\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HI I Ringing Noises _ HUB * \ TroubIod for Years With Catarrh , Efp $ > x - but Now Entlroly Cured. Hk. t > | f "I was troubled for years with catarrh , P Snji f which caused ringing noises in my ears H ' ml ? \ nnd PamB In the back of my head. I was B * J9 I advlBedto take Hood'sSarsaparllla. I did HI tl& B0 and a * ow 'Kt ' os entirely cured mo. " s & x H ifav \ Henby MoKiruviieb , Laporte , Iowa. l I Hood's Sarsaparilla H 19 | & Ia.tlio best-in fact tlio One True Blood Purifier. * j H * | f Hood's Pills euro Indigestion , biliousness. H \ 3l K * W A Quc'k , I > * i ert. L. ' J : P 2f From the American Kitchen Magazine. fe JmP $ f When an emergency arises where a fep > 5 wf % dessert must ho prepared quickly , open H yJrf % a can of Peaches , apricots , raspberries B fi or any avaIaIe , , fruit. Put it in a r i B ftHv a rather large kettle with a close flt- H , WM M s cover. While it is heating mix B.r&f M one PInt ° ' prepared flour with one k Smffl beaten egg and one scant cupful of &m | 4 milk. Drop this like dumplings in a R j ap | & stew over the fruit , cover closely and m * ilmr S § steam from ten to fifteen minutes. Un- -M \ W * 1 le8s Llie frnlt in uicy' tnere is danger - H t mp- \ tnat " " w' ' burn on the kettle while K > \ Mi' ' > f tlm dumplings are cooking. Serve the Em I dumplings and fruit together , with i H'lli * X sugar and cream or with a hard sauce. KJS ft A Vitlimhlu Irrnnchlno Secured. Mfo Tlio franchise of easy digestion one of 1 ho S IK moit vuluille in tlio iifL of medical selenco I P , \ can hu secured by any person who enough # H' ' X to use Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , either to sk * Mijiprcss growing dy.spcpsla or to tiin > ot ittt $ Sr * maturity. - Jlilious , rheumatic anil Cover and iM , / . nguosuircrcrs , persons troubled with norv- ft * V m. * ) ousnohS : md tlio constipated , should also se- F , jt uT cuio tlio health franchise l > v the .samo means. \\U \ \ \ ? ' \ \ B \ t i/ "Say. Weary , there's a woman try- B \ ul V S.'n' ' * ° gct con5ress to pass a law , forc- HW ' J t } in' every mim to marry"lJi , , et H V \ $ r' that's her only chance. " Cleveland HK / V\ % j P in Dealer. mn \ \ B } . - ' X Itcautj is Itlood Uecp. ft i \ \ I Clean blood means a clean skin. No i 1 benuty without it. CascurctsCnndyCnthnr- V ; 1 tic clonus your blood and keeps it clean , by H J / % • btirring up the lazy liver nnd driving nil im- E. \ W i ' purities from the body. Begin to-day to m 1 m' ' bauihli pimples , boils , blotehoshlackbcnLs , H | I m nnd tbntsicldybilionsconiplexion by taking K" < sD' Cnscnrots , - beauty for ten cents. All drug- K \ w gists , satisfaction guaranteed , 10c , 23c , 50c. B I Mi Ell : "How don you like the fit of my Bl W new jacket ? " Hattie : "Fit ! Why , it's Bi | i < more like a convulsion. " Tit-Bits. Ktjf , a Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoho Tour Life liray. B * wj To quit tobacco casiliT and forever , be mag- Bf Wit nctlc. full of life , nerve and visor , take No-To- B \ ml t Bac'tl10 wontlcr-ivorlcr , tltat makes weak men Bi\ • l strong. All druggists , COc or 81. Curcguaran * ' I teed. Booklet and sample free. Address tr m B f Wl \ Sterling Kemedy Co , Chicago or New York. B J l | [ When a woman persists in explain- Kl w-1 \ ing why she married her husband that Blp5 * A v is conclusive proof that she would not H J do it again. i \ i B ] I \ \ \ | f .TO CUltE A COLD IN ONE DAT. H [ / ' / * ; \ Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All H • > , Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c H I ynJ Richest is he that wants least. H JHS\ Bins. "WIesIotv's Sootlilnp Syrup Hvr i/\ ForchJldrcu teethlng- tons the eums.reilucosinllaia. B f vl matlon.allays paiu.curcs wind colic. S& ceiits a bottle. KW J ' Qu ct conscience is quiet sleep. B | , \ = = = = = = Qrain = 0 ! Try Qrain = 0 ! Ask your Grocer to-day to show jz.vl a package of GRAIN-O , the new food drink that takes the place of coffeo. The children may drink 1. without injury as well as the adult. All Tvho try it , like it. GRAEN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but