebraska. 4-25-9S. - " * . . . - - . - KLONDIKE ! What does it cost to get there ? When and how should one go ? What should one take ? Where aie the mines ? How much have they produced ? Is work plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is living expensive ? What are one's chances of "making a strike ? " 4-25-98 Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will be found in the Burlington Route's "Klondike Folder , " now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket officesor sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha. Neb. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her , ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness , and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner , without such violent protest in the way of Nausea , Headache , Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend , " and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady , the mother of three children , who suffered greatly in the birth of each , who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement , and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful. " John G. Polhiix , Macon , Qa. $1.00P RBOTTIE atall Drugstores , or eent by express on receipt of price. RfinKS Containing invalnablo information of rare interest to all -women , will bo sent to rHtfc any address upon application , by The BRADFIELD regulator CO. , Atlanta , Ga. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Plejuant , Quick Results. Safe to take. ' WARMfjo Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warninesof dancer and save themselves suffering andf atal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs , colds , croup and all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillcn. J. M. Thirswend of GrosheckTex.says that when he has a spell of indigestion and feels had and sluggish , he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Risers at night , and he is all right the next morning. May thousands of others do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillcn. You can't afford to risk your life by allow ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A. McMilien. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne braska , under a decree in an action wherein Farmers and Merchants Hank , Vandaiia , Illi nois , is plaintiff , and Edgar Floyd-Jones and Julia S. Floyd-Jones are defendants , to me di rected and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to tiie highest bidder for cash , at tiie east door of the court house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 24th day of January , 1098 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. . the following described real es tate , to-wit : The southeast quarter of section nine , township one north , range twenty-nine west of the 6th P. M. , Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 23d day of December , 1897. 12-24-51 J. R. Nkki. , Sheriff. W. R. Starr , Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF SUIT AND APPLICATION FOR RECEIVER. Miiton E. Homer , Orpha Horner , Hiram C. Rider and Charles L. Miller , defendants , will take notice that Henry O. Wait , plaintiff , has filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against the above named defendants , the object and prayc of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe cuted on the 151I1 day of July , 1889 , by the de fendant , Milton E. Horner , to 'i he Nebraska Loan and Ranking Company , upon the fol lowing described real estate , to-wit : tie ! south twenty feet of lot number fifteen in block twenty-seven in the original town of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage being executed to secure the payment of the one principal note of said Milton E. Horner , of 3700 with ten interest coupons thereto at tached , all dated July 15th , 1889said principal note maturing on the first day of July , 1S94 , one ot said coupons being for the sum of $22.50 and nine of said coupons being for the sum of 524.50 each , all of which coupons have been paid. That said mortgage and the debt secured thereby have been duly assigned to plaintiff. That there is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum ot seven hundred and forty-nine dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of January , 1896 , and plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants'be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount due with interest and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 24th day of January , 1898.You You are further notified that on the 14th day of February , 1898 , at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district court of Red Willow county , Neb. , at the dis trict court room 111 the city of McCook , Red Wiilow county , Neb. , for the appointment of a receiver of the mortgaged property above de scribed , upon the grounds that i-aid mortgaged property is probably insufficient to discharge this mortgage debt , and that the defendant , Milton E. Horner , who is the only defendant personally liable therefor , is insolvent. In support of said application the plaintiff will file and read the petition m the case and the affidavits of C. B.Gray and H.W.Cole. Plaintiff proposes the name of S. Cordeal as receiver , with J. W. Hupp and J. 11. Bennett as sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sureties for himself J. W. Hupp and J. H. Bennett. Dated this I4th dav of December. 