The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 26, 1897, Image 4

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    ByWm w \ iiwmiwmmmmmummimmm
11 Sff $ ifc&w * Jrihxtyt.
Hi J gg
U f Republican PJBlJ P * * ,
HI London town was visited by a
HI | very disastriouB fire , close of last
Hi 1 week , in which about $15,000,000
HAJI worth of merchandise was deB -
B ' stroyed in the warehouse district
| of the world's greatest city.
H A controlling interest in the
H Chicago Inter-Ocean has been pur-
H chased by the great street mag-
H ' nate , Charles T. Yerkes. The
1 baron wants to be able to talk
H back , if he thinksitnejsssan
f HHB B BHakefD
H are gathering : into Washington. 1
The session of congress that opens
up the first week in December
promises to be a very lively and
important one , in which the Cuban
question and the finance question
will likely take a large part of the
The republicans could not well
pick a stronger man for congress
ional honors in the Fifth district
than Hon. "W. S. Morlan of Mc-
Cook. Mr. Morlan is an able man.
Were it not for the fact that he is
a "sound money" republican , he
would find many friends outside
the republican party. Hastings
Correct in all but one particular :
I his "sound money" leanings is one
of his pillars of strength.
"Our minister preached a sub
lime sermon on Sunday , " recently
remarked a Chicago woman. "I
did enjoy it so much. And right
in the middle of it I hit on how to
have my black serge fixed over.
The whole scheme came like a .
miracle , and will work out no end
of swell. That frock has been
such a torment I have had no good
of it at all. It hung in the ward
robe , a reproach and * a waste of
material. Sermons are so bene
ficial. You really ought to go to
church oftener. I am ashamed
that you missed that one last Sun-
day. "
H An American who visited Birm-
H ingham , England , not long ago ,
H found that in constructing the
H B street trolleys there the rails are
H made in Pittsburg , the cars in
HhH | Philadelphia , the boilers in Erie ,
HlBBiJ the engines in Schenectady. Our
HrafKt | railway equipments are in use in
Hffinfj Bremen , Berlin , Hamburg , Brus-
IBE | sels , Madrid , Dublin , Florence ,
HHjBj Naples , Milan , Bouen , Lyons ,
HMjK1 Marseilles , and other cities of Eu-
HflBj rope. A similar demand for our
HBB | electric manufactures , especially in
HH traction and lighting , exists in the
HKb | West Indies , South America , South
Hfffii Africa , China and Japan.
H9H Sheriff Neel was here , last week ,
H&K putting up road notices.
EljH Tague's steam thresher was at
I f work for Geo. SImfer , last week.
11H Mrs. Kite of Bartley visited
IB friends here , Thursday of last
111 week.
111 Si Frank Moore went to Beaver
| | t City , last Saturday , on business
1 V connected with the Murphy estate.
I i Mrs. Goudy , who has been vis-
I I iting at the home of her father , G.
S 1 W. Kimpton , starts next Wednes-
1 day for Charlstou , S. C.
_ „
" " mmmm * " " " " " " " "
H p .Royal makes the food pure , 1
K wholesome and delicious.
J ppYAr
h p $
| B1 Absolute/ ! Pure
A perfectly
healthy wom
an is a rare
sight. Such a
woman is al
ways beauti-
ful. Health
k brings clear
complexion , a
* \ \ * - ' " ' clear eye , stea
dy nerve , elastic step , and graceful
movements. A healthy woman is a
woman with healthy mucous mem
branes. Mucous membranes line the
whole body. The slightest catarrh
of one of these membranes pro
duces languor , sallow skin , listless
eye , and weakening discharges.
Mrs. Alvina Hanenkrat , Bibb Falls ,
Wis. , in a recent letter to Dr.
Hartman , says : "I was troubled
for ten years with chronic catarrh.