it is made from pure grains , and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. } the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like CoFfee Looks like Coffee 111 * isn vu& vm ' SUCKER 1 M m WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Hl' I tejM ) Don't be foolc , with a mackintosh I C H x ff B or rubber coat. If you uantacoat | 3BE H Jp 9Bsi that will keep you dry in the hard8 ( wKj ? B J * 30 $ est storm buy the Fish Brand I 51 ; * ? H H > ' L Sticker. If not for sale in your RssljjCf Bift • fe5 town , write for catalogue to 82 B5 m t&Gk A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. jnl Bb B ty Zn CunE YOURSELF ! B - . $ ' * /r /cUBEb\ I Uro Bis & for unnatural V , uft /inltoSdsjr > . \ I discbar ; * ! , iuflsmmutionB , I V IK ? / f l OoumatMdJ irritatioas or ulcerations ' m ItSl not to tne u . of uiuctui membranes. M : P : I SIPnnnu conu 10 ° * I'aiulcw ) , and not astrin- V * r" \THeEyANsChEU ( ! LGO. & < = nt or poisonom. K % lr VONClNH l,0.r 3 SsWbyDraesrUts , B H i T \ . \ U.S.A. • i or sent in plain wrapper , R ' . \ A I I'/ express , prepaid , for H \ J > V\I f' • " • > . or 3 bottles , ? 2.7S. B I " ' • ii ZJ Circular sent on request. H j SOUTHERN Homese kers'Guide r. \ Every liomeieeker should address either J. F. H V JIEllKT , A. O. P. A. . Uanchester , lawa ; W. A. . V KEIXOXD , A. G. P. A. , LouUrllle , Ky. . or S. O. I I I I I I Ju nATClL D. P , A. , Cincinnati , O. , for a free copy ot B CT the ILLINOIS CKNTIt\L RAILKOAD'S H'Jfa 80OTHEUNU05IESKEKERS' GDIDB. Ej pF " L SI tUttcS HShAtL ELSeTaILS. ' "Tfii HK Bj Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use M a tvl In time. Sold by druggists. _ JfL- f * McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. THE PHANTOM TRAIN. ( By Mrs. Mary R. P. Hatch. ) ( iqftiuum&imi j | ' WWWlii" | " _ T was in the fall of 1881 , Sept. 20 , that a party of Ave , in- ( eluding m y g c 1 f , f started on a trip to > Dlxville Notch , a | | . wild and romantic . pass situated some fifty miles north of the White Mount- a i n s. Circumstances - ' stances nrevented our setting forth at the proposed hour , so it was nightfall ere we passed through Colehrook ; Indeed , lamps were lit in many of the stores and dwellings Upon inquiry we learned that we were still ten miles from the Notch. "We de ckled , however , to go forward , al though our horses were tired and did not pull well together , heing both off horses which had never before been driven side by side. The twinkling lights grew less fre quent and finally disappeared altogeth er , which led us to conjecture that wo were now ih the Dixvilllregion. . The stars came out and the moon gave a faint light , but this only served to make more apparent the gloom of the im penetrable forests and rocky cliffs , and as we observed all this , we regretted that we had not retained at Colebrook until morning , for the road if not ac tually dangerous , was dreary enough. We seemed as much out of the world , or at least from the abodes of man , as though we had been traveling days in stead of hours. The cry of a loon , or some other bird of night , occasionally broke over the silence which settled ( over us ; for the gentlemen were too much engaged in their efforts to keep the horses in the narrow path to in dulge in any but laconic remarks , and Miss Alden and I , with tightly clasped hands , sat rigid and still , waiting for the carriage to be overturned or hurled downwards into the far-reaching dark ness. , "Aren't you afraid ? " exclaimed Miss Alden. I "No , I feel as safe as though I were in my mother's lap , " returned Charlie , but immediately before the laugh sub sided he drew the .horses up suddenly. Mr. Ackley got down and discovered that he had narrowly escaped being thrown down a precipice. "Shall we go on ? " I asked anxious ly. "We can't turn around , and I sup pose we must , " returned Charlie. The gloom increased , the darkness thickened. Trees grew thick on either side of the road , the curtains of our carriage were down , and Miss Alden and myself were thus enveloped in to tal darkness. As for my little boy , he had fallen asleep. Suddenly we heard the shrill whistle 4 * * w f A TRAIN TEARING ALONG , of a locomotive and the thunder of a train broke the silence. Our horses quivered with fright so that their har ness shook , and they began plunging and rearing. Bending forward to peer out , we saw , high up on the crags , the lights of a passing train. Another whistle , a rumble , and it had van ished. 