The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 17, 1897, Image 8

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HBH , -A Chicago Girl Notes That English Worn-
B B en Have Iargei Feet.
HH "Under these circuinsfaucos we took
Hl our first drive down Piccadilly , and
Bfl JEuropo to mo dates from/that / moment , "
fl "writes Miss Lilian Bell in The Ladies'
HS Homo Journal. "Tho fillip , .the landing ,
HB 4ho custom liouso , the train , the hotel
H8 -all 'these were mere preliminaries to
Hl .Enropo , which began than. People told
Bl .mo in America how my heart would
Hl = 8\vell at this and hew If would thrill at
H9 * that , hut it wa3 not ea. ' My first real
HbI thrill came on me in Piccadilly. It
BS "went all over me in little shivers -and
H9 * • came out at the cuds of my fingers and
Bl then began nuce more at the base of my
H'Sj -brain and dhi it all over again.
H. I "I rememLtr ; nothing definite ) about
B S that first drive. I , for mv part , saw with
H , I unseeing oyes. My sister had seen it nil
H K before , so she had the power of speech.
r i Occasionally she prodded mo and cried ,
B-1 "Look , oh , look quickly V But I never
Hj I swerved. ' 1 can't look. If I do , I shall
H' ; R .uiiss something. You attend to your
B' 1 -own window and I'll attend to mine.
HfjjB -Coming back I will see your side. '
Hjl "When we got beyond the shops. I
KrB -said to the cabman :
HB | " 'Do you know exactly the way you
H9 | -have come ? '
Pgl ' " 'Yes. miss , ' he said.
Bj ' " 'Then go back precisely .the same
BI 'way.
Hf 1 " 'Have you lost something , miss ? '
H' | I he inquired.
' t I " 'Yes , ' I said , 'I have lost an im-
B11 pression , and I must look till I find it. '
H | I " Wo did it all over again that after-
B | I noon , and that second time 1 was able
11 in a measure to detach myself from the
Bf i hum and buzz and the dizzying effect
Bf * of foreign faces , and I began to locate
B | ! impressions My first distinct recollec-
B | t tions are of the great numbers of high
B \ hats on the men , the ill hanging skirts
E | ; and big feet of the women , the unsteady-
B | ing effect of all those thousands of cabs ,
BjP -carriages and carts all going to the left ,
H | | | -which kept me constantly wishing to
BI - ' .shriek out , 'Go to the right or we'll be
Hj killed ! ' the absolutely perfect manner
Hpf' ' in which traffic was managed and the
Hfl majestic authority of the London po-
Hjfj lice. "
Bif The Plan Which a Large Manufacturer
B Found Successful.
% (
HI | The question , "What is to become of
1 the old many , " is one that is frequently
Hhlj discussed. Generally it is meant to.ap-
Ha ply to men who have not been able to
R - -save sufficient money to support them
Hi -in their declining years and whoso eco-
HS | nomic efficiency has become impaired
K -by the passing of years To bo depend-
nti' ' ' -eat upon their children or relatives is
Bf | -a humiliation that would imbitter that
Hyi -part of their lives which should be free
B ] % "from care. The almshouse is a horror of
Bj | | degradation from which they shrink.
Bjff ; ln some countries the governments have
Hff f , - endeavored to solve the problem by a
Hj | x system of labor pensions. This is done
Hfj in Germ&ny ; bnt , despite its merits , it
Hff -still savors of charity or paternalism.
BB | ; A few individuals have sought for a
9 $ , solution in this country In at least one '
Bffg community the employer c 1,000 men
Bjfij insures the lives of all his workmen up
Bm | ; to $3,000 , and after 25 years of continu-
Kjff -ous service an employee may retire and
Rll' ' -continue to draw full wages as long as
HK& -he lives. To do this the employer says
H $ ! .that it costs him not over 1 per cent of
Bffj his wages account , which he regards as
HBj 'the cheapest possible insurance against
Hfj strikes and against the disturbance
Klj caused by constantly changing his work-
H9J ing force. He puts by every year that
Bflj small percentage of his profits to the ac-
Sj count of wear and tear -upon labor , just
BB as he does a larger percentage to the ac-
Bf count of wear and tear upon machinery.