Jjased Pe-ru-na for about eight
Hnths , and I must say that I am
Hrfectly cured of the disease. It
Hll be two years next June since
Hvas cured , and I have not been
Hubled with any of my old symp-
Hns. "
HDr. Hartman's latest book on
Ironic catarrh will be sent free to
Kiy address for a short time by The
Pe-ru-na ' ' Co. Columbus
- - Drug M'f'g ,
bus , Ohio.
Ask your druggist for a free
Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1898.
Lew Carothers has a fine new
The weather is cool and delightful -
ful now.
The last rose of Autumn is fad
ed and gone.
Frank Carothers has a badly
sprained wrist.
H.K.Bixler made up 1,000 gallons
lens of sorghum.
Clay Shepherd was the champi
on < pumpkin raiser.
Eobert Traphagen finished his
threshing on Monday.
The demand for fresh cows is
greater , than the supply.
Fred and Lew Brown are each
the possessor of a bike.
Prof.Nussbum organized a sing
ing , school at the Coleman schoolhouse -
house , last Saturday evening.
There is so much work to do that
the schools have been sapped of
their muscular element as never
M. L. Brown's brother from
Kansas has settled his family in
the house recently occupied by
Alva ± > rown.
Frank Cramer , after being ab
sent three years in hope of finding
more fertile fields , has returned ,
and says Nebraska is good enough
for him.
There was a lively rabbit hunt ,
Tuesday , in this neighborhood.
The captains were Dorsey Shep
herd and William Peterson ; there
were twenty on a side. Shepherd's
side won with 434 points ahead.
George Tracey has the record with
21 rabbits and 1 quail. The losing
side i gave a supper to the winners ,
Thursday evening , at the Spring-
creek school-house. Visitors were
uumerous in the neighborhood. .
The basket supper at the Bluffs ,
Friday evening , was well attended.
L. B. Hoppings of Ceder Bluffs
organized , a singing class at the
Dodge ; school house , Friday evening
ing- i <
Theie was the greatest theatre
j at the Bluffs , Monday evening ,
that eye ever saw or ear heard.
Everybody should have gone to
please E. O. Carter , if not them-
selvps. Admission 15c. Cheap ,
enough { to hear the graphophone ,
whisper through its nose at the :
Colonel Mitchell's circulation is now
madly rushing toward the billion mark.
If some one does not head off this pride
of two hemispheres and 'steen isles of
the sea before next week , there is no
telling what will happen. It is hard to
realize that curios are in such unlimited
demand in Red Willow county.
Merriam's clinch copper rivets , same
as the old liner asks your 25c. for , you
will find on our 10c. counter at the Bee
Heartsease is on sale with Mrs. F. W.
refines. 3ts
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Saivs
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
" " ' ' " " ' ' ' ' " " '
' " rtu inM iiiMwiiiim 'Kiiiliiri 'lTI'rerTiiiiiVi ' " " " - " * W
u ' ' ' " ' " 'li - - - - < - - - - -a c 3 ng te
_ , , . 1 1 , , 1 1 i i . . iMi in. , i n , iiiiiifLniiir''i ' ' ' mifn > wia % > | -twaau B
, i. - .i t v
. ! i. . e - , . 1 - - - - - ' * H
B M 1 w urn 11 1 fin Tt ni t-- i
' " " • "
" < I
) j How about that Overcoat for yourself or [ [ I
ii Li I
• your boy ? XI I
Tr 7r I
ii Why not buy it now , and wear it this I I 1
ft cold snap ? Is the price an object to you ? • • I
4 | Would you like an Overcoat or a Suit that 4t 1
jJ has fit and style to recommend it , and that jf u
li will look and fit like one made by a Tailor ? 44 m
\ \ If so , there is a place where your wants [ F I
ff will be met , and that place is f j m
! ? ? ? I
1 ff I
J. E. Dodge is hauling wheat to
Cedar Bluffs.
B. W. Benjamin was biking in
this vicinity , Saturday.