1 "Heavens ! " exclaimed Charlie , "we have seen the phantom train. " "Phantom train ! " repeated Miss Al den , "I see nothing remarkable about it. " "Nothing remarkable when there is not a railroad track within twenty miles of here ! That train , " said Char lie , "if it did not float in the air , ran over the points of stones bristling sev eral feet apart , and at an altitude that surveyors have thus far not interfered with. " "Is this true ? " I asked. "It is indeed , " he replied. "I have heard of this phantom train , but never believed in its existence until now. It only appears one night in a year , and I suppose , luckily or unluckily , we have chanced upon that night. " Absurd as the story has always ap peared to me , I did not , in the un canny darkness which surrounded us , find it too strange for belief. Indeed , > had we not seen with our own eyes , the phantom train ? "Shall I tell you the story as I heard it ? " asked Mr. Ackley. " 0 , no , not until we are out of this glcom , " said I. "If we ever are , " said Miss Alden. We went on , past one or two lum bering camps , untenanted and solitary , and just as we began to feel hopelessly shut in by dangers , seen and unseen , we entered a cleared space , and in a moment drew rein at a large , pleasant , well-lighted hotel , the Dix house. The 'change was wonderful. Out of the dreadful darkness into the cheerful house and the pleasant parlor where quite a number of guests , remnants of the summer visitors , were s. tting cozily together. "See it ? Yes , I see it every 20th of September for years till the landlord took to having me here to tell the story of his company , " broke from one I nine * • • • • - \ corner of the room , and then we ob served a tall , weather-beaten old man who looked strangely out of place In the midst of the group of well-dressed city people. "Hczekiah Winters , " said one gentle man , rising and placing chairs for Miss Alden and myself , "was about to tell of the Phantom Train which Is popu larly supposed to appear every 20th of September. " " .Let us not interrupt his recital , ' * said Mr. Ackley as we all exchanged glances. "You see , " said the old man , "I was hostler down to Cohos , and I was a tendin' to my duties , when into the stable comes a young man , genteel but sorter dissipated lookin' , and with somethin' In his eye that I didn't like the looks of. " 'They tell me at the house that I can't get to Dlxville tonight , but I'll go if the devil will help me , and I believe he will. ' " 'They say he helps his own , * says I , perlitely , but he didn't seem to * 2zind what I said. " 'You see , ' says he , 'there's a young lady with me , an' her mother is very sick ; if we can get through the Notch tcnight maybe she will see her mother before she dies. We've got to go an' we will go. * " 'But there ain't no train and there ain't no team that goes this time er night , ' says I , and I turned round to card one er the hosses and when I look ed 'round he wa'n't there. I was sur prised , because you see , the stable doors opened and shut terrible hard and squeaked on their hinges. "Well , he was gone. Vanished like. I went up to the house an' the cook an' the chamber maid was a talkin' about a lady in the parlor. " 'She's handsome as a drawn pic ture , ' says Mary , 'and her feller is handsome , too. They're a runaway couple , I b'leve. ' " 'Handsome ! ' said the cook'He's too wicked lookin' to be handsome ! ' " 'I wish I could see her , ' says I ; for you see I pitied the girl if she was go ing to run off with that man. " 'Well , come with me , ' says Mary. 'I guess you can get a look at her , for I am jest a goin' to ask if she wants anything. ' "I followed Mary as fur as the par lor door , but in a minute she comes out lookin' scared. 