H He is an earnest.advocate of a national
H B labor pension and insurance system not
HB by the government , but by an associa-
HJ tiou of employers. New York Mail and
B | . -Express. .
B A Story of Abernethy.
Bj "This is the story of Dr. Abernethy
H B which Tennyson used to tell A farmer
B went to the great doctor complaining of
B discomfort in the head , weight and pain.
B : The doctor said , "What quantity of ale
do you take ? " "Oh. 1 taakes my yaalo
I pretty well. " Abernethy ( with great
patience and gentleness ) . "Now then ,
H to begin the day breakfast , what
W K - • time ? " "Oh. at haafe past 7. " "Ale
HB then ; how much ? " " 1 taakes my
I Bj quart " "Luncheon ? " "At 11 o'clock ,
HK 1 gets another snack ' * "Ale then ? "
I Bj "Oh , yes , my pint and a haafe. " "Din-
I H ner ? " "Haafe past L" "Any ale then ? "
I K "Yees. yees. another quart then. "
I Bj "Tea ? ' - "My tea is at' haafe past 5. "
| B I ' " ' " 'Ale then ? " "Noa , noa. " "Supper ? "
H § "Nome o'clock. " "Ale then ? " "Yees ,
j I -yees 1 \l taakesmy fill then 1 goes asleep
B | - arterward , " Like a lion aroused , Aber-
K I .uetliy was up , opened the street door ,
B I -shoved the farmer out and shouted out ,
m i "Go home , sir , and let me never see
HB 1 " your face again Go.home , drink your
HB | i _ ale and be damned " Thafanncr rushed
HB 1 | out aghast. Abernethy pursuing him
BBI down the street with shouts of "Go i
H8 * ' home , sir. and be damned. " St. James
BB Gazette.
BB I " ° benefited Humanity.
HBI There is an oriental story of two
1 ' brothers , Ahmed and Omar , Both
HI wished to perform a deed whose mem-
HI ory should not fail , but which might
Hfl sound their name and praises. Omar ,
Hfl with wedge and rope , lifted an obelisk
HH on its base , carving its form m beauti-
HB " 1 devices and sculpturing many a
Hj r strange inscription on its' sides. He set
H it in the hot desert to cope with its
H gales Ahmed , with deeper wisdom
HIH and truer though sadder heart , digged a
H well to cheer the sandy waste and plant-
H ed abour-it tall date palms to make cool
JH shade for the thirsty pilgrim and to
B shake down fruits for his hunger. \
| H | Jewish Messenger.
| jHEf - The great Mohammedan ' school at {
iJH < ; niro , El Azliar , meaning "The Splen-
r 'id. " has clear records dating aa far
, Jl : as 975.
W ' ' - , ilW'HI'l ' ' l llllllllBBKlHlBaaBIBABflBBBH
Lou Cflrrnthors has a new l " } y.
A Prentice has a' new corn cri ! > .
H. B. Walps Las I milt a crib
and fillud it with corn.
Bob Johns is trying to fill all
out doors with his corn crop.
Wm.Smith has traded his \vlnjel
to bis brother Albert for a buggy.
Miss Ellingtou Wilson of Mc-
Cook drove out to M. H. OoIo'h ,
Bert Wales has built a stable
and a buggy-house for his new
Tlieia are thirty-five members
in the singing-class in the schoolhouse -
house in district No. Co.
W. M. Rozell will have 2,000
bushels of corn. It is yielding
about forty bushels per acre.
A gentleman from Iowa gave a
good talk to the Sunday-school at
I he Coleman school-house , ' last
Chas. Beach and sister Lillie of
Hayes county attended Sabbath
school at the Coleman schoolhouse -
house , last Sunday , and then spent
a few hours with Wm. Coleman's
W hat's the matter with South
western Nebraska for snow and
mud ?
H. I. Petersen and J. H. Relph
of this place were helping H. JET.
Benjamin shell corn , Wednesday.
C. F. Elliott , August Wesch , J.
H. Belph and a number of others
from Grant were trading in Mc-
Cook , last week.
