Mrjyy"gy .M .J riTirBi . . . . . . " . * ; ' " iB MijWi. r iMiiiPil ( rrtwirvitir rrtiyiyr' < > fc . . , . . K SIT k f * * - 'fi' ' m w i' ikhi < Hum * n-m ! * -Mi > ! > i IT f A smart Chicago operator advertised B gj J" that he had discovered a process by R tL I -which old and rancid butter could be L. J ; raade over an good an new , but that he HLV could only handle lnrge quantities. Hff ? < r1 ? * . Some dealers sent him samples to try K jt j and in return received perfectly fresh M H V creamery butter. Then they sent B ' ) | agents all over the state , bought heav- m 4 I ily and sent the stuff to him. To their H | I consternation ho declined to operate 1 II on it , but offered to buy it at a small m 1 g figure , much less than they had paid M I W for it , and as , in the open market it B # H % vould be graded as axle grease , they HTA ] | were obliged to let him have it. H \ $ ? The now model Remington Typo- K § e -writer enjoys a larger sale than any H | \ \ other typewriter over had , because It H | I $ Is the best Send for catalogue. 1710 F' 5 * Farnam street , Omaha , Neb. B J % At a- recent nale of autographs in B \ % London that of Keats sold for 5131.25 , Mk \ ll while that of Oliver Cromwell sold for P U J , F l . § 33.75 , and Lucretia Borgia , $02.50. Ht > M A complete electric plowing plant HF < Ji f | Iias heen installed on an estate in ft I fjj Prance. Hk' ? vf .ASTHMA ran ho quick y cureil t y Ir. Tnft's K "i jft JlHlllllllllUiK ) . All Ulir.lUTK f11)111 thli tlIxtrc < liiK m \ 3k complaint fcliouM wiile to Dr. Tnft Jliott. . i Klin St. , WW/ * Si Itorliciitcr.N. Y..foraNUiiploliotlieMntiiliJoliiley . K B freeonrecciptofmiiiieuiiiiaddieiiis. Theyaicreliable. B if * make us its contents and i s readers H I j | arc the most cultivated men and B f ra women in every part of the country. m I Houghton , Milllin & Co. , Boston , Mass. j \ f My doctor said 1 would die hut , Piso's Cure k\ 8 * for Consumption cured nio. Amos Kolnor , Hf V > , \ Cherry Valley , Ills. , Nov. 23,1S'J5 V ' / The world is full of men with no ' B i / other pb session than experience , who m j , u would be glad to sell it. B \ J $ Star TolMicco is the leading brand of H / $ the world , because it is the best. B } V , The star of Bethlehem was so called K > M because of its resemblance to the star B ; -which guided the Magi. B \ I Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoio Tear Life Away. B > | To 1uIt tobacco easily and forever , bo mac- B' j \ nctlc. full of life , nerve and vigor , take No-Tc- B } § Bae , the wonder-worker , tbat makes weak men Bv C / strong. All druggists , f > 0c or 81. Curoguaran- H > jf toed. Booklet and sample free. Address B g s Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. B t I WLen Answering Advertisements Kindly B \ \ Mention This Taper. • * • " " ' . ' ' " " " vr- " ! -18" " " " " • " "eierf MSiiKvm When Andrew D. White , now United States ambassador at Berlin , was min ister to Germany nearly twenty years ago he received some queer letters from Americans asklnrr for his influ ence in their behalf in court circles. Perhaps the funniest of all waB a very mandatory epistle from an old lady living in the west , who inclosed in her letter four pieces of white linen , each some six inches square. "We are go ing to have a fair in our church. " she wrote , "and I am going to make an autograph quilt. I want you to get me the autographs of the emperor and empress , the crown prince and Bis marck , and tell them to be very care ful not to write too near the edge of the sauares , as a seam had to be al lowed for putting them together. " Youth's Companion. Clerk Geare , of Martinsville , Ind. , a war veteran , has just returned ? 