'She ain't there , ' says she. she."Wall "Wall , ladies and gentlemen , no one ever set eyes on them after that , but strange sights and strange sounds was heard that night by more'n one. Miss Higgins , the milliner , was waked by a noise like a train passin' her win der , and Dick Henderson was run over by a train and had his leg broke. Thera wa'n't no track , mind you , where they found him , and a good many folks said Dick was too drunk to know what hurt him. "But old Mr. Fellows is the soberest man you ever saw , and he heard a train a tootin' and bellerin' that night , like all possessed. I heered him tell on't down to the store. He thought the day of judgment had come. And the Wid- der Storm , a mother in Israel , if there ever was one , says she was a comin' from a sick neighbor's and saw right before her an ingine , but she didn't see no one else till the car passed her , and then , sittin' by the winder that was all lit up , she saw a beautiful young lady and she was a cryin' . "She felt so sorry for her , the Wid- der Storm did , that she says she never thought of there bein' no track for the- car till she got home and then she said she shook like a leaf , and she remem bered that the smoke had a dreadful curious smell. "Just a year from that night I hap pened to be camped out in Dixville woods , and long towaVds midnight , I saw passin' high up on the peakid rocks a train tearin' along at a ter rible rate. It was all lit up , but there wa'n't only the ingine and one car. 'Twas too fur off to see inter the windows dews , but I knew it was the same train. That feller was a tendin * of the ingine , and the pretty girl was cryin' inside. I was sure on't , fur when a man calls on the devil as he did , he's sure to git help , and he's pretty sure to git more'n he wants on't. "Wall , the next year me and Jim Gallgher thought we'd git nigher , if we could , an' so we set out to climb the rocks , 'long in the afternoon , but sure's your born , we never got no higher , though we clim' an' clim' . When night came , we was in a different place , but no higher. By an' by the train came tearin' along. It looked wickeder this time. The ingine seemed possessed , an' belched an' blowed an' quivered , and throwd Are , and this time I could just make out the figger of a man walkin' on the car. I looked 'round at Jim an' he laid on the ground rollin' an' twist- in' as though he was in a fit. I shook him pretty rough an' he set up and gasped. " "Wall , Ki , ' says he , 'I never believ ed nothin' before that you ever see it , but that's a phantom train , -sure 'nough. Where's it goin' to ? ' "Sure's the world , I never thought of that , but Jim's a readin' feller , you see. At the rate that train traveled it could go round the world pretty quick , or down to Chiny , and 'round t'other way , for it don't need no rails , you see. But who was the feller an' who was the girl , an' was it a lie about her sick mother ? I've figgered on it pretty stiddy , but I don't git no nigher the truth. "Wall , two or three years after a tall , melancholy man come to the Phe- nix to inquire after his daughter ; said he'd tracked her so fur ; said he sup posed she'd gone off with a stranger to him. His daughter got acquainted with him somewhere to school. Course no one. could tell anything about her , and there wa'n't no one could bear to tell him the turrible stories goin' 'bout the nhantom train , so he went back to Canady. " Every animal Adam named was a new word added to his dictionary. - Gnrolture for Millinery. Furs , especially sable and chinchilla , are fashionable garnitures for millin ery , and rich velvets and silks are draped over soft frames , producing wonderfully effective results. This method of draping a hat cannot be de scribed ; one must see it in the re ality of a picture to fully comprehend just how It is done. Purple is still holding the imperial sway it has for three years , although a wonderful deep red is a close rival to it , while royal blue , silver gray , black and white , white and black , all black and all white obtain. Brilliant buckle3 and pins ' arc used to fasten flowers and plumes to position. Indeed , where- ever an effective bit of color or