Ira Peck , the grain dealer of
Cedar Bluffs , has put in a stock of
groceries in addition to his hard
ware and lumber business.
Corn picking is progressing
rather slowly , and unless the
weather is more favorable much of
it- will go over until next year.
The Gerver correspondent has
either been misinformed or will-
fullv misstated the facts in rejrard
to the Christmas tree at Pleasant
Prairie , as it will be at the schoolhouse -
house under the management of
the Sunday-school , and all of the
younger scholars and some of the
older ones will take part.
Down to zero , Thursday morn
Our new editor is getting right
to the front uow-a-days.
Danbury has more Christmas
goods than the city of New York.
Harris & Co. of this place , have
sold their interests here to the
Central Granaries Co. of Omaha.
Corn is estimated in this vicin
ity at 85 bushels per acre , this
fall , and at present there is a large
quantity of it being put on the
C. H. Oman has traded his store
in Lebanon to Henry Marshall for
his farm near this place. Henry
expects to open up a new stock of
goods at that place in a few weeks.
About fifteen Modern Woodmen
of Danbury camp attended a ban
quet at Indianola given by the Iu-
dianola camp , Monday night last ,
and seven candidates were given
the work of Woodcraft by the Dan
bury team. The visitors were well
pleased with the courtesy shown
them , and hope to return a com
pliment in.the near future.
Leach , The Jeweler ,
sells Sln&'er Sewing *
! VA comparatively new industry ,
that of making valuable products
from drjr cornstalks , promises to
do a great deal in enhancing the
value of the , corn crop hereafter.
Two factories at which cornstalk
cellulose and corn pith cellulose
are manufactured are now in oper
ation , and it is said that plans for
eight more have completed. The
Kansas City Star says that "the
men who have given most atten
tion to the subject declare that the
discovery of the uses that can be
made of corn pith is one of the
greatest scientific achievements of
the age , and such large things are
expected of it that the company
controlling the processes for mak
ing corn pith cellulose is capital
ized for 850,000,000. "
r 'r " " ' " w iw.
. , , - „ , .
| r l
_ _
" '
- ' , wjyygffwpswwMp
] SJlNE-TEllTHS Of I I ij
all the pain jf& t 01 * f
IIHI andsicknessfrom Jj < VjtTL ' \
which women r- 4 %
suffer Is caused f&LW \
by weakness or - gJ H/
derangement In / J t\ | )
the organs of ' rae { f
menstruation. Q W | l- { I.
k when a woman is not well thesi 6
g organs are affected. But when ?
% they are strong and healthy a |
f ) woman is very seldom sick. I
I Is nature's provision for the regu- ( S
U lation of the menstrual function.
p It cures all "female troubles. " It V
j ? is equally effective for the girl In S
J * her teens , the young wife with do- ' g
sj mestic and maternal cares , and p
< : the woman approaching the period • $
: known as the "Change of Life. " fc'
5 They all need It. They are all p
5 benefitted by it. J ]
1 ° f. .
a For advice in cases requiring special Vt
} directions , address , eivine- symptoms , gj
'I ths " Ladles' Advisory Department , " p-f
r , The Chattanooja Medicine Co. , Chatta- . •
fc nooea , Tenn. h
? S TH0S. J. C00PSR , Tupeia , KIsc , sayc :
ty "My sister suHored from very Irrrgulsr f >
p > and painful menstruation and doctors ' \
rf could not relieve her. VVlnc cf Cardui , ' •
gj entirety cured her and also helped my ft
H mother through the Change ol Lite. " -j |
I m _ It
www ww iw ii i w
California Excursions
Vii : Burlington Route. Cheap ; quick ;
comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:35 p m. ,
Lincoln 6:10 : y. in. , Hastings 8:50 p. 111.
and McCook at 11:40 p. in. , ev
ery Thursday , in cle an , modern , not
crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers ;
cars run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route
-through Denver ami Salt Lake City.