350 of back pension money which he had re ceived on account of physical disability on the ground that he has recovered his health , and is therefore no longer entitled to a pension. The pension of ficials say that the case is almost un precedented. "Klomlyko IJulletlii" Will bo published by tlioSoo Line Mondays , containing all Tei.egkapaic NEWSsmd up-to- date information as to Best Boutes , Snn- vices , Steamship Sailings , and every facility as .same develop. Ijtvai.habm : to Alaskan prospectors and ail their friends. To bo placed on mailing list , tend six cents ( Cc ) in stamps to \Y. B. Callaway , G. 1 . A. . Minneapolis , Minn. "I came to ask for your daughter in marriage , sir , " said the young man. "Have you any money of your own ? " asked the careful parent. "Oh , you misunderstand me. I do not want to buy her. " Yonkers Statesman. Important Notice- . A mnn or woman of ( rood church btandinpr can secure cure position with well known hotuooC 20 years stand ing to act as JIanagerand Correspondent In this coun ty , t-nlary $750 yearly. Address A. 1 * . T. Elder , Sec letary , 27X Jlichlpon Ave. . ChicaKO. 111. Seventy-five thousand of the enroll ed petition signers whose "flattering mandate" to become a candidate for mayor of New York the Hon. Seth Low obeyed soberly and in fear of God , did not vote for him. Political enroll ments are humbugs. New York Sun. Kducato Yonr Bowel * With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail , druggists refund money. The first lucifer match was made In 3829. I , CAUSE FOR ALARiVL If } How baldness begins. H ; i How to prevent it. K J | Every person , male or female , shrinks V > S from baldness. It adds to the appearance H 4 of age and is a serious discomfort. The H ' M cases are rare when the falling out of the B a hair may not be stopped , and a new and H S healthy growth of the hair promoted. The V5 } hair grows in the scalp like a plant in the < M soil. If a plant flourishes , it must have ftS constant attention- must be watered T % regularly and find its food in the soil v P where it is rooted. It's so with the hair. BrV . Neglect is usually the beginning of bald- P'v ness. Dandruff is allowed to thicken on B7 the scalp. The hair begins to looseu. The Bj > • ' scalp loses its vitality. The hair , insuf- BA i. ficiently nourished , begins to fade and to H { j' fall. The instant need in such a case is Bl i some practical preparation which , sup- BA ft plying the needed nourishment _ ip the Bf S' scalp , will feed the hair , give it strength , K B and so produce a strong and healthy k growth. All this is done by Dr. Ayer's H B Hair Vigor , the most practical and valua- H ; n , ( le preparation for the hair that can be K Ta obtained. It tones up the scalp , does away B I % with dandruff , stops the hair from falling , H. \ h restores the original color to gray or faded hair , and gives an abundant and glossr growth. Those who are threatened with approaching baldness will be interested in the following voluntary statement , made by Alderman S. J. Green , of Spencer , Iowa. He writes : "About four months ago , my hair com menced falling out so rapidly that I became alarmed , and being recommended Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor by a druggist , I resolved to try this preparation. I have been now using it for three months , and am much gratified to find that my hair has ceased falling out and also that hair which had been turning gray for the past five years has been restored to its original color , dark brown. It gives me much pleasure to recommend this dressing. " S. J. Green , Alderman , Spencer , Iowa. Those who are interested in preserving and beautifying the hair will do well to send for Dr. Ayer's Curebook , A story of cures told by the cured. This book , of ioo pages is sent free , on request , by the J. C. Ayer Co. , Iowell , Mass. H | The Omaha Bee for 1898. BI The Omaha Weekly Bee is the leading paper in the Trans-Mis- B { \ sissippi country. It will be much improved in 189S , enlarging ; some of its B ] \ important departments. The price