1S07. 12-17 4ts Henry O. Wait , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan , his Attorney. NOTICE OF SUIT AND OF APPLICA TION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan , William Nicklas , Mrs. William Nicklashis , wife , whose christian name is to plaintiff unknown , Robert G. Johns , and Samuel C. Johns , defendants , will take notice that Hugh A. McGaughy has filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against the above- named defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe cuted October 14th , 1892 , by the defendants , Cornelius J. Ryan and Mary J. Ryan , to this plaintiff , upon the following described real es tate , to-wit : the southwest quarter of section twenty-two , and the northwest quarter of sec tion twenty-seven , all in township four , north , in range thirty , west of the 6th P. M. ; said mortgage being executed to secure the pay ment of their two certain promissory notes , both dated October 14th , 1892 , one for the sum of $700.00 due October 14,1S93 , a ° d the other for the sum of $1,500 due October 14th , 1895. There is now due on said notes and moitgage the sum of $2,200 , with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from October 14 , 1S94 , and plaintiff prays for a de cree that the defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy said amount with interest and costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 24th day of January , 189S. 189S.You You are further notified that on the 14th day of February , 1S98 , at the hourof 10o'clock a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , at the district court room in the city of McCook , Red Willow county.Nebraska , for the appointment of a receiver of the mortgaged property set forth in plaintiff's { petition , upon the grounds that the said mortgaged property is insuffi cient to discharge the mortgage debt ; that the defendants , Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J.Ryan and William Nicklas , who are the only per sons liable for said mortgage debt , are insolv ent ; that the defendant , William Nicklas , who is the owner of the legal title of said premises , is a non-resident of the state of Nebraska , and that said premises are depreciating in value. In support of said application the plaintiff will file and read the petition in the case and the affidavits of J. E. Kelley and S. Cordeal. Plaintiff proposes the name of F. S. Wilcox as receiver , with Ed. Flitcraft and W. F. Lawson - son as his sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sure ties for himself , Ed. Flitcraft and W. F. Law- son. son.Dated this nth day of December , 1S97. Ilucni A. McGaughy , Plaintiff. 12-17 4's By W. S. Moklan. his Attorney. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December S , 1897. Notice is hereby given that Silas N. Welch has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his office in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 22d day of January , 1S98 , on timber culture application No. 5687 , for the w'A nej * and w'-i se } { o [ section No. 29 , in township No. 2 n , range No. 30 w 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : Rex- ord Simpson , Austin Dutcher , Mrs. Rexford Simpson , David Carpenter , all of Vailton , Nebraska. A. S. Campbell , Register. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December 18,1S97. Notice is hereby given that Henry J. Burg- graf has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his office in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 29th day of January , 189S , on timber culture appli cation No. 65S9 , for the se # of section No. 17 , in township 1 north , range No. 30 w 6th p. m. He names as witnesses : Wilson II. Hartman - man , Cora B. Hartman , William M. Cratty , William A. Brown , all of McCook , Neb. I i2-24-6t A. S. Campbell , Register. - " * • - - * - - -Tftim ; .r J. C Berry , one of the best known citizens of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He had hsen troubled with piles for over thirty years and had used many different kinds of so-called cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did the work and he will verify this statement if any one wishes to write him. A. McMilien. Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A. McMilien. There is no need of little children being tor tured by scald head , eczema and skin erup tions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives in stant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc Milien. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. A. McMilien. Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa tion , sick headache. A. McMilien. NOTICE OF SUIT. In the District Court of Red Willow County and State of Nebraska. II. G. Dixon , plain tiff , vs. Carrie B. Webster and Winfield S. Webster , defendants. Carrie B. Webster and Winfield S. Webster will take notice tiiat on the 2(1 day of Septem ber , 1S97 , II. G. Dixon , plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the District Court of Red Wil low county , Nebraska , against said defend ants , the object and prayer of which are to se cure the payment of one principal note dated June 27th , 1893 , for the sum of S500 , due and payable at the election of the plaintiff on the failure of defendants to pay the interest on said note at maturity or within thirty days thereafter , which interest is evidenced by seven coupon notes dated June 27th. 1803 , fall ing due July 1st and January 1st each year successively. That there is now due on said notes the sum of $701.25 , and the plaintiff has caused to be attached the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of section 26 , town ship 1 north , range 30 west 6th P. M. in Red Willow county , Nebraska. The plaintiff prays that said property may be sold to satisfy the amount found due on said notes. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of February , 1898. Dated December 27th , 1897. 12-31-41 • II. G. Dixon , Plaintiff. By W. R. Stark , his Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Red Willow county , Ne braska , under a decree in an action wherein Alice R. Wadsworth is plaintiff , and David Porter and Mrs. David Porter , wife of David Porter , are defendants , to me directed and de livered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of the court house , in McCook , Red Willow Count } ' , Nebraska , on the 24th day of January , 1898 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the fol lowing described real estate , to-wit : nwjf of the nej and the sw'/i of the nej of section 27 , township I north , range 26 west of the 6th P. M. Dated this 23d day of December , 1897. 12-24-51 J. R. Nkki. , Sheriff. W. R. Stark. Plaintiif's Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Red Willow County , Nebraska , under a decree , in an action where in The McCook Co-Operative Building and Savings Association is plaintiff , and Joseph Spotts , et al , are defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall expose to public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the front door of the Phillips-Meeker block , in the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne braska , on the 24th day of January , 1S98 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following described real estate , to-wit : Lot six in blonlc four , in Wiilow Grove Addition to the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated December 23d , 1897. 12-24-51 J. R. Nkki. , Sheriff. W. S. Morlan , Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. To Ernest Hegele , non-resident defendant : You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of December , 1897 , Maggie Hegele filed a pe tition against you in the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for the term of two years last past. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday , February 7 , 189S.Maggie Maggie Hegele. 12-31-41 By W. R. Stark , her Attorney. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the McCook Elec tric Light Company will occur at the com pany's office , Monday , January 3 , 1898 , at 2 p. m. , for the election of officers and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Fred W. Carruth , Secretary. Frank Carruth , President. Thirty Papers Free. We have thirty papers to give away for one year. They are the best farm papers printed , and every farmer should have one. one.Our proposition is this : We will give ten copies ( year's sub scription ) of the Iowa Homestead , the best farm weekly published , to the first ten persons who subscribe for The Tribune or pay one year in advance on old subscription. When the ten Iowa Homesteads are exhausted , we have ten Special Farmer's Institute Editions of the Iowa Home stead that go the same waj ; and still we will have ten copies of the Poultry Farmer for the next twenty. Here are thirty in all. Each over one year's subscription until January 1st , 1899. If you want a good farm paper , here is the opportunity of your life. Call and get your reading for 1S9S. The Tribune. BACKACHE makes the young feel old , and the old feel that life is not worth the living. It's a dan ger signal of Kidney Disease the unerring evidence of weak , inactive and sore Kidneys. Any person cured of Kidney weakness will tell you that when the back ceased to ache , all troubles ended. Neither liniments , nor plasters , nor electricity can cure it. The seat of the trouble is not in the skin , flesh or muscles. It's in the Kidnejs. It can be. CURED "Hobbs Sparapus Kidney Pills relieved my wife of a great pain in her back , and alleviated a severe trouble in her kidneys. " Patrick Murray , 1339 N. 17th St. , Omaha , Xcb. "I am triad to say that