Oars are carpeted ; upholstered in ratnii ;
have spring seats and hacks and are
provided with curtains , bedditig , towels ,
soap , etc. Uniformed porters and ex
perienced conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of all
bother about baggage , pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other wajs
helding to make the overland trip a de
lightful experience. Second class tickets
are honored. Berths $5 For folder giv
ing full information , call at nearest Bur
lington Route ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , General Passenger Agent , Oma
ha Nebraska. .
, 4-25-98.
What does it cost to get there ? When
and how should one go ? What should
one take ? Where aie the mines ? IIow
much have they produced ? Is work
plentiful ? What wages are paid ? Is
living expensive ? What are one's chances
of "making a strike ? " 4-25-9S
Comple'e and satisfactory replies to
the above questions will be found in the
Burlington Route's "Klondike Fo.der , "
now ready for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information and an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlington Route ticket
officesor sent on receipt of four csruts in
stamps by J. Francis , Gen'l Passenger
Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha. Neb
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brome QuinineTablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
when the Creator said to woman ,
"In sorrow shalt thou bring forth
children , " that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race ,
but the joy felt by every Mother
when she first presses to her heart
her babe , proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway of the Expectant
Mother , and should be avoided ,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized , in full vigor and strength.
s so relaxes the
c > | f system and as-
4.f tnat tne nec"
. r Mf
% y - \ essarv change
GyivsimMxs xz' ssiki talccs place
lwMW ( mM w tnout a u "
iH ) Wjflnam sea' Headache ,
aMl \ mml/MMki. r v ° u s or _
SJ M m Gloomy Forc
i M ' boding of dan-
mB = s s > i mssv *
trying hour is robbed of its pain
and suffering , as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
"Mother's Friend" is the greatest remedy over
on themarket.andallourcustomera praise it
Eut . " W. H. Kino & Co. , Whitowrignt , Tex.
OI druggists at S1.00 , or sent by express on receipt - .
ceipt or price. Write for book containing valua
ble Information for all Mothers , mailed free. ,
The Bradfldd Begnlafor Co. , Atlanta , Gs.
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take.
JlLlatlhaJBSjJI mi- " ' * *
iafrh-iT mn
. . _ 1
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Neb. , Kecember 8,1897.
Board of County Commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment : Present , James Carmichael -
michael , Stephen Holies and Jas. A. Robin
son , Commissioners , and R. A. ( Jrecn , County
Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved. ,
On consideration/of the letting of the con
tract for the rebuil/ding of the river bridge , the
board , on motion , adjourned to meet Decem
ber 9,1897.
Attest : R. A. Gkken , County Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , December 9,1897.
Board of County Commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment : Present , James Carmichael -
michael , Stephen Belles and Jas. A. Robin
son , Commissioners , and R. A. Green , County
Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and
Upon further consideration of the bids for
the contract for rebuilding the river bridge ,
the board found the bid of R. N" . Nickerson to
be the lowest and best bid , and on motion the
contract was awarded to said K. N. Nicker
son for the sum of S170.00 ; and the said R. N.
Nickerson , having duly executed said con
tract and filed the necessary bond for the
faithful performance of said contract , the
board on motion approved said contract and
The following official bonds were exam
ined and on motion approved :
R. A. Green , county clerk.
John R. Neelj sheriff.
Samuel G.liastam , justice of the peace , Hea
ver precinct.
Young Stothard , same , Alliance precinct. -
Young Slothard , assessor , Alliance pre
The following claims were examined and
allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants
on county general fund , levy of 1S97 , in pay
ment thereof as follows :
D. P. Hrower , supplies and use bldg for elec
tion S5 9 °
R. M. Osborn , burying horse 2 00
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1897 , as
follows :
A.J. Lohr , bridge work $8 00
II. Cozad. same 3 75
On motion board adjourned to meet Januaiy
4 , 1897.
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk.
Milton E. Horner , Orpha Horner , Hiram C.