remains the same , 65 Cents per year Bl \ IK cents per week. The 15ee prints 12 pages each week , publishing-all the B\ / news of the week , both foreign and domestic ; accurate market reports from Ht V all the centers of trade , giving special attention to the western country , as well Bf i as carefully selected articles of special interest to each individual member of the family. \ The publishers of The Jlce have made favorable arrangements with a Iv number of the leading publications of the country , which enables them to offer / j , > i one or more of these publications with The Bee at nominal prices. V \ The Weekly Bee Alone Is 65 Cents Per Year. Bl J For clubbing purposes add the following amotmts for each publication B | desired : K . > For Woman's Home Companion 30c H For Farm and Fireside 20c Hi For Farm and Fireside , with Almanac 3Gc B' For Orange Judd Farmer , with Almanac 35c Hl , For New York Tribune 25c : For Prairie Farmer 50c ! I" x Each of the above publications is one of the best in its line. At no time maaaaam f has the price of good reading been as cheap as it now is , and the offers made A _ I here are among- the lowest offered this season. Address all orders to I The Weekly Bee , Omaha. H' - ' Y j 25c g DRUGGISTS j rJJlTVRBTrTftv Sick and Nervous Head- l > fl SlflSSwiffllP aches P0SIT1FELY Cured HB' | * ' < il il | in30 Minules , by Wf % ii-seii ! e B m I S l * * all druggists or sent post- Ht | lmr pa'd ' upon receipt ° { ' * u i H $ E fe fe ! FRENCH CHEMICAL CO. Br \ h vf- SJ 356 Dearborn St. . H \ V jjBgy - - > Cblcago , in , I HALL'S * 4 i , Vegetable Sicilian IJ PURRENEWERJ i Qcanses the scalp and l/g&k KtI pots new life into the ffJpl wfl hair. It restores the VrM [ fl L lost color to gray L lj mSB iaf * means jl i7Jk | | ) youth and beauty * / \ Wv | ' " ' "T" ' ' : lIion-i * * | rini iii iiiiiliii i THE NAGGING WOMAN. Slow SIio Destroys All Fcaoo and Com fort for Husband and Children. The mistress of a house feels that it Is her duty none the less clear be cause It is disagreeable 4o point out the faults of those in her charge , ssys the Philadelphia Ledger. Beginning • with the maid3 and ending with her -husband or sometimes vice versa she thinks It her mission in life to fin * and condemn imperfections. And from this attitude it is but a short step to the position of a family "nagger" a character which destroys all peace and comfort. Business men often make a similar mistake and act upon the be lief that n-j man does his best work unless unaer the constant dreail of sarcastic and bitter fault-finding. The work in general may be far above the ' average but that the way to keep it so is to pick flaws in every possible weak place is the decision of certain minds. Because a fault exists 1b no reason that it should be mentioned without regard to time or place , and to one open to conviction it would not be difficult to prove that there is wis dom in allowing people to make mis takes unobserved , or at any rate unre- buked ; but this wisdom can only flour ish in the faith that the evil of today is not a finality. No mother , for in stance , really believes that her little daughter is necessarily to be a life long slattern because at 12 years of age she keeps an untidy room and her hoots are often seen without the proper button , nor does she think that a lie in the mouth of her 3-year-old boy condemns him to a future of fraud and deceit. These things must be met , of course , but if they are met by the con stant inculcation of better habits and better principles the evil in itself needs little or no comment. Indeed , a word of censure withheld often is a more effective rebuke than a storm of angry fault-finding. To grow in the wisdom of this judicious silence we must first of all cultivate in ourselves a just perception of values and proportions tions , we must learn what to see and what not to see , what to leave