Dr. Hobb < ? Sparatrus Kidney Pills have had a satisfactory effect in my case. They have done all that I could ex pect and what you claim they do. They cured nic of a terrible backache which I had for several months , and after I had used two boxes I was well. " . August Steyaert , Cedar Rapids , Neb. PARAGUS Kidney PHls. il . AvH FLORIDA. c Jfr H A Superior Through Sleeping Car j i ! * & ' H Line Between St. Louts % f , _ H and Jacksonville. < > - M Commencing December 26th the Louts- \ | * H ville Air Line hns established the great J5 M Through Sleeping Car Route to Florida. f M Through sleeping cars arranged lo leave jjjt H St. Louis 9:15 p. 111. daily , passing Louis- 1 H ville 7 a. 111. , Lexington 10:55 am r | H reaching Chattanooga 5:55 p m .Atlanta H 10:40 p. m. and Jacksonville 8:40 a. in. % M ( second morning. ) Stop-overs allowed. % y M This route is through large cities and interesting - 1 teresting country , and , while a new > \ M through sleeping car route , is over most H superior and well-established lines of * H railway. The schedules are fast and * H most convenient. I | The line also affords passengers for H Florida trip via Asheville , N. C , the H greatest American nil-year-round resort. H Correspondence solicited and iufornia- | tion promptly furnished. R. A CAMP- x ' l 11KLLGen'l Pns'ng'r Agent , St.Louis , Mo. H This is also the best line to points in / M Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgin. and H North mid South Carolina. 3-1-98. | _ _ _ _ _ * | Leach , The Jeweler , H lias fine goods at right * H prices. - - H - = % M AGENTS WANTED. V l Send your address to us and we will i H inform you how other men earn from 1 H $15 00 to $35weekly. . If you are endowed - 9 dewed with an average amount of com- kfl mon sense , you can in a short time dons I . H well , or hatter , by securing a county r ' H agency for one of our standard puhlica- . B tions. If you want to start without de- A' M lay , send $1.25 , and we will forward a H copy of "Reversible Wall Map of the U. j M S. & World , " 66x46 inches in si/.e. eleven H beautiful colors. A county map of the TJ. , ' H S. on one side , and a library map of the H world 011 the other , should be in every H home and office. This is the 189s edition - H ion , to date ; two five-dollar maps at a | popular price. ' H We will also send a copy of our new H wall map of Nebraska , showing counties. | railroads , towns , etc. , 189S edition with | a marginal index , locating every town H on map and giving population , 28 x 41 1 H inches in size , just issued. H Above two maps almost sell themselves - H selves , but printed instructions a coin- H pany samples. Later on you can try H some exDensivc article Write quick B and choose your field. W M Rand , McNalw & Co . J fl 166 , 168 Adams St. , Chicago , III. 1 H DeWitt's Witch Hazel S ; . r fl Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. * J H 1 NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. J M ROAD NUMI1EK 320. H 37 To Phehe S. Carruth , Phillip Ulatt. Henry * H l B. Wales and Horace IS. Cole , and to all V9 l whom it may concern : ° - H The County Commissioners have ordered H opened a road commencing at southwest - ° | corner of the northwest quarter of sectior .all- M thirty-five (35) in Coleman precinct , Red Wiltory. H low county , Nebraska , running thence sout.ihfch | on section line one and one-half miles , termi- „ ni H nating at northwest corner of section eleven 1 . . ( H (11 ( J , town three (3) ( , range thirty (30) ( , west of ) Te H the 6th P. M. , and all ohjections thereto or * no H claims for damages must he filed in the the H County Clerk's office on or hefore noon of the the H 5th day of February , A. D. 189S , or said road ory j H will he established without reference thereto. ieS3 \ H K. A. Green , County Clerk. in ( | | H to j H If you need any Marislk Monuments , * P H See A. G. DOLE , Agent.fV M McCOOK. NEBRASKA. ft < H Satisfaction guaranteed. He also writes f * J * B Mutual Insurance both Farm and Mer- \ J 'J M cantile 50 per cent cheaper than old companies. ' H i M Julius Klttert , Carpet Laying , j I Carpet Cleaning. Z 5 1 am still doing carpet laying , carpet | H cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See Her or write me before giving such work. My H charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at H Tribune office. 1ULHJS KL'NERT. 1 5 ? AGrENTS TVAWTED. Li \ " | V ) Experience not . For ii necessary. prices and H par- > - UcuUrs wrlto the .Manufacturers , V * - SB H > a Wf > TKK.V CORSET CO. . St. T nlMo. . } W H H HHHriHHHHHHflHH ' | " H B Trade : Marks H 'rfflU Designs . / H 1. Copyrights &c. -i § H quickly n n ascertain e a aketch and description may * " 1' H oar opinion free whether 1 H invention s probably patentable : Com TnnlcS - H Uonsstrictlyconndentlal. HandbookonPaS H sent free. Oldest agency forTecurlng teaS H Patents taken throuRh Munn iWYe S" , H * ptcW notice , without charaoTin thorecclv0 J M Scientific American * MUNN & Go.36JBroai y. New York Branca Offlce.CSy St , Washing D. a fl