Rider and Lharles L. Miller , defendants , will
take notice that Henry O. Wait , plaintiff , has
filed his petition in the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , against the above
named defendants , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted on the 151b day of July , 1889 , by the de
fendant , Milton E. Horner , to 'I he Nebraska
Loan and Hanking Company , upon the fol
lowing described real estate , to-wit : the south
twenty feet of lot number fifteen in block
twenty-seven in the original town of McCook ,
Red Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage
being executed to secure the payment ot the
one principal note of said Milton E. Homer ,
of S700 witb ten interest coupons thereto at
tached , all dated July 151I1 , lS89said principal
note maturing on the lirst day of July , 1894 ,
one ot said coupons being for the sum ot
522.50 and nine of said coupons being for the
sum of $24.50 each , all of which coupons have
been paid. That said mortgage and the debt
secured thereby have been duly assigned to
plaintiff. That there is now due on said notes
and mortgage the sum ot seven hundred and
forty-nine dollars with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the first
day of January , 1896 , and plaintiff pi ays for a
decree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount due with inteiest and costs
of suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 24th day of January ,
You are further notified that on the 14th day
of February , 1S9S , at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be
heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district
court of Red Willow county , Neb. , at the dis
trict court room in the city of McCook , Red
Willow county , Neb. , for the appointment of a
receiver of the mortgaged property above de
scribed , upon the grounds that said mortgaged
property is probably insufficient -discharge
this mortgage debt , and that the defendant ,
Milton E. Homer , who is the only defendant
personally liable therefor , is insolvent.
In support of said application the plaintiff
will file and read the petition in the case and
the affidavits of C. H. Gray and II. W. Cole.
Plaintiff proposes the name of S. Cordeal as
receiver , with J. W. Hupp and J. II. Hennett
as sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sureties for
himself J. W. Hupp and J. II. Hennett.
Dated this 14th day of December , 1897.
12-17 4ts Henry O. Wait ; Plaintiff.
By W. S. Morlan , his Attorney.
Cornelius J. Ryan , Marv J. Ryan , William
Nicklas , Mrs. William Nicklas , his wife , whose
christian name is to plaintiff unknown , Robert
G. Johns , and Samuel C. Johns , defendants ,
will take'notice that Hugh A. McGaughy has
filed his petition in the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , against the above-
named defendants , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted October 14th , 1892 , by the detendants ,
Cornelius J.Ryan and Maiy J. Ryan , to this
plaintiff , upon the following described real es
tate , to-wit : the southwest quarter of section
twenty-two , and the northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-seven , all in township four , north ,
m range thirty , west of the 6th 1' . M. ; said
mortgage being executed to secure the pay
ment of their two certain promissory notes ,
both dated October 14th , 1892 , one for the
sum of $700.00 due October 14 , 1S93 , and the
other for the sum of Si,5oo clue October 14th ,
1S95. There is now due on said notes and
mortgage the sum of $2,2C0 , with interest at
the rate of seven per cent per annum from
October 14 , 1S94 , and plaintiff prays for a de
cree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy said amount with interest and costs
of suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 24th day of Januarv ,
You are further notified that on the 14th
day of Februaiy , 189S , at the hourof ioo'clock
a. m. , or as soon thereafter as counsel can be
heard , the plaintiff will apply to the district
com t of Red Willow county , Nebraska , at the
district court room in the cityof McCook , Red
Willow county.Nebraska , for the appointment
ot a receiver of the mortgaged property set i
forth in plaintiff's petition , upon the grounds
that the said mortgaged propertv is insufli-1
cient to discharge the mortgage debt ; that the
defendants , Cornelius J. Ryan , Mary J. Ryan j
and William Nickla . who are the only per-1
sons liable for said mortgage debt , are insolv
ent ; that the defendant , William Nicklas , who
is the owner of the legal title of said premises , J
is a non-resident of the state of Nebraska , and j
that said premises are depreciating in value [
In support of said application the plaintiff
will file and read the petition in the case and
the affidavits of J. E. Kelley and S. Cordeal. j
Plaintiff proposes the name of F. S. Wilcox .
as receiver , with Ed. Fiitcraft and W. F. Lawson - ;
son as his sureties ; plaintiff also offers as sureties - ,
ties for himself , Ed. Fiitcraft and W. F. Law- !
son.Dated this nth day of December , 1897.
Hugh A. McGaughy , Plaintiff.
12-17 4ts I5 } ' WMorlan. . his Attorney.
United States Land Office ,
McCook , Neb. , December S , 1897.