out and what to put in our mental pictures. It may be , too , that then we shall often give sympathy where others deride , or encouragement where the sternly just would condemn ; but we should at least relieve those around us from a very irritating insistence upon trifles. Cheapest Flaco to Shop In Russia. "Thieves' Market , " a traveler de clares , "is the cheapest place to shop in all Russia , even for a foreigner. It is in Moscow , which is the railroad center of the empire , and quite likely the clearing house or exchange for stolen goods. The merchants tell the buyer frankly that the reason they can sell things cheaply is because they are all stolen. 'Everything everything , monsieur ; all are stolen. "We deal only in that which costs us nothing. We charge you for storage , that is all. ' Curios from the whole Eastern world are there. It is a desperate place for one to go if one would not spend money. Do not buy presents for friends at home until you have looked through the 'Market. ' " Embarrassing. "Walsh came downtown with his overcoat pockets full of potatoes and turnips. " "How did that happen ? " "Well , their fiat is so small that his wife hasn't any place to keep veget ables and she had forgotten to take them out. " Detroit Free Press. Too Far. "This is going too far. " Her voice had a haughty ring ; she was evidently much offended. Then the trolleyman meekly apologized for having carried her 'steen blocks beyond her destina tion. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. ON THE STAGE. A new variety of chrysanthemum , rich purple in hue , has been named af ter Lillian Russell. Henry Arthur Jones has sold to Charles Frohman the American rights to his latest play , "The Liars. " Augustin Daly is apparently much incensed at the action of Beerbohm Tree in offering Ada Rehan the part of Katherine in "Katherine and Pe- truccio" and is freeing his mind with considerable vigor. Maude Adams was for several years known as the youngest leading lady on the New York stage. Her successor to that title is pretty Florence Rockwell of "Cumberland , ' 61who . is said to be just 18 a couple of years younger than was Miss Adams when the dis tinction was hers. A day or two ago Miss Olga Netner- sole received a parcel containing the manuscript of a play , which has been following her around for two j-ears. The first legible date on the cover is Sept. 23 , 1895 , Sydney , N. S. W. , and the last Oct. 19 , 1S97 , Liverpool. It was marked by the Dublin postoffice , "Re ceived at Grafton Street Walk in this condition. " The parcel was originally addressed to Miss Nethersole , in Lon don , and forwarded from her former residence to Daly's theater and thence to the Savoy hotel. Being returned to the dead letter office , _ Sydney , it wa3 indorsed there "January , 1836 , " and lay dormant some months. Then it set forth on its travels again to ITew York , May 18 , 1896 ; to Chicago , June 10 ; to New York again. Thence , in July , it came to the Gaiety , Lofldon. Several other addresses in London were tried , and again the unlucky par cel got to the Sydney dead letter office on November 26,1896. Not until March , 1897 , was another attempt made at delivery. Then it made a jffurney through America , crossed the Atlantic and followed Miss Nethersole on her English tour , with the result now re corded. / - - . . . . . . . _ T [ YOU CAN'T STOP 'EM. The Fury of an Cnfettorod Klemcnt Falls to Cruiih Them The Flro Florid Delicti. The news comes from Attica , Ind. , of the destruction , by fire , of the big laboratory and office building of the Sterling Remedy company , makers of Cascarets Candy Cathartic and No-To- Bac , the original guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The preparations made by this big corporation are known throughout the world. The fire broke out In one of the packing rooms on the third floor during the noon hour , and had made consider able headway before it was discovered. The Sterling Remedy company is the principal industry of the beautiful lit tle city of Attica , employing several hundred people , besides being affiliated with the interests at the Indiana Min eral Springs , the famous Magno-Mud Cure. The entire population was worked up to a frenzy of excitement. Meanwhile tin almost proverbial energy and presence of mind of "Hust- lig" Harry Kramer , the general man ager of The Sterling Remedy company , was displayed. He was the coolest man at the scene. He quietly walked away , and secured a big carriage show room near by , and had all office furni ture , charred and delapidatcd as it was , taken there. Several shipments were made the same evening from goods saved , and on Friday morning , all departments were at work in var ious rooms about town , while a gang of men wore cleaning away the wreck age preliminary to rebuilding. The actual damage amounts to many thousands of dollars ; the loss due to interruption of business and confusion of detail is inestimatable. but pluck and energy of one man will turn de feat into victory and move the wheels of business to ever-increasing speed. Nothing can stop the success of Cas carets and No-To-Bac with such char acteristic force behind them. George Dudley Seymour , of New Ha ven , will soon give an interesting relic to Yale. It consists of the double doors of the house of the late Rev. William Russel , of Branford , Conn. , where in the year 1700 the trustees of the future Yale collese met and pre sented forty books each trustee as he laid the volumes down , said according to tradition , "I give these books for the founding of a college in this colony. " The original house was built in 1675 , and was bought by Mr. Russell twelve years later. It was torn down in 1835 , but the doors were secured and kept in a garrett by Mrs. Mary E. Russell Mann , of Branford , a descendant of William Russell , and from her they have been obtained by Mr. Seymour , who will have them handsomely fram ed and presented to the university , possibly in 1901 , in connection With the two hundreth aninversary of the founding. Mrs. McKinley , in spite of her posi tion as "first lady in the land , " re tains all the simple habits of her Can ton home life , and when entertaining a caller informally at the White House drawing room deftly plies her crochet needle or stitches at some dainty piece of needlework. Beauty Is Blood Doep. Clean blood means a cleau skin. No beauty-without it. CascaretsCandy Cathar tic cleans your blood and keeps it cleau , by st/rring up the.lazy liver and driving all im parities from the body. Begin to-day to b\nish pimple ? , boils , blotchc blackheads. and thatbicklybiliouscotnplexiou by taking Cascarets , beauty for ten ceuts. All drug- jjists. satisfaction guaranteed , 10c , 2oc , 50c. The volcanoes of Vesuvius and Etna , are never both active at the same time. I . , - - . . . - * * , ' ' ' ' " " " " " ' in i -i i-r iri rr-n.i i ii mri r I "I'l An English paper tolls of a tory army officer who trained his Scotch collie to bark and growl whenever Mr. Gladstone's name was mentioned. Ho lived to bury his favorite pet , and over thereafter used to decorate the dog'a grave with primroses on Lord Hca- consflold's birthday. Now , the old tory la dead himself , and ho left Instruc tions that his body should be cremated and the ashes burled in the narden beside the grave of his dog. A number of Atchison men who have dyspepsia recently formed a club to exchange Ideas , but they are all so bad tempered that they had a light the first night. Atchison Globe. An Important feature of the Ameri can monthly Review of Reviews frr December is the book department , which occupies thirty-two pages , with numerous illustrations , and deals with the publications of the season. Dr. Albert Shaw writes on "Some Ameri can Novels