Mr. King of Hitchcock county is
picking corn for William Kelph.
Miss Boyer will teach the next
term of the Pleasant Prairie school.
The graphophone entertainment
given in the Dodge school-house ,
last week , was but fairly attended.
W.H. Benjamin finished seeding
last week and is now hustling out
the corn , in order to get pasture for
his stock.
Quite a number of the people of
Pleasant Prairie gathered at Sam.
Ellis' on last Tuesday evening to
practice singing.
Mr. Larson , a relative of N. J.
Johnson , arrived here from Galesburg -
burg , Illinois , last week , we under
stand , to locate here.
Read What The Ladies Say.
For the benefit of the gentlemen who
handle Sheridan Coal , we wish to say
that we have used Sheridan Coal for over
a year in the heating stove in the office ,
in the grate and for cooking purposes.
In all of this time we have never found a
clinker. The coal is cheaper than any
fuel we have ever used and absolutely
without soot , which is a great blessing
in a cook stove. We say this without
solicitation and from actual experience.
We hope if there are any women who
have not done so , that they will at least
give this coal a trial. Editorial Wom
an's Weekly , Omaha. For sale by W. C.
Bullard & Qo.
A Birthday Party.
Eriday afternoon , Daisy Maddux had a
score or more of her young friends to
help her celebrate her birthday. Games
and refreshments made glad' the hearts
of all present.
Arrangements are being made to es
tablish a Congregational church in Dan-
bury. Already quite a number have in
dicated a desire to join in the organiza
The Sundaj'-schools are beginning to
figure on their Christmas entertainments
and treats. A marked increase may
soon be expected in the attendance.
Ten-inch dressed dolls with natural
hair and hood on the ioc. counter at the
Bee Hive. ' 1
Pay Your Delinquency.
In view of the better times , and higher
prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex
pects those indebted to The Tribune
for subscription to make good their de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greatly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid up. Statements
will be sent out to all in arrears and with
the expectation that all will appreciate
our past indulgence and respond at once.
The Publisher.
Rooms to Rent.
Two furnished front rooms. Inquire of
Mrs. C. T. Brewer.
Removal sale prices go in heating
stoves at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. A large
stock to select from now. Go before
they are all gone the prices are sure to
sell them fast.
The Building Association has some
good houses which can be bought at low
prices and on easy payments. See the
Secretary at First National Bank.
Deacon Morlan's Bismarkian cap has
created a veritable cyclonic sensation.
Is it a bid for the German vote or the
ladies' vote , is the question.
There is a report to the effect that Miss
Amy Strasser is seriously ill at her home
in New York City.
Latest in men's and boys' winter caps
The Famous Clothing Co. 's.
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Large line of men's flannel overshirts ,
lined gloves , mits , and hosiery , at
The Famous Clothing Co. 's.
20 per cent ofFou all wall paper pur
chases for a limited time.
L. W. McCoNNELL & Co.
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , October 21st , 1897.
Notice is hereby given tiiat May Gray.widow
of Percy Gray , deceased , lias filed notice of
intention to make final proof before Register
or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebras
ka , on Saturday , the 27th day of November ,
1S97. on timber culture application No. 6502 ,
for the S.E.J * of section No. 19 , in Township
No. 1 X. , Range No. 30V \ , 6th P. M. She
names as witnesses : Albert Weeks , Abraham
Peters. August Wesch and Charles F. Elliott ,
all of Banksville , Nebraska.
io-22-Gt. A. S. Cami-heix , Register.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from
the district court of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , under a decree in an action wherein
Nora M. Cole is plaintiff and Silas 11. Colvin
is defendant , to me directed and delivered , I
shall offer at public sale , and sell to the high
est bidder for cash , at the front door of the
Phillips-Meeker block , in McCook , Red Wil
low county , Nebraska , on the 6th day of De
cember , 1897 , at the hour of one o ' clock ! . m. ,
the following described real estate , :
Lots one and two in block number four , and
lot one in block ten. First addition to South
McCook.the north 73.19 feet oflotonein block
four in West McCook , and lots one and two
in block number thirty-one in the Second ad
dition to the Town of McCook. all in Red
Willow county , Nebraska ; also the following
described personal property , to-wit : one bay
horse , about six years old. weight about 1,100
Dated this 5th day of November , 1S97.
J. R. Xkel , Sheriff ,
By C. J. Ryan , Deputy.
\V. S. Morlan , Attorney. 11-5-6L
The board of County Commissioners of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , hereby advertise
for bids for the rebuilding by contract of the
bridge crossing the Republican river near Mc
Cook , in the Northeast quarter of Section 32 ,
Township 3 , Range 29 West 6th P. M. in said
county :
The general character of the work to be
performed consists of driving 36 twenty-foot
piling to solid foundation and rebuilding said
bridge thereon , either 2 inches higher or 2
inches lower than the present bridge , and to
be of parts of the material now in said bridge
to lie indicated by said Commissioners , and
other new material to be furnished by said
j County.
Said bridge to be rebuilt as of the present
• size , to-wit : 2SS feet long , 9 benches , each 32
j feet long , 8 stringers to each bench. Caps to
• be fastened by driving bolt through cap into
I piling ; Piling to be braced by two braces
II iltetl on ; Stringers to be braced asm present
All material and pile driver to be furnished
by the county.
Bidders are required to submit with their
bids , plans and specifications of the work to
be performed.
Said bids to be filed with the County Clerk
on or before 12 o'clock noon , Saturday , De
cember 4th , 1S97.
The Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
f James Carmichael.
County J Chairman.
Commissioners : | Stephen Boi.les ,
Jas. A. Robinson.
By R. A. Green , Clerk of the Board ot
County Commissioners of Red Willow county ,
The bladder was created for one purpose , k H
namely , a receptacle for the urine , and assuch aal l
it is not liable to any form of disease except ul H
by one of two ways. The first way is from im- * H
perfect action of the kidneys. The second ' M
way is from careless local treatment of other H
diseases. H
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is B
the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the 9
womb , like the bladder , was created for one I
purpose , and if not doctored too much is not I
liable to weakness or disease , except in rare M
cases. It is situated back of and very close to 9
the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or inconvenience -
convenience manifested in the kidneys , back ,
bladder or urinary passage is often , by mistake - 9
take , attributed to female weakness or womb 'JH
trouble of some sort. The error is easily made HJ
and may be as easily avoided. To fin < l out |
correctly , set your urine aside for tiventy-four M
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney jH
or bladder trouble. 'I he mild and extraordinary - |
nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. ' |
the great kidney , and bladder remedy is . H
soon realized. If you need a mediant | H
you should have the best. At all druggrK H
fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a § |
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by H
mail. Mention The Tribune and send your H
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , X. '
\ . The proprietor of this paper guaranty-
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. H
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That Is what it was made for. t f t
McCook. , Nebraska. M
ST-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office B
Rear of First National bank. M
All dental work done at our office is guar- I H
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds c f - M
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smitli M
& Bellamy , assistants. M
iMRS. eTe.UtTER.j ' H
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo9
-Studio Opposite Postoffice. M
Dr. W. V. GAGE. W
McCook. - - - Nebraska. Bfl
Office and Hospital over First Xational Bar/ ' j H
Othce hours at residence , 701 Marshall Av " H
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p.m. I H
Dr. S. C. BEACH , H
McCook , Nebraska. i fl
:3"Ofn ce and Residence Over C A j M
' /
Leach's jewelry store. _ M
Specialty made of Diseases of H
the Nose. Throat and Chest. ] H
Z. L. KAY. M
McCook , Nebraska. M
. "Office Rooms 4 and 5 Leich' H
jewelry house store. Residence fn the Nasser * BH I
on Marshall street.