Notice is lierebv given that Silas N. Welch
has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof before register or receiver at his office
in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , the 22d day of
January , 1S98 , on timber culture application ,
No. 5687 , for the wlA nej < and wli se # of
section No. 29 , in township No. 2 n , range No.
30 w 6th p.m. He names as witnesses : Rex-
ord Simpson , Austin Dutcher , Mrs. Rexford
Simpson , David Carpenter , all of Vailton ,
Nebraska. A. S. Campbell , Register.
a 3gu.i mi mi ! 1 . in. j ni 1 mi . n 1 m 1 11 mi 11 m mihttI -rTrTi-r-r rtirifrrnaiBI B
- imini Whi , , _ T" T VT. B
; , . . , . „ . . „ . . . . i..i JM .MMwi.Vfitv . < taff < Bggi3asftwii
LaJfij * - AA iriL flg'illlW' ! ' iM > - * B H
' " " "
" ' MfiigaitiBhffiSHa ? lBrliaBM Ba Mfci ' afl
" ' „ < * nmmmmmmMBmm m J J „ H
' I
- iim
I 40'Dont \ Fail t0 See 2 1
l K'M'MILLEN'S ! |
l | | y Goodsr ! I
I ffii k ft Desirable Goods j I
P 4 at Low Prices 1 I
| SS Go and take the children with 5 ' M
fy you , ns you will find something * for ev9 M
I ery age , at ? .
ia.aracea = A-3ur5fctt 3yiir7 i JKcqaTana-aiiaiii iim ! ! riai
To see the attractive display of Holiday
Goods at SUTTON'S , The Leading
JEWELER Nothing approaching it in
elegance , richness and variety can be
seen in this section of Nebraska.
From the Lone Star State comes the follow
ing lettei , written by W. F. Gass. editor of the
Mount Vernon f'l'ex. . ) Herald : "I have u ed
Chamberlain ' s Colic , Cholera and Dianhfjea
Remedy in my family for the past year , and
find it the best remedy foi colic and diairha-a
that I have ever tried. Its effects are instan
taneous and satisfactory , and I cheerfully rec
ommend it , especially for cramp colic and di-
arrheca. Indeed , we shall try and keep a bottle
tle of it on our medicine shelf as long as we
keep house. " For sale by L. W. McConnell.
A little child of J. R. Hays , living near Col
quitt , Georgia , overturned a pot of boiling
water , scalding itself so severely that the skin
came off its breast and limbs. The distressed
parents sent to Mr. Hush , a merchant of Col
quitt , for a remedy , and he promptly forward
ed Chamberlain's Pnin Halm. The child was
suffering intensely , but was relieved by a
single application of Pain Halm. Another
application or two made it sound and well.
For sale by L. W. McConnell.
Warning Persons who suffer from coughs
and colds should heed the warnings of danger
and save themselves suffering and fatal results
by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an
infallible remedy for coughs , colds , croup and
all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen.
J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex. , says that
when he has a spell of indigestion and feels
bad and sluggish , he takes two of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers at night , and he is all right
the next morning. May thousands of others
do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen.
Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds
may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve , the great remedy lor piles and
for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A.
McMillen. J
There is ho need of little children being tor
tured by cald head , eczema and skin erup- :
tions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives in
stant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc
You can't cure consumption but you can
avoid it and cure every other f' > rm of throat
or lung trouble by the u e of One Minute
Cough Cure. A. McMillen.
Small pill , safe pill , brst pill. DeWitt's .
Little Farlv Ri-ers cure btioune ! * f conatipa1 1
tion , sick headache. A. McMillen.
How Ire Year Kidneys ? :
g k or , hobos :
Sr Wtak Backs. '
Thev euro by healimr the Kidneys and JPurlfylnir
the iJlooil from Uric Acid and other impurities.
They < ; nro IthcuitmUnni , Jlacknche. Acnnil-
pla , 2Jiabcte * , JJropiy , liladdcr Troublc >
female WcaUncw , etc.
Cured ot Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble.