bright ness can be artistically arranged there it is in evidence. There la a Clum of l'coplo Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it with out distress , and but few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over H as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GKAIN-O. The Disadvantages. The Cleveland Plain Dealer tels ! _ of a colored man who noticed a board displayed in front of a building in course of erection. It bore these words : "Keep away Danger ! " The colored man walked up close to the board and traced the letters with his finger. His lips moved as if he were spelling out the words. Before he had finished the "Keep away" a brick fell from an upper story and struck him squarely on the head. Without even looking up he backed across the sidewalk and examined the big gash in his hat. As he smoothed it down he sadly remarked : "Dat's one o' de drawbacks to a limerted edercation ! " SlOO Kcirard , SIOO. The readers of this jiaper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its slaves and that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease , requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the oatient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors' have so much faith in it * curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it faffs to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CIIENEy & Co. , Toledo , O. O.Sold Sold by druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. When a man is married his eye sight is very clear in picking out girls who would make good wives , but when he is single and in the market his eye sight is no clearer than any o ther man's. English Steel Kails. In tearing up a siding on the Straits- v-ille division of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad , the other day , the sec tion men discovered that several of the rails had been made in 18C3. Subse quent investigation revealed the fact that these rails were part of a lot that were bought in England during the war at a cost of ? 125 per ton in gold. The rails were still in very fair condition and for light notive power would last ten years longer. A Coin in the llottle. There have been patented all kinds of schemes devised for the purpose of securing a bottle that can be refilled after once being emptied of its conten s A great deal of fraud is said to be per petrated by filling the bottle of some standard liquor with an inferior grade , and palming it off as the original bet tling. An ingenious Philadelphian proposes to accomplish this by blowing a coin in the body of the glass bottle , and he thinks that this will be tempting enough to induce someone to break the bottle as soon as it has been emptied. Papa Knows. Detriot Free Press : "Arn't you afraid , " asked the caller of the fond mother , "that your son will perma nently impair his health , studying so diligently as he does ? " "I was inclined to be uneasy , but his papa says the dear boy will have nothing to do after he is admitted to the bar and will have ample time to recuperate. Coc'a Conch Ualsnm Is the oldest and best. It will Ijreak up a cold quicker than anything else. It is always reliable. Try it. A woman of 97 now living in the South recently had a proposal of mar riage. She is western by birth , is said to be wonderfully attractive and looks thirty years younger than she is. The new model Remington Type writer enjoys a larger sale than any other typewriter ever had , because it is the best. Send for catalogue. 1710 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb. Mr. Chester Bailey Fernald , author of "The Cat and the Cherub , " has written a companion story , introduc ing some of the same characters. It is called "The Cherub Among the Gods , " and it will he printed in the fovember Century. Rndyard Kipling has -written one of hl best sto rlcs for the 1833 volume of The Youth's Compajt iok. "The Burnlnc of the Sarah SandIs Its tl tie , and It Is a stirring tale of heroism In the ranks. These who subscribe to TnE Youth's Companion now will re < clve the paper free for the rest of the vear and The Cojipaxio.v's twelve- color calendar for 1S9S. TnE Companion's yearlv calendars are recognized as among the richest and most costly examples of this form of art. Illustrated Prospectus of the volume for 1S33 and sample copies of the paper sent oi > application. Address , TnE YocTn's Companion. 