and Novelists. " Another chapter Is devoted to "Books for Chil dren and Young People , " and a third to "Other Books of the season. " fol lowed by classified listo of titles. Thii Pursuit f Happiness. When the Declaration or Independence os- sertud man's right to this. It enunciated an immortal truth. The bilious sull'erer Is on the road to happiness when ho begins to take llostetter's Stomach Hitters , the most ellh-a- clotis regulator ot the liver In existence. Eiiuiilly reliable Is it In chills and fever , con stipation , dyspepsia , rheumatism. Iclndey trouble and nervousness. Use It regularly and not at odd Intervals. The wife : "The baby has been jab bering away there for an hour , and I can't understand a thing she says. " The husband : "I notice , dear , the lit tle thing grows more like you every day. " Yonkers Statesmen. Coc'a Conirh Itnlinm Ie the oiliest nnd ticst It 111 break up a coM quicker than uri ) thlribo. . I It I * alwajB rcliablu. Try it- A ton of oil has been obtained from the tongue of a single whale. TO CDKE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take L.axativo Brome Quinlno Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 'Joe When Answering Advertisements Kindly Menttou This Taper. Iowa Farms for sale on crop pavment. 51 per acre cash , balance Vi cron vcarlv until paid for. J. Mulhall , Waukcgan. 111. The new stars already discovered thi3 year number 427. FITS PormanentlyCurcd.Nonts ornorvousnessaftci Jir-.t day's use ot l > r. Kline's ( .Nerve. Restorer. Send tor FItEE SU.00 trial hottlo and treatise. Da , R. II.,931 Arch St. . I'liilisdolplnn , I'a. Women never play in a game unless there is another game under it. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or If C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money. A woman loves but once , that is , the same man. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes , 20 for 5cts. Ladies fight with pretty words that are full of fists. WITHOUT DOUBT H ISli : © J"ac30lb Oil To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD " CASTORIA" AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE ' .MARK. J DR. SAMUEL" PITCHER , of Bijannis , Massacliusetis , was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ ' the same that has boj'ne and does now /Hif y/&r7 s ? cat tW evGrU hear the facsimile signature of z/ / i/Z < wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ ' which has heen used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the xvrapper and see that it is the hind have " ' " ' aa the you always "bought S7 S/Jf/7 on and has the s4&sX'&CcJu/2 signature of & ' wrap per Jfo one has authority from me to lose my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. R. Fletcher is President. / March 8 , 18977Q&2 * * & & > & 4 073 Do Not Be Deceived , Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the ingredients of which even lie does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-S1M1LE SIGNATURE OF t&XttS | I i i i I r i T * Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed YouB THE CCNTiUD CCMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YCRK CITY. GASyiE AB D POULTRY FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. Ship direct to O. IV. ICKES & Vi ) . . 1070 Howard and .TOO So. lltli ht. . Oiuulia. , and set hlsliest market pi ice. Inference : Omaha I Hank" , Commercial Agencies. Correspondence j ' solicited. ROBERT PURVIS , i COMMISSION , ! Established 1STO. Specialties Butter , Eps. Poultry. Veal , ! nines and Game. AY rite for tairs and prices. ! OMAHA. NEB. i Talking Machine s ° o ! For Christmas , it will Talk , Whistle. Pin ? and give Instrumental Music. The latest and most perfect Graphophone made. Western ' Talking , Wachno ! Co. , 221 So. juthst. , I Omaha. > eb. scute. O. D. * " ° * * * Omaha , XcU . | n gJ No larger stock of SB a J&J ? { Pi Silks and Dross Goods