"Mine was a case of rheumatism of the
muscles and joints , with kidney trouble of
two years standing. One year quite bad. I
have taken three boxes of your Sparagus
Kidney Pills , and feci so well that I have
stopped taking them. They have done mc
more good ten times over than all the medicine
taken from doctors , and I can heartily recom
mend them to my neighbors. "
"Wilson "Wakelut , Brock , Keb.
. Hobbs
Kidney Pills.
It often happens that the doctor is out of H
town when most needed , l'he two year old H
daughter of J. V. Schenck , of Caddo , Indian H |
Territory , was threatened wifli croup. He H
writes : ' 'My wife insisted that I go for the H
doctur at oi'e , but as he was out of tuwn , I H
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough H
Remedy , which relieved the child immediate- |
ly. " A bottle of that remedy in the house |
will often save the expense of a doctor' : , bill. |
besides the anxiety always occasioned by serious - |
rious illness. When it is given as soon as the H
croupy cough appears , it will prevent the at j H
tack. Thousands of mothers always keep it H
in their house. The 25 and 50 cent bottles for H
sale by L. W. McConnell. H
J. C. Rerry , one of the best known citizens |
of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that he cured himself H
of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes H
of DeWitt's Witch 11 a/el Salve. He had been H
troubled with piles for over thirty years and H
had used many different kinds ot so-called H
cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did the j H
work and he will verify this statement if any B
one wishes to write hun. A. McMillen. H
You can't afford to risk your life by allow M
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con- M
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure H
are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A. M
McMillen. H
road numiser 320. j H
To Phebe S. Carruth , Phillip I' .Iatt. I lenry H
Ii. Wales and i iorace I J. Cole , and , to all f B
i b
v. horn it may concern : JMI I H
The County Commissioners have ordered VSiJaamaH
opened a road commencing at southwest h H
corner of the northwest quarter of section H
thirty-live (35) in Coleman precinct , Red V. 1 H
low county , Nebraska , running thence south H
on section line one and one-half miles , termi H
nating at northwest corner of section eleven M
( II ) , town three (3) ) , range thirty (30) , west ot H
the 6th P. M. , and all objections thereto or M
claims for damages must be filed in the H
County Clerk's office on or before noon of the | H
5th day of February , A. D. iSoS , or said road M
will be established without reference thereto. M
R. A. Grekn % County Clerk. M
. . _ _ B B S
If you need any Makiu.k Monitmkn rs , H
See A. G. BOLE , Agent , I
Satisfaction guaranteed. He also write- . j H
Mutual Insura-nck both Farm and Mer H
cantile 50 per cent cheaper than old coinpanic- * / " l
' M
Jltlios KUIS'SIIT.
Carpet Laying/ H
Carpet Cleaning.
ZSTl am still doing carpet laying , carpet H
leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See |
Dr write me before giving such work. My |
: harges are very reasonable. Leave orders at a H
Tribune office. il'LIL'S KCNERT. H
" " " ' bbbbbI
? * P W " *
e I > ; in nceiiotnjc-s ry. For pricesard pari I . M
\ \ I. - TKKV . . . H
a ORSET CO. . St. Lonl. . Mo. ?
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai
( KBaaBBaBHBa BBBBaaBBBaaBaaBBBBBasaaaaaaBaBaBBBaaBBBBaBBBBaa a a bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar bbbbbbbbbbbI
Cratckly ascertain our opinion free whether an aBBBBBBBBBBl
invention ts probably patentable. Comnranica. / " bbbbbbbbbbbI
tions strictly conndontfaL S bbbbbbbbbbbI
Handbook on Pa ?
sent free. Oldest agency for sccarmg pateite vbbbbbbbbbbbI
Patents taken throuch Jlnnn & Co nwtVn BbbbbbbbbbbI
gpeetal notice , trlthout charseTta thereceIvQ H
Scientific American. M
A handsomely illustrated . bbbbbbbbbbbI
weekly. Tjinrest eir- .
culaUonot any scientlflc ioumaL T rSIja • bbbbbbbbbbI
MUNN & Co.3GBroa .H
. T , New York . . .
Branch Offlw. 106 V BU\7 S.V. * | H
; bbbbbbb1