207 Columbus Ave. . Boston. Mass A St. Louis girl , 18 years old , was married twice , divorced twice and won a § 5,000 damage against a rail road all inside of three months. FITSpermanontIjCured.Nofitsornervousnessaftei hrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great > ervc Kestorer Send for FREE S2.00 trial bottle and treatise On. R. H. KUNE.Ltd..931 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa Virtue and-happiness are mother and daughter. Ko-To-Bac for JFIfty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak men strong , blood pure. 50c. SI. All druggists Opinions never change the weather. CURES RHEUMATISM. ETC. A K cent Discovery That In Working Wonder * . The mo3t prevailing afflictions that for a century have been engaging the most scientific skill of the medical world are rheumatism , neuralgia , ca tarrh , asthma , la grippe and their kin dred ailments. The country Is full of sufferers from these complaints. Al though the most learned experts ot thy medical profession have labored for a century to produce , a curative , until quite recently no positive results were effected. To the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. , 1C7-C0 Dearborn street , Chicago cage , belongs the credit for having produced the new remedy. It is being extensively advertised under the trade mark of "Five Drops. " The trade mark is sclf-exnluntory. Five drops make a dose. The effect Is mag ical. In days gone by other alleged cures have been marketed with the promise to take effect In thirty days or more. Five Drops begins to cure at once. Immediate relief is felt. In order to more effectively ad\'crtlsc Its merits the company will for the next thirty days send out 100,000 of their sample bottles of this positive cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail pre paid. Large bottle , 300 doses , § 1 ( for thirty days 3 bottles § 2.50. ) Those suf fering should take immediate advant age of this generous offer and write them to-day. Teacher Fritz , tell me the name of the animal who furmsnes us with hams. "The butcher. " To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fall to cure , druggists refund money. "Willie , do you know where the bad boys who don't attend church Sunday go ? " "You bet , they go a-fishin. ' " Star Tobacco is the leading brand of the world , because it is the best. The houghs that bear most , hang lowest. Upright walking is sure walking. Some faults indulged are little thieves that let in greater ones. I shall recommend Piso's cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan , Plumstead , Kent , England , Nov. 8 , 1S95. One hour today Is worth two to morrow. * 'AIUIEII/H BAKtXG POWBEK IS The best , .it half the price ; all grocers will re fund your money if you arc not satisfied. Proud looks make foul work In fair faces. Kducatc Your Uovrel * With CascarotH. Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fall , druggists refund money. Zeal without knowledge is fire with out light. Philadelphia Record. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes , 20 for 5 cts. You never lose by doing a good act. . H , Comfortable. . Onlek Leave Omaha Chrap. JS P. " . . . Lincoln 0:10 ! . m. H anil HiiaMnparfiO' . m. every * * " ' * I" . rrowded tourbt aloopers. H .lean , modern , not fern H through to No transfer. ; cars run right Francisco mid Loh Angeto ov r Umtbtoulc H Kouio-ihroush Denver nnd halt Lake G ty. H upholstered In rattan. H Cars are carpeted ; back * and are pro- m have spring suits and Jldod wlJh curtains , bedding , towel , , wap. H nnd experienced ox- < H etc. Uniformed porters | ewh our- m cunlon conductor * Accompany e - ' , about H slon. relieving passengers of allhoor baroaKC. pointing out objects of Interest and m In many other ways helping to mak * the H delightful experience. * econd H overland trip a class tickets are honorod. Berths 5. J M l'orfoldor giving full Information , call at