H U BiSv 5 in any market. The U a tr . Sa& lowest prices for finest ' goods. Samples free , ' HAYt > EUltOS. . . Onialia. > • • , j EDEIGHT QASn on " order * of = 00.1 sq. ft. of , ' " rnCIQSi I "HfiOrtoonaf- Wall er.d Celling' Manilla. Write for samples and price. The i'aT 2Ianilla Bootliic Company , Camden , N. J. j • SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFERS < lliis Knife i 3 Inches lonp when closed. ! Otir regular "c Knife ; sample er.t for c. | | Our Diamond Kdiro Hollow i.jonnd iiezor. " 3c. I The atote Jct'l ; Knife end Ra.or for $1.15. i I Goods tent postpaid. < ata'oue fiee. i ! E MPUIN CJTLERY [ co- Burlington , Vt. ' IT SSR BEAUTY HlKiv \ . ' I * * * " * \ Quality Jlt the pnrseand pleases buyer. I fe | J.adTs or firnt'riaan'A { .emine Inn rlcanf.olil ! l ? HU J ( not platedjia c . T jewtled. Ua- . yfSj&IffiV maskecncii Xlefeel Movements , enameled , /Qj T Srw ' "a' > fccrpv Lei'-I and l'a < * t. ri'-lily en- , tHji % & 3M Pravo < ' - fully warranted. 3ienl Ki.c , tS V&j&a ? ? open faec.i'.Tj. . I.odle'Gsir.pnfaee , ' x&imK3 * .75.IluntinjCa-eI. } " , nex'ia.W' - , , NSjSjjfejjy peed ones. SI.75. We are manufacturer * , * * * and < > H all Undsmdse. Ca'alatftieFrce. ELY 3I.VNUFACTUUING COMPANY. 207 and 2C9 Wabash A\enuc , CHICAGO. ILL. _ rlease mention this paper when writing- . j " " WE ALASKA OUTFITTER : m\ \ WHAT TO TAK E A I ) WHAT IT COSTS I | g HOWTO KEACH TnE COLD FIELDS fj published by JONES * CASH STORE , ES 108 & 110 Front Street F0RTLAND. ORE. HE PAYS THE FREIGHT KS5- , * Q i M TtiHHlH > i , j ii ii r M Weak Stomach I FooIq Perfectly Well SInce Taking H Hood's Snrsaparlllo. H "I have been troubled ( or over two H years with a weak stomach. I concluded H to take Hood's Sarsaparllln. After taking H a few bottles I felt perfectly well , and I H cannot speak too highly of Hood's. " | Mits. M. II. WnianT , Akron , Ohio. H Hood's eSSSa I Is the best in fact the Ono True Blood Purifier. M Kood's Pills arc the favorite cathartic. 25c. M An insurance , to be called the Industrial - H trial , is bcinK formed by cmployea M throughout Germany , to insure agalnat M loss ariBing from strikes. H Engineers in Germany receive from H the government u gold medal and $500 M for every ten years of service without M an accident. M f H I The r.urliiitim Knotc California Kx- H Clicai' . Oulclc , ( 'uiiifnrttililp. j H Leave OiiKilm 1:3. > p. in. , I.linohi 0:10 : p. m. H .ind Hustings S : . r .O p. id. every Tlmrxlay In H clean , inoriurn. not ciowdeil tourist sleepers. H No transfers ; cars run right through to San H I Francisco and Los Angeles over tin1 Si'eitlc H ! Ioulo through Ien\cr ) and Salt Lal.o City. H , Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in rattan ; H ' have spring scats and bicls : and aic pro- | ' vlded with curtains' , bedding , towels , i-oac H I etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex- j H I cursion conductors accompany each e.vcur- | I slon. relieving passengers of all bother about H | baggage , pointing out objects of Intercut and J , In many other ways helping to mil.o the J | overland trip a delightful experience. Second | I class tickets arc honored. IlerthsS- ' . | I For folder giving full Information , call at j H nearest Burlington Koute ticket olllce , or | I write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , H Omaha , Nub. | I A newly discovered spot on the sun H ! is said to he . ' 10.000 miles in diameter. H ? ApC is lll ° name of u H lyivUi O simple but effective - H 5nj remedy for rhuumatism , nou- | rnlgin , ustlmiu nnd kindred ail- ' | incuts. The trudo mark is self- | explanatory. Five Drops nntko | a dose. The elicet is magical. Jn days R : genu by other alleged cures have been | marketed with the promise to take efleet in H thirty- days or mure. Five DropH begins | to euro at once. Immediate relief is felt. | ; The mauufncturcrR of I'ivc Drops have | ' • thousnnds of testimonials from reliable | ' people , copies of many of them gladly H I sent upon ajtjilication. in order to moro | ! effectively advertise its merits the com- | ' , pauy will for the net thirty days send | I out 100,000 of their sample bottles of this | ; positive cure for ti. cents a bottle by mail | I prepaid. Large bottle , 300 doses , $1 ( for H I thirty days 3 bottles 2. . " > 0. ) Those suffer- H i ing should write to the Swansou Ilhoii- H I inatic Cure Company , 11)7-100 Dearborn St. , | ' Chicago , 111. , and take advantage of this B [ generous offer. This compnny is reliable , H I and promptly (111 every order H jW. N. U. OMAHA. NO. -1897. . M j VJ'iea Answering Advertisements Kindly | j P'cnticn 'ihis I'spcr. | WILL PAY SIOO FOR ANY CAS H Or IVeakncss In Men They Treat ami [ | Tail to Care. Mr H An Omaha Company places for the first 1 tinio before the public a Maok ai. Tiiat- H sient for the care of Lot Vitality.Nervous H and Sexual AVcakne s , and Itc.r > toration of H Life Force in old and young men. No H worn-out French remedy : contains no H Phosphorus or other harmful drugs. It is H a U'oKiinnrri. . TitEATMnNT magical in its H effects positive in its cure. All readers , H who are suffering from a weakness that H blights their life , causing that mental and H physical suffering peculiar to .Van- H hood.should w ' ritoto the STATEMEDICAL H COiiPAXY , Xo. 3 J ft itange Ulock , Omaha , H Neb. , and they will send you absolutely H FREE , a valuable paper on these diseases' , l l nnd positive proofs of their truly Ma'-h ai , H Tueatmekt. Thousands of men , who have H lost all hope of a cure , are being restored H by them to a perfect condition. H 'This Maoicai , Tkeatment may bo taken H at home under their directions , or they will H paj' railroad fare and hotel bills to all who H ] > refer to go to there for treatment , jf they H fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable ; j H have no Free Prescriptions , Free Cure , H Free Sample , or C. O. D. fake. They have H S1'50,0jO capital , and guarantee to cure | | every ease they treat or refund every dol- H Iar : or their ch arges may be deposited in H a bank to * bo paid to them wheu a cure is H effected. "Write them today. H SOUTHERNH a Everj- hone eckei.u uid atdres < i either J Y. | * [ [ H MKKIrV. A. G. 1 * . A. , 31ancic < ter , , o-va , W. A. * " " " | KI"T I.ON'D , A. G. r. A. , I.onUvHle. Ky. . or S. G. H HATrit , I > . P. \ . Cln.-Itin-iti o. for a free copy of | * H the ILLINOIS ( I STKM , CAIf.KOAD'S M > iOUTiIii.V HUMKSKSivKKS' gl'idi ; . | H y in 2UrlE YQURSELF2 H jf y bv2 S\ I ! ' { , * U.k O f-.r unna'CTSl t H / flu lw5il js-\ { < Iisrh < srcf < ! ,' : us , H [ • ! GoiritiU-ti \j Irritations or uln r. .tif ; ia H „ I net t itrieturuf m u r o t. " ' ! ; . H ? T ta eoci ; ie = . J'smle-s. ati'I not . .Etna- * * H P \ciHC'it71.0. ! [ Sold bj-Kr = 53iiste , * [ [ H v rV V ( J. S. A. 7 r" "r ! Pnt ir flain wraprr , | | | " H . > . jA 5 * ' % ' xprn' . prp.i1 for "H * * W > * ! /o\l ? ' - " ' - 2l > o tIi-P$2. . H * c * o _ _ p u Circular teat oa rui'iefit. [ [ [ H / P CSV fEW ; 3"SC0VEBY : Bi 3 H Og3/fft * ll'irf'b 2 f riuLkrcliefuaJcuit- | H * " " n.v % . Send for too ! : of ti" > tirionlAN an-i 10 days * H icaz.tsc.caz Free. Vr. u.ii.aas 'ssoss. itiicu , Uc H /jP [ I rfffi S < Knlizn.it5onlj ain. H & t5 * ' ° ! " ° " < i w < - ' ' - * ! js- * - " • stamUnL H & U _ * 3 1 \ . * TV Jf\.fosMj W - . . H ije-t < in > ! eSeapcst. Semi for lir.ier. WEEKS SCALE WORKS , BUFFALO , N Y. H M0RPH5SS ar. 'J WHISKY HADiTS. H IT 8 &S tV5 HOJIP rCRE. UorU FIU.K. 1 > K. j. c. H j b tjy SK2 uui rr.AS. i beiiaR.j. . , ciiAi.o , ill. H U .i.3 < ! j WMiUlIiUtrry rated ? ! 0O. O0. fie samples. Several earn si.030 y'rly. V. o. IS71\rw Tori. \Sf UURtS WKtKt AIL ElbE FAILS. P3P trfi Cast Conah Syrup. Tastes Good. Urc V * * Ggj In time. Sold by drcpiists. f • A