H nearest Burlington Route ticket ofllee. or H write to J. Francis. General Pusscngor Agent , tJH Omaha. Nob. _ _ U\ \ ' Teacher Tommy , what do you know H ' of the Sphnix ? Tommy The Sphinx m ' is a woman with a great head. She H ' hasn't talked for 3,000 years. tM _ _ _ 1 M i LwL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ 1 1 Vegetable Sicilian J MairReneweM sfJf-L It is a renewer , because r J H Mttfj it makes new again. vStfl H 1M Old hair is made new ; fe l H ? $ c S y changed to the 'fej/M H tjM color of youth. ' | Zoi | _ fig Jg * _ \ Selr-aiMlnir.pnt.comblnatlonbeam. H Sff : l lr No oojo weights. U. S. tandonl. H wWliUwiiCTtiinil cheaper ! . Semi for price * . V H WGGKS SCALE WORKS , BUFFALO , N. Y. HH CnrlPUT nBin on all order * of 2000 fcq. ft.of P H rnClaiil rAlUiContliiK' < > r Wall and Celling M ' Mnnilln. Wrltu for sample * anil price * . ThoKiiy B H , Manilla ICooMiik Coniimiiy , Cuniuen , . > t. B BJ iW. N.U.OMAHA , NO. 47.1 897. H | When writing to advertisers , kindly mention ' H j this paper. H to0CS by Lumbago ? m 1 It's because you don't cure it with ST. JACOBS OIL , which pen- | H J etrates to the seat of the pain and subdues , soothes , cures. k M | Gleans Garpef sJ Cof ! hes | $ " Cyclone Carpet , Cloth andJClothes p H % Cleaner" removes all spots and stains w H T. without injury. It is absolutely .safe tiaflfl v1 and sure. Send live 2-ccnt stamps and i pfl we will mail you a box of it. _ \ p | $ Household JCix-i2 = sity Co. , New York. $ H FREEl FREE ! FREE ! I A luuiilsomeKunko Diamond Rln > j or Pin given ' H free with each order for the beautiful picture , | ROCK OF ACES t\ \ 20x28 inches. Painted by hand in 15 different H colors and copied from the original painting. 1 Only 51.00 each delivered free. Every family | Khouldliaveonc. Don'tdclay. SendonU-rand | H money at our risk Money returned if not H satisfactory. MANHATTAN PUBLISHING CO. , _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 Warren Street , New York City. H DlPff&OCSiV NEW DISCOVERYm ) _ BVViJ/Er K quiutrellrfaalcurcrt worst H cases. Semi Tor took of testlmonliilM ami 10 < Jny8 * | treatment 1/rce. Dr. H.ii.uiua- bins. Atlanta , ui. H S1 Z5.001mdwTH1 p. o. | i . : : o < tK. Money rff' ! " < ; ld. l . B J AS. H. EARLE , PUBLISHER , BOSTON , MASS. H To MOTHERS. I WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE _ M EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA , " AND _ _ W "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. H J DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts , V\\\\ \ \ \ \ was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same \ \ \ \ \ \ that has borne and does now snyg * * V _ " " nrb every _ _ m oear the facsimile signature of O Tt i/oC wrapper. _ m Tliis is the original " PITCH ER'S CASTORIA/ ' which has ocert M used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thii-Sy _ _ m years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the ivrapper and see that it is H the hind you have always bought / Ip S/lTrf-.J - * 0Tl te _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and has the signature of uzSsaT& C&M ivrap- _ _ M per Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except _ _ m The Centaur Company of which Chas. E. Fletchsji is H President. / H March 8 , 1897 : Q oC sx / a J t M Do Not Be Deceived. ff f Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute H which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more peririre H on it ) , the ingredients of which even he does not know. c nxf _ M "The Kind You Have Always Bought % * H BEARS THE . H FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF - -3 ? Insist , on Having g The Kind That Never Failed You. 1 ' C NIAUn COMPANY. 7T MUnnV STRTCT. NEW VOPK C.TY. _ _ U % CANDY l k CUIffiCONSTIPATlOKr ' I 9 j ] 25c 50c Wl JwtflW" DRUGGISTS 9 ' GUARANTEED TO CURE I T Ev&ry Kind of Cough or La Grippe. _ F H Dr. Kay's Lung Balm.S I fW _ Send address for frS-pape book with 50 excellent recipes and Free Advice. J M jkAddress DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , Western Office , Omaha , Neb. a * \ \ \ . i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ %